Greetings and Salutations
OK: The absence is because of an abscess. A tooth that broke in half the other day. I swear that’s a part of being a Generation X kid that I’m still having to deal with, and that’s the shitty mercury-amalgam fillings that now in our fifties, are failing left-and-right.
Same thing that happened whilst fighting in Tennessee for Adriana. Lost a filling at some point without even realizing it, until the tooth broke. THEN it got my full attention. This’s almost an exact replay, except on another toofus. And this time, unfortunately, I’m probably going to have to have it pulled, as the price point for a root canal and cap? Even with insurance it’s $1200 which I don’t have.
The price w/out insurance was starting at over $4500.00
And this is not a hi-end boutique style dentist.
So now I’m on antibiotics and more pain meds, with a temp-filler until I can get the infection down, THEN go and have the sucker yanked. Dammit.
So for 2-3 days, besides Divemedic’s server being under assault, I’ve been in bed, feeling like crap, having ice packs applied, until I got to see the Doc today. Now that I got a day’s antibiotics ramped up, I feel well enough to do a short piece.
Specifically on Assassin-Wannabe #2 Ryan Wesley Routh, age 58. Besides being a man with three names, and having ALL sorts of ‘connections’ to the Company-Sponsored Azov kids in the Kraine, he comes off as some goofy fucktard who doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Which to me, seems like an act.

Now, besides looking like Ellen Degenerate’s Ugly Twin Brother, Mr. Smirks-a-lot isn’t acting in a way one would expect. Too many smiles, too many grins. Hell, when they picked him up, he was all sorts of relaxed. Per the article HERE:
…Fox News confirmed Monday that Routh repeatedly smiled and laughed during a conversation with his court-appointed lawyer before the hearing started…
The Daily Wire Sept. 17, 2024
And I have a theory on this…
This fucking guy?
Well, let’s look at the charges so far that they’ve hit him up with two counts:
1) possessing a firearm while being a convicted felon
2) possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number
Both of which will only get you a total of 20 years +/-.
Now a lot of folks have made some hay out of his choice of weapon, namely what appears to be a “Bubba’d Up” SKS and not an AK-47. It’s really too hard to tell what with the shadowy pic they have:

Sporterized pistol grip.
30 Round Mag
Loooong foregrip and the classic over/under gas tube/barrel.
The closest to that would be the Saiga AK-47 Sport Rifle:

However, the foregrip on the one in the shadow? The shooter’s rifle? To my eyes, I’d say this is more likely:

That’s a Century Arms Romanian SKS Model 1956 7.62x39mm with a 20 round magazine. I’d say that’s a really good educated guess IMO.
So, the thing of it is:
a 7.62mmx39 round? At 100 yards an ‘AK Round” is hard to get hits on target. Even with a scope? This mook was sitting at 400 yards. Shit, I have trouble ‘cold shooting’ at 400 yards with a .308 if I haven’t been practicing. Shooting long distance is a perishable skill if one doesn’t keep at it on the regular. And supposedly this guy doesn’t have ANY DotMil training or skills.
Choosing this particular weapon kind of reinforces that.
THAT is exactly what I think and why I think ‘things’ went the way they did. Work with me on this and follow along, let me know if you think I might be on to something or not.
Things WE Know About The “Shooter”:
1) He’s a known hardcore Pro-Krainian NGO financed ‘recruiter’ and ‘activist’. Most of the NGOs he’s associated with are CIA ‘fronts’. His activity included trying to illegally recruit Afghanis and Pakistanis to fight in the Krain against the Russians.
2) He’s a convicted felon “..with a long record.” A record that seems to have been scrubbed so what he did, against who, or for whom has been a big question.
3) His social media was scrubbed, but not before the Autists got ahold of it. It shows a 58 year old crazy haired lunatic by all rights, someone who looks perfectly at home being the local nut-job.
4) He apparently has ZERO DotMil experience however made several trips to the Kraine, ostensibly ‘to help’.
5) He was initially (per usual and the playbook) referred to as a “Trump Supporter” until it was shown he’s made more than a few donations to hard left groups like “Act Blue” and the like. Then his politics have been also per usual, ignored.
Now… the question is
Why did they hit him with so few and such paltry charges?
