Gotta hand it to them DemoncRats, they suuuure do loooove them some good ole blaq accentuation and elocution while campaigning for the nigra vote:
Between Killary doing it, or the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den telling how how “…he’s gonna put y’all back in chains!!!” and sheeee-it.
How’d that work out?
In fact, an interesting little thing got put out today.
Cumala’s Birth Certificate.
Seems they failed to scrub it like they did the Obamamessiah.
Not that it’ll matter.

Of course the usual suspects in the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda are going to try like hell to say this’s doctored/photshoped, what the fuck ever…
Problem is they’ve got some serious credibility issues these days. Not that they care or are even aware. I mean there’s just too much shit to cover up.
And considering how the blaqs feel about Gopinder and his street-shitting corner store owning asses, this is not a viable long term strategy. There’s just too much to … pardon the pun whyttewash when it comes to the THROATUS. There’s just too much out there…
And if that isn’t enough to convince you:

Not sure which one the cumdumpster is in this pic
(They all look alike to me)
But yeah. The humor factor is at an “eleventy” right now as the various Organs of the State try to get this bitch across the finish line. However, that being saidf, I’m, also not sure if it’s a legit effort.
She hasn’t filed as of yet any official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission… of course that may just be something us plebes have to worry about amiright? They play by their own rules… Rules don’t apply at that level from what I hear.
I mean look at the whole “OrangeManBad Assassination Attempt”… More and More cell phone footage coming out in the open, more info, more ‘crossing the lines’ by whistleblowers to get the truth, whatever it may be out there. I positively knew the cellie-cam pics and vids were going to start leaking out.
EVERYONE with half a brain kept any info or footage they personally shot on the Doooooown-Low as they knew that there’d be a pretty high chance that IF they caught something that they were not supposed to that they’d end up like the ‘Tard on the Roof. ‘Suicide by Fed’ being at the top of that list.
Since the Cumala story sucked all the air (and sperm) out of the head-lies? They feel a wee bit more open to sharing…
God, what a time to be alive Aye?
So yep.
Have to keep watching… I mean it’s only going to get more entertaining as time goes on. I’m not even going to touch the story about the nine fucking (((IDF))) fucktard-rapists troops who got freed after raping both boys and women in Gaza by the (((authorities))) who then had the audacity to say that the Jewish Religion allows for these sorts of predations…
That’s funny…
OUR Religion used to make certain allowances too!

I’ll just leave that one to speak for itself…
More Later
Big Country

Won’t be long now!
You are correct, Sir.
Thats the takeaway here. Time was short, it just got shorter.
Joe, was that in your best Ed McMahon voice?
Slurry slore a Hindu prophet says she’s the Babylon Whore!
This is fine when we burn it all down and make helicopter rides great again.
Enough is enough.
Revelation Revolution.
Plain as day…
Stumbled across this earlier today. Seems like decent evidence of multiple shooters.
If these high-strung liberal vermin aren’t using a fake pandering accent ,they are doing that gay-ass cosplay dress up they like to do. I saw a rather portly woman at a Kamala rally made up like a cat (Vance’s cat lady remarks). Seriously?! My son stopped putting Spider-Man and ghost rider costumes on when he was 5 or 6 and my daughter stopped with the princess costume about the same time.
I’ve always said liberals desperately need 3 things; genuine self reflection, A thesaurus, and a sense of humor.
The more time that passes the more I realize “fake and gay” is not just a catchphrase but an honest assessment of them.
As far as kameltoe being born in India. That precedent has been set and that ship has sailed. “Our side” is the only side is the only side that plays by the rules. Speaking of rules when are our representatives going to realize that when you’re in a back alley fight with 3 hells angels you can’t use the Marcus of Queensbury Rules?
“As far as kameltoe being born in India.”
The Certificate of Live Birth says that the mother’s birthplace was India, not the child’s. Kamala’s birthplace is identified as the Kaiser Foundation Hospital, city of Oakland, county of Alameda in California.
Nontheless, all of your points remain valid.
Speaking of rules when are our representatives going to realize that when you’re in a back alley fight with 3 hells angels you can’t use the Marcus of Queensbury Rules?
On Target.
We complain, the socialist (commie lite) do things.
A LOT like why they mock Christians NOT Muslims at the Olympics.
Folks going to learn to live like the Irish Resistance or on their knees to their owners.
I’m pretty sure the IRA wrote the book on the 3 “S”‘s as we seem unable to remember the last one.
