Greetings and Salutations!
Love that movie BTW. One of Christian Slater’s best roles IMO. Anyways. Tonight is a wee bit of a trip down memory lane. I stopped into my local “Rebel” ne’ Exxon Gas Station which has renamed/rebranded the little convenience stores connected to them as “Rebel” stores.
The guy behind the counter, Al and I chat occasionally while I do my ‘reload-run’ on my beer for the night. The prices there for the beer (for now that is) are actually cheaper than the Publix which is in the same complex/shopping mall? arena?
It’s $18.99 for an 18 pack of Miller Lite. And yeah yeah, nasty cheap beer. Don’t make too much fun of me for it… Unfortunately for me, I got Diverticulitis, which is when pouches in my intestines get inflamed from having certain foods. For me, one of the things that causes issues is good beer. Like as in anything heavy and dark. I can’t ‘do’ the Guinness nor -any- German beers anymore at all. Other ‘things’ are out of bounds like peanuts, and other such items. Pretty much anything that’s hi-fiber according to my Doc at the VA. A wee bit of a bummer there Aye?
So anyway, Al last night was doing a price increase again on the majority of food items that are in such a facility. Candy, chips, and the like. He was pissed off as not three weeks ago I was in there, and the company had him go around and do the initial price increase(s) on items. This is done by them sending him a worksheet and a bunch of the stickers that need to go on to the shelves with the respective items… we’re all familiar with them…

Al gets pissed as they’ve now done it twice in the past month. It’s time consuming as well, as he has to match up all the right stickers with the right product. I’ve done it in days gone by when I worked 7-11 when I was between jobs. It’s a pure pain in the ass.
Now… the noticing:
The last time they did a price increase, one of the items I saw that made me double-take was the beef jerky and Slim Jim display on the ‘end cap’ of the aisle:

That’s a stock photo as there’s no prices as you can see. The sides of that end cap are where the bags of Beef Jerky are located. BEFORE the initial price increase, a 12oz Bag of “Old Trapper” jerky was running $9.99.

After the three week ago increase, it’d gone up to $14.99 for the same 12oz bag. That’s like a 30% increase. I swear I should have ‘invested’ so to speak when it was $10 a bag… I joke, I joke…

Last night, Al was not only doing a repricing, but he was also doing a restocking of the same “Old Trapper” stuff. He was taking ALL the 12oz bags off, and putting up, per HQs instructions, the now-10oz bags. Then he put up the new stickers which made me go from a double take the last time to damned near a spit take on this one…
Try $19.99 a bag!!!
That’s damned near over a 50% increase… actually MOAR if you figure in they took OUT 2oz of product… I leave it to you maff geeks to ackchully figure it out…
Needless to say, that’s utterly insane even by convenience store prices. The Slim Jims? The itty-bitty 4-5 inch ones I used to get for Stella-the-Sausage Princess when she’d accompany me on these trips? Used to be $.50 cents a throw… two for a buck…
NOW!?! Like $1.25 each.
Oh we are so fucked.
The candy bars too… I remember a time man…

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day…..< queue flashback >
1979-1981? Somewhere in that Zone. I was between 10 and 12 years old. Hell, it could have been ALL during that timeframe as the mission of which I’m going to speak of happened multiple times over that era. Back then, DeadDad would be hanging out with various students, accomplices and Army buddies from those good old days. I have quite a few fond memories of those times, and in particular these Missions stand out. Anyways…
DeadDad would invariably run out of smokes/beer and/or bourbon/whiskey as he was wont to do. By that time, he and his cronies would have already been “three sheets to the wind” so to speak which was also known as ‘hammered/pie-eyed’. Not falling down fucked up, but moreso “not a good idea to get behind the wheel as the Fuzz would definitely bust his ass” sort of thing. MomUnit’s attitude at that point was “You’re on your own!” and at that point, the Mission, if I chose to accept it, fell to me, and my bicycle and backpack.
DeadDad would then call down to the local “Golden Hen” which was not a “White Hen” convenience store… This was a blatant local ripoff that surprisingly had a State Liquor License for small liquor so to speak. As an aside: New Hampshire had some really strange leftover ‘Blue Laws’ from back in the day… a liquor license for ‘small liquor’ meant you could sell beer and literally bottles of booze under a half liter in size. That meant primarily Nips/Airplane sized bottles up to a pint size bottle only, as well as beers. Bigger bottles had to come from the State Owned Monopoly Liquor Stores.
