Greetings and Salutations!
OK gang… couple of things…
Couple of Corrections:
Miss Marjorie and I spoke on the phone today. Gretchen called her, and man, it was old home week I swear. Her and Miss Margie again were hitting it off like they’ve been life long frens.
Which then she asked to speak to me…
The biggest being Correction #1: That is that ALL the weapons poasted, The Long Guns, the Pistolas, ALL of them are for sale. Said weaponry being these:

Personally, if I had the scratch, I’d be grabbing that ORIGINAL Colt Army 1860… The LeMat is cool AF, but I love that particular “Josey Wales” looking sucker…
Then, Correction #2:

Is not a coffee mug nor container.
Gretchen took the pic, and I saw it after, and I assumed it was a mug/ceramic container. Miss Margie educated my dumb ass.
It’s a butter churn
The handle is hidden underneath a stuff possum that Dent put on it years ago, which only added to my confusion.
Then, another addition to the uniqueness that is Wildmans…

The top is a French Pinfire… pretty rare.
The next one below I’m thinking a Hawkins Rifle, as the stock appears to be correct. Rifle #3 down? No idea. Percussion, long, not sure. It’s #4 that fires me up…

THAT my frens, is like the Great-Great-Great Grandaddy of Bolt Action Rifles and Carbines.
THAT is a Palmer Model 1865 Bolt Action Carbine.
Designed in 1863, but unfortunately not delivered in time to be used in the war, this was the first bolt action rifle/carbine that fired metallic cartridges to have ever been adopted by the US Army/DotMil.
The Wiki on it is HERE
They only made 1000 of them.
Not sure how many are left, but Gunbroker has a few going for about $3k. Either way, an OMG cool thing to actually handle, as such weapons are usually behind display cases.
To the Support Aspect.
Miss Marjorie has her Court Case on this Coming Friday, September 6th. I found out a LOT about the bullshit they’re trying to do, and it in the TL;DR mode is that initially, Dent had his sister, Janice Bagwell (284 Main Street, Clermont GA, 30527) and Miss Marjorie Lyon as dual executors of the estate. The sister apparently did some MASSIVELY shady shit to try and run Miss Margie off the battlefield…. meaning take total control of her brothers estate. This was done with and by the backing of ALL the current pro-BLM leftist communist-fucktards in the Area of Operation.
Now, the Case Number is 24GC06200.
It’s being held at the Cobb Country Superior Court
The reason I say this, is she’s (Miss Margie) has been desperately trying to find out the time and location (which courtroom) that this ‘supposed’ continuance is happening. You can see the documents and such from the case HERE
Just punch in the case number, and it comes up.
What’s interesting is the meeting/continuance was done on August 26th.
Again, supposedly
There’s no mention nor paperwork uploaded to the Cobb County Superior Court Website outside of the ‘Rule Nisi’ dated August 23rd.
According to my conversation today, the Clerk of the Court is a serious Social Justice Warrior, which is a clear and present conflict of interest. That and the bitch is NOT giving Miss Margie the info she needs, which is “Who, How, When, Where, and Why” info… If she misses it, she defaults.
Add that to the fact that especially in light of that some of the documents being used (in the initial filing, listed as Exhibit D TRO, a handwritten codicil to the Last Will and Testament of Dent Myers) that the Plaintiff’s notary? Well the notary? A Miss Dena L Whitmore? She notarized the document without a Date Nor Attestation.
Per the Georgia Notary Law (link HERE):
Under the Acts of “All Notarial Acts Must be Accompanied by the Seal” paragraph 2 states explicitly:
“In documenting a notarial act, a notary shall sign the notarial certification in ink exactly as the name appears on the notary commission and shall also record the exact date of the notarial act. However, in connection with attestation of deeds or other instruments pertaining to real property, the date of the notarial act shall not be required.”
Georgia Notary Law Webpage
Specifically (and this’s ALL public records) but let me put it out there (I tried to call Miss Margie to get permission, but fuck it… better to get everyone who can help on it… in the Army the Golden Rule was “Better to ask for forgiveness…”) Fuck it… damned the fucking torpedoes, full steam ahead, and Kill ’em All, for God will know His Own. A very General Dent Myers POV IMO….
Jes’ Sayin’
Does this look fucking legit to you?

That is an untouched complete screen capture done on my PC using the “Snipping tool”. The metadata being as such in case this whole thing (my poast here)gets requested/subpoenaed :

Said Notary (the aforementioned Ms. Whitmore) is part of the Court… which means there’s a pretty good chance she’s part of what is, to me becoming a legit “local Cabal” of Social Justice Warriors with an Axe to grind to try and destroy Wildmans.
I’m not going to break it down too much but FFS, the date in the upper right corner of “Exhibit D TRO” is the only date on the whole paper. And looking at it? What exactly IS that date?
I can’t fucking tell.
Never mind that the line that states right above where the signatures start (theoretically) “Dated and Signed on This Date:” and then fucking nothing except what looks like a single lil ink line where someone either whited-out the date, or photoshopped out the date, and left a lil ‘marker’ so to speak.
I’d need to see the plaintiffs original copy
Which is what the fucktard Lawyer should be doing dammit.
So, now that that’s out, do me a fave and see if you can find out when the Case is being heard. I called and it was too late in the day. I’ma tryna do it tomorrow, but maybe y’all can ferret out some stuff. I want to nail these fuckers to the wall…
Fucking purely hate Social Justice Keyboard Warriors..
After that WHOLE ‘stalking’ and bullshit I went through?
Yeeeeeeeeah… I plan on doing what I can to help out.
So anyways….
ALL That and IF you’re local and want to support Miss Margorie, we have to actually be there. The court information, from the Clerk of The Court Website is HERE and at the bottom. For those who’re inherently link adverse:
Court and Administrative Divisions
70 Haynes Street
Clerk of Superior Court
Marietta, GA 30090
Main: 770-528-1300
Call ’em and ask where and when Case Number 24GC06200
is being heard so y’all can make an appearance. I may have to ‘break the bank’ to go myself as so far, Miss Margorie’s lawyer, despite her telling me he’s ‘hot shit’, the very fact that I’m finding out basic shit that he should have seen and automatically told the court was an instant disqualifier is a fucking MASSIVE negative.
This’s bullshit.
So… lastly.
Final Correction
The weapon in question that Gretchen had her Full Auto Experience on was an Argentine FMK-3:

