Being Busy Busy Here, More Later As We Roll

Greetings and Salutations!
Got the Nukular Powered Redhead here this weekend.

Between the Red Hot Chili Pupper remembering her and thinking she’s her bestest fren EVER!, the two of them are running Myself, the wife, the two cats and Stella The Sausage Princess ab-so-loot-lee ragged.

I got some more ‘stuff’ coming, but TBH having a wee bit of family time and a break has been nice.

Exhausting AF

But nice.
Tomorrow is a “Zero the Lee Enfield” day so I’ll have a follow on on that as well. The stock repair came out magnificently as you can see:

The brass pin is visible, but perfectly recessed, as planned.

So More Later
Big Country

10 thoughts on “Being Busy Busy Here, More Later As We Roll”

    1. Tonight my wife and I went out to a restaurant in Northern Florida. There are no factories, power plants or paper mills within 100 miles of here yet there was that fog and it had a sulpher like smell.
      My inlaws used to live in Tennessee downwind of a paper mill and it was kind of like that.

      This fog gets my tin foil hat humming and makes me wonder what old Uncle Sugar is secretly doing ?

      1. It wouldn’t even be close to being the first time Unkle Samaski used American civilians to test various poisons.
        We’re nothing more than cash cows and lab rats to them.
        Act accordingly.

  1. those are 2 separate addresses, computer smashed them together.
    split between htm- https.
    Use the Mk VII ammo on the 25 yd target, rifle sights won’t zero the lighter/heavier civilian ammo. All my Enfields have been zeroed with that British target, never had any trouble getting then dead on using the correct ammo.
    You may or may not have a windage screw on your rear sight, depending on what kind of rebuild it had in it’s past history. And there are many different front sight blades made, the numbers on them correlate to their height above center bore line. Hopefully your sights don’t need to be replaced.

      1. I seem to remember the PMI’s using a mirror device with the M-14’s also. They could see your sight picture and tell you how to make adjustments.
        These Lee-Enfields are a huge rabbit hole to go down when you want to get into accurizing and target shooting. I have a N0.4 Mk. 1 with a micrometer rear target sight. Stock bedding/shimming was a big thing with all the military shooters in every army, I have wrapped foil under the handguard of my Finnish m39 to keep it from rubbing wood. Brits had many similar tricks to free float the bbl.

  2. BCE phenomenal repair on the stock! I didn’t even see the pin until you mentioned it! Slow clap… Here’s to her shooting straight and true.

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