Dammit… due to having to answer questions in the comments, cleaning the kitchen (a major issue tonight) and taking care of the Pupper (who for some reason is wound like a fiend tonight), I’m late AF for this poast.
So yeah, Chili got ahold of either some good speed or meth.
She’s been going since dawn at combat speed. No slowing down nor any sign of slowing down. I wonder if this’s a left-over from her playing with the Redhead this past weekend? Not sure. Either way.
Now… got an interesting Twatter file:
Seems this ‘hostage/barricade’ situation was in my neck of the woods… Mind you, -I- who tend to be extraordinarily conversant in ‘current affairs’ here in the Greater Tampa area completely missed this little interaction.
Not sure if it’s because they buried it or what, but I did my research and as far as I’ve found, no one got whacked.
Well except for the one Nigger who supposedly self-deleted after the fact.

The link to the story is HERE
Now, the reason for this particular writeup?
A couple of observations. Especially since I read the story after I saw the bodycam footage in the twatter file poasted above. One of the things is, according to the article published by the Tampa DotGov story is that:
When the detective encountered the suspect, he fled into the breezeway of a nearby building. The detective chased the suspect and called for backup.
Patrol officers arrived on the scene and were fired upon by the suspect. One officer, a five-year veteran of the department, returned fire.
The suspect then entered an apartment in the building, that was occupied by adults and young children.
The Tampa Police SWAT team, which includes hostage negotiators, was activated as officers evacuated the building.
Tampa DotGov News August 8, 2024
Now… if you watched the bodycam footage, what did you notice? Tell you what… what -I- noticed was on the initial breach of the door, there was, considering the timeframe involved, one hell of a barricade erected in a short period of time.
As seen in my screen grab:

“Huh… door blocked… must get past blocked door!”
(Cop Brain at work)
On removing the blockage, it looks like a table?

Either way, a rather large blockage to say the least…
I mean I got to say I’m impressed… said nigger must have been highly motivated to construct such a blockage so quickly.
Now then, after the Fuzz get past that particular obstacle, there’s a pile of ‘other shit’ blocking the door after they get the initial barricade out of the way…
Chairs, detritus, plus other Nigs caught in the crossfire. Most of them (the blaqs-in-question) squirrel out in onesie-twosies all the while leaving others behind as far as I can tell.. this being my hypothesis as you can hear non-stop shrieking as the cops are rolling in. No count as to how many were actually in there to begin with… the footage shows two ambulatory Nogs beating feetz as fast as they can, with no worries about ‘others’ In fact…
Not “get the mom/baby/kids out” first.
In fact the first coon who manages to make a run for it?

Dunno about you, but that looks like possibly the mom?
Mother of the year right there Aye?
‘Cos the next one out is a kid… probably about 10-12 years old.
Nice to see that whole ‘lack of caring for the young’ that the niggers are oh so famous for in action ininit?
I don’t know
The story of ‘who-how-where-when’ is rather sparse on this.
Which is also a bit out of the ordinary. Normally you know every. single. person. who was there, and the niggers in general have the propensity to print fucking t-shirts of the deceased even before the body is cold… Hell, in many cases, Ben Crump is on his Lear Jet before the Nigger-In-Question has hit room temperature to start the lawsuits. Jes’ Sayin’
Death By Cop is the “New Nigger Lotto” I swear.
The payout is almost guaranteed except in under most egregious circumstances, and it usually pays well…
So they (the Fuzz in Question) do the breach, and long story short (according to them) Said-Accused Nog Self-Deleted in the closet and here endeth the lesson.
To be utterly honest, a happy ending in my opinion. Dead Criminal and hey, win-win… the blaq criminal in question already had a warrant as well as a looong criminal history, so in this case? No need to worry about my state taxes feeding this fucker for the next 20 years…
Add on we managed to gather some rather good intelligence regarding just HOW the Po-Po here operate… leastways the ‘regular responding street cops’. Look at this picture:

You can see them after removing the table? door? whatever, they struggle to remove chairs and shit from the improvised barricade.
What’s most obvious though?
The fuzz on the scene have full on heavy assed shields.
I looked up to see what the weight was, and found that particular shield as that triangular window is unique out there:

Can’t get a price unless I upload the swine credentials…
The weight however is that the biggest one, the 24in x 36in model, weighs in at 15 pounds. Not much however, under that sort of circumstance, and the general lack of regular training they do not have (as something like this is nominally a SWAT job) that shit must have been wearing on the Fuzz in Question.
Either way, the actionable intelligence that I got from that video? Well… it’s not obvious, but it is, but it isn’t. It goes back to the same aspect if you’re fighting with someone in Level 4 Plates and Soft Armor… some ‘stuff’ that, depending on loads, can stop rifle fire up to and including 7.62×51 mm as well as Russian 7.62×54 mm as well as 30-06, which no one outside of hunters, realistically uses anymore (outside of someone using a WW2 M1 Garand as their primary weapon that is)

We’ve been over it before.
Did you notice what -I- noticed? Probably not, as I’m wired differently. The biggest thing I noticed? Besides them ‘sweeping’ each other like morons, is that they ALL had their lower torsos utterly exposed. To whit:

That phrase was one of DeadDads favorites.
It meant never assume anything.
In this case however? It’s rather useful.
That and that it also shows the reason the Prosecutor as well as 75% of the Deputies in Hillsborough County were sooooo freaked out and worried about having to ‘bust me again’ after my initial 2016 interaction due to my and the Ex Wife’s antics that evening. It’s why almost every. single. time. that DumbCunt tried to get me “SWATTED” (3 times as I recall) that when the Politzei showed up during those exceptionally challenging and extremely stressful situations, that they showed up politely and slowly with a certain amount of trepidation.
Simply Put:
It’s the Flammenwerfer Stupid.
Not any of my other ‘questionable antics’ nor ‘other things’ bothered either the cops, nor the courts. I probably could have been making fucking illegal Cruise Missiles, and it wouldn’t have given them “the willies” like the Flammenwerfer did as my defense attorney described it…
The thing that put the utter and complete “WEIRD” on both the prosecutor as well as ALL of the Sheriff’s Department is that I had a fully functional World War Two Styled Flame Thrower.

Granted that’s one I made for someone… a mini-version after my eventual release and charge-dismissal.
THAT is what had everyone go almost completely apeshit.
And if you watch that twatter clip?
Tell you what… IF said-criminal Monkey had one?
It’ would have been ‘roast pork and bacon’ ALLLLL over the place as I can see at least five or six points where IF and WHEN they were breaching, a guy with a Flammenwerfer would have completely ruined their day.
Nevermind the naysayers who’d say “Well Big Country, the SWAT Team woulda been in Nomex! Nomex is fire-proof!!!”
To which I’d argue: Nomex is fire resistant and designed to be somewhat FLASH proof. Meaning that IF there’s say a quick fireball like you see in the movies:

Well then you’re good.
On the other hand however…
Nomex melts
Provides some momentary protection
That’s it
Those cops in the door? Especially with them short assed maximum length three foot long shields, which only provide ballistic protection?
With ZERO protective clothing?
Being armed with a Flammenwerfer has some serious physical and psychological advantages. NORMAL PEOPLE fear “death by fire” like you read about… ANY normal person, as well as abnormal motherfucker like myself shy away from the concept of being burnt to death.

Get yourself a Flammenwerfer.
Got me a hunch it’s going to be a fantastic equalizer.
Just my two cents.
Just as an additional thing, Here AGAIN is my instructional (with parts links) on “How To Build Your Own Flammenwerfer” which may/may not be useful, YMMV, Don’t run w/Scissors. Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball. The Management States Unequivocally That ANYTHING and EVERYTHING You May or May NOT do with These Instructions is ON YOU UTTERLY.
Otherwise… been a loooong night. I’ll see you guys/gals in the AM as I owe y’all a post.
More Later
Big Country

