Greetings and Salutations!
First off: Good News/Bad News
Bad News: The Martians have landed in Los Angeles.
Good News: They’re eating niggers and spic -only-, pissing hi-octane gasoline, and headed East.
>Drum Riff<
OK… seriously. Been so busy as to make one’s head spin. Good News/Bad News here vis-a-vis Gretchen’s ‘issues’:
Good News: NOTHING actually wrong with her.
Bad News: A fucking moron Radiologist who didn’t know how to read a post-operative Breast Cancer survivors scan(s) needs to be beaten to the tune of three-four days of lost vacation time, $1000.00 in hospital (out of pocket no insurance I had to pay) and about a Million FiatBux in stress and fear and aggravation. Plus travel time and expenses.
Gretchen has forbidden me from kneecapping the fucker.
I really would love to do an good ole ‘Irish Job’ on the fucker’s knees… he doesn’t need knees to read the scans… he can do it from a wheelchair amiright?
<Le Sigh>
No one ever lets me have any fun.
Got home today. Been beat. Been ‘out of it’ worried to death. Couldn’t blog… hard to do when the stress level is that high… We both appreciated ALL the kindness and thoughts and prayers tho… my most humble thanks again.
The only other interesting thing about this trip was that BIG funeral for the three cops killed in West Palm? It was right around the corner (starting point?) from the Doc’s office on Saturday. The office being located at the West Palm Beach State Fairground.
No joke or exaggeration: there must have been 2-3k cop cars/motorcycles and I have no idea how many fuzz from around the nation there. Never mind that OrangeManBad was there with his protective detail, the roads were highly fucked regarding flow of traffic and such. Never seen so many cops in one place at one time let me tell you.
Reminded me of a Cartel Funeral I saw on YouTube once…
Which sorta-kinda tells you something about the cops right?
Speaking of which, Chad Chronister, our Sherriff here in Hillsborough who had been nominated to run the DEA pulled out… seems that his arrest and persecution of a Christian Minister for holding services during the ‘Vid Lockdown didn’t play too well with OMB when he found out…
Don’t look at me man, I didn’t voat for the fucker.
Chronister is a POS IMO.
Some of his deputies (like the former Navy Chief who took control when DC “swatted me” and didn’t let me get arrested/shot) are cool. Other? Not so much.
Yeah… then the pardon?
If you were surprised, then shame on you.
We ALL know that we get no justice
That they always protect each other
Two Tiered indeed
That being said however, seems -someone- has a sense of justice/humor. The CEO of UnitedHealth (who fucked me/us over and was the reason I had to go OOP on this to maybe keep my wife, you know alive and all) was brutally and proficiently (from the looks of the video released) gunned down in NYFC this early AM.
I wholeheartedly applaud the hit.
Well done. <slow golf clap>
Well planned, perfectly executed (pardon the pun), good E&E (escape and evade) and from the looks of it, the perp is going to just f-a-d-eeeee into the background and be forgotten… Not that I necessarily condone such actions, however as the Joker said:

NOW what would be extraordinarily hilarious would be the next guy -whomever he is- who steps in and takes over, that he also gets blown the fuck away. As well as any other major CEO of these diseased and felonious corporate empires who’s sole purpose is to drain the cash from the working class… the very example of a parasitic corporate entity who make their INSANE profits off the misery of people.
Their deaths can’t come soon enough IMO.
AntiFa ‘claims’ to be ‘of the people’?
THEY can lead the charge IF they aren’t IRL controlled by the enemy. (Hint: they are) However, we all know what’s really happening. My question is that IS this the beginning of ‘something’?
MAJOR CEOs of a $138 billion dollar profit company generally don’t get whacked like that. I would think, and if it were me? I’d have -some form- of guard… at a bare minimum.
I mean shit…
If these clowns are that ‘touchable’ well Hell…
I look forward to the news of the next clown getting his shit ‘scattered and splattered’
Serves them right.
So More Later
Big Country

Paging Hank Bowman et al.
Good to have an update. Too bad about the incompetent radiologist, and your not getting to fuck him up real good.
I generally share your sentiments about the UHC CEO getting wacked. That was a pro level job in terms of planning and execution (even if done up close and personal, which strikes me as somewhat unusual). If it turns out it was retribution for something healthcare related which UHC had a hand in driving a poor outcome, then I’ll be thoroughly entertained at the application of justice.
There are other possibilities (personal spat with a secret butt buddy?) or maybe a deep state goon cleaning an operation before it gets out of hand. Whatever it is, it sure doesn’t appear to be a random attack with robbery as a motive. Guess we’ll have to keep an eye on this one, and see if anything convincing comes to light.
