Greetings and Salutations!
Been a rough couple of days. Not so much for me, but the news I got is utterly fucked. Just to give a quick update, my bro Cowboy? For those of you just tuning in, my first real “Florida Fren” that I made many years back owns a Horse Ranch. It’s where we took that awesome picture of Adriana when she was nominally ‘ours’ for that brief, blissful time before things went to shit:

That’s her and the big galoot of a Horse is Chip. Chip at last I heard is at a training facility getting worked up. He’s got a really good bloodline and is probably going to be worth bank later on. In this pic, believe it or not despite his size, he’s a Weanling I believe. I maybe wrong, but I know he was less than a year old. This was his very first interaction with a miniature Hoomon.
It showed too.
It was Addy’s first interaction with a hayburner.
And they hit it off with Addy slap-petting him on the nose, and him alternating from snuffling all over her head and occasionally licking her, and then the two of them ran back and forth along that fenceline, with Addy giggling fit to die. The other horse I believe is Chipper’s momma, who was watching veeeery closely to make sure this smol critter didn’t hurt her baby.
Good Memories there.
Now, onto the fucked uppedness to the extreme.
As a back-brief, Cowboy’s wife died suddenly exactly two months ago on Sunday. It, for the lack of a better term, fucking wrecked him. Gretchen and I worked to help him through it, along with his daughter/son-in-law and his sister who flew in from Hawaii. He was just getting back on track from what I could tell. He finally started attending some grief counselling and group sessions, and this coming Saturday is the “Celebration of Life for her. Mind you, his dog of like 14 years had died about 4? maybe 6 weeks before the wife did, and in my own ghoulish way and sense of humor teased him his life was becoming a country song…
I know… but harsh gallows humor is how I deal Mnn’k? I’ve buried too many people to have it any other way, so I’m sort of ‘cold’ when it comes to folks dying. It’s not that I’m apathetic nor do I lack empathy… it’s more of a “Hey, it is what it is, and at least they don’t have to deal with this shit nor taxes anymore.”
As in some cases they say, maybe I envy the dead…
The Fucked Uppedness To The Extreme.
I got the call yesterday at 11:00am.
He was married previously. Wife #1 and him split for whatever reason. He really never speaks about her. I know he’s got his daughter, and had a son. Yes, foreshadowing there. His son however had issues and wasn’t too involved with Cowboy. Much like Spawn and Myself, except -I’m- the one with issues so to speak.
Seems he got a call early Saturday? Sunday? and was told his boy had died.
Fuck. Me. Running.
I’m not going to go into it too deeply out of respect for Cowboy, but his boy ‘dabbled’ with recreational substances on occasion. And in this case, the shit was tainted, and it cost him his life.
Any wonder why I no longer enjoy better living through recreational chemistry as I once did in my decadent and dissolute yoof? Mind you, doing so (back then) I had a fucking blast. Much like pre-HIV/AIDs people used to fuck like rabid weasels on the regular, and then >BOOM!< Nosofuckinmucho. Same goes for the drugs… In this case? Of course it was fentanyl.
It always is apparently.
My cousin whom I love dearly lost her first born son to it unexpectedly during the Lockdown during the ‘Vid. This was Spawn’s ‘adjacent’ if you will… born around the same time, and when we were living close together after I got out of the Army, we’d have play dates with both of our boys together when they were “Little-Lils.” In his case from what I found out, he was in College, and his roommates were locked down with him . One of them had a minor habit, and since they had nothing but time on their hands, and money to burn, they got bored and started fucking around for entertainment.
The poor kid found out…
My cousin has gone full on hermit-mode because of it I think. Not sure as MY comms with that side of the fam are very limited. Either way, I can not imagine getting any sort of news like that at all.
Fucking Fentanyl.
