Greetings and Salutations!
Well today (shockingly) went well
No meteor strikes, no nuclear exchanges, no flaming bags o’poo (that I can find), no rando-meth heads in our A.O. (more on that in a minute) and otherwise, outside of the predicted OMFG rain, and Chili peeing on the carpet, it’s been a good day.
People’s Glorious Tractor Factory even went well…
I’ll take what I can, when I can, and thank the Good Lord above for the mellowness.
The meth head comment is that as of late?
We’re seeing an ‘uptick’ of general scumbaggery in the Area. We actually even had an attempted carjacking back in June? or somewhere around there at what I call MY Publix shopping center, mine in that it’s walking distance from the house. It ended rather poorly for the perp in that a former Marine literally ‘clipped’ him football style as he (the bad guy) was playing tug of was with the 70+ senior whom he’d targeted.
Truly, watching the security cam re-runs were great. Ole ‘Jarhead Joe’ had a full head o’steam built up when he hit the fucker. You could practically hear the Meth-heads ribs crumple and shatter internally. The guy got hit so fucking hard that he was knocked out, and then transported to the hospital…he woke up cuffed to the bed charged with Carjacking, Assault on an Elder… the usual shit… After this hit/arrest, they (the local Ministry of Lies and Propaganda) interviewed Joe for the 5 o’clock buzz, and he sounded rather disappointed that the perp didn’t put up more of a fight… it was funny in that the ‘roving reporter’ kept trying to interject some sort of angle that our guy was a bit overly enthusiastic in what he did… Joe shut that shit down pretty hard… in fact his answers and attitude?
Methinks Joe really wanted to lay the pain on this retard.
Good on ‘im Aye?
That being said though
We truly do not hate the media ENOUGH.
As well as ALL of its employees as well.
Shun them.
If you know someone locally?
Until the Rule of Law collapses, that’s all we can do.
After that?
Well the bodies will be piled high, the blood will flow freely. On both sides. There’s going to be ‘famous folks’ on both sides, and more than enough ‘innocents and unknowns’ as that’s the way ‘civil-not-so-civil’ wars go… Just like in that shitty “Civil War” movie where ‘Fat Damon’ asks “What kind of ‘Murican are you?”

Know that there’s going to be ‘tests’ of who/what you believe in, and there’s NOT going to be any second chances or ‘respawns’ for incorrect answers…
In fact, a quick aside: That scene?
Completely unrealistic IMO.
“Fat Damon” was interviewing fucking reporters FFS.
The norm after all hell breaks loose?
Per this quote:
If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.
General William Tecunseh Sherman
Mainly because the movie-makers themselves don’t want to admit, nor show that any and all media folks more than likely in real life would have been killed on the spot, out of hand (most deservedly so) and with probably a goodly amount of satisfaction in having done so… “A Dead Jo-urinalist is the only Good Jo-urinalist.” they finished off that scene in the most unrealistic way possible.
To continue: The media these days? They’re just not fucking bright enough to understand that they ARE the current day Regimes Spokesfolks. And because of the tragic disconnect regarding how real war functions, and how collaborators, traitors, betrayers and their scummy ilk are usually dealt with, this will ultimately be their collective undoing.
I blame the Modern Education System
I know, I know… go ahead and laugh, but I’m pretty fucking sure that none of these ignorant fuckers have ANY knowledge of the history of propagandists… As in they have no fucking clue as to who Lord Haw-Haw AKA William Joyce, or the Japanese English propagandists that ran under the name of “Tokyo Rose” AKA Iva Toguri D’Aquino or “Orphan Ann” AKA Fumiyo “Ann” Kiyooka. Nevermind what happened to them after the War.
Ask any Jo-urinalist who these folks are, and I fucking gar-ron-damned-tee that you’ll get a blank fucking stare for your troubles.
And for those who aren’t crazy War History buffs like me? Let’s start off with “Lord Haw Haw”. Per the Wiki HERE he was an American born in 1906. Without going too deeply into it, he was essentially a Irishman (US Born) with a Catholic Father, and a Protestant Mother…
Pretty sure that had to be fun…. not.
