On Hold, The New Dystopia and Get Your Vax(es)! (Seriously!)

OK… Everything is currently is an “On Hold Status” for me.

Now, I cannot confirm nor deny this intel:

However: BIL (Gretchen’s Lil Brother) ‘NavyBro’ works at a significantly large hospital in the Area. He and his are fine for now. He’s been in steady contact with Gretchen which is highly unusual in that he as I’ve told you gang before is he is not a ‘demonstrative’ kind of Lil Brother. Rather stoic IMO, however he’d say otherwise. He’s very much a ‘grunt’ if you will. Solid guy too….

He’s also been calling and updating Mom and Dad with the daily Intel Dump from his part of NC… seems on his way into work, he has to navigate around the corpses of folks who still haven’t been recovered in the area. The general consensus is there’s bigger issues that need to be dealt with…deal with the wounded NOW and the dead as we go… Triage to the Extreme…

Now… cannot confirm nor deny, but according to him, (relayed by Mom and Dad) that today there was a shooting at ‘Big Hospital INC’. No real details other than he was fine, and the place was in lockdown. I asked WiscoDave, Herschel, Wirecutter and a bunch of others to open up their ears and see if they heard/saw anything…

WiscoDave sent me a screenshot of a local asking for “…more info to follow” from the Henderson NC PoPo. Doc reached out directly to the fuzz, who said that “….Hendersonville police department “confirmed” that there is no active shooter activity within City Limits.”

Which then leads me to:
What about outside city limits?

If there was ever going to be a lockdown on negative info, this’d be the time for damned certain. Like the FIRST Story that broke about a ‘team’ of Venezuelan Illegals who got busted for looting after the Hurricane…” Link HERE

Which as the night wore on, and I kept reaching out, there was a story from another ‘local news affiliate’ in the immediate area that posted about possibly three lynched illegal corpses that were found with “LOOTER” placards around their necks!!!!

I.E> fucking -some folks- caught the Goblins, and rather than call the PoPo, got out the rope, and did like they used to do… Namely the “Multi-S’s” (Shewt/Shovel/Shuddup)

It was a quick ‘microburst’ headline with a quick description that said “This is a breaking story” that I noticed and before I could even get a snapshot/snip of it, and when I jumped tabs to try and get a cross reference, when I went back?

The story was fucking gone!!!

Got me a hunch -someone- slipped that one past the censors.

I mean stuff like that is liable to give people ideas.

Wrong from their POV but perfectly acceptable in mine.

I mean talk about absolute shit-gratitude.

Come here, and fuck over the natives?
Steal their shit when they’ve lost everything!?!
And then think that they’d be protected!?!
Oh yeah…
Those fuckers get more in EBT than I make in 4 months, and yet these degenerate burrito goblin chicken fuckers have the audacity to go out and fucking loot???


Tell you what, got me a hunch a huge number of those patchouli smelling “no human is illegal” hipsters in Asheville are having a true “Come to Jesus” moment about now….

Jes’ Sayin’

Myself, I would have done the Ole ‘One-Two’ on them before I strung ’em up. Cut off their ‘pinto package’ and stick in their mouths riiiight before I kick the stool out… see which happens first… death by slow strangulation, or bleeding out from having their cock n’balls crudely chopped off? And yeah, under these trying times? You bet that noose would be set to ‘strangle’ and not ‘break the vertebrae’

Because fuck them.
After the first time, it’s no longer a Hate Crime.
It’s just business.

Now… looking for me to go out and operate under these particular conditions?

Gretchen told me if I stay home, she’s cool with it.

Another part of MY personal problem(s) is/are IF I were to go, I’d at this point want to be geared for maybe Baghdad, if not Fallujah. Vest, mags, Helmet, the usual… Low ride holster w/my Glock, my AR rigged for CQB, and a plethora of ‘other’ stuff that I found oh so comforting in austere conditions.

Most of which would most assuredly NOT be allowed on a civvie commercial aircraft… like smoke for marking LZs and riot control grenades and the like… never mind live rounds.

I mean the shit is allowed but the airlines and the TSA (Thousands Standing Around) make it such a fucking pain…

The last time I had to travel with weapons was a fucking nightmare. One I just as soon never have to repeat… The fucking fag at the bag check positively wee’d on himself when I opened the Pelican case. Like full on soiled his britches…

And this was just a simple AR.
Standard 16in collapsible stock PSA ‘poors’ if you will, with 7 unloaded mags, with ammo secured in original boxes in another Pelican, with my Glock doing the same. exact. thing.

The way this faggot reacted?
You would have thought I was there to kill him, and everyone else in sight, despite my travelling on DotMil orders. Fucker even called like 4-5 Mass State Policemen over, who’re about as close to IRL Gestapo looking motherfuckers as you can find, with the same attitude, who literally surrounded me while I proved the weapon was empty and on a dry chamber.

