Greetings and Salutations
Regarding the NJ Drones:
I kind of agree…
I really don’t believe anything the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda tells us, under any circumstances. Why anyone would take them seriously at this point is beyond me. Add on the ‘hyping’ that damned near every. single. expert. on Drones/Nukes/DotMil/Security coming out of the fucking woodwork?
My God…
Hence my staying out of it. I only know what I learned back in 2008 with my/our Company’s interaction with the Drone Company that supplied some of the Heavy Observation drones to the DotMil kids. And these weren’t ‘heavy-heavy’ but like BIG quadcopter drones… Looking back, and looking at the commercial stuff out there, the closest thing I can come to (looking like that is) are some of those Agriculture Quad Drones:
I believe that it’s these ‘types’ of AG drones that are the basis of the Krainian “Babayaga” drone. This particular model carries 10 liters of sprayable fluid for crops, be it pesticide/herbicide -whatever-. You get the idea. It’s a commercial drone which means that 10 liters translates to a payload of 22 POUNDS worth of cargo. It’s also made in India, and the price in the ad runs about $4000 USD.
And it’s one of the smaller ones.
Glen Filthie over at his place keeps going on and on about how “This is impossible!” regarding the drones being utilized against Tanks and Troops… “I’ve seen Russian (and Ukrainian) psyop vids where the drones supposedly fly out 10 km or more, carrying high explosives, and then fly down an open hatch, or through an open window – and flatten buildings and blow up tanks.” The link to the latest is HERE. The problem is he states implicitly “…As a shit house multirotor guy… I’m now farting about with an autonomous hobby drone equipped with modern flight controllers and GPS modules that can go out and loiter over a designated waypoint and return autonomously.”
THAT right there…
That’s his problem. I’ll call it his ‘normalcy bias’ meaning what he knows, he knows… I’m not going to doubt his ability or knowledge vis-a-vis hobby drones and/or aircraft. Lord knows I love reading his adventures at Stubfart Field and his gang of tards… Thing of it is, as far as MY experiences? I do have a -bit- of exposure to drones in my overseas adventures. By far I have NO amount of intel like he does… I was in Iraq when the US DotMil was just starting out utilizing SMOL drones. And the drones in question, mind you in 2008, were pretty much used for “Sneaking and Peeking”. NOT in an offensive manner. And truthfully, some of them were small, i.e. NOT big UAVs like the CIA toys and whatnot, but about the size of that ‘Hindu Hovermobile’ I pictured above… some were bigger.
That was 16 years ago.
And my company?
We supplied the satellite dishes… the 1.2 meter man portable Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) and Non-secure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) Access Point (SNAP) Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Satellite Systems to them. Meaning THIS was the way they were communicating. Filthie at one point talks about “dime store dipole antennas and 2200 mAh batteries”
My Dude…
If we had OUR guys using VSATs to ‘talk’ to our Recon Drones in 2008, I’m pretty sure that Ivan and the Krains are MOAR than capable of coming up with a smaller-ish drone that’s capable of blowing up a tank at a distance and communicating via other means… Considering that WE (the US) have been “Sitting on our Laurels” military developmentally speaking since the Late 80s/Early 90s, and we appear to have completely dropped the ball on offensive drone capabilities outside of the “Reaper” drone series? (That we know of… gotta put that in there ‘cos there might be shit we have ZERO clue about) And add on that even then, the fucking Houthis have been eating our lunch in that they, so far as having been officially acknowledged, have shot down two MQ-9 Reaper drones so far that we know of.
Each Reaper costs $30 million each.
And then there’s the other ten Drones of various unknown ‘flavors’ that got shot down… To me it tells me that when Ragged Assed Hajis have successfully shot down a dozen of your “Best Drones” that the defensive capabilities of said-drones are probably not so good… The Reaper first started flying in 2001… 23 years ago. Old much? Yeah. These days that’s exceptionally old tech. Shit probably has solid-state stuff in it… if not tubes…
So yeah.
No idea for certain, only what I do know is these “Car Sized Drones” over Joisey and the whole Area of Operations? Personally I have no idea… not one fucking clue. Never claimed to be a drone expert, nor can I even play one on TV…
I will put this infonugget out there, make of it what you will: ALLLLLL these jokers who’ve been saying that these “Drones over Jersey/NY/MD” are possibly looking for the “…stolen/confiscated Krainian Nukes from the 1990s” are absolutely clueless as to the maintenance of nuclear weapons. A quick background to lay THIS fallacy to rest:
When the Krain gained it’s independence back in 1991, over 1,700 Soviet nuclear weapons were left behind. Ivan just packed up, said “Lots of Luck” and bailed back to the Motherland. This made a lot of folks extremely nervous as the Krain was known as to be one of (and still is)the MOST CORRUPT Former Soviet Republics EVER.
In 1994, the Krains officially ‘got rid of’ their Nukes, along with Belarus, and Kazakhstan in exchange for ‘security guarantees’ from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia. The last Canned Sunshine Weapon left by June of 1996.
Now, thing of it is, nuclear weapons need a lot of maintenance. Depending on the ‘flavor’ of the warhead, i.e. Plutonium/Hydrogen Bomb(s) or ‘regular Nukes’, they need a lot of servicing. The radioactive cores of ALL nukes give off a LOT of radioactivity, most of which is shielded from the outside by internal shielding and dampeners. That keeps the rads INSIDE the casing.
