Greetings and Salutations!
Back from an abbreviated Road Trip up North a ways.
WAY too short IMO.
Specifically this trip was to Georgia. Marietta GA to be specific. Gretchen has a ‘thing’ for ‘Gone With The Wind’ and the Civil War and such locations. So seeing that we literally have had NO time to ourselves over the past few months years, I had Hilton ‘points’ that were expiring, and sumdood (one of you depraved deplorables) had a ‘donation’ to the Museum of War and History for the Casa that I needed to pick up. He lives a couple of hours outside of Marietta, so it was a foregone conclusion that we’d get away thataway.
And let me tell you…
I have not had a better time in a looooong while. This entire vay-kay was alllllll about ME for some reason. “Everything’s coming up Milhouse Big Country” so to speak…
Somehow for some reason the stars aligned, and almost every place we went had a “Big Country” ‘thing’ going on. First off, Gretchen found a very unique shop. It’s located in Kennesaw, right next to Marietta. 7 miles from our Hotel. The shop in Question?

Right smack dab on Main Street in Kennesaw:
Wildman’s Civil War Surplus
The link will take you to the store’s website.
Now… this was one of the biggest and coolest surprises Gretchen has sprung on me in a while. Seems’s that “Wildman’s” has been around since 1971. It was owned and operated by a Civil War Reenactor/True Son Of The South gentleman named Dent Myers. Now… Gretchen found this place doing searches for localized Civil War ‘stuff’… on YouTube, well… I’ll embed it here and let y’all make up your own minds… to give you an idea, this is to me leastways, your typical Ministries of Lies and Propaganda Treasonous HateThink/Speech:
A pure-dee hit piece (of shytte) with two “Jogger ‘Muricans” doing said hit piece. I mean really??? With a line like this: “….and signage that most minorities would find offensive.”
Fuck them motherfuckers.
There’s reasons they’re minorities.
Although you’d never fucking know it.
THEY get an entire month of “Hug-A-Monkey” but apparently WE who actually, you know built the entirety of that thing called “civilization” can and are regularly demonized, ‘cos donchaknow blaqs can’t be rayyyyyycist and sheee-it amiright?
I mean they have given -some- things to further civilization, like these that I found in a local gas station:

I. shit. you. not.
“Rap. Snacks.”
Talk about the furtherance of the scholarship of Basketball Americans everywhere Aye? Oh how did whyttepeepo ever make it this far without the gloriousness that is our Potato Chip Rappers??? Beats the ever loving fuck out of me.
So we went in, and were cautiously welcomed by the owner Miss Marjorie herself. She was initially cautious as we found out because she’s been essentially at war with a bunch of litigious fucking douche-canoes who I think would better serve humanity as skin-and-organ-donors. Gretchen was her usual charming self, and got along with Miss Marjorie like a house on fire.
They let us take all the pictures we wanted to as well.
Normally that’s a ‘no-go’ at this station as we’d say in the DotMil. However, I -did- explain that I too, am a pretty well know rayyyyyycist and eeeeee-vil anti-tribalist on probably all the lists for this here HateCrime Blogg. Us UberNazis need to stick together right? /sarc.
Fucking Retard Leftists.
Anyways, from a purely Historical Perspective?
Oh Holy Shit this place has stuff you are NOT going to find anywhere else in the world. Never mind the quote racist stuff unquote, but oh Holy Hells… the weapons? The uniforms? the tintype pictures!?!

That one at the bottom:
A HIGHLY collectible and rare AF LeMat revolver/shotgun, one once owned by “Wild Bill” Longley a Texas outlaw best know for being hung three times, with the third finally getting him. Guess three times is a charm after all Aye?
A LeMat is unusual in that it’s a .46 caliber revolver with an under barrel single shot 16 gauge shotgun under the pistol barrel. Think “Mini M-203” before the M-4/M-203 combo was even an idea. A VERY rare weapon these days…

Now: A quick note… If that wallpaper doesn’t positively scream 1971, I’ll eat every inch of it LOL. The long guns were incredible and all original as well… from 1860 Springfields, to French Pinfires… most of them were obvious family heirlooms that aren’t for sale, but display only. And I’ll just throw some more pics up… these are the field packs… NOT repros, but real:

There were literal tons of books, diaries, photos, allllll original….
Personally I think this stuff belongs in like the Smithsonian, but we all know those fucking pukes aren’t about preserving history, but re-writing it.

