Greetings And Salutations!
OK… a loooong couple of days. NOW I can talk about ‘things’ so to speak. Specifically, the rather cryptic arrest I had back in May. Sit back as this’s going to be a bit of a long read.
The background:
Waaaaay back in the bad times when we were ‘doing the do’ of fighting to get Adriana back here with us, I got pulled over when we were transiting Gatlinburg Tennessee. It was one of ‘our weekends’ with her, (court-ordered visitation) so when we had her, we tended to try and go out and do an ‘adventure’ so’s to ‘imprint’ some positive memories for what they were worth.
We ended up in this case doing a day trip to Gatlinburg to go to “Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies”. A really neat place IMO. I had my doubts as it was a “Ripley’s” chain, however, it turned out that it was actually a blast.

They have a large underwater transit tube so you can look up at the fishies overhead. Addy really loved that. However, The place was positively packed and so because of the crowd, I tended to hump her on my shoulders in some of the high-density crowd areas, which also, as you can see, let her get a “BCE-High View”…
She was fascinated by the whole thing.

She, as you can see seemed to understand “Shark=Bad”
Leastways toofus-wise.
While transiting the town going hither and yon, I got pulled over while on this particular jaunt. First time in like years I got hit for speeding, but Gatlinburg, besides being known for Dollywood and other various Touristy Places, they’re renowned for their speed traps.
55mph down to 25mph in like 50 yards.
Fucking nice Aye?
Ain’t no way you’re doing that unless you positively slam on the brakes, and possibly have the asshole who’s tailgating you eat your rear bumper right?
So I got ‘tagged’ and went through the motions.
Turns out having my Florida Drivers License having the “Disabled Veteran” status on it helped out, as I got off with a warning. The cop was also cool enough to let me know that my registration sticker was expired!
THAT I never realized.
There’s a couple of reasons for that:
See, my credit has been shytte for a while now.
After Iraq? It was great. Lots of $$$ = Lots of Credit.
Then ‘divorce’ and ‘reasons’
Then I finally started to rebuild it.
Things were looking up.
New Life/New Wife and Look! Grandbabies!
Then Gretchen got arrested for Attempted Murder/Assault w/A Deadly Weapon on Dumbcunt, and that particular setback fucked me up back to stage one credit-wise. And yeah… for all those fuckers who call me a grifter and shit for asking for help in the past? I don’t post about 3/4 of the shit this family has gone through regarding financial issues. Nor do I even ask if it’s something I know I can handle. SO as I’ve said before, go fuck yourself for talking about shit you have no fucking clue about. I pray you die horribly in a fire, watching your children (preferably small) crying out and cursing you as they die before you… sorry for the rant-tangent.
TBH, I can’t remember if I ever talked about it, but during a ‘hand off’ with Addy and Dumbcunt right before the custody thing (this was the cause of it we found out later) as we were retrieving her (Addy) from a visitation, DC was highly belligerent/agitated moreso than her usual psycho-self. Well, she went and got stupid. Like ‘handsy’ belligerent/aggressive and Gretchen ended up ‘tuning her up’ with my Combat ASP baton… Thankfully I wasn’t present as part of the issue was she punched her 79 year old Grandmother (Gretchen’s Mom) in the face, and that is when Gretchen when “full on Shithouse” on DC. TBH I’m really glad/sort of mad I wasn’t there, as I, per Florida Statute 784.08 which covers assault and battery on people 65 and older, (a third degree felony) I could have put two rounds in her rotten casaba, and that would have been that, except for washing the brains off the driveway. Instead, we got Gretchen arrested for not killing her…

a wee bit of DC bloodspatter… I wish there was more…
The problem was is that DC managed to spin a pretty good yarn for the Bulldyke Deputy who went all in and arrested Gretchen instead of the fucking known felon with a record. Methinks the Bulldyke had plans for later, which were only reinforced when she showed up looking for DC a day AFTER the arrest… instead of doing a call to the victim to say “Hey your assaulter was cut loose/made bail”, said-Dyke showed up to the In-Laws house where DC was staying to deliver the message in person in a clear violation of protocol… I think she looking for some canyon-yodeling payback for letting her (DC) get away with the shit that she did… namely assault and battery on both Gretchen and her Elderly Grandmother… goddamned corrupt fucking Dyke-Cunt-Cop.
ANYwho… Sorry for the digression, but that shit still sticks in my craw.
Anywonder why I want/dream of being able to go on a killing spree of “The Deserving”?
So, back to cases as it were… since Ye Olde Credite Sucketh, Gretchen’s Dad, who has like prefect credit, signed for a loan for us to get “NewCar”. That means I pay all the bills/insurance and maintenance, and it’s registered in his name. And therein lies the problem.
