When It Rains, It Motherfucking POURS… I am soooo over it all.

Greetings and Salutations!
A Short Update
OK… in the past 24 Hours, a Recap:
(Strap In)

Got the Nookular Redheaded Gran overnight.
Well behaved went to the pool, and fun to be around.
She was literally perfect (unlike some occasional bratty past visits… comes with the territory right?)
This was a thing of goodness.

Late Saturday Night, “Uncle Miltie” was aiming North at Clearwater… that’ll work.
I played Fallout: London (great Mod BTW… just took forever to load… be aware!)
I’ll take that.

I go to bed.
Again, take the “W”.
I wake up.

Begin litany of Bilious Bullshit that’s currently ongoing

Starting with a call from DumbCunt.
She’s out… time fucking served dammit.
Called Mommy and “…wants to ‘come home.”

Of course this creates MAD drama w/Gretchen… it’s a ‘mom’ thing I guess… never mind that bitch knows just what emotional buttons to push…
I tell Gretchen “Suuuuure… have her come on down! I’ll get her bed ready, right next to Luca Brasi.”

And no, I’m not joking.
Needless to say, she knows that too (Gretchen that is), so no, no worries. Bitch ain’t welcome no matter what.

It just was yesterday I had a reminder how how much I fucking hate that bitch. At the pool, The Redhead met another lil girl about the same age who was there with her Grandmum (nice British Lady), and in the process of them becoming friends, Kenna asked Red about her Mommie and where she was?

Goddamn it. I hate when that happens… it’s not often but…
The look on her lil face…
My heart –still- hurts for her…
I don’t have much left of Ye Olde Ticker…
But what is left fucking hurt.

Mind you all that did was infuriate the ever-living fuck out of me, but I was able to reign in said-anger knowing the bitch was in durance vile. Add on the embarrassment Gretchen feels when this sort of shit happens. So yeah, I tamped down the Killing Anger, secure in that DC was locked up. Of course, that was…

…until this A.M. and that fucking call from DC.
My Anger Reignited like a fucking full fucking sized Tesla Lithium Battery dropped in the ocean… Hot doesn’t begin to describe it. The screwdriver slipped on the Demon-Core and the blue-light O’Burning Death came out.

THEN I check the updated course for “Uncle Miltie”
He’s aimed straight down my fucking gullet.
I swear to Christ in Heaven I can’t catch a break sometimes.

Sooooo to counter all of THAT bullshit, we went and visited Cowboy. I figured to go see my Brother-from-Another Mother to chill and get caught up. Plus, raining or not, the Ranch is always a nice place to visit and Red loves “Mister Cowboy” and the horses.

Lately, we’ve been giving him his space and time to reorganize his headspace, and he has, thank The Lord. He looked good, has stopped soaking his brain in booze, and was back to his old self to a point. We went to lunch and Red had a blast.

Seems he might have even gotten laid last night!
Not sure, but hints -were- made…

Go Cowboy!!!
Git back up on that Hoss!

After that call to set up the visit, I realized I can abuse his hospitality (sorry Bro, I needed it desperately) so I grabbed my .357, my 9mm, and my John Wilkes Booth (Bond Derringer in .357, a mean lil fucker) and a BIG pile of ammo, of which I used ‘bringing the hate’ onto the targets. Cowboy’s ranch has a couple of places one can cut loose safely with live rounds without fuckers coming ’round to fuck with you, and you can shoot like I did growing up, off the tailgate of your vehicle into the woods…

The Good Old Days amiright?

Recoil Therapy Indeed.

I even did “The Deadpool” which is after I dumped a 7 shot cylinder of 158 grain .357 in like 4-6 seconds (I was hyped and cranking it hard) when the second dry-fire went ‘click’ I whipped the muzzle up and deeply inhaled the gunsmoke, and blew what was left of it out my mouth…

Oh yeah baby…

All around winning IMO.

