Sorry I’m late.
Been a full day again.
Seems to be happening a lot lately…
This time my issue was an “unexpected sleep-in”. Usually Chili lets me know what time it is (08:30 on the nose) as that’s when her lil bladder starts yelling to her that she needs to be emptied.
Damned near to the minute for that matter. 08:30.
And then, as of late I’ve been so busy trying to get the inventories around the house done, general “cleanup on Aisle 5!” and other taskers. This on top of working the NORMAL 40 hours a week at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #187 and then ADDING an additional 10 hours +/- to get the overtime $$$. Mainly because I desperately need the extra cash now, so I plum crashed da fuq out hard last night.
Normally during the work week, I’m already up and running long before 08:30… Usually 06:30 to get ready for the Salt Mines if you will… Weekends are when I get to sleep in a wee bit… Until today. Sapper oh-so-kindly handled the pupper, and Gretchen (who never actually sleeps past 0930-10am usually, woke me up at like 11:30 this AM.
I must have needed it. Even after my shower I still had that punch-drunk tired feeling until I got a Monster and a Stacker into me… Coffee was contra-indicated as I’m out of my blend, and the shopping trip tomorrow should cover replacing it.
So after a late wakeup, a lady on Fecesbook Marketplace who I messaged late last night let me know the Item(s) I was looking for/at were available. In this case, BIG storage totes/containers:

They’re the 40 Gallon Storage Bins.
The extremely robust ones
And she was selling them $11 a throw, with a $1 off each one if you bought 10. Sapper and I both were like “Uh, Take our money Please!” It took an hour plus to get there, as it is Saturday, and every. fucking. retard. normie. was out on the roads, and add on she was located out in Clearwater/Oldsmar, which is a fair distance from the Casa.
I got 10, and he got 10. Not a bad deal at all considering that they run normally like OMFG!!! expensive:

$35 a throw BEFORE taxes at Lowes.
Originally, it was going to be 5 and 5, 10 in total… with us splitting the cost. When we picked them up, and saw that they’re unused… like brand new, we ended up getting 20 of them. We had to play “Car Tetris” to get them in the back of my lil Hyundai Tucson as I didn’t remove the Grans car seat, nor any of the other shytte that was back there before we left dammit.
Besides that inconvenience, let me say these are the thick walled mothers… Perfect for throwing Number 10 Cans in them, of which I found out tonight that they hold 16 of them perfectly. They have to be laid on their sides though (the cans that is) and there’s a wee bit of leftover ‘wiggle room’ between them, but I stuffed some ‘soft items’ like MREs and the like in between the cans.
Gretchen is also pleased/happy now that I’ve started cleaning up the front room, as it was looking like a fucking supply depot in World War Two with random piles of cans piled and thrown all over the place, as well as random cases of MREs and flats of canned meats and whatnot that I’ve picked up over time.
After we got home, I activated my “Loggie Mode” and got down to business. That means starting by making a spreadsheet in Excel dammit….
Ugh… let me tell you about inventories… even in the Army, the s-l-o-w-e-s-t part is doing the written spreadsheet Inventory IF one doesn’t previously exist… I fucking purely hate Excel too for the record. Not that I can’t do it or write/make the formulas, it’s just that I hate it with the passion of a Million Dying Stars at Supernova. Now, since I had to make it, I made it as simple as possible and in it, I only made a couple of columns that matter.
‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ is a Religion for the Infantry IMO.
I did it on ‘easy mode’ primarily to make it printable. Too much info means having to fuck with the size of the font, and in my blind-ass case, I wanted the font to be very Visible and LARGE for quick reference if needed. This was even more difficult as I ALSO wanted ALL the info for each bin to be on ONE page of printed paper ONLY. Because of these limitations, and because I wanted it “Short and Sweet” I made these the labels for the Columns that I ended up using:
Inventory ID: This I labeled either ‘MRE’, ‘FD (for freeze dried) Pouch’, ‘FD Can’, or ‘Drink Mix’ I might add more IF I find another ‘type’ of Inventory
Name: the Brand Name/Manufacturer. This might help to figure out which label I might be looking for by visual ID.
Description: for this, I’ll name what it is, in the case of one of the boxes of MREs, I put “Low Sodium MRE (No Heater Included)” others have the name/flavor of the chow itself like “Beef Stroganoff” and the like. In one case (literally!) the name was a group of foreign MREs I have, i.e. “British 3x, Polish 1x, First Strike 1x, Danish 1x, Canada x 1, Humanitarian 1x”… those are ALL 24 hour (3x meals) rations that I packed in a heavy cardboard box on their own with a “Use First” note on it… you get the idea
Unit Size: literally what it is. The pouches are generally “2 servings per Pouch” for the Mountain House and the cans (for the most part) are #10 sized.
Quantity in Stock: pretty self explanatory. The servings for ‘other items’ are also added in here, with the number of cans, as in it can look like this: “4 Cans, 20 Servings Per Can” for in this case, Sweet Corn.