Long Story Short: He fucked around during the Irish Troubles, but seemed to work both sides of the fence. Having read his biography, the term I’d call him by is “opportunist.” He bounced around in one form or another, working for the ‘Black and Tans’, who worked for the Brits in Ireland during the Troubles, to becoming an open Fascist at one point. He was also an ardent Anti-Semite, and in 1939, bailed to Germany one step ahead of the Brits, as they wanted to lock him up as a potential security risk.
Late 1939 William Joyce started talking shit on the radio for Germany against England.
Lots of propaganda… DotMil movements of Allied troops, defeats of Allied troops, the usual shit if you will… “You’re all dead!” and the classic “You’re over here fighting us while the Niggers and Jews are back at home, sleeping with your wife!” and the usual attempts to gaslight and demoralize the listeners. No idea or numbers on how effective it was, but you know it was not cool either way…
At one point he was being heard by about 6 million people on the regular, and upwards of 18 million occasionally. That’s quite the audience Aye? The Germans fucking loved him. Think “British Rush Limbaugh” if you will, except with Nazis.
He kept up broadcasting allll the way up ’til the last… His last recorded show was on April 30th, 1945. It’s not really clear IF it actually was broadcast, but at that point, WW2 was over.
Lord Haw Haw was was executed on 3 January 1946 by hanging
He was the last Brit to be hung for treason.
Then the more famous and well know, leastways to us Americans, is “Tokyo Rose“. Now this chick? Well… her IRL name was Iva Toguri D’Aquino. She was born a Nisei in 1916 in Los Angeles (of course!). I feel sort of bad in the respect that she went to Japan in July of 1941 to visit relatives, and got trapped there when the slants started their shit at Pearl Harbor in December of that same year…
Her case was one of ‘volunteered/voluntold‘ if you will. She didn’t and wasn’t given much of a choice under her circumstances. She did do propaganda broadcasts, however she was only one out of a slew of American-English speaking females… You have to understand in that there’s English and what WE speak on the daily which would be better called ‘American’. They used her to do propaganda stuff, but as to her genuine contribution(s) against the US DotMil?
Questionable at best
Outright fabricated at worst…
In that the two ‘star witnesses’ the DotGov used against her in 1949 were coerced in providing false, misleading if not outright bullshit testimony under threats to have they themselves arrested and prosecuted for treason as well…
Got to love our DotGov Aye?
And they wonder why people email Vladimirovich Putin and ask him to nuke the fuck out of the District of Columbia, and undertake ‘other actions’ to remove the vermin currently in charge of our country???
Gee, why would these things ever happen?
In the long run, her arrest, conviction and all subsequent issues essentially were thrown out. She was ultimately pardoned by President Ford in 1977.
My point is however, is that Jo-urinalists? They have zero fucking clue as to how disposable and worthless they are. Both to their ‘current day masters’, to the ‘regular folks’ who are just trying to scrape by.
I believe and this’s my own personal opinion, is that the Media got it’s sense of ‘invincibility’ when they managed to take Nixon down. Now granted, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that involved the CIA, and an intentional and willful undermining of a sitting President in favor of a Cabal of High Ranking Intelligence operatives, and their “Besties” who owned ALL of the Military Industrial Complex weapons and ‘stuff’ manufactories.
No one ever looked behind the curtain on that particular shytteshow. Woodward and Bernstein (really? Every. Single. Time. right?) came off as the “…scrappy underdogs who took on and ultimately forced the removal/resignation of one of the most Powerful Men in The World.”
And because of this?
We now have a bloated, retarded, incapable bunch of pseudo-intellectual trust fund babies (at best) who’ve been given every. single. participation trophy in the world, and then are “Shocked, Shocked I say!” when people push back… These fucking morons and malcontents have no fucking clue what it means to TRULY LOSE.
LOTS of them have been to “The Mog”…
Baghdad, Nasiriya, Kabul…
You get the idea.