Now, the shameless pardon of the first crack fiend was totally predictable (and people still try to tell me I’m too fucking cynical). I’m more concerned with the fact that pedeux jeaux is considering “premptive” pardons for fuckface fauci (among others who need a massive ass kicking). If he takes this approach (which is legally shaky, and likely to face SCOUTUS review) then maybe it’d be best if all concerned got “Thompsoned” like the the guy today in NYC.
Yeah, that has all the earmarks of a professional hit.
Apparently scumbag CEO was under DOJ investigation.
Maybe “someone” was worried he’d cut a deal and talk ?
As the old saying goes “dead men tell no tales”.
If Trump has a real DOJ again going after these crooked bastards, don’t be surprised if there are a lot of ‘accidents’, ‘suicides’ and strange deaths.
Sheeeeit, I hadn’t heard – nor seen – that he’d had the DOJ up his ass with a flashlight. I guess that makes the prime suspect on this one a descendant in spirit of Jack Ruby. Well, excepting the fact he got away cleanly (so far).
Personally, I’m really pulling for it to be retribution for a family member who got done in by the shit standard of care during COVID. Although I’m not sure why one would target the insurer, rather than hospital staff or some govt asshole, as there is much greater culpability that can be ascribed to the latter two, insofar as how badly so many people got fucked by the official response.
Further, if we start to see a pattern emerge of these sorts of events…whoa.
“… didn’t play too well with OMB when he found out …”
This is what gets me: so many people out there naturally assume that these people with sketchy pasts are getting nominated without the people doing the nominating knowing this stuff about them.
OMB knows, everybody knows, and this is just an application of Warm Sunshine of the type that’s also needed in Florida.
Basically OMB’s been saying to these people that there may be other roles, but if you don’t want your entire sketchy past laid out in the media, bow out nicely and don’t make any fuss when you’re passed over for positions.
BTW, any ideas about what kind of gun that was for The Medical Cartel Hit?
No clue as to why the shooter’s doing SA on what is probably some kind of SA/DA silenced pistol, but if the shell casings are forensically clean, it won’t really matter versus using a louder revolver.
Otherwise, this is like a New York Mission from an unreleased Hitman DLC, with that one character saying, “Nicely done, 47, nicely fucking done.”
Meanwhile the ICA gets paid by a shadow client who doesn’t like the DOJ getting too close to the truth?
Yeah, something like that.
Why didn’t the guy wear sunglasses, even high transparency ones, just to break up the image and make it even easier to forget him?
All the gear’s forgettable: pretty sure I’ve seen that gray top-loading backpack recently at Target, so there will be tens of thousands of them across the US at the least.
Otherwise, here’s your secret formula for dumping stress: magnolia bark.
The active ingredient is honokiol (yeah, honk honk to you too), and what it does is that it lets you dump cortisol without fucking up the ability to deal with what’s causing the stress.
Most vitamin shop(pe)s tend to carry it.
He’s doing SA because of subsonic rounds not cycling proper-like.
Ah, makes sense.
I had a target pistol in .22 LR that was not fond of RWS Subsonic.
That or he doesn’t have a ‘booster’… most semiautos require a gas booster to properly cycle if they’re firing subsonic rounds.
Most ‘regular folks’ are unaware of this needed item…
Jes’ Sayin’
Shooting subsonic SA would likely make for no cartridge ejection – so no spent casings going into evidence either.
While I’ve heard that ballistic matching is largely a made-up exercise, a smart man would replace all of his barrel, firing pin, and extractor with aftermarket ones…then after an action such as we have seen, put the factory ones back in and get rid of the ones used in the shoot.
Also, never, ever, ever handle any of their ammunition without gloves.
When a person has cancer, they wonder what if I don’t make it?
That’s when you go over your list of people who need to be on a Christmas card list.
(50 weeks today, thanks for coming. Seriously.)
Berglander came to visit me in the cancer hospital 3 days after my surgery, I’m a healthy 70 yr old today and he’s got a friend for life. Helluva Christmas present.
It was my pleasure, Brother. Hope you are well!
A big city medical examiner informed me that, though a prosecutor will tell you otherwise, rounds fired via polygonal-rifled barrels are FAR more difficult to match to a specific firearm – and a sharp defense attorney will be aware of the element of doubt this introduces re a ballistic match.
My ex gf is a Mayo-trained pathologist; she said it’s mostly smoke and mirrors to make a match.
Withhold judgment on the professionalism of the CEO hit. Supposedly the guy left behind fingerprints and DNA at a Starbucks, a cell phone, and both live ammo and casings 9mm. Might be bullshit from the NYPD, might not be.
He had a can but a witness sitting in a car reported hearing the gun shots, so did he not use subsonics?
