They Must Be -REALLY- Confident To Let This Shit Out In The Open and ANOTHER Hurricane

Greetings and Salutations!
Talk about ‘teh stoooopid’

Every. Single. Time. this cumguzzler Slore opens her fucking cockholster, she shoves both feet in, and keeps pushing until she tastes her own tainted filthy asshole.

Go read it… and the comments… they’re brutal
And for those of you who don’t do Elon:

Nigga say whut!?!

NOW they’re just trying to be provocative.

That or they’re absolutely certain they either have the (s)election in the bag (80%-20% odds) OR that the (s)election won’t be happening, so they just don’t give a fuck either way.

Add on, not for nothing, that the latest news ’round here is a Lil Thing Called “Tropical Storm Milton” which seemed to -suddenly- crop up pretty much out of no-fucking-where…

…..and it’s aimed right at my head.


My reason for questioning this storm?
The timing and how it’s directly headed toward us. Lots of folks have been stating the whole ‘oddness’ of how Helene, which was a ‘love tap’ here comparatively speaking to the ‘normal Florida Hurricane Experience’ and how the middle of North Carolina got their fucking teeth kicked in by what had been a relatively minor storm for us.

Truthfully we did get off extremely light. Lots of folks on Twitter and through personal contacts have related how right before Helene came ripping up to the Carolinas, lots of strange things happened… a massive uptick in Chemtrails, which BTW had taken a major downturn up until then, and word of DotGov Plated vehicles in and about the areas most affected by the storms… almost like a pre-Hurricane recon.

Add on that usually when a Hurricane hits ‘dry land’ it peters out pretty fucking quickly unless it skips back out to sea and ‘recharges’ like that one that did New Yawk a few years back… what we derogatorily called “Half-Assed Helene” turned out to be one serious land based bitch…

Which again tweaks my “WTF” Senses…
It’s the timing involved here.
Look at that above Map.
‘Milton’ gave his first glimpse/hint on Saturday Morning.
Guess what happened Sunday?
That was when DeSantis called up the Florida Guard Special Missions Unit and started deploying them to North Carolina against FedGov wishes… the mission is called “Operation Blue Ridge”

It was officially put out Sunday Morning.

Seeing that usually the DotGov, any DotGov never comes up with something like this on the spur-of-the-moment, it means that they had it in the works probably since Thursday or Friday… and my guess is on Friday is when some Junta Cabal Bureaucrat called DeSantis and said “Nice state you got there, be a damned shame if something were to happen to it if you follow through on this Blue Ridge thing and make us look bad…” and DeSantis went and did it anyways…

Link to the Deployment Order is HERE

For those who think TL;DR the amount of ‘stuff’ he sent is a hell of a lot more than anyone else had up to that point… it included 2x Chinooks and Crew, 22 FGSMU guys, a whole slew of “Fish Fuzz” as I call them, which are the Fish and Game kids, with all their specialized equipment like swamp buggies and airboats, which are probably necessary and not readily available I think in North Cackalacky…

“…and then all of a sudden, a HUUUUGE new Hurricane –suddenly and unexpectedly- brewed up in the Mexican Gulf, and headed straight towards Florida”

As the joke goes:
Question: What do you say to that weird Conspiracy Theory Uncle at Thanksgiving?
Answer: “I am sooooo sorry I didn’t believe or listen to you.”

These days?
ANYTHING is possible.

Like I said before
I got ’til Tuesday/Wednesday to either boogie or Batten Down the Hatches.
According to windy dot com, the ‘eye’ is going to pass North of where I am supposedly on Wednesday Night:

Not for nothing that I’ll still be in the danger zone, but better North or South of me than straight into me… I mean FFS I –just– replaced the fucking roof last year man…

Now, Zooming in as tight as I can, I got this showing as of the current projection that it’s theoretically headed to the north of me:

I’m nearer down by the Alafia by FishHawk than Tampa Proper.

And is it me or does that pic look like a limp dick?

Either way, I’m getting really tired of this bullshit.

