Quo Vadis? Where are You Going and Why are You Still Here Causing Problems? Plus Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell!

Greetings and Salutations!
Brace for badthink and hatethought, never mind criminalspeak. And oh yeah, naughtytalk… “Big Brotha” is going to have a field day with this one.

So I run around on Twitter occasionally. I blame WiscoDave as on the daily, usually twice a day, ole WD send me and a bunch of others our ‘daily update email’ with a LOT of great links which include a big ole pile of Twitter ‘stuff’…

Now ages ago I made an account on the Twatter… Back in the “Bad Old Days” of the Dorseydork et al. So I do have a ‘blue checkmark’ as like I said I did this waaaaaaaay back in the day when Twitter was new, and hey, I was in Iraq “Reporting from the Front Lines” so to speak… Not that I did a lot of posting there as I quickly realized that much like Reddit, it was a cesspool and echo chamber of Leftards and Douchecanoes.

Nevermind that the guy in charge looked like a dirty fucking Hobo looking for his next bottle of ‘Thunderbird’…

Jes’ Sayin’

So today, due to WiscoDave’s links, I found this Gem:


For whatever reason, it’s not letting me embed the tweet…
Link Above

Now the focus of this whole thread was towards the fact that the DotMil folks in the Puzzle Palace on the Potomac, AKA the Pentagon has folks in the Judge Advocate General’s orifice willfully and intentionally ignoring a direct order from the Commander In Chief AKA OrangeManBad. Said-order being the ditching of “DEI Bullshit”.

In these two examples, they have their ‘personal pronouns’ showing in their signature blocks. OK. Fine. Me? I’m not overly worried per se. The DotMil will always have some asshole(s) who want to push as far as they can, but eventually, the FA/FO factor kicks in, and they’ll end up sorry and fucking sore.

And seeing that both are broads? They probably think that they can get the usual “pussy pass” that a lot of ‘splits’ get in the DotMil. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t? I don’t care either way…

What did catch my attention was the name:

And if you look to the corner, you’ll see my comment…

“Quo’Vadis Parker” Tell me you’re black, without telling me you’re a black…. What’s next!?! E-Pluribus Jackson? Nolo Contendere Jones???”

I… like… how? What… Uhhhhh….

Like for fucking real
This’s more in Art Sido’s wheelhouse, but man, I just couldn’t let this one go…

Believe it or not, this fucking Rabbit Hole just got really fucking deep and even moar fucked up and twisted than I expected.

As I’m pecking this out, I had the realization that the chosen pronouns are “she, her, hers”. OK… not sure who picked out the name (as it stands and as I was going to talk about the translation from Latin is ” Where are you going?” which in itself is odd… but anyway, I decided I need a picture of this broad to round out my bashing. Here’s what I found from 2023:

That pic was taken when Quo’Vadis won the 2023 McGriff Leadership Award and Rickert Distinguished Graduate Award.

Which is fine.

What isn’t fine is that I think I found out why “It” (gimme a second here) seems to be refusing the lawful order(s) regarding DEI elimination from the Department of Defense… See, I did my initial search for the picture using the Google “Images” thing…

I then went over to the “All” tab which brings up all the Articles/Info about your query, whereupon I got the A.I. ‘breif’ so to speak, which I screencapped:



“…his Leadership”
“…his performance”

The “What The Fuck” zone just went so deep I think it’s a Black Hole!!!” (or maybe ‘blaq’, Jes Sayin) Like we just went to “Ludicrous Speed” here in like .01 seconds…

I think I broke my neck with that bit of whiplash

I was planning on riffing on the nature of various blaq folks to hang on their kids (sorry not sorry) with some seriously fucked up monikers. As I stated in my reply (which is gaining hits and a few new followers, which for me is unusual) is what’s next?

HOWEVER! Realizing that good ole Quo’Vadis was a dude and now identifies as a split tail? OMFG. No wonder it’s refusing to follow orders. DEI To the Max Apparently!!!

“It” is part of the fucking problem!!!

I mean OMFG… my mind is blown. I need an addition set of arms or two to do the facepalms that are required for this level of psychosis. A huuuuuge reason I’m bothered is this’s the fucking Judge Advocate General’s Office we’re talking about!!!

