Greetings and Salutations!
What would another holiday gone by here at The Casa without ALL of us being bedridden and sick? Seems every year, Sapper has to go out to a boat/barge/whatever and interacts with the crew(s) from various nations, and comes home with the ‘latest case of ‘x’
In this case, it was just a head cold
To start with.
Then it got bronchial and full on flu-ish.
Two days after it went bronchial -I- started with the slight head cold, and ended up going down hard right after the gift exchanges on Christmas Eve. ALL of us were down hard. Gretchen as well.
This AM Sapper seems to have recovered quite a bit, so much as he was able to go into . I too am feeling slightly better, but one issue that was sort of related, but not cold related per se, was at one point during a coughing fit, I managed to torque my sciatic nerve…
So now I’m gimping, and while no longer hacking up a lung, I still feel shitty, but better than I was 24 hours ago. I also managed to get in a HOT shower and let the massage head pummel the nerve plexus, and that’s relieved quite a bit of the ouch. That was a niiiice relaxing shower too…
So, I hope everyone had a great lil break from the normal. Unfortunately for me I’m two full Christmas Meals behind, ours and Gretchen’s Parents. A LOT of cooking I need to get done, lest the ingredients go bad, as I’m not sure if you can safely re-freeze a Butterball? Some say yes, some say no. These were defrosted about a week and a half ago, and have been in the fridge since.
I’m sure if I cook ’em up in the next two days, we’ll be fine. The ham(s) are the pre-cooked, and only need to be heated and glazed (sort of like your Mom! >drum riff< ) But besides juvenile humor, I really haven’t been following the news…
The only thing that’s been popping up is the usual bullshit.
I.E. the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda pushing whatever ‘the latest thing’ is.
You’ll notice that “Drones” and “Nukes” as well as alllll the other “shiny-shiny Oh Look Squirrel” stuff that they’d been pushing like cheap heroin on a junkie.
Right now, there’s like a ‘pause on propaganda’
Not sure what to make of it, but I don’t trust the bastards not one whit, and nor should you.
So, I’m off back to bed…
I’m still a wee bit laggard and I’m still not fully over whatever this bug is. Thankfully it -seems- to be minor… just another one of those unexpected unpleasantries that comes along, and almost always at the most inopportune moments, i.e. time off from People’s Glorious Tractor Factory.
So hope you all Ate Drank and Made Merry
More Later
Big Country
I feel you mate. Took Christmas week off work and promptly came down with a dose of gastro. Completely blew my plans up.
Here’s to a better new year
Stock up ivermectin for the next time.
Exactly… Have sapper or just ‘youse’ take the dose pet dose prior to him coming home…
And take 1 or 2 Ivermectin every week to prevent many of these disease problems…
Turkey is one of those things I don’t mess with. If it’s thawed and refrigerated, it should be okay, but if you have any questions, toss it. Take the hit. Or cook it to a higher internal temp, like 195 to 200, than you normally would.
One year I could only find ‘organic’ turkey breasts for Christmas. Biggest mistake of my life. Me who never gets Montezuma’s Revenge got taken down hard, and it just about hospitalized my wife. Fuck that organic crap and give me a turkey full of antibiotics and salt.
And stock up on azythromyicin (z-pack). Got a bunch from as it’s the only antibiotic my wife can take. They have changing payment options as payment processors, banks, etc. screw with them. Can’t have the pesants making their own health decisions you know. They always deliver, even when they have lost money on their end.
Some folks never learned a thing in their NBC training. The key word is self quarantine. (I spent a month at NBC school back in 1974, was unit NBC NCO)
I have many friends (all of the same LDS religious persuasion) who in the middle of Covid/flu season had to go visit their extended families and then bring it back and share it with our small town, over and over. Every wedding and graduation they were off to visit and sure as shit, came back sick with new strains. Can’t wait to share it with everyone across 3 states.
So what happens to all the dumbmasses when they ramp this shit up a few notches to some fatal bugs, are you all still going to ignore common sense? Stupid humans will kill off their entire families because they think they have to go visit instead of staying home. Grammy just can’t stay away from the grandkids and then they all get sick, and in some cases die. Doubt me, look at 1919, we got cemeteries full of dead adults, kids and infants.
I lost a good friend this spring, a USN SEAL plank owner who died at 87 because one of his coffee buddies kept bringing the flu over. Stupid fk’n SOB. (We both served and trained at Little Creek VA about 12-14 yrs apart playing frogman)
Trump may be saving the world now, but don’t think for a second we aren’t in for a helluva ride with more germ warfare. And you can’t fix stupid.
“ Doubt me, look at 1919”
I read a really interesting article that many of those who died in 1919 dude so due to aspiring poisoning, as it was a new medication and massively overdosed as they were still figuring out the dosage. I’ll try to find it and post it.
Wow, faster than I thought:
I saw the same article or something similar.
Knowing how they’ve re-written history about almost everything, I’d venture to guess this is to downplay Ivermectin with the home remedy crowd. I read where people got fever at noon and were dead by 5pm during the Spanish Flu epidemic. I doubt aspirin killed them, who knows.
