The Fall of England, Cumswalla, and the Possible ‘Why’ of the Krainian Kursk Klownshow

OK… the KB was delayed by a day. THEN when I got it, I had trouble figuring out which black lil USB dingus (the antenna?) or whatever it’s called) belonged to which device. They’re all labeled now to stop any confusion but it was a mite confusing, and after accidentally unplugging the machine while trying to wrangle it out from under the desk, getting the wrong dingus plugged into the wrong whole, then turning off the machine by hitting the power button by accident?

Needless to say I was not in the mood to try and crank out a bleggpoast last evening, to say the least… Not that anything has changed out there… I did see a new nickname for Cumswalla that tickled me a wee bit: Cackles McSidechick.

I also heard about the whole Twatterfest and the near-meltdown on the Left side of the fence over OrangeManBad and his propensity for ‘bad/mean words’ and whatnot and his ‘conversation’ with Elon. Good fucking Christ on a Anally-Placed Pogo-Stick… these are the people who’re supposed to be our ‘betters’? Much as in England?

The vast vocal majority of the people that’ve been speaking about wanting to extradite ‘Murican citizens for ‘badthink/meantweets’ on the intahrwehbz ALL look like motherfuckers who’ve never been punched in the fucking face before. Most of them being of the ‘Protected Political Bureaucratic-Oligarch’ Class.

Mind you, not that they haven’t experienced some form of ‘unpleasantness’ in their lives… Judging from this particular fembots phizz:

In this case, I’d say he spent a lot of times getting swirlies and being stuffed head first into a bin at school… (he’s Brit so hence that particular nomenclature for a trash can). If there was ever a fucking face that needed to be full on close fist punched while wearing brass knucks, it’s that one in particular.

That soy-infused face belongs to one Theo Bertram. This fuckwit went and had this to say:

Of course Musk’s meme is pure gold.
And that lil faggot is being positively raked over the coals in the comments. I just wish it was (and still -might be- IRL when all is said and done.

Jes’ Sayin’

However, all in all, despite some of the hand-wringing that’s going on out there over possible State Department backed extraditions and the like, I’d say it’s probably not going to happen. I mean they might be thinking about it, but in the end, unless they manage to ‘black-swan’ or false flag us into a blanket gun ban that’s successful, ain’t no way in fuck the local Po-Po are going to risk their asses getting plugged trying to detain and/or arrest someone at the behest of Jolly Olde Englande. As long as we stay armed? England can pound sand.

Mind you I won’t be transiting Jolly Olde for the duration as they probably can and will ‘detain’ you IF you happen to land on a Plane at Heathrow or Gatewick. Better to avoid the tossers altogether IMO.

And yeah yeah, since Cumswalla is being pushed on us like a dime bag of really good heroin, it looks like they’re trying to line her up for a ‘win’ for the values of the “Steal: Part 2”. They seem to be trying to get the NPCs ‘hooked’ and see what happens… The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been frontmaxxing as hard as they can with the ‘rehabilitation’ of the New Chosen One in order to give the perception that she’s ahead in the Polls and with the People. Makes it a wee bit easier to try and steal the (s)election again as we didn’t do shit the first time ’round. Hate to say it, but it’s pretty fucking obvious that she’s about as popular as a case of the clap.

Sounds about right…

For those who don’t ‘get it’ the ratings on Rotten Tomatos, in particular the critics scoring can be, shall we say? Tweeked via having certain well-known critics receiving some payola to give a higher rating that the movie deserves.
Case in point: Kathy Kennedy’s latest Star Wars Abortion:
“The Acolyte”
“Lesbian Space Witches Starring a Bunch of Wooden Planks”

I must admit the Audience score on the Acolyte has come up quite a bit as of late. After the first three? four? episodes it was hovering at like 7% rotten. Some of my favorite Movie Critics on Yewtoob like The Critical Drinker, Disparu and Az from HeelvsBabyface ALL have great takes on this phenomenon. Not sure who my favorite is, and I reeeeally hope that they don’t get hemmed up in England/Great Britain as Drinker is actually from Scotland but either way, they crack me the fuck up with their takes on Modern Movies and TV. Az is utterly hilarious when he gets on a rant, and they also do an occasional link-up with Gary from Nerdrotic All of them are really cool and I highly recommend all of their channels.

Then, on the Krainian Kursk Klownshow, we have news from the front from various sources with interviews from Krainian POWs that the Russians have caught, that the intent of this attack was specifically to hit the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

According to several Krainians, they were supposed to do a “pedal to the metal” old fashion Cavalry Charge. The furthest it made it (as of August 9th) to was outside of a village called Milyutino:

Now, looking at the Goolag Maps, you can see the location of the Kursk NPP:

39 minutes via Vehicle from Muliutino/Milyutino…

Depending on the language the spelling could be either…

According to most sources (as things are on-the-fly and fog of battle and all that) The Russians beat back and eliminated the Krainian Kolumns that were in Milyutino, and ran them back.

The most recent news is they started hitting other areas and spreading out more troops and digging in as also seen in the latest map:

They’ve been s-l-o-w-l-y been pushed back.

However I do wonder what’s going on with that attack that’s south and west of Guyevo (in the south at the bottom). I can’t really find anything yet but again, IMO and Experience, it’s a really bad idea to have your logistical support train stretched that far and that thin in hostile territory. ESPECIALLY while lacking any significant air cover.

This’s a “Hail Mary” attempt to cause some sort of uproar.

Likely Krainfeld, having failed to achieve his goal of snatching the Kursk NPP, then ordered (or Budenov, his eeee-vil retard henchman) a drone strike on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which caught a cooling tower on fire.

This of course was blamed on the Russians.

Which looking at it, the concept that the Russians did this is retarded, as the fucking Russians have and hold the fucking place to begin with. I mean really!?! THIS is the reason I hate the majority of Humanity… leastways the NPCs out there. Programmed Retards and Morons.
The Lot of Them.

If it was the Russians, WHY start by burning the Cooling Tower?
To what end?
According to that rat faced (((fucker))) Krainfeld The Koke Fiend, “Russian forces intentionally started the fire to blackmail Kyiv!!!”

Blackmail? How so!?! Are you joking? I mean FFS, IF they were doing something like that, the downwind issues would primarily effect Russia and NOT the Krain:

“Leave now, or we’ll irradiate our own territory!!!” said no Russian EVER.

Fucking Krainfeld needs to step away from the coke…
Like for real.

Now, OTOH, IF -I- were running that show and I wanted to make a statement/do terrorism? I’d just have the same exact ‘drill’ that was run at Chernobyl back in the day run on all six power reactors simultaneously. THAT would be a thing of damned near World Damaging Affect… SIX Chernobyls??? Talk about becoming a “Glowie”

I mean Chernobyl was only initially discovered when a guy in I think it was Norway? who worked at one of their (Norwegian that is) Nuke Plants who set off the Radiation Monitoring Stations while he was going INTO the plant as opposed to setting it off when he was screened at night while leaving…

That was a bad time.

And if you haven’t seen the HBO? series on The Big “C” and I think it was HBO, I highly recommend it. No shit I have a personal family connection. My “Uncle the Doctor”(M.D.) was/is one of the most respected and highest authority Neuro-Radiologists at the time, and he was invited by the Soviets to go over and assist, which he did.

Y’all got to remember, this was pre-Glastnost… the “Bad Old Days” when it was ‘Ivan Versus Uncle Sam’. That’s why the Russians/Soviets didn’t tell us about the meltdown until they couldn’t hide it any longer.

Simplicius thinks this’s part of a Grand(er) Scheme on Krainfeld’s part to broaden the war. In his own words:

“There was still some hesitation on my part on whether the Kursk madness was truly a sign of an AFU reaching its critical end point or not, though mostly I leaned on the affirmative. However, the latest desperate move seems to fully avow this interpretation of events. But, I believe there are a few multi-varied nuances to properly interpreting Zelensky’s threatening signal.

First: it can be said that this act of desperation was a strong signal to Zelensky’s own “partners” in the U.S. and the West. I predicted long ago—last year—that once things finally grind down to the gristle for Ukraine, Zelensky would have no choice but to begin threatening his partners through escalation to save his own hide. He would threaten not only pushing Russia’s red lines in unnerving ways which would pose the threat of nuclear annihilation to the U.S., but as a last ditch effort he would also float the threat of unveiling many secrets and ‘skeletons in the closet’ of his Western partners as blackmail.

But what’s happening now is in effect a double nuclear blackmail. Not only was Zelensky trying to reach the Kursk nuclear plant for this very purpose, but has now acted out his furious frustration at the ZNPP, as well. It’s difficult to know for certain, but captured AFU POWs have in fact now attested to the Kursk plant as being the objective, or Kurchatov, the town where the plant sits. This was supposed to have been reached in the first day or two, which now appears to have been a miserable failure being covered up by more antics.