Between People’s Glorious Tractor Factory stressing the ever-living-fuck out of me, to the ‘other’ multitudinous stressors, I’ma ’bout ready to sell everything and head off to the Wilderness somewhere far far away…

But, one last thing to lighten the mood, as it’s been a bit dark around here lately, I found this:

SO if blegging goes to the light side for the next few, it’s ‘cos I’m in either “Run Away! Run Away!” mode or I’m more than likely to be in the “Fuck it… been through worse” mode and sticking it out… no matter what I’ve got shit to think on and do.

More Later
Big Country

49 thoughts on “They Must Be -REALLY- Confident To Let This Shit Out In The Open and ANOTHER Hurricane”

  1. When ya start lookin to shift your base of operations, might I suggest coming north about 100 miles and checking out Florida’s horse country, heh, heh.

    1. Alberta is nice, no gators, falling iguanas, hurricanes, oceans, cockaroaches, palmetto bugs, or sink holes.

      We do have huge forests liberals keep lighting on fire and -40F weather 4 months of the year

  2. BCE…

    I am sooo fucking aploleptic right now i can’t see straight…Not a good time to post, but fuck it, lets do it live is my motto.

    So, been an amateur radio operator for some years now, and former .mil signals guy, but really didn’t get tuned up on .civ AR stuff ’til i met Brushbeater and attended many of his courses, which focus on EMCOMM communications, which is vastly different than the “old white guy, curmudgeon,” “HOBBY,” of AR, which i say, fuck that.

    My only concern is when things go south, can i communicate, can i help others, can i contribute in some meaningful way.

    So, got word today on the Mt Mitchell, repeater, N2GE 145.190 Mhz, which has been online, as it has .gov/.mil commo arrays:
    anyone who has been there w knowledge, knows what they are looking at.

    That said, a call was put out over the ‘net that they need “boots on the ground,” to assist choppers who needed to deliver supplies to Bat Cave, NC, which is pretty much cut off.

    I volunteered, to load up suv w all manner of commo kit/supplies and drive to Bat Cave tomorrow am to set up an ad hoc commo station, uhf/vhf/ station, to allow folks, mainly 1 st responders and the like to communicate to the ‘net to ask for help, give updates, welfare checks and such.

    I checked on the 6600 net tonight, and was resoundingly shut down, and told to basically fuck off when i brought up the National Interoperability Protocols,
    and asked if this was in place for this crisis and what needs to be done to set up commo links.

    The responses were vehement in their reply, basically fuck off. None of them had ANY awareness of this protocol, shocking i say…

    I am willing to load up suv, awd, off road tires, totally self sufficaint overlander, donate my extensive emergency commo kit, to set up a commo station, also provide some LZ set up for the choppers, (thank you uncle sugar for that training, as i know the basics of setting up an LZ, and have smokes and shit to do it properly), but was told to stay home. The attitude of the net check in folks was angry, and almost petulant, again the old white guy hobbyists vs the emcomm guys at play IMO, was very evident.

    It’s like they are following the fcc/faa/.gov playbook to NOT allow ad hoc forces to deploy and assist for fear of what? Given the reports, should not have been surprised, but…

    Make em look bad because we can be there in hours and get shit done…

    Applachian Air Force
    Mountain Mule Trains
    Redneck Logistics Troops
    etc etc etc

    I have not decided what i am going to do tomorrow, part of me says, fuck you all, the other part of me says, the Scottish side, says fuck you, gonna do it anyway and help where i can, let the chips fall..

    This event has really opened, and saddened my eyes in some ways, towards the AR community in their rigidness, and following the fcc ruls, fuck the fcc, this is a bonafide crisis if there ever was one and folks like me, and others here, i am sure can and will contribute, but this shit is over the top, and i am thoroughly perplexed and frustrated right now.

    Trying NOT to make a decision in this state of mind, but man o man, whats coming out of WNC reinforces the fact that .gov want folks in WNC dead and gone, going for the lithium mines and whatever else, not to mention to suppress the 2024 votes, as WNC is mostly a Red county area outside the progressive shithole of Asheville, “san francisco in the mountains,” no joke, sister city of the progressive/socialist cesspool of a once beautiful city by the bay…Steve Perry would be crying now…

    End of rant

    ps.bce, IF you are heading to kin in wnc, and IF you are going near charlotte, i’ll link up and give you some preprogrammed chicom uv5r hts, uhf/vhf HT’s to provide the ability to connect to local repeaters, and talk on frs/gmrs/murssimplex, and other AR freqs….My contribution to the cause as i know they will go to people who need commo…
    Email me…

    1. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight says:

      If you decide to go (and I hope you do, fuck TPTB), be sure to go heavily “strapped”. I have a feeling you’ll need it, and NOT against the locals.