Ugly fucker innit?
Either way, she was too damned good with it.
Controlled 3-4 round bursts.
She even naturally ‘counted’ the rounds…
She had 32 in the mag, and after a couple of short, on-target bursts, she said she was going to “…go for broke!” and railed off between 8-10 rounds which emptied the mag.
I wasn’t even that good.
Took me a second to get the trigger control when it was my turn. I mean I’m not a subgun guy per se… My mojo is Belt Fed Light and Mediums… I can do the ‘song and dance’ when needed however. My wife though? She appears to be one of those exceptionally rare people.
A Natural.
I say this, and Borepatch can confirm,. she’s a badass naturally. BP had his new CMP M1 Garand, and offered to meet up with Gretchen and me for some ‘recoil therapy’. He really hadn’t even done much with the weapon but set it for a ‘battlesight zero’ and then, being the Gentleman he is, let Gretchen crank off the first clip.
She was like scarily on target.
Her second en-bloc clip?
She put the rounds through the holes she’d previously put in the paper at 75 yards. Granted, for a seasoned rifleman? Not a biggie. But for a FEMALE Noob? Firing a 30-06?
Oh Holy Hells
ZERO Recoil issues… which surprised the fuck out of me…
30-06 is a beast
She handled it with ladylike aplomb.
The only issue she did have was her manicure kept her from being able to stuff the en-bloc clip of live rounds into the magazine well. Her nails were waaaaay too long to allow her to jam that fucker in properly.
Much hilarity and teasing about that ensued.
And BTW: Her ability with an AR, which I had put down to ‘beginners luck’ I’m now realizing, this’s potentially one lethal bitch with the proper training.
Good News?
Bad News?
I dunno.
Either way, I loves her to death, even before I found out she’s a potential Second Coming Of Annie Oakley.
So… your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Top pistol looks like it might be an S&W #1 1/2 in .32 rimfire. Hard to tell with those spur trigger pistols.
That notary expired in 2019 so it’s before that. The 2’s in the date don’t match. At first glance it looks like 2-26-69 or 65. Dunno.
Since the notary expired in 2019, the year in the date can’t start with a two and doesn’t look like 1, 0, 9, 8, or 7. Seems a bit sketchy that anyone would notarize such a document.
One more thing, from the Georgia website about notary expirations:
“Each commission is for a term of four years and may be renewed prior to the expiration of the notary’s term of office.”
This had to be notarized between 8/23/2015 and 8/23/2019 and notaries have to witness all signatures.
Forgive me if this posts twice but it didn’t seem to go thru the first time.
From their website:
“Each commission is for a term of four years and may be renewed prior to the expiration of the notary’s term of office.”
This had to be notarized between 8/23/2015 and 8/23/2019. Notaries have to witness all signatures.
Damn Son, you make that proto-bolt action look like a “pop-gun. LOL Are we surprised “social justice” losers have infiltrated that area’s justice system? Libs have weaponized the law and twisted it to their respective nefarious ends for decades now. Hate to say but fixing things at the ballot box seems to be a quickly fading dream 🙁 Too many “sheeple” out there looking for the “allmighty gubment” to take care of them and tell them what to do…
That document looks similar to the “will” my dad wrote out 2 weeks before he kicked the bucket that was “notarized” by my brother’s wife (the brother who was to be the main beneficiary of any assets) coincidentally. Stamps in GA are ink stamps rather than impression stamps. No idea when that changed or why, but it’s pretty stupid IMO. Also, regarding court system in GA. I wrote some comments back when you were going through teh stoopid in Tennessee about our experience with the Just Us system. Very small pools of very corrupt judges. Defenders and/or prosecutors related to said judges through blood and/or marriage. Need to look into who is presiding over case and start doing some background research on relationship between lawyer and judge. They will just let the case steamroll over Ms. Margarine while they sit back and collect their fees. If you actually want them to do some work, you’re going to have to put his feet to the fire. Squeaky wheel gets the oil. Stay on them like a bad yeast infection and they will do what you are asking in order to make you go away. They likely don’t even think about that case unless someone mentions it to them. So if someone is bringing it to their attention on a daily basis by phone or in person, that’s when shit will get done. Just my 2 cents.
Hey man, that shell, it could be a REALLY GOOD museum piece, aka a fake. I mean, some of those people are real artists. What if it weighed like 5 lbs…?
Yet another reminder that when money gets involved, families go crazy and add in politics? All hell breaks loose.
My first wife out shot me her first time out, 1911. She listened to my instructions and proceeded to kick my ass. If I put up 4-6″ groups she would be hitting 2-4″ I was so proud of her.
My daughter in grade-middle school beat her brothers and mother, and gave me a run for the money with my wife’s .357 , she was knocking them down.
Water bottles exploding, big smiles, Good times.
That FMK-3 looks a lot like the basic design of the Czech SA-26 et al. Quite the open bolt buzzer in Tokarev “German icepicks.” Insane cycle rate. A smallish rail on the front and a red dot works.
1 5/8″ pipe with a little shaving on the outside.
Just sayin’.