Greetings and Salutations!
Not ignoring y’all. Just been busy-busy again. Sunday I didn’t get home until 10pm, and crashed out, just caved in. I didn’t even really get to do any work on the rifle.
Still haven’t really.
When last I poasted, I had gotten it out of the rust bath, and needed to start figuring out how to strip off that funky 1940/1950’s plastic from the guage:

Saturday Night before bed, I loaded it into a small bottle of 89 octane. I appreciate everyone’s suggestions in the comments, but I wanted to see how the gas was going to do, just mainly b/c I get over-eager, and I also knew that ‘back in the day’ gas is a solvent I figured the Brits would have been using.
I pulled it and cleaned off the ‘crap’ that’d congealed at the bottom of the container, and as the Brits would say, “Bob’s yer Uncle!”:

Quite an improvement, without having to get too ‘complicated’ in the cleaning.
Seems it was manufactured in 1956:

I had to clean out the hollow part and the firing pin hole, but other than that, it’s mint.
The other thing I did was to the barreled receiver. After I poasted, I ran a borepatch down the interior.
It came out Blacker than The Devil’s Heart itself man…
Black-Black. NO rust mind you… OLD Cosmo-nasty black. VERY thick. I ran another patch down it, and it happened again. I quickly realized I could be doing this for days, as it seems that the barrels interior was all Cosmo, as there was like NO rust coming out, and I wasn’t sure how the rust remover would affect the grease.
So, I took a brass bore brush and put it down and through. Always pulling fromt he chamber mind you, and out the muzzle. I have like 4? or 5 of the really good issue DotMil Otis cleaning kits that I’ve acquired over the years.
Thank God I have spare bore brushes.
The one that came out is pretty much unsalvageable. It was already pretty worn, and I do have scads of extras. I took my lil bore-flashlight and cheap-o scope, and checked and lo and behold, the interior shows really good rifling all the way down.
Like almost pristine.
The patches and brush pulls tore up the Cosmoline, and left it all flaky looking the entire length. So, next step: MOAR GASOLINE!!!
I took one of my spare earplugs from ‘back in the day’…
‘Member these?:

And stuffed it into the muzzle of the barrel.
A little trick one of my OLD squad leaders who’d been in the Army since Christ was a Corporal, and a Road Guard at the Parting of the Red Sea… He showed us newbs in 1990s that the orange ear plug could be used as a water barrier on an M-60 by using a cleaning rod to push it in to keep water out if you were doing water crossings… The orange ones were good for 7.62 while the smaller green ones could be used on the M-16.
Old-Old School Old Old Army NCO Wisdom and Tricks…
Shit that I suppose is lost to the ages now…
The rubber is petroleum proof, and made a perfect seal. It’s now going on 2 days since I topped off the barrel with 89 octane, and zero leaks. I had to add a bit of gas to deal with evaporation, but hey, it works.
I also have a .44/.45cal Nylon Bore Brush I’m planning on hitting down the bore in the next few days. Bigger = Tighter (that’s what she said) and tomorrow I’ll pour out the gas that’s in there, and refresh it with new. I want to see if the gas changed color, which will tell me if I’m ont he right track. Friday or more likely Saturday, I’m going to drain it, and run the nylon 44 brush down it, but not on the flexible pull-cord, but the original G.I. cleaning rod.
THEN I’m going to attach the rod to my cordless drill and s-l-o-w-l-y “roto-rooter” that sucker a few dozen times and see what level of funk I get out. I may have to redo the gas after, just because from what I can see, the barrel is chockablock packed with Cosmo, which is a great thing as I’m thinking that this particular barrel –might be– in somewhat new-ish condition?
Fingers crossed.
As far as the news goes, I’m not buying the story about “The Adjuster”.

IQ of 130, mad education… had everything going for him
The very fact they caught him in PA, with all that shit still on him positively SCREAMS wind-up toy.
I read in two sources that months ago he ‘vanished’ from where he was working and living in Hawaii. His friends AND fam were worried, and already THAT info-nugget is being memory holed. I think he got “Kaczynskied”… AKA whatever the IC kids are calling it now… MK-Ultra… Monarch Programming… whatever…
They’re also broadcasting what they plan on doing as he’s in a suicide vest, one of them thick ‘can’t be torn up to hang yourself’ blanket jobber they put you in in jail now in the latest jail pics:

I’m beginning to think there might have been something to the theory of the CEO getting whacked over the whole Tech-Healthcare Inside Trading Investigation.
The Gin Hag herself was being looked at.
If the CEO was negotiating to spill the beans?
Yeah, bring out a John “Batman” Holmes Style Wind-Up Toy and have him deal with it. Add on, they showed his weapon:

A Glock 3-D Printer Variant of the G-19.
And that mag?
Glock 17. Way longer than the grip/magwell.
Threaded Barrel.
Suppressor height iron sights.
It is NOT a Poly80 however. Zooming in you can see the ‘threading’ and stippling on the grips that one gets from a 3-D Printer. Also, it lacks the lower front rail of a Poly80:

Plus, Poly80 went out of business almost a year ago.
Ain’t many (if any) at all out there left around.
It also might have a Brownell’s slide as stated by some Gunfolks on the Twatter:

However, the front slide cuts, while similar to Browness, the pic shows the cuts are almost at the very front of the slide whereas the Brownell slide has about 1/2in to 3/4 of an inch of smooth steel before the cuts come into play:

In fact, on second inspection, those cuts on the Adjuster’s weapon are right ON the front sight post, whereas the 19? They’re behind the post site.
Well… either way, a MAJOR gift that keeps on giving to Leviathan AND the Controllers.
A 3-D Weapon AND a Suppressor used in a high profile crime?
Watch the ban hammer come out like a Pure-Dee motherfucker now. Just as Suppressors were looking at going ‘mainsteam(er)’ this shit happens?
I mean why did he even use one?
Unless it was all part of the Grand Plan
Gunshots on the street of NYFC are a daily occurrence.
And considering the way this was done?
Pure Theater.
So I have to crash.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
More Later
Big Country

