Greetings and Salutations
Regarding the NJ Drones:

I kind of agree…
I really don’t believe anything the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda tells us, under any circumstances. Why anyone would take them seriously at this point is beyond me. Add on the ‘hyping’ that damned near every. single. expert. on Drones/Nukes/DotMil/Security coming out of the fucking woodwork?
My God…
Hence my staying out of it. I only know what I learned back in 2008 with my/our Company’s interaction with the Drone Company that supplied some of the Heavy Observation drones to the DotMil kids. And these weren’t ‘heavy-heavy’ but like BIG quadcopter drones… Looking back, and looking at the commercial stuff out there, the closest thing I can come to (looking like that is) are some of those Agriculture Quad Drones:

I believe that it’s these ‘types’ of AG drones that are the basis of the Krainian “Babayaga” drone. This particular model carries 10 liters of sprayable fluid for crops, be it pesticide/herbicide -whatever-. You get the idea. It’s a commercial drone which means that 10 liters translates to a payload of 22 POUNDS worth of cargo. It’s also made in India, and the price in the ad runs about $4000 USD.
And it’s one of the smaller ones.
Glen Filthie over at his place keeps going on and on about how “This is impossible!” regarding the drones being utilized against Tanks and Troops… “I’ve seen Russian (and Ukrainian) psyop vids where the drones supposedly fly out 10 km or more, carrying high explosives, and then fly down an open hatch, or through an open window – and flatten buildings and blow up tanks.” The link to the latest is HERE. The problem is he states implicitly “…As a shit house multirotor guy… I’m now farting about with an autonomous hobby drone equipped with modern flight controllers and GPS modules that can go out and loiter over a designated waypoint and return autonomously.”
THAT right there…
That’s his problem. I’ll call it his ‘normalcy bias’ meaning what he knows, he knows… I’m not going to doubt his ability or knowledge vis-a-vis hobby drones and/or aircraft. Lord knows I love reading his adventures at Stubfart Field and his gang of tards… Thing of it is, as far as MY experiences? I do have a -bit- of exposure to drones in my overseas adventures. By far I have NO amount of intel like he does… I was in Iraq when the US DotMil was just starting out utilizing SMOL drones. And the drones in question, mind you in 2008, were pretty much used for “Sneaking and Peeking”. NOT in an offensive manner. And truthfully, some of them were small, i.e. NOT big UAVs like the CIA toys and whatnot, but about the size of that ‘Hindu Hovermobile’ I pictured above… some were bigger.
That was 16 years ago.
And my company?
We supplied the satellite dishes… the 1.2 meter man portable Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) and Non-secure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) Access Point (SNAP) Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Satellite Systems to them. Meaning THIS was the way they were communicating. Filthie at one point talks about “dime store dipole antennas and 2200 mAh batteries”
My Dude…
If we had OUR guys using VSATs to ‘talk’ to our Recon Drones in 2008, I’m pretty sure that Ivan and the Krains are MOAR than capable of coming up with a smaller-ish drone that’s capable of blowing up a tank at a distance and communicating via other means… Considering that WE (the US) have been “Sitting on our Laurels” military developmentally speaking since the Late 80s/Early 90s, and we appear to have completely dropped the ball on offensive drone capabilities outside of the “Reaper” drone series? (That we know of… gotta put that in there ‘cos there might be shit we have ZERO clue about) And add on that even then, the fucking Houthis have been eating our lunch in that they, so far as having been officially acknowledged, have shot down two MQ-9 Reaper drones so far that we know of.
Each Reaper costs $30 million each.
And then there’s the other ten Drones of various unknown ‘flavors’ that got shot down… To me it tells me that when Ragged Assed Hajis have successfully shot down a dozen of your “Best Drones” that the defensive capabilities of said-drones are probably not so good… The Reaper first started flying in 2001… 23 years ago. Old much? Yeah. These days that’s exceptionally old tech. Shit probably has solid-state stuff in it… if not tubes…
So yeah.