But getting back to the second point. I believe the ZNPP strike was also a double threat toward Russia. ZNPP may be currently inactive, but Kursk is in operation, and Zelensky likely meant to send a symbolic message that the Kursk nuclear plant may be “next”. In essence, it is saying: “Be wary, the Kursk plant is in my sights. This is just the first demonstration of my seriousness.”

But why would Zelensky threaten his partners as well? The obvious answer is to shock them into providing more aid and committing totally to Ukraine’s victory. “Give us everything or we’ll take the entire world down with us in a ball of nuclear flame.” Funny how much similarity there is between Zelensky and Israel, what with their Samson Option and all”

Simplicius76 SITREP 8/11/24: Desperate for Escalation, Zelensky Bombs Zaporozhye Nuke Plant in Frustration August 12 2024

So the TL;DR is that Krainfeld was/is gambling that this’ll make EVERYONE in NATO throw in fully on the whole “Lets ALL (NATO) Go to War Against Russia” thing… As stated before, I got me a hunch that again he’s in the throes of a serious Cocaine Induced Delusion. No joke.

Also, not for nothing, but Ole Simplicius states what to that majority of readers here is the absolute obvious take at the very end:

“Funny how much similarity there is between Zelensky and Israel, what with their Samson Option and all”.

No kidding? REALLY?

I think and by reading the majority of his analysis(s) over time, for whatever reason, he’s been exceptionally careful when it comes to making observations pertaining to the JQ and Krainfeld’s obvious konnections to the (((tribe))).

The tribal animosity between them (the Tribe) and well, everyone who isn’t them is well known.

This time, and after what with Nuland’s AND Blinken’s (both card carrying dual citizens BTW) bullshit political maneuverings that started this entire shitshow, this time (((they))) managed to get two Orthodox Christian Countries, who by rights should be “besties” so to speak, into slaughtering each other. All because of ‘reasons’ and sheeee-it that date back to shit that happened to them back in the day in both countries. Revenge I suppose, to them, is a dish best served cold. Fucking dumbasses.

My question still remains is what exactly happens WHEN, not IF, the Krainians realize they were utterly fucking duped and that they possibly directly and indirectly killed and wounded millions of their fellow ‘Brothers in Christ’? The reckoning on that is still out there… Going to be ugly either way.

So moving on from the (((noticing)))…

On the family front, school started Monday.

The Red Headed Nookular Power Reactor had her first day of first grade!!!! Old, old I’m sooooooo old! According to all reports she positively loves it. This was her right before she rolled out for Day One:

She’s getting tall(er)
AND Cuter (if such a thing is possible)
And nope, she hasn’t slowed down, not one bloody bit.

We also got a couple of pictures of her sister Adriana. She’s not quite in Kindergarten (next year I believe) but the BabyDaddy sent us some ‘school pics’ if you will:

Addy is growing like a weed as you can see.

What’s interesting is the two sisters barely look alike right? Addy definitely takes after BabyDaddy, as he’s got a LOT of Native American in him. I also think she’s going to be tall like Gretchen is, as the BD is a short lil dude. Not sure but looking at her lil feetzs, the knobby knees and the long neck? I think she’s going to be a seriously tall drink of water when she gets older.

Gretchen wants to go up there for her B-Day in October. She turns 5. We’ll have to see… it’s going to ALL depend on the finances, as that’ll cause quite a dent that I don’t have the skrim (as of now) to cover… I’ve been stashing a couple of bills here n’there… I’ll make it happen… We got an open invitation to come and get her when and if we get back up to Tennessee.

Either way, BOTH girls are thriving.
And TBTH, I’m seriously relieved that the BabyDaddy has stepped up so much and finally grew up enough to handle taking care of her. I just pray that it stays that way. If not?

Well, that’s what shovels are for.

So on That Note
More Later
Big Country

Spilled My Drink Dammit

On my tablet.
Spilled my Morning Monster into my KB this AM

Completely fried it… and stickified it too.. Tried to clean it, but nope. No spacebar nor letter ‘c’ ‘v’ or ‘b’

What can I say? I’m a fucking genius amiright?

Thankfully a replacement (the same one!) is on the way w/an overnight from the ‘Zon for $18!!! So SCORE!

The tablet does NOT however allow me to go and do my usual thang, so I’ll get y’all in the AM.
More Later

A Suprising Krainian Klownshow Kursk Production That Was Unexpected

Greetings and Salutations!
Ok… ended up with the Redhead here overnight at the last minute. Not a big deal… just literally unexpected. Not a big deal. She goes back to school in a week? Maybe two? No idea as the school schedule here in Florida has me all jacked up from my memories from grade skool in New Hampster.

We usually didn’t go back until the first, maybe the second week of September. Usually a week after Labor Day. That being said however, up in the “Great White North of Frigid Climes” we got released faaaaar later than they do here. Like around early June. Mainly a ‘heat related thing’ I figure. Meaning my guess is the School systems down here don’t want to pay the extortionist power bills to keep the AC on in the extreme summer months… and I can’t say I blame them.


Down here they don’t have to deal with ‘Make-Up Days’ which is like when the Blizzard of 76 came through, and we were out of school for a month plus… THAT year I remember for oh-so-many-reasons, to include the fact that we didn’t get out of school until right before the 4th of July… and then we had the shortest summer break ever.

Not like we were actually learning anything amiright?
I mean no idea on Hurricane Day-Losses but snow days went against us overall… there was a mandatory-minimum amount of school days that we positively had to attend… which lead to shit like 2.5 months of a Shortened Summer… >Le Sigh<

On To Other interesting notes for tonight:

In this case we’ll focus on the Krainian Klown Kar Show starring Krainfeld and all his Krew. Apparently they caught the Rooskies with their pants down in Kursk of all places…

An interesting development to say the least.

As you can see by this map:

(h/t The Busker)

The Krainians launched a pretty significant assault INTO Russia itself. Got to say IMO, pretty fucking ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.

I’m sure this has a LOT to do with the current (mal)Administration, or lack that thereof, and Kumala The Word Salad Queen and Cumdumpster Supreme starting to get ‘rocky’ on the campaign trail because of her major misfire regarding her pick of “NottaJew” Commie-Wannabe TamponTimmy, the Stolen Valor Buddyfucker. You know… that fucking Goy who let the nogs burn Minneapolis for 4 days without sending in his own units to regain control of the ‘mostly peaceful noggershines’?

Yeah… that fucker.

The timing of this is highly suspect per usual…

Considering how the Krainians have been getting the ever loving shit kicked out of them on the regular and getting regularly pushed back, village by village since that ‘failed offensive in June? July? In the majority of cases (Oye vey so many such cases!) part of the issue is a distinct lack of trained personnel. Not that the recruiters haven’t been trying to catch ‘absconders from service’:

Zero Idea if this’s legit.
However if it is?
Run Free Young Man, Run Free….

Yeah, the conscription over there has gotten retarded.

Seems the front has zero trained cadre.
I.E. combat veterans… or long time professional NCOs
This is a thing of badness.

That being said, despite the current troop allocation-situation, the Krainians did manage to spring a “gotcha” on Ivan. According to some of my sources, part of the “how” they managed to do it, it that “someone” hacked the traffic cameras ALLLLLLL around the entirety of the now-fighting for Area of Operations in Russia. And let me tell you, they’re like Britian in that there’s a LOT of traffic/speed and in general cameras everywhere… From what I heard the Krainians spent the past couple of months watching ALL of them int he area they attacked in… Because of this, The Krainians had a massive intel advantage in that because of this they knew exactly the timing of the Border Guards relief, as well as IF there was any sort of “Regular DotRusMil” movements in the area.

Apparently there weren’t.

Seems they only had some conscripts and Border Patrol in that A.O….that and a couple of half-assed minefield which apparently didn’t do shytte Aye?

Somebody’s head should roll.

Putin himself on the video conference reporting on the incursion itself that I watched looked exceeding displeased with the situation

And yeah…
It’s that bad
LOTS of local displaced folks all around the area. Back in the day, civvies didn’t have the ability to in-real-time stream their complaints about shit like this… since this “Reverse Uno Card Invasion” happened, people who’re fully on the run from the Krainians with just the clothes on their backs have taken to Twatter and the like to express their extreme displeasure at the situation.

My guess is Gerasimov is on borrowed time
He done fucked up, and is the current (for now) ‘top dog’ here.
Be interesting to see what happens on that point. I highly doubt that Belousov is going to be replaced as he’s been an incredibly effective ‘broom’ in sweeping out the Culture of Russian DotMil Corruption… he’s the ‘new guy’ and just barely in his position… the responsibility for this failure is going to cause another shake up in the chain of command is my hunch…

Leastways is should.