IMO we should just identify the location(s) of the biggest Cartel(s) and drop a few neutron bombs on them. On both them personally, as well as every. single. identifiable. Cartel. Location. FUCK collateral damage. Ain’t no such thing here as far as I’m concerned. Kill them all. Make them positively glow. Then tell Joe Chink to cut that shit out, or they’re next. Specifically target the leadership and their families. Open season, no bag limit. They might start rethinking their methods after a few get whacked brutally. Maybe, Maybe not, but I’m at this point all about stacking enemies up, both foreign and domestic.
I’ll be here for Cowboy…. that’s what I do
But God Damn man….
Moving on….
So after that, as an entry to the next story from the Krain:

The story is HERE
It’s been verified by multiple sources, to even include multiple Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda Outfits, as even for them, this’s a “bridge too far” so to speak.
I mean wow.
On Top of the Kursk Klown Show, Krainfelds boys are “Deutschland Uber Alles’ing” around Kursk in German Tanks for fucks sakes. What kills me is the utter lack of intelligence on behalf of our Intel/Politicos. This is the first time that Russia has been invaded by a foreign enemy since the “Great Patriotic War” i.e. the Big ‘Un World War 2, the Krauts decided it’d be a good idea to head to Moscow…
“Say fucking what?” is what -I- would have said if -I- was a German General back then… That and “Not a good Plan”
What fucking kills me as a bit of a Military Historian is that a major turning point in that war was in the same exact area namely Kursk. That was when the Soviets laid a World Class Asswhupping on ‘Der Chermans’ in what was the single largest Tank Battle in History.
Again, History rarely rhymes, but it does repeat itself.
My guess is that the majority of these fuckweasels who’re nominally ‘in charge’ have never actually you know… read a real history book. That includes the West Point Assholes Association which from my own understanding is MOAR concerned with diversity and inclusion for the 69th (ABN) Intersectional/Nonbinary Dildo Brigade.
SO the TL;DR is these guys are teasing a befuddled old man. According to Yalensis over at “Awful Avalanche” (link HERE)
The elderly man stops and tries to explain to these Ukrainian soldiers in German SS helmets, that he has been wandering around for five days, lost, and could possibly use some assistance.
Now granted, Yalensis is a PURE Russian Propagandist.
Not going to argue that fact.
However, I source a LOT of intel from a LOT of sources.
In this case, he’s been pretty damned good with a huge amount of behind-the-scenes- stuff and general ‘man in Moscow’ citizen points of view that have given me a far greater understanding of the way the Russians themselves are viewing this SMO/War.
With that understanding that it’s a press release from the Russians themselves, I can still put together a better, more realistic picture than mouthy assholes in the comments who say I’m ‘slobbering on Pootins knob’ or whatever that fuckup said. I mean for fucks sakes… in one breath all these assholes/faggots tell us how they refuse to BELIEVE anything that’s said about OrangeManBad by the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda “…because they lie all the time!!!” and then in the very same breath start spewing whatever recycled Presstitute Krainian Bullshit that they’re talking about when it comes to VodkaManBad and his eventual downfall and how AWESOME! Krainfeld and his (((tribe))) are and how FINAL VICTORY is right around the corner!!!!!
It makes me weary.
Now in a more ‘real life’ point of view, seems the old man is named Alexander Gusarov and he’s become a bit of a cause célèbre in Russia because they (the Russian people) are a LOT like us what with Mass Media “If it Bleeds it Leads” saturation stories. In this case, the poor guy got caught behind the lines in the village of Gogolevka. That’s pretty close to the point of Axis for the Krainian fight in Sudzha.

Long story short: As you can see, his village is juuuust a wee bit past the point of entry for the Krainians. Sudzha, from ALL the sources I have found state that they (the Krainians) have dug in hard there.

Link to the story HERE
Per that story
Sudzha, which is 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the border, is the biggest town to fall to Ukraine’s troops since the incursion began Aug. 6.
AP News August 16, 2024
Now it seems that the Russian people themselves are demanding to know what happened. His daughter hasn’t heard anything in the past 10 day, as the video that the SS-Wannabes was shot/posted on August 6th, almost 10 days ago. He’s not listed in any of the ‘hostage’ lists, nor has he turned up anywhere in any refugee camps or evacuation camps. The current thought is those SS-Wannabes probably shot him out of hand off-camera shortly after they took the video…
Thing of it is, that these days?
