Greetings and Salutations.
Going to be a bit of a ‘filler’ night, as I’m working on a large-ish poast that I’ve been grinding on. Politics and Observations from The Edge if you will. Please bear with me as I’ve just been so fucking busy…
My Minion at work even said to me today “You just don’t seem to get any ‘down time’ do you?” while we discussed my absence and she was getting me back up to speed for the Tractor Factory’s daily output, two-to-three day that I was in absentia. She’s a good kid. 21 years old, smart as a whip. Cute too. Had to go to great lengths to explain to Gretchen that I’m seeing her and treating her as my “Missing Spawn #2” and trying to help her out, as she’s got a few negative checkmarks as far as HR is concerned.
Being the youngest, smartest and most competent female in a place that has a bevy of older, more “Crone-Like” post wall females is never a good thing. The other whammenz have had their knives out for her, until I took her under my wing, and got her transferred to my Department, the Widget side of things.
It also helped immensely that the I.T. Commissar has been recently promoted to being the overall Operations/Office Commissar, and has the ability to quash any of the aforementioned bullshit the Crones have been trying to get my Minion fired. Win-Win in my book.
So, tonight? After a full day of bullshit dealing with truculent and miserable Clients, I decided to make a nice dinner:

Another Boneless Ribeye that I had in the deep freeze, Butter and Garlic pan-seared Green Beans, and Mac n’Cheese (home-made). I managed to time everything excatly right in that the steak came off the grill, as the beans just got done, and the Mac n’Cheese was ready to serve.
My attitude at this point is “Avē Imperātor, moritūrī tē salūtant!!!” which is a line, credited to Suetonius, said (supposedly) by Gladiators as they went to fight in the ring is translated as “”Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you”.
In this case, it’s more a “Eat well, we have NO idea if this will be our last great meal.” I mean at the rate things are going? It’s a tough call… best to live for today, as the way things are looking, there may not be many meals like this in the future.
And if you take that as a Blackpill?
Well, hey… I’m good with that. I know Sapper, Gretchen and I have gotten our ‘hatches battened down’ and are pretty much in a position to ride out a lot of bullshit. I’ve also gotten a LOT of the neighbors on board with getting ‘prepped for weirdness’ and adding on the fact that where we are is a far superior location in many respects than other places (of course realizing the heat and humidity suck), but we’re in pretty good shape.
I’ll say one thing, I sure as fuck have no plans on becoming a high end “Loot Drop” for the local retards. The only thing I feel we’re lacking is in the barbed wire/tanglefoot wire and razor wire area. I need to get a couple hundred more feet of each, just to have a reserve. That and more pickets.
One can never have enough engineer pickets.
That and getting the 3D Printer back up and running. It’s been down, but due to my own laziness. I got a buttload of upgrades for it, but I’ve had oh-so-many other IMPORTANT and NEED IT DONE NOW projects, that that’s been on the back burner for a minute. Seeing that I’m going to need more battery holders, I should make that a priority.
Otherwise, feeling pretty good.
Tired AF but good.
Another thing: The Poly80 company apparently shut down. Seems the lawsuits and financial losses were too great, so they’re toast. Which sort of sucks. I wanted and have been looking for the G26 lower 80% forever and one just never seemed to materialize. I had a Glock 26 for about 4 months in Baghdad (right before I left) and sort of liked that itty-bitty toy. VERY concealable. That being said though, I did NOT want to pay full price for such a niche weapon.
Yet another reason for me to get Ye Olde 3D Printer back up and running. Of course in the past, my attempts to 3D print “Glock” wannabe lowers were less than successful… they usually ended up being a pile of semi-melted cord with no resemblance to a proper frame. It’s part of the reason I went and got some upgrade kits, as a LOT of the forums out there said that the print-head on my particular 3D printer model had ‘issues’ doing Glock frames…
So I’ll update you on that when THAT shitshow gets handled.
So beyond that, I’m sort of spent writing wise, hence my cop-out with Memes. Tomorrow I head back to the In-Laws as Yes, I did get the replacement thermostat and boards, so I have to get them in before Dad has an OCD-oriented meltdown. I’ll install them tomorrow.
The cool thing is though we’ll be seeing a ‘lost fren’ so to speak. Dad’s best friend Artie is going to be there. Long story short: Artie and his wife were neighbors in The Villages to Mom and Dad forever. Like two houses down from each other. Dad and Artie were BFFs forever. Both are close in age. They hung out every day. Both were prior service Navy. Artie is Jewish (nonpracticing) and unfortunately, his wife rules him with an Iron Fist.
Two years ago, SHE decided that SHE wanted to move from The Villages to Jacksonville to live near her brother. It practically destroyed Artie. Artie had supported us financially with donations (despite his shrew-of-a-wife’s objections) in our fight for Addy.
Well, he finally put his foot down. Told her she either packed up, and shut up, or they were done, as “…leaving The Villages was the worst mistake I ever allowed you to make in our lives!” He then sold the shitass Condo they were living in, and are back, looking for a place to live near Dad.
Good on Ya Artie!
Great guy. I just wish he’d had curbstomped his out-of-control Yenta before all this went down. Now that Artie’s back, I have hopes Dad might come out of the ‘funk’ he’s been in since he left. I mean a man needs his bros right? Artie is a trip man… He saw my “Rakkasan Tat” on my shoulder and asked about it… I explained it was my Unit symbol and an “Army Thang”. He in turn let the secret out that he had two anchors tatted over the top of both ass cheeks!!!
I was like “Bullshit! A Jew with tats over/on his ass???”
He then dropped trou, and proved me wrong. Fucker does have twin anchors, a’la 1950+/- when he was in, tatted juuust above his asscheeks. Fucking legend man. It’ll be good to see him. If only to give him shit again, as I always did what with him and Dad being ‘fucking squids’…
So, to the Memes…
Gathered from Across the Web:

