So Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Stupid and Polling Results Plus the Outage(s)

Greetings and Salutations on this Fine Friday Night!
Sweet Lord in Heaven. This had been one Hell of a day at The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #731. I had/have LOTS of pieces-parts moving all over the place, and some of the Proletariat have unwisely decided that no, they’re ackchully members of the Intelligentsia and are acting like it.

Hate to tell you, you’re just not that bright people.

Despite the Premier and various Apparatchiks who tell me that I should be kissing their asses because they are clients that I need to bow n’scrape and do the whole “by your leave” thing.

Fuck that noise.

I’m a fucking Commissar and I’ll be damned if I fold like a lawn chair on this one.

So all in all, a stressful week.

That being said it can’t be any worse than it is for the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den and his ‘spouse/controller’, The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster.

THEY have to be completely on edge right now.

My rationale for that is that despite the polling out there, they’re juuuust about to be jettisoned, sans parachute from about 12ooo feet. SkyBill, a regular commentator here (who’s been MIA recently, I hope he’s OK) would tell you that’s a loooong drop to be falling without a chute.

Granted, the official polling(s) that these morons are following show this which is seriously indicative of a problem:

There’s twelve polls in that chart.

The average point spread/lead right now, according to them is Trump leads in the polls nationally by only 3 points.
If you can’t see them, the polls are run by the following ‘usual suspects’ with their numbers:

CBS: Trump +5
Emerson: Trump +4
Morning Consult: Trump +4
Reuters/Ipsos: Trump +2
Forbes/Harris: Trump +2
NPR/PBS/Marist: Biden +2
Rasmussen: Trump +6
FOX News: Trump +1
NBC: Trump +2
ABC/Washington Post: Trump/Biden A Tie!!!!
Wall Street Journal: Trump +6
New Fucking Yawk Times/Siena: Trump +6

My point of view is that IF these are the ‘various polls’ that the Joetato, as well as his corrupt and dissolute Family are utilizing in the justification of keeping the Corpse In Chief up for re(s)election? Well I can sort of understand why. A average 3 point lead with almost 109 days until November 5th. That’s 3 months, 19 days.

Mind you ALL of these polls are from what I have been calling the various “Ministries of Lies and Propaganda” for the past couple of years at this point. NONE of them operate at all except for their own dividends. Even FOX News or as I prefer ‘Faux News’ is the pro-war Boomer NormieCon Channel. Got to play the role of the “Loyal Opposition” Aye?

So since there’s only a 3+ point lead, as we saw this past weekend on the 13th, a lot can happen very fucking quickly in such a time. In this case none of it good IMO. To their point of view, a lead that small is NOT insurmountable at all.

Understanding that, there’s another poll out there:

THAT is a poll from Polymarket.

Well, it’s not a poll really. More like a ‘futures market’. Per the Wiki:

Polymarket is a decentralized prediction market platform that allows users to place bets on world events. Users buy and sell shares using cryptocurrency to bet on the likelihood of future events taking place.

The actual breakdown is here:

There’s 262 Million USD riding on this.

According to quite a few sources, the accuracy of a lot of the ‘bets’ in the outcome have generally been good. I.E. that if the MAJORITY of bets are, as they are now, on OrangeManBad to win by what appears to be a very wide margin then that’s the way it’s probably going to break. As they say, “put your money where your mouth is” and it seems like a LOT of people are literally betting on a MAJOR Bulletproof Felon landslide win.

Insight, which is another prediction market/betting space has the same thing:

Granted, it’s ‘gambling’

It’s also highly indicative of real people and how THEY feel. They’re willing to throw some cash down on this. In this economy? I’d say that’s a pretty damned good way to measure how the voat is going to go. This as opposed to the ‘usual suspects’ who’ve (as far as I can remember) –never– been right about anything.

Sort of like Jim Cramer from MSNBC.

No idea what his opinion is, but it’s wrong IMO either way.

The only other info from today was that HUGE intahrwhebz outage. According to the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, it was an update or more specifically, a failure of a CrowdStrike update that was ‘pushed’ that caused the dreaded “blue screen o’death” on all the machines running Microsuck. That included

…the Ball in Vegas, and from my understanding is that is a real picture, which makes it oh-so-much funnier to me at least.

Thing of it is, CrowdStrike?
If they sound familiar, they should be.

