Greetings and Salutations
Busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest here (and yeah, I’m looking at you Mike, you gimpy one legged fucker) For those of you not in the know, Mike over at Cold Fury had some health issues over the past few years due to his propensity for fast wimmenz, fast cars, fast food and bad booze that ended up costing him one of his pegs.
I warned that man that I didn’t like the look of that Columbian Broad, but oh no he was not deterred in the slightest… finding him the next day, sans leg, versus sans kidney/liver/ what have you, I take it as a “Win”
Either way… My Brother From Another Mother knows it’s nuthin’ but love…
So… Long story short:
(I know… amazing for me amiright?)
I threw this up on Gab and last night right after I got word:
“Typical. I -just- got orders from the Florida Guard to report ON MONDAY at 0900. (I’m a in-progress member of the SOT) and ‘all of a sudden’ at 23:50 I get an email to be packed and ready to deploy on Monday at 0900, at Camp Blanding, 3 hours from the house.
For a Two Week Deployment.
Sweet Jeebus… even the Regular Army wasn’t this fucked up I swear.
“Orders to Follow”… AYFKM? Great… My employer at The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory are just going to purely love that shytte…
Even worse? They expect me to be AWAY from my home DURING the most contentious (s)election in the history of the Untied Staatz and under State Control? The only bennie I can think of is IF –everything– ‘drops in the pot’ I might have access to belt fed weaponry that I can… say… acquire…? “The Scrounge is STRONK in this one!” as they used to say…
Guess we’ll see what habbens… I’ll try to keep up as we go along…”
So yeah. A Warning Order for Movement ‘popped up’ Last Night.
At motherfucking 11:50p.m.
Are you well and truly shitting me!?!
God-Fucking Dammit…
Woke up at 0600 and started burning the phone and emails down all over.
No Response.
No Reply.
OK… That works…
Fuck. Them.
Without orders? I know how that particular game gets played out. I spent waaay too many years as a Active Duty Kid, a Reservist, a Contractor and now Guard Guy to fall for that shit… it’s a major part of the reason I’ve actively avoided trying to participate despite an almost physical calling/demand.
No bullshit… it’s like I hear what used to be called “The sound of far-off Musketry” and maaaaan I grab my shit and go go go… Like a well trained coon-hound I suppose at this point… anyways…
I’m not going without orders. The standard line of “We’ll get you your orders later… just show up for the first formation and we’ll sort it all out after the fact!” is OH SO MUCH bullshit. It’s right up there with
“I won’t cum in your mouth” and
“I promise I had a vasectomy” to
“Really? That was the wrong hole!?!”
Sorry gang.
BT-DT-GTTS and man… I don’t need any more t-shirts.
So, until Higher-Higher unfucks itself, well…. they can, as they say: “…sit and spin gang!” I’m not losing my gig at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory as it is (despite shit-pay) a great gig with a LOT of autonomy. I have zero vacation left this year (Thank you to Gretchen’s Parents for that) except for 9 hours, which I dunno… maybe I’ll use it for a Crack Binge?
Yeah I’m salty AF right now.

To cut it short and because I’m utterly emotionally and mentally wrecked and exhausted I’ll leave it that:
No deployment for me
This time. Unfuck yourselves and act like the professionals you claim to be and I’m all in.
More Later
Big Country (staying home for now)

Yeah, Dat Me
For the uninitiated, could you explain how that works? I thought they just call and they tell you what to do when you get there. What happens with the whole ‘no orders’ thing? Everybody just stands around? Is it for hurricane stuff?
I’m with you, that sounds awfully suspect. Putting my tinfoil hat firmly in place, any chance O’Biden and Co. planning to have military interfere with upcoming (s)election?
C’mon Randy sheesh. To believe that you’d also have to believe our own gov’t and people would fly airplanes into buildings, kill people with false flags, assassinate political foes, fund wars purely for profit ( both sides of course- its a twofer! ), not only allows but promotes deathshots, deathshots for everyone, allows or promotes killing off our food supply, steals your money every which way it can, etc etc ad nauseum.