It sure as hell was… I had it torn down, and the bolt tucked in it’s own niche as I expected some treatment like this. Even then it took ten fucking minutes to explain to ALL the faggots (yes, cops included) that the having the bolt outside of the rifle made it incapable of firing… goddamned the aggregation of IQ points there was lower than a 20watt bulb… I can only imagine if I had one of my newer ‘tricked out’ savage looking camo’d SBR w/Husher and all the other ‘toys’ on it (the PEQ and such) was in the case, and the reaction to that…


Bring on the Sweet Meteor of Death I swear…

So that’s where I’m at. I don’t want to show up looking like the Second or Third Coming of Blackwater (never worked for them BTW) but still, I’ll be damned if I’m going to go there to a be a Lamb for the Slaughter.
So anyways…
Lots of Rumors, but good firsthand RUMINT

Strap in.

My reasoning for this commentary is this particular shitshow is a perfect test case in Microcosm Form of a “Civilizational Wipeout/Disaster Scenario”. It’s happening In Real Time in an area that’s absolutely being known historically for being notoriously clannish and self reliant.

It’s part of the reason we got fucked out of getting custody of Adriana. We were outsiders… from “Goddamned Florida” no less…

IF things go full on Dystopian there and now as it is, just imaging just how fucked the rest of us are in a similar set of circumstances… Here in Tampa proper? The fucking Niggers off of Sligh and Nebraska would be eating each other within a week after they get done eating everything still moving/fresh in the Lowery Park Zoo…

Yeah… think on that…

These are some of the tightest clannish Americans out there… and yet the wheels are starting to come off.

And I just spoke to NavyBro personally. Like just a second ago when I went to get a beer…

He confirmed the shooting in the ER today. Seems that the Hospital has become the ‘hub’ for gang related drug activity’ as it’s open 24-7, relatively safe, and the Cops are too busy dealing with the ‘regular insanity’ than to deal with some junk scoring/dope dealing. Except in this case, it was a ‘turf thing’ between two dealers. No one kil’t, but it has been unoffishully discounted as “That never happened despite the security tapes showing otherwise.” by the Big Hospital INC and County/Town Bosses.

He also told me that the morgue –is– completely out of space, and they’re racking and stacking the body bags in two reefer Tractor Trailers out back. Most of the stiffs are unidentified at this time. Which leads me to the most important part of tonight.

This’s possibly most importantly part of this here bitchfestivus for ALL of us who consider ourselves ready for a LOT of this kind of shit? While talking to MomUnit today, she pointed out to me, and the idea had completely fallen off my radar but the biggest thing that has yet to come up? This BIGGEST Threat YET mind you is


Try Cholera
Try Tuberculosis
Try Malaria

Lots of Water
Lots of Insects
Lots of Heat
Lots of Time

Add on the 20,000 unvetted untested illegal immigrants from all over the fucking place? All it takes is ONE non-presenting illegal who either shows up at the Emergency Room who’s non-presenting OR in an even worst case scenario, is a carrier of say, Bubonic Plague.

Even worse? Say said Burrito Goblin unfortunately died in the storm surge. His/Her carcass has been now floating around in the ‘stew’ of the receding waters for the past week… Rats, being rats feast on said-stiff, and OOF! Rats eat dead mo’fo, rats get fleas that get “The Plague” from the Rats, and the fleas jump to the cats/dogs/hoomons whathaveyou.

Lo and Behold, the latest episode of “The Black Death, Part Three… This Time You’re Dead” is off and doing a wide open run until everyone is dead or past the period of infection.

If y’all remember, riiiight before the COVID horseshit, I was supposed to go back overseas. Now, at the time there was no Nottavax requirement. However, I did have to get my ‘boosters/re-shots’ of a LOT of the disease preventatives. I specifically went deep on “the list of recommended shit”, and got it done through the Hillsborough County Public Health Center at like zero cost.

I got what I called the “African Plan” as it’s the most comprehensive. These included:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
and Yellow Fever.
I didn’t get any flu vax, nor did I get the Chikungunya nor Chicken Pox vax as the chikun one I think is bullshit, and I already had the Pox as a kid. Twice no less.

A harder one to come by is the Cholera Vax, as it’s an oral taken 2x times, and rare in that there ain’t a lot of it around. It’s also relatively new, with the latest variant (as far as I know) being from 2013. DiveMedic or Aesop can chime in if they know better (which they probably do…)

I just know I went and got everything I could as a ‘just in fucking case‘ as I knew shit was sideways in early 2020. MomUnit was dead-nuts on about that… something I’m sure that 90% of you ALSO overlooked… God love her as do I… she does have some great and brilliant insight occasionally.

And now? Seeing the way things are going right now?

I highly recommend researching if not actually getting ‘rigged up’ Vax wise in case of extreme sporkiness. Allllll them fucking preps ain’t worth fuck-all if you die from a microbe Aye? Best “git ‘er dun” or face the potentially horrific consequences. The majority of these vaxxes are well known and time tested. THEM I’d trust. Anything else?
Again, Jes’ Sayin’

So, More Later
Big Country

75 thoughts on “On Hold, The New Dystopia and Get Your Vax(es)! (Seriously!)”