Inspection/Manufacture Date: again… WHEN it was made, if available. If I don’t have that, then I go by when I bought it, as I mark every can/box with a sharpie when I get/receive it so I at least know when I got it, and can go from there. ALL the items I get get marked like that either way. It’s a good habit, and in the case of the #10 cans, I write it right on the lid, as it helps if the labels ever get ripped off.
Expiration Date: more of the same. In some cases however, I have to estimate from the date of Manufacture if I can’t find an expiry date. I lean towards 20/25 years added to it for the Freeze Dried stuff, as it’s pretty resilient, and has –always– been in a temperature controlled environment.
On-hand Quantity: again, just what it states. This however is where I’ll be subtracting from when I open/use a can/pouch whatever. The idea if possible is to replace it, but IF things got the way the majority of us expect, “what I got, is what I got”
Total Meals/Servings Available: that’s where I ‘do the math’ on how many Servings available of that line Item in total so I know what I roughly have. I tend to low-ball that, just to make sure I have some “overage” so to speak. Like in the case of one BIG Auguson Farms Bucket of Vegetable Soup. 236 Serving that make a single cup of Vegetable Soup per serving. The thing weighs like 40 pounds, and I got a deal on it back in 2019… I’m not adding it in, as that may/may not be used for refugees. I am NOT however counting it toward the house for now… “Keep the Best, Bogart the Rest” as we used to say in Supply…
and lastly:
Bin Number: which is what number Bin (storage container) are these being packed in.
I know there are faaaar more complex spreadsheets that can do formulas to list them in order of expiration date, low-to-high and whatnot, but to be perfectly honest, IF I get to the point where I’m worried about this stuff expiring?
Personally, I’d consider that A Very GOOD nay GREAT Thing!
It means that the shit has not completely hit the full on Communist-Socialist Fan. The soonest some of the food ‘best by date’ that’s upcoming is June/July of 2025. The latest is 2047
Hell… I personally don’t expect to be around in 2047 LOL!
I mean yeah, I’m 54 going on 55. Cashing in at 75? I’m comfortable with that. It’s been a long, strange trip, and I’ve enjoyed it so far. That being said however, the ride ain’t over, and the majority of this is so’s the Grans have ‘stuff’ to keep them fed in bad times. And judging from the way these fucking lunatics are talking, shortages and restrictions, never mind outright collapse seems riiiiight around the corner.
Hence me getting the Quackers in a Row.
Putting everything that wasn’t already in storage bins is part of the plan. We got a wee bit complacent around here over the past year, and the realization that IF we had to pack up and ‘jump’, it’s a pain in the ass to have to snatch up and empty out the pantry of #10 cans if and when you –need– to head to your ‘alternate redoubt’. Speed = Life in many instances Aye?
My major concern right now is that 20 of those bins aren’t enough. I had planned on using a few for some TA-50 as I have enough ‘gear’ that I’ve collected over the years to probably outfit a short Platoon with Armor, Pouches/Holsters and the like. I just may have to re-evaluate my pack-rattish ways and just get rid of a lot of the stuff… the majority of it was for the Spawn(s) who’ve gone No Contact now, so I don’t see the point in keeping stuff for them per se… anyways…
Now as far as the mission packing the food goes?
I’m feeling a hell of a lot better in that having it all packed and ready to be thrown in the Truck(s) and on the trailer, as well as all the mags, spare ammo and well, all the ‘critical party gear’ which was already ready to roll, this makes me happy(ier) I mean bouncing out on a moments notice? Guns, Ammo and Gear, yep. Food? Before this? Notsomucho.
Until today/tonight/tomorrow.
This also now allows us to scatter and redistribute some of these in caches as each Bin so far has a pretty fair mix of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner as needed. I mean Ye Olde Sawe of “Don’t keep your eggs in one basket” keeps coming to mind… I might have to look into it…
Then, on a humorous note: One thing I found while redistributing/repacking ‘stuff’ and had forgotten about is Gretchen’s Freeze Dried Cheesecake:

Yes. It is “a thing.”
And Yeah Yeah… I spoil her.
When I got one of those bags back in the day, it was still less than $20 a bag! The current cost as of tonight is almost $35!!! The story behind it? Back when she and I first got together when she found out I stored long-term chow and whatnot, I bought a bag as a joke. I was still working as a Manager in a call center and was pulling down like $74k a year. Even with the divorce, I still had mad-money on occasion so to speak. She was absolutely against eating anything that she considered and derided at the time as “survivalist”.
Like REALLY!?!
She actually got pretty shitty with me to the point I debated on shitcanning her for a more “Apocalyptic Adaptive Model” so to speak… But since I decided I was in it for the long run?
I decided to pull a fast one on her.
Question my survival food will you?
I’ll show you woman!
The weapon-of-choice?
The aforementioned Freeze Dried Cheesecake.
What broad can resist Cheesecake in any form at all?
Answer: None.
Not Even Gretchen.