To continue. DeadDad knew the guy who worked the counter there. So what he’d do is call ahead and place a phone order if you will… I remember it exactly… 1 pack of Pall Mall Red Unfiltered Soft Pack smokes, 1 pack Lucky Strike Unfiltered Soft Pack, a six pack of whatever flavor of Beer he was hitting that night (which varied) and then a Pint of Bourbon… usually ‘Ancient Age’, which was his 80 proof flavor-of-choice.
He’d tell the guy “I’m sending down my boy to pick it up OK?” to which the guy on the other end was like “OK, cool!”. DeadDad would then give me a $20 bill, with the understanding that the $4 to $5 in change +/- was mine to buy candy/soda/sugary crap as I wanted/needed as payment for this earliest version of “Uber Eats/DoorDash” of the time… the only caveat was I had to split the payout with FedBro in that I had to buy him some stuff as well and bring it home to him… he was/is 4 years younger than me, and at that time, the ride on a bike was on US Route One, which was a mite dangerous for a 6-8 year old kid.
Mind you, these days?
FedBro and I would be removed from the home by CPS for a stunt like this, the Golden Egg shut down and its licenses to operate suspended, and the clerk either fined to the maxx, or more likely, fucking jailed for contributing to the delinquency of minor(s)…
Jail time for everyone!!!!
But the issue here is a failure of purchasing power and dollar weakness. Back then, that $4-$5 bux I had left over? I got a huge pile of candy bars back then with it. A standard-sized Hershey Bar cost $.25 cents a throw. A can of Coke? $.25 cents as well. These days, the same order would be OVER $50 easily.
Needless to say, the current price at the “Rebel” store? It’s $3.49 for a single standard Hershey bar.
I told Gretchen and Sapper that ANY and ALL future ‘sugar fixes’ we need are going to be done through the ‘Zon, in bulk. There is no way in Hell that I’m paying that much for a sugar-fix.
And when you tie in the latest from Cumswalla?

I said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Oh we are so fucked.
To read up on what it means, outside of just how fucked we are if and when this Sperm-Burping Sidechick gets installed in the “Drivers Seat” of National Policy, check out this tweet:
Per the continuation of the thread who don’t have twatter:
“Harris will propose, what her campaign bills as “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries—setting clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.”
Next Tweet:
“The campaign singles out the “highly consolidated” meat-packing industry, noting how just four meat processors control the market and arguing “the lack of competition gives these middlemen the power to drive down earnings for farmers while driving up prices for consumers.”
Next Tweet:
“Notably this new move by Harris comes after Biden tried cracking down on consolidation in the meat processing industry in 2022 and then provided, per USDA, over $700 million in grants to independent meat and poultry packers.”Philip Melanchthon Wegmann on August 14, 2024
Now… does this sound historically familiar?
I know it does to me.
The Soviet Union was famous for their state-directed price controls… in the end it was a major reason that they went bankrupt. There were a LOT of ‘other reasons’ that the Soviet Union collapsed, but the two-tier availability of goods, i.e. the “Elites/Party Members” who could shop at ‘the good stores’, who were eating good steaks whereas the Proletariat were stuck with extremely limited availability and or shitty cuts of “meat” IF even available at ALL! Add in the broadening of awareness of the average Comrade to these factors, and it helped significantly, thus hastening the eventual collapse.
But BEFORE it did? They had mile-long lines for food, shops with nothing on the shelves, meat coupons, shortages, and food black markets cropping up.
What isn’t being said is that THAT was the Soviet Union.
With an essentially unarmed civilian population.
And damned near ZERO “Diversity”
Now, just imagine how this’s going to play out. I know that they sure as fuck haven’t. It is, to me readily apparent that whomever is running this fucking idea has no fucking clue how quickly shit will go sideways.
It’s called ‘blowback’.
Whomever thought this is a good idea don’t understand that Tyrone, Dur’asell and Shaniquiasorus are not going to sit idly by while this goes on. Not if they gots dem Glocks they ain’t….
In fact as of late, watching the general ‘vibe’ on Twitter/X, the Nogs are rapidly becoming aware that they as a racial group have been sold out in favor of the new pile of Burrito Goblins, AKA “Fresh DemoncRat Voaters”. That pic that was out there a couple of days ago that showed the receipt of an illegal who had… what was it? $13k in available EBT and almost what? $5k in EBT Cash available??? The tweet is here and according to the various sources out there, it’s legit!!!
The blaqs are not amused.
Those are their Gibs dammit!!!!
Now, let’s throw shortages, rationing and a general fucked up situation, and we’re ripe for watching some serious shit coming down, even BEFORE November and the already-highly questionable (s)election. The next part that I’m waiting on is the DemoncRatic Convention in Chicongo which runs from Mon, Aug 19, 2024 – Thu, Aug 22, 2024.