No idea for certain, only what I do know is these “Car Sized Drones” over Joisey and the whole Area of Operations? Personally I have no idea… not one fucking clue. Never claimed to be a drone expert, nor can I even play one on TV…
I will put this infonugget out there, make of it what you will: ALLLLLL these jokers who’ve been saying that these “Drones over Jersey/NY/MD” are possibly looking for the “…stolen/confiscated Krainian Nukes from the 1990s” are absolutely clueless as to the maintenance of nuclear weapons. A quick background to lay THIS fallacy to rest:
When the Krain gained it’s independence back in 1991, over 1,700 Soviet nuclear weapons were left behind. Ivan just packed up, said “Lots of Luck” and bailed back to the Motherland. This made a lot of folks extremely nervous as the Krain was known as to be one of (and still is)the MOST CORRUPT Former Soviet Republics EVER.
In 1994, the Krains officially ‘got rid of’ their Nukes, along with Belarus, and Kazakhstan in exchange for ‘security guarantees’ from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia. The last Canned Sunshine Weapon left by June of 1996.
Now, thing of it is, nuclear weapons need a lot of maintenance. Depending on the ‘flavor’ of the warhead, i.e. Plutonium/Hydrogen Bomb(s) or ‘regular Nukes’, they need a lot of servicing. The radioactive cores of ALL nukes give off a LOT of radioactivity, most of which is shielded from the outside by internal shielding and dampeners. That keeps the rads INSIDE the casing.
HOWEVER: The fiddly-bits and pieces parts that ARE on the inside tend to get bombarded and break down, no matter how reinforced over time, requiring the aforementioned maintenance to keep the thing able to go and do that “Earth Shattering Kaboom!” when people want/need it to. In fact that was huge problem with Ivan trying to use robots to clean up Chernobyl or the Japs at Fukashima… the rads cooked the robots really fucking quickly from the outside in. In the case of a nook-bomb, that’s cooking from the inside out.
Our own Air Force have an entire MOS (military occupational specialty) that performs these duties on the regular, and in some cases have been the cause of some of the accidents we used to hear bout in the old missile silos… in one where a guy dropped a wrench that caused an explosion (non-nuclear) but killed him, his crew AND destroyed the silo as well as the missile itself…
As Commander Matt Bracken said:

I added to the conversation that I had recalled that during the Obamamessiah’s Rule, there had been a moment that one of the regular items that needed to be replaced/serviced? They had forgotten how to make it!!!
It turned out to be an aerogel named ‘Fogbank’ (link HERE and H/T to Don Shift) Per the Wiki: “The process to create Fogbank was lost by 2000” and it cost the taxpayers almost 92 MILLION dollars and 8 years to reverse engineer this ‘stuff’… and it was because the “institutional memory” to make it had either retired or died off so to speak, meaning the older white engineers who knew how to make it literally keeled over or were so far retired, they no longer gave a shit.
So as Bracken said, 30+ year old Krainian Nooks?
Nope. Not buying it.
I mean as DC Draino said “What are they distracting us from?”
Good Question.
So more later
Big Country

If you scare enough people, they’ll cheer when legislators pass ridiculous laws that supposedly protect citizens. I see that as part of the distraction. More regulations, more money from licenses, more bureaucrats to feed at the public trough, and costs beyond what any middle-class citizen can afford, but those scary drones are now gone.
Drones at this time are enjoyed by many, most never abuse their use, help with inspections that are unsafe, and are reasonably priced. I see that disappearing, and observing what’s happening will only be by government officials. After all, our best interests are always foremost in their minds.
There was a story about these drones being tested by the US Navy out of Fort Mcguire in New Jersey.
If that was the case then why wouldn’t .gov just SAY IT ?
Then people would see them, say “oh that’s a Navy drone” and go about their business.
I smell BS on this. I don’t think that they belong to another country because “what’s the point” ?
If they were Russia or China’s, the Air Force would be shooting them down.
These also aren’t hobbyist drones, when a NJ police helicopter approached them, they turned rapidly and took off at high speed. The drones we know about can’t do that.
The other possibility is that it is THEM ie the Visitors.. ie little grey guys with big black eyes.
But really why would they buzz NJ ?
The final possibility that my brother believes is that it is being done as part of the start of Project Bluebeam.
Me, I just don’t know.
Funny but the wife and me were discussing project bluebeam just yesterday.