So we got home, pretty much emotionally exhausted. I had planned on going in and cuddling up to Gretchen, maybe have a lil sumtin’-sumptin’ go down… and well…

The phucking phone rang at 20:00
It was Gretchen’s Dad.
Seems Mom had fallen again and was being transported to the Hospital again and there was circumstantial evidence that she had been drinking again.

Instead of being able to chill and try to recover from the shytte we had imposed on us today, we’re fucking back to Square Fucking One.

Gretchen however has to handle this solo.
Ihave waaaaaay too much shit I have to get prepped for.
Fuel and Generator Checks (Fill the new DotMil Euro-Gas Cans)
Window Prep. (Tape/board Up)
Sandbag Filling and Emplacement
Yard and Lanai Clearance (throwing all the Lanai Furniture into the above ground pool so the wind doesn’t turn them into UFOs)
Refill Depleted Water Jugs (we have about 13 5 gallon refillables that we use on the cooler/filter)
Pre-Emptive Tree Branch Checks to see if there’s any really big/thick branches I need to chop before they become an issue. I’m pretty sure after the wind from Helene I’m good but it pays to double check.
I’m not worried about doing the “OMG! I need to empty the Grocery store!!!” thing… Our stocks are deep and without Gretchen being here, Sapper and I will munch quite happily on expired Russian and Krainian MREs if needed.

Otherwise, w/Gretchen safe w/the Car in the Villages, it does make it a wee bit easier. But I will say

I’m fucking tired of this shit man.

But fear not Dear Readers.
THIS Particular Pile of Shit is fucking over.
Dad’s in a state. She’s his primary caretaker, and after Time #2, and her bullshit, -I- told her point-fucking-blank IF there was a next time, we were invoking the Durable Medical Power of Attorney and having her forcibly locked up/detoxed or whathaveyou. I had Gretchen get that after the first time as I had a hunch eventually the Boomer Stubbornness would need to be legally circumvented for both their and our own good.

Dad balked last time.
This time?
I didn’t even have to push it too much. I did tell him this’s what he got for having a weak Pimp-Hand, and this’s what happens if you fold like a lawn chair for your bitch.

And no, I’m not kidding.

I’ll just leave it at that.
Needless to say, I have to deal with this again on my own.
I have to leave Sapper out of it.
Poor fucker is being fucking beaten at work at the port(s) like a rented fucking Mule. He does all the gauging and measuring of ALL the fuel that comes in on the West Coast main entry points. He had 3-4 days off for Helene, then got beaten to death with 18 hour days for the past week.

NOW with Milt inbound, this time instead of pulling back early, the barges are maxxing the fuel load/unload, so he’s still going full bore. The worst part is after measuring the barges, he has to climb those big fucking tanks and measure from the top-down with a looooooong fucking rope, then climb down, and figure out if the amount of pumped fuel matches the amount added to the tank… plus get samples while he up there and get them to the lab to make sure it’s the ‘right stuff’…

Couple of months? ago some asshole fucked up which hose was what and pumped a fuckton of diesel into a 87 octane tank, ruining the batch. Made national news. Sapper said it was 20k plus gallons that were fucked up, and part of the reason he’s overworked is said-asshole who’s supposed to double check the hose-dude to make sure the right hose is going to the right tank, which is another thing that ALL of them guys working this job are responsible for, well… the company hasn’t been able to replace said-aforementioned-asshole yet.

Good men are hard to find.
I’d love to get on board
-I- can’t do it physically.
I’d love to $$$ wise especially, but I’d be dead in a week. The left bionic knee that got blown off and rebuilt in 2006 would never handle that much stair climbing. Never mind the rest of the carcass-damage.

So that’s a summary of tonight fucking fun filled fuckery.

I need to go rinse my brain out with some YouTube Videos of -something-… maybe Squirrels on Fire? Or Frogs in a Blender… maybe Hajiis having IED issues… better yet, IDF Ambush vids of the IDF being shot-to shit by Hamas/Hezbollah… always a crowd pleaser IMO… that’s about my speed right now… I need a laugh…

More Later
Big Country

54 thoughts on “When It Rains, It Motherfucking POURS… I am soooo over it all.”

