Greetings and Salutations!
Took last night off away from the Computer as Gretchen was feeling neglected. In truth I am on this faaar too much, between work and the writing of this and the other research stuff I do on the regular.
Did me some good to get up and away. We went out for a meal on the cheap (less than $30 per including a stronk drink for her and 3 beers for me) and then we -tried- to go up to the beach for a quiet walkabout. Alas the County had the road shut down, so instead of a nice strolly-stroll at the beach, we got stuck in Friday night bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Worse than that? -I- knew of the supposed shutdown, as did everyone else. The D.O.T. in all it’s incompetence had been advertising via the big orange signs that “Gip Drive will be closed starting on Feb28 at 730pm” So natch, everyone was studiously avoiding Gip Drive.
The raging incompetence in this case?
They poasted the wrong fucking road.
Like literally backwards
Instead of just Gip Drive being closed, it was the Intersection of Gip Drive and 301 that was closed. And worse, it was a two mile stretch of 301, both directions that went from three lanes down to a single lane!!!
So we got to spend quality time for about an hour waiting patiently to go home, ‘cos we had no other choice.
So that was last night.
The other ‘name of my latest pain’ is the car.
Not sure if I mentioned it when I raved about the plugs and injection system being all jacked up, but when I fixed all of the mentioned issues (the car is fine right now no whammies no whammies no whammies) I had found Mickey Fucking Rat had made a nest under the hood, right on top of the engine. I cleaned out all the crap, and vacuumed up everything, and I thought that was the end of it.
Until a week ago.
At first, when I noticed it, I thought Gretchen had run the car over a curb or something, causing mad damage to the left drivers side rocker panel. I was ready to raise all sorts of Hell at her as she has in the past had ‘minor dings’ and whatnot that she’s actually oblivious to, but I unfortunately find when I’m doing my PMCS on the car. However, when I ran my hand under the car, there was no damage. And on closer inspection, I realized Mickey and Fam had migrated:

Jesus Christo!
The furry fucker ate my rocker panel!!!
Since then, I installed a rodent thingamahjig that puts out sonics that drive ’em away (supposedly) and then got a stronk peppermint oil based repellant that I drenched the car in. THEORETICALLY this should get rid of Mickey and his Crew.
Gretchen wants me to repair it, which yeah, it’s ugly and yeah, it also cuts the valuation on the vehicle significantly. SO I went ‘shopping’ for the pieces-parts as I’m good at things like this. Just as I did with the throttle body, I saved about $600+ in labor AND parts by getting a good aftermarket part on the Zon ($250 less) and turning my own wrenches.
Let me tell ya…
These fuckers need to be reported on for outright theft.
That rocker panel, new/OEM weighs about 3.2 pounds according to one website. Unfortunately the majority of websites want $250-300 PLUS SHIPPING for it. The cheapest I found, and my newly found hatred for all things Commiefornia? (which is where I found the cheapest available part at $186.53) Try this:

I thought it was a joke until I check the various sources via “Is this website a fucking scammer?” and found out it’s one of the biggest OEM parts dealers stateside for Hyundai pieces-parts. Fucking $565.32?
Who the fuck charges that?
The next cheapest is on for $132.00 on eBay and that fucker wants $75 for shipping. And that’s the cheapest.
Makes one realize that Everything is a Grift these days.
Really grinds my ass that now, I’m going to have to spend some weekends chasing this particular part at the local salvage yard. I mean let me ask… what do y’all think? Part in the Hand (the eBay one for a total of $211 with road wear and scratches) or chase one in the “wild” and maybe lose said eBay part to someone else?
Now, it’s been about 48 hours since Krainefeld, seemingly on a MAD Kocaine Kowboy High, got 86’d out of the White House.
Fuck ’em.