Yeah they might have been under some indirect fire
It’s part and parcel of being ‘over there’
No matter what, they always retained that ‘ignorance/superiority’ complex I personally have run into oh so many times. I’ve had my fair share in Iraq/Affy having to deal with Jo-Urinalists. Lord Love a Duck. I can not deal with them. In fact at one point, I was being spoken TO (mind you a big difference there) I was being spoken TO as if I was some third grade retard (guilty as charged!) by some dickweed wearing his helmet, as well as his vest.
Not exceptionally outré for the “Fashion of the Day” a’la Baghdad Late 2004… In fact he was almost dead on point, except for the protective mask. I mean FFS… a promask? Not that I was having an issue with it… no no no… it was the outrageous hypocrisy I saw.
On one hand?
“There is zero evidence of Saddam Hussein having Wepons of Mass Destruction. This whole war is bullshit, and the Shrub is a lair-liar-pants-on-fire Monkeyboy!”
AFTER one of our EOD Teams accidentally ‘popped’ a 152mm Sarin Gas binary Artillery shell and got themselves a bad dose of the “Kickin’ Chikin”?
After that minor incident?
Every. Single. Media. Joker wore their protective mask kit religiously. THIS while the entire time these fuckers were utterly and completely DOWNPLAYING any and ALL IRL examples of Weapons of Mass destruction being implemented, either accidentally (this being the most common case) to a willful deployment of some seriously bad shit that IF it’d gotten out?
Bad juju.
So my hatred of the Media is well known to the powers that be. My original Blogg waaaaay back when was HUGELY about the disgust and outright horrow I was witnessing in real time vis-a-vis the reports, the stories and the utter bullshit that the people ‘back home’ were getting from the “other enemy”, Also Known As our own fucking Media Companies
Of which I have now subsequently dubbed, and shall call them:
“The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda”
Tell me I’m wrong.
But yeah…
They sure as hell hate us. It’s because of their fear and loathing of us. They truly know that waaay deep down inside that they’re nothing more than scurrilous scribners of fantastical and fascist lies that are meant to promote their own specious and supercilious superiority. That they are cowards and liars, too stupid to understand that the tolerance for their behavior is coming to an end.
And that end will not be pleasant.
As stated by far better than I
We Do Not Hate The Media Enough.
Wash Rinse and Repeat
More Later
Big Country

Awesome and informative! Carry-on, sir, and thank you for your service! And yes, with your writing you do continue to serve! Sincerely, John Covington
Remember, those pricks fall asleep at night afraid that when the ballon’s go up the John Conlee Retribution Division is going to hunt them down.
Better than getting rolled up by the Mike Brady or Jim Neighbors units though.
Enemedia? ESFT.
That what kind of American saying is from Matt Damon?
This just in from Team America World Police… Matt Damon.
No rain in two weeks for Pineland Early AM visit Friday, love the Big Sky.
I, being the local ‘Mufti’, would work those urinalists til they die of exhaustion, then use their remains as ferts!
Loved the cat meme-I copied and put it up at work. 😎 It sincerely irritated management who thinks our Asian customers will be offended. Screw Them.
Do you speak English?
Yes. And I understand American.
Afraid of us (all y’all)? Hell, 160 years later and the Stars and Bars *still makes them wet themselves.
this is usually the rainy season up here. should be raining until it starts snowing, but it isn’t.. what it is is fucking hot at 80 degrees today and no breeze.. the next 10 days looks like more of the same. 80s all week really sucks. this will be the warmest stretch all year. its the shitbag govmint doing this…… just wait and see what else these fuckers are going to do to us- and it won’t be a booming thriving civilization- anywhere
hold course. steady as she goes. engines full ahead.
