Greetings and Salutations!
One muscle relaxer later…
No idea what Gretchen gave me, but OMG it did the trick after riding allllllll over the world with the Redhead on a Bike.
LOTS of ZZZZs after the fact…
Surprisingly, it was my upper shoulders and neck that got tweaked, which I’m guessing is from having to lean over the frame to get to the handlebars. I woke up positively crippled, for which Gretchen went into her ‘bag o’meds’ and gave me -something- that zonked me out alllll day and a goodly portion of the night as well.
Either way, a wee bit of extreme rest was obviously called for.
The Redhead will do that to me.
And because of that, I’m behind on the rant-o-thon that I’ve oh so been neglecting. Now… to start with… let’s kick it over to Germany. We’ll start there as one story (out of the plethora out there) caught my eye, and is ripe for a breakdown IMO.
Per RT (the Russian Times):

Now, granted this’s the Russian Times. That being said, like most Eurotrash News, as well as our own fucked up Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, it’s propaganda. However, with that understanding, there’s always a kernal of truth to be found, IF one digs deep enough. Thing of it is, and due to overwhelming societal pressure(s), I have no doubt if this isn’t becoming an option for Der Chermans.
A smol breakdown is needed, so…. Ever since the end of World War 2, especially in the Western Part of the Country, (meaning the US/French/British ‘occupied zones’) the very watchword of the day was “Alles ist in Ordnung” meaning “All is in Order”.
This was very important after the chaos that Herr MoustacheManBad unleashed on the entirety of the European Continent, if not the world overall. The Germans post-war 2 needed stability above all.
So, the very concept of “Ordnung” (order, discipline, rule, arrangement) and phrases like “alles ist in Ordnung” (everything is in order) have and had seriously deep roots and an impact on past as well as current German culture. The idea of “order” if you will, was/is to this day, a Kraut attitude that has it’s roots back centuries gone by.
In modern times the phrase itself took on stronger and more a profound meaning culturally in post-War Germany. Given that after everything that happened in Weimar, and the MoustacheManBad era? The Germans were positively dying for some sense of “Teutonic Normalcy”
If anything, “Alles ist in Ordnung” is a good descriptive of the naturally seemingly anal-retentive nature of the Germans as a whole. To paraphrase (and IMO it’s applicable) is from the movie “Red October” when Admiral Painter said “Russians don’t take a dump without a plan” with the change being “Russians Germans don’t take a dump without a plan” carries the same culturally adaptive conceptual weight.
In fact take that, and DOUBLE the need for a ‘plan’ when it comes to the Germans. My own experiences in Germany, while fighting against ‘Herman The German’ showed a distinct lack for independent thinking due to the inherent rigidity of their thought process. They’re absolutely hardcore ‘followers’ as opposed to natural leaders.
I mean look at the entire attitude.
Cars, Highway (the Autobahn) everything!
Naturally, this means a great deal of Precision and Coordination across a vast set of skills, motivations as well as overall production. Hell, part of the ‘theoretical success’ of the supposed “Final Solution (which was neither final, nor a solution) was due to the Strict German Adherence to the Rules and Regulations set by “those in Charge”.
Now granted, there’s a certain amount of flexibility ‘baked in the cake’ but for the most part, the Germans are quite content to allow things to ‘hustle and bustle’ along on the day-to-day, provided it’s someone else’s Bratwurst that’s getting shat on.
And since the arrival of the Afghans and their non-conformist attitudes and primitive asocial tendencies that come with being bipedal quasi-religious fanatics who utterly reject the need to homogenize themselves into Greater German Society?
Yeah, that’s a BIG Problem.
The Afghans, as a whole are chaos agents with regards to the German perspective of society. They and their Neo-Paleolithic ways are a positive anathema to a “Solid Germanic Ordered Society”… but because of their past? Unless the Germans are comfortable in rolling the clock back a dozen or so decades, and going all full on Leibstandarte SS MoustacheManBad, well they, the Germans that is, have one hell of a problem.
Part of it also stems from the very fact that violent crime, up until the “Afghani Cultural Enrichment Team” showed up, even the most VIOLENT of criminals were treated with kid-gloves. In fact it’s the very nature of the policing both there, as well as all sorts of other Eurofag countries that the fuzz NOW tend to go after ‘soft targets’.
For an example, England for one.
You’ve had Rape-Muzzies raping and enslaving whole SCADS of innocent teen and even pre-teen girls in Oh-So-Many cities and townships that it defies explanation. Well… truthfully, it doesn’t defy explanation… in fact there is an explanation: COWADICE pure and brutally simple.
Just as the Krauts are going after 76 year old pensioners protesting outside of abortion clinics, or Britfag Fucking Queercops going after people for ‘asocial social media posts’ (read putting up “badthink” online), it’s a hell of a lot safer and easier than going after to nab a ‘real time doer’ (i.e. a Muzzierat-Rapist), especially if he and his buddies might have some AKs stashed somewhere with bad intentions towards the coppers…
That and some fucking piece of shytte Libtarded fuck might start fainting and carrying on about ‘oppression’ and ‘racism’. So much so as to make my head spin/hurt.
Pass me the Tylenol will you?
However, IF this plan that the Germans concocted is true, and they ARE actually going to try (and mind you I emphasize try in this instance) to forcibly conscript the Affy-Haj into fighting for the Krain? Maaaaaan… all I can ask is “Who was the reeee-tard who cooked up this particular abortion of stupid?”
Per the article: “German authorities are forcing Afghan migrants to join the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine in order to urgently replenish the personnel of the Kiev regime’s armed forces, which is experiencing an acute shortage of people.”
OK… great.
Then a bit further in, someone raises the point that that Haj that do go on and manage to somehow survive this “Magical Mystery Tour of Stoopid” that when they get back to Germany? That “Some of the refugees are likely to return to Germany after the expiration of their imposed contracts, possessing skills in handling weapons and explosives, as well as experience in combat.” Well OK… I’d say that’s the least of their issues…
As we got a couple of things to unpack here.
First and foremost regarding the last statement on “…possessing skills in handling weapons…”
Are you fucking kidding me!?!
Now besides the pantswetting attitude of the Eurofags towards guns and weapons in general, just who the fuck do they think they’re writing about!?!
The Fucking Afghanis are, as a group, practically if not literally spawned from the womb as natural Guerilla Fighters I swear. Any Afghani Male who’s made it past the age of 18 these day? Oh I’m fucking sure, despite any denials by said-aforementioned Afghan Male to the German Office of Immigration Officials, is well fucking versed in the use of multiple weapons systems up to and including light Anti-Armor rockets like the RPG-7.
So throw that load of bullocks right out.
The larger issue I think is that ONCE the Haj-on-the-Street… your average piece of criminally minded shitbag street hustler/rapist/thief now realizes that IF he gets hemmed up by the police, he’s looking at a one-way ticket to “Paradise” in the Krain, whether he likes it or not. Now, as a given… that means he’s not got a lot to lose doesn’t it now?
Any bets we see a BIG increase in violence against the Coppers in Germany over the next few, if in fact this is a real story? Case in point: Recently, A two-year-old boy and a 41 year old dude who tried to rescue the 2 year old were butchered by a Haji in a German park via the Haj having “Sudden Jihadi Syndrome” and going all stabby-stab on some innocents. “Police confirmed that a 28-year-old man from Afghanistan was arrested following the attack in Bavarian city of Aschaffenburg”
The pics that came out internationally (which are now scrubbed as I can see) showed the Haj-Attacker sitting on a fountain, grinning like a motherfucker, holding one finger up to the sky, which for a Jihadi is the symbol for them for essentially “Allah is Number 1” as the (female) gun toting Polizei showed up. He was grinning like a fool as he knew that he just secured himself three-hots-and-a-cot for like ever on the German Dime as well as having ‘made his bones’ with Allah for killing some infidels.
Any bets that IF that fucker knew he’s be getting shipped off to the Krainian Meatgrinder that the female cop who first showed up would have found herself facing a determined and highly lethal and aggressive foe? I’d say we’ll just have to wait and see… My thoughts that IF it’s true?
Watch for a significant increase in German Police Casualties UNTIL they (the Fuzz) finally decide that their lives are worth MORE than the life of an inbred, undereducated, probably illiterate, ungrateful piece of shit Islamist. THEN watch for an increase in dead Hajis… You heard it here first.
To stateside:

