Follow The Money Then Show Me The Money Plus India Ascendant

Telling you, “The sleeper has awakened” on the Twatter side of the house. Tons of ‘former’ clueless NPCs have suddenly realized just what sort of shenanigans the Leftoid Morons have been up to for the past 10+ years.

Even some of the most recalcitrant motherfuckers are getting in on “Reverse Cancel Culture” i.e. ‘payback on the Left’ for all of the depredations that have gone on over the years.

My post last night barely scratched the fucking surface.

Todays cursory look showed that a metric fuckton of deranged TDS infected have been effectively ‘purged’ of their jobs that I can see. Lib of TicTok being one of the major movers and shakers who’ve been uncovering these scum.

So the good news keeps on flowing apparently.

Now, as to following the money, we have this:

Damned near the same exact thing happened on 9/11.
The airlines involved had massive short puts put against them as well, and when the stock invariably tanked as it did –someone, somewhere- made a ton of money.

No one ever found out who did as the SEC, when hit with a FOIA, said the records in question of just who placed those options, that they had been destroyed.

So someone better get hot on this one.

Find out where them puts came from and you’ll have an idea of who was, if not behind the plot, but either financed it, or knew about it.

Which then brings me to Michael Yon’s post:

The TL;DR is that Yon thinks that the NYFS (New Yawk Fuckin’ Slimes) Reporter who caught this picture:

…was actually looking for a different picture.

Mainly because of the shutter speed that was used. According to Yon, and a whole lot of other professional photographers the setting of the camera that the photog in question was using (30f 1/8000) is NOT utilized in ‘normal pictures’ such as they were.

Nope… that setting is for action shots
Like a guy’s brains coming out of his skull.
Guy might have been looking for a Pulitzer from the look of it.

Interesting note: The Photog In Question was the same guy who took that pic of Bush #2 at the school being told that 9/11 was going down.

Interesting idnit?

Granted, it is a bit of a ‘reach’
This rally in Butler PA was really really small comparatively speaking. Like a minor ‘whistle stop’ type of thing.

Which raises the question:
Why were the BBC, a PILE of other foreign news entities and ALL the US Major Ministries of Lies and Propaganda there, unless they fucking knew something or were tipped off something was going to happen?

Inquiring minds, Yo.

Then… in the aftermath…
The Repug-ni-cunt National Convention.

LOTS of people, to include Adrew Torba and the like flipped their collective shit as Christians over the Hindu who gave a religious blessing of some kind. My initial reaction was ‘Meh…’ they’re trying to ‘draw in’ as many as they can, and that it’s the “Big Tent” approach.

Sapper today disabused me of that.

His hypothesis, which makes a lot of sense, is that even the Repug-ni-cunts knew it was going down. They just didn’t expect him to survive! The rational being that the Hindu In question?

A Hindu of the Sikh variety.
A big time lawyer in Califrutopia.

You know who else is a Sikh?

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.
A.K.A. Nikki Haley.

Anyone want to take any bets that she was supposed to be the Deep State Replacement for OrangeManBad after he had his shit collectively scattered and splattered?

She’s a known neocon for fucks sake.
Beloved by the neocons and forever war folks.

Then, add on the new Veep Pick, JD Vance… his wife?

ANOTHER ascendant Dothead.

Considering that ‘they’ took over Britland without firing a shot, and that there’s a hell of a lot more of them than any other race/nationality outside of Joe Chink and we have a “Houston, we have a problem” moment.

I mean I might be completely off the mark here
One time is happenstance
Two times is Coincidence
Third time? Enemy Action.

A Sikh who happens to be a high-powered, heavily wired in Repugnicunt Lawyer, from California no less (Dhillion) giving some sort of Hindu Blessing to the eight armed Elephant God of some sort, with another Sikh, waiting in the wings, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, who’s a major Deep State player and neocon. She would have been a great choice if OrangeManBad had bought the farm. I mean a female of the darker persuasion, and a tool of the Deep State?