Let me tell you
“Pour Encourager Les Autres”
“To Encourage The Others”
My Call:
BOTH of these charges are really really weak
They did not catch him “rifle in hand”
They did NOT have any (as far as I’ve seen reported) eyewitnesses, EXCEPT for the one chick who took his picture when he emerged from the bushes after The Secret Service Kids lit him up. And on that note:
How many shots were fired at him?
Who did the shooting?
What caliber rounds were being thrown?
Were the USS kids aware of their backstop, or lack that thereof? Where did their rounds impact? If according to all statements of where his ‘snipers nest’ are true then he was -somewhere- inside of the red circle on this map I pulled:

Per the Miami Herald HERE
…a Secret Service agent patrolling the course ahead of the former president spotted a suspect with an assault-style rifle hiding in bushes around the golf course. The agent fired on the suspect, who fled in a black Nissan.”
Was said USSA aware of what was behind the potential shooter?
Probably not.
This was theater
A first year Law School Public Defender can get this guy off.
I mean the case is weak. To play the Devil’s Advocate:
If there’s no eyewitness to the guy actually holding the weapon?
If there’s no eyewitnesses to him actually aiming at OrangeManBad? The only thing they got is a chick heard some shots, saw a guy run to a car, and on a hunch, took a picture of the car and it’s plate.
The rifle supposedly has no serial number or that it was, per the news, “obliterated”. That in itself is going to be interesting in that there are LOTS of ‘potential serial numbers’ on SKS’s. The original one(s) on the receiver, the bolt, the stock and the trigger pack, OR the one that was placed on when it was imported/put together here stateside.
Either way proving that it was Re-Tardy Oswalt’s rifle is going to be a pain-in-the-ass for the Feds. Which is what they want.
They want him to go free to encourage others to go out and take THEIR shot at OrangeManBad.
Think about it.
It’s cheaper, faster and easier, and a hell of a lot less work and chance of discovery IF ‘your people’ the Lunatic Leftoids see a guy who ‘took his shot’ and got away with it for these morons to go, “Hey! If HE did it, why can’t I?”
It plays into the whole reason BLM was sooo successful during “The Summer of Love” and why the Brownshirt ACAB Fascist AntiFa fuckbags are just waiting for the next “call to arms” because they know they have a Get Out of Jail Free Card “Waiting in the Wings” as they did before.
Why wouldn’t some of these glue-sniffing blue haired fucknuts think otherwise? If Mister Man with Three Names gets away with it or only gets a slap on the wrist instead of “Riding The Lightening”, you can bet that all the armed morons out there are going to be lining up to ‘take their shot’.
This also gave a wee bit of credibility back to the Secret Service in the eyes of Boomerdom and NPC ‘Muricans. “See! They did their job!”
Yeeeeeah… I’m not buying it.
The first guy muffed his shot, and they’re still stonewalling obfuscating, and covering up the entire fiasco.
By allowing the Rank Amateurs to have at it?
The more the merrier so to speak.
In the eyes of the Stalinesque Bureaucracy we’ve built, if 20 people attempt it, there’s an increased chance of one of them being successful. It doesn’t even need to be before the (s)election… if the Cheeto-Jeebus does manage to beat the odds and the chicanery of the “Night of the Stuffed Ballots” well then, they’ll just keep him too busy with non-stop attempted assassinations. Who needs the whole ‘Russian thing’ if you have a non stop circle jerk of active shooters trying to kill off the Greatest Threat to Democracy int he World?
Which also is why thye are not attempting to cool off the ‘hot talk’. Hilleroid, the Demonic Shell of a Luciferian in Human Skin keeps ramping it up. EVERYONE keeps ramping it up.
Which is fine.
What they forget is eventually it becomes a two-way shooting gallery, and that the Right is running out of patience. We’ll have to see.
Your Thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

As to the rifle. He was spotted at roughly 100 yards by the SS front man. Trump at the time was 300 yards away. My feeling? Shooter got buck fever and moved to scope Trump before he was in range.
It’s not like Trump is a small target. 6’4, big boned, thick trunk. I could hit said target with an SKS at 100 yards or less. So could you. So could most people who have an SKS as a trunk gun for shooting pest animals and such.
