Greetings and Salutations!
So many projects, so little money/time.
Looks like I have a pretty good idea of how the “Fortunate Son” Ammo Can/Boom Box is going to go. A pair of 6.5in Waterproof Low Viz (i.e. thin) Speakers, (with Blue LEDs no less!) one for each side of the ammo can, with a 200w Amp being run off a 24v/4.5a ‘motorcycle’ battery (I know, I know, it’s not but it’s tiny like that) with a iPod ripoff running 32gigs of memory to run the music.
Now it’s just a matter of ‘gathering the gear’ so to speak.
So far the cost, including the switch is going around $200 on ‘sunk cost(s)’ so far. What I positively hate about projects like this is I get allllllll sorts of fired up about them, and forget about the ROI factor…
That and making sure Gretchen doesn’t figure the amounts I’ve spent screwing around on them. Which also leads me into another project.
Sarco has Lee Enfield #1 MK3s barreled receivers in Ishapore .308/7.62x51mm NATO, also known as the Enfield 2A. For $70 bux. I know Jesus/God loves me, but oh Lord, let this cup passeth me by….annnnnnnnnnnd…
I did it again…
Too late.
So yep. Be on the look out for that particular upcoming project. Seeing that I already have a boatload of fiddly-bits and whatnot available, and according to reports, the bores on these things are running “NRA VG/G” well… the temptation was a wee bit too much.
Especially in light of the fact that I have about 3000+ rounds of good 174gn FMJ 7.62×51 NATO on hand, which is a sight cheaper than the .303 Brit, even with reloading taken into account…
Which also intros me nicely into another new toy I picked up on clearance no less… a 60 round ATI Schmeisser S60 AK Mag.

I got it off a shady assed website, which one I really don’t remember, but the return addy said “Discount Enterprises Inc.”…
Go figure.
So much shade, it may as well be in an Eclipse.
TBH I’ll be damned if I remember buying it. There’s a vague-ish memory some many-many-moons ago where the Beer was kicking my ass, and I was in one of those dangerous “Hey I got some extra shekels floating around, and that’s a great deal!” sort of things. Drunk-‘Zoning is what I’ve heard it called.
Lord knows there’s been plenty of returns to the ‘Zon for things bought unnecessarily while under the influence. In this case, $19.99 for what’s normally a $50 dollar item? Or as stated before in the comments, clearance? Shut the Hell Up and Take My Money!
SO it showed up, and man, I’ll be damned if’n this thing isn’t a literal brick:

As in “Brick, Ammunition, Type One Each, Extra Thicc” It’s practically two 30 round mags slapped together into one ginormous fat-assed Kardashian Level Thicc-Mag.
It also has dual windows:

Which gives you a pretty good view of the round count (as if that’s going to be a ‘thing’ if shit goes cray-cray and you’re using this thing). I also am aware this thing is going to literally weight a ton when fully loaded.
That’s what I’m doing when I get done writing this up, it a test-run of “how full is full?” for this thing, and see if it’s as good/bad as I read about. Meaning the reviews go from “It’s Shit!” (accusatory) to “It’s the Shit!” (declarative). I’ll make my own call after I load it up and get it to a range.
Personally, I’m not worried about it.
Berglander asked about my physical status as far as being able to hump if shit goes insane later on. Thing of it is, it’s the angle in which I have to sit on the Bike that tweaks my neck, with allllll my not-inconsiderate upper body size/weight is crushing down on my totally jacked carpal-tunnel wrists and having to tilt my nugget up, while wearing a helmet, at what’s a known bad angle? Yeah. Riding a bike sucks, but I can still hump my gear, plates, mags ruck and all no issue. It’s the ‘weird’ stuff like biking or Yoga that fucks me up. To continue…
I had to break out the spare deep lockered Warsaw Pact ammo to load this thing. The ‘combat loaded mags’ are just that, with the first 3 rounds in each combat loaded mag being Russian API, and the last 3 rounds being (I think) Romanian Green Tracer (non corrosive). I didn’t necessarily want to unload ant futz around with an already good setup, so I needed some ball. For this upcoming test I as stated, busted into the deep stores, and as you saw in the pic, it’s 1990s Yugo surplus M67 SKS ammo on strippers:

Which BTW, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s brass cased. I’m so used to that funky Russian brass-not-brass cased stuff, or the steel case Privi-Partizan non-reloadables. Guess I’ll have to strap my brass catcher onto the AK when I go to the range later this week. Waste not, want not. And yeah, I have either forgotten it was brass, or not paid attention when I bought it. I –do-remember the price was so crazy-good, it was a “must buy NOW!” situation, and I didn’t GAFF just what the casing was made of at the time.
Oh, and also, if anyone has a use for or wants the stripper clips from these after I get done loading up, please DM me at BCE187th@Protonmail dot com and I’ll mail them out gratis to you. I have enough spare firearms ‘stuff’ laying around, that spreading the wealth so to speak, especially if it’s someone who can use them (like an itinerant SKS guy) then hey, no problem man. Just let me know. If you have some patience, I’ll have like 10 or so after the next range time…
Otherwise… I have a mag to monkey with.
More Later
Big Country