Speaking of rules when are our representatives going to realize that when you’re in a back alley fight with 3 hells angels you can’t use the Marcus of Queensbury Rules?
On Target.
Why did the (()) mock Christians at the Olympics? Because mocking Muslims is dangerous.
We complain the leftist socialists (commie lite) DO.
And Congress RINOs complain more, write stiff notes before heading off to vacation.
Unarmed Venezuelans are fighting, we the well armed are “charitably” waiting.
Maybe the times O’ troubles are not enough trouble yet. Irish “Democracy”
I think the IRA wrote the original 3 “S”‘s.
Color or race of father: Jamaican.
What am I missing here?
Asked about your race or color and you answer with your nationality?
County recording clerks aren’t known for their IQ either.
I had 2 huge pachyderm women at the DMV who didn’t know what to do with my US naturalization papers (Canadian born, naturalized 45 yrs ago) along with a US passport, after they told me to bring proof of citizenship for my drivers license over a decade ago. They spent an hour on the phone with state HQ, then gave it back to me, still unsure what to do with me.
These are the illiterate idiots in charge of records and legal papers.
Semper- agree with you about dealing with the gate-keepers at all levels of govt. They will spend more time and energy arguing with you, than trying to help you. That said.
The clerk that typed the form probably just put down what the father of the baby declared when asked about race or color.
Also interesting that baby’s mother declared she was Caucasian. In 1951, India did away with race- because it was racist.
It is perfectly acceptable for the census and the IRS for us to answer that question with “American.”
Meh, I honestly don’t even know what being American is anymore…
At least it’s a legitimate birth certificate, unlike Obama’s ridiculous and uncertified fraud…and that’s the problem…who wants a dot Indian in a position of power?
Found this on Reddit – usual grain of NaCl but it feels right.
Upshot: Kamala is 50% Indian, & 37.5% European, & 12.5% Jamaican
Notice how carefully she specified “South Indian”? Indians are racist as fuck, and among themselves refer to North Indians as being “from the dumb part of India”.
This won’t be popular, but I suggest y’all get used to saying P-resident Harris. Rules are for little people and the steal is on.
THOT-TUS. That Ho Over There Of The United States
I thought it was THROAT-US.
Either way…
Stop being a defeatist little bitch
Keep waving that flag and vote moar harder………
Test post
Odd both my tries to reply to Cold Soldier failed.
Don’t need them both, just thought I failed to hit post comment or something.
Sad though, the Venezuelans UNARMED are fighting voter fraud but we the “well armed”…
We DO need to relearn the Irish 3 “S”‘s.
I’ve had same issue, every other comment doesn’t show up. I thought too that I forgot to hit post button.
Hate to throw shade here, but India was the birthplace of her mother. That’s under the mother info section. The doc shows herself born in Alameda.
That said, she ain’t down for the struggle, and all the soul brothas and sistas know it.
She still may not make it. I believe the pieces I read where Obama called JoePedo and told him to drop out, and told her if her numbers are where they need, she’ll be replaced too.
IT’s all about the margin of cheat. Moneyball.
Funny that she’s been screeching the standards this week; gun control, abortion, all the lefty fluffing she’s doing. They must know their base was failing with Biden.
Going to be a trip no matter what. There’s simply too much video of her dingbattery out there, not to mention what she’ll say live. You can’t bury it all.
“There’s simply too much video of her dingbattery out there, not to mention what she’ll say live. You can’t bury it all.”
lol, you taking bets on that? They absolutely will bury it!
TBH THROATUS daddy most likely has blaq in him.
2011 Jamaica census
African descent 76.3%
And he looks it. She’s still more Curry than other.
Mosaic Law + ancient mystery religions = synagogue of satan’s talmudic law.
And according to talmudic law, the goyim are considered subhuman, and it is ‘legal’ under talmudic law to stoop to these levels of abject depravity and immorality. It’s basically mask off for those who call themselves Jews, but are not. They are the synagogue satan that Jesus speaks of in Revelation 2 & 3.
Today’s Jews have nothing to do with God and Jesus and their Kingdom. It’s antichrist operations up and down, left and right, inside and out.
You will know the tree by it’s fruit.
Amen x 1488!!!
Ashkenazi Jews (Israelis) have no connection to the ancient Hebrews. They are Khazars.
They do have a connection, in that they adopted the “religion” of the Christ-Killers.