File under “shit I didn’t expect to read” today…
I was leaving this to see if Art Sido was going to hit it, as it’s ‘his thing’ to go on about the various chimpouts and other such racially humorous articles that come across the ‘net.
I sent him an email, but I guess it got lost in the sauce.
That or he was so appalled that he couldn’t write about it.
Myself? Well… to a point I flinch in hearing/reading about said-crime, but by the thing that stood out to me is that the particular Perp in this Case? Maaaaaaaaaaaaan… she seriously must have a ‘thing’ against sex offenders.
The link to the story is HERE
Seems one funeral home worker in Texas, a female named Amber Laudermilk, age 34

was arrested and charged with, well…. she essentially cutoff the dead dude/sex offender’s ‘junk’ and stuffed said package down his gullet.
In front ow witnesses, i.e. the embalming/mortician students that she was apparently supposed to be teaching at the time. She also allegedly said “You didn’t see anything” right after cutting homeboy’s shit off.
There’s issues and then there’s ISSUES
Either way, part of me wants to applaud her for being righteous against a known and convicted sex offender, and the other part of me wants to run like a motherfucker, as any broad who can do the whole ‘Lorena Bobbit Thang’ to a dude, dead OR alive gives me the heebie-jeebies…
Like WOW
Things are getting a mite weird(er) out there
Watch your Six
Don’t stick your dick in “Crazy” amiright?
More Later
Big Country

There was a time in my life where I might have had a hard time believing that someone would do that to a guy. But after being married for 18 blissful years to the handmaiden of Satan I can fully and completely believe it.
For that matter, current wife #2 is Sicilian and has a fondness for knives and handguns.
She however is fiercely loyal to me. She might enjoy knocking me down a peg if she feels I need it but woe to anyone else who takes up against me.
“A drunkard’s dream if I ever did see one.” -Up on Cripple Creek, The Band.