There is not Ft. McGuire. Fort Dix is Army, McGuire is a AFB and Lakehurst is the Naval Air facility. Drone exercises would be expected in that corridor between the Joint Forces Base and Dover. Whatever, let the civilian shat their drawers.
Sorry, I meant officially “Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst”.
I lived in NJ as a kid and as scouts we visited McGuire AFB and Fort Dix so us kids would say Fort McGuire.
I was typing away and didn’t realize my slip up.
It’s officially now a joint base after merging McGuire AFB, Fort Dix Army base and Naval Station Lakehurst.
But in any event the story was they were testing drones from that base. Most likely bullshit but the story is out there.
Ft. McGuire for the locals then. Can’t help but have liked that place; plenty of amusing memories, especially some idiot airman cracked up his rice-burner at 100+ on the McGuire side. In December, as in who needs traction? Uncle Sam’s spoiled brats in action. Beautiful countryside and nice enough people. Total contrast with the constant Jersey jokes in the media. Same media that fails to mention what a total f…king slum Hollywood is. Funny how that is, almost like the small hats have always distorted reality for their own purposes.
Regarding keeping nukes working, Tom Clancy back in 1991 in his book “Sum of all Fears” talks about some goatherder/farmer finding an unexploded bomb and calling his Haj son to come take care of it. Turns out bomb is an Israeli nuke lost in 73.
The book does a good job of juggling technobabble with understandability and the things the Haj and their bombmeister have to do to make a viable weapon out of a roughly 20 year old weapon.
The kicker? What turns a nuke into a thermonuke, being Tritium and how quickly viable Tritium deteriorates, and the lesser forms of Hydrogen will ‘poison’ the thermonuke and make it just a nuke.
And from what I heard back-in-the-day, Soviet nukes were very finicky. And got more finicky the older they were. Like good chance that at any time the success rate of active Soviet crap was suspected to be down around 50% or so. And that only got worse once de-sovietization occurred. All those Uke and ‘stan nukes probably weren’t viable to begin with, and 30 years later, geez, everything, from the wiring to the switches and timers and igniters and even the explosive charges are all probably so much unworkable and radioactive goo and blah.
Shit, 30 year old US finest grade nukes not maintained, as you said, probably only maybe low yield at best, most likely a total fizzle and lots of scattered chunks of plutonium and bomb innards.
As to hobby drones, China’s been selling to both sides in the ‘Kraine, and learning a lot. They’re the real winners in the Uke-Rus war, having gotten rid of a lot of their crap foisted off on the Russkies, like tires and ammo.
China is in the position we were in at that start of WWI and II – supplying everything and making a tidey profit
Scare the normies to hollar for laws to make them safe. Over on GunnerQ’s substack, he reports on a Bill that is to come up for a vote this month. New ‘Office Of Counter-UAS Activities’ . And here is the bill: H.R.8610 – Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act
h ttps://
Seems to me that all the vids from the dust up in krain, and the fact that you can buy these small ones at an Ollie’s, Big Lots, Wallies and Costco not mention the ‘zon cheap. Along with the fact that this last election showed how much the prols are fed up, have the masters shitting themselves that someone just may fly one into them. FAA already has rules for the larger commercial ones so this looks to cover them all. As for dropping things, Garrand Thumb made a vid dropping chalk bombs in a trench with off the shelf stuff used at things like weddings to drop flowers and such. I do not need to state more based on who here reads BCE’s stuff, as we all seem creative.
The other side of this may be to create a False Flag so as to aid the little hats and …que music from the 60s’ (Barbra Ann), “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Iran, repeat, due to suspected Iranian Mother Ship as they want Trump. So Merry Christmas Donald from the Elites here is the war we want that you don’t.
Thanks for the hot take BC. Fully in agreement that an aged ex-Soviet nuclear warhead being smuggled in as the cause for a large scale monitoring op doesn’t pass the smell test, for the reasons given (and of which I was previously aware). I remain firmly of the opinion these drones are operated by some faction of the US MIL/deep state, but for reason(s) not yet given nor ascertained (by us pissants).
I’m thinking it could be as simple as churning up FUD, and to acclimate the public to the constant presence of these things. Yes, they could be monitoring/sniffing/listening for something, but that something doesn’t have to be nuclear in origin.