There was also the ubiquitous KKK stuff, to include the dressed up manikin from that news-hit piece. Myself, I found this ceramic mug fascinating:

And there was also an original Battle Flag (w/scars) there as well…
Specifically the Third Confederate National/Battle Flag:

Like damn right?
So, lastly, as we did have to get going, on my way out, Miss Marjorie gave me a gift, which surprised and humbled the hell out of me.
Now this is still a regular surplus store.
She has cases of wings and ‘stuff’ from all time periods. During my discussion with her Husband who showed off some of the prized weapons, I mentioned that I had been in the Army and a para. Five jumps is still five jumps. Well, she set up and gave me the closest thing to Airborne wings she had:

A lil shadowbox with Sterling Silver WW2 Aircrew wings.
She SO did not have to do that, but like I said, I’m both honored and humbled. I had already planned on doing this writeup either way, so she had no idea about that when she presented this to me. She’s just that nice a lady.
Which is why I get pissed off hearing that even as recently as last week the local ingrate BLM worshipping fuckwads tried to fuck her over again. Seems that -someone- filed an Ex Parte motion in court to get her shut down… My question is How in the fuck is it only in ONE parties interest to shut down a business? I mean doesn’t the owner of the business have an interest in that sort of thing????
Which is exactly what the judge said/asked.
The next motion is scheduled for this Friday, September 6th. Fucking Yankee Carpetbagger BLM worshipping hug-a-monkey Juneteenth assholes…
I say hit ’em all with a Flammenwerfer:
Man I was overweight then.
Not FedPoasting… just expressing my extreme displeasure and hoping that the perpetrators of such an evil premise of claiming shit like it’s “for the children” smell their own flesh as they burn to death. Tell you what, that line “for the children” is going to go down in history as one of the greatest PsyOps ever.
“Bless their heart!” is what Miss Marjorie would say.
Fuck their asses to the deepest parts of Satan’s Anus.
I hope they burn.
Go over and ‘show some love’ to Miss Marjorie on the store FB page if you have it: Link HERE
So after wishing her well, and telling her that I’d be writing this up, we went on to the next museum, The Marietta History Center. Which then led up on our way there to a quick detour.
I saw a A-7 Corsair off to my right while sitting at an intersection. It was mounted on a pillar, like on display. Gretchen thought it was like another park and such, so we kept going… Until we started passing the Lockheed Martin aircraft plant. I turned around because I had a hunch.
Turns out is was sort of a park.
It’s the Aviation History and Technology Center
It’s NOT associated with Lockheed Martin per se.
It IS an awesome self-guided aircraft tour however:

An F-14, an A-4, an A-6, and the A-7.
The F-14 is impressive b/c of the Globull War on Stupidity, because Iran has/had F-14s, the DotMil took and like destroyed the remaining ones. It was because of an embargo on F-14 parts to keep Iran from being able to maintain their F-14s. This is part of the reason they were retired and the whole reason none are flyable. Once retired the airplanes were shredded along with all spare parts as a black market developed getting those parts to Iran.
Which personally I think is a pile of shit.
Iran could easily reverse engineer pieces/parts of the F-14s they have, even if the shit was broke. Personally, I think it has more to do with the F-35 being the flying (or rather non-flying) turducken/brick. They had to shred the remaining F-14s as it would have been easier, cheaper and been a WAY better aircraft than that fucking overly expensive turd.
More DotGov/DotMil procurement shenanigans per usual…
Anyways… it was awesome to see these glorious things:

God I love the Tomcat…
Then there was the AC-130B model:

#10 out of 2600 off the assembly line.
Interestingly, ‘Ghost Rider’ did NOT have the 105mm cannon. Not sure if that was intentional or if that was ‘added on’ to later edition(s). It might have been removed maybe? It did have the twin 7.62mm minis, the twin 20mm minis, and the twin Bofors 40mm guns… Even without the Arty, that’s a lot of hate to bring to a party…

