A short, but sweet one tonight. I’m off to bed as I have many miles to go over the weekend to check on Miss Daisy. Also need to swing by one of y’all’s places as I traipse through Georgia on my way North. Gotta see a man about a horse…
But yeah… this was an actual headline from today:

“Offishully” listed as ‘death by gunshot’

Absolute Genius I tell you…
It also listed it as ‘homicided’ in the coroner’s report TBH
Which in itself is interesting on a different level.
However, there’s enough shit out there conspiracy wise.
My reaction to this is (of course)


Our DotGov at work

What was that about a ‘crisis of competence’ again?
More Later
Big Country

Saw the latest video of him running around on the roof by the cat that got shot in the stands? The pink mist came out of his head while Trump was still speaking. I’m going to go out on a limb based on the pic of him above, and say he did nothing but collapse after that. Don’t pass go, didn’t clip Trumps ear…
Curiouser and curiouser…
It was actually a suicide mission.
Yea somehow they probably forgot to mention that little bit of info to him…
You got to love the CIA coming out denying that the shooter had anything to do with the MK-ultra program .
First, I would venture to say 95% of the sheeple in this country have no clue what MK-ultra was or is.
Second, they’re answering a question that wasn’t asked. Kinda like when you leave your 4 and 6 year old kids home alone while you visit your next neighbor and when you return you are greeted by two children with chocolate around their mouths proclaiming “we didn’t eat any cookies”…. Yeah you might want to check the cookie jar out.
I genuinely wished I cared more about the situation surrounding the assassination attempt. My phone started blowing up when it happened and my overall attitude was..meh, what ya gonna do. The fake bullshit is stacking up so fast I’ve become apathetic.
BCE – please delete ASAP if you think this is not appropriate.
I regret this could dredge up shitty memories for some of you, but when I looked at that creatures’ face, I couldn’t help but wonder why its eyes were closed, not open.
I am extremely and supremely fortunate to have only ever seen one person leave this world. From natural causes, in a hospital bed, surrounded by relatives that loved them. The thing that surprised me the most was afterwards their eyes didn’t close, and wouldn’t stay closed. Its not like what they show in the “moooo-vies” eh?
My doctor reckons that relaxed and open is the eyes’ natural state. Every deer I have taken has also had its eyes open as though it was awake when I approached it. I am wondering if it was the force of the impact from the projectile made its eyes close?
Well, from the viewpoint as an ICU nurse with 32 years on the floors I have seen a lot of death. Some people do die with their eyes closed. The Buddhists believe that it depends on which chakra the Soul leaves the body through as higher chakras involve the eyes being open. All the deer and pigs I have taken had their eyes open as well.
Also, just a theory here but if the shot destroyed the hypothalamus, the so-called lizard brain, perhaps it would affect the eyes. I don’t know, just spitballing on that one.
It would explain his rifle being several feet away from his body and why the first to get to the scene po po bodycams didn’t show any brass on the roof.
As for the homicide aspect of it I did read somewhere that it looked like he was shot from behind.
Good luck with the trip. Hope you get Miss Daisy’s problem sorted out.
A new training regimen for sloped roofs?
The “Canned Goods” don’t look like Brooks of BlackRock?
Any truth to the they own the building where the fuzz were sitting while snipey the clown was on top?
He slipped on the slope and fell on some hot lead projectiles, quick flush it down the google hole before anyone searches!
Clown World is Sofa King.
AI Hilter!? Bwhahaha!
Not so serious=good feelz.
I have some of his artworks in desktop and they are not bad at all.
Funko Pop Hilter still available, face and uniform decals separate.
‘Coffee and a Mike’ on rumble had on John Cullen. He’s the guy that did an excellent gunshot audio and mapping analysis of the Vegas shooting that painted the best picture of what happened in that government lie. Anyway he’s using the same software on the many videos of the trump rally. It’ll make your head spin vindicating everything you suspected and
how F’d the ole US of Ghey actually is.
I like when someone gets riddled with bullets and the “news” reports it as an “apparent gun shot wound”. Apparent? What gave it away, all of the bullet holes?
Not too long ago the gubment would have told us Crooks died of covid.
Medic here.
