Greetings and Salutations Y’all!
Well I finally got that particular odious chore over with. Got 90% of the food repacked, restacked and inventoried. There’s a few more hard cases I have to bust out and count the ‘stuff’ inside, but that’ll be a later date thing. THIS mission to corral up all the #10 cans and get them inventoried and organized was the BIG issue this weekend.
Those hard cases are literally some of the ones I scrounged back in Afghanistan. Medical Supply Trunks is what they’re called. They’re made by Pelican:

I got two of them in a dope deal. They’re pretty much bomb proof. The only cash I had to pay was the flat-rate $20 at the Post Office to mail them home. The wheels on them make them soooooo easy to tote the ‘stuff’ around in too. Right now I have about 80-90 Mountain House Pouches of various flavors and MREs stuffed in them, to include Russian and Krainian Rations. I’m debating on swapping out the rats to the new Storage Bins, as those Med Trunks have wheels. The problem is what would I put in there instead?
Ammunition is out as that’s just too damned heavy. If it was loaded with just Boolits and mags, I don’t think even Sapper and Myself could lift it fully packed. They’re too small for weapons cases, and either way I got some “FauxTemu-Pelican” cases for the Long Guns if need be. By the way, as an FYI some of them are actually worth the $$$. Check them out if you’re looking for a deal. To be honest, I’ll probably leave them as they are, as they’re “ready food” i.e. just add water and we’re good to go.
Three of the Storage Bins we put together today are actually more “Meal Prep Bins”. One of you asked about the ‘types’ and/or brand I prefer. We have several different brands. MOST of them are pretty well known:
Mountain House The Original. I got a LOT of their stuff.
Peak Refuel (Sapper’s Go-To) VERY Pricey. VERY Frou-Frou.
As I mentioned in the comments, Venison and Bison are on the menu… it’s almost as bad as the French…
Auguson Farms (for “ingredient stuff”) More on that in a minute)
Provident Pantry a good place to get deals on “kits”. In my case I got “baking kits” with like 4 cans of white flour, baking powder, butter powder, a can of sugar and the like for less than if I bought them separately.
Nutristore for Meats as the prices are a wee bit better than others, BUT the portions are correspondingly smaller.
Freeze Dry Wholesalers Their website is HERE. No payout for me if you go there, but they have some NICE meat that I have tried and can vouch for. Just be aware that the Uncooked Sirloin Steaks are really thin and when rehydrated they cook like a minute-steak. Like >WHAM!< and they’re done. What I love about them though is they have FD Seafood… The Shrimp are good. Gretchen’s Cheesecake. I don’t have a LOT from there, mostly stuff to keep the wife off my ass and fed.
MREs I get from everywhere. I have Brit Rats, South Korean Mini-Bibimbap Rats (Great as they’re compact AF) Danish 24hr Rats, French RCIM 24hr Rats (Frou-Frou AF as well… who in the fuck has Duck Pate in a field rat??? The fucking Frogs, that’s who) Canadian Rats, and the aforementioned Russian and Krainian Rats. There’s probably one or two countries I missed, but you get the idea. I also of course have US rations. I even scored some T-Rats. The “Breakfast Cake w/Syrup” ones. I picked those up back I think in June? when they were on sale. $40 for the case at $10 a tray. The expiration date is May of 2027 (3 years) so why not? Each one is 18 Portions and as I recall, it was a damned good cake for what it was/is… Plus it has the syrup (FakeMaple) packet so yeah. I figure in a ‘Everything has gone to Hell’ at least we got cake to eat. The ONLY rations I won’t get even though they’re cheap as fuck are those fucking nasty “Humanitarian Rations”

30 bux for I -think- there’s 10 of them in there?
Each one is theoretically one days worth of chow. VERY Calorie dense… like 2200 per pouch.