  1. man i couldn’t take that shit bro. i’m single and wouldn’t have it any other way. no, nope, uh uh. my hands are full with just the assholes who live on this island, even though i can’t see any of them. seems i’m the only one who has his shit wired very tightly… and the masses of life’s failures seethe with envy and hate instead of getting their fucked-up heads out of their asses. why do losers hate the ones who made it? answer: because they are fucking losers.

    you have to let go of the poisonous people in your world and let them drown, they are going to drown anyways. i walked away from everyone i knew because they are idiots who deserve to drown and i won’t let them pull me under with them. no, nope, uh uh…

    simple test to administer- ask, do you understand you have nanobots multiplying in your body and influencing your thoughts and actions right this minute? then comes the “blank stare”.

    most are already too far gone to get thru to. cut your losses… time is very short

    1. tfA-t. Nicotine (among other things) destroys nano bots and enhances testosterone.

      1. “Please read this carefully, as the symptoms discussed exactly align with long COVID and the COVID19 “vaccine” injury symptoms. While the article is highly technical, you can see clearly that the toxicity from nanoparticles exactly mimic the symptoms of COVID19 – and now we know that those are the same symptoms associated with toxicity from snake venoms, phosgene gas, plastics and pesticides. Given the evidence of nanoparticles in the COVID19 shots we have to consider detoxification from nanoparticles via EDTA plus Vitamin C as a key treatment strategies. Nicotine can be used in addition, but it does not eliminate the causative agent from the body, specifically toxic nanoparticles like Aluminum, radioactive Uranium, Gadolinium and others – remember the Argentinian group of Dr Sangorrin found 54 undisclosed toxic nanoparticles in the COVID19 shots. Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology ”


        1. use of vitamin C and EDTA will destroy these things. but, we are being re-exposed to this technology on a daily/minute/constant basis i.e. chemtrails, food, water, meds, even clothing- to include ‘masks’… i read one guy bought a dark-field microscope and started looking at household items. he found nanobots on everything! in dust in the corner of the room.. everything. these assholes have been spraying this on us and for years…………………………..

          this shit can and WILL throw your shit out of whack most riki tik. START SLOW

          research. research. research.

          calibrate what your body can handle without depleting your mineral load. i’m still experimenting… you have to do a strict regimen of vitamins and minerals every morning and include lots of iron rich foods in your diet. then give it a break for awhile. i went 4 days.

          do not taunt happy fun ball.

    2. yup. did the same thing myself a few years ago. cut all ties and let them drift by themselves.
      it gets old fast bailing the same people out time and again.
      now, at close to 5-6 hours driving time away from the madness and a NEW PHONE NUMBER
      life is good again. the big problem with helping people is after a while they come to you for everything.
      and family is the worse at that shit too. sorry kids, dad is not a ATM for you anymore.
      and BTW, the youngest is 40 now for God’s sake ! get your act together, will you.
      hard choice for sure, but what is YOUR peace of mind worth ?
      parents are different. stayed there until they had passed on. helping where I could unlike some other members of my family. lets just say, I don’t talk with a lot of them anymore after watching how they acted there at the end.

  2. If you know anything about 40k (just enough to know what a space marine is and who the god emperor is, less is actually better) try out The Emperor Gets TTS (text to speech.). You think YOU got problems….

  3. BCE, I know that I’m preaching to the choir but Wifey has to get it deep down that both her parents and DC are adults who make their own decisions and she is NOT responsible for them !!

    DC attacked her own mother and laughed as she was cuffed and taken to jail !! Combine that with lying constantly, stealing and wrecking your truck AND coming with the sheriff and literally pulling Gran #2 out of your arms. Then in Tenn, she fought you tooth and nail over custody of Gran #2 and cost you a fortune and screwed up your finances. FUCK HER and the horse she rode in on !!