Let me ask you: Raise your hand IF you get in a car, your car, any car and the first thing, second thing, hell… does it even cross your mind IF it’s registration is good or not?
I can tell you that for me? Notsofuckingmucho. ESPECIALLY since any and all notifications go to Dad. If -I- don’t get the paperwork? It’s not on the radar. Well it seems that the reminder that “Hey, you owe the King his tithe!” paperwork (i.e. the registration/taxes and fees) went to Dad, who promptly forgot about it. Mind you, I don’t blame him… he’s 87 years old FFS. Y’all long-time readers here know what we’ve been dealing with with them (my in-laws, God love’em)…
So since “Occifer Friendly” gave me the warning and a tip that I best get that taken care of ASAP , as other jurisdictions in Tennessee –might not– be as cool about it, I went home and did what came naturally.
Seeing that there was no way in Hell we were going to be back in Florida anytime soon, and that Dad, who barely can make it to the shitter without help, and since there was just no way to remedy this until we got home. Mind you this was in February of 2023?
I faked it.
I went online, grabbed a ‘current known good‘ registration sticker and printed it up. Then I sealed it in plastic…as in full-on lamination, with enough of an edge so water wouldn’t discolor the inkjet, and then superglued it onto the plate.
I mean fuck it
I got more important shit to be worrying about at the time.
(WARNING: Digression #789234562 ahead)
Plus in doing this? It harkened back to the Good Old Days of being in the Army, and utilizing “Delrina Forge-A-Form” as we used to call it. Back in the early days of the new DotCom Army, they had a primitive program called “Delrina Fill-A-Form” which allowed us to fill out forms (1348A, 3161s and the like) and print them up, get signatures, and then utilize them. It made life waaaay easier than to do the old hand-jam/type in triplicate mode of yesteryear…
It didn’t take me and Little Country (that’s when we were on active duty working together, running the Spec-4 Mafia) to realize that copies of the forms with the ‘proper signatures’ opened a whole new wide world of Next Level Scrounging to us.
Yeah, we were innovators of sorts for the time…
This was done by procuring xeroxable clear Acetate. We then went around to the various Companies/Battalions/Division(s) even as necessary, to their “Order Boards” and stole the latest “Order of the Day”/Change of Command” or whatever posted paper-copies that were pinned to the board for general distribution. ANYTHING with an Occifer’s actual signature at the bottom.
We’d then go back to the 4 Shop, and copy that order specifically for the signature block onto the clear Acetate. After which, depending on IF the orders-in-question would be ‘missed’, we’d return them. More often than not, back then? Not so much.
Once, we made the copy, We’d then cut out the “SigBlock” only with actual Signature at the bottom and keep it in a small 3X5 card Box. When we needed something, say from DRMO which used to stand for the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office which is where the majority of surplus shit the Army is shitcanning comes from, we’d fill out the appropriate form(s) and then at the bottom, put the appropriate signature block on clear acetate at the bottom, and run off however many copies we needed.
Depending on what we were acquiring, we’d use the appropriate rank(s) as needed. Very Rarely did anyone call to follow up if the paperwork was a legitimate request. That’s just the way things were done back then. And another aside to an already overlong side-story: DRMO has a new name last I heard, but yeah, this worked like a fucking charm. At one point for Shits, Grins and Giggles, we had the CG of 1st CavDiv, Major General (MG) David D. McKiernan’s SigBlock.
Never used it, but still… cool to have.
So yeah, this was easy-peasy for me.
Not so good though was that when I got pulled over earlier this year in May? The overzealous Pig who busted me, and figured out the sticker-wasn’t-a-sticker severely overcharged me with a fucking felony. The link to the day after is HERE. I kept my yap shut until now, as man, I had no choice. I got hit with a charge, for one bullshit itty-bitty faked up sticker with “Counterfeiting License Plates”
Even the D.A. was baffled.
Told me that himself after the fact today…
My PD (Public Defender) did a great job.
I ended up getting a misdemeanor, $100 fine, court costs and I already did the paperwork to get it expunged. That gets mailed on payday. Thankfully, The D.A. was prior service and did me a solid, but I will say, I was seriously sweating the felony bullshit. What really fucking frosts my cake is that I was nothing but professional, polite and co-operative with the Red Headed fucking Power-Hunger Piglet Female. As in the poast linked above, she didn’t even have the balls/ovaries to perform the arrest itself. If I had been a total cock, I could see ‘stacking bullshit charges’… but in this case? Fuck her forever.
She’s made my perma-shitlist to say the least.
I just hope she runs in to some PCP/Meth-Jacked Nigger with a Knife who wants to play “Lets rape and skin the Female Cop” in the near future…. the town/A.O. she works in? There’s about an 70-30 chance of that happening… and it couldn’t happen to a nicer cunt.