    2. Romeo Foxtrot,
      Pack your station up and go! Thats why you do all the training and have the gear, go. The community I serve is here in central Idaho and the surrounding multi state region. There is more of a get er done kinda attitude here among the old hams as we depend on each other not .gov.
      Saber 7

      1. Central Idaho? I’m working several sights now around Boise, and then further east around Twin Falls and Pocatello. Snag my email from BCE if you want it.

    3. I haven’t seen anything that indicates locals are turning down assistance. OTOH FEMA is. My WAG is your dealing with Feds.

  3. Sunny Arizona has good people, absolutely no hurricanes, no lockdowns, and good food supplies…you could do a lot worse….

  4. Fuck sakes Big, just beam the hell out of there with kin and kith! Once is happenstance, twice is enemy action. Time to pull a tfa-t and slip some throats.

  5. They do this for a simple reason. Because they can. They never suffer any personal consequences for their abusive criminal behavior. And until that fact changes they will continue.

  6. The thing about North Carolina, the flooding, sadly, was not and is not unexpected. Same thing happened in 1916 when a… hurricane dumped beaucoup rains in the same area. But the flooding wasn’t as severe because the area wasn’t built up like it is now.

    Even back in the 60’s, flood experts were saying all the building on flatlands and restricting rivers by bridging and ‘controlling’ would cause deathly flooding if flood mitigation wasn’t done. Which was explored and looked into and even voted and funded and then nothing happened because the money magically went elsewhere.

    This year’s flooding? Not as bad as actually predicted back in the 60’s.

    Hurricanes often scoot up into the mountains and flood Tennessee and north Georgia and such. What makes this especially horrid was it dumped way too much water on an area that wasn’t designed and fortified against it.

    Which is doable. Lots of flood and mudslide control techniques are available. Like what Japan does and we don’t (partially because of our environmental lobbies and eco-terrorists.)

    Flood engineers have been saying this was going to happen for decades. Because it does happen. Like tidal flooding due to storm surge of the Tampa Bay area, which minorly happens every 20 years or so and majorly does once a century (my grandma on my mom’s side remembered flooding all the way into the swamps and land that is now east of I-275 and further east, due to a big hurricane.)

    Thing is, nobody in ‘power’ was and is listening to the actual real long-term weatherguessers who base their predictions on what has happened in the past. The real weatherguessers aren’t the ones who you see on The Weather Channel or the local bobble-headed blond, but are the geeky guys and gals who used to work at the National Hurricane Center before it got politicized in the early 2000’s. Same geeky guys and gals who are like the people that work on the Farmers’ Almanac and for the same reason the FA is usually so darned correct when no other forecasters are. Because they look at long-term trends and patterns and use the body of their recorded observations that show the trends.

    Unlike modern weatherguessers, who are just acolytes of the religion of Global Climate Change.

    As to the storm in the Gulf, the NHC has been warning about it for 5 days now, after the NHC saw it develop as a potential storm.

  7. BCE, as an old wx geek. I Love to go out Tornado chasin, and watching the Big Thunderstorms for fun. I DO NOT go near Hurricanes. IF it stays on the track they have Tampa could be Real Bad. But they should have a really accurate placement 36hrs out. If it moves 50 miles North, you should be good, if not…Bug Out.
    Myself? I would RUN not walk if I lived where you are now. You have seen what traffic does when this happens, do NOT wait to0 long and get caught in that parking lot.
    You can replace gear, Family are for Life. If I was in your position and couldn’t stand the thought of being away from home for a couple of weeks, I would head south, wait for the Monster to pass and then feel your way back.
    If it does hit hard then travel from the North could be cut of for quite some time.
    You do you Brother, Our Prayers are with you and all Americans in the middle of this shit storm.
    MSG Grumpy

  8. Was the Lahaina land grab a “natural” wild fire? No. Was Helene a natural hurricane? Partly. The same DEW Directed Energy Weapon used on Lahaina is the potential culprit for Helene as well. Helene GAINED strength upon landfall in NC- explain to the class please how this happens? Doesn’t happen, ever, so where does that leave us, hmmm? The evil ones have had and used weather modification tech for some time now, as well as some other toys ( alien tech?- dunno- possibly ).
    So this here Milton fellow who shows up “mysteriously” out of nowhere? Oh it came from somewhere alright, and not by accident. They want to continue to punish De Santis thats for sure
    BTW Oklahoma dude- reddest ( and one of the whitest ) state in the union, just sayin’.