Had but the Crusades just ventured further north and erased that scourge as is developed…
For those who haven’t noticed, the Kalergi Plan is being tweaked a bit.
In the New Order Reset:
1 .) Pajeets will be their techs and Engineers.
2.) Hispanics will furnish their grunt labor…
3.) …with a small admixtures from the few more civilized Negroes (the rest will be exterminated– rubbed out to the very last chromosome).
4.) Whites. Will. Be. Absent.
Plan accordingly.
Maybe so, but they’re usually not great engineers or techs. South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis) are much more about status, titles, and nepotism than the work itself. They also enjoy rules lawyering. In many ways they are cut-rate Jews. Only without the genuine zeal to “repair the world”. (I’m not saying that Jews do GOOD with their attempts to change things. Quite the opposite, as a rule, but many of them are sincere. With many (maybe most) Indians it’s a grift where they talk doing good but they cheerfully cheat and exploit the fuck out of others.)
I don’t think Whites will be absent. They need someone to keep technological civilization going. East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) might be able to do it, but they are less easily exploited by the tales of victimhood and Chosen of “G-d” bullshit.
They turned them loose … “Illegal aliens from Jordan who tried to breach Quantico allowed to walk free after posting bail.”
“Meh, I honestly don’t even know what being American is anymore…”
I feel the same way. If I was Han Chinese, I would have 4000+ years of history and culture to refer to to help define me. If I was Russian, it is 1000+ years. If I was Iranian, there is 4000+ years of Persian culture to fall back on.
What do I have? Consumerism? M-She-U Marvel movies? Maybe rodeos, Thanksgiving, and county fairs, interstate travel, and vast choice of fast food places to poison my body with. Jazz sucks ass so I don’t care about that.
Indians are racist as fuck, and among themselves refer to North Indians as being “from the dumb part of India”.
Curry-niggers have a caste system. I know they have one caste called untouchables. IIRC people that touch other people, are untouchables. So it wouldn’t surprise me that doctors are considered untouchable. I’m guessing that curry-niggers don’t care much for plumbers either. Better to shit in an open sewer that violate your caste system. I have no doubt many Curry-Nigger Americans retain prejudices of the caste system.
As for Throatus’s racial makeup, I don’t really care. To what degree she is made up of curry-nigger or nigger nigger makes little difference. She isn’t part of my tribe and that is all that matters.
Germany ended up in shambles after WW1, the Weimar brought all sorts of LGBT nonsense with it (most of the book burnings in the 30’s were Weimar era porn, not Bibles and works of literature as we’ve been told), and in 1933 Hitler unified Germany with the slogan “Ein Volk” (One people). He became one of the most loved leaders in all history, and the Zionists destroyed him and his nation.
Exactly as they are doing to the west today. We are Weimar era Germany today and no one is waking up to the the Zionists final solution.
Vote moar harder, we’ll win this time. You betcha.
Who owns Pornhub and aparently most if not all online porn companies?
Various shell companies like Mindgeek.
Who owns them.
((who knows))
Funny thing was just a few months ago the tribe wasn’t worried about a Rabbi owning MindGeek.
Now it’s like Throatus’s social media, shut it down and white wash.
Funny how the artists doing the Drag Last Supper and most of the Olympics anti-Christian crap were (()).
Good points, Troy and 0321.
But to Troy’s “what defines me”, well, I AM Han Chinese (genetically; Chinese from China tell me I’m horrible at being Chinese), but what defines ME is thousands of years of history, philosophy, law, science, and art of the West: The Greeks, the Romans, the Germanic tribes. And Christianity (even though I have zero religiosity and am dubious of ALL Abrahamic religions). So as a Westerner I also have thousands of years of cultural foundation and identity.
“Meh, I honestly don’t even know what being American is anymore…”
Maybe this map explains why. Hope this link works . It purports to show the cultural regions of the United States of which it claims there are 50.
That’s a cool map and it makes sense. I’m off in the northern Rockies and the Great Basin, largely racially/ethnically/culturally homogenous out here.
No dog in this hunt.
Been reminded of the serenity prayer. Not much I can do about the world self imolating. Just have to wait and see. I’m sure I don’t have enough ammo, but I doubt any of us do.
I have enough to have one hell of a time before I go.
Hi Bubba,
What ya’ think?? So “Kammi” is being paraded about…
My only question … why aren’t we hearing from the “”Hidabeast??”
Perhaps, she’ s “Reloading????”
“Get my drift???”
Blue Skyz, Black Death,