These fuckwit Krainians… I swear… Since the beginning of this “SMO” I’ve maintained and STILL maintain that the average Krainian is functionally fucking retarded. This because of my personal interactions with them in Iraq, as well as the very few I met who married some of my coworkers despite my LOUD and HARSH protestations to the contrary…”DO NOT MARRY THAT BROAD!” I said in multiple instances…
Did they Listen?
And, as I expected, most of those females did what I absolutely expected them to do, which was “loot and scoot” my boys, and then moved on to ‘Greener Pastures’ as soon as they could do so. Just as a FYI/Public Service Announcement: If you feel the need to be Frivorced or Divorce-Raped, find yourself a nice exceptionally hawt Krainian Chick… they’re ALLLL over the place, and slobbering at the thought of getting here to the non-shooty Land of the Lean Mean Green Card and Big PX…
There’s plenty of websites that’re ‘selling’ them right now
Cheaper By The Dozen as it were…
However, besides that, just because I think the Krainians as a whole are fucking morons doesn’t mean that the whammenz aren’t relatively cunning and capable.
In this particular instance, it’s the fact that they filmed themselves harassing this poor shmoe. While wearing NAZI regalia no fucking less… Even if they didn’t do a fucking thing WHEN, not if, he turns up dead in a ditch, these fucking guys are going to be ‘on the hook’ for it…
Or maybe better stated that they’ll be “hanging from the gallows” for it as murdering innocent elderly civilians is highly frowned upon by almost everyone worldwide. I mean as even the ‘Corpse Formerly Known as The Joetato’ would say “C’Mon Man!!!” Even if he died of a heart attack/aneurysm or whatever, WHEN they find “Dedushka Alex’s” (Grandpapa Alex’s) corpse in a shallow grave and/or buzzard picked, those dudes are fucking oh-so-fucking dead.
In fact they’ve identified BOTH morons apparently.
Yalensis names one: Vasily Daniliuk.
Can you say “Walking Dead Man?”
I’m pretty sure that they killed the Old Dude. Sounds harsh, but it’s ‘modis operandi’ for those Krainians to do so. I mean they’ve done oh-so many things that initially get blamed on the Russians, and then it becomes a moment like “…oh geez… that wasn’t a Russian War Crime… it was #/ourguys so let’s just bury it, forget about it and moving on… Oh Look, A Squirrel!!!” Much like the highly-questionable “Bucha Massacre”
The more evidence that comes out on that particular shitshow, the worse it looks for the Krainians. You can do your own research on that, but check the International Red Cross investigation, which came up as “inconclusive” as to who was actually responsible. Amnesty International could only come up with 22 bodies attributed to the Russians directly out of over 1000+ civvies that the BBC claimed were killed:
On 16 May 2022, BBC News reported that more than 1,000 civilians were killed in the Bucha region during the month under Russian occupation; most did not die from shrapnel or shelling. More than 650 were shot dead by Russian soldiers
Wikipedia, “Bucha Massacre”
Anyways, sorry for the digression per usual.
The point is this guy and his buddy?
They’re dead fucking meat.
Myself, I go back to my original rant about the Cartels as stated above. “FUCK collateral damage.” I say that the Russians go and find out where exactly Mr. Daniliuk lives. Considering the majority of the Krainian Klown Krew Troops are ALL middle-aged/oldsters, he should be married and/or have a family, be it current close-fam or extended. If I were the HMFIC of this, which stands for Head Motherfucker In Charge, I’d order up a SU-24 to drop a FAB-3000 on his family’s domicile. Preferably when they’re at home.
Even better if they live in a LARGE block of apartments in say Kiev. Blow that fucker into a HUUUUGE and DEEP crater along with ALL the neighbors.