Even still FD’d, its like eating Astronaut Ice Cream. I’m pretty damned sure damned near ALL of you have had that delicacy at one point or another in your lives. This stuff, the Cheesecake, is the BOMB I will say. After she had that, and I tricked her into eating a couple of MREs, as well as ‘other questionable (for her) food sources’ over time, her palate isn’t as refined as she’d like to think of it.
She’ll freely admit now that there are some pretty damned good FD foods out there. My answer to her whenever she’s bitched to me in the past or even bitches at me now about a purchase is “Hey… it’s either I buy this, or you get a fucking can of Alpo. Your Choice baby.”
It’s absolutely amazing how the complaints and arguments stop after dropping that particular infonugget on her Aye?
So… what have you done for preparing for Cumswalla-the-Commie-Cuntbag-Collectivist’s (s)election? That right there is what the “C4” stands for in the Title… with headlines like this:

I’d have to say that I absolutely recommend to start getting your checks and making sure your food and shit/gear/equipment is really really, really, REALLY I MEAN IT FOR SURE ready now, as we got less than 90 days+/- ’til the roof potentially falls in on us.
And, IF you haven’t started doing anything at this point?

Need I say more?
So More Later
Big Country

I know someone who has an old school bus. About 30′ long, most of the windows are blanked out (you can find websites that show you how to do it,) took out the benches, fitted it with racks and bunks, with a pre-DEF diesel. He can load the 26 gallon bins (smaller than those you have) and his packing crates (those things you see behind grocery stores) right through the rear escape door, slide them down the aisle and lash em down. He even built a couple ‘battle boxes’ to hold guns so he can do the same thing. Cans of ammo are, of course, heavy so they go individually. He can load up and bug out, if needed, within an hour if he’s hurrying.
Old school busses are relatively cheap and can be fixed and rebuilt. Nice thing is they’re designed for shitty roads.
My parents are in their 80s. A few days ago I was over their house and we were talking about the high price of food. They actually said this- “They said on TV that they were going to lower all the prices by the end of next month.’’ This is what we are dealing with 70% of the population are NPCs that even after Covid still believe everything they are told. For unknown reasons they think the grocers are price gouging and it’s the grocery owners fault. I told them the high prices are in every market segment not just groceries.
I asked them if the politicians they hold so much faith in can end the high prices by the end of next month then why did these same politicians ever let the prices get so high to begin with-silence.
The town I used to work in a vast proportion of the population were sustained by Taco Bell, Circle K, Sheetze gas station and Dominos pizza I kid you not. Thousands of people literally unable to make a meal for themselves. One time a guy I know begged me for something to eat. All I had to offer was a package of Ramen noodles. This guy literally ate the Ramen noodles dry uncooked right out of the package. People can’t do basic fundamental things like open a can of spaghettios and heat them up.
Good thing that you have plenty of preps for you, wifey, sapper, the grans and the pups.
I dunno but I have a bad feeling that the Kamel will be put in and she will start with her great commie ideas. Food could become scare and/or crazy priced.
I know the morons running things have some plan probably knowing that price controls will lead to HUGE shortages which will cause riots and they can institute martial law and “they think” have all of their little authoritarian dreams come true.
What they forget is that the US is the most heavily armed nation on earth and famines ALWAYS lead to revolutions. These idiots have never seen anger and violence like they would see if people and their kids start going hungry. It’s going to get rough if these idiots steal the election.
Regarding your extra preps, besides selling some stuff now for cash and use it to buy stuff you need, the really good stuff would be awesome trade goods if shortages happen and people who hadn’t prepped yet start and are desperate to get stuff.
I really wonder how feasible urban/suburban Florida is for survival. Maybe I’m wrong; it seems like it has this going against it:
Melanin enhancement.
Tropical diseases.
Lots of dead in the heat polluting the water supply.
Flat so no gravity feed for water.
Cockroaches and jews (both of which poison wells.)
Been a long time since “Alas Babylon” was written…
Berglander, You are 100% correct as nice as Florida is in normal times, it is a BAD place to live in a crisis. I’ve gotten into many an argument with my fellow preppers because the #1 rule in prepping is “what scenario or crisis are you prepping for” ?
Natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes, economy collapse, government stupidity, or game over scenarios like emp or nuclear war ?
Some scenarios your preps will get you through… others you and everyone else is screwed.
I encourage everyone to read Joel Skousen’s book “Strategic Relocation”
Not shilling but it’s a good book where he goes over the pros and cons of each state and area and which areas are terrible in a crisis and which areas are good. FYI that the Feds did studies and if there was an emp or major crisis, 90% of Americans would be dead within a year… almost none east of the Mississippi River would survive — too high population density and most areas except for a few areas in the Appalachian Mountains waaay too close to large population centers.
The best places are way out west in the Rocky Mountains and places like Wyoming with very low populations. Their only bad points are Yellowstone if it went off AND close to nuclear missile silos but if WWIII goes nuclear it’s game over for the Northern Hemisphere anyway.