Anyway, how bout them ( insert fav sports distraction here )?
(((Our))) (((own))) (((people.)))
That recent DoD order on force is very sus. It might be for hurricane relief too but, if it was I would have expected it sooner.
I am guessing it is going to be for the post election shitivist that will occur regardless of who wins.
Hey, You might have an opportunity to professionally crack some antifa if you go
Apparently someone received orders to tell you guys to show up.
So that someone else could tell them to get in the boxcars. Thus decaptitating a source of possible disagreement with authorities? Does Katyn come to mind?
Same here re Fl State Guard. I applied MONTHS ago. Received email Thursday night at 11:50 pm to report 0900 Monday for Initial Entry Training . As much as i want to, there is NO WAY i can drop all the spinning plates and show up. (i homeschool kidz, volunteer with Homeschool group and cut grass)
I replied, per the email, that i was unable to attend the training and to contact me for next years training. no response. This gives me time to get ready since no heads up were given since my application submission and the LETS GO email. Wondereing if it was a cattle call to see how many really want to join or just more gubmint being gubmint. IF they respond with next IET date i’ll be there and if you’re there, i would be honored to shake your hand.
If the Kamaldung wins there will not be trouble at all. If Trump wins (not likely; will not be allowed) there would be serious problems but we all know that is not going to happen.
So maybe, just being semi-paranoid, the TPTB want people like you out of the election vote. In spite of this being Florida.
Because I am a professional, I only receive & reply to emails and phone calls between the hours of 8am-5pm M-F.
Unless it’s someone I want to reply to.
My phone and my email and nobody else gets to use them for their benefit.
Did you call your Top? Better show up even if you don’t get a reply and not be AWOL.
Hmmm, for some reason I thought you were like 300 yrs old, like older than the Redwoods.
My time as a 12b in the NG was absolute non sense. As in if we were going to war with those retards as the tip of the spear,,,,,,,,,, we’re absolutely fucked ! The IQ amongst the entire platoon was 12.
I’m hoping your units got it together.
hey old timer,
100% service-connected here
my time in the reserves was pure fucking GOLD compared to active duty but, i was in the 70th INF DIV (training).. mostly very seasoned vets
TFAT, I follow you still, you’re a good man! I’m wondering if you ever found that M60 barrel! I still smile when I think of you sharing that one. Pure gold.
Hope things on the island are going well. Think I share with you years ago, I got trashed on the island of Mindanao in the PI in 79.
I’m 100% as-well, in fact I’m headed to Reno VA Hospital in an hour. Seems my medical calendar and my social calendar are one and the same.
ha ha too funny
yeah. it was right where it fell out the hole in the bag… i was humping so much shit, i never missed it. that is, until the gun started getting hot 🙂
you were right dude, these indians are so fucked there is zero chance of any of them ever unfucking themselves.
i just stay in my lane, focused, flourishing..
You know of anyone else receiving the same Warning Order? Especially at that highly sus time?
Any possibility someone spoofed the email headers and stuff to make it look official (assuming they DO look official), and that this is someone messing with YOU personally?
You DID just make some official assholes look like monkeys recently, you know….
Not sure how state guard works but for national guard we were sent orders (snail mail) for every drill or A.T. my first 3 years in. After that, we were not given a set of orders for drill. You could obtain orders if you needed them for an employer, but other than that, you were just given Your assigned training dates and showed up Regardless, you had to request him.
When I was in the Army Reserves, the unit SOP was the phone tree. I would get a code word over the telephone which meant to stand by for orders. If it was just a drill, then the next call would be from the AST, issuing a Stand Down. If, however, the next phone call was the activation code word, I had to be at the armory ready to ship out within 24 hours.
Since my unit’s Capstone was the 2nd ACR (Fulda Gap), I just shrugged because we were told we had to be there NLT D+40. I figured within that time period Europa and much of Amerika would be nuclear waste. I am glad I got completely away from FEDGOV/Wall Street/.mil servitude. Take care of yourself, BCE. Bleib ubrig.
