Greetings and Salutations for South Carolina’s Low Country!
NGL… It’s niiiice to GTF out of dodge and visit w/MomUnit for the first time I -think- since 2019? Not sure… like there might have been a visit in there since then but TBH in 2020 when the ‘Vid hit MomUnit like many of the other elders went into full on lockdown mode rather than risk the as the Critical Drinkler calls it the “Virus of Unknown Origin”

It hasn’t been without it’s ‘issues’
I’m not going to focus on them, but so far is the score is One Dislocated Ring Finger, a set of Road Rash, MAD soreness and lumps bumps and bruises, and this’s just day fucking one.
I’m not going to go too deeply into some of it ‘cos it involves a lot of family drama, and the fact that yet again I’m unfortunately being proven absolutely Goddamned right about Dumbcunt again. I’ll just leave it at that.
And the various physical issues are from Chili
She’s still got mental issues, and is scared of her own shadow. Like seriously mentally ill.
Even with a Xanax… a full tab she goes into full flight mode constantly and tonight was ANOTHER instance where she managed to take me out during a walk in a blind panic. I’ve raised twitchy dogs… Hell, Spawn #2 had a full blooded Collie that was wrapped a weeee bit too tight, but she mellowed with age…
Chili is almost a full loss…. She’s due to be fixed, but right now? I dunno man. I spent $45 on a “Thundershirt” and all it did what put her in ‘frozen piss on the floor scared mode’ when I gently wrapped her up in it. Then she refused to move. I’ve never seen a dog so scared of everything and she absolutely is NOT improving. I just can’t figure it out… any and all suggestions are welcome. She’s NEVER been abused/hurt/or anything. Only the cats fucked with her when she first showed up at the house, but she’s sooooo terrified of everything my only conclusion is she’s got a screw loose.
So part of the ‘summons’ here is it seems MomUnit had a few medical issues, as she wanted to see me. She’s not dying, but methinks the heart surgery gave her a shake on the Mortality Clock. Either way, we’re have a good reunion.
SO I’ll be sporadic AF as I’m here thru Sunday.
Also, ONE question:
I cannot find a .312/.314/.316 slug to ‘slug’ the barrel juuuust to see what the width of the inner part of the barrel. The ONE slugging kit out there is discontinued. I need to slug it to figure out the reloasd factor, so any help would be appreciated.
So Ima gettin’ ‘nother beer.
More Later
Big Country

How about a sinker? Roll it with a hammer until it is almost small enuf. Push it thru with a solid rod. Quarter inch would do it. Maybe put some heat shrink around the rod to minimize scuffing of the bore. I did that with an old Colt revolver dad had. Found the size muy pronto. Brownells used to have a chamber casting metal that melted low temp, would shrink a bit, then recover to size after completely cooled to measure accurate chamber size. I bet they still have it.
it’s called Cerrosafe, brownell’s should have it.
that is it. couldn’t think of the name of it. melts about 275 -300 . I know I have some somewhere downstairs. used it years ago on a Jap rifle. bore was worn like the one you have.
7.7 Jap and .303 are like 311-312 there about. learned of it from a couple of machinist guys I used to know. what they did was to “slug ” the bore at the end. they kept trimming the barrel until it got closer to spec. 29 inch to 22 inch barrel and then they crowned it. groups went from 10-15 inches down to 3-4
inches at 100 yards. was a handy deer rifle for a few years until I sold it to a friend.
and cast lead bullets is the way to go too. Lee sells a good mold for 7.7-303
and what they called a 200 yard deer load work very well too. old reloading book data.
one of the old guys died while I was away from home. his kids took most of his stuff. but his wife did give me his old reloading books. his kids took everything else. I still have those old books.
Good Info Dave! I’ll keep you Frens and Tards in the loop!
sure. I bought the Jap rifle for 5 bucks from a scrapyard back in 1971-2 there about.
a new barrel was out of my price range back then. so, had to work with what I had.
those two guys helped out a LOT. they trimmed the barrel at “work” and made a scope mount
for it as the sights where crap. saved up for a 1.5 Weaver scope and they mounted it for me.
( I shoved a lot of snow off their sidewalks and steps for a couple of years) HS years.
but it did make for a damn good deer rifle afterwards. stopped hunting back in 93 and sold it to a friend who wanted it a few years later. as far as I know, it still bring home the meat.