So either way, per the map above and now below, this’s been dubbed “The Krainian Battle of the Bulge” in that it’s pretty much a pointless expenditure of resources that would have been better utilized in other areas…

Yes they have managed to take a bunch of territory.
No question.
Holding it?
Ain’t no way in Hell. Ivan is brutal when shit like this happens. Look at the historical record. Stalingrad, Moscow, Leningrad… various ‘other locations’… Hell Kursk itself, which in 1943 had the single largest Tank Battle/Battle in general in History which apparently is being repeated. Link HERE

The Krauts lost 200000+ men.
The Soviets lost 700000+/- men

The Soviets still won.

And that was “back in the day” when Comrade Stalin decreed your life wasn’t worth a speck of spittle on a hot griddle. Things (despite the bullshit put out by the various Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda) have shown that now the Russians have not unnecessarily sacrificed troops in vain “meat assault attacks” during this SMO as they’ve become known as…

Case in point: The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda ran multiple stories about the Assault on Andiivka. They said the Russians didn’t even have rifles and were using shovels in human wave attacks. That was quickly buried in allll the ‘other news’ but the reality is that no, it didn’t happen. In fact, considering the proliferation of Helmet-GoPros on both sides you’d think you’d seen tons of vidya of these supposed “unarmed human wave assaults” that the Krainians could make MAD propaganda points with. Instead? Radio Fucking Silence.

You think you hate the media enough etc…

Fact of the matter is, the entire Andiivka Assault cost the Russians about 2500 professional soldiers. Over 13000 in total KIA. The majority of whom were prisoners given the opportunity to commute their sentences in combat. Call it 10k in ‘expendables’.

This war, after the initial fuck ups by the Russians that cost some seriously highly trained troops via being killed in action… i.e. Air Assault/Airborne and Spetsnaz at the opening of the SMO, the Russians, unlike the Krainians learned their lesson. Professional Troops like that don’t grow on trees. Conservation is key. It literally takes years to get some of them to the level that they were at when they got nearly wiped out due to Higher Command underestimating the Krainians… Especially at the Assault on the Airport in Kiev… my understanding is they thought that shit was going to be a cakewalk, but ended up being like “Desert One”

Hence the ‘slowly encircle them, and grind the fuck out of them’ approach. I mean it makes sense to me, both in a DotMil perspective AS a troop, and as well as from a DotCiv perspective, in that the civvies understand that the troops are being cautious, careful and generally smart in their approaches to the Enemy Locations, thereby making the civvies happy that their family members in uniform may not get waxed unnecessarily… The Krainians however don’t have the numbers, nor the luxury of having the ability to train up new piles of ‘quality troops’ never mind quantity. Waste Not, Want Not. That’s a lesson the Krainians have yet to learn…

Stalin used to say quantity has its own quality in those times.

Problem is between the unwillingness these days of the Krainians who are willing to voluntarily go to war, and the Korruption that infests every. single aspect. of the war?

I mean who the fuck would want to go at this point?
No one with any sanity for sure.

Like our young Marathon Runner above, the majority of Krainians in the current ‘culling’ of folks to send to the front lines? Well sure as fuck the Recruiter Commissars? They’re not in Kiev hunting down the various eligible Nouveau Riche (who also happen to be members of the (((Tribe))) which is an interesting thing that there Aye?) but chasing down ‘common folks’ and retards/downs syndrome kids from my understanding. Fuckers….

Also, word is the majority of the Commissars themselves? They’re ALL (((Tribe Members))) who are exempt from front line duty, despite being better trained, and younger and more able than the carcasses they’re currently ‘snatching and grabbing’ off the streets… Nope… the folks they grab? It’s mostly the lame, lazy, sick and weak, plus a bunch of poor “Gruntpas” meaning guys over 40+ like me who’re just not willing to put up a fight with the Commissars when they come calling.

My source BTW is a former NCO who’s married to a female Krainian who I maintain correspondence with. They apparently have, despite him holding an US passport, tried to do snatch and grabs on him as well while he’s on the street in Kiev… they either try to say he’s a deserter from the Legion, which is the Merc Group that used to have a bunch of ‘Murican retards in it, OR they try and say his documents are bogus.

Considering he’s a retired SF Light Colonel, as well as our unarmed combatives instructor back in the day I guess a couple of times it didn’t end well when the Recruiters/Kidnappers didn’t want to take ‘No’ for an answer… I hope he really fucking hurt them…. Fuck those guys, for real. I hope my old Sarge fucking broke some bones when they tried to snatch him.

As far as this push though?
It’s been bad.
The Russians last night lost a HUGE number of guys when they ANNOUNCED they were send a ‘relief convoy’ up ‘this particular route, at this particular time’ and whaddya know? The Krainians blew the ever loving fuck out of it, killing/wounding at least 500+ troops…

Whatever the fuck happened to OPSEC?
Out the fucking window I guess.
THIS is the product of being overconfident in your position

The asshole PIO who put that information out there should publically go up against a wall and shot on live TV IMO.

Either way, it’ll be a lot of back and forth over the next few. The Krainians hit the Russians in a soft spot. It’s going to take time and effort to dislodge them. Nevermind the reinforcements keep getting hit… Truthfully, I have no idea how long, nor do I care this is going to go on for. My major concern is that nothing happens that could cause Russian Based “Canned Sunshine” that needs SPF 100000 to come out… that would really put a harshness on my end-of-summer mellow yannow?

I mean either way, everyone with even the most basic brain functionality realizes this a forlone hope… at-best Hail Mary play that was/is set up to give the Kameltoe something that they could use to say that this whole fucking disaster isn’t a disaster before the upcoming (s)election. Problem is, even the Krauts say it’s a lost cause:

I mean hey, They, the Krauts? THEY oughtta know amiright?

Once Burned, Twice Shy or something like that…

Anyways… Got to bail.
Thoughts per usual appreciated in the comments
More Later
Big Country

A NonPolitical Pupper Update Poast For Some Smiles

Appreciate all the info and feedback from last night. Tonight is going to be -sparse- as I had a hell of a day. Started at 0400 with the Red Hot Chili Pupper waking up unusually early. Lots of whining, crying and beating her kennel door.

Turns out the poor thing has the shits.

My fault I think… during her house-training, I’ve been rewarding her after we get the ‘mission done’ and last night I done gave her something she didn’t have before, one of them “Beggin’ Strip” fake-bacon treats. The Sausage Princess is alllll about those, and has no issues. Methinks the puppyguts are a wee bit too sensitive for that particular treat. So, from 0400, 0700 and on, and on and on… wash, rinse, repeat of taking Chili out to ’empty her’ so to speak. No worries about dehydration, as she’s been torqueing the agua down…

Nope, just her feeling crappy, and since -I- didn’t crash until 0200, I’m operating on about 4 hours of rack time. She is however growing like a lil weed:

That’s the FIL, Gretchen’s Da with the pupper.
He unfortunately lost his pooch, Guido about a year, maybe two ago. Guido was a really awesome GIANT Golden Labrador.

So b/c Gui took the Rainbow Bridge route, Dad’s been lonely as the dog was his BFF. Every time we go, IF we can wrangle it, we usually bring Stella up to visit, which makes their day.

Mom and Dad might have been an option a few years back to take in Chili when Cowboy turned her down…unfortunately, as y’all have heard, they can barely take care of themselves, so we do the visitations with either Stell or now Chili. As far as the defaulting to us thing… I mean that was the last thing I expected, but hey we got her now….

Not that I’m bitching.

I mean how the fuck am I supposed to turn that lil face down?

She is though, as I said growing like a weed. This’s her playing with “Auntie Box Wine Stella” as I jokingly call her now:

Stella’s been great BUT she is almost 7 years old, which is middle aged, and she does get ‘grumpy’ at the Pupper-Shenanigans. She holds her own though, and let’s the pup know when she’s out of line. That usually takes care of it.

The cats on the other hand purely hate her. And for now, she’s terrified of them. Despite my admonishments, and liberal use of a super-soaker, the cats literally lie in wait to bushwhack Chili if I leave the room… They’re not doing any real harm but just establishing “who’s Boss” by swatting her and hissing at her. I can’t pre-emptively “soak ’em down” as they are being cats… which means they’re being assholes… eh… ’tis what it ’tis… They’ll learn soon enough when she out masses them by 40 pounds…

I’ve had to increase her food intake too.
AND adjust her collar three times in the past couple of days… like 7 days, and that being adding a 1/4 inch here and there… I think she’s in a growth spurt. She’s a natural on lead too. Follows the commands naturally and knows exactly what the mission is when we head out the door. All in all, she’s a great doggie, and I really dig her.