The supposed ‘variety of meals’ is a choice of lentil stew, lentil stew, or lentil stew. Supposedly there are two other menus, beans w/ tomato sauce or a pasta w/ tomato sauce, but I’ve never heard of anyone finding those. They also have like a generic pop-tart in there, as well as two MRE “vegetarian” Cracker packs, w/Peanut Butter and a Jelly pack. There’s also a set of some form of cookie too. They’re Vegan/Halal/One-Size-Fits-All generic MRE. IMO, they’re Shytte and the fact that these are what we are air-dropping into Gaza is part and parcel of why they hate us I’m guessing.
To continue on the “ingredient stuff” I made up three boxes with pretty much the same ‘stuff’ in each Bin. Specifically Pizza Makings. When you get right down to it, Pizza is a pretty damned useful and easy to make survival food. It’s got a couple of thing going for it:
1) It’s a ‘comfort food’. In a disaster, it’s something that can put a smile on a kids face, and that in itself is worth having the ability to make it.
2) It’s simple. You only need the absolute minimum to make it IF you’re “properly Prepping” i.e. having a good balance of foodstuffs.
3) Relatively healthy if you make it from scratch. Vitamins, Carbs, Dairy, Vegetables and Proteins with the meats. Can’t really argue it.
4) It feeds a couple of people. Depending on how you slice it, an 18 inch pie can go quite a ways.
5) You can (as I have) bake it in a Solar Oven. And no, you don’t need to spend big $$$ on that. I made mine with some 1 inch thick Silver wrapped insulation board, some flat black spray paint, and a piece of glass. I took the insulation board and made a box out of it. Hot Glue and Nails, with a wooden bottom. I made sure that the box had an angle on it so I could maximize the sun hitting the interior, and added foil-wrapped ‘wings’ around the four sides of it. Then I sprayed the interior AND exterior (but not the foil parts) with the flat black paint. When I put the pizza inside, and covered it with the glass? Hoo boy did that sucker cook/bake up. According to my thermometer, it got to about 300 degrees in there.
So for having the ingredients on-hand? Part of that “baking kit” I got… In this case: flour, sugar, a pinch of salt, yeast and water. I think it was Some folks like to toss in some Olive Oil. We have plenty of that around so, yeah. The dough fixins are easy to have on hand. The tomato sauce is made from the BIG #10 can of tomato powder, and I got a case of FD Mozzarella Cheese in #10 cans. I split all of that up through 3 Bins. Then I added FD Sausage Crumbles, Ground Beef, and FD Bell Peppers and Onions. No pepperoni however… not sure if that can even be FD’d or if a dried stick will last that long? (i.e. years of longevity?) Thoughts in the comments?

So yeah. Pizza for the Apocalypse.
Can’t beat that with a stick.
There were some revelations from all of this though. One is I need a shitload MOAR of can openers. Like one per Bin. At least. I have a pile of P-38 can openers, but truthfully, they suck. Especially if you need to open a #10 can. They’re handy if you got like a ‘normal’ size can, but for bigger jobs? Notsomucho. And then I also need to get a Sawyer mini-water Filter for each bin as well. It would purely suck to have all this goodness and NOT have the means to utilize it Aye?
So that’s what -I- spent my weekend doing.
Now it’s back to the Tractor Factory in the Oh-Dark Early.
So More Later
Big Country

We use my old silver colored GI pocket knife for opening cans. We have a couple of manual can openers as well but almost always use my old knife. They go for cheaper than a Victorinox. Goodwill often has old hand openers available also.
Chicago knife works sells the pocket knife for under 6 bucks.
RE: Can Openers – Sportsmans Guide used to have P-38s and P-51s in packs of 100, don’t know if they still carry them. I tape 2 of each inside each box that has *or could ever have* anything canned in it, and if it’s #10 (1 gallon) cans, a 51 or 38 is taped to the top of each can. Yes, that’s 3 of each per 6-can case, but I bought a couple hundred of each years ago. Wouldn’t want to try opening a spam can of 5.56 or 7.62X54 with one, but for food they work and knowing every box has at least a couple openers is comforting.