  1. So basically, this part of the country and a whole bunch of red Americans who’ve been antagonized by the government and now falling victim to the foreigners that have been inflicted upon them might be lynching the same foreigners when they start looting. In an environment like this it’s easy to see how things can start getting blown into Phone ethnic warfare. The longer the living conditions are dire and the further away from comfort and safety people get, and if law and order cannot be maintained, the greater the likelihood that people are just gonna stop giving a fuck.

    This is how genocide happen.

    1. Exactly. This could be a serious tipping point.
      What I find fascinating is the lack of an announcement that the 82nd and elements from Lejeune deployed to assist OUTSIDE of FEMA which in itself proving to be a bureaucratic clusterfuck of (again) epic proportions. “They the unknowing, led by the unwanted, ordering the unwilling” has NEVER worked out, (see FEMA/Katrina).

      Since NORMALLY there’s some public issuance of orders or Public Announcement, of said Active Duty to the Rescue, I’m begininning to wonder if this was done under “Local Emergency Declarations” that enable the Local Commander (like the CG of those units/posts) to intercede for the good of the country in dire circumstances when the civilian chain-of-command is either absent (like it is) or cut off (also ditto).

      The General(s) in question IF they issued an Local in situ Emergency Deployment for Local Relief, then IF the Side Chick gets (s)elected, they’re going to be oh-so-Gulag’d it’s not even funny. However, IF things break their way, they’ll be fine.

      However, it still worries me that the DotMil chain of Command vis-a-vis civilian control is so OBVIOUSLY damaged and out of whack that a Local Commander feels the need to inject his command into a purely domestic emergency because of dithering on the Civilian side due to Red/Blue dynamics? I blame that fat traitor Milli-Vanilli for this shit. HE needs to be drawn and quartered, then hung again.

      1. Thinking back to a time when I had to be aware of that “Local Commander Emergency Assistance” thing, at the time (2003 or 2004) the very vague guidance provided (for federal units) was to keep it close to your assigned base…like at the gate or in the contiguous neighborhoods. I do remember that taking such initiative seemed to be discouraged, but they could not openly say that. The National Guard is supposed to have disaster response as a primary mission set. There is a system called EMAC (Emergency Management Assistance Compact) that allows states to coordinate directly with one another for military and non-military resources (say, power line bucket trucks), bypassing big Army and FEMA. One question is has a national disaster been declared? That unleashes the federal $$$$.

        1. We are in Hernando. We had a 9 foot+ surge that took out a lot of shit. Five days after the storm FEMA shows up. They wanted me to use my phone to take a picture of a flyer they had which I declined to do. Said to keep applying for assistance. Meanwhile, They [FEMA] have locked down ALL of our landfills and informed them to stop taking in storm debris. All debris is supposed to go to 4 FEMA landfills and any outside the county carriers such as dump trucks are turned away. We have 20 foot long 5-6 foot high piles at the end of every street. Before those fuckers showed up there was an efficient removal program going on and as of yesterday. Nothing. The piles are just sitting and the trucks are no where to be seen. Also, out of county dump trucks are sitting around full and FEMA told them to just take the stuff back where they got it and dump it. FEMA says that they will have the removal organized and taken care of WITHIN A YEAR! Had they not stepped in it would have probably be mostly done in a week.

          1. They want you to use THEIR contractors because the local FEMA officials get a kickback from them.

      2. From what I’ve heard, the 82nd and other US Mil units are on stand-by to get ready to shift to the Middle East, which is pissing off a helluva lot of .mil people who want to go rescue their family/friends/old stomping grounds/America itself.

        That’s how you set the stage for deserters and mutinies.

    1. Dumb. Every region has a risk profile and the associated relative trade-offs.

      I’m glad I live where the people understand that its the people and not the place, but congrats on your high self-regard.

      1. @Chainsaw:

        Like you, Lineman has also put the work in with the folks around him.
        He’s a good man who takes it all seriously.

        1. If you say so. Most folks in these online hollers are the good ones.

          But that doesn’t mean the comment was good. or Useful.

          It was pointless and insulting to all the Brothers that have their own reasons for being in places that offer up challenges BCE illuminates. Including of course BCE.

          As well as some of my people who are shoveling mud. Not sure why one would need to flex his perspective in that way in this moment. And then go apeshit when called out on it.

          You know and we all know it was a lame interjection. Like me telling BCE that “boy I am glad I am rich so I don’t have any of those money problems you have.” There is some other message in there and it aint good.

          Then the meltdown. Lame too. I’m about sick of the holiness spirals of those who mistake their particular preferences for righteousness. Confusing their personal cause for that of the big man, Not BCE but the bigger one.

          I’ve been all over the world. Its full of beauty and dangers and ugliness. Both the peoples and the places. Tradeoffs. Like life itself. Nowhere is exempt from this truth so we should be stokin our Brothers pursuits no matter where they lay their heads.