“They didn’t know what they were doing with Aspirin, same goes for you shitheads self dosing with Ivermectin.”
I’ve been on Ivermectin for over 2 yrs, along with Fendazole/CBD, I believe it saved my life with the throat cancer before and after surgery, and yet when I recommend it to my friends sick with cancer, they recoil in fear. I’m the fk’n looney while they die from shots they got from their doctor. A friend was diagnosed with a brain tumor 2 weeks ago, he hasn’t replied to me since I sent him the Joe Tippens cancer protocol. He’s vaxxed and boosted to the hilt, now he runs to the same Dr’s that poisoned him.
Well bro from what I saw going on the last two years before I retired from nursing I think you have made a wise decision and encourage you to continue with your self treatment.
The “professionals” weren’t able to do anything about the turbo cancers and other shot related maladies.
We are on our own.
Yep, many Spanish flu deaths were actually caused by the surgeon general recommendation of absolutely massive aspirin doses. And by masks. People left their masks on for a long time, which provided a nice warm humid environment for bugs to grow on, which then they were continuously inhaling.
The droplets of crap they would cough out would end up on their masks amd grow.
Nothing new under the sun, eh?
1919 deaths were from overuse of the NEW! Exciting wonder drug Aspirin. Take 90 tablets of 325 mg aspirin (almost a full bottle) and you will get the same symptoms that the dead had. Yes that’s right, the recommended dosage was 8 to 30 grams. A gram is 1000 mg, or roughly three tablets.
Hmmm, the medical establishment killing millions of young and healthy people with a ill advised government recommendations of new and untested medications. Hmmm . . .
We had a lot of deaths out here in rural Wyoming, mining towns and logging camps, etc. Most did not have access to Aspirin immediately so I doubt Aspirin was a leading cause of death. Or did every cowboy have a bottle by his side?
Interesting how suddenly today (100 yrs later) they figured out the dosing was wrong.
PBS did a special many yrs ago on the 1918 Flu Epidemic, very interesting in that they spilled the beans on a US gov’t germ warfare project.
The flu first turned up at Ft. Leavenworh KS in 1915, killed 5 black soldiers, then shows up in Europe in 1918 and has absolutely NOTHING to do with Spain, it never came from there or was carried by a Spaniard. (total dis-info program in itself to distract US origins). It was more than likely to be turned loose against German troops but the whole thing backfired and killed people across the entire globe, while hiding it’s original source, EXACTLY like they did with Covid-19 (originated in US labs and then sent to China for further work and studies, then we blame China for it’s release) and exactly 100 yrs later. And look at the UKR labs, right next to Russia, very easy to blame them when the germs escape from US funded labs.
Same goes for our Bolshevik takeover, also 100 yrs later since the end of WW1 and the post war fighting across Europe to stop Bolshevism. None of this is an accident.
Wouldn’t surprise me either way, buddy.
BTW, I had a patient once who was an aspirin overdose, and it was the weirdest set of code blues I’ve ever seen, and couldn’t save her.
She kept going rigid, her arms rigidly trying to go upright. Even paralytics couldn’t stop it.
I never figured out the mechanism of how that happens.
Shit can the turkey. Take the loss. The price of getting sick is much more than what you paid for the turkey and it’s very bad karma to get others sick from your cooking.
If you’re gunked up in your chest get some thyme. Just like you grab a wad of chewing tobacco and put it in your mouth do that with the thyme. Chew it up and swallow it a couple times a day. That will help.
Dear gawd? Ivermectin? For the Creeping Crud? Make sure you have your pull up diapers on too, men! HAR HAR HAR!!! 😂👍
Listen, Tiny – and the rest a ya’s as well: every day starts with Granny’s Highball!
100 mg Vitamin C
A vitamin D and E pill and maybe throw in a multi once in awhile for the trace ones. If you have The Crud… forget it! You’re down for a day, maybe two. Take four fingers of scotch and go to bed. Get that immune system going and make it do its job. Hate to say it… but a shot of Buckley’s in a pinch works wonders too. Take a GUN to a gun fight – atom bombs like antibiotics and heavy medicine is for serious stuff.
Stay warm you guys! Get over it soon!
Yes. Ivermectin.
It is an anti-parasitic officially, but it cures a LOT of ills.
Aside from gut health, taking IVM as a preventative once per week, is really helpful. And I am a teacher and work around the kids and ALL the germs.
IVM kills most of them.
Suck it up, save the money, go to farm supply store and buy the horse paste (or Jeffers online).
Can Confirm -Letterkenny
Actual news would be if y’all weren’t sick. It’s pretty much a given at this point.
Did you see Gran 1 over the holidays ? You said she had been sick so maybe she gave you guys the crud and not Sapper ?
I love seeing the little ones in my family but EVERY frigging time one of them has something that they give to all of us. Little kids are germ factories.
Find the bowl of nuts on the coffee table. Grab the Brazil nuts. Eat 3-4 a day. Selenium is very effective at cold and flu bugs. And the nuts taste great.