Could be picking off wireless communications (voice and/or data) that is not traversing cell networks (where the carriers are already feeding every packet to the NSA), or vehicle (or even aircraft) telemetry data being transmitted either encrypted or “in the clear”.
Much strangeness about regardless.
A widespread dirty bomb incident over a major American city would be a complete death sentence, enforced by America’s fiercest enemies. OSHA & EPA.
Filthie’s problem is that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and then he expounds on that.
He keeps trying to accuse myself and Peter at BRM of stirring up hysteria, when all we told him was that even COTS hobbyist drones with 0.5kg payloads could be weaponized with ordinary hand grenades or little soda can thermite payloads to do any number of nasty things to soft targets, like LNG tanks or stadiums full of folks at the Superbowl or World Series, if they were in the wrong hands.
(He assured us most earnestly that COTS drones couldn’t drop small-payload hate, never, ever, ever, abso-fucking-lutely positively. Right up until 3000 Uke videos of Vlad’s armored pride eating shit 500 grams at a time through open hatches courtesy of DJI et al hit the interwebz.)
None of that is false, but he still hyperventilates over his butthurt that being wrong about that generated.
{Cue Field Marshal Stubfart coming in here to show off his scorched hindquarters in 3, 2,…}
Also, nobody was yelling “Ban drones!”, then or ever; they were telling him that TPTB should have a reasonable appreciation of the reality of the potential problem, and perhaps make some plans to counter that threat without losing their collective shit, or waiting until after it happens to think about it, which springload to “Stupid” is their default switch setting.
FFS, when last I looked we put cellphone jammers on Hummers and Strykers once Hadjis set off enough IEDs with their Nokias, so this isn’t a novel concept, nor rocket surgery.
As for whatever’s flying over Joisy, the first clue that it isn’t anything intelligent is that it’s over Joisy.
That anything this dedicatedly pointless and stupid is probably misdirection for something serious is a given, until at least January 21st next year. Probably some time afterwards too.
As usual, the people who know something aren’t talking, and the people who’re talking don’t know anything.
And if anyone had a nuke in the Pine Barrens, let alone NYFC or D.C., 98% of the country would tell them publicly to trigger it, and they’d send the culprits roses afterwards.
So unless aliens in giant tripods spring out of the ground and start shooting death rays, IDGAF.
“Doesn’t know what he doesn’t know”, coming from this clown nurse, the Mr. covid is very bad, get your masks! Even after being disabused by the adult how silly masks were against a nano- sized virus, he showed his ass constantly. Then of course he is also Mr. NATO cheerleader, Russki hater, which has clouded his mind so completely, well, again loves to show his ass no matter how wrong he is proven to be.
He is very selective about comments allowed on his very lonely website, and is probably the most disingenuous blogger to be found.
Paddy, the fact that you still think simple masks were to be worn as protection against the virus is the functional equivalent of pulling down your own pants before you walk out in public. It’s literally as dumbassed as the people who’re still wearing surgical masks to this day.
When you frame the problem so grossly incorrectly, your answer is always even stupider than the question. I told you why masking would never work before you even learned to spell “COVID”. That info has been up on my site uninterrupted for over 4½ years.
Whatever you do for a living, don’t quit your day job. Neither logic nor reading comprehension are your friends, and you can’t even manage a grade-school attempt at ad hominem. Stay on the porch; grown-ups are talking about things far beyond your grasp.
BTW Paddy, I was an ICU nurse during the whole china virus clusterfuck and I agree that there was actually something that was infecting people. And killing some of them. Whether the responses the medical community used were appropriate is a whole nother conversation. But the china virus bioweapon did indeed exist and had specific symptoms that identified it. Ground glass chest xrays and their blood clotting to the point where eventually we couldn’t draw peripheral labs from them for starters.
“ Filthie’s problem is that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and then he expounds on that.”
It’s a common problem that we all experience to various levels. We’ve all been wrong. It’s a good man who can admit that he was wrong when new information contradicts what he initially put out there.
Springing out of the ground was the modern Scientology fake of the original classic fake War of the Worlds (radio and screen). I thought you said you were old. Stick with the classics then.