“The Usual Suspects” of course went ‘full retard’ and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing until their heads exploded (metaphorically unfortunately). The Euro-weenies completely lost it as well, and almost to a country, the uniformity of the Twitter responses scream ‘coordination’ from some central intel clearing source:

Now… that’s Ursula-the-Ugly. Head of the Euroweenie Commission. This tweet was literally parroted by the following countries Leaders (that I could find): England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Montenegro, New Zealand, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and of course, Sweden. It got so retarded that even Luxembourg got in on it, and got roasted immediately for their stoopid:

And out of that 939 folks in the Amy? As of March 2022, the Luxembourg military had 112 female soldiers, which was about 12.6% of the force. Considering the Woke Nature of that country, any bets that the broads are ALL in the leadershit positions?
So it was glorious to watch.
The little shrimp must have reaaaaally believed all of them press releases, and the fact that he practically owned the Joetato with all the obvious bribery, criminality and graft and dirt he had on that particular asshole…
Seems as OrangeManBad said “You haven’t got any cards to play!”…. I’d call that right on. The days of ‘having leverage/blackmail’ are so done. And the best thing I saw? J.D. Vance knife handing that little shit:

Oh shit, things just got reely-reelz!!!
ANYONE who’s ever served in the Military is familiar with the “knife-hand”. Per wiki for those civvies visiting here: “In the military, a knife hand is a hand gesture used to discipline troops, correct a salute, or drive home a point. It’s a well-known and iconic gesture across all branches of the U.S. military.” Damned skippy. It’s a favorite of Drill Sergeants in ALL branches, and usually comes with a “I am sooooo going to unfuck you with pain!” lecture:

So when former Corporal Vance breaks it out while telling Krainfeld to pack his shit and fuck himself, it means that it just crossed over into the “Oh fuck!” range.
I’m willing to bet that if there were any Marine Guards in the room or any former DotMil in that room, ALL of their assholes went into a involuntary asshole-puckering. I mean the ambassador for the Krain to us was holding her head and doing multiple facepalms while Krainfeld jumped up and down onto his dick, while wearing golf shoes, with both feet. I haven’t seen that much facepalm action since the Star Trek Next Generation Meme.
Of course this A.M. there was the ubiquitous sorry-not-sorry apology sort of kind of on Twitter from the Koked Up one himself (theoretically):

“Full Scale Invasion”
Wee bit of hyperbole there Krainfeld.
Fucking VodkaManBad has been holding back like a motherfucker for the past year, year and a half. He’s limited the amount of Civilian Targets he’s hit, as he could probably turn Kiev into a smoldering crater with no real flex on his part. You’ll notice that any mention of the Oreshnik strike has utterly vanished from the headlines shortly after VodkaManBad challenged KidsnifferManBad to an “Oreshnik versus Your Best ADA Artillery” duel.
If you didn’t hear, shortly after they hit that underground factory and Command and Control center with that Oreshnik non-nuke weapon, OUR idjits proclaimed that it was a bunch of lies/propaganda/doesn’t work sort of ‘stuff’ and gave it the brush off. VodkaManBad in return said essentially, “…you name the time and place, you put your best gear there to defend with, and we’ll launch another Oreshnik, and see who’s shit actually works and is the best.” Needless to say with the Patriot being a well known fucking dud, nothing except ‘burying the lead’ seemed to happen…
Now my sources (some old frens still working in ‘the biz’) when I inquired said that the complex was a total loss. The kinetic energy transference was on the “God Mode” level, and everything, down to 250 meters was turned into a pile of caved in rubble. Like no one got out. Another source (open source) said that the various seismometers around Europe felt that hit… all the way to Italy from what I understand. That’s a big hit.
So no Krainfeld… step away from the lines and lies.
The full scale invasion hasn’t happened
Although the way things are going?
I would expect to see a LOT more Russians-taking-territory as the Krainian Army just got put on the serious back-foot by Krainfeld shooting his gob off.
Which leads me to my last thought on this.
I’m wondering if this was intentional?
If you think about it, allll the hulabaloo and rage and REEEEing by the Eurotrash talking shit about us now, and screaming how “They’ll go it alone!” when anyone with two functional brain cells can see that the ENTIRETY of ALL Eurotrash Armies are nothing more than a “Loot Drop” waiting to happen IF they’re so prideful and stupid to think they can take on the whole of the Russian DotMil? I mean the Russians have only been fighting for three solid years right now.