So, no politics or racerage tonight… all the usual suspects are still at their games, and nothing there is ever going to change… well… ONE point of order: I’m thinking they might have to dump Walz… TamponTimmy’s stolen valor was called out today by fucking CNN of all places. To paraphrase Johnson from back in the day:

“When you’ve lost CNN, you’ve lost Middle America”

Aas well as every. single. vet. in. the. country. Even diehard retard Perma-Blue Boomer Nam vets can’t let this slide. Task and Purpose, that shytte-rag tried to call it “the swiftboating of TamponTimmy” but it’s not working.

He’s a POS Blue Falcon cowardly motherfucker who abandoned his troops right before a hot deployment to Iraq.

Fuck that guy.

So… Hope you enjoyed the doggo update.
More Later
Big Country

OK We’re Back and I Got a REALLY Strange One for Everyone to Think On.

Greetings Gang!
Sorry for the technical wipeout, but as they say, “shit do happen” and in this case, it was every. single. time. I hit ‘publish’ for the blegg of ANYTHING moar than like 100+ words and/or multiple pictures, it was erroring out.

Mind you this wasn’t my bandwidth or intarwhebz related as I have a Company-Paid for ultra hi-speed-lo-drag Intarwhebz Biddness connection. Nope. I was getting an “Unable to Poast” error which I thought was a mite strange. Kind of irritated me as it takes me a long minute to A) come up with nightly content and B) then transcribe the insanity of the rats and snakes that inhabit my cerebral cortex to a viable read for y’all.

Trust me, it’s a wee bit of hard work.

Especially after a past couple of days that I’ve had.

Been a bitch truthfully. I did get one interesting new bit of info that I can now share with everyone. Three, three and a half months ago I applied to a couple of other gigs out there as The Politburo fucked me over on a raise at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory.

The TL;DR? It’s been two years of Gulag-Level Work and a lousy $1 raise for that entire time. Considering that I started at a number between 17 and 19 an hour, you can understand my discontent. Those of you who’ve been long term followers know I was desperate AF when the IT Commissar got me the “in” to get re-gainfully employed, so I wasn’t in the position to argue.

That and I -do- have my DotMil retirement, Sapper paying in, and Gretchen paying in (on her busy seasons) so we keep this shithouse floating juuuuuuuuust above the bankruptcy line so to speak.

That’s some pure-dee bullshit. In fact I’ve brought a massive amount of new business to the Factory because of my skillsets and winsome good looks. This past #2 Anniversary, I met ALL my markers, and in response I got the whole $1 raise, and when I said “Hey, that’s sort of fucked up!” the Politburo told me I have unlimited overtime…

Normally no one has OT available.
That being said?
I still think it’s fucked to say “Work MOAR if you want MOAR Bux”. So I’m doing the barest minimum, while logging 10-11, even 12 hour days and they can suck my taint. I mean c’mon… a $.50 cent a year raise? GFYS.

Either way… as I said, I applied to a couple of other factories. I mean from what I’ve seen on the various Reddit and other Job Boards out there, experience is key. So with 2x years of “Tractor Factory Experience” I figured to ‘go fishing’.

I applied three plus months ago. Took ’em a minute, but about a month and a half ago, I had to do this weird ‘record your answer interview’. I was a wee bit put off by this as I don’t want to be recorded ever by a company or whatnot, but according to what I read online, this now the “Newest and Bestest Thing”. It was a generic 7 question “What would you do if…” and “Have you done this? Answer this question as….” sort of thing that what appeared to be an AI Recorded dude who asked me the questions.

Then I promptly forgot about it.
Then two weeks ago I got the “Congratulations! You made it to the Final Boss!” email. I scheduled the interview for yesterday.

I’m waiting on the offer letter right now.
It went perfectly to say the least.

NOW once I get THAT in hand, I’ll take it to the Politburo and ask them what they’re willing to do. I know I’m like damned near indispensable. SO much so that the IT Commissar even said as much as I became a rock star at the Factory. TBH I’d like to stay where I’m at IF they match. I mean I do my own thing, my current Boss is gold, and I like everyone I work with.

We’ll see.

Now, the meat and taters for tonight’s ‘crazy’
And I mean that literally.
So I got a “NextDoor” email… that’s that ‘Karen App’ that everyone goes on and dimes out HOA shenanigans and various ‘other’ peccadillos in close neighborhoods. Usually I ignore/delete but the title of this one made me go “I’d like to know more!”

Now, Newsbreak, IMO is like a shitty-National Enquirer wannabe website. Because of this, I did go there, and did a wee bit of a dive around the webz to see what I could find from some theoretical ‘real news sources’ so to speak…

Let me tell you… this’s some weird shit…

Link to the story is HERE

One KIA, 2x WIA cops, one of which who needs multiple surgeries as they shot him up so badly. Mind you, this happened last Friday

It happened in Lake County. I live in Hillsborough. However this was the first time I heard of it!!! Mind you we’re not big “TV” folks here as I’ve said before. ‘Jeopardy’ followed by ‘Star Trek’ on the ‘Heroes and Icons’ channel and that’s about it period fucking dot. I do however ‘crawl’ damned near 18 hours a day on the news looking for intel/patterns/infonuggets and ‘stuff’ that I can use here, and for my own personal OODA Loop analysis.

This one completely was off the radar.
Which is Insanely Odd in itself.
I mean it’s got ALL the ‘things’ that the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda purely fucking LOVE, to include the top 5:

1) White Folks doing Bad things
2) Evil Black Rifles (a lot of them per the NY Post article, 20+)

3) Anti-Government ‘Sovereign Citizens’ (supposedly)
4) Homeschooled
5) Extreme Christian Religious Views

There’s more, but that right there?
That’s the Pentafecta of Perfection for a ‘if it bleeds it leads’ National Story to demonize everyone and everything on the Right from the current DotGov (mal)Administration. I mean adding to it, in some areas, Dead and Wounded Cops? I remember when ONE dead “Baconator” made national news…
This time?
Not. One. Fucking. Word.
As I said, a wee bit on the Odd Side

Now, granted when you read the story, it’s readily apparent that the Matriarch of this particular four family members was fucking absolutely bugfuck crazy. There were the Mother, Father, and 2x daughters, both of legal age… 22 and 23 respectively. No word if they were hawt or not…

That being said though…

Part of the reason I think there’s a Enemedia Blackout?
A couple of thoughts…
That the initiation of Contact with the initial three deputies left One Dead, One Wounded, with the survivors (2) retreating. No casualties on the ‘Home Team’. The deputies were caught completely unprepared and paid for their negligence/complacency.

Keep that in mind, as it will be on the Final Exam:
Complacency Kills

THEN, now that the fecal matter had publically hit the oscillation device at full speed, the eventual fallback (after the usual ‘cordon and contain procedures) for the State/County Goons was to ‘send in the SWAT Team’ to breach and kill/capture/diffuse the situation. The SWAT Team subsequently breached the house and performed a single-line stacked entry, with the point man utilizing a full length Lexan Body-Shield for protection.

Again, the home team managed to cause some serious havoc.

Dad managed to take out the lead man of the SWAT Team, and forced them to do a ‘fighting withdrawal’. I’ve read multiple sources that said that the Father, armed with an AR, was on a wall opposite running parallel (unseen) to the entry point that the SWAT team was utilizing… then, as they creeped down the hall, Dad waited inside a room undetected, until they were where he could hit them. He then started a mag-dump through the wall which took out/incapacitated the point man, as the team was getting hosed from the side, instead of the expected front.

Apparently that full-length Bulletproof Lexan Shield wasn’t of much use being hit from the side Aye? Also… another Final Exam point: Sheetrock is concealment, not cover.

Now… this’s where it gets weird to me at least.

I’m not into the whole “Sovereign Citizen Thang” at all.

God knows though growing up and living in New Hampster you run into a lot of them, or leastways until the fags from the Socialist People’s Republic of Taxachusetts inundated the state and ran them deep underground… Either way, according to the Enemedia, the two adult daughters and Dad shortly after driving off the SWAT Team self-deleted.

Now knowing from personal experience what I know of the SC Folks? I have issues with this. Mainly because they’re the ones in bad times to keep “hunkering in the bunker” for one. The other is that they had successfully driven off the main SWAT Probe, and were in a position to ‘keep making the Bastards pay’ for every. single. inch. of property. They had, according to MULTIPLE Sources, plenty of Ammo, weapons, body armor, water fuel and food.

Why the fuck would they self-delete?

Add on that SC Folks are really huge on property rights and telling the DotGov to fuck off. ALSO, IMO, most of the SC kids I’ve met who were hankering for a showdown like this would have livestreamed the fuck out of it.