    1. Umm might want to check your figures there Brother its in 31 place of Whitest states it is up there though on being the reddest coming in 3rd…

      1. Out of the cities it is far Whiter. Plenty of culprits why it isn’t as White as it used to be, like the military bases and the simple fact that it’s next to Texas and relatively close to the border. Plenty of the small towns and such have been fucked over time by the same economic trends hurting other parts of rural America, though.

  9. Whatever you decide to do, be ready. If you stay and it DOES edge just north of you, you’re still on the shit side of the storm where all the rain and hell’s breath will be pulling in from the Gulf.

  10. My In-Laws (snow birds) are worried enough they’re returning to “commiestan” NY today rather than ride out this storm. And they have a place that is more interior FLA (The Villages.) Prayers and Positive Thoughts your way BCE!

  11. That farm in Tennessee is calling your name right about now ..
    Or you could come up to a state that has more cows than people like mine the last Best Place…

  12. You make a good point BCE, it was rather odd how that storm just conjured up like it did. My old man was just telling me late last week that we were going to get an extraordinary amount of rain. I just confirmed that system is on us right now (North of Orlando).

    I don’t have a knot in my stomach yet. In fact I will probably drink that away but I gotta bad feeling about this situation. To non hurricane people these storms suck. I remember when the hurricanes creeping in on us used to be a good excuse to party. I don’t feel like that anymore but that doesn’t mean I won’t.

    Strongly urge you to get the hell out of dodge if it keeps closing in depending on your proximity to the coast. I know what a big pain in the ass that is but even BCE is helpless against the vaunted storm surge. Just like a tidal wave and I can’t think of anything more terrifying than being on the coast at full impact. Sorry not trying to scare you but it is cause for alarm IMHO.

    These storms are like prepping for SHTF. You never really know what you’re going to get until it’s bearing down on you.

      1. @lineman I live smack dab in the very middle of Florida. Don’t have to worry about a hurricane completely doing me in like those next to the coasts. Have discussed on here before central FL could be the absolute worst place to be during SHTF. The extreme heat/humidity will be a killer for a good portion of the retired population. Which means plenty of ovens (I mean houses) to loot once said die off occurs.

        I live it was now potentially the reddest state in the Union. I would say the northwest would be but how the hell do you end up with D governors up in those places? Boggles the mind. People from places like ID, MT, etc better get them out. The people who have psyop’d the right into believing voting is not important have done an incredible disservice.

        Part of that psyop is to be guilty of voting is a testament the Rs are going to save you. No, you are just picking the least worse option in a sea full of shitty options. It’s called making lemonade out of lemons similar to understanding the weather here in CFL.

        BCE if you get into a desperate situation email me brother. We will figure something out. I’m probably going to get smashed too but it’s not likely we be underwater here.

  13. I’d say come to Kentucky but, we seem to have hurricanes to go with our tropical heat and tornadoes now.

  14. Cool down the outer edge, outside of the eyewall, and you can “steer” a hurricane

    Operation Cirrus began in 1947, DoD and General Electric Atmostpheric Research Dept.
    Continues to this day-
    Originally tried ice chips,
    Now uses silver iodide commonly deployed in cloud seeding (chemtrails)

    DEW weapons would heat it up and get the party started

  15. I don’t know exactly what to advise (sit tight or scoot), but be mindful of conditions by the minute, and act sooner rather than later on your best instincts BC. This shit is nothing to be trifling around with. Maybe heading south is a good move, but I don’t know the lay of the land there, and the potential consequences of being cutoff to the north post storm. Besides, the tracking on these storms is tough to predict accurately, so maybe heading north with the quickness is the better bet, if the window for doing so without getting clusterfucked in traffic jams of panicked NPC’s hasn’t already closed.

