Tired, Late Post and Politics as I See it

Greetings and Salutations!
Friday! TGIFF.
The extra “F” is intentional.
This’s been a wringer of a week man. It was good, it was bad, then it was good again, and then by the time it was over and the smoke cleared, to be honest I’m sort of dizzy from looking at it. I mean this was one week. ONE five day period of labor. 40 fucking hours (theoretically).

It felt like a month.
I feel like I ran a marathon or an Ironman or some such foolishness that’s better suited to the young and dumb. Physically I’m OK but I did pinch a nerve in the neck and the right arm and shoulder are fritzing out and in a lot of pain. Meh. Goes with the territory I suppose.


The “Meat and Taters” part of the Blog:

Yessir! Time to break it down a bit.

Now, from what I’ve been observing, seeing, and hearing it’s been “Win-Win-Win” across the board. This has been an interesting and more importantly, an enlightening time.

I.E. we’ve found out that the Oversized, Bloated, Unnecessary and utterly Incompetent and worse of all FRAUDULENT FedGov has been running mad scam since who the fuck knows. This shit is so bad that The God Emperor OrangeManBad’s Right Hand, the Glorious Elon of Muskage has dug out about 100 BILLION in FedGov bullshit in just the first week of him being on the job.

Color Me Highly Impressed.

I figured that the Deep State Retards would have gone full retard, but as we’re now seeing, the God Emperor had a plan in place and the Emperor’s Hand (acting as a Chaos Agent with +4 invulnerability) is whacking away at the core and root of the DemoncRat’s financial grifting base. They’re literally in the streets wailing, crying and rending their garments.

Sound like Victory to me.

This is why I’ve been sitting down and observing more than anything else… best to ‘scout the current terrain’ Aye?

Not to rain on that parade, but if you think this is a full on “win-win” situation right now, you got another thing coming.

The best example going as an example is the fact that the basic “Jap on the Street” i.e. ‘Everyman’ in August of 1945 thought that the Japs were “…still tenaciously holding out, and that victory was within their grasp…”

Until they weren’t.
About that….

Best to look to history.

Part of the reason we haven’t seen the DemoncRat’s storm troopers, the Abteilung für Sturmtruppen meaning the Brownshirts, AKA AntiFa(gs) is that they’ve ‘gone to ground’ and that they aren’t being paid. I mean thankfully the “Plan” seems to be working so far.

Which leads me to the Brilliance of The God Emperor’s Plan.

He went after the funding first.

The Emperor’s Hand knew how to write, and then utilize the ‘algorithms’ that could track where the money went, when said-shekels went, and most importantly WHO was on the receiving end of what (at the time) APPEARED TO BE endless untraceable and untrackable FedGov largess… and BAM! Every. Single. Grifting. Fucker. in the District of Criminality are collectively shitting in their pantaloons.


Works for me.

But like I’m saying:
Just as that “Jap on the Street” back in the day in 1945 still believed in Total Victory despite the reality that was right in front of his fucking face, these assholes STILL believe that they’re “defending muh demonocracy!!!” Granted it’s called “A Self-Delusionary Fantasy” and there are reams of P-Shrink info out there on these cases, but let me tell you… The majority of these ‘Leftist Hardcore/Hardcases’ are still out there and biding their time.

These are the things we have to worry about.

However, current day? As we speak? Right now, the weather has been cooperating vis-à-vis the cold snaps that are keeping people indoors… which also tells you a LOT about your potential retard opponents… whereas True Hardcore Americans are more like:

The majority of the Anti-Fa(g) motherfuckers out there have never known a day of deprivation in their miserable cellar dwelling lives. Now, there ARE some hardcores out there, BUT I got a serious hunch that the True Hardcores (who tend to be pragmatic AF… read the p-shrink analyses and you’ll get what I’m speaking of) have ‘gone to ground’ because right now?

They know the current Administration, as well as “Normul ‘Muricans” are just as liable to fucking grab their retarded asses up and then hang them outright Vigilante style like we used to do. So, like good criminals, they’ve gone to ground

For now.

My concern is when it warms up….
April/May is good “Opening Riot Season” nationally if you will.

Personally, I say at that point, and in particular if your local PD/Sherriff/Constabulary fail in their primary mission of stopping such Fucktardation, that you, per Matt Bracken, ‘pick up the slack’ and go ExtraJudicial.