The fact we got 2 x ’20 something’ daughters and there’s no social media presence AT ALL supposedly? Call that another oddity. I looked myself and there appears to be nothing out there. Just like the OrangeManBad’s Ree Tardy Osweird amiright? Add on since most SC LOVE a good LOUD public fight, I’m inclined to believe that they would have surrendered in order to make a ‘splash’ in the news. Lord know I sure AF would be ‘making a public stink’ if the ‘bad goys’ decided to finish off the question of BCE once and for all… y’all folks would be seeing it live in real time, with the Flammenwerfer taking center stage.

“Do I smell bacon cooking….?”

I might be stretching it, but considering the location, the lack of Enemedia coverage and whatnot, plus everyone but Mom being dead? I’d personally put the odds that they surrendered with the intent of makes some ‘Grand Statements’ against the DotGov, and were executed out-of-hand to prevent it. I mean you positively know the cops had to be bullshit that they got their collective, supposedly ‘professional’ asses handed to them, one cheek at a time. A couple of quick shots to the head and “nobody says nuthin'” and yeah, I can see it happening that way…

Jes’ Sayin’

It also stands that this particular “Anti-DotGov thang” stateside just happened at a particularly sensitive time, in that England, as well as Ireland are practically going full retard, and the last thing the DotGov here needs is anyone else getting some not-so-bright (in their eyes) ideas about standing up to “The Man” in any way, shape or form… They do NOT want the plebes getting ideas to tell the ‘Authorities’ to go and fuck themselves. Hence my theory.

I mean shit, they murdered women and children in Waco to prove a point about the DotGov’s attitude towards anti-gov folks… why wouldn’t they execute a couple of “Religious Whackos” out of hand? I mean as one who used to “take the King’s Shilling” in ‘other capacities’ I completely know where they’re coming from…

Gonna be an interesting couple of months to say the least…

I report, you decide.
Your thoughts in the comments?

More Later
Big Country Expat

The Home Country Is In Flames! Éirinn Go Brách Bitches!

My ancestors would be oh so proud.
And man, TBH, my Irish Pedigree is sort of OMG famous. LOTS of rebels, lots of Irish ne’er-do-wells, scalawags and bandits. I’m the eldest first borne Grandson of an O’Leary (matrilineal side, MomUnit’s Da) who could trace his roots back alllllllllllll the way back to the Original Eight Major Irish Clans.

Like 540A.D. or somewhere around then…

I’m directly related to General Daniel Florence O’Leary. Not sure how many ‘Grands’ he is, but both FedBro and myself have that in our blood.

General O’Leary is really famous down the “South ‘Merican Way” as he was the Aide-de-Camp to “El Liberatore” Simon Bolivar, as well as his head of Logistics and Operations. Like NFS, back in the early 80’s my Grandpa, Daniel H. O’Leary got invited to Venezuela to participate in the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation… kind of had the whole fam like “WTF?” to find out our roots were like so prominent. Turns out Grandpa was like the Oldest Remaining (Last Man Standing) representative of that particular part of the O’Leary lineage.

Either way, he got a free trip and a place of Honor in the Parade with Grandma.

Kind of cool IMO.

I also have a lesser known Gran…. his ‘claim to fame’ in the Family Lore comes from getting killed randomly during a somewhat famous (or infamous) assassination in 1922. My Great-Great Grandpa, Timothy O’Leary and his family was located on a homestead located in County Cork happened to be in Béal na Bláth.

The Assassination In Question?

Michael Fucking Collins!!!

Seems that, according to Family Legend, the Anti-Treaty IRA showed up at the family cabin, and told them “…to keep yer fookin’ heads down!” and left it at that, and then rolled out for bastardy and eeeee-vil. Now back then? If the IRA showed up at your door? You “kept yer fookin’ head down” and went see no, speak no, and hear no.

Seems his (Tim’s) favorite place during his hard-earned retirement was to be drinking Irish Whiskey in the front window, overlooking the road. He was the retired postmaster from Cluain Siabhra Mór, a small(ish) place about 25 kilometers Northwest(ish) from the homestead that he retired to. Also according to the stories past down, Michael Collins’ convoy past by the house juuust close enough for Great-Great-Gran-Tim to see it. He was a great admirer Collins as it is told…

According to the histography, while he’s sitting there, he suddenly hears the gunfire break out. Not exactly sure if he knew what was going down, but his instincts go with what -I- would have done…

He grabbed his weapon to help out.

He was 83 years old.

Balls. Of. Fucking. Adamantium.
He, as stated in the beginning, didn’t make it.
Stories vary.
Not sure if he died of a gunshot wound to the head, or from being buttstroked. Either way, he’d already been hit with ‘walking pneumonia’ and was sick as it was. The head wound wasn’t a penetrating wound, and like I said, stories vary.

Irish AF amiright?

The documentation is there though. Death Certificate, Registry of Death/Burial, circumstances and whatnot. Shattered skull, etc…

Seems Great-Great-Grandad was a certified bad ass or maybe just certifiable?

Not sure.
Definitely runs in the blood Aye?

But, back to the ‘Meat and Taters’ of tonight:

Eire is on fire

How bad can it be?

They done fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up

File under ‘things two weeks ago that I would have said, with an absolute certainty being: “Things that will never happen for $1000, Alex”… I mean they’ve been fighting like rabid motherfuckers forever over this… and now?

A Common Enemy.
Or Enemies that is
The Globalist Retards, the Pro-Mass-Invasion/Replacement Immigration retards? Yeah, I’d say “All of the above.”

They know not who they decided to fuck with.

I mean the reaction has been absolutely predictable:

As well as completely and retardedly over-the-top:

Arrested for Facebook poasts?
“Meet Mr. Flammenwerfer you fucking slore.”

Sounding from the guy in question, he sounds older than myself. Fuckin punk-assed motherfucking no-load-can’t cunt pussy-assed weak-kneed Globalist Scum… especially that bitch… Any bets she ends up with two to the back of her head?

True story: One of my neighbors in Quincy Mass when I got out of the Army had been convicted in 1996 for running guns (or attempting to) to the IRA. Great guy. I lost track of him after I went to Iraq. He was conditionally living with his Mom and lil Sister (she’s a whole different story for another time…28 years old… 3kids and hawt but ultimately a tragedy). I met him from the Ex Wife who one day was struggling with the two kids and getting a carload of groceries into the house… Spawn #1 being 3 years old, and Spawn #2 being -barely- one, and X was having hell of a time as I was at work. This was a year pre-Iraq.

He saw her having a time, and ran up the street, despite having an ankle monitor LOL. When I got home, she told me about the ‘nice guy from up the street who helped her unload the car and the kids, and refused anything for it.’ So, me being me, I went and looked him up, and introduced myself, and asked if I could do something like buy a case of beer for him? His name was/is John. Red-Head Green Eyed lanky assed Mick who had a string of Irish Hotties coming around the ‘hood to the point the X was on my ass about hanging out at his weekend BBQs…

We got to talking, and actually got along despite a ten-year age gap (me being the ‘old man here’). When I asked him about the ‘range’ on his ankle monitor when he helped the then-spouse, he said that he was pretty sure that he was able to do it…coming to my house that is, as in Massachusetts, an ankle monitor for house arrest, depending on the crime, has a functional Go/No-Go ranges between 50 to 150 feet… His Mom’s house was three BIG houses down, so I knew he’d been pushing it.

When I asked him why he took the risk, he said he had to help out a fellow Mick, which he knew about as on St. Paddy’s Day, I used to fly the Flag of Eire on the front door. I did it mostly to piss off the other neighbors, who were Syrian. Loud, Irish and Proud baby!

So, for the four months that he was home on appeal, we hung out occasionally (actually a lot), I learned a quite a bit about gunrunning and the IRA. Fascinating doesn’t even begin to cover it. Unfortunately, after he lost the appeal he went back to FedPrison, and I sent him a few letters until I went to Iraq, after which sort of to my shame, I lost track of him. He wrote back as well, and when I could, I threw some $$$ to his canteen. John was a good kid who wanted to help out what he considered his ‘homeland.’

Which, at long last, brings me to my point:
ALLLLLLLL These retards, morons, idiots and sufferers of extreme brain damage (meaning the cops and politicos) There’s more than likely a metric fuckton of available weapons to be had in Ireland. John told me the amount of ‘stuff’ that was smuggled was by and far, no where near what the fucking fuzz found. Told me the entire countryside was positively riddled with caches and ammuntion. A HUGE amount also came from “Middle Eastern Sourcing” as he told me, to include heavy(er) weapons… RPGs, Mortars… as he said:

Just Because The Accords Were Signed Doesn’t Mean They Turned In ALL Their ‘Stuff’

Knowing that, and if ANYTHING, growing up “Irish”?