          Its cool. I know our lot is running hot these days for damn good reasons. Myself included. Which is why I jumped on his silly statement. No harm. I’ve got too much work to do. Lost all the hay this cut. Which is why I’m just a pigeon.

      2. Lol Ms Chainsaw Bowtie
        Never seen you before so you must be one of those pigeons who shits all over a chess board and thinks they are playing chess…
        You don’t know Jack shit about Jack shit but had to run your fucking mouth like your kind always do…
        Shut the fuck and sit down…

    2. Word, my brother. At least for now. However, you are not that far from the Blue Hive in your state. Just as I and mine are not far from that fentanyl-addicted septic tank of Spokane, which is just across the state line west of us. Keep in mind the corrupt political hacks in your state as in mine can “offer refugee assistance” to the hordes who are now turned loose on the good people in TN and NC.
      We are not that far from Coeur d’Alene, a wretched hive of leftist scum, villainy, and sexual deviates. The ex-hippy brain-dead mayor and the Red-Diaper-Doper babies on the CC would consider it a feather in their cap to move in a few hundred Haitians or Venezuelans just to show the rest of this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking country how WOKE they are.
      You and yours are on my daily prayer list. Take care of yourself in all of your travels. And, if you get up my way we can break bread together. Bleib ubrig.

      1. I emailed you the last time I was in your area Brother and didn’t get a response so maybe your email is screwed up again…

      2. I’m over in Lincoln county Montana and keep a wary eye for incursions from Coeur D,’Alene. Nasty business, that place.

  2. Slightly related: Due to so many good people sending supplies and aid to Tennessee and North Carolina, plus average idiot people panicking due to port strike, I’ve seen/skimmed dozens of comments, from all over the country, that local stores’ supplies of toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water have been wiped out. Supposedly Costco (which I don’t have or belong to) is sold out of toilet paper nationwide. Irrelevant that toilet paper is not imported – we’re talking herd behavior here, which is irrational and unpredictable. I would hope and assume most here have basic supplies taken care of, but if not please do not delay. Imported or not, if people panic and buy it all, you can’t get it and when it does get back in stock it will cost more. Again, comments alleging this are not just from areas hit by Helene – I’ve seen Washington state, Idaho, Wisconsin, Texas, Missouri, etc.

    1. I can confirm the sold out of TP at Costco for the Gettysburg, PA area – per intel from my BIL this morning. I haven’t hit the one here in Frederick, MD – but will be checking the Sam’s Club and local WallyMarts on the morrow. Just be glad you’ve got beans, bullets, and butter squared away, right? 😉

      And the garden is *finally* producing – picked and canned another 6 pints of green beans today. Did same about a week ago, and should be able to again by next week. Time to check into harvesting my second planting of potatoes soon as well. Last panic buying rush – it was mostly toilet paper, as we’re seeing this go ’round. I’m expecting that if the longshoreman strike goes on too much longer, we’ll have empty spots on the shelves – then the panic buying of food strikes! Yep – we’re definitely living in interesting times… 😉

  3. “… kick the stool out …”

    Sounds too much like fun instead of just business.

    At a Lowe’s in the region: long concrete drill bits are cheaper than boxes of decent “long distance consulting” ammo in my favourite calibres.

    So maybe a few extra batteries for the hammer drill and some concrete drill bits?

    Figure they’ll be getting some use for demolitions and debris clearing work anyway.

    Many decades ago, a relative was busy on a certain infamous day putting some bastards into boxes, and he said he felt good about it early in tbe day.

    But as the day went on, it was just business and a lot of sweaty work.

    The people they’ll mess with first are the ones for which this may all seem like a lot of fun.

    It always ends up with the people for which it’s just business putting in a long day just to make sure the last of the bastards gets processed into a box.

    “… notoriously clannish and self reliant …”

    Here’s a little story about The Feds in Western North Carolina then.

    Many years ago, there was a Jiffy Pop Expert who was practising his special kind of Popcorn Popping across the greater region, most notably in That Big Liberal City That Sherman Once Burned, and said expert fled to the region he knew best once The Long Arm Of Dee-Cee was reaching toward him.

    So being the dumbasses that they are, The Mainscream Media talked to the sheriff of the county where they suspected the Jiffy Pop Expert was holing up, and they got him on TV for an interview.

    Ah, but sheriff, are you sending out any of your Po-Lease to look for the Jiffy Pop Expert?

    No, the sheriff had bigger things to pop.

    He was going to send out his Po-Lease to keep a really good eye on The Feds Brandishing Instruments With Regalia so that they didn’t violate any laws of that county, the State of North Carolina, or even their own Federal laws, especially that ones in The Constitution.

    That did not go down with The Mainscream Media well at all.

    But the people of that county reelected him sheriff by a 90+ percent margin.

    That sheriff was once the produce manager of a grocery store in that county.

    Maybe some of you here even knew him by name.