Then drop leaflets explaining exactly WHO they were aiming for and WHY. Then explain the guy responsible is still alive as far as you know, and that HE and HIS ACTIONS were what brought the “Wrath of Russia” to their front door(s). I’d also point out the whole war is a ‘brother war’ and how (((Krainfeld))) and his Kriminal Koterie of Kocaine Korrupted Klowns are the reason the war continues, and that the only way it will end is when he and his ilk are either dead or overthrown
Got me a hunch, judging from my research on ‘groupthink’ that Mr. Vasily Daniliuks life would be exactly worth Zip/Nada/Zero.
In fact, a few more specifically targeted people that would by normal circumstances be considered out of the ‘bullseye’ so to speak would be enough for even the lowest Plebe to consider it’s time for a ‘change they can believe in.’ And for those of you who say “You can’t do that!!!” Tell it to the Izzies who’ve been blasting the families of ALL the Palestinian Leadershit across the board. The guy who they wasted in Tehran? That Bigwig Ismail Haniyeh?
They smoked his entire family to include his infant grandchildren without batting an eye. Link HERE. They even did the airstrike knowing full well that he wasn’t there at the location, and still blew away the guys fam… How fucked is that infobit?
Thing of it is, there’s a difference in ‘religious outlook’ regarding the two groups. The Palestinians take it as a point of Honor and get the “Instant Magic Carpet Ride” to Allah and Paradise if they get offed like that. Whammenz and Kids included.
The Krainians? Orthodox Christian Krainins? Yeah, they get to go to heaven, but they ALSO societally speaking have a BIG “Need to pay back them motherfuckers responsible” thing happening… sort of a “Vendetta Thing” if you will. Not as bad as the Sicilians, but still… Granted they’re already balls-deep in a fight with Russia, BUT if their immediate fam gets turned into ground beef in a building collapse like oh-so-many Palestinian kids have as of late… and they can find an easier and more available target like Krainfeld or the previously mentioned Mr. Daniliuk? Yeah… you do the maff on that one aight?
And as far as wasting the Grandchildren of the Palestinian Leader? Like wow…. just wow… how far have we fallen?
Mind you… This was done with the Untied Statz Junta’s Nominal Approval. And we’re supposed to be the “Good Guys”? Not that means -anything- at all anymore as we’re ‘just another Turd World Dicktastershit’ at this point. The only difference between the US and say, Venezuela is THEY have a LOT more oil than we do (as far as I know). And yeah, the pedants here will argue with me just ‘because’ but I’m just proving a point ya dig? Point is, it’s all in Points Of View, and actualities.
Yeah… smoke the guys fam and let the rubble bounce.
At this point personally?
I got NO DAWG in any of these ‘hunt(s)’ so to speak.
As I like to say, I report, you decide.
SO your thoughts in the comments?
Everyone but that cockfag the self-proclaimed “Generalissamo”…. you’ve earned the perma-ban hammer. So suck it and go play on someone else’s blog fucktard. You will not be missed.
More later
Big Country

Krainians were Waffen-SS volunteers, the SS army that got the best equipment due to party connections AKA Himmler.
They outsourced ethnic cleansing to the volunteers and they were more brutal than the Germans who only used machine guns.
Word of 120,000 Uke troops on Belarus borders, probably Poles, mercs, press gang.
There will never be another battle like Kursk ’43 and there were no more offensives by the Germans after that on the Eastern Front except for Hungary by the SS in early 1945 and that was more Battle of the Bulge leftovers pulling out.
Generalissimo? Sarge is the best, the meat and potatoes of any Army.
Kursk ’43 is logged as a Soviet victory, due to space regained, but at a cost of loss ratio between 3:1 and 5:1.
These loss ratios experienced by Soviet forces are frankly typical against Germany and indicative of several factors, mostly 1) Wehrmacht skill, training and leadership (often imitated, never duplicated), and 2) Stalin’s prewar purges of high ranking (experienced, knowlegeable) military. This led to endless, relentless human wave attacks being the priciple “tactic” employed by Soviet generals. Especially, read about Smolensk, the USSR’s withering defense of the road to Moscow. Staggering losses.