I mean yes, I am actually promoting self defense here.
So to my FBI Agent monitoring me?
Learn. To. Code. you worthless pusbag of shit.

We’re done with these folks and their ‘fellow travelers’ meaning Communists, Marxists and any motherfucker who voated for Hilleroid “Killer” Clinton. One of these day, if all is righteous and cool, we’ll get those voating records, and go full Holocaust on them as well…

They deserve nothing less.

So what are your thoughts?
Throw ’em at me in the comments.
More Later
Big Country

41 thoughts on “Tired, Late Post and Politics as I See it”

  1. Been reading about some of the young fella’s on Musk’s DOGE team. Some of them are inhumanly smart and also thorough, patient and resilient. The swamp creatures cannot cope with them. One story is of a 19 year old autist DOGE code guy who had a Treasury official across the table. He was going thru lines of code and asking “what is this line supposed to do?” then “what is this line supposed to do? then “what is this line supposed to do? and it went on until the treasury guy “broke”. Not waterboarding…more like “data boarding”…but the effects are similar.

  2. I think the fact Canadian government has suddenly pulled down and hidden all public info on grants and handouts, tells me they are afraid of Canadians getting ideas.

    1. Seeing how we were finding the BBC, I am 100% sure they were funding fellow travelers up north too

  3. My main concern would be their ability to retaliate by crashing the economy and/or pulling us into an unwinabble (given the current level of MIC efficiency) war with Iran by Israel going full retard and then crying, “Help!” I’m also wary about Musk for both his Brahminphelia and his delight in the same bullshit (transhumanism, digital ID, etc.) that the WEF pushes. By the way, BCE, I had an idea about how to help the younger generations of white men jobs-wise that you might find interesting. Want me to email?

  4. By the time warm weather returns the pantifag’s debit cards will be long empty. No money, no riots. They had to be bussed to their activities. There won’t be any money for that either.
    A bigger concern is the cartel members and chinese nationals who scurried into our country during the four years of asshattery. They have different orders and different paymasters.
    Regarding the American’s crossing the Delaware here is my favorite quote from that evening. Washington’s twenty-six year old artillery chief, Harry Knox, sat in the back of Washington’s boat. Knox weighed nearly 300 pounds and stood 6 feet 3 inches. His fellow troops called him “Ox” Knox. Washington nudged Knox with his boot and said, “Shift that fat ass, Harry. But slowly, or you’ll swamp the damned boat.”

    1. Ah, Henry Knox. Great guy. Goes from being a super-nerd, a book seller, to commander of Washington’s Artillery because he’d read all the books and talked to cannoncockers before the Revolution.

      Hmm… basically a 1770’s version of an autistic kid. Like what’s dismembering the cash flow at USAID.

    2. “By the time warm weather returns the pantifag’s debit cards will be long empty. No money, no riots. They had to be bussed to their activities. There won’t be any money for that either.”
      While I agree with that in general, there are some wildcards that should be taken into account on the short term;
      – Some of the @ntifa types have or are from wealthy families and could fund sustain some level of operations without USAID support. Look at that Chambers guy from the Atlanta area media tycoon family. He has millions at his personal disposal and has been funding training and direct action all over the country from his own pocket.
      – resistance movements can fragment when more radical members insist on acting when the organization will not. An example is all the splits over the years in the IRA. The armed militant Left has plenty of splinter groups already that demonstrate a higher degree of radicalization and willingness to move to violent direct action now. The Trans wing of @ntifa is the best example and the Trans ZIZ terror group exemplifies this. They have already killed 4 people.
      – Speaking of trannies, the SRA In upstate New York has been bringing in numbers of that demographic since the election. They may appear to be just a train band of widely dispersed individuals, but their own media displays several years of all season tactical training. Quality is unknown, but the willingness to go out and engage in it shows dedication. John Brown embroidered patches with the slogan, “Born to Raid” are prevalent. This suggests a lethal offensive mindset and not simply the defensive prep group they advertise.

      1. I concur with your thoughts Mike. The only bright spot is how few of them there are. And if they take kinetic actions, eventually, like the trans-murders, they will be burned down. Running around in the woods in all weather and shooting targets is all well and good until the real targets start shooting back.
        Black Action will target individuals and families. The chinese will target infrastructure, while the cartels and jihadis will go for body counts, first responders and secondary response teams.
        I hope my beloved Marine Corps is up for this.