Riding on a “OrangeManBad is dead, we need to elect our new candidate!!!” pity party. “Do it in memory of OrangeManBad!!!”

And it would have worked…

And then the presumptive Veep, who had probably already been selected for her, with a spouse that’s the same nationality/race? Who now is the presumptive Veep for the now-Bulletproof Felon? After a long time of trash talking OrangeManBad?

That’s the three things to call it, IMO enemy action

They fucking knew it
It was planned allllllll they way down the line
And because of Divine Intervention and/or a Minor head twist, all that shit went out the window, and now they’re in full on pantshitting mode. On both sides.

Keep that in mind
A cornered animal is when it’s most dangerous.

Your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

62 thoughts on “Follow The Money Then Show Me The Money Plus India Ascendant”

  1. Make no mistake. If Trump wins (very likely now) they will pull the plug on the economy. The only thing to stop them is (1) Trump wins by a fuckton of a
    landslide, and (2) he warns them on the down low that if they pull that shit he will have them arrested and put in Gitmo. If they do it, it will be in December for the psychological effect of ruining the holidays.

    1. > If Trump wins (very likely now) they will pull the plug on the economy.

      They don’t have to pull the plug, it will implode all on its own. The sheer amount of dollars floating around demands that the Fed Chairman jack rates up even higher. Think Vockner 20% and you get the picture. This is inevitable.

      That will collapse debt spending even more, and make it so expensive for Congress to deficit spend that they will finally have to reign in spending, after near on 20 YEARS of trillion dollar or more deficits.

    2. That IMHO is why they are keeping poopy pants in there, what better way to crap on DJT than hand him a total clusterfuck

  2. You don’t have to agree with me, but I call it Divine Intervention. And I’m thankful.

    Yeah, it means that it’s gonna get ugly, but it was gonna get ugly anyway. I’d rather have ugly with one of ours that’s a fighter leading the charge. Get your preps in line, do your area studies, and strengthen your tribe. It’s soon gonna be showtime.

    1. Exactly. How long is the “trace” in the photo? Probably 1-1.5 feet. Let’s say the bullet is traveling at 3000 ft/sec… 3000 ft/sec x 1/8000 sec = .375 feet = 4.5 inches. 4 1/2 inches would be the distance travelled by the bullet in 1/8000 of a second.

      1. Except the air disturbance would have some dwell time so appear longer than the bullet transit.

        1. Given the right conditions, you can see air disturbance from bullet trace when viewing from the usual position of the shooters perspective. Do you think you would see air disturbance from a 90 degree view of the bullet travel?

  3. DJT has already softened and capitulated. He and son DJT Jr agreed that the rhetoric in the first draft of his speech to be delivered at the convention was too strident and should be toned down. In honor of Vance’s bi-racial marriage and fealty to the tribe, the new theme is to reunify the country, rather than purge its toxins.

    1. I do believe that there is truth in that.

      Another view is that it is smart politics. A unifing speach is sharp contrast to the vile and devisive rhetoric of Biden, the DNC, and the press. Elections are won on contrasts and it is a tacticlly good move – especially if proxies can tack the other line.

      The truth is probably someplace in the middle

  4. Don’t think so Tiny – but whadda I know?

    Far as I know you can’t fake incompetence like that. There are too many morons, too many big mouths, too many treacherous pakies, jews, and turd brains that’d rat each other out for a dime. The people involved couldn’t pull off a deception like that. None of them have the brain cells or the integrity of thieves to swing it.

    1. No way was this just mere incompetence. You’ve got your head firmly planted in the sand if you think otherwise. Check out Anonymous Conservative’s blog for more info.

  5. Saw a piece from Taibbi on zerohedge. He was pointing this phenomena out too. Scarborough getting dumped really astounded me. That guy and his guests have said some of the most outrageous shit over the years passing it off as news. Man bear bitch is still running but The Morning Joe getting nixed is a good start.