As to the charges, Governor DeSantis is keeping the dumbass here in Florida. Florida crime, Florida investigators. So they’ve got him charged with two felonies, enough to keep him in without bond, and expect the huge number of charges to drop within a week.
Unlike DHS, FBI, SS, ATF, FDLE and other Florida law enforcement know how to stack crimes and do the actual investigation. Which is why the site was still cordoned off 24 hours after the incident.
Mostly true. In terms of SKS accuracy you can work a year accurizing them and still end up with 3-4 MOA with handloads on your best day. You can bed the receiver and try to do the best you can to float the barrel channel but that’s about it with that retarded rear spring holding everything in the stock. You can either set it up for a scout scope off the front iron sight, with long eye relief, but you are limited to about 9x power. A dust cover scope mount is no better and is always loose. You can pull the bullets of retail ammo and throw away that crap Eastern Bloc powder and put something good in it like Vihtavouri but you still have crappy bullets. You can weight match the OEM bullets and stick them back in on top of good powder. You can substitute a good bullet (like from Norma TAC) and then stick them in on top of good powder. All of that still isn’t going to impress anyone. In the end you have a relatively modest velocity round with about 1350 FPE that is just not a gang buster for accuracy.
All that stuff would have had to be done by the feds or NGOs and I doubt it.
Is that 4″ group vital target accuracy for a human? Yes, it is. But, with all shots you deal with probabilities of POIs. I wouldn’t like that probability under the situation. And, that dude was a clear stoner douchebag who would have a hard time printing quarters at 25 yards. That’s not the gun with a high probability.
Nor is the phucking red dot sandwiched between iron sights used by Crooks.
Gary Busey really let hisself go!
Get an waterpik for them remaining teeth, you will not regert!
He looks more like E Jean Carroll in drag than poor Gary Busey.
Matt Bracken was on the “Coffee and Mike”(Rumble) show last night. He had some interesting thought on this latest attempt.
Sorry about the toofers but I’ve been there.
I’m about your age and 25 years ago I had a great dentist and paid him to replace all of the silver fillings with the white new type. I got 20+ years out of them but in the last few years I’ve had 4 molars CRACK right down the damn middle and ALL 4 had fillings in them. FYI that this is common in filled molars…constant stress from chewing for years causes them to eventually crack.
They sent me to endontist who did an MRI and all 4 are cracked to the root so root canal and crown not possible, they needed to be pulled.
They then wanted to put in an implant and then a fake tooth.
Price ?? Try $5000 to $7000 a TOOTH !!
I said to hell with that and had them pull them (even with pain killer pulling a molar sucks and hurts like HELL). Luckily they are all in the back and you can’t see when I smile or talk and I have enough teeth to chew.
If I ever DO get implants, in other countries (even in Europe it is 10% – 25% of the cost of what the greedy US dentists charge), so a dental tourist I will be.
The Mexican based dentists, just over the border with Arizona, are drastically cheaper than the US guys…Reputedly quite good…My sister in law drove all the way from California to use their services…
BCE, take note: the 7k USD price per tooth he’s quoting is a bit on the low side, especially for Florida, and is totally realistic for US dentists in general.
That’s 7k+ USD for an extraction plus implant and abutment, which means the fake tooth on top of the implant. Add another 1k USD if you want bone grafting and then add another 1k if the extraction is going to be a cast iron bitch (for the surgeon, not necessarily for you).
When I had it done in the US, it was almost 10k for a single implant plus bone grafting and abutment with the extraction and abscess removal done first … back in the 2010s, back when I didn’t have US dental coverage, and I was in a major US city.
But that coverage would have only bought me a discount as US dental coverage doesn’t cover “extreme conditions” such as those that require implants and abutments.
So about a certain town at the corner of CA, AZ, and Baja California on the Mexico side then …
Basically for the cost of four implants with all of the fixings in the US you can get your entire mouth done in that town, but you will be paying entirely out of pocket with no insurance to cover it, along with the cost of hotels, meals, seguros for your vehicle, etc.
Your dental insurance in the US is no good for this anyway, and the best you can hope for is maybe you can get some free cleanings after you’ve had at least one of the full arches done.