Then there was the FIRST YC-141B model.
The original C-141 was 40 feet shorter… that was the “A” model. This particular C-141, built in 1967, was cut up in 1977, and had two sections, ‘added’ to the fuselage. That made it a ‘stretched’ 141 or in this case, a “YC” test bed. They literally ran it to death, and when they realized it could work as a longer plane with way more cargo/troop capacity, the YB-141B became the standard as of 1982.
This particular one was retired after all it’s testing was completed, and ended up here, slowly being restored over a 13 year period. It had over 34000 flight hours when it retired. That’s saying something.
By this time, Gretchen who’d been hiding in the car, wanted to hit her museum. Fair is fair after all, so we mounted up, only to find out the Brumby Museum was closed for Labor Day.
Guess we’ll be headed back there at a later date. A consolation prize was to go to the Marietta History Museum. They have an extensive collection of ALL sorts of ‘cool stuff’ and has a reputation for being haunted. I can see why as some of the artifacts are from things that happened in the Civil War or better known as The War of Northern Aggression. According to stories/legends The only reason that Marietta wasn’t put to the torch during Sherman’s March to the Sea was that he (Sherman) had his girlfriend who lived there.
Didn’t want to piss off his squeeze I suppose.
The museum was impressive. What -I- didn’t know is they have one of the largest collections of firearms in the Southeast.
Which included a personal fave:

C’mon Baby Light my Fire!
Along with other old friends:

The M-60…
Humped that bastard in Basic.
Pre-SAW days.
Now, there was a slight Issue that cropped up when I looked at the ‘stuff thru the ages’ displays. The first pic starts, from Left to Right, WW2 Parachutist Uniform and Gear, WW2 Dress Uniform, Korean War dress uniform, VietNam Marine Dress Blues:

then Gulf One (Chocolate Chips Uniform), and finally, Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Therein lies the problem.
Can any of y’all see what made me go “Whoa!” in the OIF Case?
It’s not readily obvious, unless you were a 19K on an Abrams. I’ll zoom in on it:

That’s a SABOT round.
What appears to be a live fucking SABOT round.
The reason I know this? There’s a couple.
1) The blue sabot petals themselves are blue, which is what allows a quick and dirty ID of a training live round as opposed to a ‘warshot’ Depleted Uranium round.
2) The Sabot Penetrator is Black, not Gold. Black means it’s a tungsten steel penetrator. It’ll still fuck up some armor, but it’s not the golden bee-bee of a DU warshot.
3) Lastely, and what tells me it’s a live round, is the outer shell casing color. That matte-gray/silver. It’s combustible. The only thing left when you fire either a Warshot or Practice round is the Aft-Cap. Saves room, weight and whatnot rather than kicking a big assed piece of brass back into the turret after it’s fired.
Plus there’s this from the General Dynamics Website:

…and it’s Warshot Brother:

At the time, it didn’t “click” with me…
I do know it did not have a “INERT” label on it.
Add on that when I zoomed in, and looked at the Travel/Packing Case at the top of the display case?

That marking “TPCSDS-T” which stands for Target Practice, Cone Stabilized, Discarding Sabot-Tracer
Which is exactly what’s in the case.
I brought it up to the old gentleman Docent who was manning the desk, but as I figured, he didn’t have a clue. He did tell me though that it’s been sitting there since about 1996. That would be why it’s slightly different from the one on the GD website now. Minor upgrades and whatnot I figure.
However, having ‘thrown’ a PILE of those during my brief time as a Jedi Tanker, I know that fucker is live. It’s not too dangerous…
Explosives don’t age well.
They (like me) get grumpier as they age.
If the museum has a power outage for extended time periods, no AC, gets reaaaally hot… the temperature variations aren’t so good for Ka-Boomy-Boom ‘stuff’. The round itself is electrically fired, so dropping it IF the ‘internal stuff’ isn’t already ‘feeling poopy’ it should be OK.
But let’s just say for the sake of weirdness, that the display case lighting shorts or gets an unexpected power surge… Hell, a random ‘Act-of-God’ lightening strike on the building…
Having a pissed off 120mm Cone Stabilized, Discarding Sabot-Tracer fire off? Randomly?
This is a thing of Badness.
Like Danny Vermin would say “It shoots through schools, through the tree outside…” In this case? It’ll shoot through Anything in the way. It’s gonna get punched like a motherfucker. This thing is designed to kinetically take out a tank FFS.
So today I called and let the Marietta Cops know.
Which apparently was worthless. Their response after a well done explanation? Well, they are going to”…follow up with museum staff.” on Teusday.
Who I already approached and had NO FUCKING CLUE.
The next stop is the 789th EOD Unit based in Fort Benning, right up the street. And no, I won’t call it anything BUT Benning. Fuck them leftists hard. Do not comply Aye? I tried today but they’re still on a DONSA (day of no scheduled activities) so I’ll call the 1st Shirt on Monday, and explain the local fuzz AND the museum don’t know what they have.
They need to know either way. Especially since it means -some- slick motherfucker managed to steal a LIVE 120mm fucking round and get it off base. INCLUDING its travel tube…
They freeze dry people for shit like that, and bury them UNDER Leavenworth from my understanding… not for nothing I sort of admire someone with stones that big, but that being said? Even -I- wouldn’t fuck around with ordinance THAT fucking potent.
Sorry-Not-Sorry Unknown Thieving Joe.
Having now talked bout that ordinance, let’s talk about my donation from one of you Awesome Readers:

I had to clear off some space, but man…
That’s pretty!
That is an AT-3 Maketa 9M14P Soviet made ‘Sagger’ Anti-Tank Wire Guided Missile. Completely INERT and gutted.
I mounted a small section of picatinny rail underneath it, and used a $10 bipod to get it displayed properly.
It’s absolutely awesome no question.
I got to go make dinner for the crew. I hate to cut this short as there were other aspects of the trip that I need to go into… but that’s for the next time. Hope you enjoyed and I’ll keep you in the loop on the 120mm toy…
More Later
Big Country

A sign from 1942 Texas
Glad you had a good time, the fatass councilman saying in the video, that he was going to go with his gut, cracked me up.
Some of my family moved to Kennesaw also at sixty years ago (my Uncle worked for Lockheed), so when I visited, I heard the whole war of Northern Aggression thing, usw.
Glad you guys had some down-time.
Heck of a tour and thanks for the detail on what is in the photos, you and the Mrs. definitely need to go back there soon.
As to that Russki missile, there were two of them being used as door stops at the Peruvian MOD (where I spent a lot of time presenting stuff that they should purchase. The local rep did the heavy lifting and yes, we did get some sales there which kept me employed until retirement (yaay!) Sadly no photos on my part, they did not allow that in there.
Missy Lyons needs to find herself a Good Old Country Boy lawyer in Kennesaw and counter-sue the sob for tortuous interference. My favorite gun shop owner down in Clwr used to show me his copies of the local KKK newspaper from the bad old days( which weren’t that long ago in FL). Heck where I am now was the center of Clan country in its heyday – there’s still a high number of GOBs here. I would suspect that the fat ex-councilman is not a born and bred Georgia boy.
Glad you got to see my neck of the woods.
The Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History is worth a look if you’re ever back in Kennesaw; across the RR tracks from Wildmans.
Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, about 20 miles farther north in US41, is also good.
As a broadcast engineer let me just say that, referring to your flammenwerfer video… Vertical Video is a scourge upon the internet that is only further advanced by stupid apps like Instagram and the like.
Everyone; turn your damn phone sideways before you start recording. We will all appreciate it… especially us broadcast engineers with mild cases of OCD. 🙂
Foo gas Flammenwerfer with wings:
Welcome Home, Good Sir! You were sorely missed. A day without a poast is a day without the sunshine that you bring, helping to dis-infect the rot. Shorely be am dam am glad that you and The Hair Diva had a large time on your mini va-cay. Even MOAR gladder that y’all had a safe trip. I have made many a run to/thru the Atl/May-Rhetta AO in the past but wouldn’t go anywhere near there with less than a re-enforced rifle platoon strength having Arty and overhead air cover now-a-days. The clanking of them Big Brass ones you tote probably kept the ferals at bay.
Gnrl Dent (Toot Toot) “Wildman” Myers was a personal friend to many of us Southrons, going waaaaaay back yonder. You didn’t just meet Dent, you experienced him. My 1st time was in the late ’70s and used to stop by every coupla months for a visit and try to buy something. Biggest regret in my life is being unable to convince wifey unit #2 that I REALLY REALLY did want the genuine authentic documented carried in the war .36 caliber Griswold Revolver, with holster, cartridge box, cap box, belt and holster (Google Foo those). That piece is now worth 10-15+ times MOAR than he wanted for it then. Back before all the “troubles” started with the attack on “all things Confederate”, Dent had a bunch more in his place. Had to squeeze your way thru and could never see it all. A damn fine dude that you would have been blessed to meet. He was also the Grand Pappy to modern day WBTS Re-enacting, providing leadership, gear and advice to thousands of guys (and girls) thru-out the years. We paid full Military Honors to him when he passed.
Next time you and The Hair Diva are heading up north, allocate some time to stop in Macon at The Cannonball House (Google foo that one too). Excellent museum of weapons/gear and a lot of “girly stuff” that Gretch would enjoy, including furnishings, clothes, decorative, and fashion items. Few weeks ago, one of the Volunteer ladies did a program on hair styles and how to make wigs of the period. Coming up soon is a program on learning period dancing.
Keep being you and we’ll keep being here.
