Been a Busy Few. Might Be Moving Out on a Mission

OK… so here we didn’t get hit with shit.

That being said, now having seen just how fucking bad the western side of North Carolina is, as well as East Tennessee? Oh damn…

To start with, Miss Daisy is OK.

She had to evacuate.
She’s currently at her Pastor’s house along with some others as they have their own well that did not get affected (as of now). I’ll be damned if I don’t look at headed up there to help though.

We also heard from BabyDaddy, and Addy and him, and the rest of the kinfolk are good in Kingsport. The damages are south of Johnson City.

That being said, I’ve now taken into account the real time damage? Oh Holy Shit! I’ve been watching videos of how it’s private folks who’re going in and doing everything from Helo Operations, to search and rescue.

I’m going to talk to the Operations Commissar… I just have -issues- sitting back on my ass. I have a 4 day window of “Vacation” left to me on this year that I was saving, but shit like this?

I hate sitting around
There is zero fucking excuse for NOT deploying elements of the 82nd nor the 101st! I mean FFS we deploy our troops to ALLL the foreign disasters and yet NOW? Fuck Posse Comitatus. That’s a law dealing with keeping the Active Military out of policing duties.

We need to get some folks in there NOW

I need ANYONE with info/intel and or contacts to get me some Points of Contacts for this. I’ve got Helo Operations (establishing LZs, marking them, guiding birds and the like) and also setting up Logistics Chains in <ahem> austere conditions. Shit like this…

…which is why now I’m having issues with not to be packing up and helping. Looks like I got my work cut out for me for the next few days…

Just like it’s been here for the past couple.
Any suggestions on just -how- to do this?
I’d have to probably ‘Greyhound’ in as close as I can with what I can carry on my back. We only have the one car, so that’s also a wee bit of an issue… Please let me know soonest ANY and ALL Ideas for this…

Half Brained?
As my Buddy Chuckie would have said “Another one of your Hair-Brained Ideas BC… noble, but dumb…. one of these days, that’s gonna kill you.”

Boone and Chimney Rock, as well as Biltmore Village seem to be in the worst shape. I’ll be looking to head that way if I get clearance. I’ll also be updating as I go. Any suggestions, support, transportation and/or telling me any and all advice would be appreciated.

Call it my ‘Hero Complex”

I hear cries for help, especially in an area that welcomed me and mine during a really bad time while fighting for Addy, so I just have to do something… and ‘thoughts and prayers’ just ain’t gonna fucking cut it.
Time to Sound “Boot and Saddles”
More Later
Big Country

33 thoughts on “Been a Busy Few. Might Be Moving Out on a Mission”

  1. Dude. I understand. We got plastered here on the island and clean up will take weeks. I am going to take a chance with our friendship and mutual respect. You don’t have the spare change for this. Four days isn’t enough to accomplish anything when you consider that it will take one day of travel each both there and back. You need your job even as annoying as it is. You want to help those people? OK. Donate your bus fare to some local relief group. Save your vacation. The way your life has been going you just might need it. From one vet to another, brother this isn’t a good idea in so many ways.

    1. I agree, you can’t really be very helpful if you only have 48hrs once you get there and your limited in what you can carry.

      Better to help out closer to home so your travel is less giving you more time on the ground.

      Or see if you can work remotely, in every disaster there is a need for people to organize convoys etc

    2. To clarify: I got the four days, then add in the weekend, (6-7+ days) and I can also if I play it right, get some extra ‘remote time’ whilst still participating.
      Like I said, got to see what the Commissars say

    3. Amen…You have noble instincts, but you won’t accomplish much and your family can’t afford it….

  2. BC

    Look at the NC DOT site. You best bet is to go in from North Georgia and up. (Hiawassi or Blairsville) Into NC. Most of the roads over the mountains from E TN are blocked unless you go in S from Athens Tn or Cleveland Tn over that way. It’s not just Asheville, most of the NC counties along the state line are a mess. Same on the TN side in Cocke county as an example. Do note Trump busting ass on national news today helped. FEMA sent in several c130s into Asheville full of supplies late this afternoon and got off their collective asses. Sad orange man bad had to shame them into helping the deplorable in these deep red areas.

  3. Dude.
    Semperfido has the right of it.
    *I* feel yer pain. Been out on a number of Red Cross National Assignments and even with my messed up arm and back The Ol Warhhorse has heard the trumpets sound but I can’t hit the trail, tomorrow or even the day after.
    Frustration is rampant in this house.

    I’ll pray for y’all if you pray for my people in the bull’s eye.

  4. according to the clowns in DC , there is no problem. they don’t care at best, worst is they having a hard on knowing this is happening to people that DIDN’T vote for them . so , in their minds, fuck em.
    your heart is in the right place. I fully understand the “need to do something” to help.
    so, instead of buying a nice bottle of booze, give the money to some group already there helping out.
    and NOT the fucking red cross either. the Cajun navy has a go fund me site. so, far. they have done a much better job of helping people out during shit like this than the “clowns that be”
    one thing though, people will remember how little the Gov’t did to help. not a good look for the clowns in office right now.