There are probably a bunch of us here (including me) who have had to do this, so if you’re up for more serious dental talk, open up a new thread so we can share some data and stories.
In the meantime, see if you can get a friendly dentist or doctor to write you scripts for azithromycin and doxycycline, they provide coverage for the 50S and 30S ribosomal units (respectively) of most nasty bacteria, plus the doxycycline has effects against the four major nasty mouth bacteria.
Doxycycline doesn’t keep past the expiry date, BTW, so don’t think you’ll get to keep a bottle for more than a couple of years or so, but it’s also handy for the kinds of SHTF nasties you probably didn’t want to think about at the same time.
Augmentin (aka “amoxiclav” or amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) is what the dentists want to prescribe because it’s at the top of the list of stuff they are told to prescribe, but if you have a penicillin allergy or suspect you might, it’d be a ride you really don’t want to be on.
Damn I can get one done here in MT for around 2500….
Author of “Enemies Foreign and Domestic”, Matt Bracken. a Navy Seal, has a theory that by using a not so “Evil AR/AK ” platform, that would give them the cover to go after ALL semi autos. Plus it was scoped, so need to go after those too. By the way if you have not read any of his work I highly recommend it.
It eerily follows the assassination scene from one of his books written years ago except the right wing lady was a better shot.
This has CIA written all over it. It’s our fucking govt trying to off The Don. The douchebag shooter .
I disagree that these charges will go away. Unfortunately it’s not unlawful to possess an SKS or a scope in public. However it is unlawful for a convicted felon to be in possession in any weapon except a black powder weapon. “ that may have changed, I’ve been retired for 15 yrs now, so I could be wrong.
Further serial numbers scrubbed is frowned on aswell. Na this shit stains going to do life on the installment program. Someone screen shot his ramblings before they were scrubbed. The guys stupid like a fucking fox.
Sorry to hear about your Toof!
I believe he will eventually be the recipient of the Lee Harvey Oswald Memorial Award. I read yesterday the FEDGOV Black-Robed Druid was ready to admit this psychopath to bail. Then DeSantis and his people stepped in and made it clear his crimes were Florida felonies. Things are really getting sporty, and the Deep State is getting more desperate. Blunders abound. Stay vigilant. My best to you and yours. Bleib ubrig.
If FL starts to uncover any .FED or DNC shenanigans this will get sporty indeed.
The fact that is was a left needs to be in blast and used to hound every D and member if the press until the end of their days. Lord knows the use every event to their advantage and they need to own this.
Sorry to hear about your dental troubles. We have never had dental insurance – but for a number of years paid a nominal fee for a program called Dentachoice (I think that’s what it was called) which gave us access to the Aetna negotiated dental insurance fees, if the dentist accepted Aetna insurance. Hubby and I have both had root canals and crowns although no implants – and crowns where a molar was more filling than tooth. I don’t recall specific cost but it was closer to $1200; nowhere near $4500. See if perhaps that would work for you.
I agree about the encouragement. You are telling people with diminished mental capacity, groids, lefties etc., that there are no consequences for their actions. Simultaneously they are essentially hammering the fuck out of anyone to the right of Stalin for spitting on the sidewalk. Honestly if we had done the same thing to chocolate Jesus, kommiela, etc ,just once, do you have any doubts they would be already confiscating weapons ?
The way the attacks are going by media and prominent personalities I would not be surprised if someone associated with a three letter agency did him in live on national television. At this point they would be lauded as a national hero and be given one of those medals like they did the dynamic dindo duo in Georgia that we watched commit election fraud on security footage.
I think declaring this coming January 6th a national security day or whatever and placing the secretion service in charge of security is a “tell”. What I haven’t figured out yet whether they care about keeping up appearances anymore. Will they make the steal even more blatant this time and just say “Yeah what are you going to do about it?”. If they decide not to, and declare Trump the winner, they ARE NOT going to certify him on the 6th. Heads they win, tails we lose. Expect a lot of republicans to go along with this.
I think, you thunked it up purty good. Filled with”escape clauses”.
Back in the day, 30 years ago, younger eyes, I had a Mil. grade Norinco, screwed in barrel, not pinned, milled trigger guard, xlnt fit and finish. I could hit a steel silhouette out to 200 yards easily. 300-500 turns into a “not likely” hit probability. A rainbow trajectory, doesn’t make 7.62×39 a good sniper round.
