Greetings and Salutations!
Man, another full night yesterday, as well as a day today. I completely forgot just how bloody busy the Holly-Daze can be! After yesterday’s rootin’-tootin’-shewtin’ of the Lee Enfield, I went home and post teardown and cleaning, I then scrubbed myself up, and Gretchen and I went to join up with Cowboy at a local bar called O’Brien’s.
He and Gretchen had worked this out previously to ‘meet up’ with him and his current squeeze to see the Soul Circus Cowboys… that’s the band that shot the video(s) out at his ranch, and that -someone- in their retinue gave me the heebie-jeebies at his Wife Kim’s Memorial Service.
Now, -I- personally wasn’t thrilled with going. Not on Cowboy per se, but because of that ‘bad vibe’ I got from -someone- who was “with the band” and the fact that it IS Prime Time for the Fuzz to nab folks for anything they can, and ‘serve and protect the fuck out of us’ whether we like it or not, on a Saturday night, I’m disinclined to leave the safety of Ye Olde Casa Del Grande Campesino.
Gretchen and I hardly ever go out, never mind with another couple, and since she wanted to meet his new squeeze, we went.
What’s very interesting is this time there was no “negative vibe”… of note was unlike the Memorial Service, the “Band-Gang” was bare-bones and I noticed quite a few of the ‘hangers-on’ were not there, so I’m thinking whatever eeee-vil shytte my internal Radar ‘pinged’ off of there, that particular individual/demon/whatever wasn’t present last night. Much to my relief to say the least.
Mind you Cowboy’s new chick is part of the reason he’s slowly becoming unfucked. Of course I’m worried though that he’s going to get attached too fast, but Hell… he is a grown assed man.
We had a pretty good night.
I was the (shockingly!) the Designated Driver
Gretchen actually had TWO Sex-on-the-Beach drinks
And this place makes them stiff so she spent the majority of the day today in bed, hung over as she normally never boozes.

For her this was a bit of a Celebration to find out she still does NOT have cancer. ALWAYS a bonus there amiright?
And Cowboy and I looked pretty damned good as well:

Gretchen kept trying to get him in closer and egging him on to “…put your tongue in his ear!” and fucked up shytte like that. (Shit like that is why I hate when a broad drinks… they get stupid…) I told him if he did so, I’d break him into itty-bitty Cowboy Pieces/Parts. Needless to say, his distance from me in the pic shows that he’s a smart man.
Either way, the show was great.
I also found Phil from Bustednuckles…
He said that he was down for the count getting surgery

Granted I’m busting Phil’s balls, but DAMN if the bassist didn’t look just like his ass. In all seriousness, from what I know, Phil is recovering nicely, and the surgery(s) he’s been getting have extended his lifespan and warranty a little bit, so this a great thing.
But like I said… Damned if that guy ain’t his doppleganger.
Guess I’ll have to reach out to CederQ and get the real story

Any other person but Phil, and I’d figure dude was out doing gigs behind his ole Lady’s back, what with groupies and all.
In all seriousness though I did call Phil tonight, and he sounds great considering the work they did on him… the words “surgery” “incision” and “groin” are words that should never be uttered together IMO. He fortunately/unfortunately had all three, and it makes me shudder at the thought…
So anywho… last night?
A good time was had by all.
Then, today, Borepatch stopped by with a Christmas Gift for me:

96+/- Rounds of .303 Brit!
(Many Thanks Bro! Our best to the QOTW!!!)
Also pictured are the ammo-gift from Sailor Steve, who was awesome enough to send me a box as well… funny thing is, I got two boxes on the same day… Identical, but shipped from, what I can tell TWO different warehouses. I’ve had this happen before in that if they have more than one warehouse, and Warehouse #1 fills it, but doesn’t mark the order as ‘filled’ at the same time as Warehouse #2 is doing/does the same thing, then TWO items get shipped. USUALLY they ‘eat it’ so I told Steve to check his credit card receipt, and it seems they only charged him for one!!! Mad Bonus and Thanks to Steve!
I also was finally able to give Borepatch back two hardcover book he recommended and let me borrow. Always a chancy thing loaning out books, and I consider it a honor he let me borrow them, as it shows the trust a bibliophile has in the borrower. I also had a gift for him, which was a set of Jack Lawson’s ‘Civil Defense Manual(s)’ Part One and Two. I felt it appropriate that a book-gift for Christmas is always a good thing. Especially to a friend who gives me ammunition!
It’s been like over a year and a half since our last Face-to-Face because ‘life and sheee-it’. It was great seeing him and he looked great. The Queen of the World was unfortunately working, but it worked out b/c Gretchen as I said was pretty much in bed hungover the duration of his stop-by. It meant a mano y mano visit essentially.
One of the subjects that came up, and that we did discuss was the possibility of setting up another Blogshoot here in Florida.
There are logistical issues to be dealt with, but we both agreed it’s been waaaay too long since our last meetup as a BIG assed Blog-Group. The last one was right before Miguel of “GunFreeZone” moved up to Tennessee. I can’t link his blog anymore as he nuked it due to ‘issues’ that happened that I’m not going to cover. Suffice it to say it’d be cool if he (Miguel) could come down for a visit for this as he was at the last one, but I’m not expecting it.
We’re going to reach out to some respective people (DiveMedic being one) and a few others, and see what the consensus is. Orlando is a possibility as there’s a LOT more folks on that side of the state, but like I said, we’ll be following up with each other, and let y’all know if and when said-potential event might happen.
So otherwise, I’m off to revisit an older game I downloaded the other night, “Mass Effect” which was, besides “Fallout New Vegas” one of my main games in Iraq. That and M.E.2.
So More Later
Big Country

Blogshoot???? I’m in.
Last time I loaned a book out to someone on the internet, they died and I never got it back.
Must have been some book
Yeah, certain books like John Ross’ “Unintended Consequences” and the hardcover of McBride’s “A Rifleman Went to War” stays in storage and is coming with me when I move.
I’ll loan out Bracken’s “Enemies Foreign and Domestic” Trilogy and plan on gifting John Wyndham’s “Day of the Triffids” and “The Kraken Wakes” but that’s about it.
I still have the .303 round Borepatch gave me. I just nee to get an SMLE to with it!
This the Miguel you’re talking about? On Substack…
Yep. That’s the link in the last post on GunFreeZone.
I’ll bring the MG42…once my neighbor dies and I snatch it before his kids show up!
Maybe have Latigo loan him a book.
re : ILLxGxL on New York subway kills Caucasian woman by burning
Apparently, the published portrait is AI-generated.
A certain ‘Amelia Carter’, a New York TRANSVESTITE from Utah, fits the age and description.
A rambling intoxicated video by the accused murderer suggests he is a homosexual.
Telephone video by a witness shows a negro LawEnforcementOfficial casually strolling past the woman in flames.
I am at the point I distrust anything on the WorldWideWeb.
“I am at the point I distrust anything on the WorldWideWeb.”
For good or bad, same for me.
For example, the United assassination. I don’t even know that Brian Thompson was killed, let alone that the Luigi kid did it. The video shows a dude in a blue suit supposedly get shot, but…I wasn’t there. I have no idea if it actually happened at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t happen.
There is simply no reason why I should trust the media, the NYPD, the FBI, etc. They lie all the time.
The subway burning is also suspect, she just stood there on fire, no screaming or thrashing, and the cop walked by like nothing was wrong, WTF???
Almost every tragedy today stinks of fraud to anyone that pays attention, yet the masses fall for it every minute.
Oh, and the Germans are now saying their car attack stinks too. Just when you think nothing will surprise you, the masses get another notch dumber, as planned. Non-thinking brainwashed zombies.
And has anyone seen another video or picture of the guy bled out on the sidewalk? With all the cell phones constantly posting videos the lack is suspicious. Very.
Merry Christmas to you all.
As for trusting the net,,,, my friend I’m kinda sure the internet is in fact the antichrist!.
After “incision” try inserts 20 eletrodes up vein, map heart, apply 8mW juice to arythmic nerve, retract, go home. We need not discuss poor reaction leaving general anesthesia disoriented and trying to boot an OODA cycle. Strained my arm muscle being restrained by OR techs.
Yep, drunk women are almost always trouble. Even less control of emotions, if that’s possible. And even less fun on a hangover morning. Glad I left that life behind.
That Greek HXP ammo is some of the best .303 I ever shot, extremely accurate and clean shooting. You’ll be hard pressed to find finer surplus ammo anywhere.
I couldn’t afford to shoot 303 unless I reload it. Reloading is easier then getting those figgley stripper clips tensioned just right.