What kind of Commifornia gobblegook is that? English is the lingua franca, we don’t speak bullshit. Must be all the lube you nurses take home for use and abuse.
Even if the sunshine fizzles and goes pop, instead of kaboom, it will still provide the excuse to go to war with russia. Which is the whole purpose. The nuke material will have “russian signatures” in it, so they can have their pearl-harbor.
It’s all good, Tiny! A small point of order – my moderate expertise is with the small stuff. The heavy lift stuff – I know enough to be dangerous.
Here’s the problem. To cover this topic properly would require me to prepare a formal presentation. Put a shithouse quad on the table, ID parts, overview on basic physics and operation, principles of operation and physics, power points, etc. Then about a half hour or 45 minutes deconstructing the vids we’ve both been seeing. Then I’d need about 2 hours with you asking questions about explosives, detonators, tank armaments, etc. Then an hour where we put it all together and see what we’ve learned. It would be all that, and at least a case of beer or a gallon of coffee to chew through all that and do the job right. There are wheels within wheels turning here.
Fags like Aesop and Peter Grant have attention spans of 5 minutes. If they could even sit still through a deep dive – they’d dismiss everything they heard because their (((pals))) at CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WAPO will tell them everything they need to know in 5 minutes. They thought we were all gonna die from Ebola, then Covid, then Ebola again, and it’ll be something else next week. They’re experts on everything just like the ladies on The View and THEY will tell YOU what to think – and if you ask any tough questions – it’s because you are an idiot or a Bad Person. Topics like these are not for people like that.
To me it’s all so fascinating. The tech, the psyops, the players, the chattering skulls, the propaganda – it’s all there. I’d love to have a formal debate/presentation about it all too… kinda like a TED Talk. Call it an “Uncle TED Talk” 😂👍 It’d be a hoot but I suppose for men like you that have lives and responsibilities and jobs…it’d take far too much time. Damn – I’d love to get a guy like Bracken cornered and pick his brains too. It would break the internet if we could keep it under an hour…
It’s been ages since I’ve spoken in front of large groups of people… odd – never thought I’d miss it…
Mr. BCE and Mr. Filthie:
As to the ability of an ordinary engineer to get a bunch of student engineers with a wee bit of guidance to make an 8 rotor, autonomous, 5kg payload, 60 knot cruise speed, 15 minute flight time (battery dependent), set locations for final delivery and way points and drop points, video, lidar, thermal imaging and an off the shelf cost of $2000 is easy. I have the actual item 12 feet from me in my man cave.
The scary scenario is to make two-three dozen of these and have 2kg of C4 and 3kg of yellow cake shape charge and have them converge from a 30 mile circle of the Inauguration/Super Bowl/Rose bowl/Vegas on New Years Eve or any other highly attended event. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
You’re wasting your time, and annoying the pig, Spindrift.
Professor Filthie expounded at length that all of that was unpossible, even when the cartels were dropping loads of dope over the southern border using similar devices, and dropping kinetic payloads on the local federales, with some regularity, years and years ago, and within days of him explaining how it could never be so.
It gives him phantom pain just to recall the cacophonous and oft-repeated drubbing he took over that, every time his wisdom was overtaken by real-world events. It pains him to face facts which underline the limitations of his guesstimates.
So please, spare yourself pointing out the obvious possibilities to the World’s Foremost Drone Expert.
If he can’t do something, nor even conceive of it, no one else on the planet can.
Just ask him.
It’s the lodestone of his character.
Four out five Drone Experts recommend CREST.
What’s the difference between a UFOligist and a Urologist ?
My comments don’t seem to be sticking with the VPN on BC. Hmm.—drones-are-a-test.html
Just keep in mind that the intelligence agencies are desperate to save their jobs after Trump announced they are toast, and any dirty trick possible will be played by them to stop that INCLUDING DRONES AND DIRTY BOMBS..
Word. My ghoul pool still believes the Golden Golem will be whacked on or before 01/20/2025. TPTB know they are headed for orange jump suits and/or a firing squad or gallows. Of course, there is always a chance Mr. Trump has already been compromised by turncoat courtiers whispering in his ears about the “right choices”, just like in 2016. Time will tell. Stay safe and vigilant, my friend.
whadup DTW
man i miss WRSA comments.
hands down THEE best comment section that ever was with all the Former Action Guy talent..