“Saving for a rainy day is the Irish Way

Granted, the ‘saving’ was so they could, at some point, start trying to kill each other again and settle the ‘question’ once and for all. That being said?

<Slow Golf Clap>
Congratulations Globalists.
You should get the Nobel Peace Prize

You finally ended the Irish Civil War and Reunited the Country!!!

Sorry that it means that IF (or more likely NOW with your idiotic responses) the Irish get pissed off enough, and decide to ‘break out the shovels, then the hardware’ and that they don’t stop ‘rolling hard’? It’s going to be a damned shame that your pet Gollums are going to be slaughtered in wholesale lots, and eventually those that remain are going to be driven into the sea(s) to be fish food… but hey! You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs?

Mind you, and do keep it in mind
You’ll be next
This public service announcement isn’t a threat, but a reality.
“Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle K”

More Later
Big Country

Debbie’s a Bitch, Trip is on the Back Burner BUT! Need MOAR Food, But Been a Good Day!

No. We were supposed to leave around mid morning (10 a.m.) which means ‘noon’ in GretchenTime. Those of you married to a Diva (especially professional hair/makeup one for that matter) this means unless you have a shock collar installed on her neck to get her ‘up and moving’, it takes a minor miracle to get her ass out of the house on time. She practically always has to have on her ‘professional face’ so to speak… She’s gotten really good at getting ready faster, as my time in the Army and the whole “15 minutes early is actually 15 minutes late!” thing motivates her…

I do other ‘asshole’ things too…

I can wash my ass (crack/balls/pits/face/quick-hair rinse) in less than 7 minutes. Ten if I shampoo. Ten minutes is luxury to a point… Hell… in Afghanistan, at Bagram in January, it was sooooo fucking cold, I managed to get the nightly ‘quik-klean’ down to 3 minutes, lest I run out of warm-to-tepid water… any longer and you risked hypothermia when the mini-hot-water tank (all 3 gallons of it) ran out, and ice water came out of the showerhead…

Brrrrrrrrr. I get cold just thinking about it.
THAT is some PTSD right there let me tell you….

So because of the speed-clean talent I have, I’ll wait juuuuuuust until she’s ready to ‘go out the door’, get up, hit the fangs, hose off, towel off, throw on a clean uniform, and still be able to ask “Hey Baby, let me know when you’re ready… I’m waiting…”

One of these days she just might shoot me LOL.

Surprisingly we were actually sort of kind of set yesterday. –I– was the one who called ENDEX (end of exercise) when my guts took a turn for the worse. Got up (tuna sammiches for dinner the night before) and Ye Olde Morning Farte didn’t go so well… To quote Middle Country from Iraq back in the day, “I dun sharted” on my way to the Royal Thunderbox. Ended up doing a “waffle stomp” in the shower after completing the Thunderbox download… FFS…. And it didn’t get any better as the day wore on either. Every. hour. +/-. it. seemed.

No way was I chancing getting in the car and having a NASA-like “Catastrophic Failure of O-Ring Integrity” whilst on I-75 or I-95. So we called Miss Daisy, who said things were copa-she-she… I have my doubts, but her Gran (Miss Daisy’s) with whom we’ve been coordinating her protection and help with also stated things are cool…

Tense… but cool.

So we ‘stood down’ and I’m comfortable with that.

Next time ’round maybe. There was also something about a ‘big storm heading our way’ but to me? News to me this A.M., BUT: This’s Florida…

To my bro RABear BTW: I’ll call you this week once the other unexpected festivities finish out around here. Not that I’m worried about this Tropical Storm, Debbie I believe is the name? I’m just justifiably fucking annoyed. The issue being that ALLLLLLL them ‘infiltrators’ (add ((()))s as needed) from waaay up yonder from NFYC/NFJ/NFE and all its surrounding, deep-blue-water polluted environs? Well the way they’re fucking acting all unhinged and sheee-it, you’d thing we got a Category Fucking 7 Hurricane, with Brimstone mind you, headed our way:

It’s a tropical storm.
However, because of this and the current ‘panic stupid?’
Bread? Milk? Eggs?
What are these items of which you speak? I am unfamiliar with them, as they sure as fuck ain’t available in Publix or Costco.

I won’t even be bothered to go to our local Wally World(s) as unfortunately, the employees there are for the most part currently substandard Burrito Goblins and Lazy Nogs who’re generally worthless. The shelves in those stores on a good day frequently look like someone looted them… haphazardly stocked (if at all) and no one either A) gives a shit or more commonly as of late B) “…no habla ingles.”

Even if there may be a better price at Wally World, due to the vicissitudes of my recent encounters there, I’ll take the financial hit so to speak. However, all is not lost for one such as myself. I got the means to get ‘stuff’ if needed, include a guy who has chikinz up the street that I regularly barter ammo-for-eggs/honey from. 2 x 7.62x51mm reloaded ball per egg or one 7.62x51mm Tracer per 4 eggs… Farmer Ted as he goes by… great guy… chikinz, fresh eggs, his own honey. An original Old School FloridaMan…

To continue however:
So, there’s a BUT in here: (there’s always a ‘but’ in there innit?) One of the things we positively have to do tomorrow, rain or shine, is get up to the InLaws Place in the Villages. Gretchen was talking to Mom and Dad, and maaaaan! Turns out we have multiple self inflicted issues that must be dealt with with a mega-quickness.

One of which… well, without too much ‘family drama aspects’ to be put out there (I already vented to Cederq earlier on the fon…. appreciate and love ya man, no homo) but Gretchen’s parents have 3 kids, Gretchen being the middle, with an older step brother (Dad’s first marriage) and Lil Brother (Gretchen’s Mom, current Mom, my MIL)

Quick Breakdown:
Eldest Scumfucker Step-Brother: A complete and utter POS. Calls me “Full Mental Jacket” Has a standing “to be shot on sight” DeathMark here at the Casa. He’s been trespassed from here too, so it’d be all nice n’legal if on the odd chance he’s retarded enough to get within range. He won’t… fucker has zero testicular fortitude. He’s UTTERLY Disowned for being himself now by everyone in the fam. It’s the reason Dad calls me “#1 Son” which really makes me feel good TBH… loves and helps me despite ALL my faults… and I mean all of them.

Any wonder I go so hard to help when needed?
Lil Bro: Great Guy. Former Navy. Honorable discharge. 6 Years in. HUGE geek. D&D, Transformers…still. Esoteric SciFi Nerd. Only issue with him? Very….. hmmmn… how to put it? He’s as big as I am, thick… burly. “Good with his hands”. Great shooter… Trust him with my life. However… I think he’s a -A wee bit– on the ‘spectrum.’ The guy is a highly intelligent motherfucker don’t get me wrong…. nosebleed intelligent. I love him to death, but he’s like, for a lack of better terms, ‘simple’… like as in “Wake up, eat, go to work, eat again, go home, do things for pleasure, fuck (if on the schedule), kill if needed, sleep” Wash, rinse repeat.

If he wasn’t Navy, I’d say he would have been a perfect Marine Grunt. Even an Infantryman in the Army. Follows orders to a tee. High Praise from me, let me tell you… The issue in this case stems from that since Gretchen (and I) had to do the “Cancer Dance” back in March/April with Doc Samizdat, and the subsequent bullshit that went along with all of that, Lil Bro was tasked to take over the twice a month ‘Grocery Call’ w/Mom.

Since they’re damned near house bound, Grocery Delivery Apps have been what’s been keeping them fed. To do this, well… the ‘Grocery Call’? It’s sort of labor intensive and stressful as Mom ‘wants what she wants’ and she sometimes uses out-of-date sales flyers, which causes a wee bit of chaos… Gretchen was doing this for over a year and a half when I told her that Junior needed to take over, as she needed to focus on herself and the whole ‘deadly disease bullshit’. So Gretch ‘trained him up’ and he’s been at it ever since…

SO this A.M. she does her morning call to the ‘Rents… as we were supposed to see them on the “Daisy Run” as we pass right by their AO. Gretchen starts asking about “do you need anything?” and yadda yadda… at which point (I was sort of tracking, but still half asleep… in that mid-zone… y’all who’ve been ‘in’ know of what I speak.)

Turns out they haven’t bought groceries in over two months!!!

