Greetings and Salutations…
A rather somber vidya snatched from Fran Porretto over at Liberty Torch:
Damn if that doesn’t make a lot of sense Aye?
So… let’s see…
Great News about Miss Margorie. The Judge dismissed the case this afternoon. No idea of the -why- but hey, take the “W” amiright?
I got an email from the Museum following up on the 120mm round. Seems they took me seriously enough to get the EOD Team involved. This was the County Team. Mostly Veterans like myself, who, when presented with my facts went “Hoo shiiiit… clear the building and get the gear!”
They ended up X-Raying it, and sumbitch!
At -some point- someone emptied out the interior of the shell of the Ka-Boomie-Boom! No explosives in it, and since the outer combustible casing needs the Boomie ‘stuff’, well… all’s well that ends well. It’s now marked “INERT” so other VetBros don’t have the same issue I had…
So I chalk this one up as a “W” as well, or maybe a “Tie”
I was right, but I was wrong…
Following these InfoBits:
Gretchen has been following up after DumbCunt, or rather trying to find out what her latest and greatest scumbaggery that she’s been up to. We got a letter in the mail yesterday stating that this was a final attempt to contact her from the Florida DMV.
Seems they suspended her license back in July for failure to pay child support, which means she’s been “ridin’ dirty” for quite a spell. Not that it matters as when Gretchen reached out to a Detective who’s been trying to track her down in Tennessee for welfare fraud, we found out that the dumb bitch is in jail AGAIN!

No shit Aye?
THIS TIME it’s for Felony Domestic Abuse and Felony False Reporting. Word we’ve gotten is she beat the fuck out of her current Simp, then called the cops and said he beat her!
This’s becoming a habit with her.
Problem was is the Simp had a camera inside the house and when the fuzzie wuzzies showed up, heard her out, and then asked the Simp his side, he played the vidya.
Buh Bye DumbCunt.
I hope she finally learns a thing or two. She still is facing the Parole Violation from last year, as well as the Failure to Appear. The Parole violation was for a fucking slew of charges around Christmas Time 2022. Some of then she skated on, but my understanding is the Judge was sooooo pissed off w/the Parole Violation, the lack of paying any of the fines and court fees, and then going onthe Lamb for almost a year?
That’s a dead bitch walking.
I figure she’ll get 15, do 5.
Ok… so what else?
OH! Dinner tonight were some nice steaks for the fam, and a hamburger for me. Steak doesn’t do well with my Diverticulitis unfortunately. Ground beef? No problem. Pork chops? No problem. Chikin, same. Just steak sits too hard. So I made nice-nice good-good Moo Cow Ribeyes from Bravo Supermarkets.

Look at that marbling…
Bravo is the Spanish Aldi.
The meat is waaaay cheaper ($7.99 per pound for these steaks, 3.5 pounds to the package, the rest I froze) and the Ground beef is OMG super cheap as well… like $8 for 3 pounds… sure the fat content is high, but WTF? I don’t care as long as it’s edible.
Ribeye at Publix tonight, was on sale mind you, was running $11.99 Per Pound.
I’ll take the questionably sourced Spanish meat thank you.
And lastly, well I don’t have a hell of a lot to say. I’ve been so busy getting my shit straightened out her at The Casa and as well at the In-Laws place. Their AC keeps shitting the bed, so I spent the better part of today working on it, and tomorrow I have to chase down a new control board I think as it’s the only part that seems to be causing the shut-down error coding.
The blower unit is fine, the blower engine/barrel is fine. The exterior coil shows no damage (it’s only 5 years old) and the only issue it did have was the external drain was clogged a bit, and a wet-vac took care of that. Got it all done today, only to get the call after we got home that it’s crapped out again

So… another day ‘eaten’
I do have a cool thing to talk about weapons wise, but I need to check with the source to make sure it’s cool to talk about. Nothing bad or anything, just…. potentially sensitive.
So More Later
Big Country