Those were good days!
tfA-t, thanks, I book marked that site.
If it is in fact a former Soviet Era nuke the purpose would be to have a dirty bomb go off in NYC and then blame Russia for it, all the “evidence” would confirm it was a Russian bomb, and use that false flag to start a nuclear exchange. Some how the Deep State thinks they can win that…
I sit here on the side of this mountain and marvel over how the propaganda media is reporting on all the hysteria and fear these “drones” are cultivating not only with the public, but also with congress critters. SMH. And, we think back and wonder how millions were duped into getting the covid pretend-vax! I think I’ll go make another cup of coffee and to sit out on the front porch. Its warm here today.
Bloody well HOT here in Central FL today… esp. for Dec 81 degree r/n!
I should probly leave this alone, but… I can’t handle curiosity. 😂 It’s not enough for men like us to “believe” things, Tiny. Guys like us need to “know” things.
A *preliminary* fact check: Plutonium is NOT corrosive. And radioactivity does not magically make your fiddly bits or electronics magically go rotten. Precision fiddly bits run nuclear power plants, and produce and monitor those weapons. A shithouse fact check that I did seems to say that the shelf life of a weapons grade warhead is at least a couple decades.
The half life of plutonium is on the order of 24 thousand years, and that any aging due to radioactive decay will only lower the yield of the device. When you are dealing with a device with a yield measured in megatons… a loss of a few kilo tons is not a big deal if you are detonate it in a densely populated urban area.
The only info I can find on weapon maintenance of the warheads is about radioactive decay and lower yields. I strongly suspect the vast majority of the maintenance going on with America’s nuclear arsenal is not on the warhead – but on the weapon’s delivery system… and most of that will be periodic reliability checks.
But of course – I’d have to defer to authorities like Peter Grant, General Aesop, CNN, MSNBC, Wikipedia, and the NYT…
Not trying to be a dink – I’m genuinely curious and details matter. What are we calling “fiddly bits”? How do they work? How is the work done?
Goddammit. Another deep dive. Sadly… this is the age we live in. We literally cannot trust anything we see or hear. Get in the habit of asking questions, fellas. Not the response when you ask them. If the response is rage, name calling and tantrums (Hi, Aesop!) – you’re probably talking to a crank. A serious source will answer questions and be upbeat and open about it.
Now, if you’ll excuse me… I have some homework to do… and so do most of you!
Word to your mother, Professor:
1) Unlike with nuclear warheads, nuclear plants aren’t run with the “fiddly bits” two inches from the radioactive material.
They’re in shielded buildings a hundred yards away.
Maybe they didn’t cover that in your nuclear warhead design class, or your extensive training in nuclear power plant engineering.
2) Plutonium in warheads isn’t stable, and the radiation given off plays hell with the electronic packages that both detonate the explosive shell, and guide the warheads. An asymmetric detonation because of that can render an earth-shattering kaboom into a pop and fizzle. Exactly as was explained to you in the OP when you were busy not paying attention.
3) Radiation in nuke plants plays hell with what it can get to, like pipe fittings and welds, which is why nuke plants keep having massive corrosion problem with the parts the radiation can and does get to.
4) All this is why maintenance on nuclear delivery means, as well as nuke power plants, is constant, and perpetual. Radiation wants to get out and play, and it takes diligent attention to see that the Promethian fire stays put and behaves.
All of this could be looked up and verified, if you’d ever bother to crack a friggin’ book or consult a web page with more words than pictures, let alone listen to people with a better grasp of topics than yourself (which is generally almost everyone).
Failure to do this is why you always face-plant halfway to the finish line.
But it’s always entertaining to watch. Just not in the way you’d intended.
Give your mouth and your fingers a rest, and maybe let your eyes and ears do the heavy lifting for a change. If only for the novelty of that approach.