OUR DotMil has been ‘out of the game’ since 2011 in Iraq and 2021 in Afghanistan. And the 2021 pull out? Our guys had been primarily a training element, NOT a maneuver element. Maneuver War in practice was NOT feasible in the Stan, as there was hardly any way to pin the enemy down to destroy him. It was almost a pure Counter-Insurgency war. That’s a major reason we got our asses smoked like every other country that’s tried to take on the Afghans. There is NO ONE coming to save the Krainians, least of all the Eurotrash, nor the US, not that there’s any will to do so on the part of the American Public, ourside of the (((usual suspects))) there…
So here’s what I think.
MANY Times has OrangeManBad talked about wanting out of NATO. Add on he wants the war in the Krain to end.
Well, Krainfeld and the Euroweenies just handed him a Golden Opportunity. Let the Euros take over. Cut the Krain dead. Let them ‘die on the branch.’ Tell the Euros “Yo, fuck us? No, fuck you. You got this, have fun. We out.”
Then pack ALL our shit in Europe up. Shut down the remaining bases in Europe, and pull everything into Kuwait. Expand the fuck out of Arifjan. Keep a Division of Troops and Gear on “Ready Standby” there in case someone gets ‘jiggy wid it’ in the Gulf, but otherwise? Tell everyone adios, and call it a fucking day.
And if VodkaManBad does decide to take over Europe?
Let him.
At this point they got nothing.
BARELY any resources
Hardly ANY nationalism
The only thing they do have are Muslim Gimmegrants by the fucking uneducated bushel.
Hell… it’s be a net loss for them if Russia decided to take over Europe. It’d have the same vibe as when East Germany completely collapsed into a basket case post-wall, and West Germany had to pick up the tab. Trust me. I’m sure that the Russkies have no interest in taking on and over the almost now-majority Muslim Nations of Eurostan.
Thing is, OrangeManBad has some serious PRIDE in America, as do the majority of those he picked this time. Krainfeld and the Eurofags seem to forget this… they talked shit about the US AND him in particular (even while he was still campaigning do you think he’s forgotten or forgiven?), and guess what? He already told Krainfeld to get the fuck out, and started having his people cut ALL the aid. He doesn’t forgive easily either. He’s prickly and ornery, which is what the majority of America voted for. Any bets he tells Europe to fold themselves into sharp, pointy corners, and shove themselves up their own collective asses?
I know I would.
So, your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

zelenskyy called the VP a “bitch” in Ukrainian, he muttered “suka” when he did not like the VP’s questioning. Can you imagine disrespecting the New Powers that Be that much in their own castle? zelenskyy is scared and knows his fate, imho
Well, we are literally just human cattle to him and his tribe, so…
When needed, I check Pull-a-Part’s website to see if they have a compatible vehicle in the yard. I already know which tools to take. Worth a look.
Hey compadre–don’t y’all have any wrecking/junk yards down there? With all the hurricane trashed vehicles one would think you could find one to scavenge.
Should cost less $$$.
I wasn’t sure if Trump, Vance, or the Ukranian Ambassador-ess would shoot Poodle-nski first. It was so FUN to watch! The Italians -of all people- are wringing their hands over Poodlen-ski’s treatment. THAT is how I know that Europe is done. (If only we could resurrect Caesar.) If the Italians, who have spent centuries, fucking over the weenies, are now whining and weeping over this Jewish Actor, then ALL of Europe needs plowed under.
Biden and the democrats are solely responsible for the creation of BRICKS. They can kick our asses now. I never thought I would say that.
Europe is essentially self- neutered . NATO is toothless.
Our military will take years to rebuild and it will never be as is was in our day.
I see a break in the United States eventually ie north/ south without the same pathway as the 1800’s. We cannot coexist. There is no “common ground “.
They are insane that’s why former democrats are abandoning the party and coming to the republicans.
I dunno about the split being North/South. Here in Idaho I think we have more in common with some Southron states than with Massachusetts, Illinois or New Jersey.
Think more Spanish Civil War. City folk against Country folk.