300 million just in fusa alone.
so sayeth tfA-t
I’m going to put this out there for anyone who will listen
EDTA and Vitamin C – The COVID19 Nanotechnology Bioweapon Antidote
don’t ever say tfA-t doesn’t care
Thanks buddy-you’re a good man.
the most important post of the century o this site so far, and you being the only one responding to it shows me where the mind of the majority is..
like i said…
only 2 responses? see what I mean? the murkins clearly deserve what they are getting…
“unfortunately I have been right, these are mesogen microchips that have been shedding to the unvaccinated”.
thanks tfAt, you newly somewhat mellowed fucker. I would have posted a thanks earlier but I got other shit going on.
So, thanks brother.
Oh, and Big? You had a sentence in a post about “former Marine” – there’s no such thing
Thanks. That stuff is in dental anesthetic. The experienced conspiracy theorist knows the junk is in every shot. Avoid shots as much as possible, and you don’t need any – but be prepared before you take one. Have your supplies to hand and dosage calculated.
Good luck all, I will just leave you with a bit of Ol Abe.
No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass will illuminate us, for good or for evil, down to the latest generations.
The weird weather world-wide has absolutely nothing to do with anything Man or The Man has done. It’s all about the massive amounts of water blasted into the upper atmosphere by the Hunga Tonga underwater volcano blast. Which, according to vulcanologists, should last about 2-3 years after the explosion.
What’s the #1 ‘climate warming’ substance? Water vapor. Yeah, water vapor, and that volcano didn’t just blast it into the cloud barrier, but as I said above, into the upper atmosphere. Not enough to block solar radiation but enough to hold in heat.
Expect things to start heading back to normal next year, and watch the eneMedia start freaking when they realize that the Earth is in the beginnings of a severe downshift in temperatures.
In comparison, the early medieval warming period that brought us the great ‘Viking’ explosion and exploration was about 4-5 degrees warmer than now. Scandinavia suddenly had a huge increase in population thanks to more land than ever before being farmed, record fish catches and such. Greenland was indeed green for the most, only being ice-bound at the far north section and the central valley areas. The Northwest Passage through the Arctic Sea above the North American continent was wide open all summer long. It was the time of the rise of some of the great South American cultures. And all came crashing down in the early 1300’s when we went into a severe cooling trend.
A MEDIA patch on a vest is a self-provided aim point and target designator, ESPECIALLY the ones worn by anti-fags or their supporters. Same with a MEDIC patch for the blac block.
“We truly do not hate the media ENOUGH …”
Remember those “swarthy” (guffaw) journos who were out covering protests in Seattle so bravely (guffaw) with their screen queen media chix and their attendant camera jocks, completely untouched while rioters were rioting around them?
So maybe you were thinking along with me then: where’s the opposing force that takes these scumbags out for providing aid and comfort to the enemy?
In the mode of John Travolta in “Swordfish”: boom, splat, you could practically taste the brain matter all over the camera as they both fall to the street.
But the answer was, of course, that we weren’t there yet, not in America anyway.
The media coverage back then was also all a setup, like the “feminist” marches where they made damned sure they put all of the telegenic pixie waifu type lesbians up front for the cameras so they could hide the lumbering whalebeasts behind them.
And it will all be a setup again and again, right up to the time the opposing forces say story time is over, bitches, it’s put up or shut up time.
Right around then, there will be an excessive wailing and gnashing over how the “freedom of the press” and “freedom of speech” are being suppressed by the opposing forces …
… when in fact that’s precisely what the press has been suppressing all this time.
The press speaks with false words until the opposing forces speak with the force of violence right back at them, Live And Direct On Network XXIII.
It’s the only thing that’s ever served to make these congenital liars want to speak the truth.
So in your AO, consider the press to be a walking trove of pricey free shit, from cameras to cell phones to memory cards to their vehicles.
If I’m on a jury and you are in front of me being defended for carjacking the media, I will do everything in my power to make sure you go free.
Enemies foreign and domestic.
Back when the 1st gulf war happened our small town tabloid owner did a piece on an iraqi refugee in edmonton who claimed he would gladly kill americans or people working for US companies. He then listed all the locals who were Americans or worked for US firms locally.
