Sorry I’ve been down and out w/the crud. Achy and all foggy. Been getting up, doing the barest minimum then going back to sleep. Hell… I’m ready to crash now, so let’s just call a lid on it w/some meme aight?

So More Later when I feel Better
Big Country

Hope you feel better soon!
Dude, I hope you get well quick. Sounds to me like you got “the Swamp Crud”. Cheap beer and copious amounts of prune juice fix you up!
it may not matter much in the long run..
Hal “I’m and FBI informant” Turner is like the Jim Cramer of conspiracy theorists.
Agreed, and great analogy. Fedboi and tool of the alphabet agencies.
no different than Alex Jones- who is mostly correct on things…
either way, it’s up to yourselves to discern truth from fiction
i lean towards the absurd being the truth these days….
There should be virtually no limits on how Moscow retaliates for the “maximum damage,” the former president has argued
and here’s the virtuous MAGA savior
It really seems that way, doesn’t it?
Sorry about the crud, had thought you were too busy treading water.
Claymore roomba, that might clear those sinuses out, lol
Feel better and enjoy the rest
Rest and heal up dude. Don’t drive yourself so hard. Beats down your immune system.