        1. Vlad Tepes.
          Leader of Romania, his army of about 30,000 farmers and children was insignificant compared to 250,000 professionals invading from Turkey.
          Research indicates he impaled around 30,000 Mohammadans.
          Seeing that, the rest of the invaders quit and walked back to Turkey.
          He saved Europe from Mohammadans.

        2. Semper,
          The chinese got their funding from U.S.A.I.D., same as every other enemy of Americans.
          As of a few hours ago, the chinese are bankrupt.
          Those ILLxGxLS might attempt some half-hearted crash of our infrastructure.
          I think that is unlikely.
          Away from home for the first time, eating something besides rice and toe-foo, surrounded by round-eye hotties, evenings and weekends at strip-clubs, I bet they are considering disregarding Orders From Headquarters.

        3. Agreed if the pressure is kept up the more lunatic parts of the left will become unmoored from their handlers and we could be in for some dangerous times – akin to the left wing violence of the 60s and 70s only with the aid of many still in .gov and social media

  5. Musk got a serious smack-in-the-head during the Covidiocracy when one of his kids transitioned. After allowing it, then Musk did the research and found out what we all knew, that the whole democratic bullscat is evil incarnate. He basically acknowledged that he allowed his kid to commit slow suicide.

    After that was when Musk started turning towards the anti-trans, anti-child diddlers and anti-leftist twatwaddle stuff.

    What’s that line? A conservative is a liberal who was robbed/raped/attacked. So, yeah, he’s into the whole tech android stuff but he’s also turning decidedly conservative. Especially after the left attacked him for thinking of even being nice to Trump.

    And he’s getting old. He’s seeing his legacy getting rat-fucked by the entrenched system. He stated early on about the founding of SpaceX that he wants to die (of old age) on Mars and NASA and the Donks have seriously fucked him over about that dream.

    1. Well I think you hit the nail right on the head, Mark.

      I think seeing his kid turned into a froot is what got him though. I can’t speak for him nor do I have any special knowledge… but our kids are a big part of our legacy.

  6. Not tired of “Winning Bigly!” Go “OrangemanBad” go! I’m not a “Maga-ite” but he IS shaking the monkeys out of the trees, which is what I voted for 😉

  7. A lot of back chatter in the leftist blogs.

    Example snipped here:

    Comments on It’ll Be Fun When Whole Foods Stores Start Being Torched : Just An Earth-Bound Misfit, I
    Ironic that a .45ACP round costs less than a lawyer, eh?
    2/07/2025 2:28 PM
    Comrade Misfit
    So does an empty wine bottle, a quart or so of gasoline and some crumbled styrofoam for a bit of a thickening agent.

    2/07/2025 3:03 PM

    BTW site is here for your entertainment of liberal bile spilling over daily.


    You’d BE AMAZED how many posters from our sites seems to be closet commies over there.

    Comrade Misfit fully moderates so I am surprised how she posts when I disagree with her, his, its (not sure) thoughts. Generally calling me anti-American and how I HATE America when I point out that Democrats are often the source of wars.

    How do you dox folks? Seems some smoldering embers need some excitement in their sad little lives.

    1. “A little bit socialist” is like “a little bit butt pirate”: they may fool some of their friends and most of their acquaintances with that delusion.

      But people of discernment know when “a little” really means “entirely” and make the substitution automatically.

  8. I dunno.

    It’s my contention that much of this happened because we let it happen. And things didn’t go off the rails in one big flaming ball of wreckage… it went in small drips and drabs, an inch at a time over decades. It’s even worse up here in Canada. Out east they actually take pride in being courteous and polite with the shit heads trying to destroy us.

    This all is our fault. We knew it was happening. And we let I go because we didn’t want a fight, we just wanted to keep the peace, we just wanted to watch sportzball after a tough day working in the slime pits. On the weekends life was good if we just had enough left over to afford to grill steaks and pop a few beers.

    And… while we cursed or cheered for Our Team on TV, or dozed after steaks and a few too many beers on the weekends… our wives were going quietly nuts. At least at first. Then our kids couldn’t get jobs and lived in the basement and played video games. Our pay cheques got smaller. If you bothered to watch politics you noticed that every single time some politico had a chance to do something good for the people they represented – they finked and betrayed them. Pedos and lunatics appeared in our schools posing as teachers. And still, we did nothing. We started seeing the odd person pop up that WOULD do something…but he’d get taken out by the cultural blob that replaced our govt.