The locals ran him out of town over that and subscriptions tanked. He sold it for pennies and fled to the city.
I’m shocked at the number of folks who believe that the media was completely honest until 16 June 2015, and only started lying after that.
Truly. Still expecting (not) for the New York Times to return their Pulitzer prizes that they won reporting how wonderful life was in the Soviet Union under Stalin.
Or all the other news organizations that fluffed for Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao.
I noticed the lies when I first came into politics circa early 2000’s. My Old Man was a typical quiet Republican Biz owner type. I said to him then dad I don’t think this level of lies is normal. Something seems off. He dismissed it as politics. He will now tell you I was correct.
There is NO better example of the GIANT LIE that JB was fit to be POTUS. You can’t get any fucking bigger than that. When you take it all in understand that it’s downright frightening. And it should be.
I don’t freak out about that shit anymore after 2020. Admittedly I was a train wreck watching that train wreck. Finally subsided around mid 2023. It’s simple; you learn to shrug it off and laugh, or you go fucking crazy.
You guys and a few close friends and family are my bridge to sanity. So I should probably thank you for that.
1974, I am in HS and talking to the old man about politics and freedom of the press. I suspect it was the Pentagon Papers. What he said to me was “Freedom of the press is great – if you own a press.”
First, kill all the media.
Then, all the politicians.
Lastly, all the lawyers.
There is a lot of overlap between the poles and the lawyers.
The journos are the dumb ones who are of the same mold but who were too lazy or too dumb to get a degree with standards
Editors, Educators, Elites and Experts all belong to rot in fucking hell after their vile souls have been brutally stripped from their mortal coils.
Treat the EnaMedia like you would an especially obnoxious Second Louie in Vietnam…..salute him. Repeatedly. Eventually someone will take the hint and frag him. Enemy fire or friendly fire, no matter. Your hands are “clean”.
And if that doesn’t matter, there’s always the direct approach.
Be the Lee Harvey Oswald or the Jack Ruby. But make a better get away.
Or Uncle Ted?
Another name for the media = “Presstitutes”.
Part of why I detest the mainstream media so is they are knowingly lying and pushing propaganda and sadly most of the sheeple eat that shit up. My boomer MIL takes whatever CNN, MSNBC or PBS says as the gospel and I am a “crazy conspiracy theorist”.
Then when I show her the same media assholes grudgingly admitting that the whole “Russian Collusion” was total BS and they were knowingly lying, she gets pissed and doesn’t want to talk about it.
Not picking on her but she is systematic of a majority of people in this country and a major reason why I’m losing hope for the future of this country.
If what we fear comes true, the “normies” will eat up what the media feeds them like candy and we’ll be “crazy and need treatment” like Mel Gibson for speaking the truth OR “crazy conspiracy theorists who are paranoid schizophrenic and dangerous”.
We need to not have guns for “our own safety” and sent to a camp “to get us the treatment that we need”.
If the media actually reported the truth then things might be different but not gonna happen.
Interesting – I knew of Rose and Haw Haw, but never heard of Ann, but then I am just your average old scool engineer and not a (spit) journalist.
I think your list is backwards.
A few years back you could find t-shirts that had “Rope, Tree, Journalist, some assembly required,” or “Stake, Bonfire, Journalist, some assembly required” for sale online. I went looking for one recently and couldn’t find one anywhere. Bummer.
Sounds about right for these days… can’t have folks start getting ‘ideas’ right?
Jes’ Sayin’
(as I’m so fond of doing)
“If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting “ Gen. Curtis Lemay
“If you kill enough of them, they’ll start telling the truth “ ColdSoldier
I’m reminded of the Matt Bracken “What I saw at the coup” short story, how journalists carried the water for the regime until one of their was shot in the head on live TV.
Local journalists are on my local accountability list for a reason. They are right up near the top, too, because without friendly media support (and covering up), the left would not be nearly as powerful as they are.
Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons because we gave him chemical weapons in the 80s. Unlike what colon Powell said to the UN, those old chemical weapons weren’t a serious threat to anyone unless we did something seriously stupid like invade the country.