    Wifey’s parents want to make their OWN shitty decisions while living in total denial about their health and physical abilities. They CHOOSE to live hours from you, they CHOOSE to mismanage their money so instead of calling a handyman or AC repair guy — it’s 1-800-BCE and they don’t GAF that you have to burn your vacation to do it. They need to sell that place and move closer to you guys in an apartment. If they throw a fit then screw them, tell them to lose your number.

    I understand some what you are going through as I have a PITA MIL and my adopted kids have put a real strain on my wife with their BS (they were adopted by me and my Ex).
    My one daughter lived with us for 18 months and my poor wife and I were at our wits end by the time she moved out (not 10% as bad as DC thank God).

    I know you love Wifey and she loves you and she wants to do right by her parents and DC BUT she needs to set some boundaries for them and soon. It’s not right for the 3 of them to take advantage of you guys like that.

    1. Amen brother. Chasing all over Hell’s Half Acre to deal with the in-laws is beyond the ken. Either they are in care, or their blood kin takes care of them. Can’t abide women drinkers in any way, shape or form. Their systems can’t handle liquor among other aspects. If Mom-in-law is a drunk, and said drunk is expected to take care of Dad-in-law? Not going to work. This is junior enlisted level insanity. A man is either in command of his castle or he isn’t. And if he isn’t, then a man with a decent job can have his pick of women in their late 20’s and early 30s that are seeing that financial as well as physical wall dead ahead. I love my wife, but she knows that if she wants out not to let the door hit her on the way out. There are just too many desperate fish in the sea, and that’s just domestically. I’d be on a hop OCONUS the next day and have a yamp the day after. A man can always work hard and restart his life. A woman past a certain age best get herself a man to help her with the bills or day alone with a cat. But our fairer sex doesn’t want us to realize that. I’m assuming our illustrious host is putting his situation out here in the digital Longhouse for fellow warriors comments and advice. As such I’m going to point out that someone has to be in command and that means making seemingly cruel decisions. “To Thine Self Be True” is not just a pretty phrase, and chain of command is sacrosanct.

    2. Jimmy Px:

      Amen. Amen. Amen…. to what you said.

      BCE is a wonderful person, AND we all love him!

      AND he needs to lay the fucking hammer down on Gretchen with this DC. Gretchen MUST have a strong, clear boundary with DC. That means hanging up on her. If DC comes to the front door of the house, don’t answer the door. “no” means NO.

      And the Boomer parents: I get it. My Mom is a Boomer and I manage her affairs mostly. I’m lucky that she is pretty with-it and does listen to what I advise. And I have PoA when needed.

      With Hurricane Milton bearing down: sorry, but now is not the time to go see if the Boomers are OK.
      As many have said here: git yo’self outta Dodge. Go north or south. But I’d probably recommend getting out today. (Monday)

      Prayers for you and Gretchen.

      1. “ If DC comes to the front door of the house, don’t answer the door.”

        Absolutely correct, but not far enough. If there isn’t already a restraining order (I forget), get one. Then if DC shows up, call the cops. Not necessarily to handle the issue, but to document the event and to establish the legal/moral high ground. Also, cameras.

  4. BCE, if it ain’t feast, it’s famine.
    Say yer prayers, you need some outside help for patience and guidance.
    I’m no priest or pastor, but I’ll float a few words upstairs, see if that helps.
    Best of luck with Uncle Miltie and the preps therewith.

  5. It is time for Gretchen’s parents to move into assisted living. NO more excuses. They need round-the-clock care and monitoring. I am afraid that you are gonna have a fatal coronary from stress and Gretchen will end up in an accident with the stress and driving to the rescue. Then where will they be? Yes, in the assisted living facility.
    I loved Wyoming and Montana so I think you would both be very happy. Change the phone number that
    DC has. IF you give the new number to Adrianna’s father, do so under –> his<– penalty of death. DC needs to grow up: get a job, get some self respect, and move forward. Without you and Gretchen.
    Praying you are not in the path of another hurricane. Praying you get a new and easier job. Something up your alley-like security.