I still carry a Swiss Army knife daily and have one in each major kit, but
Some years back a local T-shirt shop had a sales gimmick of being able to can a tightly rolled up T-shirt; to do that they had a supply of 1-quart cans and a hand crank machine to turn the lid edge. I screwed the pooch by not buying that tool when they went out of business because: 1) those machines are way expensive and; 2) putting some kinds of stuff (ammo, first aid, map/compass, etc.) in an airtight steel can could be very, very handy, especially if they’re purged with N2 and an oxy absorber is added before sealing the lid.
I have always used manual can openers and last “Prime Days” I bought a heavy duty back-up can opener. With lotsa canned goods it would be embarrassing if the SHTF and I couldn’t get my food open.
Art, you need some P38’s or P52’s as backup. The last opener I bought shit the bed like all the previous ones, cheap Chinese crap, so it’s a P52 full time now.
Isn’t it the P51 can opener?
No idea who came up with those names.
I got a couple of the big British ones on a MedCruise in ’75, the Royal Marines traded us their 24 hr ration packs for our MCI’s (C-rats). Those were amazing, even had a toothpaste tube of thick sweet condensed milk for the tea/coffee packets. Some of the meat cans sucked, like Kidney Pie and Mock Turtle Soup. And with it came these cool big can openers (P-51).
5yrs later I open one of the last cases of MCI’s before the MRE’s came out, and inside were these big can openers, Made in Canada on them.
Here’s an interesting paper on the P-38; many yrs ago I found one of those first models without the hinge in an ammo pouch, never knew what army used it;
Sorry you don’t get any payback from Freeze Dry Wholesalers – I first heard of them here (a few years ago when you did a post about cooking the sirloin steaks) and have ordered a fair amount from them since then (and have always given your website credit, fwiw). Prices have gone up significantly, like everything else, unfortunately (although there is one other website that always has a 15% off code). But they are the only place that sells both cooked and raw freeze-dried protein, that I’m aware of.
Best of luck moving all that stuff in an emergency – we did it last year in a planned-ahead permanent move but the cost and time and hassle of packing and moving of lots of supplies is not something we plan to do again in this lifetime. Still haven’t unpacked/organized it all (mainly due to lack of space).
I had no idea you posted about freeze dried foods when I put my post up this morning. oops. I’m not a fan. Hope you are doing well!
Good intel, as always, Big Country. Lurk here everyday but comment very little. Bunch of us are like that. You have more followers and admirers than you probably realize, tho many of us may be hanging out because we love the Hair Diva…and The Sausage Princess…those precious little grand girls…and now…The Chili Pupper. When I grow up I want to be just like Sapper. 😀
I notice you didn’t mention My Patriot Supply for victuals. Can’t remember if it was you, Arthur, WRSA, or somebody else that had a linky for them a coupla three (3)/4 years back when I started getting very serious about “stocking up”. At that time Mountain House and Auguson Farms had very limited inventory to ship and I wanted “instant gratification”. The price seems to be reasonable and I got the delivery here in Mid-GA in two (2) days. Full disclosure…I haven’t tried any of the selections yet because it is earmarked for when “The Fall” comes, but the reviews and other testimony I got were very good. Hell I survived on C-Rats back yonder so ’bout anything beats ham and muthers.
Good score on the bins, I’d of played load ’em up Larry on that deal meownself. More for the storage aspect than the bug out. Too old to bug out, I’ll just try to defend what I have right here. And if the fecal matter REALLY hits the air handling unit would I be able to bug out? And where to go? Will the prime mover even crank after an EMP strike? My little burg only has about 2K people, total, and the Little Big Town Metro areas are 25-30 miles away. I do have have some “tribe” members for backup (coming here) but will they be able to make it in time? I do wish I could get my daughter and The Grands out of your AO, they’re just east of Riverview and daughter works all over Hillsborough County. I know that you’re kinda stuck there, what with the ‘rents-in-law, but if I were you, I’d snatch the red headed nooclear reactor, the ‘rents, the furbabies, Sapper, and beat feet up to where Miss Daisy is and fort up near there. Jus’ sayin’. From March of ’06 til March of ’18 I drove to Tampa AO at least 6 times a year, each year the feralness seemed to get worse. I have to fly into TIA now-a-days once or twice a year and each time I wonder what I’d do if the SHTF between TIA and points east. Wouldn’t even have a pocket knife since I only have a carry on bag. Deo Vindice
Thanks for what you do, Good Sir, and mention me to The Hair Diva.