The word is ten thousand pissed off Palestinian supporters are planning on descending and/or rioting there about the “current thing” like all good NPCs would. I for sure know there would have been a riot IF they’d actually put (((Shapiro))) on the ticket, and that because of his membership to the Tribe is exactly why he wasn’t put on there, despite being a better candidate that Tampon-Timmy, The Stolen Valor Scumbag. The state of ‘MichiMogadishu’ and that HUGE Muj population there has them worried, so “No Jew for You” was what they went with…
I also want to see if there’s any dissent on the coup that was pulled against Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den. I know that The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots is pissed off, and the His HIGHness the First and Only (remaining) Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster is running scared as there’s a LOT of leaks coming out about future indictments with his name on them… I wonder if THEY are going to call “shenanigans!” on that shytteshow?
Lots of folks out there are wondering if our favorite Villain, Felonia Von Pantsuit, AKA “Killary” or “The Arkancide Queen” is going to try and upset the Apple Cart and steal the nomination. She just might try, as she’s still herself, and it’s always been about her, her and her.
Interesting times to say the least.
So, your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

The “elite” aholes have said that they don’t want us eating meat so they are jacking prices way up.
Did you all see the article the other day about cancers WAAAY up in younger people ?
Their reason — eating junk food and meat — I call bullshit, can you say clotshot ?
Also in “strange coincidences”, remember that Brazilian airliner that crashed last week ?
Whadya know, a bunch of cancer doctors were on their way to a conference to discuss the massive rise in cancers and why ? Just a coincidence … nothing to see here … back to Taylor Swift news.
They claimed fat was bad for us. It was a lie. They claimed salt was bad for us, truth is too much salt is bad for blacks. They claim cholesterol is bad for us, what is your brain made out of? They claim statins help prevent heart attacks, big lie. They said Ivermectin didn’t work, also a lie. Don’t even get me started on the death shots.
At this point I believe NOTHING that the gov tells us.
Riots start next week. The question is only will it peter out or are we in it now till November and beyond.
Head on a swivel and don’t leave home unarmed.
I too have diverticulitis, I find that a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter a day helps keep things moving.
Have you tried any of the offerings from Sweetwater brewing? They’re up in Ga, I get ’em in TN, pretty good, I like the IPA in the yellow can. I’ll usually try to start the night w/ a couple of those hi-alcohol types, 7-9%? Sell them singly in the rack next to the 20-oz PBR and Malt Liquor (har har har). Forget the brand, they’ve all got skulls on the label, a pair of those to start off, and I save a loooot of money on beer the rest of the night. Just saying!
Most fun going fast was with Pappy swigging a gallon of vodka in a 1972 Corvette with side pipes.
Love that push back in the seat feeling when you really get going and engine is just screaming loud, burnt my leg on the side pipes getting out the first time to Fort Knox and he said rub some dirt on it!
Stock up now on everything in case Sparkletits/Timmeh gets (s)elected.
Barry’s fourth term will be Leave the World Behind LARP in 7-D.
Will they really try to use BF Monkeypox for COV-LARP II?
They really are that stupid in a Goodfellas laughing at table scene.
You can make your own jerky and other stuff if you have a dehydrator. They’re fairly inexpensive.
What you gonna make it outta?
Dint ya hear, they are banning cows because farts ya know,,,,
Vegan jerky…made from real vegans.
Please keep in mind that a lot of people in the forums where I lurk, under a different handle, think that Harris and Walz are far too conservative. There is one astronomy oriented site that sings the praises of North Korea for keeping the skies dark, to mention just one.
These people are MENSA grade people, although few of us are actually members of that phony-baloney club. I stopped trying to argue with these folks a long time ago; it keeps my blood pressure below 200/150 most of the time…
Gotta watch Amazon, prices there are crazy on some stuff as people are buying it up and then reselling using Amazon as a storefront. I have been buying stuff via, one of the worst websites in the world, but prices are often significantly lower. I ordered some Igloo coolers for an Amish girl that is getting married as gifts and they were literally twice as much at the Zon as they were at Wallie Martz.
A big part of the problem is that 99.99% of Americans are absolutely illiterate when it comes to basic economics and finances, like those that think that the rate of inflation being slightly lower means prices are going down. It is just a lot easier to fool people that don’t have a basic grasp of the issues.