Seems they have a $3k tax bill coming up (they own their casa outright, paid cash) and due to Dad’s med issues and whatnot (copays/Medicare/Medicaid Shenanigans) They’ve been ‘scraping the bottom of the pantry’ and ‘didn’t want to bother us’…

(that stands for the long silence while I contemplate the Universe and the ‘how and why’ of said fuckery)

They’re, by their standards, -broke-
Not to mine mind you, but BoomerBroke is a new thing to some of them… sacrificing groceries but keeping the cable TV going? Yeah… BoomerBroke… (new term as far as I know… you heard it first…) Let’s do it officially:

The Definition of BoomerBroke;
‘Boo-mah-Bro-ke’ Descriptive Noun (BB for brevity):

“Having enough money to pay a $240 a month cable/internet/in-house-landline bill, (while also having a cell phone/separate bill) BUT not having enough to cover the (paid for in cash house) tax bill/groceries and getting upset at the suggestion to cut the cable bill down to bare minimum. This can also be applied to boat registrations, second home mortgages, insurance on the New Corvette in the Garage (which is never driven) and the like. Peak Boomerism.”

Not mad, more just……resigned….

So, Gretchen calls Lil Bro… who apparently was completely unaware of the situation. He thought when Mom said “Oh no need to order this week honey, we’re good!” that they were good. He didn’t probe or ask for further instructions… Guess his ‘coding’ doesn’t allow for it.

For Two Months.

Not for nothing, I might have gone the same route. Initially

Now? 2x Months, no food deliveries.
And since everybody these days is pinching pennies to a point, I ‘dipped’ into the car payment (Go fuck yourself Hyundai, It’ll be late, suck my taint) and we sent $200 in food right then, right there. However, that, in my mind isn’t good enough.

So off I went into “need to restock their deep supply”

Went into MY deep storage.
I’ve been hoarding TBQH… for years.
Long term goods. Stared when I was contracting. A case of Mountain House here, and a case of MREs and/or Foreign MREs there… Sales stuff… individual cans and whatnot. Nevermind when I discovered the Mormons… Not sure if I shared this or not, but them jokers? They have a store that IF you register, they’ll ship you ‘bare bones’ survival chow for a flat rate, and man, it ain’t no joke how much ‘stuff’ you can get. Mind you it’s barest of bones but the Church of Latter-Day-Saints have a rule (if I recall correctly) every. person. in. a. household. POSITIVELY HAS TO HAVE one year worth of vittles on hand.

The LDS kids back in the day were persecuted as badly as the (((tribe))) here in the States, so for the sake of self-preservation, they made it mandatory that they stay “prepped”. I sure AF wish other religions would get on that bandwagon amiright? Either way, they subsidize it on their website, link HERE

Much to my surprise, the prices have gone way up
And the choices available?
Lots of ‘missing items’
No Honey being one of the larger things that stood out.

It’s all #10 cans. I got a bunch of them back in the day. Nitrogen sealed #10 food can last a loooong time. Standard shipping used to be $10. However, Now?

The $10 shipping BTW covered ALL shipping. Took an average of a week, maybe two. Came in by UPS. Mr. Big Brown Delivery used to get upset (in a joking manner, he and I were cool) when I ordered some heavy stuff like 2 or 3 cases of #10 Flour/Rice/Pasta. Fuckers are a good 40+/- pounds of grub…

As seen above?
Looks like the LDS Kids –might- be expecting some shit.
As in $25 for a 1-3 day turn around?

To continue
I went into –some- of the deep storage. I went looking primarily for stuff that’s within a ‘useful timeframe’ meaning shit that’s not going to kill them, nor go unused, as well as “Will they eat it?”

I gave Gretchen the veto power. She knows them best.
MY personal attitude is “Be Fucking Grateful that it ain’t fucking Alpo man.”
Cold? Yes.

See, there were times in 2004… and some of you may or may not be able to back me up on this, but when the ‘wheels came off’ in Baghdad, and the Gen’ruls had no fucking clue what to do, we started getting down to the ‘nitty-gritty’ levels of ‘having no shit available’ like this:

“No more chow hall ‘hot ‘As’ for chow!” (Breakfast and Lunch)

A hot ‘A’ being a hot meal… usually reconstituted eggs and shit for breakfast, and Mountain House ‘stuff’ for Lunch and dinner…

“One MRE per man, per day, with ONLY 2 x 1.5 liters of bottled water issued per ID Card per day as well, until further notice!”

That didn’t last long, but maaaan…
Like 2-3 months….
Yeah….. It was a fucking Goat-Rope.

Hunger purely sucks. In college, it was -generally- b/c I spent my food $$$ on booze and weed, but I knew there was ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, a part-time job that paid weekly. In the regular Army? Go broke? We got Chow Halls…

Gretchens Mom and Dad?

Yeah, some folks would say ‘don’t help’ but yannow what? Fuck yourselves. They’ve been nothing but Gold to me, even at my worst. They do NOT deserve to have this happen. So I’m going to make it right the best way I can.

I’m pretty good with helping them, so’s the first thing it to get the Cable/Internet/Bullshit bill down ASAP. I just know they’re getting fucked. They positively need the landline as it’s hooked up to the “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” machines that Gretchen and I still pay for since we insisted on putting it in… it’s paid for itself. I need to find out just what sort of sketchy bullshit is needed otherwise that I know they’re getting overcharged for… a $250+/- bill monthly? For two 80+- folks? Fucking something reeks. I mean what internet upload/download speed(s) are they on? That sort of $$$ sounds cray-cray fast/expensive…. Here at OUR house we have two lines…

One Sapper handles, which Gretch rides/piggybacks on for her YouTube, and besides webcrawling, Sapper does gaming with his, and even when he’s balls out gaming, there’s never any lag, nor does Gretchen have any problems, and his is $110 a month in toto.

MY Line is a biddness line.
I pay about $150 for the minimum as since it’s a biddness line, I don’t need much more… I should really check to see if there’s a cheaper one, but for right now? I’m good as after work hours, I can game like a motherfucker against Sapper. Plus mine is a full on tax deduction.

But, back to the original:
I went online to check out ‘replacement’ costs for some of the ‘stuff’ we’re bringing with us up there to M&D’s. The prices it seems have gone all inflationary, just like everything else. Like OMG…

Almost $60 a can
Crazy right?
Well… since I plan on bringing them a can of this… well… let me start over… My actual plan is to bring an individual pouch. Sapper and I have a buttload of them… Wally World on occasion has the pouches on sale for $8-12 bux, depending on the ‘flavor/size’ of the pouch. Needless to say, we clean them out of them IF we find it as such… Mainly b/c we rarely hit WW these days… but to continue… The idea is to let them try it (for lunch maybe?) and see what they think. I’ll have to bring the #10 can with me, and IF they like it, I’ll leave it with them, as a #10 can is 10 ‘normal servings’ and to them, they could probably stretch it, as they don’t eat a lot anyways. Call it 12 portions. That six days on ‘main meals’ for them in tough times.

But also there’s a side of me, Mr. Asshole, that’s sort of like “You’ll be happy with what I give you, so Sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up.”

Sometimes –someone– has to be the prick.
<Le Sigh>
THANKFULLY Dad’s prior Navy too, so when I read him the riot act, I do it in a military-style way so that he gets a kick out of it, but also, he completely understands where I’m coming from. THAT helps IMMENSELY as HE then puts a metaphoric ‘leash’ on Mom and her complaints.

Thank The Gods.

But because of this imminent ‘downsizing’ of the household preps, I then went online to see about “How much is it going to fucking cost me to replace these “holes in my preps?” Reason being is all that time in supply? The rule of a GOOD 92Y (Unit Supply Specialist) being: “Keep the best, bogart the rest” and “One Out, One In, No Exceptions.”

BTW, the Beef Stew is NOT the only thing I plan on supplying either… not going to keep them in this state, however… until we get the Logistical Chain unfucked if you will…. they’ll eat what I provide, and not fucking bitch about it.

I activated my search bots. I have some really old ‘stuff’ a buddy of mine coded back in the day… very basic but useful. I think there’s apps that can do it now, but hey, ‘use what you know right?’ Still…. According to almost EVERY. SINGLE. WEBCRAWLER. BOT. I have, ALL of them have found that an average price for the subject item (Mountain House in particular) is between $50 to 65 and higher on average for a single #10 can of Mountain House…

Way out of the ‘willing to replace’ price range…

I thought on it, and realized I got Fecesbook.
Specifically Fecesbook Marketplace.
Yeah… I rage against it.
I deleted my original page, one that dated back to LONG BEFORE I went to Iraq/Kuwait/Guantanamo Bay/Iraq/Afghanistan… man that hurt.

BUT it was because of that lunachick psycho whole-slore that I had to go undercover. She is, as of last info I had, in prison

There’s crazy, then there’s plum-dog-utterly-should-be-put-down-rabid crazy. THAT is the broad who was terrorizing oh so many of us, Phil, a couple other bloggers out there… the whole time pretending to be ‘other people’ and shit… fucking bitch had me paranoid like a motherfucker for a while until we moved to Tennessee, when ‘all of a sudden’ the stalking and bullshit ‘dropped off’… Might have been since I was now out of state, however, having spoken to the prosecutor and whatnot, I’ll be notified when this nutjob gets out, IF in fact she ever gets out… Thank God.