They’re the compoany that the DemoncRats utilized to push the story that the DNC (DemoncRat Notional Cuntfaces) was ‘hacked’ by Russia. This has been utterly proven to be false. I love their statement(s) too, the funniest being:

CrowdStrike’s conclusion that Russia was behind the DNC hack is supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and also by independent Congressional reports. 

That would have been the same “Intelligence Community” that said that His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster’s laptop was also Russian Disinformation.

The DNC was not hacked.

In fact I have it on very good sourcing that Seth Rich was actually the source of all the supposed ‘hacked’ info. He was murdered for this “betrayal” so to speak. Just like so many before who crossed Hitlery Killton, he ended up dead.

We’re ALL familiar with the supposed story.

He was killed in a supposed ‘robbery’ that the robbers in question didn’t steal anything of value. It was a payback killing. Rich had downloaded the info onto a thumb drive, which was forensically proven, as the speeds of the download precluded any ‘hack’ at the time.

He was a disgruntled “Bernie Bro” who was pissed off at the DNC rigging things to get Killary ‘in’ as the candidate. The killers from my understanding, were basic MS-13 ‘disposables’ who, on the completion of their mission were in turned whacked by their employer/handler in what appeared to be, and was called, a ‘drug deal gone bad.’

This completely alleviated any close scrutiny.

Per usual.

Fox News contributor and former homicide detective Rod Wheeler even volunteered and investigated Seth’s murder, which led to Wheeler asserting links between Rich and Wikileaks. Shortly after this, he bailed. Like “runs away like his hair was on fire”…. I’m pretty sure –someone– made him and offer ‘he couldn’t refuse’ to sit down and shut up.

Either way, I find it striking (no pun intended) that CrowdStrike is still out there and running around, causing chaos. Seeing that they’re involved deeply with the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center, which is supposed to be the entity that ‘polices’ our (s)elections? Per their own website:

The EI-ISAC® is a community of dedicated election officials and cybersecurity professionals working side-by-side to ensure the integrity of elections among U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) governments.

Foxes guarding the motherfucking henhouse Aye?
I report, you decide.
I for one just find it rather convenient that the entity that’s going to be ‘balls deep’ in insuring the ‘safety and security’ of our (s)election process just so happened to cause a Global Internet Outage today and was also EXCEEDINGLY balls deepest in the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” horseshit…
Jes’ Sayin’
Derp State Much?

Almost a week to the day for that matter.
As far as I know, things still aren’t unfucked yet.
Make of it what you will.
Maybe something we should take as mahaps a warning?
Either way, like I said, I’m going long(er) in MOAR bullets, beans and boots. The moar, the bettera.

Been a long day… I got to crash.
More Later
Big Country

31 thoughts on “So Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Stupid and Polling Results Plus the Outage(s)”

  1. Polls don’t matter. Voting doesn’t matter. All that matters is who counts all those ballots…legitimate and illegitimate. And the DNC has that locked down tight.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

      I’m done with the kabuki theatre… y’all realize thats what this is, right?

    2. Especially polls involving Trump…When people can lose their jobs, or be demoted, for supporting Trump, they aren’t going to answer polls or if they do, they will lie….Perfectly sensible…Furthermore, in the era of cell phones, no poll can be very accurate because of the problems getting a good sample…

    3. What was Obama before he “got elected”? Community organizer. What do community organizations regularly commit? Yes, voter fraud.

      Obama is the first president of the modern era to stay in Washington at the end of his term. He didn’t do that for the low crime rate or beautiful scenery.

  2. The Microsuck shutdown torpedoed the largest oil tank farm in NY today, which is also the principal connector for the big interstate pipelines, lol.
    The place in question is a rustbucket boomer-era leftover that is rotting away. How it is that a computer fuckup caused problems where the most modern computer is a fucking abacus I don’t know. Must be the pipeline department, which I’m not familiar with. The docks are strictly Flintstones era technology.

  3. Heard a comment on Redacted that it’s a “Once in a lifetime event” for a presidential assassination attempt to occur and realized that I have had three of them in my life, Kennedy, Reagan and now Trump. And in my opinion, all three of them were political hits. And all three of them basically had the same enemies. As far as the bets made against Trump’s business’ prior to the shooting attempt the largest bet made, although not the only one, was by a small hat company. Now, due to sound analysis it appears that there were up to three shooters present at the rally. That’s a lot of unwatched high spots. Even the secret squirrels aren’t THAT incompetent. This was a planned hit. Sorry TFat old friend. I’m not buying the faked attempt storyline.