The shooter won’t get away. If he left the rifle and the backpacks there, plus 12h worth of DNA, it’s impossible not to find enough evidence that was his. And then “felon in possession” is the same as murder at his age, sans the tesla chair.
I second the waterpik. Best tool ever, also fixes bad breath like nothing else.
Bingo bingo bingo!
DNA plus fingerprints on the camera, the plates & the pewpew. If there are no prints, then he is a secret genius who wore cotton gloves while getting everything ready or somebody wiped it for him.
I’ll bet you a mercury dime that he spilled his happy “ahh ya caught me” guts to the arresting officers, too
Look for a dentist that does CEREC, the “made while you wait” one visit crown, a ceramic carving done with a 3-D camera imaging the pocket and a CNC mini mill on a table to carve the perfect fill for a vacancy in a tooth that has been ground to the clean part, no matter how irregular the end result it fits like a key in a lock puzzle piece, takes a little as an hour to carve the blank, just sit in the chair and it is glued in, a bit of detailing, still good after well over a decade. Seen almost half the tooth chipped off, down to the gum on one side, as well. Now looks normal, the only way to go, never get a root canal as it makes the body infected with no circulation to let antibiotics get to the problem root in the bone, low grade slide to a bad outcome.
Cash money CEREC was 800-1200 total back when, probably 3 times that now, a free call will get an estimate. Good luck.
I had one of those while you wait crowns put on a molar a few years ago and just two years later it broke! New dentist replaced it with a traditional crown and said the tolerances on those new ones are slim so if the dentist grinds a little too much off to get the fit right the integrity is compromised and strength of the material plummets.
Followup question.
Your thoughts on how the ‘individual’, who is from out of state, knew where to build a nest, in a town he has never been to, with no financial means (per arresting complaint). Spent time in ukr. Lots of time in ukr. Possible act via ukr? Is this type of event what the dotgov alluded to in their “briefing” on possible kinetic actions taking place prior to (s)election day?
Right there with ya on the bod throwing in the towel when you don’t expect it.
Some days I wake up with a pulled muscle before I even think about rolling out of bed.
Forgot: reported that trump playing on the course was not on his record of daily activity. Course has been closed to public/play due to construction. His play on the course was a last minute decision that few would know.
Implication of mole in usss.
Concur. My big question exactly. WHO told this horse fucker that Trump would be on the course at that time? As far as his finances go, obviously he’s a glowie tool. How does an out of state felon get his hands on a rifle with filed numbers? Supposedly it’s a mole in Homeland that ratted cheeto jebus out. But he has to have local help for supply/support/information.
I still believe that the original plan was bump off Trump and then go full bore on the whole turn in your evil semiautos with illegals with new badges as the cannon fodder to try and grab them.
Desantis is making a lot of noise about a Florida investigation. That will drag out for a few months. By the time we are done with all the election fuckery he will be memory holed.
Then we also have the Israelis and their explody devices op going on. Pretty smart actually. Someone discovers that the new pagers delivery has been tampered with so use them before you lose them. Wait a day for Hezbollah to switch back to radios and then pop the code on them to get some more boom for the buck. New sandbox war in 3..2..1..
I had all my amalgam fillings removed 20+ years ago and replaced. I still have the occasional tooth break.
Funny how they just busted P Diddy for several AR-15’s with obliterated serial numbers too.
These fedbois aren’t smart enough to change the story around.
Next thing you know they’ll find ch!ld porn too.
Just remember, each of these distractions is to cover something bigger, they throw the low hanging fruit to the media, and then disappear it.
No they aren’t very bright. They are pretty much one trick pony’s. No investigative skills, just computer skills. When the stopped recruiting REAL cops into the bureau and started requiring college degrees all the ended up with was indoctrinated dumbasses.
Sorry about the tooth, went thru a similar experience two years ago. Your analysis has merit. My questions stem from my former career as a “bean counter”. We have a guy who ~supposedly~ was a failed businessman, moves to Hawaii (not cheap), travels back and forth to Ukraine (not cheap), travels from Hawaii (?) to Florida (not cheap), acquires a rifle (cannot pass a NICS check), gets a hold of an SUV (not cheap if a legit rental). I’d be digging deeply into this guy’s finances to see where the money came from.