    It’s still not enough. Sure, a lot of the scams are being stopped, grifters, perverts and lunatics are getting fired or made to resign… but they have to be punished. And people need to see them getting punished so that they know the system is working again, and the other shit heels see the examples being made and take heed.

    It’s even worse up here in Canada and there’s still no end in sight. You guys are off to a great start and I’m glad for you… but I feel like the kid that got left behind when the other kids take off on a field trip.

    Take the win. Render unto Caesar… but dont bow down to him.

  9. Stuff is just on hold. The judges will demand payments go through and the cockroachs will scurry to a new dark place they know to feed. Maybe I’m black pilled but the grift is strong.

    How many Chriss Dorners will emerge from the FBI? De-baathification didn’t go as planned. The Feds might just have been listening when we said “You won’t like me when I’m declared a criminal.” (I.E. “Leave me alone. I’m working hard to pay taxes but will work in ways you haven’t imagined to not end up in the boxcar”.) Taking their pensions away is their boxcar. Machiavelli said something about mercenaries when you stop paying them.

    What do I know I’m just a dumb farmer.

    1. Just some musings from an equally dumb mechanic.
      Thier pension might be gone, but my father certainly is. I won’t like them when they become criminals? They labeled ALL OF US CRIMINALS! They should be awfully surprised that ANY of us have not stepped off the porch at this point. We have put up with this bullshit for a very long time, now, and truthfully, I am growing weary.

      We, the People, out number, outgun, and outsmart them. If Brackens rules come in to play, oh well! Shit happens. We have funded our own persecutions, and I, for one, call for a FULL STOP!

      Pantifa, former Fibbies, fired IRS agents, all y’all, ifn you all feel froggy, hop on in. You can play Custers part! Those faggots have stolen everything they could from us. Fuck ’em!

      Damn it feels good to fedpoast!

  10. Cutting their funding doesn’t explain the lack of rioting during the elections, leading up to the inauguration, or the lack of rioting during the inauguration itself.
    Don’t get me wrong, AmazingOrange has gotten rid of a lot of bad stuff!
    Also gotta acknowledge…
    Stargate is a yuuuuge threat. During its announcement, Larry Ellison said they’re gonna come up with vaccines that will cure cancer. I haven’t heard RFK Jr. say anything against the Covid shots.
    The great Orange himself brought us operation Warp Speed.
    AI + mRNA gene therapy is a bad mix.
    Hope I’m wrong!
    Unfortunately, I was right about Covid from the beginning.

    1. “I haven’t heard RFJ Jr. say anything against the Covid shots” have you been even fucking listening?

      1. Guess not.
        I haven’t seen anything in the last couple years or so with him condemning them, other than for children.
        He gave the Covid shots to his OWN children!
        Not saying I’m opposed to him.
        Like I said, I hope I’m wrong.

  11. the goliath is waking up, thanks to the musk cleaving off a tiny bit of the giant. they are trying to block things up in court and trying to tell the sheep that musk is getting their “personal information” omg! and he’s “un-elected”omg! (like obamy didn’t appoint dozen or so un-elected czars). and the sheep ARE BELIEVING THE BS and the wailing has begun. damn they’re stupid.

  12. The federal court system is going to have to be dealt with during this take down of the deep state. Trump is going to have to remind them that they are coequal branches of government and he is not going to allow them to stop his governmental reforms simply because they do not agree with them (under the color of law). The Democrats know they can file cases in certain friendly federal courts and get everything stopped. That is their only avenue of potential success. Congress isn’t going to do anything because they have proven to be totally fucking worthless and have been exposed as a bunch of grifting uni-party assholes. So we shall see. If Trump doesn’t challenge the federal court systems out right as opposed to waiting on it to work its way through the appeals system ,which will take his entire term ,then most of his dagger in the heart of the deep state will be for naught.

  13. We’re at the point where the stake is driven into the heart of the demon, and there is gape jawed surprise. Next will be the shrieking and flailing is coming. But I think team orange was well prepared. These lawsuits will go nowhere. This is what happens when congress outsources to the executive branch who creates blobs with the stroke of a pen.

    Fact of the matter is we are in a preference cascade. After four years of bullshit, everyone knows and can smell it. You simply can’t justify the things that USAID was funding.