    All sounds like good news but I’m not so sure. After Saturday the zeitgeist immediately shifts in favor of civility? No doubt Butler PA was an unforgettable event. The photo of a clenched fisted Trump was absolutely remarkable. Up until that Saturday afternoon it was fair game to lie, frame, and openly threaten Trump and the people who support him.

    Seems very peculiar to me. Everything I have seen up to that day assures me that I am not being overly paranoid. Reading this piece and the Matt Taibbi article got the wheels turning.

    Something else, Simplicius just retweeted JB which said “I’m sick.” What the hell is happening lol? Wondering if the Joe swap out is coming and TPTB are wanting a fresh start. Maybe they finally figured out that dragging Trump through the mud is only making him stronger. And Saturdays little fiasco has nearly put him on the immortal list.

    People dismiss the media to readily IMHO. They have become the perfect weather vane if you can read between the lines. Not sure what this all means, but there MUST be something to it.

  6. Wall Street silver on X showed it to be Austin Private Wealth LLC, a company owned mostly by Vanguard & Blackrock

  7. The bookies are giving huge odds for DT to be “in president, you know” (remember Obamaphone lady;). You can bet on Hillary for a 98 to 2 payback.
    Also, call me pain, but the totalitarianism’s gonna continue. Remember Operation Warp Speed? It was a huge plank in DT’s campaign platform against the Big Guy.
    Corporations are downsizing their DEI depts, but are any of them reversing those policies? Doubt it. And it’s not about tolerance, but power. “You will agree…”

  8. (30f 1/8000) – is that meant to be 30 frames per second at shutter speed of 1/8000th of a sec? Surely that cannot be correct? Can you confirm a reliable source for that BCE?

    If this is true, I just cannot see why in the heck the shutter speed is so high for that image other than to capture the “pink-mist” of an impact.

    I’m a amateur photographer. Occasionally I use shallow depth of field via wide open aperture to isolate the subject from a cluttered background or “bokeh” effect. Subject will be very sharp provided you have excellent autofocus, but the background becomes nicely buttery-all soft & blurred.

    With a “fast” lense, the shutter has to be set very fast (ie 1/8,000) because so much light is getting to the sensor it will over-expose the image.

    If these settings are genuine, that photographer knew something we don’t, because I would use those settings to photograph a passing race car – NOT a human giving a speech with nothing but blue sky behind him.

    There is nothing but blue sky in the background here, which makes using that shutter speed highly suspicious.

    1. As I said, I -think- this was to catch his brains going on ‘walkabout’

      Not sure, and I might have gotten the f-stop wrong, but Yon was clear that the shutter speed was set to the max for the camera, a Sony Alpha 1, which he uses, and which that pic was taken.

      My camera experiences stopped w/35mm and a Nikon N8088 AF Body with an assortment of lenses

  9. I’ve got to disagree with Yon on this one. The sensitivity of modern sensors makes that shutter speed not such a big deal anymore. I remember when a camera shooting 1/2000 was news – not so much anymore. Also, the 30 frames a second isn’t outside of the realm of normal anymore either. Many photographers use them nowadays to shoot video. (IIRC an episode of the show House was the first to be shot exclusively with these type of cameras rather that a video camera).

    For point of reference. Nikon’s current flagship mirrorless camera, the Z9, supports 1/32,000 shutter speed and up to 120 FPS.

  10. I applaud your reasoning bro. Well stated. Makes perfect sense now. Chilling, but makes sense. I hope the Teflon Don pulls a Teddy Roosevelt on the bitches.

  11. Amazing developments, and a conclusive answer to the idiots who think this event was fake!
    BTW…Sikhs and Hindus don’t get along…Sikhs assassinated Indira Gandhi after she robbed their Golden Temple…

    1. Agree.
      And I have questions. How is it that England, Scotland and Ireland and London ended up with Indian/pakistani Prime ministers/mayor? They’re not even British! Yet the Brits don’t seem to question it?