    There are certain lands where the trees whistle back the tune you’re humming.

    Then there’s this region where they whip out the mandolins and banjos to give it back to you with volume.

    Anyway, good time for that fresh restock of doxycycline and azithromycin, n’est ce pas?

    1. Oral replacement salts. Buy the premixed or mix your own. A half dozen 5 gal buckets stacked with filter medium inside. Sawyer water filters are fast durable reverse flushable and small. Pool shock for short term water sterilization. Pyrethrum to treat bug infestation of people. All this will fit in one of the buckets and the rest stack underneath.

  4. Well, to inject a little good news, the Ocala Sam’s just got a shipment of Mexican Coca Cola in, heh, heh. And that list of shots looks like the one State wanted me to get when they were shipping me off to the ME to work security issues at several of our embassies over there. I politely declined.

  5. As to your concerns about deadly diseases staging a comeback, and particularly with the presence of large numbers of invaders from parts of the world where these diseases are A Real Thing now cut loose among us, here is a story to stand your hair on end coming out of Germany. Seems a medical student, recently in Rwanda, who was exposed to Marburg’s (Ebola-like) from a person subsequently diagnosed with that disease, and that student’s girlfriend while on a railroad journey exhibited flu-like symptoms frequently seen in those coming down with this malady. Major panic at the train station.


    Already there have been enforced quarantines for some of our border flouting invaders due to their cases of antibiotic resistant tuberculosis, probably instigated by sufferers not having completed antibiotic runs, and fomenting evolutionary selection for antibiotic resistant microbes. Not a pleasant way to die, tuberculosis, and quite transmissible. More diseases where that came from.

    1. Oh Shit!
      Hadn’t heard about that particular potential shitstorm. Alles in Ordnung until it isn’t.
      Re: Marburg/Ebola.
      So bad it’s used as a major plot device in like oh so many books/novels/movies. My personal fave Clancy’s “Rainbow Six” where a manmade Ebola strain to exterminate most of humanity is cooked up by an eco-billionaire nutjob (sound familiar Mr. Gates-the-Potatohead?). Thankfully believe it or not, Marburg and Ebola are hard to transmit in a modern society.

      Middle Age Cromagnon Apefrica in the hinterlands? Not so much. It’s why it tends to ‘flame out’ so quickly once it gets established.
      Sort of like the current meth/fentanyl addiction issue. There was a story just the other day on how for the first time in quite a few years that the Fentanyl deaths were down.
      Turns out the reason for that is all the addicts who were dancing with that devil have died the fuck off.

      1. Last news is that the two persons are not infected with Marburg but the guy is in quarantine for the next 21 days. Then he can go home and continue quarantine.

        That bugs me.
        First they put him in a hospital secure wing to see if he is infected (they wait till the end of the incubation time to be sure). And in the first sentence of the article they say the test shows he is not infected.

        Either he is infected or not.

  6. I’ve seen the rise of vigilantism coming all of this year.
    The cops, DAs and judges refuse to give people in the system justice so people are going to start getting their own justice.
    Look at that Kentucky sheriff blowing away the crooked judge who “supposedly” raped the sheriff’s 17 year old daughter. That sheriff got his justice and that crooked judge won’t be raping any more teenage girls.

    I just hope the jury understands the concept of “jury nullification”.
    To hell with what the judge says, if everyone agrees that the bastard had it coming, vote NOT GUILTY and the sheriff goes free.

    The tipping point has just about been reached with all of the new “immigrants”. I predict that people are going to start making them feel “unwelcome”.

    Combine this shit with the Feds only caring about Ukraine and Israel along with working hard to start WWIII, it’s going to get interesting.

    What do you all think if they start a draft to send our sons and daughters to fight for Israel ?
    I think if they try that it will get “interesting” indeed and Vietnam will have been a cake walk compared to the backlash that will happen.

    1. They all look like “crimigrants” to me. Armed crimigrant = invader.
      Constitutionally, all “Muricans are responsible for assisting border enforcement.

      Onward, Christian soldiers!

    2. they won’t draft to fight for israel. its to fight in ukraine/what’s left of europe. any help for israel is just token optics to hold on to the jewish votes/money. think what you want about jews, but i think israel is doing the world a service eradicating hamas et al. “he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

      1. Ukraine is a big kickback scheme where a bunch of our money they give to the Ukraine gets kicked back to the scumbag politicians.
        They know that that grift is almost over and Ukraine is out of men and money and their army is close to collapse. In addition, that’s screwing around in Russia’s back yard and they all know it.
        Nah, that will be wound down in the next 6 – 12 months.

        Israel is a horse of a different color. Look at the repeated standing ovations that scumbag Nuttyyahoo got in our Congress from our politicians last month.
        AIPAC and Israel own Washington DC and both parties. They are a huge tail wagging our dog and between the payoffs and the stupid evangelicals (like Hagee who is being paid off too) that dur “Israel right or wrong” and “Jesus will send you to Hell if you don’t support Israel”, we are SCREWED.