I’ve noticed the same re prices. Both Amazon and Walmart suck when it comes to delivery of food items – cans will be dented, metal tins of oil crushed, and bags of rice/beans/sugar open. I ordered five 10lb bags of name-brand cane sugar (for the hummingbirds, of course) a few months ago, only $7.68 at Walmart and $9.99 and up everywhere else. Now they’re up to $8.96. There is a different brand for an excellent price at their website, but multiple reviews note it was delivered with bags open and half spilled into the cardboard box. Will have to pick up a 25lb bag at Winco when I’m next in the big city.
Don’t buy your candy or even ‘healthy’ bars with chocolate in/on them for delivery from either except during the months of Nov-March. They will arrive a melted, gooey mess in the wrappers from sitting in hot delivery trucks all day.
Amazon does have some good prices on their ‘lightening’ deals, but those seem to be totally unpredictable.
I miss the days of playing the “arcade game” AKA putting change in the cig dispenser at Shoney’s to get my old man his Marlboros. Good times. It was sometime early to mid 90s I remember a big shift from everything is cool to THATS NOT ALLOWED!!!
There was a time that if you claimed to have been out with friends at Waffle House but didn’t come home smelling like a wet ashtray and bacon grease they knew you were lying. Not that I enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke, but man those were some good times. Chilling with everybody til wee hours of the morning in a smoke filled Waffle House we’re some of my fondest memories.
I think you’re spot on with the reason they couldn’t pick (((Shapiro))). Too much noticing has been going on and that particular line could not be crossed without severe repercussions all around.
my parents would pull up to the store and give me $1.25 for salem lights and fazi would hand them to me and smile. i was probably 4-5 years old.
A2 stocks are a thing of beauty as the meme shows. Like a ’62 VW microbus.
To a over elongated human with Viking genes, there is merit to a rifle length buttstock outfitted with a Magpul MOE stock. You can actually use that flat-assed stock for a third point together with a bipod.
Name the last time you adjusted the length of that phucked up carbine stock.
Don’t fool yourself, BCE. They know exactly how this is going to play out and they can’t help but touch themselves with excitement over starving children and spinning the debacle as a “Whitey gots all da foood” thing.
Friend died from mesothelioma cancer two days ago. Exercise health nut type, 3 covid shots, got it, dead with in the year. He was 60, just retired, left Pretty Wife, Son, Daughter and grand baby. Thank you dot gov medicine. Funeral Monday, may not go as it is close to Chicongo.
P.S. I think they underestimate the depth of our resolve.
Can’t do jerky since the Chicago funeral home thing.
Saw article where they’re already bringing in a metric ton of antifa into Windy City for the festivities.
I would be more shocked if heels up doesnt get selected, just judging by the hidin game book and the fact that in electronic land it doesn’t even take actual ballots. We be screwed folks.
Well, somebody be screwed, i be wayyyyy off to the side mindin my own bidness working hard at stayin out the way o the mess.
In the words of Ole Remus,
Stay away from crowds
If those crowds get their way, they will attempt to spread themselves to everyone. The trick is knowing when to turn those crowds into meat mountains.
(With orders ‘Don’t let her talk to anyone’?) Biden Ordered Secret Service Protection for Former Agency Chief
Looks like walz IS of that (((tribe))), theyre just not advertising it much. Yet.
Ammo up.
Getting a 30 pack of Pabst for $21 currently in Michigan’s thumb.
Used to take on similar missions as a boy’o… ride a mile both ways to get Marlboros for me mum. Dad was a deadbeat, and had moved on to younger pasture, leaving no extra loot for the sugar. Lucky for me Michican has a 10 cent deposit. I would watch the ditches for returnables to get my fix. As a bonus,I’d find asparagus, and poison ivy…fun!
nogs noticing how they’ve been replaced by the TG(tacogoblins)
shows how Far behind they are:> i’ve read about it in
blogs like this for 3-5 years now. avoid the ‘groid
Issued me an M16….
That’s where I keep my mescaline.
ha Skyler! You win the “Hard Liquor and Handgun Award” for the week! (…although you gave up the secret)
A suggestion on beer and cider: look for the brands made without isinglass or finings.
Harder to verify in the Untied Stadtz, but the diverticulitis can be made much worse with fish bladder beer.
Beyond that, my legal opinion is that juries are meant to exist in order to prevent The State from abusing the courts via putting someone through “the process”.
That includes abuse of jury duty.
So go ahead judge, call me for jury duty again, anyone committing political assassinations in defence of the people gets to walk free if I have anything to do with it.
I am not a fully informed juror.
I am a fully angered juror.
And since it’s apparently cheaper to call a jury instead of a helicopter?
The Spirit of Pinochet smiles broadly over the Untied Stadtz.
Oh, but that’s not how the system is supposed to work?
