The Party, The Return Trip, and The Emperor’s Will

Greetings and Salutations!
Gretchen started crying when she saw one of y’all sent her a replacement Mermaid set… Please DM me at the BCE187th @ proton email so’s I can personally thank you.

You also get points for getting my ass out of a sling LOL

So, got home today after the shindig with not only the Commissars, but the Premier himself showed up! And as one or two of you might have mentioned, Gretchen was her usual charming self and hoo boy. I’d say the morning went well.

It didn’t hurt that we were exactly 10 minutes late… the fashionable kind IMO… However, you wouldn’t have known it the way the rest of the Politburo had already hit the Chow Tables and Omelet Station…

I mean FFS, y’all are the high paid mo’fo’s here… let us Proles in first if’n you would aight?

But nope, they were packing the rows, and in the meantime, due to our fashionable intransigence, finding a place to sit was somewhat troublesome. That in the way that there were only ‘onesy-twosey’ chairs left, i.e. no ‘couples’ seating left… meaning no two chairs next to each other, nor directly across…
The Premier’s Table.
The Head Table as it was
With The Premier and his Wife seated at it…
As well as with his son, the General Secretary, and his wife and kids seated there as well.
There were two, count ’em two seats left facing each other.

Gretchen grabbed our placeholders and said “The better to schmooze my dear.” and set them at those two remaining chairs. Myself, I was a bit put off by the casual effrontery as I am, realistically really low on the Totem Pole.

I think the best way to change that descriptor (after today especially) is to say was really low on Ye Olde Totem Pole… as it looks like things are starting to look a Hell of a lot better after the Charm-Offensive Gretchen put on…

In fact, it went so well that the H.R. Commissar, who from what I can tell would be better serving in a capacity with us as fertilizer at/in the Glorious Tractor Factory’s garden/testing-ground, utterly refused to acknowledge nor meet my gaze THE ENTIRE TIME!

THAT made the trip well worth it.

As soon as things wrapped up, we bade farewell, with a promise that we’d attempt the trip for the Christmas Party in December… I’ll have to see… time/$$$/and other things… Afterwards however, I met up with my bro, one of my BFFs, the guy who got me the job to begin with, The (former) IT Commissar, who has now been elevated to a much higher posting, namely the Director of Operations and IT, which loosely translates to the Head of the Politburo.

I also got to finally meet my Minion, ‘Lil Bit’, who was a cute as a button and fun to be around. Gretchen seemed to like her, and realizes there’s zero threat with her vis-à-vis the usual ‘work wife’ thing… Gretchen, like 90% of Whammenz out there has a jealous streak a mile wide… However, after an hour hanging out with Lil Bit, Gretchen could see she’s literally a lil girl. That was at Hooters where we met with them, like right after the whole work thang.

Then it was the looong drive home, which I made in near-record time, thanks to some asshole in a VW who didn’t drop his speed below 95 the whooole way. Thankfully the traffic was light enough that I could ‘tail’ this particular ‘Bear-Bait’ for a goodly while. What ostensibly started out (according to the Goolag) a One Hour, 54 minute drive, we hammered out in less than One Hour, 15.

Amazing how you can get flying on the highway when the conditions are right Aye?

One of my favorite movies from then…
A better, cleaner and simpler time.
Now, as quick note: The original had a “Biker Fight Scene” in it. In this particular scene is someone I made mention of from our visit to Georgia. That was when we went to the “Most Rayyyyyyycist Store” in Kennesaw, “Wildman’s Civil War Surplus” (that’s a hot link BTW)

The person in question?
‘General’ Dent Myers.
The guy who started “Wildman’s”

That’s him in the circle
And to show him a wee bit later in life:

A bit older, but still…
You can definitely see that’s him…

Seems ole Dent did a lot of Hollyweird Advising as one of the premier Civil War historical authorities from the Southern Side, which is an area sorely lacking in examination… The problem that he had was he didn’t have the ‘degree’ cachet that the eggheads respect. His was from his love of his ‘home country’ if you will, the CSA, and his passion about Southern History. Guys like him never get the credit due to them because of those fucking Ivory Towered (usually Yankee) assholes who negate any of their contributions due to a lack of degrees…

That being said, due to the Hollyweird connections, he got to be an extra in “The Cannonball Run” as one of the bikers that brawled with everyone as seen above.