HOWEVER: The fiddly-bits and pieces parts that ARE on the inside tend to get bombarded and break down, no matter how reinforced over time, requiring the aforementioned maintenance to keep the thing able to go and do that “Earth Shattering Kaboom!” when people want/need it to. In fact that was huge problem with Ivan trying to use robots to clean up Chernobyl or the Japs at Fukashima… the rads cooked the robots really fucking quickly from the outside in. In the case of a nook-bomb, that’s cooking from the inside out.
Our own Air Force have an entire MOS (military occupational specialty) that performs these duties on the regular, and in some cases have been the cause of some of the accidents we used to hear bout in the old missile silos… in one where a guy dropped a wrench that caused an explosion (non-nuclear) but killed him, his crew AND destroyed the silo as well as the missile itself…
As Commander Matt Bracken said:
I added to the conversation that I had recalled that during the Obamamessiah’s Rule, there had been a moment that one of the regular items that needed to be replaced/serviced? They had forgotten how to make it!!!
It turned out to be an aerogel named ‘Fogbank’ (link HERE and H/T to Don Shift) Per the Wiki: “The process to create Fogbank was lost by 2000” and it cost the taxpayers almost 92 MILLION dollars and 8 years to reverse engineer this ‘stuff’… and it was because the “institutional memory” to make it had either retired or died off so to speak, meaning the older white engineers who knew how to make it literally keeled over or were so far retired, they no longer gave a shit.
So as Bracken said, 30+ year old Krainian Nooks?
Nope. Not buying it.
I mean as DC Draino said “What are they distracting us from?”
Good Question.
So more later
Big Country
If you scare enough people, they’ll cheer when legislators pass ridiculous laws that supposedly protect citizens. I see that as part of the distraction. More regulations, more money from licenses, more bureaucrats to feed at the public trough, and costs beyond what any middle-class citizen can afford, but those scary drones are now gone.
Drones at this time are enjoyed by many, most never abuse their use, help with inspections that are unsafe, and are reasonably priced. I see that disappearing, and observing what’s happening will only be by government officials. After all, our best interests are always foremost in their minds.
There was a story about these drones being tested by the US Navy out of Fort Mcguire in New Jersey.
If that was the case then why wouldn’t .gov just SAY IT ?
Then people would see them, say “oh that’s a Navy drone” and go about their business.
I smell BS on this. I don’t think that they belong to another country because “what’s the point” ?
If they were Russia or China’s, the Air Force would be shooting them down.
These also aren’t hobbyist drones, when a NJ police helicopter approached them, they turned rapidly and took off at high speed. The drones we know about can’t do that.
The other possibility is that it is THEM ie the Visitors.. ie little grey guys with big black eyes.
But really why would they buzz NJ ?
The final possibility that my brother believes is that it is being done as part of the start of Project Bluebeam.
Me, I just don’t know.
Regarding keeping nukes working, Tom Clancy back in 1991 in his book “Sum of all Fears” talks about some goatherder/farmer finding an unexploded bomb and calling his Haj son to come take care of it. Turns out bomb is an Israeli nuke lost in 73.
The book does a good job of juggling technobabble with understandability and the things the Haj and their bombmeister have to do to make a viable weapon out of a roughly 20 year old weapon.
The kicker? What turns a nuke into a thermonuke, being Tritium and how quickly viable Tritium deteriorates, and the lesser forms of Hydrogen will ‘poison’ the thermonuke and make it just a nuke.
And from what I heard back-in-the-day, Soviet nukes were very finicky. And got more finicky the older they were. Like good chance that at any time the success rate of active Soviet crap was suspected to be down around 50% or so. And that only got worse once de-sovietization occurred. All those Uke and ‘stan nukes probably weren’t viable to begin with, and 30 years later, geez, everything, from the wiring to the switches and timers and igniters and even the explosive charges are all probably so much unworkable and radioactive goo and blah.
Shit, 30 year old US finest grade nukes not maintained, as you said, probably only maybe low yield at best, most likely a total fizzle and lots of scattered chunks of plutonium and bomb innards.
As to hobby drones, China’s been selling to both sides in the ‘Kraine, and learning a lot. They’re the real winners in the Uke-Rus war, having gotten rid of a lot of their crap foisted off on the Russkies, like tires and ammo.
Scare the normies to hollar for laws to make them safe. Over on GunnerQ’s substack, he reports on a Bill that is to come up for a vote this month. New ‘Office Of Counter-UAS Activities’ . And here is the bill: H.R.8610 – Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act
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Seems to me that all the vids from the dust up in krain, and the fact that you can buy these small ones at an Ollie’s, Big Lots, Wallies and Costco not mention the ‘zon cheap. Along with the fact that this last election showed how much the prols are fed up, have the masters shitting themselves that someone just may fly one into them. FAA already has rules for the larger commercial ones so this looks to cover them all. As for dropping things, Garrand Thumb made a vid dropping chalk bombs in a trench with off the shelf stuff used at things like weddings to drop flowers and such. I do not need to state more based on who here reads BCE’s stuff, as we all seem creative.
The other side of this may be to create a False Flag so as to aid the little hats and …que music from the 60s’ (Barbra Ann), “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Iran, repeat, due to suspected Iranian Mother Ship as they want Trump. So Merry Christmas Donald from the Elites here is the war we want that you don’t.