    2. Sikhs are cool. They also don’t get along with Muslims, and they carry daggers, as part of their religion is to always be armed. The turbans were originally for helmet padding. I think this was because they were always being attacked by the Muslims and just had to be tough, but I might be wrong.

      If you have Sikhs as frens in the spicy times it would be a good thing.

        1. This.

          They can go be cool in Sikhland. We don’t need them driving trucks on our highways, running our convenience stores, hotels, or in our politics. They can go raise the standards in their own country and quit dragging ours down.

          1. Americans make good Americans. Sikhs will NEVER be anything other than Paper Americans.

      1. ‘Hood where I used to live had a Sikh, dunno, ‘enclave’? 2 blocks long along one street. Immaculate lawns, and every fucking one with a flagpole in front flying the red white and blue. Hard-working SOBs. Honest, armed, and friendly. Good Americans, mostly skilled tradesmen. Well groomed kids.

        Hindus, on the other hand? Not so much.

        Check out Sikh men’s dancing. I swear, it looks like tai chi: unarmed combat, but on steroids. With swords. So, not unarmed, la? There’s a reason the Brits (of fond memory, and memory only) trusted the Punjabs but not the Hindus.

        Oddly, I can’t tell you jack about the Sikh religion. I could wear your ears off with what I know of Hinduism, but Sikhs? ‘Be good, be honest, and kick ass’ is as much as I can tell. And that’s good enough for me.

        1. Tell me you’re a boomer without telling me you’re a boomer. What part of “they don’t belong here” don’t you understand?

        2. The very few I’ve interacted with are some of the politest, nicest and bad-ass fuckers I’ve ever met. On par with the Gurkhas. BOTH of them I prefer living here over ANY of the current group(s) that our self appointed Lords and Masters have been importing. They were one of the first groups to be given a religious exemption to wear their turbans in uniform in the U.S. Army as well as carrying their knives at all times. Met one of them (a O-3) and TBH, the Multicam headgear was purely kick ass.

  12. Unfortunately somehow Bidumb is in my X feed. I went to his “page” last night just to look around at teh stoopid, and the comment after “I’m sick” says “of (something something something)” – I can’t remember what he said he was sick of but basically the “I’m sick” is a hook for the next tweet.

    I wonder why the Dems aren’t trying to ban guns this time around. Seems kind of weird.

    You might have something with this Indian thing. Kamala is also Indian.

    1. Saw a info byte that Brandon tested positive for Covid and would be campaigning from home for a while.

  13. You know the scene in Pulp Fiction where samuel jackson decides a miracle happened, yeah we witnessed something similar last weekend.

    And of course the economy will implode only a matter of time based on the way they have been running the printing presses

  14. Sometimes shit is actually what it appears to be. I don’t have the ability to fix it, I don’t profit from it, I quit caring about bogey men behind every tree along time ago.

    There are groups, organizations out there who’s duty it is, to stir the shit, cause a commotion, I’m amused that people are suggesting Trump planned this.

    We witnessed a miracle!.

    Ill say it again,,,,, anybody here believe god didn’t have his hands onTrumps life being spared!

    This WAS a God thing. This was God himself telling the world to get our shit together.


  15. There are quite a few people who need to be “black bagged” ( a nod to the movie V) and waterboarded till they spill the details. Then use that intel to grab and interrogate the next batch. Sounds like a job for some ex special forces to take up. We need to get to the bottom of who is behind all of this.

  16. ((()))s are behind all of this…
    none of it is organic NONE. OF. IT.
    are you not entertained?- hook, line, meet sinker
    we are all living in the Truman Show
    (((they))) cannot have folks lose interest in the show..

    1. The Fucking A Team, how are you doing! Of course you’re right you’re all right.

      However for things to change for the good, the Donald MUST be elected,,,,,,,, until he’s re-elected nothing else changes, nothing!.