So all’s well that ends well… it’ll take me a few to get through the fine(s) but even then, the D.A. reduced ALL of them. TOTAL solid from dude TBH. Granted, a total dropping of the charges would have been even better, but according to my PD, the judge in this case? That wasn’t on the table. But what he did do over and above? He lessened the $$$ pain. Normally the fee for a PD is $200, they hit me for $100. Court costs? The same. The fine is the minimum possible. Less than $400 with a payment program at $50 a month. Like I said, the guy did right by me for what he had to deal with. I blame the swine.
So then, the other thing I got for tonight:
This’s MY fault for missing it.
I’m late on a reader request as I’ve been SO distracted and busy lately.
I am to blame, so Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Maximo Mea Culpa!
Long time reader/commenter ‘Jay Anon’, AKA Joe Peters is a fellow 11H10, Heavy Anti-Armor Infantryman. I was surprised to find this out, as those of us who graduated from Lee Field are pretty fucking rare, as the MOS in the 90s started dying out, and was done by 1998. 1996 is when I got involuntarily reclassed to 19K (tread-head). We never crossed paths which is odd, but not unheard of. Joe OTOH got the fuck out, seeing the writing on the Clintonista Wall back around when I got reclassed.
Joe reached out as he got hit with Cancer.
I have a special place in my heart for folks who got hit like that. And apparently, the VA ain’t doing shit per usual. So yeah, he asked if I could put up the GiveSendGo, which I of course said yes to. The Link is HERE. I threw $40 to him tonight, and on payday, I’m throwing a Cee-Note as I will finally can, and I’d appreciate any help you all can spare. I’m adding it to my Sidebar and I’m sweetening the Deal.
The first three folks who donate $200 get a “Battery Holder Claymore”

as a personal thanks from me. It’s not much, but it’s the least I can do, as no one outside of like 3-4 donations so far has/have helped out my Bro. Colors may vary, but hey, it’s utterly unique.
The first three will be defined as “In the Donated Column” and with an email to me at After that, if anyone does the same, I’ll see what I can do, because as of now, the 3D printer is down, and I haven’t gotten it back up and running. If people go nuts, I’ll figure -something- out, as I always do.
I’ve also packaged up all of the ‘stuff’ that Gretchen didn’t use in the “BCE Anti-Cancer Protocol” and am getting ready to ship it on payday. Sorry for the extended delay Joe… it’s been a coupe of weeks yannow? Beyond that, I appreciate all of y’all.
Cancer is a pure-dee motherfucker.
NOT cool at all.
Thankfully, with y’alls help Gretchen Survived it.
I survived it.
HOPEFULLY Joe survives it.
We’ll have to see.
Otherwise, besides my fun and games with the ‘Authorities’

it was still a BUSY day. Dad had a HUGE tree limb that fell during the last wind-storm in The Villages, and the tree guys wanted big $$$ to remove it. They (M&D) couldn’t get out of the driveway, not that that was a bad thing, as we don’t want Mom driving in her addled Pre-Alzheimer state, but still. I cut the fucker up and dragged it off.
A bit of a plus however: It sounds bad, but Dad told me ALL of his tools, to include the chainsaw are mine mine mine when he finally dies, so Hell… like I stated before, it sounds bad, but man… He was a professional mechanic who was Chevy/Ford/Chrysler certified, among them. There were a LOT more, but he owned and operated three auto repair/body shops in Clearwater/St. Pete until he sold them off and retired early to The Villages.
The garage is a man-cave Dream of top-end tools and whatnot.
And now they’re alllllllll mine (future tense)
There were other aspects to the day, but I’m calling it early.
I’m wasted (physically and emotionally) and got-to-git
So More Later
Big Country

Thank God that all of the drama is over.
The thing that gets me is that ALL of it– 100% was caused by Dumb Cunt.
She probably has no inkling or care of the trouble and pain that she has caused her family especially her 2 daughters who are living in different states separated thanks to her.
Of course in her mind she’s a “victim” I’m sure.
Chin up BCE, the BS is in the rear window and if you keep DC far away from you and the kids everything should be OK.
Any update on her ?? Is she still on the run or did the cops finally catch her ?
I disagree. I’ve dealt with twats like DC, and she most likely knows and revels in what evil she causes.
I know one girl who, because her parents were total shits, basically raised her 4 younger brothers. One of them told me that they happily set her up to catch the blame for everything they did because then they didn’t get in trouble. And he laughed about it. The lady in question still, years afterwards, was tortured by her inability to ‘save’ her brothers.
Seriously, feral shits like DC really often know exactly what pain and suffering they cause. And they do care, as the more pain and suffering created, the happier they get. Serious sociopathic/psychopathic levels of fucking evil shit.
And they are narcissistic self-centered shits who really are in it only for themselves.