  6. Damn BC ,you are forever catching turds by the shitty end. I can (sort of) relate as I’ve been on a 6 plus month stretch of getting kicked in the scrote every time I try to get back up. But my problems pale in comparison to yours (fairly minor health stuff that has affected my work productivity, however). As @tfA-t said, single, and wouldn’t have it any other way, after trying to to do the normal relationship thing…and failing because my pimp hand (as you so eloquently put it) was too strong and I just wouldn’t tolerate any bullshit, absolutely zero. Which notorious inflexibility eventually drove off even the most compliant woman.

    Clearly I wasn’t meant for that role in life, so be it. And nowadays, it doesn’t bother me at all, knowing how much shite and drama I’ve avoided by not being married, having inlaws, etc. At any rate, my explosive temper has mellowed a bit as I’ve aged, but can still be activated by just the right amount of shitfuckery. Have come very close a couple of times recently to defcon 1 (clown world wears on a man), and really don’t know how you constantly face down these endless mountains of insults and crises and keep it together. Especially a guy of your experience who really knows how to…put the hurt on a motherfucker, shall we say.

    Moving along, right about now I’d probably be more worried about dumbcunt and whatever bullscat she might bring forth by her mere existence, than uncle Miltie bearing down on you. The latter is bad, no doubt. But the former is a shitstorm in-the- making of an entirely different category. Please be careful man, she can likely fuck your situation up from afar, and if she shows up in person, that’s the sort of nightmare scenario where somebody easily ends up in jail (as happened last time she showed her mug in your AO, as I recall). Stay cool, man.

  7. DC is the kind of person who brings chaos with her no matter her intentions. She could genuinely try and reform and do right and still bring ruin to your life.

  8. Detail:
    Durable power of attorney for healthcare only counts when a person does not have decisional capacity.
    In hospital terms, that pretty much means that if you know who you are, where you are, and the basics about your situation, then you have decision capacity.
    I assume it’s the same outside hospitals.

    1. We ran into this issue… the Doc said Mom couldn’t be held as she wasn’t a complete lunchbox. However, Gretchen called NavyBro (her lil Brother who works the Hospital in Hendersonville I was talking about 2-3 days ago who’s the guy who usually implements these holds as the Chief of Security) who brought up that Dad is unable to care for himself, and that with Mom being -this- fucked up, this is falling into “Elder Neglect/Abuse” situation as she IS listed as his Primary Caregiver, and to use that verbiage, as it’s an ‘immediate hold’ situation.

      God Bless the Doc who, by Gretchen’s report was -trying- like Hell to come up with anything to lock Mom down, and was like “Heeeey I can make that work!” and


      Mom ended up cuffed, stuff, sedated and Baker Acted for the next 72 hours.

      Gretchen and Dad are meeting with the Social Worker in the AM, and we have enough evidence of her open hostility and shit in the ER to make it stick, (like screaming at full fucking volume in the ER like a fucking nutjob) and Dad, despite being heartbroken (like this’s a 65+ year marriage) he’s standing tall. Of course I’ve been a dick about it by addressing him by rank, and telling/yelling at him “You will follow orders Machinist Mate 2nd and stand the fuck down while I handle this fucking goatfuck, or I will have your ass for dinner!!!”

      THAT he remembers and get it still, God Love Him.

      Yeah, got a hunch they’re both for the Home shortly…
      I’m fucking done and NOT going to fold on this.
      I got too much other shit to fucking deal with.

      1. Ouch I feel for you! My Mom lives with me. Got really fearful about falls or even moving around after breaking her leg a second time. Got upper respiratory during the last holiday season and admitted to Intensive Care due to oxygen being below 50 and not being lucid due to that. Spent 4 months in rehab (nursing home) and the one she was sent to was a real “$*ithole.” As the assistant admin of the facility stated back in Feb “We have a certain demographic of employee that, when tax time rolls around, doesn’t want to work…” Sadly there were times when my Mom had to sit in her own mess for hours before an aide was available to clean her up. She gained a ton of weight and unable to get herself up and down without help at the time. Better now she’s at home but she’s put on a lot of weight that should she fall I have to call for help, cannot lift her myself 🙁 So I feel for you Man! Hopefully you folks can find a decent place for the “rents.”