But yeah, I have another FB account… don’t go there often. I mostly use it to keep track of my Rakkasan Brothers. That being said, I -did- join the FB Marketplace. Normally I treat shit like that as Craiglist levels of “Do Not Trust” but occasionally (like today,) there’s some good that does come out of it.

In this case, a guy offered up a case of Mountain House #10 cans of Beef Stew. $80. For The Case!

Mind you, the expiration date is 2039? Like over half of the date gone by +/-? They say a can of Mountain House is good for 30 years… That being said, a short history lesson for everyone:

Mountain House started in conjunction with REI (Recreational Equipment Inc) which is now a -BIG- supplier to the DotMil as well as civvie-world for sports gear… Mountain climbing stuff… sleeping bags and the like, and starting in 1969?

“Civvie” LURPs.
The one below is a 1966+/- DotMil one.
They’ve been around a minute.

The Food Packet, Long Range Patrol (LRP; pronounced “lurp“) started in 1966 under a different company. They fielded them in Vietnam with varying degrees of success. The idea (which still holds true) is that a lightweight, calorie-heavy meal with some additional ‘stuff’ added in, like the Oatmeal cookie (which was still being put in MRES up until the late 90s) and ‘other stuff’ as well would help the long range kids get in and out of Dodge without the added weight of a 4-6 pound C-Ration. Mind you a C-Rat was ONE meal…

The was NOT like a “modern” 24 Ration like the new (or maybe not so new by now) “First Strike Ration”:

A 2.8 pound 24 hour ration.
Lots of ‘stuff’ in them.
I had those in Iraq when they first came out…
In 1969, the civvie side of the house got involved. Eventually, the LRPs or ‘LURPS’ ended up being sold to campers and hikers, of which in that timeframe there were a LOT of them… Mountain House eventually took over the supplying of these to the DotMil, and you can find the main meal, in a small 3x3x2 inch compressed cube available online. No extras like tootsie rolls or cookies included.

Long story short:
There’s a LOT of 50+ year old Mountain House/REI and DotMil field rations that are still edible. If they’re STILL sealed, if they’re kept WELL (no extreme heat and cold), No EXTREME UV (ultraviolet light breaks down the packaging) well, there’s been tests of some 40-50 year old LURPs on one of my favorite MRE Tester’s YewToob Channels:

The channel is Steve1989MREInfo. He’s eating a LRP from April 1977.
Not bad.
Check him out if you haven’t.

OK OK OK…. too looooong on my digression…
I swear my ADHD is getting the better of me in my old age.
“Look! Squirrel!!!!”
OK… back to the original issue.

So what I was doing is that I needed to look for a replacement for the #10 Can of Mountain House Beef Stew without breaking the bank. Turns out, Fecesbook Marketplace provided. I dug in, did ‘only local searches (+/-40 miles) and found a guy in North St. Pete. The Guy in Question wanted ONLY $80 bux for a case of #10 cans of Beef Stew!!!!!

Can you say OMG YES!?!

Turns out he was selling his ‘preps’ as he was moving. He also had to sell his preps at a slightly lower price than what he told his wife that he’d paid for the stuff! Sort of like that Meme of “When I die, and when you sell/get rid of/pay my wife for my guns, give her the money I told HER that I paid for it!!!!

Laughing. My. Fat. Ass. Off.
Dude even had a sense of humor about it.
Told her he paid $110, for the case, about 10-15 years ago.
Sold it to me for $80.
Current cost of a case of Beef Stew?

Granted I saw it for much lower on some other websites, but this’s to give you a ‘top end’ price. I paid $80 for between $260 on the low end, to $380 on the top end. Each can is 10-12 servings, so 60-72 servings of good chow if and when it’s needed.

He had also a case of Chicken A’la King w/Noodles… another ‘older’ case, but even then, eBay has ONE can at $45 for it, and that works out to about…. $270 for the case… and we talked dude down as we’d already paid full price for one case, and he just wants to get rid of this stuff before his move.

In total, between me and Sapper:
$140 paid out
Cost IF we were to buy this new:
$320 (avg for the Beef Stew)
$270 (avg for the Chikinz a’la Kang)
Replacement for Factory Cost: $590 +/-
which works out to 12 cans of still-good expires in the late to mid 2030s for $140… plus gas.

Like I said in the title…
So I get a happy face.
When we got home, we loaded up our (or I should say Gretchen) old canned goods (rotation rotation rotation for the pantry… never forget to do it PrepperKids!) so we can ‘reload’ what they already ‘dun et thru’ on the ‘bottom of their pantry’ as well as making sure they have Shit-Hitting-The-Fan Chow if needed.

Also, while we were gone, Gretchen cooked up, no shit 4 complete trays of food for them. 2x of stuffed shells, 1 lasagna and a tray of brownies for dessert. This being ON TOP of ALLLLLLL the other shit we’re traipsing up there with…

Taking care of family is what I do Aye?
Treat me the way I’d like to be treated, and I’ll bend and break the world for you. I mean hey… family isn’t necessarily blood as I learned the hard way in oh so many instances. Forgiveness AND openness to Forgiveness, as well as dialog is important… Plus some basic respect. THAT goes both ways. Maybe some folks need to look, realize that maaaaaybe they might have misinterpreted things, or are being stone-cold ignorant and stubborn, and that IF they were the ‘bigger person’, that maybe some other folks might be open to a dialog… If said folks could try and walk a mile in the other’s hoof-covers… to each their own I suppose….

Make of it what you will.
More Later
Big Country

Captain Obvious is at it Again

A short, but sweet one tonight. I’m off to bed as I have many miles to go over the weekend to check on Miss Daisy. Also need to swing by one of y’all’s places as I traipse through Georgia on my way North. Gotta see a man about a horse…

But yeah… this was an actual headline from today:

“Offishully” listed as ‘death by gunshot’

Absolute Genius I tell you…

It also listed it as ‘homicided’ in the coroner’s report TBH
Which in itself is interesting on a different level.
However, there’s enough shit out there conspiracy wise.

My reaction to this is (of course)


Our DotGov at work

What was that about a ‘crisis of competence’ again?
More Later
Big Country

Got No Worries, She’s Got The Curry

Gotta hand it to them DemoncRats, they suuuure do loooove them some good ole blaq accentuation and elocution while campaigning for the nigra vote:

Between Killary doing it, or the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den telling how how “…he’s gonna put y’all back in chains!!!” and sheeee-it.

How’d that work out?

In fact, an interesting little thing got put out today.
Cumala’s Birth Certificate.
Seems they failed to scrub it like they did the Obamamessiah.
Not that it’ll matter.

Of course the usual suspects in the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda are going to try like hell to say this’s doctored/photshoped, what the fuck ever…

Problem is they’ve got some serious credibility issues these days. Not that they care or are even aware. I mean there’s just too much shit to cover up.

And considering how the blaqs feel about Gopinder and his street-shitting corner store owning asses, this is not a viable long term strategy. There’s just too much to … pardon the pun whyttewash when it comes to the THROATUS. There’s just too much out there…

And if that isn’t enough to convince you:

Not sure which one the cumdumpster is in this pic

(They all look alike to me)

But yeah. The humor factor is at an “eleventy” right now as the various Organs of the State try to get this bitch across the finish line. However, that being saidf, I’m, also not sure if it’s a legit effort.

She hasn’t filed as of yet any official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission… of course that may just be something us plebes have to worry about amiright? They play by their own rules… Rules don’t apply at that level from what I hear.

I mean look at the whole “OrangeManBad Assassination Attempt”… More and More cell phone footage coming out in the open, more info, more ‘crossing the lines’ by whistleblowers to get the truth, whatever it may be out there. I positively knew the cellie-cam pics and vids were going to start leaking out.

EVERYONE with half a brain kept any info or footage they personally shot on the Doooooown-Low as they knew that there’d be a pretty high chance that IF they caught something that they were not supposed to that they’d end up like the ‘Tard on the Roof. ‘Suicide by Fed’ being at the top of that list.


Since the Cumala story sucked all the air (and sperm) out of the head-lies? They feel a wee bit more open to sharing…

God, what a time to be alive Aye?
So yep.
Have to keep watching… I mean it’s only going to get more entertaining as time goes on. I’m not even going to touch the story about the nine fucking (((IDF))) fucktard-rapists troops who got freed after raping both boys and women in Gaza by the (((authorities))) who then had the audacity to say that the Jewish Religion allows for these sorts of predations…

That’s funny…
OUR Religion used to make certain allowances too!

I’ll just leave that one to speak for itself…
More Later
Big Country

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