What makes my bs detector go off is the running lights. If you were going to do something nefarious why the blinking lights and the red/green nav lights? Stinks of .gov
This is yet another case of no good answer – which I’ve been saying since Obamessiah- Either they are doing it on purpose, or they don’t know what they are doing and are really that incompetent. Neither is good.
look in the opposite direction, west coast. the 7.3 quake might not have been natural. the tsunami that wasn’t along with p3 orion subhunters circling overhead for days pre and post, a no-fly zone, and toss in a radiation spike . nothing to see here, look! drones over jersey!!
I like you.
Best answer I have seen so far.
River, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do Crime think out loud. That DARPA and HAART is BOOOSHIT man! CONSPIRACY THEORIES RUN AMUCK, AMUCK, AMUCK!!
Excuse me, I may be too near a cell site. Never mind, everything is fine, carry on.
I guarantee theres a metric fuckton of new mil tech we dont know about.
Some might even be ours. Hope it performs better than the latest and greatest we do know about. And not built by Boing or DIE.
Here’s why I think there could be an old USSR nuke somewhere in the US. (((They))) have more money than God and have infiltrated everything, everywhere. Anytime from the mid 80’s to the mid 90’s, (((They))) could have blackmailed or bribed a Soviet/Russian missile commander/battalion or maint crew to “misplace” (while transporting Kain nukes to Russia), then pencil whip the paper work. The Soviets/Russians were notoriously corrupt. We KNOW, metric FUCKTONS of Soviet munitions “left” the crashing USSR at the end, it was chaos. Then, it’s just more money to keep it viable. Let’s not let our “normalcy” bias get in the way of “not that crazy” probabilities. Also, anybody else think the Israelis may have nukes in the US, remember their Samson Plan, anybody need a big false flag to drag the US into WWlll? Asking for a fren.
I don’t understand why I haven’t seen anyone else put this out there. It’s not like I’m the sharpest bulb in the drawer. I may be the oldest though.
Alright, y’all, tear me a new one, Aesop, you’re a good de-constructor.
Here’s a gab link to a reddit screenshot; the gist is that “drones searching for radiation” is attempting a new Pandemic scam.
Instead of invisible Covid, we’ll be tracked and traced, monitored, and verified by compliance with Radiation protocols.
lost nukes is a false flag reddit
invisible radioactivity as the new covid, w monitoring
Could also be some of our nuclear stuff stolen by a DEI douchbag…
“We wuz nookular bawm-makers and sheeeee-i!”
Logistically, wouldn’t it be easier to Mickey Finn the water supply with Carfentanil than radionuclides which are trackable?!
AFAIK you can’t make a full yield nuke using the gun type if using plutonium. This was in fact the proposed Mark 2 nuclear weapon (The Mark One was the Hiroshima U235 weapon). Then they found they couldn’t assemble the critical mass quickly enough by doing this and it would fizzle. Of course, depending on what you are trying to do, this may be enough. IIRC takes about 6000 fps to get full yield. Anyone know a gun that does that in very large caliber? Nowadays might just be possible but won’t be small.
The Mark 3 was the implosion type using Pu239. Much harder to get right. Took the Manhattan project guys quite a while to get right.
Flashing drones as part of .gov “testing”? IF they belong to .gov, they WANT them to be seen.
When the right hand is being shoved in your face, look around to see what the left hand is up to.
I hate to interrupt the transnational interwebz penis measuring contest, but…
I still remember about 10 years back when every swinging dick and his cat out there were losing their mind over the shenanigans in Europe, courtesy of ISIS and the rest of the moslems.
Big talk at the time, even by Matt Bracken himself, was the use of TATP to help cause maximum damage in built up, high population dense areas. Was a pretty sound argument at the time. So what’s changed?
We’re sitting here yakking about drones carrying heavy payloads of ‘conventional’ explosives, like C4, shaped charges, et al., all they way up to nukes, and arguing about whether the drones have the capability to carry the payload.
Seems to me TATP would be more than adequate for that kind of job. It’s about as potent as semtex, the components are relatively inexpensive, easier to acquire and make, and most importantly – for the sake of this argument – far lighter.
IF using drones to drop things that go boom on folks is the actual game plan here, my money’d be on something like that.
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I worked at an industrial radiographic company before and I can attest that radiation ages plastics in hours what it would take decades to do sitting outside in the sunshine.
I completely believe the maintenance issues with atom bombs to be true and dangerous.