      2. BCE, the fucking chutzpah of DC just boggles my mind !!

        It is because of her and her BS why Gran #1 lives with Wifey’s Ex and his wife.
        SHE forcibly extracted Gran #2 from your arms and ran to Tennessee and fought you the whole time ending up with Babby Daddy getting Gran #2.
        These are HER children, not yours and HER responsibility.
        Then after having her Mom arrested, crashing your truck so you have only one vehicle, causing you guys to spend a fortune on trying to get custody of Gran #2, gets out of the slammer and calls saying:
        “Mommy I wanna come home”.

        Dude, you have been beyond patient and loving with DC and Wifey’s parents.
        I’m afraid it is at the point that it might start effecting you guy’s marriage.
        This shit happened to me a few years ago where my adopted kids were pulling some shit and #1 daughter was living with us and acting the fool. My wife who is everything my Ex wasn’t and the love of my life, was like you and had enough.
        I told my kids “You assholes aren’t going to ruin my marriage with your BS ! You are all adults, deal with your OWN problems” !

        Protect yourself with DC even getting a restraining order if you have to.
        It sounds like Wifey’s parents’ situation is being permanently dealt with.

        Get ready for the storm and know we are all praying for you and wishing you the best.

        1. BC, file the restraining order yourself to save Gretchen the emotional turmoil.

          Take video of you explaining to the police why you are afraid.

      3. Yeah, I used to HATE HATE HATE doing that to the elderly before I became a desk jockey.
        Sounds like pops didn’t have decisional capacity, then maybe mom freaked out when they confronted her with that, so maybe her freak out showed she wasn’t decisional either???
        So, now, they both gotta be placed
        Gretchen or someone else tells the SW they’re willing to help them after discharge…so IF I understand the situation, if family tells the SW they can’t help after discharge, they both gotta be placed.
        That’s key.
        And dude dont annihilate Gretchen if she can’t help herself from helping them. Women have a nurturing instinct which u don’t wanna kill. Just means you’re on your own for a while.
        Unsolicited advice.

      4. OMG a Machinist Mate, we were the worst, ok not really, (there were others) but we were pretty bad. I was Happiest as a MM2, then They advanced me to something I disliked, and then they tried advancing me out of a job, Wanted to make me a Chief(E-7), I got out.
        Hang tough, we’re rooting for you. I have that decision fast approaching, now Mom is alone, local Brother worthless, and I’m half way across the country, winter coming on in leaf and heavy snow country, 80+ yo woman who had a good man to do everything for her, now he’s gone. Time runs out for everyone.

  9. Don’t be surprised if DC shows up at your door anyway. Be prepared. You may have to send her and wifey packing. Hope it doesn’t come to that.

    1. I thought she still had outstanding warrants in Fla.? Shows up unannounced just call 911 and report her ass leave her out on the porch waiting for the sheriff.

  10. I dated a woman with a daughter who also came with a trailer full of baggage and a head full of questionable wiring. She didn’t have quite the same resume as your DC, but I can relate.

    The best thing that ex-GF ever did for me was to give me this warning……never, ever be alone with the daughter. Ex had an inkling that the youngun’ might pull a “officer he attacked and molested me” gambit.

    Sage advice that I followed to the letter, for the very short time we were all together. I came through unscathed.

    Good luck to you with those trials and tribulations. ….and with Uncle Milty.

    Pretty sure I can’t help with any geezer advice, other than “SQUIRREL!” Get off that wheel.

  12. Well, I hope you’re far enough from the coast where storm surge is not gonna be an issue.

    I just got finished watching the noon news and it is headed straight for Tampa Bay.

    I cannot ever remember having this many hurricanes this late in the season.

  13. Keep your head down brother, this looks like bad one. On the bright side did you hear about all the aid we sent to Lebanon, that ought to warm your heart when the hurricane smacks your AO.