        The Zionists in Israel are trying to start WWIII and our “leaders” are totally enabling them.
        Watch what happens if the dumbasses attack the Iranian oil facilities which both the Russians and especially Chinese have warned Israel not to do.
        Study history and this reminds me of 1914 where all of the dumbass “leaders” knew just KNEW that the other countries would not react to their escalations and they were dead fucking wrong and started a war that killed untold millions and frankly destroyed Europe.

        If the Israelis start getting their asses kicked, don’t think they won’t fire a nuke. Do you think Iran and Turkey don’t have nukes ? It’ll be a fucking mess and we are getting pulled into it and 90% of Americans could give a shit about Israel and the Middle East.

    3. If the Repub candidate for governor in NC wins, he ought to direct all businesses and individuals to send their federal income tax witholdings to the State instead of fedgov until western NC is rebuilt.

  7. Might I suggest one more vaccine to add to your list? Cholera vaccine is a good candidate, as in circumstances like those following natural disasters where clean, safe drinking water is unavailable, this can spread like wildfire. It was a killer in Colonial times, and recall that carriers of the bacillus serving as UN peacekeepers in Haiti unleashed an epidemic there, a place where those conditions widely obtained.

    Remember the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Three amigos were War, Famine, and Pestilence. The fourth Rider, Death, was there to rake in his winnings from those three, interdependent afflictions.

    1. I mentioned it.
      The problem is and will be AVAILABILITY
      The problem is currently, worldwide, the Vaxchora variant has about 50 million doses available WORLDWIDE
      Depending on -who’s- robbing this train (You, Me or Motherfuckin’ Jesse James) is that that’s the total sum available according to Wiki, which I tend to take very unseriously.
      Considering the current lack of any sort of relief?

      Do YOU want to bet the farm on IF they get a Cholera Vax out anytime soon?

      Fucking FEMA and local Shitheads are too busy stealing doanated funds and threatening arrests of private Helicopter Pilots
      I’d say, and yeah, it’s a FedPost, it’s time to start shooting these fuckers like that who’re ACTIVELY IMPEDING RELIEF EFFORTS
      Drag them out into the street, give ’em a two minute “State of Emergency” Trial and give ’em the “Danny Deever” (Kipling… look it up)

      Who gives a fuck if -someone- has been trained by the United Way?

      I have so many fucking certs in Disaster Management and Recovery, it’d make their heads spin. I swear I’m going to have a fucking aneurysm.

      I fucking hate stupid

      These “people” are fucking stupid IMO
      Irredeemably Stupid
      Like “Executable for Extreme Dumbasshattery During a Period Of Need” treason level shit.
      Because Fuck Them.
      I have IRL time on the ground, organizing logistics/convoys and security for said convoys in Iraq for 2+ years.
      MOAR than any fucking FEMA Fag has for damned sure.
      And -I’ve- been told to stand down!?!
      Oh my aching balls.

      1. They aren’t stupid. They are following orders. It’s part of the Agenda to degrade/collapse legacy Whyte America. Weaponized weather is NOT a conspiracy. Organized incompetence is not an accident. Shit is WAY WORSE than most people can imagine. Expect ILLEGALS to so up in your AO, unexpectedly.
        I’m too old for this shit, oh well, I’ll deal with it.

      1. Yeah, me too.
        Before retiring in 2017, I worked all over the world offshore for 30 years, so I used to be one of the most vaccinated people alive. I had to stay current on the list given in the post, because I never knew where I was going next, and offshore Africa is a big oil-producing region. Never had a doubt back then (pre-covid) that these were time-tested and proven. I won’t get the covid notavax, and now I have to wonder about some of the vaccines I did get.
        Fucking assholes.

        1. Same here. Although I’m now finding out that my trust was misplaced. Back in the early 1950’s, there was a bad polio vaccine batch released on the East Coast. Now it’s public knowledge. Rather than recall it, they just covered it up.

          Said vaccine caused a peculiar form of cancer if the person had inflammation problems. My brother had those inflammation problems and that vaccine. Died in 1971 at 21 years of age from that cancer. Otherwise he was perfectly healthy. No smoking, none of that stuff.

          No trust in govt. or institutions from me. None. At all.

      2. You are right to trust your gut. They have found Graphene Oxide in dental anesthetic (similar to Marcane.) G.O. is the cause of the long fibrous clots that are pulled out of Vaxxed corpses.


  8. Wow! A lot of vaxxes-scary. I think we are going into CW2 any second now. Costco was out of
    TP by 10 am in Folsom. So Sam’s had all of the idiots buying literally carts full of it. (Set the good china tonight kids! We’re having Fried Charmin for dinner.) No one seemed worried about food though. Potato chips, candy, lots of Diet Coke; but not one hamburger or pot roast to be found. People are going to starve because they’re stupid and don’t have lists.
    Some info floating around:

    82nd Airborne

    Local news-ness on helping or not……




    All of this from Andrea Shea King who is usually on it with news.