Most Road Cops, basic Uniform Control, have in their vehicles a lexan riot shield, a riot helmet, batons, a ‘patrol carbine’ (usually an M4gery of some sort), and wear either a Level III or IIIA vest with maybe plates, maybe…
Depending on the agency, 1 in 4 or even 1 in 2 have those nice ballistic shields, which as our host points out, don’t cover below the waist. They are heavy, strapped poorly, and are a hindrance in confined spaces as is evident from the ways the shields are hard to move through a doorway.
There is a trick to move in a confined space, 1 shield forward with other shields behind the first and winged off either side, or 2 shields in a tight V formation (which allows the shields to flex to fit the opening.) But this isn’t really taught to most cops or sheriffs, even to their SWAT teams.
Any SWAT team that has uparmored their body armor to include arm and leg protection, that usually is at max Level III++, and not Level IV. And they don’t cover joints and backs or sides of the arms or legs or groin.
So, yes, shoot for the legs. With a pistol or carbon, point straight forward then drop the tip and shoot the leg. Or use a shotgun firing the largest shot you can load. Or use a small black powder cannon firing nails and ball bearings.
The reason so few cops get gacked when using shields is their opponents are just not smart thinking and prepared. So be prepared, learn to shoot legs.
As to the self-protective streak amongst the apartment occupants, yeah, a lot of people act like Jackie Kennedy in Dallas. Have you ever watched how quickly she tries to bail and GTF away from the now liquified head? It’s one of those things, amongst self-centered people, and Jackie O was definitely a self-centered, bitch, one each.
And my analysis? If this was a gun-grabbing squad, like what the Dems want to do to us, expect them to lead with frags.
Or they’ll just lead with fire having learned their lesson at Waco.
Hips and lips. Shotgun with flight contol buckshot behind solid cover. Take the legs off. Even a full length shield, shoot the feet. Use a rifle for backup.
The correct rule has always been full-sized rifle cartridge firing guns for the police. Intermediate and pistol rounds are fine for street goblins or unarmored parts of police.
Have you added a “Care and Feeding” section yet?
Strictly for informational purposes, of course…
When people show up at your front door looking to party, and you’re not in the mood, turn the switch on. Not the light, but the one that sprays 50/50 gas and diesel from above. It dampens their enthusiasm. Usually they immediately leave. I guess they go home to change clothes. Fucking party poopers.
Flammenwerfer + accelerant = party is deemed too hot to attend. (union regulations).
A header that I remember from (older) WRSA, “hips and head, head and hips”. Shooting at either one will stop the onrush. Even if they have armor, the impact will stop the attackers.
I heard it as “hips and lips”. KISS principle.
I first read you because of the werfer. I did truly consider it and with the NORM from new yankee measured draweringggg, in my shop building it would have been no problem. I HATE FIRE, by the way if you missed it, I HATE FIRE. Someday I will tell you about a 3000 pound gasoline fueled bulldozer and the forest fire. I have the other option CALIBER .30 M-1 GARAND serialized to December 1941 at Springfield. 192 rnds per can enbloced M-2 a go-go.
Garands fit me like a glove, and black and red tips make a party happen.
Aim low. You can’t put a tourniquet on a ‘taint.
Am I missing something here?
Because the problem I see here is that deploying such a weapon could start a fire in my own home and then I burn to death…
As usual, Glen being all thinkie, thinkie ‘n sheeit.
If you’re gonna die, might as well take a death-guard with you.
Resisting a SWAT team, or even have the SWAT team show up at your place, innocent or guilty, greatly increases the chance of you dying.
If they SWAT your ass and you decide to resist, you 99% are ending that fight in a body bag.
Know that fully before you decide to fight and if you do, take as many of the fuckers as you can with you.
As the old saying goes “they ARE going to get me but I’ll have an honor guard on my way to Valhalla”.
If they’re stacked up at your door you probably ain’t gonna make it anyway. If you do it’ll be in a cage.
If you’re going to use da flammenwerfer, you should also have invested in fire fighting tools.
From what I’ve read and heard from family members that were in the “Troubles” fighting from your porch was a last ditch, you’ve F**ked up and all the family dies moment.
Flamwerfers or 50-50 fuel mix “spray” means the house is gone.
Is this plan 1? Trading your family and frankly skillsets for a few thugs?
Ask yourself if you want to be a Palestinian. Then make the choice.
That’s a different situation from our current one with the police in the USA.
If you are a Palistinian in Gaza, the Israelis are carrying out a genocide and they want you gone or dead. If you could get the hell out of there and if you can’t then fight and take as many out as you can.
That is probably why reports now say that even with thousands killed, Hamas has more fighters now than they did when the Israelis attacked. Palistinians know it’s either fight or die.
Might want to look at who is behind Biden, Trumpy Bear and was applauded 56 times the last time (((He))) spoke to Congress. You are the same as Palestinians to them. Tikum Olam is what they refer to worldwide domination. Yes, US goyim aren’t in the situation the Palis are, but it’s not for lack of trying.
The quote from DD may have been from writer Lewis Grizzard who wrote a newspaper column and several several books (mostly humorous about life in the south).
The title of one book was “Shoot Low boys, they are ridin’ Shetlands”