Agreed, the book and video he did with AJ was good on it as well. I wish he’d do an update on it, as when it was done then, it was geared more towards “normal” prepping issues, but since 2020 we’ve had some wrinkles thrown in that arent covered in the book. Take Florida for example, while I agree with JS issues with its sustainability in a usual prep situation as a bad spot, during COVID it was a godsend life raft of sanity. Same with Wyoming, true it has the super volcano thing against it, but since covid, the fact its one of a small number of states that doesnt have laws allowing you to be detained for quarantine (daily mail did recent story a yr or so back on a woman in WA where they detained her to make her take TB meds) and had a map of states w/laws. Also they have refused red flag laws also, so combined with their high whytte % and low pop density, they’re back on my radar. IDK what Joel would think about some of these legal type issues, as in SHTF could be a diff ball game, but more willing now to trade some risks for more freedom as far as rules.
Haha I just went without AC for several days. It was the result of that storm that went through. I decided to put on my happy face and do a half ass dry run. I had power just no AC.
I can report to you now that with all the bad shit you listed the FL heat/humidity will be what does most people in here. No doubt in my mind about that. This state is chock full of retirees who in many cases are too frail to move around and seek other shelter aside from their homes which will quickly become an oven. My parents are in that camp btw. Hard decisions would no doubt have to be made if you catch my drift.
This has sort of changed my prep attitude tho. After a few weeks I would expect half the population over 70 to peel off. This will become a treasure trove of canned goods and other non perishable foods and medicines. Keep that under your hat fellers. You just have to get passed the smell of decaying flesh and food and you should be rewarded nicely if you know where to look.
One might have a plan to prepare for that. You could go to a community after about a month and say you are checking in on folks. If they don’t answer go on in and help yourself. It’s a victimless crime. I would be careful tho, even a granny is dangerous with a snub nose in her hand.
Sorry guys about another post but I really feel strongly about prepping with what may be coming and have some things for you all to think about.
Luke, I live in Florida and there was a reason that Florida away from the coasts was lightly populated before air conditioning. In the Summer with 95 degrees and 95% humidity it is not liveable for most people. Plus with the soil and water table, there are NO basements and any water sources (except for springs) are 80+ degrees and full of gators so tough to cool off.
Another point is that most people 60 years old and up are on medication. After 90 days in a disaster, people run out of their meds and start dropping dead. So as awful as it is besides the heat that will be the 2nd whammy after the heat for older folks.
Medication should be a big part of your preps. For example, I work in a hospital and caught the very first nastiest strain of Covid and it almost killed me (stayed out of hospital, thank god have a cpap that kept my oxygen levels up and a fabulous wife who nursed me back to health). It also like millions of other people damaged the part of my heart going to the lungs. As an aside when I go to the cardiologist the waiting room is filled with people in their 20s and 30s who are patients — all caused by Covid.
Anyhow, if you or a family member NEEDS medication to live, stock up. Now in the US it is difficult but in Mexico over the counter you can buy most drugs no problem just bring your US prescription. I have 6 months of my meds in preps plus my usual 90 days I get here.
This fact though affects your preps. I know that the minute a crisis happens I have 6 – 9 months to live unless the drug stores reopen. My goal is to get my wife, sister in law and nephews to our bug out location, do what I can for those 6 months as well as get my family as prepared as I can make them and if things don’t go back to normal say hi to the Grim Reaper.
Excellent points JPX. That’s exactly where I am, Smack dab in the middle. Have another bro on the SWFL coast but I can’t convince the other one here that we will need to leave. Need to talk to him again about it because if we stall around until he gets it, probably won’t be able to travel at that point.
It is a good area tho as far as people are concerned. Many are like minded even the leadership in some cases. Not much game to hunt tho but plenty of fish. Not good to rely on that I would expect cast nets to be flying everyday.
But that is also the thing that crossed my mind when I was sitting here in my chair with an industrial fan blowing on me. If we can just outlast most people it might end up being a great spot. I know my area quite well having lived here most of my life and that is a plus. I also know most of them too.
But there’s a lot of things that can go dreadfully wrong. Parasites and disease will run rampant in that heat. I do have a couple of well buckets. Thought that would make the most sense for water.
The attrition method is what popped into my head while I was drenched in my own sweat. Like I was saying so many retirement communities around me. I would never go there with the intention of hurting anyone over food, but it’s not going to do a corpse any damn good.
Sucks about covid and your lungs. I caught the one in Jan 2022. The fever got high but didn’t bother but my lungs felt absolutely horrible. I was going to try and tough it out but the lung thing scared the shit out of me. I went right to the pony paste and I noticed a stark but positive change the following morning. Doubt you even knew about IVM when you caught it.
Had sort of got burned out on my preps. My food supply for me and the dog is peanut butter. We are going full astronaut when SHTF unlike BCE who will be enjoying his luxury cheesecake in a bag lol. Events over the summer have re engaged me however. Perhaps the biggest one was a couple of weeks ago when our greatest ally basically slapped the Iranians across the face. If that escalates the economic impact will be felt worldwide. Somewhere there is a breaking point for the price of diesel. Not sure if that’s $6 or $7 per gallon but it exists.