Russia never fully recovered demographically / economically from the loss of so many of its young men. This is why Putin is as cautious as he is. The Russian people remember. It is why Medvedev is frequently trotted out as the designated “Nuclear Threatener”. They cannot tolerate large losses of infantry.
The purpose of this endless meat grinder is to depopulate a white nation, and try to overthrow another one.
No more brother wars.
No more Brother wars
Amen my Brothers…
Amen. Never again.
Quite a coup having White brothers killing each other and depopulating two countries chock full of natural resources at the same time. Those Kazarians now in Israel may need some place to go soon. The bankers are slobbering over those resources as well. The UK is done… its over, and Europe is close behind followed by all the other Commonwealth countries and their White populations. The US may be the last, but its coming here on a fast train.
War is bidirectional. People tend to forget that. Otherwise, its just Evolution In Action whether you like it or not.
I’m with Berglander—No More brother wars!
I think the best term I’ve heard used for Ukrainian women came from Vox Day when he called them ‘apex predators’
I feel for Cowboy. These miseries tend to come in waves. He surely is being tested like Job.
Had a fraction of that happen to me last summer, when the wife scrammed, and then had to put my dog down two weeks later. Far as I’m concerned, putting the dog down was worse than the old lady leaving. All I could do at the time was laugh and joke ‘lost the wife, the dog died, if I had a truck to repossess, I’d be a walking talking country song.’
Good things tend to happen in waves too. It’ll happen for him. I had great wingmen that were there for me. He does too.
New a guy who got himself a Ukranian bride in the mail back a few years, within 6 months she was pregnant with his kid and nearly bankrupting himself to build her the dream house she felt she deserved. Within 6 months of the kid being born his health took a nose dive with a mysterious illness the docs never did figure out. I kept telling him it sounded like heavy metal poisoning but the docs never tested him for that. He died last boxing day and the wife didn’t even hold a funeral for him as it cost too much, turns out she had a shit ton of insurance on him, she’s set for life now.
Those Ukrainian idiots may have thought it was funny and “cool” to wear WWII German helmets but this shit triggers something deep within all Russians.
EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE in Russia (including Putin) lost family members in WWII to the Nazis. For those who live in the Deep South, to this very day southern families talk about what happened in the Civil War and the people they lost and there is a deep bitterness even after all of these years.
Now imagine in 1900 showing up in areas of the Deep South that lost many of their men during the Civil War in Union uniforms and treating the people like shit.
Yeah, it’s like that but worse.
Because this is a brother war that Putin was forced into, he’s tried very hard to not “drop the hammer” on the Ukrainians and that they’d come to their senses and they could work a deal.
NOW, no fucking way — besides this and the whole attacking Russia, as soon as this little incursion is crushed you are going to see a MASSIVE attack in the next few months heading for Kiev.
Oh and don’t think Vlad and the boys don’t know WHO is behind this shit (cough little hats cough). After the dust settles I guarantee those weasels won’t be allowed to come into Ukraine and buy everything cheap and take over. Besides geopolitics ever wonder why Russia is so strongly backing Iran and Syria against the Israelis ? It’s almost like they know who their real enemies are …
Putin’s brother Viktor died of starvation and dysentery as an infant during the siege of Leningrad. He’s not.going to take a bunch of Ukrainians LARPimg as !members of the Warren SS and killing elderly people lightly.
In 1900 it was US in the Yankee Uniforms. We just got back from going up San Juan Hill with Joe Wheeler and TR. The Spanish American War was the one that got us foolishly fighting for Yankee Banks for the next 120 years.
Globalist bagelbois Rothschild bankster owned yankee in name only banks.
There, fixed it for you.
Northgunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Holy Shit Man haven’t seen you in a coons age how have you been…
Sorry for Cowboy. Life is just so damned hard sometimes.
