A Warning Order, Lack of Orders and I’m Staying Home

Greetings and Salutations
Busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest here (and yeah, I’m looking at you Mike, you gimpy one legged fucker) For those of you not in the know, Mike over at Cold Fury had some health issues over the past few years due to his propensity for fast wimmenz, fast cars, fast food and bad booze that ended up costing him one of his pegs.

I warned that man that I didn’t like the look of that Columbian Broad, but oh no he was not deterred in the slightest… finding him the next day, sans leg, versus sans kidney/liver/ what have you, I take it as a “Win”

Either way… My Brother From Another Mother knows it’s nuthin’ but love…

So… Long story short:
(I know… amazing for me amiright?)
I threw this up on Gab and Poa.st last night right after I got word:

“Typical. I -just- got orders from the Florida Guard to report ON MONDAY at 0900. (I’m a in-progress member of the SOT) and ‘all of a sudden’ at 23:50 I get an email to be packed and ready to deploy on Monday at 0900, at Camp Blanding, 3 hours from the house.

For a Two Week Deployment.

Sweet Jeebus… even the Regular Army wasn’t this fucked up I swear.

“Orders to Follow”… AYFKM? Great… My employer at The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory are just going to purely love that shytte…

Even worse? They expect me to be AWAY from my home DURING the most contentious (s)election in the history of the Untied Staatz and under State Control? The only bennie I can think of is IF –everything– ‘drops in the pot’ I might have access to belt fed weaponry that I can… say… acquire…? “The Scrounge is STRONK in this one!” as they used to say…

Guess we’ll see what habbens… I’ll try to keep up as we go along…”

So yeah. A Warning Order for Movement ‘popped up’ Last Night.
At motherfucking 11:50p.m.
Are you well and truly shitting me!?!
God-Fucking Dammit…

Woke up at 0600 and started burning the phone and emails down all over.


No Response.
No Reply.

OK… That works…
Fuck. Them.

Without orders? I know how that particular game gets played out. I spent waaay too many years as a Active Duty Kid, a Reservist, a Contractor and now Guard Guy to fall for that shit… it’s a major part of the reason I’ve actively avoided trying to participate despite an almost physical calling/demand.

No bullshit… it’s like I hear what used to be called “The sound of far-off Musketry” and maaaaan I grab my shit and go go go… Like a well trained coon-hound I suppose at this point… anyways…

I’m not going without orders. The standard line of “We’ll get you your orders later… just show up for the first formation and we’ll sort it all out after the fact!” is OH SO MUCH bullshit. It’s right up there with
“I won’t cum in your mouth” and
“I promise I had a vasectomy” to
“Really? That was the wrong hole!?!”


Sorry gang.
BT-DT-GTTS and man… I don’t need any more t-shirts.

So, until Higher-Higher unfucks itself, well…. they can, as they say: “…sit and spin gang!” I’m not losing my gig at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory as it is (despite shit-pay) a great gig with a LOT of autonomy. I have zero vacation left this year (Thank you to Gretchen’s Parents for that) except for 9 hours, which I dunno… maybe I’ll use it for a Crack Binge?

Yeah I’m salty AF right now.

To cut it short and because I’m utterly emotionally and mentally wrecked and exhausted I’ll leave it that:


No deployment for me

This time. Unfuck yourselves and act like the professionals you claim to be and I’m all in.


More Later
Big Country (staying home for now)

Yeah, Dat Me

2 thoughts on “A Warning Order, Lack of Orders and I’m Staying Home”

  1. For the uninitiated, could you explain how that works? I thought they just call and they tell you what to do when you get there. What happens with the whole ‘no orders’ thing? Everybody just stands around? Is it for hurricane stuff?

  2. I’m with you, that sounds awfully suspect. Putting my tinfoil hat firmly in place, any chance O’Biden and Co. planning to have military interfere with upcoming (s)election?

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