    1. Exactly. Faaaaaar too many mistakes were made to be mistakes. All the video evidence is damning, and the excuses being proffered are complete horseshit a 5 year old would come up with if you caught them in the cookie jar.
      I don’t need a trial, I don’t need an investigation, nor a hearing. I need a tall tree, a short rope, and about 20 minutes each.

      1. The audio evidence is damning as well. 3 measured and muffled shots, followed by a flurry of about 4 shots with echoes, obviously two completely different weapons. these were followed by at least one shot from a 3rd weapon. probably the SS SNOT team.
        Multiple still photos and videos at the time of the shooting and immediately after show an open window on the second floor directly overlooking the patsy shooter’s rooftop. This is the reported true position of the SS/PA State PoPo/ et all sniper observation post. The USSS Director deliberately gave the false information that this team was posted in the ground floor of the building where the patsy was on the roof. The news outlets are making an obvious effort with their graphics of the shooting to suggest that the patsy was killed very close to the edge of the roof under this open window instead of where the photographic evidence places him, which is 30 -35 feet deeper into the middle of the roof.
        The conspirators are going with the story that the patsy got all of those shots off before he was killed. What likely happened is a shooter inside the room with the open window where the sniper Observation Team was posted took the first (muffled) shots including the one that hit Trump. Patsy then popped of a few (unmuffled, echoes) wild shots and was taken out by the down ranger sniper team waiting for him to act.
        It is abundantly clear that this was a widespread conspiracy within the security detail to kill Trump and that everyone involved should be detained and debriefed at length. Of course, with all of Federal Law enforcement so thoroughly purged and compromised, there is simply no one in authority trustworthy enough to investigate and prosecute this crime. The FBI policed up the shooter’s brass and hosed down the rooftop almost immediately. There will be no effort made to trace the trajectory of all the shots back to the sources since some of them will lead back to the open window instead of where the patsy was lying dead.

      1. Two attempts, if I am not mistaken: Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore.

    2. i’m rarely wrong. just give it time you’ll see.

      politics is hollywood for ugly people. trump is an actor… he’s only playing his (((scripted))) part.

      I retired at 40-now 60, with more freedom than most here will ever know because i have the ability to see things that others aren’t even aware exist.

    3. Ford, don’t forget ‘Squeeky’ Fromme taking a shot at Ford. That makes MY 3rd for my “Assassination Bingo Card”

  4. An error or warning shot after the RNC?

    Crowdstrike is clearly DNC/intel. Their fingers are in to many swampy pots.

    I am only surpised they didn’t blame Russia.

  5. RE the “Outtage”;
    “whaddya mean — moving applications into ‘the Cloud’ which are 3rd rate data centers in 3rd World countries run by 3rd Worlders isn’t a great idea” ?
    “Amazon (AWS) and Microsoft (Azure) would never LIE to you — those data centers are just down the street from you in the USA run by Americans, forget the traceroutes that show they are FAAAR away, that’s just network latency”.
    “Moving all of your software development to India isn’t a wise move” ?
    “why anyone can code or design and run a data center” — right ?

    These companies would NEVER cut their Quality Assurance teams to nothing and barely test their patches or code— why that’s crazy talk.

  6. The democrats are going to replace Biden. They will cheat again. With Biden the cheat would lack the appearance of legitimacy. With the last minute addition of their candidate of choice followed by non stop promotion by the press ( force multiplier so to speak) they have plausibility and that’s all they need.

    I go back again to shortly after Trumps first impeachment. Nancy and democrats in both houses of congress held a closed door meeting about the 25th amendment. When it concluded Nancy told a reporter it wasn’t necessarily about Trump. They just wanted clarification for future reference. All of a sudden all democrats get behind Biden in the primary and rescue him from almost dropping out, to being the winner. They chose the two dumbest, and easily manipulated candidates running to be president and vice president. The plan was to use his ass up as a scapegoat to support all the batshit crazy stuff their base wanted.

    Now the problem is that sling blade has dementia so damn bad he forgot what democrats did for him and that tard thinks he actually beat Trump fair and square. I see them putting a pillow over his head in his sleep. Blackmail would be their preferred choice but how do you blackmail someone who is so mentally challenged he doesn’t remember the incidents they would use in said blackmail?