I gave him my dies and whatever else I had for it when I sold it to him.
sometimes I wished I kept it. kind of miss that old scope. had a German #4 reticle and I like it a lot. they don’t seem to make those anymore ? that was when they where still made in EL PASO
Left you a comment on the original tread. Short is that the correct projectile diameter is 0.310 based on measuring projectiles from 3 different older mfg including Royal Lab(R1945L). And Dave is also correct. Many older military rifles are shot-out at the muzzle. The arsenal fix during an overhaul was to mill out the rifling until you got back to a good bore. I saw a Moisin-Nagant once that was back-bored almost three inches.
that makes sense now. one of the old guys worked at the old Frankford arsenal that closed down by 1980. they “wander over” one day when I was doing some engine work on my dad old truck. looking back on it, I think the old guys where bored really.
it was the first time I ever saw someone use a dial gauge to measure cam lift or to check if the cam was worn . talk about learning how to “tune” a engine ! I bought my first metal lathe because of them. they showed me a lot about how to use it. still have the books they gave me too. although I would much rather just ask them to explain something to me.
they made everything simple to understand. BTW. even after they had passed on. one of their wives moved away with her kids. one stay in Philly. I kept her sidewalk and porch snow free until she passed on. I figured I owned the old guys that much at least.
that how I got the old reloading books. as I would not take a dime from her. she dug them out from somewhere and gave them to me.
double that with the sinker.. ifn you can’t get one close to right, shave nuff lead off a bigger one with a pockety knife. works just fine. have done several bp guns that way.
Check these guys out.
Thanks Fren! I found a lead sinker, (bullet shaped) that the ass end is .320 wide. a bag of 12 was $1.22 however the shipping was $11, but still… So they’re on their way to the crib.
I’m in no rush, as I got a LOT of projects on the burner as I’m waiting on the shipping and delivery of that 1898 Spanish Mauser, next week some time. As well as a Grade “B” Lee Enfield Mod 1 MK 4 that one of you degenerates asked me to do… THAT is running faaar behind ‘cos I think RFI fucked up, and sold too many at the price point ($299 for a B-Grade, in “shooting condition” w/ a sling Bolt AND Mag, which is NOW selling at $499…) and I’m going to blow up the fon tomorrow for an update as I ordered it over a month ago?
I also FINALLY got in the MultiCam (Crye Genuine) Hydrodip film, so the M1911 is ALSO on the menu.
Good Times, Good Times.
“Punching the gun tube” as we called it when I was an Abrams Kid is NOW on the list as well
Stay Tuned!
BCE, Sadly we all called it on DC. A leopard doesn’t change their spots and she is how she is and she is never going to change.
Regarding your anxious pup, my dog is 15 and last year he started getting what they call Sundowners in humans. Basically during the day he’s his old self but at night he has “crazy spells’.
The vet put him on 2 prescriptions for his nightly “crazy spells” and they help (main one selegiline).
She also recommended putting him on CBD chews to chill him out and they work.
They sell them on Amazon. Give that a try and see if it helps chill the pup out.
Have a great vacation !
I was raised in the South Carolina low country. Try some shrimp and grits. The plainer the better, not some modern frou-frou recipe. Pan-fried shrimp, grits, butter, a little salt. You have to cook the grits in slightly salty water, or they have a metallic taste like the pan you cooked them in.
And steamed oysters. I’ve never heard of steamed oysters anywhere else.
As for RHCP, I once had a dog who was scared to walk on hard floors. He’d tense up, which only made things worse.
I tried everything to make him see that it was okay, but he wasn’t having any of it.
Some dogs are just weird. Loveable, but weird. Gotta love dogs.
Come to the Lowcountry for the oyster roasts, stay for the snow!
I must have a case of that winter vagina they talked about the other year, because I’ll be damned if I can find the motivation to duck hunt in the morning. . .
Perhaps Chili is seeing evil spirits.
We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
We raise and train Heelers, the herding dogs (Heelers ought to be in the dictionary under ‘neurotic’).
For any new dog, I invest as many afternoons as it takes, laying in the recliner with the dog on my chest, synchronized breathing, matching heart-rates and eventually, snoozing together.
Dogs enjoy doing nothing, just hanging-out with companions, no play, no plans, no expectations.
No concerns about food or security or mating.
The vast majority of dog issues can be traced to chow.