    BTW the best has been the groups in other countries bitching that Uncle Sugar shut off the money faucet, as if they were entitled.

    At the end of the day, we were spending millions on bullshit like gender studies and alphabet pride in mooslim countries while our own in Appalachia are in tents and whole neighborhoods in LA were wiped out by incompetence and grift.

  14. Schumer is only angry because his money got stopped-also Fauxcohatas. It is ALWAYS about the money. I hope that OMB keeps the pressure up; when the CIA offers employees a buyout, you know things are fusion level hot. IDGAF about any of the Europeans/Trannies/Mooslims that were in on the gravy train. Screw all of them. People in Appalachia living in tents in the dead of winter-that bothers me. Note to the Antifa crowd: the alternative to a return to sanity won’t be good for you. The Devil eats his own.

  15. Here is my 2 cent overview. We all know that 97% of the drones in DC vote D and even hand over $$ to their benefactors. So from that point of view the DJT (erstwhile R) policy of firing as many as possible to shrink the workforce will have absolutely zero effect on votes from the swamp. On the side of the non brain dead taxpayer? Hoo boy! People are going to be simmering to clean house of the D party and every effing RINO at the trough.

    Now the “resistance” part, I see it being lawfare 99% and some idiots will try the street warfare from the 1%, again, politically a total loser for the corruptocracy when it comes to votes in 2026 and likely down ballot into the deep blue cities where people are having their eyes pried open and blinders removed.

    Not sure where the clear path is yet, but heck, this is only week 3. I see DJT keeping up the breakneck pace without any halts, dig, publicize and keep a tally of “waste” otherwise known as graft, baksheesh, and NGO livelihoods. Flammenwerfer them all and salt the earth (or in this case – repurpose their offices and eliminate departments, offices and programs entirely.

    Pass the popcorn, stock up on whisky, beans and boolets, , this is going to be glorious. No, no immediate need for the latter item, it is a deterrent pure and simple. Yannow – the old peace through strength concept from the Gipper era to to along with the “we win and they lose”.

  16. Saw one that releasing the Epstein client list will quiet down federal judges that have way too much power.
    The one blocking the USAID buyout is an Obama judge.
    This country isn’t big enough for Patriots and commie RAT POS vermin.
    Watched a documentary stating that Vlad was the good guy who loved his homeland, that Washington crosses the Delaware painting is in the desktop rotation on offline box along with Vlad Tepes portrait.

  17. Vlad Tepes.
    Leader of Romania, his army of about 30,000 farmers and children was insignificant compared to 250,000 professionals invading from Turkey.
    Research indicates he impaled around 30,000 Mohammadans.
    Seeing that, the rest of the invaders quit and walked back to Turkey.
    He saved Europe from Mohammadans.

  18. “The majority of these ‘Leftist Hardcore/Hardcases’ are still out there and biding their time.”

    So are we brother, so are we.
    Ready and willing to give them a prostatectomy with a dynamic exit wound.
    When these POS want set it off they better have their shit wired tight. Anything less will be complete failure.

  19. Looking forward to Elon Musk and team’s book “Government Takedown” …

    The speed at which they entered Treasury alone and became fully enabled by the data?

    Not legendary yet, but how to scale that much data into an informed takedown definitely merits attention, especially for counter-penetration groups protecting the replacement infrastructure.

    Also BTW EM if you’re reading your book already, how’s it working out given the inherent issues with that?

    Three kinds of people: “huh?”, “that’s not possible”, and the people who understand what was really meant by Q’s reply to someone wanting a “reveal”.

    If you know, you know.

    Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, but this is all so fast for you out there with those buckets of popcorn?

    The first chapter is kinda fun, but it goes too slow while you’re grinding mobs, too much suspense can be a bad thing.

    The upcoming part about “stochastic counter-terrorism”, that part’s a lot of fun, you can taste the fear in all of the “way too normal” people also getting outed, starting with the covert “foreign invaders” and ending with …

    Spoilers, fuckin’ hate it when someone reveals the spoilers. 🙂

    BTW here’s why to own a piece of shit Hyundai Sonata: it’s so shitty that it just blends in nearly everywhere like most of the vehicles like it.

    So maybe BCE will still want to fix the Korean Chaebolwagon and not trade it out while the “part one” plot is still winding up.

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