THESE are the fuckers who have essentially IMO functionally crippled our DotMil with their fucked up prosecutions and Rules of Engagement and well… you name a law/rule and/or anything else that the DotMil runs on legally-speaking, and you’ll find the snail-trail of slime and scum that the JAG fuckers leave behind.

And as it seems, the “Chief Warrant Officer of the (JAG) Corps” is a fucking transvestite!?!?!?!

No fucking wonder ‘things’ have been so utterly and completely as my Drill Sergeant would have said “Fucked up From The Neck Up”. The god-damned inmates have apparently infiltrated and are now running the fucking asylum.

Sweet God in Heaven

BTW… as a side note: Art if you want to take the whole ‘name thing’ and run with it, it’s all good in my book… the discoveries I’ve made here sort of left me cold as to making fun of the usual “Chimp-antics” that we’ve become so accustomed to.

A BIG part of my issue NOW is that when you were in for as long as I was, as well as all the years I spend supporting the DotMil, it’s like that old Meme “Well back in MY day…” sort of thing… which is really fucked up that we went from a Army that was a lean, mean Ass Kicking Machine to a bunch of whipped dogs/curs who’re under the control of a giant pile of mentally ill sociopaths…

Damn if it isn’t disheartening.

I mean granted ALL the top end brass and politicos were/are sociopaths, but at least ‘back in the day’ we knew they weren’t full and completely compromised and utterly bugfuck Leftists who apparently worship Stalin and are full on crazy/insane.

I mean I much preferred OUR group of pro-Izzy Reaganite Right Wing Oriented Sociopaths.

At least they knew the difference between a man and a woman, and knew not to fuck around with all the fake and ghey shytte amiright?

“Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” right?

True Story from “Back in The Day” that’s related

When I joined the DotMil, I met a guy that I’ll call “D” for this. D was when he joined a disgruntled former short order cook. We both joined in NH, and sort of ‘buddied up’ for the whole intake process. We went to Benning together, and when we got there, we got seperated into different companies, but the same Battalion, so we saw each other on a rare occasion.

After Gulf One, we ended up meeting up again when we both got RIF’d (Reduction In Force when Bush #1 ‘shrunk’ the Army down to like nothing). We ended up in the same Reserve Unit and pretty much joined ourselves at the hip, to the point MomUnit and DeadDad sort of adopted him as Son #3. D’s fam situation was sort of fucked up, what with a MIA dad, a crazy Mom (who sort of adopted me herself in her own way) and a older brother doing hard time for murder…

We literally spent like almost 18 months trying to get back on Active Duty. We smoked a lot of weed, banged a lot of slores during this time… a great Battle Buddy/Fren to say the least. When the slots opened up, we both went back in together, and both of us got stationed together at Hohenfels with the OPFOR in 1/4INF. Like I said, joined at the hip. My brother from another mother…

Anyways, to the meat of the story.

We ended up getting split up as the years progressed, and he stayed in after I got line-of-duty retired. My understanding is he made E-6, but got permanently career-sidelined by having a convicted notorious Murder-Brother IRL which according to JAG (yeah the same fuckers who have MAD Tranny issues as mentioned before!) JAG said D was a ‘potential security risk’ so he ended up just riding the train to 20 years as a Staff. Mind you, D’s brother?

Let’s just say he’s fucking famous for who he offed. Like a MAD HIGH PROFILE murder, hence the issue… I can’t reveal as it’d directly doxx my man.


D and I stayed in contact for a number of years. We even met up in Baghdad when he was the Platoon Leader of a Bradley Section and I was the ‘scumbag contractor’. We had kids about the same time and got divorced about the same time. Like I said, my brother from another mother for sure. In fact I’m still mad-tight friends with his Xwife as she’s a sweetie, and TBH he was the bastard in the divorce…

So before he and I went sideways fren-wise, (another strange story there) he told me a funny story. Seems he was a Platoon Sergeant in Germany at the time. He tried like Hell to stay in Germany as his X, my fren that I mentioned, was a German Fur-Line, and after the divorce took herself and their kinder back to Deutschland. He wanted to be close for the sake of his son. He was then given a Platoon of Infantry… for the most part, a pretty good gig, being in an E-7 slot and all… BUT!