Like California. There are a lot of centrists and outright conservative folk there. They’re just all in the non-overpopulated areas. Look at the post-2024 election map. Coastal elites and city folk are what took the blue vote, the rest of the state was highly red. Even worse, look at the reports from the individual precincts and the blue sections are even smaller in area. Just they have the population to control the red portions.
Even in Idaho, there’s blue places (all, duh, in big cities and where are most of the murders, duh, in the big cities, conveniently also where the Active Shooter Amish live…) and the rest of the place is solidly red.
New Yorkistan too. Our “goobiner” is constantly trying to outdo “Commiefornia’s”
Lots of Southrons came West after the war of Northern Agression. Many out here with roots from there. The ‘carpetbaggers’ from commiefornia took over the coast and the State houses. Folks here think joining Idaho might help; those folks have the same problem: a government run by corrupt two-party grifters, and now lots of commiefornies as well. The breakup is not going to be along existing statelines- maybe counties?
Doctor: I do not know where you live in the Gem State, but up here in Kootenai County, things got real sporty last Saturday, 02/22/2025. A Town Hall meeting was organized by the local county committee of the Dead Elephant Party. Bints, Harpies, and Beta Males crashed it. The lead Bint with a “Doctor Jill” Ed.d sheepskin led the charge by screaming bloody murder at the local pols and the Moderator about not expanding Medicaid and the big School Choice bill which was on the Grinning Idiot’s desk waiting for him to sign. Those folks in attendance confirmed this creature would not sit down and shut up. The County Sheriff and private security intervened and the fight was on.
She and her minions were ejected, but the damage was done. This incident made national news. The Daily Fish Wrap, which is run by a pot-smoking former hippie, has been all over this and the CDA City Attorney and the CDAPD pussy police chief did not do anything and trashed the Sheriff for trying to restore order. Coeur d’Alene (Little Portland) is infested with Red-Diaper-Doper-Babies, LGBTQ+ deviates, and a leftist city council. The spill over into the surrounding cities is getting worse, as more of these Seattle and California refugees move into the county. I am agitating with these Dead Elephant hacks to show some spine. Stay tuned.
Minor point of contention, Dr. Hollowpoint; I am for my sins, from the People’s Soviet of Illinois. We make a distinction between Chicago, Springfield and Illinois.
Chicago and Springfield are deeply Democrat, Illinois tends Republican outside of those two cities.
I’m working up in Idaho now. Get my email from BCE if you want.
BRICS was around back when I was in grad school; 2010 or so. Not sure when it actually started to coalesce.
Yes! Get out of NATO.
AND, while we’re at it, let’s take it a bit further.
Let OrangeManBad team up with VodkaManBad and mix up a batch of bad ass Screwdrivers then sit back and watch the Eurotrash really lose their collective shit
Time for Jerry Pournelle’s Co-Dominion from the Falkenberg’s Legion books.
I had a feeling, way back in 2022 when ‘Festivus in Ukraine’ kicked up a notch, that Krainfeld was gonna eventually ged ‘Saddam-ed’. I just didn’t think it’s happen so soon.
You better blow that woman’s back out at least once a week to ensure she’s happy and continues to warm her cold feet on your bare ass every winter.
Lindsey and Klobuchar met in private with krainfield before his meeting at the whitehouse. I would not be surprised if they encouraged his outrage
Supposedly Rice , Power , Vindman and a couple others talked with the cokehead before the Trump meeting . Which means they played as foreign agents against the U.S. That my friend is treasonous.
Col Macgregor made a good point this week. “If the Europeans were truly frightened of the Russians attacking WHY did they cut their militaries down to nothing after the fall of the Soviet Union” ?
Because they KNOW that Russia is no threat and has no intentions of attacking Europe.
The thing is listen to the Euro weenie leaders and they act like its 1900 and Pax Britannica and the French and German Empires are still around and they are the strongest nations on Earth.
Instead they are all welfare states exploding with muslim “immigrants” who have no millitaries worth a shit. They could maybe raise 2 or 3 divisions of troops against Russia’s probably 25 divisions.
I think you are right BCE, Trump wanted to show the public how Zelensky is really acting behind the scenes. He’s acting like he is winning the war when he is out of troops and they are shanghai’ing people and shipping them to the front lines while he and his buddies never heard a shot fired in anger. He wants the grift to keep going while thousands of his troops die each week for nothing !