Everyone in my area and at work are talking about this and no one today believed the story.
Nothing these days happens by accident and there aren’t really any coincidences. As FDR said a long time ago…”nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happens it was planned”.
The fake Hawaii driver’s license said McLovin for the LOL!
Tweets show plate in back that didn’t work after surfing accident in Hawaii.
Navin R. Brandon will crack down on ghost guns as Bolsheviki enemedia won’t stop talking about it and the Glock toys that make them auto?
What a I thought was UZI was probably one of the Glocks.
That’s great but it cuts down on the life of the weapon and good luck with accuracy and better have a spare parts kit.
Always wanted one of those auto Beretta 93 Rs with the fold down grip, extended mag, spray or three round burst, from 1970s for elite Italian anti-terror units.
Tons O’ guns, more guns, this is the way!
why is no one talking about how Mangione knew where to be, at precisely the right time?
Like, who fed him info on where Thompson was going to be?
Someone on the inside: hotel and/or United Health fed him the info on when Thompson would be arriving.
An important detail…..
Yep .. was thinking that from beginning .. gonna sit out here in the cold… Looking for random rich guy… Heading to a shareholders meeting that starts hours…3ish later…. Yeah…. “Target is inbound”…
My two cents: WAY too much information being ‘leaked’, a manifesto, “Diligent Investigation” (read ‘pure luck’) capture,
This is all scripted, from bullet one to now. In hindsight, even that vid of the shooting was part of the plan.
Wind up toy to bury a sting on SanFranNan as suggested by the Arkancide Krew.
ALL politics these days is Organized Crime: and if you start to put enough peices, together Responds much the same as THE MOB of old days.
We know way more about this guy than the kid that shot at Trump.
they be so predick-table with this shit. how do you even track and find an ex-ecutive of a major corp in the first place with-out connections from some intelligence system?
hang around living on pocket change hoping to get lucky in a major city for months? a yeah right.
the whole thing does not hold together from the very instant it began. never-mind the rest is all totally ko-inky-dink. kookie kutter glowie op for absolutelyfarkinshure.
it purely stinks of oder of da black-sun/clown world run op.
“Your request for salvation has been denied.
The jury that decided your fate was the ones who died while fighting your health care claims denials.”
Heat works great for getting cosmoline out of barrels too. It’s always fun restoring an old rifle; I should do another one.
Indeed, was about to suggest a kettle or two of boiling water down the barrel. My old SMLE, a MkIII* BSA from 09/1917 (busy year for infantry), had bad pitting in the last third of the barrel but a good crown, major arsenal rework on the woodwork, missing rear sight wings (also arsenal) and a soldered mag cutoff, some epic stories behind that old girl, not merely how it ended up in Oz. She shot beautifully, which is all that matters. Still have the bayonet I bought for her, must look at the multitude of stamps on that and get its saga.
They issued long brass funnels for pouring boiling hot water down the chamber, dates back to the black powder days. Water had to be hot enough to dry the metal immediately.
That’s why we were still told to clean with hot soapy water on the M1903, M-1, (I started with the M1903A3 and M-1 in the USNR) first for the old black powder cartridges and continuing into the smokeless powder era because of corrosive salt in the primers.
Hot soapy water is a good cleaner, followed with a good oil patch after it’s bone dry. The hotter the better and some Dawn. That should also de-gunk the bore brush to a degree.
I clean my bore brushes/toothbrushes with carb cleaner and a high pressure air hose.
This entire thing glows neon. The kid is not the shooter. He’s a convenient patsy. Unfortunately for Leviathan his family has enough money to buy themselves a “go fuck yourself” lawyer. Prepare for the story to start falling apart.
Hard to believe that a guy with mad smarts and education would make so many mistakes. To me the biggest mistake was the weapon. A simple Glock with a switch, a big mag and no suppressor would have been cheap and 100 times more effective and reliable.
Safest bet is to not trust the narrative. In Soviet times the phrase was “Well I read in Pravda . . .” meaning, well we know this is a lie but what truth can we tease out of this.
I am betting this guy is a patsy or wind up tool.
You do not need to leave the gas in there for very long! Moisture in the gas will cause the barrel to rust. Been there! Done that! Just use the gas as a solvent.. A wire brush on a cleaning rod.
50/50 acetone and ATF, barrel plugged, 24 hours to bare steel. It’ll eat everything else with almost zero effort.
Here’s part of his manifesto linked below. What I am getting ready to say might be controversial but I’m going to let it rip nonetheless.
The CEO he greased didn’t find himself running UHC unless he met certain criteria: He was a Globalist, advancing things like DEI/ESG. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing for some of these fuckers to feel a slight tremor of fear now and then.
I have been talking about this for some time. (((Their media))) makes the rules and we must play by them to some degree. Example: America has been taught the rich old white men need to be liquidated. While I don’t necessarily agree with that, it must be stated again that I didn’t make those rules.
These rich white men and their (((colleagues))) will NOT be missed if they go away. In fact, the mob will most likely provide aid and comfort to those who remove them from the gene pool. I hope the lesson from this gentleman’s actions is that people begin to realize we do NOT need a standing army to affect change. We don’t have to capture DC and the power has been within us this whole time. Simple as clicking your heels together and saying “There’s no place like home.”
Something I find very frustrating Donald Trump received a clear mandate on Nov 5 from the American People. Watching these Rs mess with him after no pushback on Biden’s cabinet picks is teeth grinding. Was not unexpected though. Perhaps starting a career in Congress with a net worth of a meager $50k rising to the tune of say $20M in a few short years might be considered Hazard Pay moving forward. At least then the fuckers would earn it. Instead these Congress people ignore the people and do the bidding of people like the UHC CEO.