I was an intern with USSS for 6 months in 2019-2020, I helped the Spokane field office process the counterfeit notes into their tracking system. The USSS agents were about to switch their standard sidearm from a Sig in .357 Sig to a Glock in 9mm. The talk in the office was of having to do conversion/fam training, and the SAIC had to drive to the Seattle office to pick up the guns.
Padrig Martin on Gab reported today that the Feds were about to let this shit head bond out at the arraignment, but Florida stepped in and filed charges themselves, so the judge postponed bond until a bond hearing later this month.
If he were to be bonded out by the Feds, and thinking himself “protected”, wouldn’t he be surprised were he to get Epsteined? A man who potentially knows too much. Stalin’s dictum applies: “No man, no problem”.
And if this excision of a worrisome pustule were to be cleverly done, it could be portrayed as the work of an enraged MAGA nut, thus reinforcing the narrative that The Real Terrorist Threat comes from the Right, and the argument for the necessity of confiscation of long guns being the only defense against these inherently turbulent and violent types would be expedited. Score.
Hi Bubba!!!,
GEEEEEEEEZ!! I know what ya’ mean about the Ivories!!!! A week ago this just now past Tuesday I was under the care of my Dentist .(Dr Haley Miller!!!!!!!! She’s a JEWEL!!!!!.) after X-rayz and such .. 2 uppr right crowns “Very old!! Had shown to be “DEAD” and Infected so out they came!!! I NOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! Fortunately all went well,I have a High Pain thresh hold and I did NOT need the High Speed Anti Pain Med’s!!!! I like the low Key stuff…… WHISKEY!!! Haahhahahaaha!1 anyway.. Maybe we need o get together some time and swap War Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!!!,
PS,,,, I NEVER had a problem buying firearms,,, 7743’s .. you know till I became Friends with the late Mike Vandeboegh… bac a couple of yers ago before he died.. Thing is that after we “Met fac to face!!” .. afterward I Always got “ZAPPED!!” on any 4473 ??? That I requested…
BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HATE US!!!!!! “GO FIGURE!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????”
Turkey is pne country that people go to for cheap dental work. Tourist season is over so it is probably Chiapas to fly and stay. You would have thought some travel agent would be on it by now.
I go to Hungary for my work. Just had the first part of an implant done. Total will be 1500 Euro. Wont get anything back from the insurance. They dont pay for permanent replacements.
Read where attempted murder is State not Federal charge. Not an assassination attempt as Trump is not currently in office. Hence DeSantis stepping in besides his hilarious and true comment on DOJ having conflict of interest.
One brother-in-law of the kamster stole a billion with a ‘B’ fedbux from the Department Of Justice?
Plus he and the family illegally diverted Department Of Justice billions to commie groups so they can import SIXTY MILLION ILLEGALS?
For severe tooth pain.
Ball up a length of gauze, saturate it with vanilla.
Yeah, THAT stuff.
Try to drown that sorry tooth with the vanilla gauze.
When I needed to do that with a molar that snapped off when eating a hard taco shell the pain relief was instant and long lasting – like 12+ hours long.
Another painkiller for teeth is clove powder but it’s not as good as the vanilla. Sir the clove powder in a tiny amount of water.
FWIW, a bottle of Vanilla should be in your “kit” because nothing takes the wind out of your sail like tooth pain.
I think they will find Retardy’s fingerprints and/or DNA on the abandoned equipment. As for Desantis’ dig at DOJ, he is just saying what we are all thinking.
I think there is something to BCE’s analysis that this might some kind of encouragement. Consider the idiot grinning like an idiot in the back of the police car. Why? Because he was still alive. He showed that you can attempt an assassination (even if done retardedly) and live through it. Assumption #2, the left are heard creature and can be influenced by prior examples. Assumption #3: the demographic that you are trying to convince has been to prison before. Most of us on the right probably have the capacity to take a doctor that performs child mutilation surgery and douse him in {redacted} and {redacted} him on {redacted} in the public square and feel completely comfortable when facing St. Peter. But we don’t because we have loved ones we like keeping around and maybe we are afeared of prison rape and/or being around bunch of retards. A convict might already know the rules of prions; know that prison is survivable. Maybe he is a hermit and doesn’t have a life going on anyway.