Paul Harrell lost his fight against pancreatic cancer and died today. Another one of the good ones gone.
I will be lifting a couple of glasses tonight in honor of him. I always enjoyed his style in his videos along with his dry sense of humor.
na zdarovye!
Regarding DC, you expect the twat to actually not fuck up in jail and prison and catch additional charges and time? Seriously, the chance of her spending life in may have just gone up.
Especially since these are non-drug charges and she’s a white chick (yes, that all matters even though it’s not supposed to.
You guys finally potentially caught a break. Let’s hope, due to the charges, she’ll not be released on her own recognizance nor bond out. And then hope her public defender does just enough good of a job that when she’s found guilty she can’t appeal due to having a bad lawyer.
As to the 120mm round, it should have been marked. So what you did was excellent and promotes safety and all that shit. Contained explosives are freaky weird, being able to be dropped and crushed with no problem but an ant farts and things go sideways.
Daym TFat. You really have changed in your old age. You don’t just talk shit. You spout truth. I stand impressed.
He always spoke truth…just through talking shit. He’s a good man and a good friend.
I never doubted him over at WRSA, but he made it rough. LOL
He and I both go back to Weaponsman. (RIP, Miss you Kevin) Never saw a reason to be upset with him, but also never saw a reason to take him with anything but a big dose of salt. I am honest when I say that lately TFAt has earned my respect. Not that he cares most likely.
Boring is right where you need to be all things considered. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Poltova? If the reports are correct and there are 760 casualties in this strike. Many of them NATO advisors and trainers. How is the West going to hide that many dead bodies from the public?
Just like they always do. Lie their asses off.
BCE, I hope DC has used up and gone into debt on her “poor me” points as far as the courts are concerned. We all hope she gets pounded so hard in sentencing that she shits blood and semen for 3 days!
They sell that Mexican ribeye up here in the Ozarks too – about the same price. But it’s treated with some kind of tenderizing solution that makes it – to our palates – really salty. When I soaked some in water for a few hours it helped, but we don’t buy it any more. We wait until we need to make a trip back to DFW and load up on genuine Texas beef (according to Tom Thumb butchers it’s from Amarillo) for about the same price on sale. Much better flavor.
I wouldn’t count on DC changing her ways. Some people genuinely have something wrong in their cognitive wiring. No matter whom they harm or the potential consequences, they continue to bulldoze their way through life, aided and abetted by parenting and/or permissive society.
About 17 years ago, on my final trip back to Sodom on the Potomac, I took my boys to the Marine Corps museum out in Virginia (older son had loved seeing it when it was still in DC back in the ’90s). Bought an inert grenade – clearly labeled as such and turned into a bookend or something – at the gift shop. Kept the receipt. Damned feds confiscated it at the airport. That was the last time I flew as well.
You need to find a local rancher and get one right off the hoof…
^^^^This is the way.^^^^
Damnit I love it when I spell my email wrong…
For HVAC problems scope this dood out.
His vids have helped me out a few times.
Check those ‘Bravo’ steaks for the marks where the jockeys were beatin’ on them. I’d trust the ‘Fresh Market’ on 301 more than that Messican chain. Ricans and Cubanos ride their horses. They don’t eat them. 😉
Funny story about getting ribeyes at one of the local carneceria: first time the ribeyes were great, tender, tasty. My buddy and I went back a week later and they gave us gringos ribeyes from an old dairy cow.
The Satanists have succeeded in creating the living undead – Zombies
I realize I,m slow on the uptake but could someone explain the ox drawn cart meme I have seen a hundred times and still have no clue what it means ?
There was a primitive computer game where you played as a family crossing the prairie in a schooner wagon. You tended to die a lot. So the meme is used to mention different things that are not good.
It’s called “OREGON TRAIL” and it’s the best vidya game ever made.
You can still play it online!
Correction: You tended to die a lot. Usually of dysentery.
IIRC there’s a meat market in Floral City that advertises the meat it sells comes from the cattle they raise without anti biotics or hormones.
Articaine Epinephrine with Calcium Disodium EDTA and Vitamin C. No large micelles seen, no self organization into structures, no microchips, no electronic circuitry. Left Magnification 100x, right 2000x.
Why is a dental procedure med a “HOPE!”
Ya lost me…what are you referring to??
pretty much ALL injectables contain graphene and nanotech
these are both very very bad things
the human race and *all living things* have been micro-chipped and they never seen it coming- and still have zero clue…
it gets much worse- but you get the picture…
Heads up, check your six, stay gray. “Venezuelan Gang Threat in NYC — National Guard Reportedly on High Alert!”