To quote this enterprising young Buck “The second amendment means I am my own chief executive and commander in chief of my own military. I authorize my own act of self-defense in response to a hostile entity making war on me and my family.”
Luke, 95+% of congress critters have been to (((those))) parties, they are captured. They follow orders.
The American people do not want to admit or understand we’ve been under a Bolshevik assault since the later 1800’s. They brought their unions here in the 1880’s and by the early 1900’s our schools were under Bolshevik indoctrination. FDR helped increase their foothold here while Hitler fought to remove them from Germany.
And today the brainwashing is complete, our white youth adore their ghetto culture and see nothing wrong with destroying their own race. Better a porch monkey than a white nationalist.
Next act is getting rid of the white elites, kinda similar to the Russian Revolution of 1917. And most Americans are clueless how that turned out, by the 1920’s millions of Christians were dead too.
People still can’t grasp why Hitler stood up to this shit, musta been because he was evil.
Scuttlebut is circulating that the Mangione kid had a back operation not long ago. Probably false flag stuff but if it is true, I know for a fact that such operations can result in a lifetime of severe pain more often than fixing a problem. Worked with one fellow for near 20 years who had 3 operations trying to correct said pain, none worked. This is going to be a shit show no matter what they find, it is after all NYFC that will be handling the prosecution and we all now how well that works.
Brings back memories of the day JFK got silenced for good. Then 2 days later, Oswald gets plugged right in front of my very eyes! Perhaps a conspiracy? For what? We’ll never know the whole story. Especially if Mangione goes to the dirtbed before going to trial.
Yeah, I called windup toy on this one yesterday afternoon after the info came out which included basically a how-not-to-do-it list of: 1) Keeping the murder weapon with him instead of dropping it into a river or lake; 2) Making it only five hours away from NYC in five days; 3) Keeping the clothes worn during the murder with him instead of burning or discarding them; 4) Keeping the fake ID used to check in to the youth hostel in NYC instead of getting rid of it; and 5) Keeping a Unabomber style manifesto on his person so the cops can be gift wrapped a nice shiny motive.
No way a kid that smart makes all five of those mistakes and is just sitting there in a Mickey D’s in Altoona waiting to get busted. This patsy is glowing more brightly than any Fed windup toy since Las Vegas, IMHO. He’ll probably get stuffed in the jail cell next to Cesar Sayoc.
If he did it (I assume so) just putting out the disclaimer, almost thinking he may have wanted to get caught. He’s a prolific character. I had assumed it was one of 2 scenarios:
—Disgruntled citizen (seems to be case)
—Professional hit perpetrated by more powerful people than the UHC CEO
I was sure it had to be one of those two possibilities because they both had a potentially strong motive behind it. It definitely looks like number 1 and NOT a trick. I don’t believe power brokers want the killer’s message to go main stream. I just commented a bit ago as to why.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword but in this case it looks like he used both 👍
Perhaps most are missing the real message!.
Folks get murdered in every state every day. We hear zero zilch, little or no effort goes into discovering the shooter. The amount of man hours resources used to track this guy, the amounts of money spent for this killing, but not other hits, is staggering.
1000s of cops, millions of dollars to catch this guy! Why? The fucking dead guy is one of theirs! Let that sink in.
Last week I went off on the cowardice of Well US. Which pushed wyomarine and berglanders delicate feelings, these guys are stand up men, I respect. I clearly understand the cheap shots, and I’m fine with it. You do you fella’s.
When I mentioned that I stood down, what I didn’t say was this. I’m retired LEO, I’ve worked with some dam fine FBI agents, and I know this. Those boys don’t quit, they eventually get their man.
The science today is unreal, DNA, hair follicles, shoe print recognition. The bullet the firing pin labs, the eye in the sky, the geo fencing is fucking scary real.
I’m sure some here understand that folks with defibrillators, other medically installed life enhancing medical implants in many applications have a specific signature. Yes can be tracked by the Feds, LEOs in general.
Car signatures, RING door cameras, street camera’s are by design, don’t shit yourself, THEY can and do access all of those sources.
Hell I’ve got a ring doorbell and camera on our homes garage. I’ve come to realize I’m paying for my own prison guards. They don’t need to watch me, my camera’s are doing that job for them.
My Smart 300 in screen TV watch’s me, tracks me.
I don’t use Siri, in fact I rarely Carry my cell phone. It’s interesting, I’ll sometimes say something and Siri will “Out of the Blue” start trying to talk to me. That friends is some scary shit!
It is said that Britain is the most surveilled nation on the planet. I believe that’s bullshit there an island nation, with much more open space then occupied.
Na I’m guessing we the USA are the most surveilled nation on the planet! I could be wrong. “They just somehow don’t mention that part out loud, Why? Because it works for them. They pushed us, prodded us into putting their camera’s in.
It’s actually Brilliant! I’m amused.
Anyways that being said. With the theft of the election in 2020, and me standing down, the conversation with my SF brother was exactly the above.
The Govts Surveillance resources are impeccable, the net is complete!
We just watch the apprehension of in my opinion a national hero. His statement of
“ When all else fails” Violence is the only recourse, I Absolutely agree with him.
He was one man, THEY pumped millions and millions of dollars and1000s of man hours into the manhunt.
