Merry Christmas Everyone!
Don’t forget what it’s all truly about:
Here Casa de Camposino Grande we had a nice laid-back evening. We just got done doing a small gift exchange between the three of us, after which poor Sapper had to go in to handle a boat…
Everyone was very pleased with their gifties. Sapper got Gretchen a gift card for Bath and Bodyworks, and I got her a bunch on sleepwear (nice nighties and whatnot), which she got me some DXL shirts and jeans. Two of which a replacements for a shirt that she bought me almost 7 years ago when we first got together. It’s on it’s last legs, but man if it isn’t my most comfy and favorite Tee. She also got both of us (Sapper and myself) what I’m calling the “Bag O’Diabeetus” as it was filled with dollar store candy.

A great selection, but OMG
Break out the emergency Insulin for everyone!
She also got him a set of Playmobile “Star Trek” Original Series figures…

He’s got a BIG collection of Sci-Fi ships/action figures and the like. Much like my Museum of Mayhem, his room is the Sci-Fi Museum. From me? I got him a Colonial Viper that is purely the shit. 3D Printed but OMG you can’t tell, and the attention to detail makes it that much cooler:

I also got him a squad-sized Water Filtration set. BIG bag. Can be hung from a tree when he goes camping. He too got the “Bag O’Diabeetus” from Gretchen.
Soooo on that note, I’ll leave it there. I’ll be back whenever… probably tomorrow as Sapper brought a flu-bug home from the port last week that only kicked in last night. Nothing too bad, just a light coughing flu and general feeling of shitfulness. This means unfortunately I can’t risk going up to Mom and Dad’s tomorrow, as I don’t want to kill either of them, as their immune system is pretty weak as it gets with the Oldsters.
So I’ll be here. Blogging and playing Mass Effect and/or Fallout London more than likely.

We did get this today from the BabyDad.
Addy looks great. We’re doing a video chat probably tomorrow. She’s the typical 5 year old, wired for Sound and Santa, and loving every minute of it. Gran#1 is getting better, so hopefully she’ll be here before the New Year if everything comes together…

Cowboy took a pic of us (we didn’t know) at the bar on Saturday
I’d say most appropriate for this time of year
Hug and Love those closest to you, and enjoy this holiday, and remember what it means.
Merry Christmas you Filthy Animals!!!
Big Country Expat

H/T Phil/CederQ at Bustednuckles
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas BC. Doing a low key Christmas Eve here, the big family get together/dinner/gifts will be tomorrow evening for me and mine. Mostly spending tonight working on personal projects at home, and a little bit of shitpoasting at the usual haunts as the urge hits me.
Merry Christmas BCE to you and your family as well as all of you reading.
Merry Christmas. Thanks for a great year of posts. See you on the other side…
Just got done with a family buffet dinner and gift exchange.
Lots of good food, good laughter, and good family.
Nothing finer in this life or the next.
So Merry Christmas to all you and yours!
Rock on, amigo.
See ya FTF in ’25
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year, Big’un…to you, The Most Beautimous Hair Diva…EVAH!, Sapper, and to all of the other misfits that hang out here. Thank you for what you do and what you mean to us all.
I’ll be down the road and around the corner from COP Big Country sometime tomorrow afternoon and will be there for a few days. Would like to buy you a beer…or 12 if you got the time.
Frohe Weihnachten Kamaraden!!!
Salutations and Merriment BCE… having a wee dram in your honor tonight.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and a blessed New Year.
Merry Christmas Billy and Gretchen and Sapper and the two adorable munchkins.
Merry Christmas to everyone. Half the house has the flu so it will be lo key for us .
Hi BCE!!!!,
Merry Christmas and Blue Skyz!!!!
Merry Christmas, BC.
Merry Christmas, Big Country.
Your blog is a daily read.
Merry Christmas! May your family have multiplied blessings and Peace in 2025.
Merry Christmas! my Rakkasan Brother and the rest of you utterly deplorables
is that grass and sunshine in that picture? WOW!
all we got is 4ft of snow, ice, and grey skies since the start of December.. now rain incoming for a week or so………… WTF? over
As long as you’re not wasting time and brain cells on Mass Effect: Andromeda. I get that you’re a grown-assed man and all, but you’ve got to have some standards.
Merry Christmas from some random internet nerd jagoff!
Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas Tiny! And to your clan as well!
You oughta start doing what my late wife used to do: anytime she found a shirt she really liked, she wouldn’t buy just one, she’d buy three, two of which would be put away in their original wrapping until the first one died the death, after which she’d break out the second, then the third in its turn. That way, she’d get to wear her favorite stuff for a long, long time to come. Always thought that was a great idea.
Merry Christmas BCE! And the same to all you degenerates out there in the interwebs. May your families be healthy and safe, hug them every chance you get!
Merry Christmas!
This is the first Christmas in over 30 years with no kids around. Just me and the wife. It’s kind of weird.
Merry Christmas Big Country, Gretchen and Sapper!
The Savior is born!
Merry Christmas, you fuckin’ big galoot, and the same to Gretchen. Hell, while I’m at it, to Sapper too!
Merry Christmas brother. Hope this coming year is more interesting that 2024:)
BTW, what was the water filtration set you got? Looking for new one myself. Any recommendations?
Merry Christmas B.C. to you and your family. You inspire us all throughout the year.
Merry Christmas to you, Gretchen, and Sapper. And the same to all who visit here. I have a feeling that if all who read this blog were to get together in one place IRL, we would be a weird bunch of misfits. And probably set off alarm bells in every 3 letter agency in DC.
Merry Christmas
Charles Schulze had to put his foot down to include that bit about the true meaning of Christmas. Had to threaten to cancel the whole thing.
It’s super cool the only time Linus ever dropped his blanket was when he was told who the Christ was.
And then after, he picks it back up again, cause that’s just life. Struggle against the flesh. Persevere.
Smalls, every pic of your gran melts my heart. Never had a girl, just a son and I think I’d have died for him at any point raising him, so I can imagine how protective you’ve been of her.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Celebration, BCE.
Do you still use your intrepid reporter email address? I’ve got to be in your AO the week of the inauguration and would love some advice, if amenable.
try bce187th@protonmail dot com