He sure looked the part right?

Now, my understanding is that damned near everyone involved in that particular movie? They were ALL friends. EVERYONE on set, from the lowest to the highest were all besties/party friends… They ALL knew each other, so apparently ‘General’ Myers was running in some damned cool circles. Kind of wish I’d met the guy…

So, otherwise, home safe and sound, and I have an inkling of what I’m going to cover in the next day or two. Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den blew it again today by yelling “who’s next?” when his stupid sundowning worthless fucking ass should have been introducing the Head of the Streetshitters, Prime Minister Narendra Modi…

Don’t know, don’t care.

Like I said last night, this’s purely a performative humiliation ritual at this point. “What are you going to do about it Prole?” with them well knowing is (for the moment) “Nothing” as, so far, it’s not in our best interest to do something about it.

I mean why risk everything over something as shallow and worthless as this? If anything, the very act of keeping Grandpa Badfinger on the Throne and out in public diminishes them in that it shows how we absolutely do not need them.

I mean the whole ‘Covid’ thing showed just how little we actually needed any DotGov service outside of Fire and Rescue services. In fact the cops revealed themselves to be purely the DotGov Gestapo and Revenue Generation thugs that we thought and always knew them to be… If things crime-wise get/got out of hand, “We the People” are more than willing to ‘handle business’ without the need for any ‘local interference’…

In fact it’s be preferred if the local Persecutors stayed the fuck home and out of the way. Makes things a fuckload easier and cut and dried if you will… same goes for Criminal Defense Attorneys, who, in my own estimation, should be treated like Aztec Doctors were… fail to ‘save’ your client, and suffer the same exact consequences.

It’d clean shit up mighty quick IMO.

Simplicity and Direct Action.
It’d clean up this country 5000 times quicker than any ‘voating’ they always yammer on about. Let’s face it.

Voating is a dead letter issue

As long as ONE Burrito Goblin here illegally has the ability to cast a voat, no matter who they’re voating for, the entire election is invalidated.

In my POV, ONE bad apple here DOES spoil the entire fucking barrel. My reasoning being that if there’s one, how fucking many other are out there that we DID NOT find!?!

The answer to you guys is obvious.

A metric fuckton probably.

And since we’ve gone through all the boxes except the ‘cartridge box’, and thus far, no one on #ourside is willing to stand up and take that first step (myself included) then we’ll just have to see how far down the Totalitarian ‘Rabbit Hole’ the average person can tolerate before finally calling it, and saying:

I’m fucking done.”
“Look at the time!”
“It’s ‘Game-The-Fuck-On-O’Clock!”

THAT is when our ‘supposed’ betters best head to the bunkers, and hope and pray we don’t find the air vents…

Quikcrete anyone?

The other aspect too, in dealing with the Bidens… One that no one to my estimation has even touched on?

No one seems to ‘get’ the fact that The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots, AKA Edith Biden is the stepmom in all of this shit. As in “Evil, Type One Each, Classic Fairy Tales”… Now, granted I have ZERO idea of what’s in the Will, but according to sources?

The relationshit (intentional) between her and Hunter and Ashley has been… shall we say… a bit strained over the years… As in they fucking detest the bitch. The usual dynamics of a young step-mom who showed up right after “realmom” died, and then being used as ‘political props’ by Dad over the years?

Never mind the highly questionable actions of “The Kidsniffer” towards his own fucking daughter (descriptive as well as actionable), called out by both her diary AND by his own son (Hunter) calling “Dear Old Dad” ‘Pedo-Peter’ in emails?

Oh yeah…

Considering what an absolute sleazebag Hunter is, I’m very curious as to HOW the Douchecanoe-in-Chief’s will reads. It’s pertinent as I’m almost gar-ron-damned sure the fucker’ll be dead shortly after the (s)election, if not from Old Age, but from Edith doing a pillow move, as the other rumblings out there are that she absolutely does not want to be the caretaker of the soon-to-be Pope-Pant-shitter-in-Chief…

Thing is Hunter, AKA His HIGHness the First and Only (remaining) Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster (p)Resident, the Corpse Formerly Known as The Joetato has more lives than a fucking Cat. That AND he’s pretty fucking sharp.