You need to get your gut health under control Brother and you could ward off half the stuff you catch..
Something similar going around up here in the Panhandle. Had a head cold that whupped my ass for just over 2 weeks even after sucking down plenty of vit. C and Zinc tabs. Nothing but swollen nasal passages, dripping water out of my nose like a leaky faucet, and clear snot on occasions.
Pretty much over it now except for some drainage to the back of the throat which causes the coughing, but I’m back to working out again without the fear of bad form and the resultant injuries.
Somehow, still managed to keep the weight below 200 pounds through T-giving and X-mas.
I ain’t making any promises about New Years eve though…
Gonna be a booze and sex fest.
Yeah – felt like hell myself on Wednesday & Thursday this week. Getting better today.
No telling what. One thing – we had an almost clear blue sky about 2 hours ago. Then walked outside and full of chemtrails like a motherfucker. Trails all over. I’m sure that doesn’t help things – if not the cause of things.
I hate these motherfuckers more than you can imagine.
So you’re saying, by default, they are also spraying themselves. Everyone on the ground would be affected. Everyone. Calling BS.
They’ve gotten much better at it in the last 55 yrs. All of our severe storms are to flood/destroy farmland, it’s happening around the world and people like you deny it because you can’t grasp the enormity of what they’re doing to humanity. Wild animals are getting sick everywhere, far from humans, because it drifts with the wind currents.
As far as poisoning everyone, yep, look how many elites took the vaxx too. Many took placebos, but there were scores who fell for the brainwashing. I have several friends who are teachers/professors and they laugh, while they now die from being vaxxed to the hilt. Useful idiots who preached climate change and are no longer useful to their Bolshevik handlers.
Hope you get well soon!
No propaganda?
You’ve been missing the Great Pajeet Yeet of Yuletide ’24 on X while malingering on your sickbed.
Massive Musk self-own and meltdown.
It’s the Apucalypse.
Off topic, for all air conditioner DIY folks: The ‘new kind’ can catch fire, are mandatory, expensive: Green energy law to crack down on HVAC units in new year
I’m a long time lurker, however the 303 cleanup was great. I have one my dad bought sometime around 1964 at Montgomery Wards for $20 dollars. It’s still a tack driver. Someone before had modified the stock, so it’s a little trim at the end. E-mail me if you’d like to see pictures.
Scored some Kraut milsurp bottles in a OD plastic box container with shoulder strap. Some sort of decon kit (empty bottles unless they have powder in em – did not check), so heading your way for re-purposing or adding to the muse-ee-um. Maybe some other stuff if I find a right size box. Get well all of you, no fun dealing with some bug or another. Funny thing, you notice that the CDC and all the other former Fauxi types are now in the news, going on about bird flu and all that shit? Guess the COVIDIOCY no longer works and they are trying a new one. Not going to work either, but they are fuc*ing with our food supply big time. Bastards just don’t know when to quit pushing, eh?
Yeppers. The “quad demic” is being marketed, gotta be to sell more mRNA poison.
NEVER quarantine the healthy. It has never worked.
Don’t buy the fear. I didn’t (there was this thing called covid…).
Whatever you do, DON’T take the shots. They are now so bad they’ve had NEGATIVE EFFICACY, and it’s been that way for a couple years now.
Back when science was science and not political propaganda, ICU RNs were more afraid of bedbugs and lice than anything else. PPE science was real. I’m not kidding!
Bro, please shitcan that turkey, would ya? After stewing in it’s own thawed out juices for a week plus, it’s way past it’s chuck it out date. Frozen, wholesome birds are now on sale for less than a buck a pound if ya need that turkey fix…
I am with you. With all due respect, please consider taking Zicam or other zinc throat sprays. The zinc appears to coat the throat and sinus where the germs might try to invade. I currently use a no-name all natural zinc spray I found on the ‘zon. The spray tastes like licorice. I gargle with it and then lean forward to let it drip up into my sinuses. This seems to help. I probably beat the cold 3 of 4 times. It works if you use it when you have that odd feeling the day before the cold hits. Like when you’re just starting to get that funny scratchy feeling at the back of the throat or something.
I get sick every Christmas, too. Either it’s a party at a friend’s house or the kid brings it home from a holiday event. Last year I was gifted with a case of pneumonia. That was fun. It took forever to recover.
This year, after all the good food and the good times, I’m doing a 3 day fast. It has been painful, but I’m feeling pretty good about it. I feel like it’s a good way to begin or end the year and try to reset some of the damage from day-to-day living.
Happy New Year and best to you and yours.
i eat ivermectin daily. about a 1/2 of the horse in a tube on a plain doughnut with coffee every morning. all the vitamins, some minerals, and most importantly NAC
no illness since jan 2020…
*1/2 inch of the paste
i’m pretty stoned right now.
I give those to my horses, and I was gonna say if you’re eating a half-tube…that’s like 6 or 700 lbs bodyweight!
Happy New Year!!!
It’s New Years Eve and I’m having a BCE withdrawal event because he hasn’t posted anything for NYE.
Yappy Hew Near!