Greetings and Salutations!
Man, Again another night at Chaos Central.
In this case, The Red Hawt Chili Pupper was the cause of this particular mess. Not her fault necessarily… just a pupper being a pupper. That being said, I think that I need to share this one out.
Meaning an opportunistic chow-hound.
Which kicked off the potential unpleasantness.
After dinner last night (home-made Beef Stroganoff, my own recibe) I get a text from Gretchen from the Master Bedroom: “The puppy just stole one of my cookies off my plate!” I LOL’d and texted back “You need to watch her… she’s taking lessons from the Snausage Princess on stealing/begging for chow.” I then started back to my regularly scheduled thing, until -something clicked- in the back of my brain-case.
I called her to follow up, and she ranted a bit, as she was more frustrated than anything else. I had bought one of those ‘multi-flavor packages’ of the Publix Deli cookies, so I asked her which cookie specifically that Chili had absconded with?
“That’s why I’m mad! She took my favorite, the White Chocolate Chip/Macadamia nut one!”
That rang even MOAR bells, so I did a quick Goolag check:

Turns out that as little as 1/10th of an Ounce of nuts can hurt your small to medium doggo. POTENTIALLY lethally.
Seeings that Chili is a baby by all rights still:

We hit the ‘all hands on deck’ mode.
Gretchen has a hair client who’s a Veterinarian, so she called her. -I- have experience from my Spawn #2 doing something dumb when she was a baby, so I knew I needed some Activated Charcoal, as well as Ipecac (if it was available). Turns out Ipecac is NOT sold in CVS nor Walgreens on the regular any more. It’s a ‘special order item.’
Good to know as well Aye?
We then found out that Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to make a doggo do the ‘barf-o-rama’ if needed. The issue there is that it’s got to be fresh. NOT ‘stale’ so to speak… it’s got to have the bubbles as that’s the way it works, by having the fizzy part irritate the interior of the Puppers guts. Turns out the peroxide we had? Out-of-Date. So back to the store again.
Once we got everything in place, and dosed the pup with the peroxide, as well as the Activate Charcoal, it was time to wait. I waited until dose #2 (5mil per 10 pounds), so Chili got just under 5mL each time. Then I decided to see how much potential dosing of the nuts she got.
I took 3 cookies, thankfully they’re the ‘mini cookies’ (1 1/2in across) as opposed to the bigger 3 inch across ones, I took each one apart and sorted the nuts out from each individual cookie. I then used my digital powder scale that I use for reloading to weigh the nuts in ounces. Then divided by 3. Average amount per cookie was waaay less than the 1/10th toxicity marker. Like .05oz in total average.
It was a bit of a relief to see that, but never the less, we stayed up and kept and eye on her all night long, making sure she didn’t get hit with any toxic symptoms. In fact by 0830 this A.M., she was still running at her normal speed, meaning “High Gear” and hasn’t slowed down at all. Strange thing is that the peroxide didn’t cause her any tummy troubles at all, so I’ll be marking that off as she more than likely, like Stella, aka the Garbage Gut has a cast-iron gut. Stella can each just about anything with no ill effect… I’m wondering if Chili is made of the same stern stuff?
I do know that the Activated Charcoal had worked it’s way thru her lil system so to speak, as her morning poop was a chain of jet black turdage. She dropped quite a few Obamas off in the side yard, so I’m good with that.
So make a note of it: Macadamia Nuts are Bad News For Dogs.
Thankfully we avoided the potential Vet Bills this time. Make sure y’all do the same for your furry frens.
So no other ‘things’ going on… just the usual crap we’re hearing about “He-Said-She-Said” and all the usual crap that the poly-ticks and the Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda has been spewing nonstop for what? That past 30 years? It’s all so exhausting.
Truthfully I got more on my personal plate on the regular than I can deal with than to worry about and waste bandwidth on with them fuckers.
I’ll try and get back on track in the next day or two.
So More Later
Big Country