In fact, considering the deep roots of Hatred for his Dear Ole Step Mom, who wants to make any bets with me that Hunter has something in the works (aka “The Will”) to utterly disembowel the Empress financially when the Dementor-in-Chief takes his final ride to Hell?

In fact I’d say it’s almost a guarantee. Add on that ‘former First Ladies’ (albeit I’d never refer to Kinkyboots as a ‘lady’) only get a $20k stipend for being the First Beeatcha? This being a lifetime award, which could be thought of as a “I put up with this fucker” award…


Lets watch and see. Unlike Jackie Kennedy, the Empress despite her Ego and Overdeveloped (thanks to the Enemy Ministries of Lies and Propaganda) sense of Self Worth, she has nothing anyone, leastways in the respect of any Male worth his salt, to offer.

She’s literally going to be at that point, a widowed blown-out Post Wall side-chick made good. An ancient artifact that’ll drown herself in cheap box wine, while re-reading the Vogue magazines that she did while she was the ‘toast of the town.’ 20k? I’m sure right now that’s nothing… however, IF or When Hunter springs the ‘inheritance trap? 20k a year ain’t shit, and no one can live on that in the DC area…

Add on that when she dies? Depending on her Secret Service Detail, and how many cats she has, they might not figure out she’s dead for quite a spell. Odds are considering how fucked up the diversity hiring has been for the USSS, the detail might be more interested in eating her cats, who may or may not have already eaten her…

Suits me juuuuust fine.

So, Your Thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

21 thoughts on “The Party, The Return Trip, and The Emperor’s Will”

  1. Congrats on a successful work party. Dude, you need to make going to the Christmas party a priority.
    Just think, the top people at the company now know you, Wifey, your name and what you do.
    Your odds to get a promotion or raise just went WAAAY up.
    I learned long ago that company BS and titles aside, people are people and if they know who you are, know you are doing a good job and like you then they are much more disposed to reward you for your hard work… otherwise you are a faceless minion they could give a shit about.

    In other news… you make a good point about most of the government being worthless.
    The thing is as the DAs, judges and police refuse to do their jobs and the people can’t get justice through the system, you are going to a rise in vigilantism.

    Case in point crooked connected judge from a wealthy connected family in Kentucky is a sex pest and keeps getting away with it. Apparently he raped the 17 year old daughter of the sheriff…. well the sheriff got his justice and that scumbag judge won’t be raping any more young girls.

    Ditto the hordes of illegals…. I will not be surprised if the locals start making the dog and cat eating Haitians and others feel “unwelcome”. I can see that this starts happening soon and when it does, you’ll see the .gov drop the hammer on the locals NOT the invading illegals.

  2. Awesome! Well done on the schmoozing. Glad to hear it went so well, it’s good to have an experienced, professional schmoozer on the team!
    Driving back and forth to the Nashville VA, too much lately, I’ll run into those fast movers, my 20 year old Ford focus, does amazingly well at high speeds. I don’t see the THP giving out many tickets, I think they concentrate on real problems. I talked to a fuel delivery driver at my local Shell station, he told me that the 200 mile stretch from Nashville to Memphis, has a higher death rate than the entire rest of I-40.
    Thanks for another informative, entertaining humorous posting, and for hanging in there. Wish I had half your energy.

  3. You ought to slip the Chairman’s wife your wife’s card. High level commissariettes always love high-class hair and makeup treatment.

    And making the HR bitch suffer while you’re at the table? Excellent.

    As to the high levels eating before the low levels, that’s a sure as shit sign that the high levels don’t give a shit about the low levels. Serious class structure and those that aren’t, aren’t.

    Your boss climbing and you getting noticed in a good way is excellent. May allow vertical movement.

    But watch out, HR Bitch now will find ways to be even more vindictive. Make sure your boss knows everything that the HR Bitch sends you. Make sure your ass is over-covered. I know you’re careful, but be more careful now. Vindictive HR/EEOC personnel are the most dangerous in any corporate structure, because they can fake shit and make it look real and get shit done against you that is just unbelievable to anyone who hasn’t experienced it in the corporate world. Makes the shit going on in the Pentagon look positively mellow in comparison.