    1. yep, and it wasn’t Lebanon, KY; or Lebanon, OH… don’t think there’s a Lebanon in N.C.; so the fucktards are intending to send $ to fuckers overseas.
      That’s OUR money, the slimy thieving cocksuckers…
      Get rope. Or, they can choose to “please face wall’.

  14. I’m so sick of people who make bad decision after bad decision and screwing up their life think it is up to everyone else who makes good decisions to bail them out financially and emotionally.

    Got a crisis not of your making? Hurricane, kidney failure, got robbed, earthquake, fire, etc.. okay, I’ll see what I can do to help.

    Got a self-made crisis? Tough shit. Not my pasture, not my bullshit.

    Keep your head down and your powder dry. Got a kid on the East coast of FLA in the cone of travel, who has a week old baby. Got a plan B to evacuate to Miami to a friend’s place.

    1. Was behind a packed SUV with Tampa tags on I-575 north of Atlanta this evening. Looks like they’re bugging out. Perhaps that might be a wise decision.

      1. My SIL lives in Atlanta and has a good friend who lives in Tampa right near the water.
        Her friend left yesterday morning with her kids from Tampa.
        It normally takes about 2.5 hours to go from Tampa to Gainesville on I75.
        It took them 10 and they got a hotel room in Gainesville for the night.
        They left early this morning for Atlanta and it took 10 hours to get there (normally about 5.5 hour trip).
        So 20 hours for normally an 8 hour drive !!

        If anyone here is evacuating, leave very soon or you’re better off to hunker down.

  15. Have you let the baby daddy know that DC is out for ‘good’ behavior? You may want to warn him that she’s looking for a place to crash and may decide to head his way. I know you mentioned he’s been helpful lately so it would be a good idea to let him know.

  16. Call the DC and tell her you look forward to seeing her tomorrow. Get her a room for her in a nice motel on Madeira Beach. Problem solved (in a couple of days).
    Seriously, you must have the patience of Job. I wrote off my sister and brother 3o years ago and never looked back. . .
    If the Red Bomb likes horses, y’all should try to bring her up here to the World Equestrian Center. They got all kinds of horse things going on right now.(last week they had 1100 horse on the place for the various competitions).

  17. Man I forgot Sapper was a cargo surveyor.
    We’ve had several cargo contaminations in NY the past few months. Guys putting gas in diesel, lpw sulfur fuel oil in high sulfur oil, ever since the retards on the Mississippi river and Gulf of Mex states found out they can go from $120 a day to $500, they all came east, but half the fuckers can’t read or can’t calculate to blend fuels to make finished products.
    The shitheads who hire the trashbags who fuck up owns the oil after making it unsellable. Instead of having standards they yell at the guys who don’t fuck up and make old sore guys like me run around like a cat trying to bury a turd under a marble floor, and give the hyphen-Americans and coonasses easy jobs.

  18. Contentious women like DC are a fact of life now Tiny. I now well the incandescent rage they can stoke in people. Don’t listen to your heart. They do it deliberately, with full intent, knowing full well how it hurts you.

    You have big fires on your plate. The last thing you need is another firebug arsonist under your roof. Lock the place down and keep us poasted!

    I want a blog poast outta you and BP tomorrow and on time! You guys have fans that’ll worry about you if you don’t check in.

    1. I understand cloud seeding and making clouds more reflective, but is there any data to suggest the possibility of making a HUGE hurricane?

  19. I love that Godfather scene where Don Barzini says you can ask a fee Don Vito, after all we are not communists here.
    Even gangsters can’t stand the comrades!
    I must be dreaming after Pussy Galore introduces herself is still the best and the buzzards gotta eat from Josey.

  20. Just to let all y’all there in the Casa Grande know, we prayed for you and the peeps of FL tonight at our SECT prayer meeting. And against the “Spiritual wickedness in High Places. Be safe. Each of you matters.

  21. Tsar Vlad and the Little Rocket Man stopping by to cheer you up with a bottle of Shoju?

    Rather see them at my door than that Ukrainian dickhead and the Hebrew Hitler.

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