I saw a poll that showed a good portion of the left wished that Trump had been {readacted} in the head and regret that he wasn’t. If you are such a person and a recruiter, you might convince someone, “dude, if you do this, you will be hailed as a hero to 1/2 the population. You might go to prison but there will always be money in your commissary. You will have considerable prison cred amount the population. Women from around the world will write you and some might even propose marriage.”
Trump’s golf time was not advertised. IMHO, someone told our 3 name dumb fuck when Trump when as where Trump would be located. There is a mole in the USS or the campaign.
I don’t think they will ever get a professional to do it. A professional would know that he would be a loose end if he were to succeed and get away and that his life would be in danger until the rest of his days. That is why they are looking for a dumb fuck with just enough good aim.
BCE: Get thee to Mexico! Los Algodones, just across the border, west of Yuma, AZ, has 700 dentists.
I’ve had all my dental work done there, for the last 4 or 5 years, and have absolutely no complaints or problems. Their hygiene, training, modern equipment, and careful, accurate work is as good, and better than many local dentists I’ve used.
Flying to Yuma and getting the root canal and a crown will cost less than an extraction with an American dentist looking for another Mercedes payment.
Email me at mlusny at, and I’ll give you contact info for one of the best dental groups there.
good luck!
VA dentist too far away?
The Indianapolis VA told me they don’t do dentistry.
But they do eye glasses. Go figure.
VA is only for 100% ratings. Otherwise need to play the emergency surgery card. Which means an extraction. Deep cleanings are possible if a surgery is scheduled for what that’s worth.
I am unfortunately only at 80% as of now…
Have you tried filing for 100% TDIU?
If you’re too messed up to work full time, show them why , you can file the entire VA form yourself. Look up some good YT channels like Combat Craig and they almost walk you thru it.
After years of Army dentists practicing drill-n-fill on me for no good reason, I ended up with molars that were mostly made of metal. Several still gave me problems with hot or cold drinks, and a couple were loose. After I retired, I started on the expensive carousel of root canals and crowns. I eventually found a dentist who would pull the upper molars and make me a partial plate that clips to the remaining front six teeth. The whole process cost me about as much as one crown. One of the best things that I’ve ever done. That was seven years ago. I was getting really tired of sending the children of my dentist through medical school.
The Department of Homeland Security knows of at least FIVE assassination teams currently in the US that are targeting President Trump.
When they release that kind of info, you know it’s dis-info.
Look how many times they’ve told us ALL the plots they uncovered, and then some idiot with fedgov ties shoots up a school, time after time.
It’s all soap operas for the dumbmasses.
Various dental discount programs — Aetna, etc. — cap dental prices at insurance rates for dentists who accept that insurance. Something to look into!
All I can think is that if Mr Routh were to not be punished with a long term for his crimes, and be cut loose for any reason……well, wouldn’t it be a shame if some good, patriotic, conservative citizens were to take justice into their own hands (as is their right when the Gooberment won’t do its job), and mete out its own brand of justice on Mr Routh.
Could be anything from “Com’on Baby Light My ****” , to “Tie a Yellow Rope Around The Old Oak Tree”, to, “gee, where’d he disappear to?”. It IS Florida, the world’s largest sand bar, and ‘gators gotta eat, too, ya’know.
I think the French phrase “Pour encourager les autres” is ordinarily used in an ironic sense. That is to say it is meant to mean “to make an example to others” or “you have been warned” in order to discourage further behaviors of the type referred to.
Fella’s I’m not at all confident that The Donald’s gonna pull this off. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. I’m concerned, very concerned. We’re in Reno I spent an hour at Scheels buying mags, 580.00 worth.
Mostly M14 mags, and another dozen m4 mag plus. This next few weeks will be spent loading thousands of .308, I’ll build a few thousand 556 on the Dillon 650, loading on a 650s cheating it’s so simple. Bullet counts are not the problem.
I’ve got a very bad feeling regarding this election. I pry I’m wrong but shit appears to be about to get very bad for you city folk. Think we’re going to be finer n frog fur.