As Trump said, he’s acting like he has a full house where really he has a pair of 2s and Putin has 4 aces.
Finally something the US media hasn’t really covered but do you know a week ago Zelensky was PISSED that Rubio was meeting with Russia so they attacked a Russian oil pipeline that comes from Kazahkstan ?
Guess who is “partners” owning said pipeline ? Chevron and Exxon. Also entirely “coincidentally” this is the MAIN source of Israel’s oil. Do you think ole Nuttyyahoo and the little hats are pissed ?
Could THIS also feed into what happened ?
Ahhhh might be an important connection there as there’s NO theater moments in DC unless the smol hats have a hand in it…
Hey, BCE, found a possible replacement part in Lakeland about 30 mins from Tampa (sans possible construction idiocy). Sent you an email about it.
I love putting that uke pipsqueak down a peg. I would say he was given very bad intel on the meeting.
Putin wants Europe like I want rhoids. Getting out of Ukraine is a done deal just look how fast Linsey Graham thru his butt buddy Zelensky under the bus. Leaving NATO will cause mass calls of Putin Stooge, and I say go for it. New MAGA slogan; Bring them home. Congress will howl because the MIC tells them too. No Nato, no money for their weapons, no bribes for congress. Besides getting out allows a pivot to support our greatest ally in the middle east. Netanyajew wants war with Iran and Zyklon Don is likely going to indulge his zionist tendencies and get involved. Fun and games for all, until you get punched in the face.
That loud-mouth big-shot in occupied Palestine, Notjewyahoo — you might remember him from leaving his stench in TheWHITEHouse™ is ashcan-Nazi.
Out in the open, his name tells everybody he is not jew.
They are ashcan-Nazi pretending to be jew, while stealing everything not nailed down.
Just another example:
The U.S.A.I.D. skim-scam ‘donated’ over a billion tax-payer fedbux stolen from Americans…
… to Tel abib University for free education to all jews.
I suspect a significant percent of our billion-plus was scammed by university admin, as well as scams by the alleged ‘students’.
Heck, I bet the janitors are getting a million sheck-kills salary, with a kick-back to their bosses.
Would the tiny sombrero skorpian change its six million spots?
Possible, but unlikely.
A few weeks back on a round table hosted by Lt Col. Steven Murray on Rumble with a few other 05’s, they talked about the Oreshnik as a problem for us and likened it to the “Rods of GOD” cold war program know as Project Thor. you can search for it but it basically is dropping telephone pole sized tungsten rods from space. Can you say ouch? City, what city? Was deemed cost prohibitive back then probably more so now.
As to you car issue, I hate the “Stewart Little” clan and their kin with a passion. I have had them get into the air intakes in several vehicles,thru the filter and into the manifold($$), in the heater ducts for the cabin, chewed wire harnesses, and my least favorite, in my tool boxes and large garage kept machines. Nothing like opening a drawer and having momma jump out dragging some of her nursing litter with her, not to mention what mouse piss does to metal. The local red tails keep most of the wood rats out ,but every now and then one gets in until they get lead poisoning at 750 ft per second. Farm country, gotta luv it.
On a different channel about a euro farm, a fellow uses night-vision with a suppressed pellet-gun to annihilate *hundreds* of vermin each evening.
And yet, they breed faster than he can kill them.
We tried all that stuff on our farm. Cats are the organic solution; we have 17 and they work day and night. They eat the whole rat except the hide, and leave hides around like little throw rugs. You don’t have to be working all night; let the cats do it.
Couple of black snakes work as well. While alive kept both the vermin and the wife out of the garage. sadly the snakes are no more and I’m always looking for missing/misplaced tools and re-baiting traps. almost daily this winter!
Old Maine Farmer:
Just curious: what kind (breed) of cats do you use?
Regarding surface freight prices, you can thank the fucking Teamsters’ Union for that one. Remember when they tanked Yellow Freight in order to force UPS to pay out the nose? Yeah, since Yellow Freight, prime movers for a lot of the surface freight in this nation, went belly up, prices for ground freight have climbed.