They’re generally mentally damaged individuals that manipulate the memory to serve there contorted view of the world to match their distorted reality.
Hopefully your Dad has it in the will/trust you get the tools. Does FedBro know and agree?
Best is for dad to tell fedbro that he gave you the tools because he isn’t going to use them and they need the space.
I learned an important lesson at a young age and the price was just the inconvenience of 11 trips to the courthouse with my PD. When you take the witness stand and promise to tell the truth or else they mean it. When a cop gets on the stand and outright tells lies and your PD proves it, and the Judge admonishes the prosecutor to remind cop of written testimony, they call this impeaching his testimony and absolutely nothing happens to the cop. Eleven trips to the courthouse to be told oops were sorry and the last time I saw piggy he was a PAO sergeant talking head on TV.
The masses don’t understand laws/rules are written for naive gullible followers, they’ve been programmed to fear the consequences.
If you value your freedom you play along and do whatever you want. It’s how the law makers do it.
Ted Kennedy wanted to remove guns, while his bodyguards carried SMG’s.
Don’t get caught.
Ok. I get it but even though I admire you and what you do, some of this is on you in the form of “do stupid things, win stupid prizes”. And we won’t be doing this again , am I right? Oh and Gretchen maybe should I swing that baton right up into DC’s private. Then instead of DC perhaps could have gotten lucky and made her NC (N for no)
It would have been cheaper and less hassle to simply risk getting a ticket for an expired tag. Since it isn’t your vehicle you could have played dumb and maybe only gotten a warning like before.
Even better-do a quick pre-trip once in a while and pay the Crown.
Years ago in college I had a nice side hustle selling fake parking tags. A buddy, who wasn’t a student, was my cutout. School wanted $400 a semester; our fakes were half that. We made a TON of money during that time, and shut down when I noticed campus police walking the parking lot scrutinizing the tags (most hung them from their rear-view.) The new tags they sold were much more complex and required to be stuck on the windshield.
Crime absolutely pays.
Speaking as an attorney, never fake any kind of documentation that can be looked up on the cop’s computer…Next time, you probably won’t be so lucky….
My normal itsy bitsy donation made.
I wish it could be more, but what I have to give is what I have to give.
Everything helps brother and your donation is very much appreciated. Thank you so much and if you ever need help please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Cops don’t even look at the tags their computer does… It’s not like the old days where they have to call it in…I think every state now has online renewal also for next time…
Hey, Big Country, I’m sorry to hear about your travails and also your friend Joe Peters.
I knew an 11H named Peters in Baumholder during the mid-late ’80s, Echo Co 1/39 Inf. Any chance of them being the same guy?
No Wurzelslepp, twas not I. They offered Korea as a reenlistment bonus, I countered with Deutschland and we compromised on TN. I regret it sometimes but with Dubya the First whittling down the force & Der Schlickmeister saxxing on Arsenio Hall to the oral office I’d read enough history to know a time to return to the hills was necessary.
Perhaps have the online renewal notice sent to your email. I do it this way for both our cars and pick the 2 year option.
Man, my fake ID/Driver’s License scheme in the 80’s so me and my buddies could buy booze look like a Sunday school coloring handout compared to your schemes.
How’s this for an obsolete MOS: 11BC2 – Dragon Gunner.
Wasn’t as obsolete as recoiless rifleman when I earned it, but it became so pretty shortly afterwards.
Yeah, I hid that one in my units. Anyone want to give me their M60? I’m pretty good with one.
I remember the Dragon, it’s become a truly Forgotten Weapon, of you’re listening Gun Jesus. Makes you feel your mortality when they cancel your MOS. Certainly doesn’t help 😆.
Also… BCE… I’d love to buy some battery holders, and wouldn’t mind paying a markup for charity or your ‘raison du jour’
Let us know when you’re thinking you’d like to do that… Just post or … maybe I should proton email you…
I want to thank BCE & everyone else who’s donated to the cause of keeping me alive a few more years. It means more to me and Mrs Fossil than you will ever know. We’ve been together for 34 years and married for 33 and plan on making it to fifty.
We are seriously both just happy beyond belief and attitude goes along way towards beating the shit.
Once again thank you so much and if you want to read my blog and meme drops I’m on Substack at WFSL_TheFossil and on Gab under the same. There’s also links to other donations should you feel froggy and wanna spread it around.
Thank You once again BCE, for proving that grunts take care of grunts. All the best to you and the Family.
Joe Peters should look into the research (locked down by fedclowns) on Vitamin B17/laetrile, apricot seeds and raw milk.
All effective against cancer.
Enzymes from raw (real) food is also very helpful (it is why the evil haters work to ban raw milk).
Pray Joe Peters researches the alternatives to poison like chemo and radiation and radical -ectomies of all kinds.