He had what would best be called an “Oddball Troop”

Now mind you, this was at the absolute height of the “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” timeline for the DotMil overall. Clinton had instituted it in 1994, and man… if we only knew then what we knew now? I think the complaints and bitching about THAT particular issue would be like ZERO compared to the current “Lets celebrate ALL the perversions and mental illnesses!!!” that the DotMil was initially forced and then enthusiastically embraced as the sickos infiltrated… anyways…

Said Oddball never fit in.
D said he seemed like a normal troop


No one wanted to room with him

And there were a LOT of rumors and whatnot about him from the other troops about his weekend activities… he apparently didn’t ‘hang out with the guys’ which in an Infantry Unit?

Yeaaah… a bit odd and strange…
HIGHLY Questionable even…

However, he was ALWAYS METICULOUSLY on time
ALWAYS at the right place/right time in the right uniform
Like what seemed to be a zero-defect troop.

D had his reservations, but withheld judgement.

So, about six months after Oddball showed up at the Unit, D and the rest of the Battalion were given orders to have a “Dress Health and Welfare Inspection”. Now since the Army had become “kinder and gentler”, room inspections outside of health and welfare were forbidden. That of course didn’t stop commanders from coming up with creative ways to check out the Troops Barracks rooms.

So in this case, all of D’s troops, as well as the rest of the Battalion were told that a “Health and Welfare” inspection would be held on Friday for “Payday Activities”. That meant ALL of the troops in the unit had to polish and scrub their rooms, and be in fully pressed Dress Uniforms for the “inspection”. Having done this myself MULTIPLE TIME during the 10 years of Active Duty I did, I can say, without any doubt, that some of these things were the biggest pain in the ass… but to continue…

D, being the Platoon Sergeant, let it be known that the Platoon Leader (the LT) was on leave as his wife had just had a kid, so he was out of the picture. He gave his platoon a small speech the night before that meant to his guys “make sure your shit is tight, but seeings that I’ll be doing the walk thru, just make sure it’s good, but you don’t have to kill yourself over it, but if you embarrass me in front of the CO and fuck it up, I’ll fucking kill you” sort of thing…

Anyone who’s ever served knows the type of speech that he gave amiright

So… off he went.
Room after Room
Guys fully set up in their Class As, standing by outside of their room(s). Everything was running smoothly… The Company Commander, as well as the Battalion Commander were pleased…


It was time to do the Oddballs’ Room

Now a wee bit of explanation is necessary.

As the “Inspection/Health and Welfare Officers” (i.e. the Company Commander, a Captain and the Battalion Commander, a Lt. Colonel) do their walkthrough, the Platoon Sergeant (D in this case) goes a room or two ahead of the main group to make sure there’s no issues in the rooms to be inspected… like a underaged German Broad hidden in a closet or bathroom or some such (and yes, that happened in my unit back in the day. That was a shitshow)

So D goes into the Oddballs room.

Everything is clean, the floor polished and everything dress-right-dress, meaning everything is in it’s proper place, and everything looks good. D then decided at the last second to open up the Oddball’s wall locker(s) (two of them, which was on the potential ‘inspection list’) one of which has his uniforms and ‘tactical gear’ (vest/armor/and other such ‘stuff’) while the other locker has his ‘personal gear.’ Juuuust to check before the brass showed up…

The uniform locker was fine.

The personal locker?

D almost had a mental breakdown.
D opened it and -BAM!-
Right in the face:

Men’s Size 12 3in High Heels in multiple colors and such

A whoooole lot of Lingerie hung up neatly on hangers… MAD sexy/expensive MANS SIZED Lingerie… expensive shit that “our wives would have killed for.” (his quote) and to repeat: ALL in Oddball’s size…

A BIG selection of ‘Ordinance’ as we jokingly used to call it, i.e. HUGE rubber dicks and anal plugs… enough to handle “… his entire squad if he felt like doing so!” (another quote) ALL on display, in order, by size and girth no less… WTF???

And to add to it, D said there was enough lube “..to grease the tracks on our Bradleys for a month!!!”

As well as quite the selection of Gay German Porn that totally and utterly fried D’s brain. He told me in Iraq when he relayed this story that “I froze up… I mean… Jesus… I mean What the fuck am I supposed to do??? I mean bro… Bro… ‘Bruh!!!!’

The whole time Oddball was just standing there… all lackadaisical and not giving a fuck with a knowing grin on his face.

D literally slammed the locker door(s) shut and turned to face Oddball.