Especially ground freight coming out of California, as that broken state tosses so many fees and regulatory requirements on ground freight that said freight is fucking expensive.
Add in the cost of anything coming out of the Port of LA, where the dockworkers unions went on strike for even more money.
Fucking unions. They all need to get fucked. Especially public sector ones. Fuck them all.
“Needless to say with the Patriot being a well known fucking dud …”
Ah, but you see, the Patriot is not a dud, it’s a strong and independent woman!
Like that night in Riyadh where the strong and independent Patriot decided not to defend the country, but instead decided that a used car lot on the outskirts had to take the hit?
Those missile commanders simply hadn’t learned how to talk to such a strong and independent missile system in the right tone! 🙂
Maybe if you give the Patriot flowers and a hug sometime you’ll get somewhere? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Bro check this out.
Search engine for salvage yards so you don’t have to drive about.
To JimmyPx
When there was the re-unification of the two Germanies back in 1991(the 2+4 Treaty) the four Allies of WWII laid down the law that Germanies army may be no bigger than 370.000 men.
There I have to defend my country and their politicians.
Who demanded that e Germans join in out-of area fights?
Hell, I once found an article where the australians asked the germans where their much vaunted Panzergrenadiers of WWII were?
Remember JCS 1067? That and a certain type of anti-german propaganda broke our back.
Yes, that and the fact that german politicians are traitors. In the 1950-ties they screamed “The entire Germany should it be!” (meaning todays Germany + the Eastern territories that were put under polish and russian control for the current time, but will be returned, word of honor on it!) but with Willy Brandt bootlicking in Warsaw that was forgotten.
So, the Germany of today is not the Germany of old. Maybe we need a breakdown to 1800 levels to get rid of our “Enrichers” (I dont think they will stay when there is no money and no central heating) but I may be wrong.
But I cant wait for our new government (if they can build it) to take over. The supposed new chancellor Merz wants to tell Vlad that either he pulls back or he will give full-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine. I think, Vlad will smile and send him an Oreshnik – if he is a good sport.
If not, he may repeal the 2+4 Treaty and send a division to occupy Germany as it is allowed by the UN Enemy State Resolutions Article 53 and 107 and a part of a sentence in Article 77 of the Charta of the UN.
I would really like to see Merz reaction to such a move. Should be glorious.
“Germanies army may be no bigger than 370.000 men”
Cool. Have all the men in excess of 370k identify as women. Alinsky’s Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to xir own rules.
love it, but beware the vengeful ukranians. their assassination squads/ spec ops are very good at getting deep into russia to take out key personnel. it’d be even easier here. the libs would pay a hefty bounty on trump’s head too.
For an apparently informed 3-hour exposition, see:
Also, when situation X eventuates, always ask-what happened before that?
Is that “Yer doin’ a heck of a job, Brownie”?
What a tool.
Mom’s Jeep Patriot had a rodent infestation. I bought a bunch of those D-Con rat poison blocks and seeded them throughout the car. Put some water out away from the car the little bastards can drink from, because that is what activates the poison that kills them – don’t want them dying behind the firewall or somewhere else you can’t get to them, but have to smell them. It worked on her car, anyway.
What nobody seems to acknowledge is Z’s involvement in “RussiaRussiaRussia” that got Trump impeached. With his background with the corruptocrats who put him in power, you know he helped make things up for them. Trump doesn’t forget those who wrong him.
War is good!, drop the UN, scatter NATO. Nothing but blood suckers. Let the EU fund their own protection let’s see just how far 2.5 to 3.0 percent of GDP get em.
This is the end result of repeating the same mistakes for say the last 500 years. History repeats.
And the single most important question,,,,,, WHY the fuck is nobody in prison yet?.
Dirk Williams
Word, Dirk. When will the arrests start? This clown show with the (((dual citizen))) dictator is Kabuki to keep us distracted for the Epstein client list nothing burger. If nothing shakes out by June, I am going to be on all of these clueless evangelicals and Golden Golem acolytes about their paper tiger heroes from Mordor-On-The-Potomac. Prep like Harris won. Bleib ubrig.