Re deceased with eyes open/closed: Cranial nerves III or VII (oculomotor nerve or facial nerve) are responsible for retracting the upper eyelids. Closed eyes are relaxed, or maybe the nerves were disrupted and lost their ability to open them.
A reason for open eyes in a deceased person might be sympathetic tone continuing after death due to pre death release of adrenaline etc. Which could be from fear, or any other reason for sympathetic tone like compensation for shock.
Squeezing the eyes shut on the other hand probably would be using cranial nerve VII, as it also furrows the brow.
My guess is the head shot disrupted his cranial nerve III. They are numbered by their appearance under the brain from back to front and a head shot to the occiput would probably disrupt III. VII is less likely though still possible too.
He would probably have been pretty excited given the circumstances, so we otherwise might have expected his eyes to be open.
Score one for the medic. Both the ICU nurse and the physician didn’t know the answer.
Thank you Baba Yaga & SemperFido – I have learned something.
Brings back memories of dive school. Getting that dive medic cert entailed whole lot of review of the cranial nerves and the mnemonics to remember them. Arterial Gas Embolisms (AGEs) can affect any and all. Drooping eyes and that whole facial paralysis, etc. Of course a .303 round can do anything a nitrogen bubble can, and then some. The only pic I saw made me wonder about blood loss though. The facial avulsions and paleness of the skin seemed out of place with a head shot only. Was there a heart shot?
Homicide is one of those most misunderstood words. It legally it means that one person killed another. It doesn’t always mean it was a criminal act. It needs to be investigated further to determine if the homicide was justifiable or criminal. The coroner simply decides that a death is the result of one person killing another and then classifies it as a homicide.
Speaking as an MD, I just realized that I have No Fucking Idea why one person dies with eyes closed and the other with eyes open.
I’ve rarely seen people die, or walked in as the first person to find someone dead. (I think nurses are more likely to be in that position. Different roles in the hospital and all that.) Most of the people that I have seen die have been in the context of a code. (“Code Blue”) That shit is chaos, so it’s by definition totally unnatural. But FWIW I’ve seen both open and closed eyes after an unsuccessful code.
I did happen to be present when my grandmother died, and my mom as well. Both died peacefully, turned on their right sides (auspicious for a Buddhist), with eyes closed. Those are the only “natural” deaths I’ve attended, so the “N” (sample size) is too small to draw conclusions.
Thanks for your thoughts Mike_C. May we never stop wondering and learning.
FWIW, all deaths caused by the actions of another person are counted as homicide. (It’s right there in the etymology.) Gunshot? Homicide, whether it’s murder or justified. Car wreck? Homicide. Executed by the government after 20 years of appeals? Homicide.
Every murder is a homicide, but not every homicide is murder.
(This was why I was telling everyone that Casey Anthony was going to walk long before the trial ended — they didn’t have a cause of death for the baby. No cause of death, no homicide finding. No homicide finding, no murder finding.)
“Death? what do y’all know about death?”
Russian Defense Ministry: Ukrainian military losses reached 60,000 troops in July
Russian troops massing on Kiev;
And our (((media))) tells us the UKR’s are winning.
Well bro, they told us we were winning in Vietnam too.
I woke up when Saigon fell, we stood around in the TV room at 2nd Recon, the looks on the faces of my NCO’s was utter shock that it had all been for nothing.
Some of our friends are still cheerleading for the MIC.
Sixty thousand schmixty thousand. Add a couple of zeros to that 60,000 and we’ll have a REAL genocide worth remembering.
But even then it’d just be dead Slavs. Not actual human beings or anything. So everyone just simmer down.
they’re mostly innocent christians who have been shanghai’d by you fucking jews- you fucking jew.
Didn’t you notice the sarcasm, and the exceedingly difficult quantum mathematical proposition? Quit humming Horst Wessel a little while and clear your mind, if possible.
Not one thing wrong with humming Horst Wessel Lied, sure beats all the jogger music we’re inundated with by our (((music industry).
Pay attention to all the obesity and multiculturalism here;