Glad to hear she’s ok. Critters can get into the most dangerous things for sure, and dogs are pretty creative when it comes to food. Coelacanth
Pro tip for getting the doggo to ingest hydrogen peroxide- mix it with ice cream. She’ll slorp it up, and puke like a champ almost immediately.
Enemedia was on about Aurora apt complex saying that it was fake news and the cat meat buffet/voodoo in Ohiostan.
What a punch line is this fundamentally transformed steaming fourth world turd.
Without the pets, wymyns, God and Lady Nature, it would be unbearable.
Sliding a Brandon at the historic Kenya bowl is good for man and beast.
Meanwhile: The FBI is putting up BILLBOARDS written in HAITIAN CREOLE here in Springfield, Ohio encouraging people to “report hate crimes”.
Can the Haitians read?
Yep, dogs will take any opportunity to grab a snack. They figure if you’re eating it, it must be good. Not a bad idea to “tune out” the world and its’ bullshit from time to time. I’ve got several natural sounds recordings that I’ll listen to while concentrating on breathing and heartbeat and avoid all TV and internet on those days. We all need those mental health breaks from ClownWorld.
I spent a 4 year tour in Hawaii, I sometimes listen online to KINE 105 Hawaiian. They also (sometimes) have an HD2 channel that plays more traditional music.
What I’ve been listening to lately on YT is LoFi Hip Hop. About 2 dozen channels with a variety of relaxing music. Love it.
(look for the “lofi girl”, green sweater, red scarf, headphones)
I was stationed at K-Bay back in 78. 1st Marine Brigade back then. I was a cow killer for the 2/3. I was TAD to another chow hall to support a bunch of Jar Heads that needed to re-qualify on a rifle range. The Sgt. I worked under had this local radio station that played old time radio at 0 dark early. Got me hooked on them. Still enjoy them to this day.
glad the lil pupper is ok, lots of things that are toxic to doggos beside the chocolate everyone seems to know. One i learned after my dog got to have pancakes with me is NUTMEG, he barfed all over the place with extreme prejudice, so did a search online and found out it is also very toxic to dogs. So with PSL season coming up watch out for any spiced treats etc. they may hoover down.
Held captive 40+ continuous years by a variety of mutts here.
Grapes are a no no.
So are chicken bones.
Leather rawhide chews can get lodged in the throat or bound up in the gut.
A lot of dog chews are from mysterious chinese sources.
Almost a year ago to date my pup ate one of those green Tom Cat mouse poison cubes.
She (Jack Russell ) was about 4 months & 8 lb at the time. Man what a crap show. The peroxide didn’t work and now I know why, potentially. The bottle I have is years old for sure. Vet gave me some activated charcoal which definitely worked. I will be ordering some more to have on hand for a dog first aid kit I’m now going to be putting together. (already needed stitches once too! ).
Dogs man ! We don’t deserve them.
They make long nose syringes for putting liquid meds down s dogs throat.
Styrofoam cup is useful for dogs, used one for giving the dog nasal antihistamine after she tried to sniff a ground wasp nest. Put a small hole in the bottom of the cup for the nasal spray and cup covers over the muzzle. Then spray in the meds so they breath them in.
A sugar substitute in chewing gum is bad for dogs… or so I’ve read.
Someone might want to ask O how he likes his dog: …….
I just read that grapes are toxic to dogs. I knew about the nuts & chocolate but grapes I had no idea.
Also raisins.
What about brussel sprouts? Our dog suddenly took a liking to them, and seems fine…
Used to work in vertebrate pest control. Cruellest industry on the planet I think. Poisoned meat baits for dingoes, wild dogs, foxes (and off label – feral pigs). Not a nice way to go. Ground shooting is by far the most humane method. Never seen this in person but allegedly xylitol & a lot of artificial sweeteners are supposed to be deadly to dogs. Apparently there’s just nothing that can be done other than pump their stomach & hope they didn’t absorb a lethal dose. A whole pack of tictacs in a cheeseburger supposedly has enough xylitol to kill the biggest dog on the planet.
Ha! I made stroganoff on Friday. Turned out 10/10. No dogs were harmed in the process, though The Mrs. did verify that mushrooms were dog safe.
There it is… the ‘3 names’ again. The man, identified to NewsNation by a law enforcement source as Ryan Wesley Routh.
just saw Mike Benz on War Room. This fuckin’ guy RWR is dirty as fuck, with a shit ton of shady shit overseas, like recruiting Pakistani fuckers to go to Iran and then on to Ukepain. The clown is a felon, reported felon in possession of firearm years ago.
They aren’t even hiding it anymore.
Dont’cha just feel like Maxwell Smart some days? You know, fighting the agent of KAOS and missing it “by this much”? Keep the faith and a prayer for DJT, appears that there was attempt #2 on his life (if you can believe anything in the press or from the many agencies of KAOS).
I didn’t know about the ‘first’ attempt: There have been 3 assassination attempts on Trump. #1 An individual was sentenced last year to 22 years in prison for sending Trump a bio weapon, “Ricin” via mail. #2. Butler PA #3. Trump Golf Course West Palm Beach
Looks like It Ain’t Holy Water got nuked.
that ain’t the only gonna be nuked… the Fusa is prolly surrounded too
Dunno how they did it… but Congrats!
Militarily insignificant act that cemented the judgement of genocide and terrorism globally, demonstrated to all a callus disregard for not joos and instantly tanked the entire market for heeb electronics. Congratulations indeed dumb fuckers.
PS Comment:
Safest chew for dogs is Whimzees. They are vegetable paste, baked hard, and made in Holland. If a dog breaks off a piece and swallows it, the Whimzee simply dissolves in the stomach. For small to large hounds, although my cocker spaniels love the large alligators or toothbrushes. They also make hedgehog ones. Try it.