Afternoon” D the W”apologies for late reply, been driving from
Home to Reno for VA post surgery stuff, had my back fused few weeks back.
Brother I’m a patient man, even my patience is running thin. Think about this, why exactly is the Esptien list so important to our side of the country?
Don’t mean shit to me. Your retired Po, you understand any statute of limitations has run its course. Unless the Adult/Minor sex physically occurred within US jurisdiction won’t be any prosecution. Likely won’t be even if!
I THINK Brother Pete “ a scumbag attorney” pointed out this is a side show, deflection from the real deal crimes against We The People.
At some point I to would like to know EVERY name on the list, ain’t going to happen.
My focus is the criminals running the country, I want FBI/ ATF/CIA/NSA/ State Department heads to roll.
I want to see Samantha Powers, Cas Sunstin, Susan Rice, the others whom are the first layer of this criminal fucking burrito to be held accountable.
Empty words are fun, but lack of substance is deflection. The peeps giving up ICE agents, why are they not in jail, their names in bold letters in every blog every paper whom are speaking truth.
Epstein’s a side show,,,,,,,,,, been saved to use as media filler.
D the W, I’m a guy who writes my elected officials, I get great pleasure in telling politicians just what kinda pieces of shit they are. I especially enjoy telling them I’m saving my pocket change to fly to wherever their Hangings going to be.
I enjoy sharing I’m more then happy to provide a .22 round or two for their execution. Hell I even volunteer to mope their black blood from the floor.
My point is I gave The Donald three weeks of praise and good will. My letters are no longer roses are red kinda nonsense, those emails are “ I Want My Pound of Flesh.
I demand the Liberty Tree roots be refreshed with the blood of US tyrants. And I did volunteer to work for DOGE, out of my own pocket.
I understand your position, I understand everybody here’s frustration.
The politics of this great nation ain’t my cup of tea.
Three things I still believe.
1 WWIII is still on the table.
2 Scum Bag officials will never change.
3 the cleansing of this nation is going to take time, identifying these shit birds are one thing.
That’s when the real work begins. Very complex investigations must be completed, if our side doesn’t do the due diligence on every one of these treasonous bastards investigations there can be zero prison or jail sentences.
What I’d like to see is say 1000 investigation’s each cases evidence documented five ways to the moon. And all 1000 cases filed in criminal courts at once.
Completely kick the law firms asses. That said, not one trial can be allowed to happen in any Democratic state, or city. If any of those hearings are allowed ain’t nothing going to happen.
O yea, I was repeating back what Pete once told me on WRSA when I asked him about what he did. The rest is his story to tell not mine. I do not think that of Pete, he’s a good man.
D the W hope all is well.
Tic Toc!
Dirk Williams
“WHY the fuck is nobody in prison yet?. ”
That, is the multi billion dollar question, isn’t it? As Denzel said in “Glory”… “Ain’t nobody clean.”
Even those not on the take are dirty, snitches get fired. Head down mouth shut, don’t make waves. Bureaucracies are evil, inefficient and wasteful.
The gubmint, writ large (both US and global), is non-stop theater. Only real people have to deal with rocker panels.
Did Ukraine Already Sign a Precious Metals Deal with the UK Back in January? Does President Trump Know About This?
Agree with Biggun, it was a setup.
Trump wants to shed NATO, NATO wants to declare independence and build an EU Army.
So, Trump-Vance tagteam pulls Zelly’s pants down in front of the cameras, sweating him til he loses it as they knew he would (and the advance teams of both Lindsey and Rice had him already wound up).
What happens? The EU leaders are suddenly demanding that Trump give the Ukraine mess to them, exactly as he wanted. Smooth operator, that one, Trump is the cat’s ass!
Trump-Lutnik want to focus on Bretton Woods 2.0, reorganizing the dollar order by reattaching the dollar not just to gold, but to our national asset base as collateral (instead of Federal Reserve IOUs.)