    And Edith Biden? Ha. She’ll be sidelined quicker than an outed conservative/Christian in Hollywierd.

    I expect Slo Biden to push up daisies before the election. Around 2 weeks before, to be precise. That way the Ho can ride on the pageantry of a state funeral and justify staying out of reporter range. His death benefits the Ho more before the election, especially if he keeps doing shit like putting on a Trump hat (soo classic of a burn that was.)

      1. And screen capture everything. It helps to have an overabundance of proof that is actual print and not easily erased electronically.

        Seriously, these HR/EEOC bitches (even if men, they are bitches) love and share the ability to ruin peoples’ lives for fun and profit.

        Worst HR department I ever met was all run by one extended family, who also controlled the EEOC office and the insurance and pension unit. So much for HIPAA and any confidentiality.

  4. Another reason for H & A to dislike the “in our time” stand in for Edith, is that at one time she was the baby sitter. There was even a photo floating around from when Joe was only a newer Senator with a then 16 year old Jill sitting on his knee captioned, as her job was the Biden’s sitter. Time mag I think.

  5. Gumball Rally is another fun movie in the same vein as Cannonball. not nearly as famous, better cars.

    “what’s in the mirror is not important”

  6. The cast of Cannonball? Holy crap. Talk about a Who’s Who from the early 80s. Ah, remember when movies were fun and entertaining and no one was clubbing you over the head with The Message?

  7. Supposedly the Pentagon’s lower wing stood up to Bidumb/Blinken and told them that if Israel starts a war in Lebanon or with Iran that the jewbs are on their own and that we will not be giving “permission”
    (read-provide satellite intel and targeting coords] to Ukraine to start sending long range missiles into Russian cities. Apparently the Brits were sidelined because they thought that we would join them in allowing such insanity.
    Maybe there is hope for us making it to next year after all.

  8. THAT is when our ‘supposed’ betters best head to the bunkers, and hope and pray we don’t find the air vents…

    Quikcrete anyone?
    Heavier than air gasses. A properly constructed bunker (like the ones Atlas sells) have drain outs at the bottom of the intakes so that any liquid you pour in just flows out the bottom into the sump. A heavier than air gas like NO2 or CO2 will displace all the oxygen in the bunker, along with burning out their scrubbers (with CO2.)

    As for Biden, I think we are finally seeing the real politician. I think he is royally pissed at the way the Negronatti have tried to push him out, so he’s gone to war with the Obama/Harris wing. First, the P Diddler thing. That will rope in the Obamas and Harris before it is over, and he’s likely cutting all the brake lines on the DoJ now, so Harris can’t stop it even if she does steal the election.
    On the same subject, all of Joe’s Don’t Give a Fuck right now (including the Trump hat, the “don’t eat cats and dogs” line, the India thing, the Jill Cabinet, all of it) is designed to try to force them to remove him. He’s TRYING to get 25thed.
    Why? Because then Kumala has to put up or shut up. She can’t claim anymore “first day” shit. It IS the first day. She can’t make promises without the “why not NOW?” question. If she becomes Resident before the election, she can’t even get enough votes to steal the election. And Biden knows it, so he’s trying to force them into it. The only reason he hasn’t quit is because it would make people sympathetic to her. He needs her to remove him — or take the lumps of him acting a fool.

    1. The Vermont State Police told Newsweek that O’Keefe was not “detained,” nor was his team, but he was issued a trespassing notice on September 21. So… ‘fake cops’ grabbed/detained O’Keefe and his team… end of story?

  9. A tad off topic, but some reports regarding a sideshow street takeover in Philthadelphia claiming there were Flammenwerfer amongst the homies. Act accordingly.

  10. The inbred “elite” genetic misfires always leave a chair open for Lucifer at their shindigs.
    See how it all works out regarding the sentimental tchotchke.
    Morale is extremely important in steaming fourth world turd bankster banana republic times.
    Commie Hollywood? No DVD in the collection older than Skyfall and they should’ve stopped with that one.
    Still LMFAO at .380 that shoots down helicopter in SPECTRE and too much talking in that one at 2.5 hours.
    Keep calm and always be ready to make good commies by any means necessary.

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