Well, that brings back some memories. I was stationed just outside Nürnberg in the mid-70’s (156th Maint. Co.). One of our primary customer units was the 1/2 ACR at Christensen Barracks where we had a permanent detachment. Spent a week up there TDY one time, IIRC helping them get ready for their IG inspection.
And yeah, that email BCE got doesn’t pass the smell test.
The Ukes had a medical exemption doctor (for a fee) that was sleeping on a literal pile of cash.
There is always a way around when dealing with re re gov.
That’s why they shouldn’t be feared ever.
Pappy got away with all kinds of shit until he got grabby with the money, then the guns and knives came out, no Leavenworth due to the 30+ years of service.
The gov maggot minions are verminous and many but not smart in the least.
Reminds me of a putrid meme you once posted with ol’ Spiers in it saying feelings who the fuck ordered that.
Upon retirement from back in the day we were issued ‘hip pocket orders’ with a reporting destination “When full mobilization is announced by the news media” they say. Reckon I’m on the other side of ‘too damn old’ now, assumed GruntPa status years ago.
Are you offishilly in the FL(N)G?
Yeah, you submitted paperwork (in progress).
But have you signed a contract?
Been issued orders?
Raised the right hand?
In the (M)TO&E?
Been issued gear & a weapon?
If the answer is “NO” to any/all of the above, then (from Princess Bride) “it didn’t happen”.
Don’t know what’s going on, clusterfuck or Katyn Forest (IYKYK), but check who’s calling before answering your phone. As well as all other perimeter security measures.
Mebbee off topic, but whilst perusing a “news” reporting site, PJ Media, they had an article about Florida Man Friday the topic being “don’t mess with his flamethrower” anybuddy we know??
That brings back memories. When I joined the FLARNG in ’77(?) it was just before the annual 2 weeks training at Camp Blanding in Starke, FL. So I’m laying around a couple of days later after signing up, and I get orders(in the mail) to report to Co A, 53SPT BN at Blanding. Off I go; I show up there and nobody has any idea what to do with me, up to and including the 1st Shirt and the CO. ‘Course I got only the clothes on my back and the company doesn’t have any gear for me, so for the next week I’m a free agent(in jeans) in the orderly room for him and the CO. (Finally got one set of uniforms 3 days before the end of the annual.)
Sounds like things haven’t changed all that much, heh, heh.
Don’t know what to say as I’m not ex military. But if the method of contact is not as per usual, I’d be calling that suspect. It would not surprise me in the least though,if Ronnie D was getting prepared for pre/post election “mostly peaceful protests”.
Off topic, something to be aware of.
Registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation, every time, all the time. Historical fact, and any one saying otherwise is a liar.
I thought you were medically retired from the Army. Why would the NG be contacting you?
Email? What email? How can I get an email if I don’t have any electricity?
Except he emailed them back and tried to call as well.
BCE made a “good-faith” effort to get in touch to ask more details.
The advice of the folks in these comments is sound: DO NOT take action or show up anywhere for “deployment” until there are actual “orders.”
“John Wilder” (below) makes a good point: why now? this close to the selection?
And why so recently after your “experience” with the goobermit Karen stooge?
Be very careful, and stay as aware as possible. Lucky that you (BCE) have good people here to point out these connections and ask these questions.
You are on somebody’s (ies’) radar(s), and they do not like you; there is no doubt.
You ask uncomfortable questions and only take orders from ossifers / leaders with integrity.
And those people are NOT who is currently “running the show.”
Stay frosty.
Odd that they’d choose this time. Hmmm.
Full stop.
You don’t have a personal email in the sidebar like a lot of guys, hence no way to send you off-topic shit like this, so a comment will have to do…
Spotted this today – thought you might get a kick out of it. (Not to mention maybe being able to answer the question in the post – what and whose is it?)