With the inflation we have experienced last couple of years I don’t believe the zombie hordes of normies can take much more. And it will snap. We could stand a good old fashioned financial shitstorm if the masses hadn’t been brow beaten and brainwashed for a half a century. This will go societal meltdown I fear. Will start like the USSR but will probably get far worse. The demographics demand it.
Ahh Brother people don’t really want to think about that until they absolutely have too, which for most will be too late to do anything…
“…awesome trade goods…”
This comes from BisonPrepper James M Dakin a couple decades ago:
* Any calorie I own strengthens me.
* Any calorie the enemy owns is strengthening them.
Giving my calories to my enemies so they can be stronger?
I am going to hold-off on that one for now.
Anybody in my group is essential.
Anybody outside my group is the enemy, and wants me dead so they can have my stuff.
Trading with my enemies gives them information about my security and stores.
I think that would be a bad idea.
On Survival Boards forum, multiple threads discuss charity during the remainder of this collapse:
* “A destitute woman with a couple children knocks on my door, asking for a hand-out, what should I do?”
Some responders will give her a can of tuna and a small bag of rice.
And then, a couple hours later, she is back with friends, begging for more tuna and more rice.
How do you politely ask them to leave?
Next morning, a hundred refugees are inside my fence, waiting for their free food.
Facing this likelihood, do I increase the size of my pantry? [sarc]
Loading up water containers with distilled.
From olive drab canteen to jogger sippy cup.
Recon Area Study Scavenge every day and finding food, drugstore items, Tupperware totes, other miscellaneous items.
More people are going out now with some on bikes, some his n’ hers, or squads of scavengers.
All money goes to groceries, gas, lodging, as it should be.
Entertainment/Morale is www studying up what is coming, sometimes a streaming movie from RF page with no ads or popups.
No movies from after early 2000s and of course music all eras and genres.
Distilled is BAD for you. It NEEDS to have some ions in it. If you add just a little table salt in it, you’ll be okay. The proper term is isotonic, and the ideal amount is 0.9% table salt which is 9 grams of salt per liter of pure water (about the weight of four dimes per quart).
Bravo Zulu, Doc. Thanks
on the upside, which is usually a minus, most “prep” food is high in salt, so should help on that end. I like storing distilled myself because of the lack of gunk growing in it vs say storing filtered tap or well water,etc.
2003, we built our ExpeditionVehicle with the emphasis on ‘primitive’.
All our equipment is modular, COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf), nothing to break or wear out.
We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
We share the acreage with a couple-three dozen other workkampers in various versions of home-built HouseTrucks and RecreateVehicles.
Our Reverse Osmosis water purifiers are going round the clock.
We store water in retired stainless-steel five-gallon Pepsi© kegs.
These are popular with home-brewers of beer and kombucha.
Advantages over a yuge tank/cistern:
* portable
* divisible — one can be loaned to a caravan chum, a few can go to town for re-fill while the others stay in-service in camp
* if one keg goes stanky, the others remain in-service, and can be used to clean the problem child
* one keg can go to the picnic-table or campfire.
These are engineered to be pressurized.
A quick puff from a bicycle-tire pump, and fresh clean drinking water flows from the kitchen-sink sprayer clipped to the outlet.
In our ExpeditionVehicle, our standard load is seven kegs, a total of thirty-five gallons.
With our massive GVWR, we can add a couple dozen more kegs.
In the toy-hauler I fabricated on a similar commercial chassis, we have room for a couple-three dozen more kegs.
In theory, we carry enough water for about four months without re-supply.
And all our caravan chums are similarly sufficient.
“But but but LM!, your group is just a big target! for brigands!”
We are ex-military and retired LawEnforcementOfficials.
We are pretty much set on security.
Try adding color coding to your mix. Even if it’s just the rows on the spreadsheet. You can look at the colors and see what is inside w/o having to read the label. Segregating and associating items with colors allows the brain to work faster.
You might want to consider Calories instead of Servings in your storage summaries. I’ve found that 1 company’s “serving” or “daily” is more of a starvation allotment for anyone over the age of 6. (looking at you, Wise).
and +1 on adding color to your spreadsheets. Good tip, JB!
We acquire Milk-Crates Of Color at our local-owned family-operated Farm Ranch Supply.
We prefer the six-gallon rectangle crates:
* orange crates are medical.
* green, blue, or red are different foods.
* Blacks are tools and such.
you can get duct tape in diff colors. i put a square on my boxes color coding them for load-out. orange goes first, yellow after all the orange is loaded etc. orange is the “we have to get off the x now” essentials:base load of ammo, water, mres. a few days supply. yellow means we have a few extra minutes: water filters, freeze dried foods, batteries, essential gear. sustainment load. green is nice-to-have stuff if we get early warning time. in a blink of an eye i, and more importantly the misses, know what to grab first. i also numbered them by priority within the color codes. taped a p38 to any box that needs a can opener. lol, yeah, i was infantry, TOW, armament shop, then logistics puke too. and i agree, 90 days maybe less.