Yeah, fuck off with that, these people want you to bend a knee to them …
Only if I’m kicking them with steel-toed shoes.
In the balls or the teeth, it’s good to call your shots.
Been making our jerky since late last year. A couple ounces of Jack Links was going for 10 bucks and I told my wife “to hell with this shit, I’m making my own” –
Sure the beef is still pricey but we end up getting more for less.
Haha, went to Walgreens 2 nights ago and bought a 10oz of house brand “Nice” for $14.99. Can’t tell you what it was before but Walgreens had advertised it like a sale.
Now imagine what happens if the Strait of Hormuz gets all clogged up. Our greatest ally set out to do just that too us.
PS….every try Landshark? It’s a little heavier on the wallet but sometimes Publix will have BOGO’s. However it’s a little lighter on my hangover factor than Busch, Miller, Coors.
You need a dehydrator and this—->
Best beef jerky ever and you won’t be paying every cent you have for your fix. You can also do this in a slow oven but it takes longer.
Kamala the Orifice is talking about putting “armed guards” into grocery stores, etc. to enforce her no price gouging laws. Will these be border guards who have good aim and can avoid murdering infants in carriers when a problem arises? Or will this be the Antifa Boys & Girls who just shoot dem pistols until they feelz better? I can see plate armor granny shopping carts being in demand. Private tactical grocery carriers could be a whole new development industry. Let’s look at the bright side…..
I am beyond disgusted with what this country has become. A whole lotta killing going on before the bright side comes up.
BC, I don’t remember if FL has Aldi or not; I haven’t been on vacation in a couple of years. Here in TN, I get the 4-5″ beef sticks at Aldi for under $3 for a 14-pack. “Simm’s original smoked snack sticks”.
BCE do y’all have an Ollie’s discount store out there? Great place to pick up cheap pogie bait. Also cheap appliances, kitchen ware etc. Old Trapper was my favorite brand of beef jerky also. They do sell it there. But I picked up an air fryer about a year ago from there and now I make my own jerky. Very easy to make, and you can put your own ingredients in it. I make a batch every time I go to the camp and my buddy said it might be the best beef jerky he’s ever eaten.
Everything‘s getting so expensive I’m starting to withdraw from Normie world and hitting the parallel market. Ordering a moonshine still on the 30th. We make a lot of contacts at farmers markets also. You might want to do the same if you enjoy beef. Next year it’s going up 30-50%. We have a few local ranchers we buy from.
Lastly the sales receipt heard around the country. That shit is fucked up as a chicken wire canoe. From what I’ve seen on “entitlements” illegal aliens get upon entering this country dollar wise. I can tell you is quite a bit more than 100% disabled vet gets monthly.
As a former grocery store meat cutter and market manager, the fact that she demoaned the fact that we only have 4 companies producing meat products is infuriating. That is the .gov’s fault. They were tired of inspecting/regulating 300-500 regional producers. So they made the regulations so tough and expensive to comply with that local or regional suppliers shut down or sold to the big 4. IBP, Smithfield, Tyson, etc. They worked very hard to eliminate actual meat cutting departments in grocery stores as well as they didn’t want to have to inspect every store that had actual meat cutters. Think Wamart. I actually worked there a few days in the meat dept. Back in January. Not a single piece of meat cutting equipment in the back. No saw, no slicer, no wrapping station. Not even a knife.
That problem was caused by government. So the solution is more government?
Pull the other one. It has bells on it.
“bemoaned the fact”
“That problem was caused by government. So the solution is more government?”
This is as it always has been, and always will be. That’s why government must be kept small and local enough that it can be ‘reasonably’ constrained. Anything else ends up with gulags…
I was beaten to it. But jerky is stupid easy to make. And for what store bought costs you can do it yourself cheaper and better.
The day I turned 18 was the happiest day of my old man’s life. He could send me on a keep the change beer run.
Menard’s big box hardware and gift shoppe’ had 6 pack 1.5 oz. hershey choco bars varieties for I think 5.38, so less than ten bucks an actual pound, eh? The few bulk packs you come across sometimes can really beat the singles prices, just refrig. the leftovers to stave off staleness.
In my yoot candy bars were a nickel, cokes were a dime (any brand – Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Nehi, etc.) with a 2 cent per bottle deposit.
Went to a Safeway the other day, the London Broil, which is a fancy way of saying top sirloin primal cut, was digital coupon ultra on sale for 6.98 a pound. Last year we would get it on sale for well under 2 dollars a pound. If it’s marinated and then sliced thin it pretty good vittles. Also I have found hard cider, not the high sugar national brands but home made or craft ciders to be much easier on the guys and body.