Now that’s my old neck o’ the woods. Did some restoration work on cannonball house itself. BCE, you would like the Cannonball House with former $lave quarters/ kitchen in back yard with worn out bricks where they used to sharpen the knives. Just up the road is the Hay House with hidden rooms/closets and possible hauntings. There is a lot of history to be found throughout the mid GA area. The Allman brothers “Big House” museum as well. Just be mindful that the streets are laid out like a drunk one-eyed retard that couldn’t count past his tooth. The name of one street may change every few blocks. If ya need any tips for places to check out, let me know. They also discovered in the last several years (while tearing into the landscape to continue the perpetual construction of 8-75), a cave that used to be used for storage of beer from revolutionary war days. Or something to that effect.
Thanks BCE for the tour.
I’ll be going to the Wildman’s website to see if they have any Bonnie Blue flags and stickers to sell (repros only, don’t need any originals).
Be nice to hang a Bonnie Blue flag in front of my house, put a nice sized sticker on the car, get my Rebel freak on without telling everyone that I’m getting my Rebel freak on.
The BLM crowd has no clue what the Republic of West Florida \Bonnie Blue Flag is. You can Troll them and they’ll be clueless. When Mississippi got rid of the 1913 state flag with the Stars and Bars featured prominently, I hoped they’d go with the Bonnie Blue with a magnolia but they chose something innocuous.
The planes are my subject here as I was aboard USS Independence cv-62 from 80-84. In late 80 or early 81 we transitioned from some of the last F-4’s to F-14s. Our squadron lineup short of the E2C was on that field. We never had A-4s as by that time I only ever saw them in training squadrons. The A-6 intruders aboard were configured both 2 and 4 seaters with diff missions. The 4 seaters had electronics warfare packages on them.
Which brings me to this the A-7. We used to tow a large red circular target behind the carrier at 500 yds or so for the A-7s to practice close air bombing missions. The practice was with inert dummy bombs blue if I recall correctly. No clue about designation as while I was supply, we were not ordnance handlers, that was for special folks. The guys flying the A-7s were ……. insane, certifiable, bat s… crazy, well you get the idea. The big red target wasn’t enough of a challenge for those folks.. I watched them hit the big garbage bags from the mess decks full of refuse floating on the ocean. Not once but multiple strikes in a row by various diff airframes. This at all but stall speed then powering out to avoid the “blast radius”.
There are stories galore from those years but that one impressed me then and even more now. Naval and Marine aviators are a breed apart. Those guys flew Blue Angels stuff in their everyday work, day in and day out. Your photo’s and history stuff are always a blast to follow, That passion that many of us share shows in your efforts and I for one appreciate all you share with us. Much I personally would not get to see otherwise. Be safe.
For years after the A-10 was the Air Force’s primary tactical attack craft, they’d lose consistenly to Air National Guard A-7s. The SLUF was a great plane.
We overnighted in Marietta a few years back. I didn’t think of looking for those museums/shops, but my wife was all over the one that had Gone With the Wind Dresses.
Time to look at another road trip north.
Should you find yourself in the area again, a trip to this restaurant is in order.
Yes the article is an older one, but the place hasn’t changed (at least as of 2 years ago when I was last there)
The sabot round won’t go anywhere if it goes off.
Just like chucking a cartridge in a campfire, it’ll explode, but without a chamber and barrel to allow the pressure to push the bullet, it’ll just go boom. Of course, you don’t want to be nearby when the glass case turns to shrapnel…
There’s a good museum at Robins AFB – we were there many years ago so it might be even better now. My son was about 10 at the time and he’s 41 now so yeah … a while ago. But awesome aircraft if you’re ever in the area.
Off topic here, BCE, but I was jumping around and hit a link to the youtube channel(?) “Grim Hustle”. You might want to check it out. It had some really hard-core mind-blowing short videos by a purported Russian mafioso.
I’m assuming you are an ex tanker on the Abrams? Do you know anything about the cross wind sensor mounted on the top of the turrent? Am currently having some toodoo with that devise and would be interested in any info/opinion a user may have on that item.
Ain’t gonna lie. I’m pretty pissed your Yankee ass made the acquaintance of Miss Marjorie before me.