And they got their man! They flipped literally every rock, looked under and over every bush. They used modern tech Drones camera’s etc etc. if that don’t make your butt pucker.
So the shining example of a single Dorner handling the injustice of the political apparatus is fucking impressive, sends a very powerful message.
Think J6 prisoners, unlawfully jailing of their political opponent’s, the fed gov spent not millions but billions hunting the J6ers, and trying to hang Trump and Musk, and many more.
That message sent and received by us all at some cognitive level is “ We Will Get You! Sooner or latter.
For you Sand box vets, the tech you perhaps used Dailey, digital pics, bio data against all those alleged terroists has come home to roost. The net is and has been perfected, only one way for that to work out.
New tech, new bio tools, enhanced geo fencing vehicles talking toAI, who in turn stores that data in one of these data farms popping up across the nation, the world.
The govt is serious about guarding the data we willingly are giving up, they use our tax dollars to heavily arm security forces to safe guard these data dump sites.
Our data is not only valuable, it’s the key to putting their hands on us, when needed!
And just another closing thought. Regarding ALL these border crossers. Not one of them is in the system, I renewed my drivers license a while ago. A Hispanic guy was next to me at the counter.
I was producing ID my DL my SS card, my Passport, etc etc. and this illegal produces what looks like a rotten potato with carving on it, and a fucking news paper article !.
Happened to know the gal doing my paperwork, her husband was my boss at the PD, when I vocalized me having to have all this ID, and this puddle jumper using a potato with writing and a fucking news paper article, my friends wife said , l know Dirk please don’t make a stink about it” it’s just how it is, and I can’t fix it. Pppppplease don’t make a scene.
Their army was imported. Will be interesting to watch and see just how much effort Fed Gov puts into removing these useless breathers from our benefit’s train
My suspicion is that Trump WILL push it, but deep states going to fight him Hammer and Tongs!
They can fight but a few governors, state attorneys, mayors, DAs, and police chiefs in jail on federal charges and the rest will fold and local LEOs will fall all over each other to scoop up the illegals.
Steve, I pray you’re right! We’ll get a snapshot in about 40/50 days.
The network I often watch kept breaking in last evening with “updates” involving all the LE agencies in the search for this shooter. There were no updates. It was a circle jerk of sorts all each speaker in turn engaged in ‘back slapping’ on what a magnificent job they did in apprehending the shooter. I thought they might just get into one big pile and feel up each other! Thing is, it was an employee at a McDonalds that ended the search.
O yes, this is a law enforcement “ Grand Slam. I hate to say it, but end of the day, the popo did some damage good police work. Boys when AI is up and running the way criminals do business will change in many big ways.
I’m glad I’m almost 70, and won’t have to deal with what govts AI, etc etch’s coming.
One last thought, literally without the Computers Data stored, this guy would possibly not been caught.
But think about the mistakes he made. No face mask, no gloves, still carrying the dam pistol. Still had his fake ID on him.
These are All major huge mistakes. One hair, one partial finger print, one credit card used. I had initially thought this guy was a pro. Once again I’m wrong he was his own worst enemy.
The physical evidence he left behind, the evidence he was still carrying. Well this guy won’t suicide himself. This is a massive wine for govt! They want to keep this alive for the positive spin.
Again this was outstanding police work.
The Adjuster wouldn’t have been ratted out at Waffle House.
I don’t eat fast food. Sometimes I go to McDonald’s for my mom and dad and pick them up something and drive it over to them so they don’t have to go get it themselves.
I’m telling you right now there is NOBODY working at ANY McDonalds on planet earth that would recognize this shooter. No McDonald’s employee called the police reporting this shooter in the business.
Remember the Las Vegas shooter when they said he was a professional video poker player. There ain’t such a thing as a professional video poker player. They are just making everything up.
Ding Dong, this isn’t a slam at you but a truism
Never Ever Underestimate Your Enemy!
Only a fool or amateurs underestimates their Enemy!
I’d bet money those agency’s you know the ones who are not supposed to work within CONUS, are heavily involved in that man hunt.
It is all smoke and mirrors. Too many loose ends. We will never know “the truth”. Only thing I am certain of is the CEO is dead. Beyond that it is anyone’s guess.
How do you know he is dead?
How do you know he existed Real-World?
We are shown what is probably an AI-generated video.
We can install your head on George Carlin or George Lucas or George Worshington, and have you recite TheGettysburgAddress™ in a dung-hut in Afrika in February 2025.
The hollywood flick WAG THE DOG was in 1997, almost three decades ago.
1974, Firesign Theater coined the phrase:
* “Everything you know is wrong!”
Our Esteemed Colleague Ding Dong (above) says ‘they are just making things up’.
I tend to agree.
An extremely intelligent educated yet stupid kid. All I can say is that if he is found Epsteined in a cell it will support the theory he was a wind up toy for others in the shadows. Odd how so many of these “conspiracy” theories all seem to come true after a few weeks/months, eh?
What’s the difference between a “conspiracy” theory, and the verifiable facts?
About 3 months, or less.
Note that things are accelerating. At the beginning of the Covidiocy, it was about 6 months, and back when JFK was silenced – it ran into years or more.
And if you think things are crazy now…. Just wait. :-/
“Just as Suppressors were looking at going ‘mainsteam(er)’ this shit happens?”
Maybe that’s part of the plan, to side track bringing the suppressor out of the NFA. The word was that some of the more gun friendly members of Congress would only support adding Bump Stocks to the NFA if suppressors were removed at the same time