    As far as Trump is concerned. The more time that passes the more obvious it is that there were 3 letter agencies involved in that assassination attempt. I’ve been around a lot lesser priority people with secret service protection and that is NOT how business is conducted. It is an impossibility that, THAT many “mistakes” were made. They will make another attempt on Trump.

    My money is still on there being no election in November.

  7. When there is thus much kerfuffle in the media, with plenty of sock puppet accounts spreading rumors to distract the people, I assume we are not seeing the Big Picture. Maybe that tfA-t guy, he knows all, he sees all, but the rest of us are not seeing everything in motion either. It’s impossible to but we can see patterns and trends, that is where we should be focused rather than getting caught up in the weeds of stuff that no one will ever be able to prove.

    1. Most folks don’t have a BS filter, they believe everything they hear and won’t sift thru the minutia. All it takes is a few moments to assess the situation and ignore 90+% of what you’re being fed, then follow your gut feeling and you’ll usually get your answer. Instead folks are glued to their brainwashing channels and absorb the distractions, without thinking it’s all lies. Over and over it repeats itself, and our masters can count on using the same tactics because the masses won’t wake up to the deception. Just like voting, it’s a shell game for them and the proles keep playing.
      I’ve known tfA-t a long time, we used to argue at WRSA a decade ago, he played head games with everyone to try to wake them up, get them to see thru their own dogmatic thinking, to no avail.
      Folks eat up the brainwashing, as always, and tfA-t and I are laughed at for seeing thru the bread and circus routine that feeds this nation.
      You can’t fix stupid.

      1. The other issue is normalcy bias and people don’t WANT to believe what their eyes and gut are telling them.
        For example my sister is a very smart highly educated person but she absolutely will NOT look at anything about the JFK assassination or the 911 coverup. I finally realized that the reason is that if you accept the truth about those things, its like in the Matrix and you swallow the red pill and see reality and all of the BS filters drop.
        Many people can’t handle that and they WANT the BS and lies and merrily go through their life that way.

    2. It’s trying to visualize their OODA loop.
      The problem lies therein that it’s nigh impossible to try and think in the fashion they do, as the best metaphor for the actions of all involved it is schizophrenic at best. Too many Agencies, too many ‘voices’ and too many ‘plans’… ‘wheels within wheels’. As you stated Arthur, it’s why us Intel folks have to do pattern recognition, evaluation of trends, analysis based on projected ‘what ifs’ and then throw in a bit of ‘random chance’ as well as some flat out WAGs (Wild Assed Guesses), then MAYBE you might be able to get a minute (pronounced my-noot, i.e. tiny) idea as to what the next move will be. Tonight’s blegg should have some of that in it.

  8. Trump is being installed to lead the West into a suicidal world war against Iran, Russia and China. He is a traitor and Americans are inveterate rubes. All world wars are orchestrated to kill patriots and increase the wealth and power of the central bankers. They couldn’t impose their tyranny with lockdowns and toxic vaccines. WW3 will bring in Agenda 2030.—forgive-trump-his.html

  9. So you boys see the future, riddle me this how are you gong to use that wisdom to make change?

    No one here alone has the ability to make the changes needed.

    It’s clear to me, The Donald’s moved on, he recognizes that the only way he can effect change is in fact to become the President. Be interesting to watch if he guts the left.

    I’m always amused at the alleged “pearls of Intel” dropped here as if we all have god himself whispering in our ears.

    What’s amusing is it’s obvious to those being intellectually honest that your sources are everybody’s sources, I don’t think Billy next door, you know the jail house lawyers wired into the upper reaches of Deep State.

    Logic and Reason can cut thru MSM like a knife thru butter.

    This is nothing more then 3 demential Chess.

    It’s poor form to still be stuck on last weeks news, you all know the truth, Big Brother tried to KILL The Trumpster.

    Taking one of us out wouldn’t mean shit to them. Cuz it’s just money, in fact it’s just OUR money being used.

    I find that simple fact amusing.


    1. The only thing that will save the world is when humans stop playing subservient groupies to political and religious ideology. It’s killed billions in the past.
      No one can think for you but you yourself. And man has proven he can’t think for himself. He needs to follow someone elses brainwashing. And here we are, mass herd psychosis.
      It’s not my intent to turn this into another WRSA argue fest, Pete shut us down for that.
      But I hope people will learn to use their own discernment before they make life changing decisions.

  10. “Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”
    — Zbigniew Brzezinski

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