Anything from chinese automatically has plastics, radioactive trash, and the usual chinese floor-scrapings (chinese hate us).
American-made grocery-store rubbish runs a close second in terms of ‘chuck in whatever junk we have too much of’.
Canadians seem to have higher standards for pet food, and those standards seem to be enforced.
My daughter has a blue heeler. Do you have any good training recommendations? She is just a pet for a 20 year old girl, so no “jobs” for the dog. Dog spends some time on the acreage (when daughter has National Guard drill) but does great around my chickens.
I don’t have all the answers, there are too many variables I don’t know based on the short description. Questions I am about to ask are somewhat rhetorical and not flippant.
There’s a lot of training theory out there to sift through. I’ve had a few MWD and currently have a rescue GSD. GSD is super high strung.
Who does RHCP look to as the leader? How much trust has she built in said leader? My GSD was a stray and when we got her home, she flipped out on me a few times if I came out of a room suddenly and startled her. I’ve had her for 4 months now. Consistent training (short sessions every day), walks, playing tug (her favorite) and the occasional scritching session have all alleviated a fair bit of her anxiety and developed the bond with me, her primary handler. She will cuddle with my wife on the couch, but not with me. She will sit back and watch me as a protector or will lay on the floor at my feet. If MIL comes to say goodnight and leans over me as I’m lounging on the couch, she’s there in 0.5 seconds in full protect mode, but looking at me for permission to go full retard. I’ll take it.
I’ve taught my GSD that when she’s unsure, she should look to me for guidance. That’s where the trust comes into play. Walks are huge for developing it. That and training her that when I call her name, eye contact is the requirement. Any additional obedience training also helps. Once they learn that permission is earned and some things are not allowed, they start to relax and look for permission.
Does RHCP act like that when the nukular gran is around and both are going a million miles per hour? I’m asking as I noticed that when the wx is shit and I don’t take my GSD for a walk, she gets anxious. Maybe a lack of physical/mental exercise? Dogs thrive on consistency – how much of that has RHCP had?
If RHCP is already well taught, you may have some luck with doing some impromptu training if she’s starting to get wound too tight. Training mentally fatigues a pup like no death run ever could; 10 min of quality training > an hour walk or more.
RHCP may be anxious if “going out” or whatever is too exciting. When does the anxiety start to manifest? If you can pinpoint when it starts, positive reinforcement training with a clicker may be a solid option, especially if RHCP is food driven. Associate the scary shit with some primo fucking treats she goes gaga for and the stomach will win out most every time. My GSD goes apeshit for hard boiled egg white. So, when she’s getting stupid or fixated on something and refuses to let it go, I grab a bit of egg white and she forgets the whole world.
Reach out if you have questions.
We once had a pooch that started the full panic/fear thing. Turned out she was going blind and it freaked her out.
Shadows were especially frightening to her
Nice meme. Only Surplus Farm Equipment could put an apostrophe in “ours”.
I never realized you were from Gods country? Where bouts? Originally born and raised from Myrtle Beach myself.
If you’re able check for sources of ultrasonic noises. Appliances, routers, repeaters, so on. From inside and outside the house. Radios, remotes, whatever. Could be a contributing issue.
I squish the sinkers until they’re the right size. Pick biggest size that fits the barrel, put in a vise squeezing each end of the hole, tighten until it’s the size you want. You can get the size perfect this way measuring with a caliper.
Like you have more time…….Chili pupper would really benefit from just a basic obedience class. AKC offers puppy socialization and basic commands. I even took Oscar to a few baby classes at PetSmart. The trainer was retired Army canine and he really got the class in shape with no harsh words, yelling, etc. Oscar was 1 of only 2 pups. He wanted to boss everyone so greetings helped him. He still has a complex of “I’m the Boss” bullsh*t but it tones down every year. After the puppy classes, we started work on real obedience and that wore him out. Now, at 4, he is sweet and friendly and obedient.
I will not say this is the answer. My friend got a beautiful cocker who was a rescue-at a very young age of 4 months. The dog was scared of everything her whole life because of the chaos she experienced. My friend did every class you can imagine; one on one, group-didn’t matter. Bailey was unpredictable til the day she died.
Hobbyist builds AI assisted robot rifle — ‘We’re under attack, respond accordingly.’
On the cheap, put a soft lead 308 between two mil spec cleaning rods and give it a tap.
I can cast one no prob if you DM me.
The freight is on me…