It was a hit but I bet it was personal. Maybe his wife was denied coverage for something. My Sicilian wife noticed his leaving of evidence at the site. Direct quote-“He didn’t even wear fucking gloves!” Gawd I love that woman.
yeah. health care or insurance companies fuck everyone over. buddy of mine ran his own little shop until he couldn’t anymore. and the reason why was the insurance companies didn’t pay him.
NOPE. even fucking blue cross refused to pay. got to love blue cross. I had it for years until I needed it
then they didn’t want to pay for my medical bills. funny how everything became “not covered” by them.
God knows how they fuck the VA over. every time I went there, the VA sent them a bill and it was NOT
COVERED by them. and that was they where charging like mad- thanks to Bozo care.
someone got paid off to let that shit happen. so yeah. shooting them down in the street like mad dogs
is just fine with me too.
One other thing BCE, you would naturally assume that the radiologist reading your wife’s MRI, Cat Scans and Xrays is just down the hall in the Radiology department right ??
MAYBE but a dirty secret in hospitals is that many of their radiologists are actually in Sri Lanka or India.
So, you might have to get on a plane to kneecap the incompetent asshole (and because they were incompetent points REALLY strongly to the fact that the guy is a pajeet half way around the World)
Ours are in Australia.
This mornings hit was a freebie. The hired gun business just took off like a rocket as every exec at every POS insurance company is now seeking to hire protection. Won’t be near as easy to take out another one.
Vortex just got a boost in sales in about a week after Big Meat Monkeys are front-and-center in every news image starting Monday and people realize 17HMR won’t leave anything left to trace back to the owner.
#1…Good news for the wife. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
#2…Glad your back. We miss you when your gone.
#3…Fauci will be #5, Gates #8. Fill in the blanks for the others (Not a FedPost, just a prediction)
Saw Chris Kyle’s procession. Every Vet with a bike. Every Texas State Trooper. Miles upon miles of cars following. Amazing.
Be well,
I’m pretty sure Zelensky will be the next one on the chopping block. The Russians surely want him dead. Probably most of the Ukrainians want him dead. Some guy at CIA headquarters is probably flipping a coin right now and when it lands heads then the CIA will want him dead. So yeah I think Zelensky is next.
Glad yer “up and running” and glad Glamazon is doing well.
We still need some after action reports on DC and mom in law. DON’T over do the adult beverages!
AND don’t leave us hanging like that, we fucking CARE about yer big ass! Hell, I was running across you in comments on blogs out there. Our PSYCHOlogical welfare is riding on your shoulders! So…no pressure…just relax.
If I had to guess, there are probably at least a half-million people screwed by United Healthcare and have a grudge against anyone at the top. It looks like one had enough, probably has something that is beyond curing, or has a family member that suffered, and doesn’t care if they’re caught. That, or the hanky-panky with stock options angered one of the big boys.
Oh…yeah…didn’t a Rothschild get toasted last week?
2 down, so many to go.
Interestingly enuff, “Enty” a week ago at CDAN said essentially that an “Imposter that lays claim to being part of an Old/Ancient Banking Family” (aka the Rothchild’s) was killed due to BEING an imposter, and lo and behold!!!, tonight’s NY Post Article:
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
This is the only way We The People will ever see justice in this world.
BREAKING: The words “deny,” “defend” and “depose” were discovered by detectives on the shell casings found at the scene where Brian Thompson, the CEO of major insurance group UnitedHealthcare, was gunned down – ABC
I submit we may see increasing “random” attacks on various levels of hospital staff and administration, and other medical industry minions.
Teachers, particularly in Unionized areas of the Country.
Media employees. All of them attached to any and all lamestream media, from the mail boy to the top tyrant.
Subversive, armed crimigrants. Although, stopping them prior to being armed-up seems rational. So, invasive crimigrants period. Here in Texas, we simply ask them a question in American. If the only response is “No habla espanol” then they have just verified themselves as crimigrants. Anybody coming here in any way legit knows fundamental American language.
Many crimigrants are functionally illiterate in their native tongues, much less our language.
That may be the most efficient means of re-homing these grifters. They’ll likely run, not walk, to the border.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
They deserve it
Wow, someone actually used the good ol’ Names and Address’s trick.
Hopefully more of the UHC board of directors will get the same treatment. As far as hospitals, the owners made out during the Vid, all that .gov money. A lot of wealthy people are going to be wondering if they are next if this becomes a trend. Corporations need to be answerable to their customers again, not the stockholders. With the corruption we see daily in business and government, the American people are absolved of any duty to follow the “rule of law”.
Lol, I had to laugh out loud at times. You’re even crustier than I am.