>niggers and jews sleeping with your wives
So, how wrong was he? There may have been plenty of exaggeration, but look at the US and UK now. Plenty of other decades to look back on too.
Right on. Lord Haw Haw was most likely an alright dude. Any “ardent anti-semite” gets the benefit of the doubt in my book. In the current UK, niggers and jews fuck their wives whilst they’re incarcerated for angry Facebook posts. Maybe they shoulda listened to the guy?
Back in 07 I got stuck as a battle CPT for a BN running route clearance all around Baghdad. We got told you have a reporter for some French newspaper and a film crew for Aljezeera. First thing out of higher was its approved suck it up. Second they have to come back alive. French guy was a prick.
The platoon that had the film crew fucking lost their minds when told 45 minutes before LD. Joke was on all of us as two Dutch Blondes walked in for Aljezeera Europe.
Lol are you calling him “Fat Damon” because he looks like Matt Damon? That’s kind of what I thought too. Saw that clip but have not seen the movie. Maybe I shall boot it up this evening on my jacked firestick. One good thing about working with minorities is you learn how to do shit like that lol.
Seriously if you guys are paying for anything TV related do yourself a favor and buy a $25 firestick from Amazon. Watch a YT vid on how to root it and install a movie app. I use Cinema and I can find just about any stream. I don’t pay for any TV period. It’s my own personal fuck you to (((Hollywood))).
Last week I watched Old Yeller for God knows what reason. That was the first time I have used that thing in a year. But when you need it, it’s rock solid. Hell there’s probably something better and easier now.
There is zero evidence of Saddam Hussein having Wepons of Mass Destruction. This whole war is bullshit, and the Shrub is a lair-liar-pants-on-fire Monkeyboy!
He was right.
Then how about this?
From the Article: “Chemical Weapons Found by American Forces in Iraq”
“Between 2004 and 2010, American forces in Iraq encountered thousands of chemical munitions. In several cases, troops were exposed to chemical agents.”
Sooooo whatchoo got for me then there mister Anon?
Unlike YOU, -I- was there.
So STFU STFD and be quiet, the adults are talking here.
Exactly. There is zero doubt Iraq had and had used chemical weapons which are counted as WMDs and had in the past attempted a nuclear program. If one wants to argue whether that worth invading over that is one thing but the “There were no WMDz!” shit is a bald faced lie.
I think it was Rumsfield that said paraphrasing” Of course they had chemical weapons , we sold them to him
I’ve had several encounters with them over the years. The “journalist” will take anything you say and twist it around to the point it doesn’t even sound like what you said. This is in everything – from a man-on-the-street weather story to relevant subject/expert analysis interviews. I don’t know why they have the compulsion to deceive and outright lie, but it seems to be in (((their))) DNA.
They finally got the message when I’d see them roll up on one of my job sites (Hazmat cleanup) and when they’d see me out there, they would just slowly keep on going by instead of stopping.
Never, ever talk to the press. They will make you look like a monster, no matter what the subject is. “Mr. Jones, how do you feel about the county fair this year?” They’ll take the answer and make Mr. Jones look like some kind of inbred hick who-wants-to-kill-six-million-jews and will lobby to have all county fairs shut down across the country.
Never. Talk. To. Reporters.
One of the books we had to read in junior high school was Upton Sinclair’s, “The Jungle” about the early days of the meat packing industry and the rise of labor unions. The book portrayed journalists as heroes, righting the world’s wrongs. When I went to college in 1975, such folks were still lionized. My school had one of the top journalism schools in the US. Those of us in the hard sciences looked at them as well-meaning naïfs. In that view, we (future) scientists were the naïve ones. Like Upton Sinclair, the communist, the journalism students were mostly little commies in training.
“The Jungle” was made up bullshit on par with Michael Moore’s lies as well. There have never been such a thing as the principled press, they didn’t just get the way they are in the last 20-30 years or so, they have always been this way.