    1. The great toilet paper buy up 2020 was the first sign for me of just how much trouble we were all in. It literally made no sense and it still doesn’t. It was my first glimpse into just how deep into the mind fuckery the average US citizen was.

      That TP was a weathervane for me. I had no experience or desire to plan for extremely hard times up until then. Now it’s happening again it seems. I would bet this is much to do with the Longshoremen Strike. That leader seems like a real prick. He Sounds quite prepared to take the world down with him to make some points.

      With the world on the edge of disaster it seems like a piss pour time for this to happen. Doubt it’s going to help these poor people in the hurricane recovery zone whatsoever.

      You guys in the know who still have active duty contacts and sources are the best source of info on this disaster unfolding. Appreciate the insight.

  9. If you’re going to donate cash, Cajun Navy is a 501(c)3 non profit on the ground and in the air now in affected areas. Unlike the Red Cross and others, they aren’t giving money to illegals.

  10. A big coming killer, one that was the scourge of medieval Europe and Europe and America until the 1920’s, is Diphtheria. Also known as The Bloody Flux. Contaminated foods and contaminated cooking areas and contaminated people are not a good mix.

    Most people got their TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis – aka Whooping Cough) as a kid but haven’t gotten boosters as adults. Which is bad. Really bad.

    Tetanus is a nasty fuck and easy to get in a ‘world falls apart and shit’s gone bad’ situation. Yes, we all know to keep our wounds clean, but in a nasty dirty cleanup after a storm, things go sideways quickly.

    But, again, Diphtheria. The reason for the Iditarod Dog Sled Race. Because it almost wiped Nome, Alaska off the face of the earth back in 1925. And lots of cemetaries all over before the 1920s had lots and lots of child burials listed as, of course, diphtheria. It will cull children and old people and anyone weak enough. Those strong enough will just deal with it like the English at Agincourt, meaning literally shitting themselves nigh unto death, with bloody stools dripping out of their anuses. Yay, medieval diseases are so much fun!

    Cholera is bad, really bad, though. I lost great grandparents on my dad’s side in an outbreak in New Orleans from that crap. But I lost a lot more ancestral broods to Diphtheria. Fucking bloody shit.

    And our feckless Imperial Government is stonewalling any aid and support and rescue to Tennessee and North Carolina, just because those people have the nerve to vote for decency and honesty and all the good things about America.

    Want to force a Civil War? This, this is how you force a civil war.

    I’d say I can’t believe our government is doing this, but sadly it doesn’t surprise me at all.

  11. i live in PA. last couple weeks a stomach bug has been circulating. nothing for a healthy person to shake off, but several not vaxxed people i know have been crapping blood and mucous as the notvaxx kills your good bacteria in your guts. which is your entire immune system, btw.

    i work in a grocery store, the amount of people i see on the downward spiral as they age decades in a week is accelerating our swirling the bowl.

    please excuse my lack of capitalization. typing one hand handed as my left arm rotator is having a shit fit today.

  12. So of course they would never go and fuck up all the “good” vaxxes, huh? Or dump fentanyl into the water supply? Or god knows what?
    You might just give your normalcy bias another little tug- I assume nothing is what it was in the past, at this point.
    Trust? Gone forever for the rest of my tour which at 73 aint so long anyhoo.

    1. Amazing the number of people, despite all evidence to the contrary, still need/want/must believe .gov, .mil, big pharma et al are here to help because they care so much about your well-being and safety. Spot on, Paddy. I trust nothing that smell so fthe Matrix.

    2. Ditto, I’m 73 also. I’m with the VA, but I don’t get ANY shots anymore.

      1. Last time I saw my PCP at VA the suede grandmamma aged intake nurse ‘Axed’ if ah wanted the Vax and sheeit. Seems I have never taken it. Since this was announced by the VA pubic-hair relations commissar as something that would no longer be pushed I went ethnic on her ass. Rather than scream ‘Rayciss’ and run down the halls like the Klan was after her silly ass, Nurse Sheboon broke the f…k down. Seems huh daughter had to take the shot so as to get a nursing job (the banana don’t fall far from the tree), Big Mama took one with her. After all, Massa Pfizer couldn’t be bad to dem house groids, amirite?
        Well, even dumb Doresha must have seen the results and now this poor pitiful example of the White Man’s Burden was in fear every day. I felt like telling her ‘You made Yo own crib Sambo-isha, now where my money’, but seeing that sobbing monkey had access to my records I just told her to have faith in the Negroid Gawd. It seemed to help through an awkward situation.
        I wish my ancestor had picked their own damned cotton!

  13. The bodies need to be cleaned up quickly or really bad shit happens. And for God’s sake get them out of the water.

  14. RE;your TSA experience, I’ll go ya one better. P-Cola, last year. I was flying out to Colorado, had a brand new (still in the wrapper) set of Hornady ‘aught-six dies. The 2 GIANT baboons were puzzled by them. They called their boss (we’ll call him big fat stupid cracker) over to assess my I’ll intent. Once I explained what they were he seemed to simmer down a little. As I was about to put my shoes back on he turned back and said “Wait, you don’t have any bullets, do you? He was less amused than I was when I replied “If I had bullets, I wouldn’t need the fucking reloading dies, now would I?”…. Them boys n girls are literally dumber than dogshit.