Those boxes look just like the ones at my local Home Depot. Regular $14, on sale $10 I own a few, they seem to be fairly sturdy for the price.
The $14 ones are 27 gallons. These are the big $25 40 gal ones, about time and a half the volume.
Wow, if I’m in bed at 0600, you better take my temp to see if I have a fever, or am dead. I’ve been getting up at 0400 for so long, I don’t even need an alarm clock anymore. My body is wide awake and I can’t sleep more, even if I want to.
As for extra TA-50, I put together an AR-15 for each of my kids. Each AR has its own complete LBE to go with it. If they want plate carriers and plates, that’s up to them to supply. The kids are busy having babies – they aren’t focused on prepping like their crazy old man.
I’m Steve and I approve that second to last meme.
While I have been stocking goods/prepping/trying to learn new skills since Waco and the Weaver family incidents woke me up will still tell folks you can at moment still get going on prepping.
Sure late to the game and newbie but better then nothing.
the more folks ready for man made/natural disaster the better.
Remember, life is like a roll of shitpaper.
The closer you get to the end the faster it goes.
Living out here in the wooded hinters for 18 years, we are stacked to the rafters with all supplies, including precious metals of every variety.
For at least 40 years I have been out of the rack before 6 am without fail.
Sleepers get nothing but a dream. I require more, much more.
Being prepared to bug out if necessary is a good idea, IF you’ve got a good place to bug out to….. Kammunisms price controls are not new. Nixon used them in 1973, while I was in the Army, and at the time I knew they were a socialist method to quell the proletariats and their whining. They didn’t last long then, as Watergate was heating up, and Dick was hoping for a better deal than he got. Her stupidest move will be about the guns. She isn’t that bright, and her handlers are worse, because that’s the boiler room the crazies are in. Watch for her Grabbiness to make several false moves about the guns, and other things of value, like PMs’, and land.
The phrasing reminds me of one of my favorite dirty jokes. Priest is going to visit the convent. He was walking from the train station to the convent, when a local hooker said, “psst. Hey, padre, $10 a throw.” He said, “what?” And she said, “$10 a throw.”
Bewildered, he continued on to the convent, where one of the nuns let him in, and he asked her, “sister, what’s a throw?” She got red faced and told him, “you’ll have to talk to the Mother Superior about that!”
So another nun came to take him around, and he asked her, “sister, what’s a throw?” And she got red faced too, and said, “you’ll have to talk to the Mother Superior about that!”
So finally gets to visit with the Mother Superior, and he says, “I’ve been thinking about this all day and everyone says I need to talk to you about it. What’s a throw?”
Mother Superior says, “$10, same as in town.”
Those bins are on sale at Lowe’s for fair price right now. There are also a medium and small version. They stack interchangeable. We started doing the exact same thing as you last week. With the same bins. Although mostly medium as we are 65 and can’t heave around heavy bins. We sorted our stuff into groupings of an assortment. Such as what might we need to survive for a month if we left quickly. About 20 bins with variety and added in can opener, matches etc. Have three groups now of 20 bins. Each set is a different color coded dot. Thus. If we want to send the older kids off with a needed selection of items quickly is grab all one color set and go. The wife finds it worrisome that she came up with this idea a couple weeks ago and the craziest guy I read is doing same exact thing. At the same time. Audible gasp from her when I showed her your picture of your bins. Ha. Anyhow. Hope we all come out the other side intact. Is always a pleasure to read your blog.
One of our part-time gigs is remodeling kitchens.
We install cabinets topped with different height counters for different size kitchen-helpers.
A popular addition is a lowered counter for somebody in a wheelchair or granny-walker.
My da is 93yo, and his contributions in the kitchen are invaluable.
We store our goods in milk-crates instead of yuge totes.
They are fairly easy to move by the smallest among us…
… and can be dragged by somebody in a wheelchair.
Great info as usual, Wonder if you could expand on your choices of LTS food brands you prefer? From the pics and blog it appears a few different brands?
Might be a good blog post topic?
As with the others who have replied, I and my tribe are stacked up and ammoed up. My main concern is all of the legions of Eloi here in Kootenai County who are not. I was shocked when I moved here 9+ years ago over the amount of Barbie/La-La Land Karens, Beta Males, and the usual assortment of shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, vaping Mall Zombies, especially in Coeur d’ Alene (we live elsewhere). My native Idahoan wife and her brothers had painted an entirely different picture of the Gem State.
That being said, my main focus is on WHO are my enemies and HOW will they react when the sewage hits the impeller. Since power, as in nature, abhors a vacuum, there are plenty of local political hacks and mega-church demagogues in my A/O who would not hesitate to step in and start giving orders to all of the bleating sheeple. Once their electronic pacifiers no longer work and the local Franken Food outlets are bereft of their poison victuals, these clueless Eloi will look to someone to rescue them. And the local soviets will then go on their scavenger hunts with determination, vengeance, and envy against those of us who have prepped. The young ones will be especially dangerous, as they have been indoctrinated by their government school apparatchiks and have never known any kind of deprivation.