(That one is for Phil and Cederq)

Any wonder Gen X is jaded AF?

If you get it, you get it…

So More Later
Big Country

“Garden fence” at Home Depot–&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ue4zC-8bdirQ9Hjzzc9wq90F&gclid=CjwKCAjw3P-2BhAEEiwA3yPhwKqTclACmBLWWDtEriKwdImT6FV8RPdtuyyTCDxwxb1IEip0zQwGlBoCbjsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
It DOES keep the deer out…
I discovered I can significantly shorten links.
Generally, anything after the ‘question mark’ is for tracking a vendor associate.
Anything prior to the ‘question mark’ refers to the product.
I also trim the ‘http//:’, so the link begins with the www.
this ugly bitch is on it like stink on shit.
Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 “Vaccine”- Darkfield Microscopy
I gotta read those articles you sent me earlier.
Speaking of dinner, I got one of those pizza ovens. Love it. Best Napoli-style pizza I’ve been able to make.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Hey BCE that mac and cheese looks pretty good, what’s your recipe ?
Preparedness is a good thing for several reasons. The hurricane in the gulf is about to pass directly over the top of us. My sister from California was asking me how the weather was this morning. She also added “I know you’re prepared“. I told her I was always prepared. Unlike all these fools flooding the gas stations and the supermarkets right now. I swear these dumbasses do this every single time.
If you have any faith in humanity left just visit a gas station in the south with the an impending storm in the gulf. If you think you know what it’s going to be like when SHTF You only know a little.
I know I wouldn’t want to be anywhere there is Hurricanes in a SHTF scenario that’s for damn sure… I think Joel Skousen ranked Florida second to last on good places to be in a SHTF and Rawles ranked it pretty low as well…
The South is glorious. The problem we have is large city dwellers that come to our humble abode when urrban sprawl reaches its limits.
It use to be for sure…
Some righteous meme-age. thank you Sir.
Florida. No. I could tell you why, but you figure you’re “good” there; and so there you go. Used to live in northwest Georgia years ago. No, again; so I uprooted the fam. and after the kids grew and the ex went through the “change” in every way imaginable; I ended up here… practically the opposite of Florida.
You stay safe, Big. The decisions many of us have made over the past several years are about to be tested; hopefully our thoughts and theories have been sound…
I think it will be a lot of, damn I wish they would have listened…
for years, brother; for family and friends – that was a burden for me. But in spite of the backlash, ridicule, and sometimes even hostility and bullshit; I did what I could to educate, inform, and share knowledge, experience, and information.
At this time, I have tried; and – as Ezekiel said – “I am guilty of no man’s blood” (at least during ‘peacetime’).
My heart used to go out to them. Not anymore.
You may wish to earmark a local backhoe for quick digging of a vehicle barrier/alligator pond.
Speaking of printers.
He’s Known as ‘Ivan the Troll.’ His 3D-Printed Guns Have Gone Viral.