When I was working as a travel nurse and having to fly into town the first place I would hit is a goodwill and pick up a kitchen knife so I wasn’t totally disarmed.
Be careful with the tomato, milk and egg products. The only #10 cans I’ve ever had spoil for me were powdered tomato, powdered egg and powdered milk.
What? No oatmeal? I have a feeling that when The Purge starts, we will all have queasy stomachs. It’s amazing what warm oats, sugar, and milk will settle. Dogs can also eat cooked oatmeal and they seem to like it. How do you save coffee? I use an Nespresso-so I am spoiled to start with. I do have a French Press for emergencies, but not a fan. I think packing a water filter and can opener per trunk is brilliant. Things will not be neat and organized during the troubles. Put up a bag for the littles with stuff for them to do. Books of all kinds is my go to; puzzles, games, and cards will help everyone out. Besides putting away FD, I wonder if folks are cooking with them in the good times? It IS a different ball game. You don’t just plop FD on the grill, veggies in soup take longer, and things require more preparation and thought. It gets easier when you have done it beforehand.
I still have my P38’s but added P 52’s and use them on the regular as they are a little longer and easier on the nubby beat up hands from a life time of use
On the subject of can openers. Claw style, or Victorinox style?
I fuckin LOVE it when you don’t post my shit. That means I fuckin OWN you, chickenshit. Or should I say that you wont post me when I use ‘Generalissimo’ in my name. Not that I am not posting replies under other names and IPs.
Now I’ll let you go back to see how far you can stick your tongue up Pootin’s ass… or is it time for another medical emergency aka begging GoFuckMe, huh FUND.
What did you poast faggot? Never saw anything from you asswipe.
I usually call out keyboard warrior queers like you AFTER I let you poast, then ban your sorry asses.
Got a hunch you’re too stupid to know -how- to poast, so into the Retard Chamber with you.
Buh Bye
Speaking of Chikinshytte, you using a VPN AND not having the balls to use your real Email Addy?
I laugh at your cowardice.
Can Openers:
Try this one and you’ll never go back to the P38.
Dollar General has the best $5 “Crank Style” can opener money can buy.
This is the highest rated hand can opener on amazon and I can attest it is very good and has held up well to almost continuous use over the past 2 years.
I was watching a video on the ‘tube by a guy in the Philippines who tests out different foods. I noticed the Augason Foods cans seemed to be pretty heavy gauge by the troubles he was having getting them open, even with one of those table-mounted industrial can openers. Something to think about – a P38 or P51 might give you some sore fingers. I haven’t met a can yet that has been able to withstand my Swiss Army Knife can opener.
Older guy here. I can’t believe that you don’t carry a P51 around your neck like you did when you were in. One of the best pieces of gear ever devised.
Lucky dawg. I never saw a P51 til long after I got out (74-78).
Still have my first P38, worn to death, linked on my first grenade pin.
After I got a few British P-51’s in ’75, I never used another P-38. Still have 1 on my dog tag chain and another on my key chain.
Last year, digging around the shop I came across a brand new in the brown paper wrapper P-38 that I must have brought home during my first hitch (72-76). Now it sits on the shelf, 50 yrs old and still unopened.
Friend of mine passed away last yr, career marine, he had a box of C-rats on his shelf, still unopened cans, asked his widow if I could have it, box was gone. She probably pitched it, a can leaked.
Maaaan… The C-Rat? That right there is a thing of sadness. Got me a couple or four of the P-38s, and I -think- a P-51 in my “GTFO Bag” but for the bins, I’m looking at the Dollar/Tree/Store for full sized… like one per box.
These are your 40 gal tubs.
Open a can without a can-opener!
LM, how can that possibly be!
* go to a flat rock or sidewalk
* invert your can of salmon or tuna or toe-foo
* rub the seam in a figure ‘Eight’, lightly milling the seam.
In a few seconds, fluids will be leaking, so you can usually lift the lid for access to the innerds.