So, if you are stacked to the ceiling and are constantly training that is double plus good. But when was the last time you attended a city council meeting, county supervisor’s meeting or suffered through the dancing, twirling, raucous, irreverent, undignified spectacle put on by the local Zionist useful idiot Christian mega-church? Know your local enemies. Listen to what they are saying. Analyze their thinking. Find out where they live and what they drive. And take a lesson from Rocco Lampone: “…I got them mugged and numbered.” – H/T to The Godfather. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Right down the road in Missoula it’s no better. Way more faggots from California in the last 5 years.
Because it is a college town. I remember when Missoula was a cowpuncher/mining big town. No, it is what you described, faggotville. I hate driving through it. I roll up my windows and stop just before to get gas after that long climb up from Grangeville and that was getting squirrely when I left that town. Blacks from SoCal and the lisp tongue fags from Washingstan…
I lived in Coeur d’Alene in the mid 60’s, beautiful little logging town of about 17k, we walked down Sherman Ave at dusk with our fishing poles or .22’s, my greedy classmate Brad Hagadon’s family destroyed that town, I was there about 10 yrs ago and didn’t recognize where anything was 60 yrs ago. Looked like an amusement park downtown.
I’m now in NW Wyoming for 30 yrs and the last 2-5 yrs my tiny little town of about 1.2k has been over run by Dixie/TX and Kalif transplants who bring their rudeness and arrogance to a place where they’re not welcome. The locals are livid over the changes, we see them no different than the illegals from south of the border (the lady mayor brought in a handful of Venezuelans for “humanitarian” reasons).
Doesn’t matter anymore where you live, this nation isn’t pushing back against the replacement, instead everyone is hoping for someone else to save them and to vote their way out of this. Look at Ireland for an example, they are on the verge of a giant bloodletting, most don’t realize the immigrants will have gov’t help when the shooting starts, I have no doubt giant containers of weapons will appear for their use against the whites. No different than 1917 Russia again, and funded by the same (((Bolshevik banksters))).
If you ever want to meet up in Lolo for coffee let me know Brother…
Missoula- check. back in the early 90’s just as you say
Coeur d’Alene- check same time period. used to gas-up there on the way to Spokane..
Spokeompton is awful.
i was living in between them all in the Trout Creek area on the Blue Slide, Clark-Fork River, Sanders County MT
the only stores within 100s of miles back then…
Okanogan County, Washington similar except perhaps for the Mall Zombies. Very rural and most locals don’t seem to be interested in preparing, or just don’t have the money to do so.
One of my major concerns is the local Sheriff Deputies. They are brutal and think only of themselves. The seem to be convinced that the rest of us are lesser beings and I don’t doubt that they will attack anyone who they believe has something they want, such as food, solar panels, etc. (Many of us are off grid)
BTW, for anyone who doubts what said about the local pigs, I witnessed it with my own eyes and ears when a “Sergeant” with the local SO threatened to beat up a defenseless 57 year old woman who was less than half his size. The words he used to my neighbor, friend and SISTER VETERAN were “I’ll come back and turn into the Hulk on you, you don’t want to see how mean I can get.” Not just once, but over and over. He used the words “Turn into the Hulk” so many times that I asked him if he turned green. That’s when he looked at me with an expression of almost out of control rage on his face and said “No, it’s more RED.”
Also I believe the reason they raided my neighbor, over what was really just a disturbing the peace complaint, was for practice. At least 7 black SUVs with thug deputies arrived and then they split up and went through the trees to make sure she wouldn’t see them coming. Two Vietnam Vets who had lived here much longer than I have both said “That was a training exercise.”
What could they have been training for except to be ready to raid the rest of us who live out here in remote areas? Also, after the new Sheriff took office he started offering a $10,000 signing bonus to bring in other enforcers to enlarge his department. I have been unable to obtain an answer as to why he was so desperate to enlarge the department at this time.
So, you should remember to consider what threat your local CIVILIAN Law Enforcement Officers may present.
Lots of small rural cities and towns LEO have been taken over by the shaved head mirrored sunglass crowd. And the copsuckers don’t see anything wrong with that picture either.
“They’re here to protect us from the bad guys”.
I think this nation is hell bent on suicide by stupidity.
Were just north of you a ways. Covid flooded this area with a lot of asshats from all over. Lots more from kommiefornia. Negermind the homegrown worthless tweakers, ziobot churchianity types and other questionables. Than vanguards of divirsity are trying to shit up bonner and boundy county too.
Aside from local threats, i worry most about incursions from spokompton and post falls areas as well as dot.fed.
Hope you guys can keep CDL from flipping upside down if the time comes.
Its late and i didnt proof read my comment, so, apologies.
Nowhere is immune to the decay of our people. Round here I have overhead conversations of men discussing such scenarios; it’s in the zeitgeist, which is sort of encouraging, but largely illusory, as it rarely passes beyond that of an abstraction. Like “elections” and “government” and the “USA”.