Jumping into the fray late like. I’m gonna throw a wrench in all the thoughts above. WHAT IF??? this is merely a psyop to position people to ban/register drones as weaponry (which they can be,,, but so can a hammer FFS!) We already know that there is going to be some smackback on China for cheap (and surprisingly decent) production when OMB takes office (since China is out producing every one at this stage. Simple laws of exchange/Capitalism in play, manipulated by loose import regulations and onerous taxation on CONUS.)
But seriously, think about this. People are freaking out, those in the know (or should be) are mum or obfuscating. and the media is playing right along with it (as usual) feeing the fear factor.
Is there a dirty bomb/broken arrow floating around out there? Maybe,,,
Is there a serious power-play/exchange taking place in our political realms? Abso-Frickin-lutely!!! And there are many many many dirty hands that are feeling dread with the upcoming date of Jan20-2025. Fear of barred window views and orange jumpsuits. Fear of gavels banging, following pronouncements of DEATH. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that the rats are in a tizzy.
There are already many regulations on Drone usage: there is a licensing requirement for them under FAA rules now (over a certain wieght, yes, you need a pilots license to fly them,,,) and you have all the fun and games from the Kraine/Russia conflict to show how capable a nerd with a stack of explosives and toys can be.
THAT, that right there scares the ever loving shit out of the Rats, since they know they can’t defend against some lone wolf with a toy and the will. Make the toys verboten,,,,, Let the press and public opinion do the deed of villifying those that can.
(((FYI, if you have thought about getting the stuff to fly FPV,,, GET IT NOW,,, in three months, its going to be off the hooks in price IF you can even order it. Most all of that stuff is made in China,,, even the stuff touted as ‘American made’ ))))
So that Chinese sub surfacing in the Gulf to supply partisans will be bringing drones instead of (insert cool James Bond weaponry). Revenge of the Nerds indeed.
“Our own Air Force have an entire MOS (military occupational specialty) . . .”
The Air Force doesn’t have any MOSs, they have AFSCs.
Dahhhh I wuz in the Infantry…. not da Chair Force
Thanks for the input… seriously…
Matt used to fly the Rhino back in the day. He’s a good dude
Government would rather tell lies, even if the truth would serve it better.
Since every nuke leaves a signature, why wouldn’t the ones who pulled off the Twin Towers psyop use radioactive materials stolen from Iran? We know Iran is (((lousy with spies))), especially where their nuke program is concerned. So far, Americans have been reluctant to attack Iran, in spite of all the (((cheerleading))) to do so. But an Iranian nuke on US soil? Yeah, that would do it.
“Drones are the biggest game changer in warfare for civilians since the invention of the repeating rifle. … For the first time ever, patriots have access to the air for surveillance and defense. I would not be surprised to see governments fabricate reasons why the technology “needs to be banned” – They will try to sell the American people on the idea that drones are a danger to public safety…”
Back in the 1980s, my MOS was 55G. Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist. My TS clearance got upgraded to CNWDI, Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information, when I spent a year at the EOD school putting trainers back together after the students tore them apart. I’m still proscribed in what I can say about some things, but US made nukes were a lot more durable than you’re being told. Back then we had tactical nukes in Europe, I spent my first deployment working on them there. One system was from the late 40s- early 50s, so 30+ years old at the time, and had no “fiddly bits” in its design. More “recent” designs from the 60s, so only 20 years old, required replacement of Limited Lifetime Components but those were some of the shit I can’t talk about. Some things are exempt from automatic declassification and nukes are at the top of that list. Suffice it to say that no warheads carried microchips or integrated circuits because those are rapidly degraded by radiation. Delivery vehicles were where the electronics were, and those were stored separately. Maintenance on the warheads was mostly updates and painting. We called the last generation of tactical nukes “wooden bombs” because there were no parts for us to work on at the -30 level, any work done meant shipping it back to Pantex for factory-level repair.
My dealings with Soviet nukes was very limited, I had no need to know, but their technology was years behind ours back then. The warheads kept in Ukraine when the USSR folded in 1990 were likely comparable to what we were fielding in the 1960s.
Sad that after the Soviets fell apart my old MOS was deleted. The Army no longer has nukes but we had a much better safety record than the Air Force.