another being “Don’t bend over in the Garden Granny, them tators’ got eyes”.
Just my kind of sophisticated high brow humor.
Unfortunately he died too young of a heart attack.
His books were a welcome bit of sanity and laughs in a world that knows neither.
Prayers for you and the family.
MSG Grumpy
Near and dear to all the dog lovers around here:
Lewis Gizzard was a Southern treasure. I loved the one about the “lone” confederate on Stone Mountain.
Pelvic girdle. Lots of vessels, and if you break the pelvic bone, that person won’t be standing up again for at least a year, if ever.
As for flames, maybe the shield does block the flame. What about the heat? Ballistic Shields aren’t made to mitigate heat at all. It reminds me of the Dresden Files, where the wizard tries to use his magic bullet shield against a flamethrower. He stopped the flames themselves, but turned his outstretched hand into a stick of burnt bacon.
That fucked up Harry for several books.
I remember seeing a video out of Iraq of a couple British APCs surrounded by Mahdi Militia. They weren’t really stuck, just in a tight place and trying to get away.
Then, one of the APCs got hit by 1 Molotov and the crew flipped out and bailed out and got either killed or captured. One single cocktail and they lost their shit.
I do not want to build one, but I do want to buy this one.
It seems DEI is permeating everything.
1 can of hornet spray with 25 foot stream. 1 bbq lighter.
Is hornet spray flammable?
It is. So are several spray can products. Paint, brake fluid, penetrating oil, most anti bug sprays ect. Good for a hallway or doorway. Don’t have the range for outdoor work. Less chance of setting your house on fire but if you torch the point man don’t be expecting anything other than getting waco’d.
My company mfg’s, a ballistic shield that’s about 60″X24″ with view port and an led light. We also mfg a 5mm plate that will pretty much stop anything up to .308 ball(won’t do much for flame o’course, heh, heh. But you are correct here, unless the people practice using the gear and know what they are doing. . .
Stay safe down there Dude
Really like the armor chart – saved that one and definitely thank you for including it. I had not seen that one.
Of course, the ballistic penetration data is always derived from a prescribed testing regimen. And in real life, those conditions aren’t likely to be found. Far too many variables. However, I can’t see a downside to wearing a carrier with level 3 rated plates at minimum.
As to 30.06 – consider the various scoped bolt-actions out there and people who know how to use them.
There’s a reason that you can find .30-06 at every place that sells any amount of ammo in the upper Lake States, and it’s not because it’s old ammo.
Stopped in a gas station/hardware/grocery/sporting goods store yesterday in “cabin country” and they had damn near every flavor up to 6.5CM amd back to .30-30 and .45-70.
And that’s just a “last chance for a box to hunt with” for the city slickers, as locals keep a good stock since the Great Sandy Hoax Ammo Drought.
Nomex is actually more to prevent sparks than to stop a fire. It will burn and gives you at most 10-15 seconds of protection from a small fire.
Also a little bit of interesting tidbit, most companies no longer issue Nomex as it’s about 1K for a coverall these days. They instead issue cotton coveralls coated in a chemical that makes them ‘like’ nomex; except the coating washes out after 8-10 washes. So I’m going to bet most people issued coveralls who don’t use them daily don’t know the difference and likely wash them often enough they are effectively useless.
I work in substations and we wear FR…which is legit just normal cotton that they’ve run a million tests on so they can call it FR.
The exterior-opening door caught us every time, even if just a storm door. The toys (Halon/rams) do nothing for those types of doors.
Flier from the 1970s says:
Nomex® flight-suits do ZERO to stop heat from cooking your skin.
Although the material may initially not burn, the loose weave allows heat to instantly transfer to the wearer’s skin.
Try it.
Wrap your hand in several layers of Nomex® — glove, scarf, trousers — then move it toward a flame.
I guarantee most investigators soon realize they might consider a different plan.
And that experiment is with layers.
Tropics on a humid morning?
Most users leave it at one layer.
Oh, and according to DuPont, did their original version of Nomex® contain recycled scrap paper?
Wildland fire-fighters wear a much denser version of Nomex®.
I have to give them credit… thick plastic clothes don’t breathe, so their body temperature must be soaring.
If your front door is proof against a hand held ram to the door latch, most local cops will stack up in front of the door and keep bashing on the door with the ram, because plan A is all most of them have. Your local county part time unit will not be able to explosive breach, they just don’t have the money to train for it.
That moment, when they are standing there like a monkey fucking a foot ball bashing on your door, is when you shoot through the exterior walls at pelvic girdle height, and wound as many as you can.
Most SWAT teams have never done realistic force on force against an aware, and prepared, OPFOR. I have friends who have been asked to be OPFOR role players for SWAT drills, and they all have told me how they have killed the entire entry team sometimes, mostly by not playing by the rules.
Just out of shits and giggles, What if your first shot was from a bolt action 50 with an AP round? How many in the stack would it go through after the door, point man and the shield?
Also that shoot low reference is on a country song titled the Kung Pow Buckeroos. Ride Again. I think it might be a Chesney record.