But then then they are also mostly fat as fuck, laying atop their little empires of things that they flip’n’trade to their less fortunate brothers like pasty joos with mullets. Their whigger kids and addicts and diabetics and tatted-sharks on the gibs are the walking dead of flyover.
The enemy is already in the wire and the enemy is us. As much as it will also be the lettuce pickers who are already tribal and organized and deeply loyal and used to living 10 in a room and will be coming to ‘negotiate’ for the last of the food coming out of the ground. Hows your spanish?
Are you prepared to kill half your neighbors and feed the other half? To be able to judge which is which on minimal sleep and maximal stress? I dunno.
Spiritual prepping is the most overlooked. The will. The mettle. The rest is self-license to slip back into regular life. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. We are commanded to live our lives.
But insurance against the tail of the dragon should not be mistaken for the fire breathing end doing what it will do regardless of our personal stacks.
Forging some kind of relationships and trust with other misanthropes, skeptics, disagreeables, megalomaniacs, narcissists, rogues, rebels, loners, oddballs, and secret kings that make up most of our slice of reality would be more valuable than the proper water storage barrel from preppers dot com. But we are materialists and individualists first. That is our reality to confront. A lesson I keep having to relearn every time I expect something different from my brothers when the System is stressed.
The other edge of that sword that affords us the immune system to avoid the bugman conformist life and the gaslighting makes us rather difficult to aggregate. “You first”. And so on.
In that, we are subject to the same stone we cast at our slumbering brothers out of frustration with their thickness. Welp, necessity will emerge, and things will fall into place.
Of course, nobody ever sees themselves in the 90% of the cull. Especially not the ones whose visions of the After just happen to perfectly map to their own preferences and tolerances and personality traits along with the precious they have dutifully organized to help them take their natural place as alpha in the new encampment. It is especially poignant when all that precious is acquired with script scraped from the very same beast they claim to despise.
We must guard against our pride dressing as prudence and vanity as wisdom. I have good days and bad days in this regard. Which is why I have both whiskey and coffee in the cellar.
But mostly I miss the brothers I will never have because they are too busy playing – or too busy building their own vainglorious monument to their prescience of the Big After.
Does anyone know if conex containers act as adequate Faraday Cages?
It is my understanding that steel that is not zinc plated does not work well as a Faraday Cage. I have two of the that are buried except for the very top and I would not depend on them for protection from EMP.
8:30-9-30!? You razy and racka disiprine troop!
What time is stand-to? Commies don’t take a break because we’re old
They stole the 2020 and we did nothing about it but whine online.
100% Orange Man bad will either be in Rikers, hence ineligible somehow or they will outright steal it again. Why wouldn’t they. If you can do it once and get away with it, why not keep doing it.
All started with Florida and Bushey boy back in the day with hanging chads. Problem (Hanging Chads), Reaction, (why do we have to wait for a month for the outcome of the election computers could do this) to Solution (You are right look at these cool Electronic Voting Machines that McConnell and Shumer got “donations to their PACS”).
We could have listened to the two crazy old men (Ron Paul and Ross Perot) and we wouldn’t’ be in this mess, but again the sheeple thought those guys where crazy.
The womens are all gonna vote for Cumswalla cause she has a uterus and “My body my choice” and wouldn’t it be great to have the first woman as president.
Bottom line: We are FUBAR’d. Prep, Buy more Ammo, Prep Some More, Buy more Ammo and Prep.
Gonna be interesting but the cards are already dealt.
Don’t worry, all my friends insist they will vote moar harder this time.
You can’t fix stupid.
If you ever want a few luxury freeze dried meals then pick you up a few Peak Refuel packs…They have the best tasting freeze dried meals out there in my opinion…Their biscuits and gravy one hits the spot on a cold mountain morning… They even have wild game ones that are pretty damn tasty…
Sapper is waaaay ahead of you on that. He’s the one with deep pockets and a refined palate… he has quite a few of them to include some Limited Edition Chad Mendez (no idea who he is… Big Game hunter is my guess) that’re Bison/Venison ones? He got 2X Buckets with 12 Pouches each. Their Breakfast Skillet V2 looks pretty damned goods too.
Well hopefully he will share because they are that good Brother…I keep quite a few on hand and rotate through them when I camp/hunt…
They are really good.
We need to get together in our backyard this fall for a hunt, Lineman.
Amen on that Brother…
well this better happen pretty damn quick
fact is folks, once (((they))) have skynet activated there’s no hiding or bugging out..
you are already infected and your internal systems are being re-wired by smart dust. those 12k musk satellites and the 5G towers in your backyard aren’t for fucking cell phone coverage. read on……
I have a shipmate who lives in South Florida. Lives in a gated community with one of those damn HOAs run mostly by Jewish residents. Hates it but loves the weather. He knows he will never get out if things went bad.
Me? I’m already “bugged in”. I have no other place to go, and this place is good enough. Isolated (but not remote) and well situated. Like-minded neighbors. Besides, bad shoulders, bad back, and bad lungs from decades of firefighting means humping a ruck and going all Rambo are out. This is the hill I will die on.