Brings up a good point; since Slavs, the traditional enemy of the Choses are not humans then they are below the level of Goyim. And we know that Goyim more or less equals cattle, albeit human, then what are the Chosen. Chabad’s Rebbe considered them on par with Aliens. So the whole UFOs bringing a Master Race ( A la ‘X Files’ and its Hebraic crew) of Chosenoids to rule by way of Tikum Olam. So the benevolence showed by the IDF to the Palis is an example of what They Want To Do to all the actual humans.
The Bolshies are Back… (sung to the crappy Eloi John song)
None of us goyim, Slav or not, are human. We have no souls. Having the SHAPE of a human being (only generally taller and with a smaller schnoz*) and being able to talk, those things do not make you human. Or so it’s been said by the religious authorities.
* that’s snark for humoristic effect. It is not necessarily true. The male Rothschilds, for example tend to around 6 feet or over. That said, on some Reddit thread I recently read the claim that “The Germans murdered the Jews because they were jealous of the Jews being more intelligent and more handsome/beautiful.” Yes. I’m sure that was the reason. Why I didn’t realize this before I can’t understand. ☹️ One of life’s mysteries.
True Beauty indeed.
Paramedic for 30+ yrs in the 5th largest in the FUSA. Seen more dead than I could possibly count. Eyes open, eyes closed – it doesn’t matter!
When sumdude gets hit with a high power rifle bullet in the squash, ALL his cranial nerves will be scrambled.
Get your rest BC, we want you alert and comfortable on your trip!
Still so much info that has not come out yet. It’s not a good time to be a .gov employee as by now a majority of the country is wondering if they really need you or not. If incontestable evidence of involvement by government agents is ever made public it won’t be safe for them anywhere. Not that many of them don’t deserve it now.
Matt Bracken used to shout down anyone who brought up jews by saying “IT’S DA JOOOOOOZ!”
Not too long ago, he made a positive post after reading Henry Ford’s “The International Jew.”
Proof that even the most ultra-mega-boomer can come around. To what degree, I have no idea, but…never give up
here’s something most didn’t know..
The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century.
They needed to distinguish themselves from their neighbors who were
Christians and Muslims. As John Beaty shows in his book, Iron Curtain over America,
the NWO is very much a recrudescence of the old Khazar empire,
extended to the whole planet. The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge
for the destruction of the Khazar Empire in the 10th century by the Kievan Rus.
Even Israeli geneticists and historians say the Palestinians are
the true descendants of the Biblical Hebrews and Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars.
A 2012 genetic study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution claims that European Jews (Ashkenazi) don’t belong to the 12 (Semite) tribes of Israel. They’re a mix of genetic ancestries, far more of which than previously thought to originate in tribes from the Caucasus – a region that sits between Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Ashkenazi ancestry comes from Slav, Bulgar, Iranian and Turkic tribes which established the Khazar empire in that region – which at its peak stretched from Kiev in the West to the Aral Sea in the Southeast.
And score one for TFat for bringing up the truth.
Every time you try explaining to the masses the jews running Israel aren’t real jews they go batshit crazy. The European Ashkenazi jews are kicking the real jews out of Israel.
Watch some of Abby Martins videos;
I have Beaty‘s book; I need to read it.
The Khazars have done an excellent job keeping the synagogue of Satan, as Christ called it, alive.
SS says ‘Go away… your ‘documents’ are probably conspiracy theory stuff, beat it!’ (That’s some mighty fine police work.)
Where is Maxwell Yearick?
NO ONE has brought this up.
They all play along with the Crooks scenario.
Any of us here will remember at the time of the shooting WRSA posted the name of the guy that turned out to be home and alive, then Crooks, and then Maxwell Yearick was the guy who matched the dead mug shot.
And now we play along with the fedgov trolls.
And DJT still says a mosquito flew by his ear, not some firecracker going off 1 inch from his ear canal.
So… who is our Commander in Chief? Just askin’… (headlines)
US urges citizens to leave Lebanon on ‘any available ticket’ //// JUST IN: Continuous stream of IL-96 cargo planes detected flying from Russia to Iran ///// Pentagon dispatches carrier strike group, fighter jet squadron to Mideast as tensions escalate
Awww, not death by assisted suicide? (AKA Arkancide). The 3 letter agencies really are losing their touch.