Relinking our currency to real assets as a sovereign wealth fund, which is what Kissinger had the Saudis do in 1971 linking the dollar to oil, and what China did so they could rise as we were gutted –
with a state-backed investment strategy using a SWF to hold and unlock national assets on a state-backed balance sheet. This will incentivize American companies to reshore, nearshore, and rebuild our domestic supply chains in tandem with tariffs protecting our home companies.
Martin Armstrong has been proposing a SWF like Norway, China, Saudi Arabia already successfully have, so we can get away from the debt-backed jewish fiat yoke and base the dollar on more than paying those shysters to ‘loan’ us our own damn money for them to resell as T-bills to other countries (the ‘reserve currency’ schtick they use to ride us like a f*king horse to where they want to go.)
Of course that will become its own problem down the road, as Lutnik and Trump’s backers are jewish, but I say take the win for now and we’ll drive off that bridge when we come to it. Another thing it will do is cause devaluation/inflation, but that happened in the 70s with a 75% inflation allowing the govt to get some control over its debt. In other words, its gonna hurt some, so expect and embrace the suck.
Sorry about the long unrelated but the Zelly shitshow was about shedding an albatross so we can cut the nuts off the Federal Reserve. (And maybe the income tax (!), the f*kers invented that one so they could sell war loans to both sides.)
Trump cut off the hose of corruption, now he’s pulling us out of its pirate’s den too (to reinforce the main pirate den in the Levant, I get that, but you have to give your backers something to keep your army in beans and bullets. May the f*kers drown in the coming mess of their own making.)
This is all about killing not only the New Deal bureaucratic soviets in the US and EU (why FDR fought a war to protect Stalin’s west AND east), but to kneecap the Intelligence scam that ran the Cold War- you see, the CIA/MI6’s job was to *spread* communism, not “contain” it, by sabotaging western-style ethno-nations with ‘incompetence’ moves and cointel, making communist globalism seem more attractive and viable.
Our man is pulling a world revolution, boyos, a Fourth Turning without a world war.
We are so blessed to witness truly historic times…and the Revolution *is* televised!
Thank our Maker for white people, they do cool things like invent tv, the web, cars, and guns!
And, revolutions against the JWO!
Speaking of Knife Hand, The Fat Electrician has a few thoughts…
19:20 on Sunday. Haven’t read the whole thing, only up to the ‘hole’ thing about the rockers. Why bother paying for/staying stock? Fill the fuckers (both sides) with expanding foam, let it harden, cut it/trim it, and cover it with aluminum diamond plate. It’s made in black to but i like the bare look 🙂 Might as well get a head-start on the whole Road Warrior thing anyway. Have fun doin’ it; that’s the important thing.
Agree with Scarecrow.
Save your dosh for important things.
Yes, wifey likes her car to not look like a ghetto vehicle. BUT– maybe use a little of the money you save, to just buy her flowers to say Thank You for your patience.
All red-blooded American women love getting flowers! (Note to all the men here. It’s simple, easy, and costs $15 or less!)
Then use Scarecrow’s solution of “filling the hole” with foam and being resourceful.
You’re already very handy anyway. Plus spicy times are still coming. Better to look a little more ghetto and unappealing to the joggers, anyway.
If Trump can coax the EU into asking the US to leave NATO, it would be a mic drop and Trump could retire immediately. It would be better for the US than anything else he’s working on.
An online question for Europe: What are they afraid of? That Putin will overrun them and force free speech, immigration controls, lower taxes and honest elections on them?
On the rocker, try (need the dash in the url, without the dash it’s a crappy new parts retailer). Car-part has the inventory of just about every junkyard. Saves time, and you might even score one in the right color.
Maybe Z sabotaged the deal because he knew he had this wonderful opportunity to get another million+ peasants killed.
Dude’s got a weird hobby.
Go to the petstore and get a shed snake skin. Or six. Place in car compartments. Rodents avoid the area due to the smell of snake.
Geeze. I know you are in flatland FL, but are there not some LKQ Pic-A-Part junkyards nearby?
For that kind of stuff, the scrap yards are the first stop.
If you are lucky, the part is still on a car that went tits up. Any color works, you can always rattle can it to match (pretty close). LKQ is fantastic, they will list the model make and year and location on the ground.
See here
Good hunting bro.