  15. “The African Plan”roflmao dip spit literally ran thru my nose when I read that. Fuck I’m still laughing thru the burn.

    1. When my dad was moving the family to the middle of the Pacific in 1970, we all had to get shots.

      At the base hospital, a corridor had a bunch of desks in it. First desk was for shots needed in most of the USA. Second was for the American Southwest. Third was for Europe. Fourth was for South America and the Carribean. Fifth was for the Pacific and Asia, all of Asia. And the last table was for Africa. Start at the first table and go until you’ve reached the table at where you’re going. The Africa table had about as many shots as every other table combined.

      That was a painful day.

  16. Looting in Appalachian areas is a bad idea. They are arguably the most legacy of legacy Americans. The Whiskey Rebellion set the tone and it has changed little since.

    I would wager that, seeing as they have been screwed the worst be prog environmentalists and government indifference for decades, that the people will be far more kinetic than they are expecting and hanging will be for the looters not blasted out right.

    I would add that that region once provided a large percentage of .mil recruits and now don’t. Messing with them is a bad idea.

  17. BCE–
    I have not read your post yet, or the comments.
    So, apologies if someone has already posted this.

    But I was listening to Jack Spirko’s Tuesday show of The Survival Podcast and they were discussing Helen and h th e wreckage in East TN and West NC.

    Nicole (Living Free in Tennessee) mentioned this organization. It might be worth checking them out. They are actual boots on the ground. And since fedgov is actually against helping people (see also ButtPlug’s Thursday 10/3/24 announcement about outlawing drones), this Grindstone local org may be a good option.
    Along with Franklin graham’s Samaritan’s Purse, which has its HQ at nearly ground zero of this storm.
    But our people (Christian, Scots-Irish, Appalachia) are gettin’ it done with what they have, at least for now.


  18. Hearin frequent stories of FEMA and other government types interacting with locals in an irritating fashion.
    As a friend of mine used to say to his daughters less than desirable boyfriends
    “I have 300 acres and a backhoe”

  19. Last week, flew from Reno to Vagas, zero issue with TSA and return trip.

    Declared, relocked, one Wilson Combat super sniper AR10 in 6.5 creedmore 8 mags, plus ammo. One Glock 19 5 20 rounders. Easy peasy.

    Even had its dedicated can in the case. Was surprised they didn’t ask about can paper work


    Have to agree with many above, the cavalier attitude of govt. officials leads me to believe they got plans.

    Hoping target packages are current, may be a real deal need,,,,,sooner rather then later

    We’ve watch with deep concern the carnage down south. A wake up call reminding me that fucking with Mother Nature is a bad idea. Govt fucking with us is a worse idea

    I got the feeling dot gov is trying to force We The People’s hand!


  20. ” Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies.”
    “I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government”


    on chelation therapy day 3 now- it removes heavy metals/nano circuitry, my energy level has doubled and arthritic pain has decreased. facing reality is a very big step in survival folks. you are all infected.

    dose up right before sleep, 1000 mg Vitamin C wait 15 minutes then 500 mg- 2 droppers of EDTA and rinse it down with water. full mineral support in the morning. take water & vitamin C tabs all thru the day up to 10,000 mg or as tolerated. kidney impaired consult your practitioner


    tfA-t is way ahead of the pack

      1. this is the recipe. fasting 2 hrs before taking is best. fasting is always good for you anyways- get enough sleep also. DO NOT eat fast ‘foods’- EVER. water water water- not from the tap…

        ” The use of ordinary military force (bombs, bullets, etc.) is regarded as a “last resort” in circumstances wherein Mind War by itself fails”

        “He also discussed psychotronic research, which is being deployed on the population now via the 5G/ HAARP/ self assembly nanotechnology neural interface subliminal mind control programming of cyborg zombies:”


        you have my addy. ask and i will answer your ?s as best as i can. my doc at VA is all ears when i come to see her. she knows i was an instructor in the army. all the girls over there listen to tfA-t

    1. * do not hold in mouth or under tongue(which is optimal absorption) – EDTA will bond to the mercury in amalgam fillings and then go thru you system and that will poison you.

  21. Local Realtor in Charlotte area who is trying to send supplies to the smaller hamlets hit by the storm told my wife there are so many bodies the cadaver dogs don’t know where to start. We have a niece outside of Asheville who’s husband’s family had a generator and water. They have chickens, sheep, and goats with a garden so they should be all right.

    Her husband said there were long lines to fill gas jerry cans and lots of people were carrying firearms.

    You really can’t depend on Washington nor Raleigh to save you. Help your family and neighbors and trust in the LORD.

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