      The Communists are still fucking the country over every day they’re in the White House.

      Many here will become complacent will become smug, won’t vote. And will be shocked by potential outcomes.

      Recall the left are nothing but lying cheating pieces of shit.

      We The People need to stay focused until he’s in the White House. Then ya can take a day off.


      1. glad you made it Dirk

        zionist drumpf has been selected to lead the Fu$a to it’s end.. so, yes, he is going to be in charge of the titanic.. (((they))) need a white “conservative” hetero man to blame the final destruction of everything you and i know by starting WWIII- it’s a done deal from what i gather. there’s rumor he’s the biblical beast who survived a head wound.. he’s the ((()))s moshiach..

        either way ‘we the goyim’ are in a very shitty position at the moment.. as both sides want to kill off billions and enslave the survivors..

        ‘The Zionist Wing of Organized Jewry which favors world conquest through orchestrated war is taking the reins from the Communist wing which favors woke social engineering and police state control. The human race is satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism’—gop-convention-licks.html

        Trumps’ MAGA/Magus: The Fifth and Highest Degree In the Church of Satan

  17. Who funds ALL the organizations, for the most part, which are set to destroy American values…?
    Who makes money, causing countries economies to fail…?
    (hint) Who “shorted” the pound sterling to dump which brought down the UK…?
    Who funds D.A.’s and other state officials with their campaigns who in return release criminals…?
    Why it’s little “georgie” of course…so who else would be wanting to make money off Trump’s loss…?
    As one of our favorite SEALS stated, not lomg ago…
    “why is that little bastard, and his progeny, still be walking the earth”

  18. My God, I feel like I’m posting at Aesop’s.
    Sikhs are not Hindu, they’re not Muslim. They’re Sikh. It is its own religion. It’s like calling a Christian Indian a Hindu, just because he’s in India.

    1. Agreed. Sikhism advocates active service for the betterment of all, hard work and loyalty rather than the Hindu ideal of “ascetic withdrawal”, meaning “self-denial and abstinence from worldly pleasures and physical desires” as in no nooky for funsies… Loyalty and justice are at the forefront, and they also don’t allow boozing nor smoking. And a major thing that the Dots have a problem with is Sikhism also rejects the whole Hindu caste system, priesthood, and elephant worship (i.e. Idolatry maybe?) but they still keep the ideas of rebirth (same soul, new carcass) and karma (i.e. fuck up and it’s bitch… Karma that is.)

      Overall, for that part of the world, a pretty damned good group I can relate to, with the exception of the ‘no booze allowed’

      1. They have their own place already. They don’t need to be here. It’s okay for America and Europe to not be melting pots and for Whites to have our own place.

  19. Sikhs ive met are fantastic people and great Americans. I would be thrilled if the white Biden supporters next door moved out and Sikhs moved in. Great people, great families, great Americans! And give me some Korean’s on the other side. They’re both kinda like average Americans, except they take all that hard work, family first, personal responsibility shit seriously. So yeah, dont need any these f#ckers here…making us look bad. SMH.

    1. “ Sikhs ive met are fantastic people and great Americans”

      You’ve met a very, very tiny percentage of them and are extrapolating that therefore the rest of them must be the same. It’s an experiential fallacy. Same with Koreans. There are plenty that are absolute shitheads. Often you have to go to the home country and interact with them there to understand this.

      1. Berglander you may not have completely understood my post; i’d encourage you to read my comment again. Im offering only my opinion based on my experience. Im no way attempting influence your worldview or change your mindset.
        True, ive only met a “tiny percentage” of Sikhs in America…maybe 100 tops.
        Have you somehow met a large percentage of them? 10-20,000 maybe?
        And i believe we were commenting on them as Americans, correct? What, then would i -or anyone- gain by going to their home country and interacting with them? I have no interest in assessing a native, foreign population- ill leave that to you and the other cultural anthropologists.
        Im only interested how these, our fellow American citizens, integrate and participate in American society. I like ‘em. Nobody is asking you to.