    1. Timing is everything Brother and it depends on how many other people are aware in the area because you could think I will get out before everyone else panics and find out you are not alone and stuck in traffic with a storm bearing down on your ass…

      1. You’re dead on right with that. He who panics first panics best, as they say. I’ve no on the ground intel to base this on, but I imagine by now, evacuating to the north is already a no-go, as the masses have probably clogged the major roadways.

        1. “He who panics first panics best, as they say.“ lol no I didn’t know they say that but it cracked me up.

          In these type of events it’s very accurate. Best to get out of their early if you are going to. It’s such a pain in the ass decision to make. It’s one I have never had to contemplate living inland but know plenty that have.

          Like I said Big Country if you don’t have options email me: I got some room here for a couple days. I know you got fam that’s ok we’ll make due. I gotta pool but NO HBO or Showtime 🤣

          1. Happy to provide a little light entertainment on a Sunday evening. That little expression about “he who panics first” has been around a long time. I think I first took note of it during the dot com bust in 2001 (regarding investors and the losses they were taking; or not, if they were prescient enough to be the first to exit their positions before the panic spread).

            A lot more mileage was gotten out of it again circa 2008, and for the same reasons. It applies equally well to any situation that is bad (and primed to get worse) where fear driven human herd behavior is the expected (or obvious) response. A hurricane and it’s associated need for mass evacuation are definitely a classic example to which it applies.

  16. Word from Monkey Werx in the weeks before Helene hit da’ Germans were out doing a lot of weather mod stuff in hurricane alley, likely also in the Gulf. I expect this was a planned hit, especially with how it conveniently wiped out a lot of desirable areas the rich and mining operations would have loved to have cleared out at flood sale prices.

  17. “… According to windy dot com …”

    Get Ventusky on your mobile, it provides access to the major weather models like Windy, but unlike their app, Ventusky doesn’t suck and the yearly sub for in-depth data is something like $7 or $8 per year instead of $20+ like most weather apps.

    I would describe Ventusky’s user interface as “near-expert weather nerd level”, so if that’s something you can cope with, there you go.

    Ventusky as of Sunday shows GFS with a track toward your general AO and the other majors (such as ICON and GEM) showing landfall somewhere between Venice and Sarasota.

    As of Sunday the Copernicus model for sea currents is showing Milton as not having sufficient sea current strength on its own that it can avoid being pulled north by a coastal vortex, and so that may explain the GFS variance from the other models.

    We’re still cleaning up from Helene where we got lucky and only had a utility box ripped off the house, but Milton’s not expected to head up this far.

    As for where else to go that isn’t Florida?

    I’d suggest Cody, Wyoming, but it’d mean Gretchen would be spending huge amounts of time on the roads doing her gigs all over Wyoming and surrounding states, whereas she’s able to stay within a relatively small region.

    Same goes for Lander or even Casper, the latter having an airport that’s serviceable even if it’s probably the smallest airport with commercial aviation you’d ever step into inside the continental US.

    Florida’s better because you don’t have to deal with altitude even if you do have to deal with attitude, plus the distances between places are a lot shorter.

    Wyoming also has some but not all of the tax perks that Florida does, the differences largely involving business taxes and treatment of physical assets.

    Given that your current gig sounds a lot like “telecommuting”, why not move away from the Hillsborough and Pinellas libtards inland so you don’t have to deal with that crap so much?

    Even Inverness (east Citrus) or nicer parts outside Dunnellon (west Marion) would give you a break from a lot of it, plus you wouldn’t be too far from the shopping that matters (such as big boxes and food).

    Ah, but what about Trenton, Perry, Lake City … no, those deserve no further mention, I’m not looking to get shot. 🙂

  18. found on Gab:

    weatherwarfare : hellene hellion
    here’s how the steering was done

    a hat tip from Matt Bracken
    what are the odds

    state treasury dhs doj

    a hat tip from all of us to you and yours, BCE

    As they continue to feed the hurricane that’s going to reach Cat 5 today,
    they won’t be able to erase the Florida Cracker from the earth.
    swamp survivors

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