  5. Try to link up with the Cajun Navy. Great organization, all volunteer using their own resources. They’ve had air, ground, and water assets there over 24 hours. They went through a formal consolidation after the bad flood in Houston a few years back and now they’ve got some extra toys and good comms.

  6. Check with your local churches and see if any of them have contacts in the affected areas. If they do they’ll be arranging for relief supplies and you can donate time/money/supplies to help them. That’s you best course of action for helping the people affected.

    1. A quick look up on line shows that it is currently closed due to hurricane. As it is a bit NE of Ashville you can bet it is not in good shape. Once the tech CEOs start to put pressure on ,bet .gov begins to move heaven and earth.

  7. Big Country,

    I got a set of wheels you can use if you need ’em… a crappy 2016 Jeep Patriot (with the overgrown hamsters in the engine) but it gets GOOD mileage (like 30mpg) and it is in good mechanical condition (except the 2kRPM stutter that is a known issue in that model). I live right down the road in Lehigh Acres (Lee county)and could shag it up to you if you say go. That said it should be roomy enough for a road trip – my 6’2 380lb ass can fight mostly comfortably, and it has decent cargo area when not full of rug rats. Drop me an email.

  8. BCE..

    Commendable, lots of .civ folks here in the Charlotte region are engaging now w supply runs, etc.

    I would suggest that you take an HT/Mobile 2m rig to listen into radio traffic from the Mt Mitchell repeater, still operational…Easy enough to get radio programmed for the local freqs.

    They have established a general ‘net to pass emergency/priority traffic and assist w welfare checks and what not….

    I’m passing traffic to and from for folks here in my area looking for info on loved ones in the effected regions, and some of the reports are just tragic and disheartening to say the least, but we have had great successes too.

    If you are passing thru clt, and need some commo gear, i can spare an HT or two and will get em programmed for the local repeaters…


  9. Difficult as it is to not be up there helping in person, you can have a far bigger effect using your skilz where you are to coordinate with local groups that are gathering, loading and sending trailers north to the disaster zones.
    From what I have seen, even small aircraft or helos providing parachute drops with a load of food and water and some basic tools (can openers and knives etc) would be more useful.

  10. Due, with all due respect, Sit Your Ass Down. Your broken down ass will be one more thing that has to be logistically supported. You can do the vital soft science arts from your keypad. Experienced logistics and coordination help can be done from a distance. Somebody (you) who knows how has to get the supplies to the affected area, then unload the truck (not you). Your best bet is to not kneejerk this but to step up when everybody else is stepping down. My experience (Washington Il F4 tornado, Ivan, Sally) has been the organization to be done after the first few weeks. Right now, stay away, two three weeks when the dogooders have departed then step in to help coordinate long term help. People are unhoused, see about securing temporary lodging, get legal aid to people who are going to be screwed by the insurance industry, long term medical, dental, psych help.

    This should be the final wake up call for the normies to finally see that TPTB don’t give a rats ass about them. Publicize that fact in Mass, CT, NY, NH, VT, WI, MN, IL, OR, WA, CA. The message to the masses: they will take your tax dollars but when your tax paying ass needs help, Illegals, foreigners and the crooks at the top come first.

    Max your capabilities at your domicile not in the affected AO. BTW health compromised people should not be in that disaster zone. My MIL was mucking about in our condos after Ivan. She is one of two people the local hospital has seen that survived two simultaneous septic infections. ICU for 49 days, 30 days reg hospital room, 6 months PT and recovery. You would not survive the crap that is going to hit up there in a few days.

    Just BTDT thoughts.

    Spin Drift

    BTW hurricane season has a month to go.

  11. Cousin in SC no power, trees down everywhere, said neighborhood looks like a war zone, all safe. Long road trip that I could be convinced to make. Buy 4-5 chainsaws to sell, barter, trade, use. A gen set or two, my truck has and will power a few 120v outlets with the engine idling, not ideal, but. Would need to service my truck before driving 3000 miles. I’d have a dual reason, just to swing through Florida. In person great, help a few, BCE. on the keyboard, could help more. Hey I’ve said it before “I’m up for a road trip!.”

  12. You have a skill set that would be very useful, but not in a 4-7 day window.
    I have read your work now for years,, gave monies to your save granddaughter fund,. I consider you a go to for the spidey sense of what is going on. But, you are not physically able to do what you want to do, body is worn out. You do not want to be a problem instead of the solution.
    I suggest you find an organization that you can donate your logistics skills to. Find and Amish church near your, Mennonite perhaps, they can be trusted , see whom they are sending and what organizations they work within. Ask your employer if they would be willing to give you a paid leave to assist the relief. It would be a donation by them in effect to the cause. Maybe set up operations near the destruction but not in the zone. There is nothing that is not going to need organized. you may just be handling diesel to heavy equipment for example., but that is a needed skill set. If God is speaking to you to help then you will have to answer for not heeding that voice. But, you don’t want to add to the problem by collapsing in the field. I hope you find where you fit in the work at hand.