Now, because of these unnerving discoveries, D then grabbed Oddball, and told him “Go into your fucking room, lock the fucking door and don’t make a fucking sound!” and left it at that. The “I will kill you” wasn’t necessary that point.

So as the inspection/health and welfare check progressed, when the CO and the Battalion Commander came to that room, D told them that that room was currently unoccupied, and that they could move on. They shrugged apparently, and kept moving.

D literally could not and would not say a damned thing.

Whew… what a shitshow.

So yeah… “Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle K” for sure apparently. Looks like the Augean Stables got a lot more shit that needs to be taken care of, and man, when do we reopen the Asylums and start packing these motherfuckers back into them? And then when do we get to burn down said-asylums so as to minimize the expense of taking care of a bunch of psychotic never-will-be-cured leftist retard?

Inquiring Minds Want To Know!
Your Thoughts in the Comments!
More Later
Big Country

12 thoughts on “Quo Vadis? Where are You Going and Why are You Still Here Causing Problems? Plus Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell!”

  1. Wow.
    Worst I saw wuz the sexually prolifics, who, when at sea for months, then had sex with each other.
    Men aren’t made to have sex with each other, and a kid needs a mom and a dad, ideally.
    Krazey to think I’d be criminally prosecuted for saying that in several European countries now.

  2. 55 years ago I got out of the army and went to college on the GI bill. I had to pick from a couple a couple optional out of my major courses. One was Abnormal Psychology and the alternative was Human Sexuality. Well, I’d seen enough abnormal psychology (4 years in army, 1 year in Nam). I picked Human Sexuality. Here I am well past human sexuality, but absolutely surrounded by abnormal psychology. Talk about a short sighted choice.

    1. Wow! Antarctica for the diversity win. And I can tell you dealing with them my entire life that yes a bike was stolen. The one and only bike on Antarctica has been stolen.

  3. Well, well, well… I normally withhold from commenting or participating on interweb but this… First – what a great “D” story. Such inspections as a Div-O could be entertaining and D’s tale is up there with the best. Hilarious, but what it and the Quo Vadis “thing” illustrate is a combination that to me is mind-boggling, terrifying and totally AFU on so many levels. Throw in the PC/woke/DEI infestation, AFU weapon systems and totally chicken-shit & compromised leadership – and I seriously think only the Hand of God can save us. Just don’t see us winning when the next big one kicks off. Good stuff BCE. BZ!

  4. D should have outed said oddball!
    I mean ,gone full on R.Lee Ermy…

  5. In the patch we call it camp straight, your straight when not doing a tour but ‘open to options’ when on station for a shift.

    Years back our newest plant was under 2 years old, brand new everything. The camp calls us over (we were only 2 people authorized to have cameras on site), to document what they found.
    Turns out the sewer lift pump packed it in. The reason was the hundreds of condoms that had plugged it up in the 6 months since it had last been serviced. Given current staff was 98 guys and 4 girls on site…. That implied that someone was pinch hitting for the other team, especially since two of the ladies were over 60, one was in her 40’s and the last was 22.

  6. Let’s just say he’s fucking famous for who he offed. Like a MAD HIGH PROFILE murder, hence the issue… I can’t reveal as it’d directly doxx my man.

    I figured it out — he’s Lon Horiuchi’s brother.
    No, wait, Horiuchi never paid for his crimes.

  7. As an EOD Small Group Instructor at the ANCOC/BNCOC NCO Academy at Redstone, I had a Delta Force EOD guy who pranked my ass during a room inspection by hanging a starched Teddy in his wall locker display. Would have been funny except that morning the Commandant of the academy decided to tag along. Mind you, this was a five foot five 82nd all his career Command Sergeant Major who let me know every time he saw me that it was “High time you fucking EOD guys got your heads out of your asses and joined the rest of the Army.” I honestly thought the man’s head was going to explode as he chewed my and my “students’ asses. That ass chewing was truly a thing of beauty! I’ll bet I came out five pounds lighter than I went in. The only thing that saved us was my crazy assed First Sergeant (6’6”) standing behind the Sergeant Major making faces at us the entire speech. God, I loved the fucking Army. No matter what the commies do, the United States Army will recover and thrive. That’s what men do.

  8. “We’re just two men who love each other and want to be accepted” was always the camel’s nose into the tent.
    This is why serious places have zero tolerance for faggotry.

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