        1. Yes, I’ve been to the Punjab and seen them in their native environment. It’s not nice. You get the creme de la creme who come to America…because they place they’re from, run by their people, is an absolute shithole. Import the third world, become the third world.
          “And i believe we were commenting on them as Americans, correct? What, then would i -or anyone- gain by going to their home country and interacting with them? I have no interest in assessing a native, foreign population- ill leave that to you and the other cultural anthropologists.”
          They aren’t Americans. A mouse born in a horse barn is still a mouse. They will always be, as you put it (albeit in a different context) a ‘native, foreign population.’ Observing them in their natural habitat shows us who the masses of them are, not the creme de la creme that we see.
          They aren’t us. They can never be us. They can only be a facsimile. It’s easy to understand that you can move a Somali to Finland, but he will never be a Finn. And yet we have this notion that anyone, and all their children and grandchildren are magically Americans. Diversity has been a curse, and it’s always the “well I met one once and he was a good guy” slippery slope that allows the invasion.

  20. The Chinks, with an contingent of Sikh swampers, built most of the railroads up here ITGWN, those generational families are more likely to vote Freedom than the newcomer interlopers. I worked Green Chain with some of their progeny and they were switched the motherfucking on, trying at every level to know our Colloquialism and become integrated.

  21. Someone shorted millions of Trump stocks the week before The Shot Heard Round The World.
    That shutter speed was because they knew it was coming.
    Special Agent Karen Heffalumps the historic holstering czar was put on this detail for a reason.
    If anyone still fears the drooling DEI derelict Derp State after this then I almost feel sorry for them.

  22. Reasons that I suspect that “somebody” planned “something” for that rally are that at that time, Trump was only a candidate, and had not named a VP.
    Had he been murdered, the RNC would have been an open convention, where a set of Uniparty / RINOs could be nominated to keep the graft flowing until the Ds could take power again. Haley and McConnell were at the RNC on Saturday. Why?
    CNN was broadcasting LIVE. They never do that for Rs, and particularly not for Trump.
    They only live broadcast Rs when bad things are happening to them, like the 6 AM FBI raids (Roger Stone, Navarro, etc) or the raid at Mar A Lago.
    Secret Service: Trumps’ detail drawn down by NATO, Jill Biden in Pittsburg, Kamala in Philly, and DEI hires and second stringers in their place. The head of SS saying that the closest high ground was outside their perimeter.
    WTF ?? !!
    But hey, I’m sure that the FBI will sanitize all the evidence before anyone else can see it.
    Buckle up, boys and girls, the ride is gonna get rough.

    1. Yep.
      In light of the fact that ‘supposedly’ OrangeManBad was supposed to announce or at least hint at who the prospective Veep was at that Disastrous Debate with the Kidsniffer, and then < crickets >? Add on as I mentioned, the whole “EVERYONE” from the Beeb (BBC) to allll the rest of ALL the major Networks (CNN/ABC/CBS etc) were doing live-non-stop coverage of what should have been a minor ‘whistle stop’ rally? I mean it was a tiny turnout b/c that’s like the entire population of that Area!!! (leastways anyone who’s pro OMB).

      And if you watch the replay IF you can find it, of the BBC guy who was on camera when the rounds started to get thrown. He IMO hits the dirt awfully quickly for a Brit? Consider that the audience for the most part at first THOUGHT it was fireworks, and THEN when the Bulletproof Felon ate the stage, THEN else everyone reacted…

      But the Brit Dude and his Camera Guy/Girl?
      From a country and a people that is completely unfamiliar with gunfire due to a complete LACK of firearms, they sure as fuck knew hit the dirt mucho pronto without any hesitation

      Almost like they knew it was gunfire amiright?
      Make of it what you will.

      Jes’ Sayin’

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