  13. Also keep in mind that there is a system in the Atlantic right now that is supposed to be hitting the gulf coast anywhere from Florida to Louisiana sometime by the weekend.

    Just food for thought.

    1. The fear porn system is in the south west Caribbean Sea. It has not moved for two days and is not even a tropical depression. Only a 40% chance in the next 7 days according to the NOAA. Too much Jet Stream dipping south at the moment. Cold air kills hurricanes. Have condo near Florabama so I watch the weather studiously. Going down there tomorrow to prep unit for window replacement from Sally (Cat 2). Condo Board eff’d around with the insurance company for 3 years. Had to go to arbitration and got to watch the price of windows and labor about double. What should have been a $2MM job turned into almost $4MM. Thanks Dems


  14. Hey BC,

    I went to samaritans purse today to make a donation, they have links for volunteer opportunities in relation to the storm all through NC and the affected areas, but also in your area Tampa. Probably loading supplies or whatnot. Check it out.

  15. Sitting here in Big ‘Retch’s Disaster (Michigan) and signed up to work “disaster relief” in Cincinnati (really Batvia). Arrived Saturday after a hard run to make a 1400 ETA.

    AFTER 6 CALLS RECEIVED TO FIRM UP MY ETA. I made my entrance. No one to meet me at the “yard” (Eastgate Mall). No call about what to do, who to see, where to wait, sleeping arrangements. Waited 3 hours.

    Called the guy who had called me for my ETA. “CALM DOWN” he said. I was not calming down after a 6-hour drive with only a street address to use (shout out to Cincy Fire Lt. who oriented me, gave spot on directions) to find their “yard”. I smell grift.

    The 2 organizations for whom I was to work are owned by one man. Scamming FEMA is the MO, IMHO.

    The head guy owes me $ for my effort to be part of the “relief effort” but it is FUBAR. If I am not paid, then I will reveal which outfits these are and who is the man at the head. Grift Central.

    Disgusting to defraud FEMA and the taxpayers whose $ this grifter is taking.

    1. Holy shit dude so only if he doesn’t part with some of the grift will you spill the beans on him… No better than a nigger…

  16. Relief should always be local or family.
    Mommygov is not your friend, not at any level.
    It was drought up here and the hurricane finally brought some rain.
    The Fundamental Transformation into CPUSA (D) fourth world turd can hopefully be stopped here but they are pumping them in by the hundreds of thousands.
    Did North Carolina try putting up some Ukraine flags to fool Dollar Store lazer man Brandon, or put up some we love Vindmann banners?
    It might work, as the NG is deployed to Middle East for Sandbox III.
    Iran struck and took out some F-35 no go showboats on the ground.
    Iron Dome is as mythical as the Ronny Raygun Star Wars.
    Ivan gets it right with the Dead Hand Doomsday Defense.

  17. This will be a little disjointed.
    Grew up in Houston. Alicia was my first hurricane, Harvey my last.
    A most profound hat tip to the Cajun Navy. Those boys saved hundreds in Houston during Harvey. Tx governor should have given every last coon-ass a medal.

    I am in Johnson City now. Samaritan’s Purse is out of Boone, NC, and they are super solid folks. Recommend.

    In laws are in Erwin (where they had to air evac folks off the roof of the hospital) they send the following:
    “[FIL] says that all volunteers are organized @ Unicoi County Middle School.Show up, and get on list.  
    423-560-0261.  This is their number — they may, or may not answer.”
    Rumor has they are turning down untrained volunteers, looking for logistical help. Will have more info tomorrow.

    Can look also at the Parks & Rec in Elizabethton TN, they are asking for volunteers. Hampton was hit very hard and they are working the problem there.

    I don’t have contacts in NC, but I know that from Asheville, if you take I-26 up to 19E, east through Burnsville, out to Spruce Pine, then up 226, which turns into 107, to Unicoi, that path is open.

    I dare say you will have plenty to do if you come up through Asheville. I hear 26 south of Asheville is open, but cannot personally confirm.
    Dozens of small private groups on the ground doing good work down there. CA had some good info in recent posts.

    Same up here. Local firefighters put out a call on social media for donations, had to shut it down after 5 hours as they were so overwhelmed with the response. Essentially every church, civic group, etc in action.

    Called a guy today, he was out delivering meals to folks stuck near Boone, despite not having power at his own home.

    This is the way.

    Will add more info tomorrow, this is my first chance to personally recon since the flooding.

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