As for the Ukrainians-all I know is the treatment these imbeciles deal out. We get a ton at the BigBox-their job is usually shopping for Instacart. The women are stupid and mean, and the men aren’t much better. The Russians on the other hand are usually polite, patient, and smile. Putin is a patient man. This is a brother to brother war engineered by JVictoria and her ilk. Israel needs to stand on their own 2 feet and leave the rest of us alone. The only Ukrainians I “know” are FB people involved with cockers. They raise beautiful, well taken care of dogs and never say much about the war. All of the cocker spaniel people know each other in the region (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.). If possible, they attend each other’s shows and training classes. So I view this war as engineered by and for the small hats. I saw the video of the old man-it was cruel, callous, and disgusting. He was so confused about where he was and what was going on. It reminds me of Antifa Bastards-cruel for cruelty’s sake.
Sorry to hear that. I know my country and haven’t ever heard a song that sad before. They say bad things come in groups of 3’s. That’s about as rough as it gets.
William & Wanda, by Cody Jinks
Fentanyl is the devil. My nephew was hooked on that. My sister had to Narcan his ass twice. But he’s been clean for three years now and has a good job.
It Is the times we live in. Had to give both of my kids 20&23 A talk a few years ago. I see nothing wrong with marijuana, but you can’t even experiment with that anymore and know what you’re getting. The first time could be the last time. And that shit is easy as hell to get. Unlike the pain medicine I needed from my shoulder surgery last month. Jesus, I had to send my wife around like a drug mule to friends and family that had recently had surgery.
I haven’t had to take Prescribed pain medicine since probably the mid 90s. I had no idea it was that hard to get from a pharmacy with a prescription..
“How far have we fallen?”
Look up Tokyo, Dresden, Cologne, many others. We’ve done it before. Ask Curtis LeMay, he knew. If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting. We’ve forgotten how to be merciless bastards, and it’s cost us.
You obviously need to be recipient of your own medicine.
That’s exactly why the entire planet hates us so much, Mass Murder Inc. is like a game for Americans, never having to suffer the consequences of playing world bully.
It’s astonishing how people think that murdering a ton of civilians is some kind of win.
Some of these assclowns don'[t realize we are expendable, our owners are just hoping for a strike on Atlanta or Chicongo so they can kick off the real depopulation games.
There will be no winners.
Glad we live where we do Brother…I feel for those who live east of the Mississippi because they are going to be in the shit right away with no way out…
Wonderful pic of your gran and the horse, remind me of just how awesome being a grand parent truly is! I cherish the grandpa roll more than any other.
And I’m sorry for your loss. I to lost a brother four weeks ago. Fella Named Donny Clarke out in Carson City NV. W were Army Brothers. I rarely mention my Army connection, but was an 12B Combat Engineer in th reserves for a decade. I never much cared or the outfit, Donny Was the team daddy.
We remain close for years. He retired as an E8. We’re back in Reno this coming week for more VA stuff. Will be taking Donny’s wife to Dinner, she’s a German he married over there, cool as they come. My wife and me shall remain in close contact with her.
Donny is who got me into Law Enforcement back in the 80s. I still don’t know whether to kiss him or punch him in the nose for that poor choice on my part.
Lineman, thinking we’re headed your way mid October if your going to be around, like to take your crew to Dinner.
I’ve lost the number over the years, you know how to find me. Let Carole and me know what you/ you’res are doing around that time. Thinking this time we’re AirBNing VS towing a 40 footer.
Yea should be around mid October might put you to work though cutting and splitting my ten cords of wood for the winter😉
A certain bunch don’t mind killing all Northern European Heritage males, as long as they can have all the females.
Apparently, that seems to be a semite trait.
The mohamadans are selective that way, too.
I think they were hoping for a quick win in the Ukraine.
Then changing the Black Sea to the Schwartz Sea, their new mansions and estates right on the beach.
Show of hands:
* How many automatically distrust anything to do with the government agents and their OurOnlyFriendInTheMiddleEast® PuppetMasters.