OK… the KB was delayed by a day. THEN when I got it, I had trouble figuring out which black lil USB dingus (the antenna?) or whatever it’s called) belonged to which device. They’re all labeled now to stop any confusion but it was a mite confusing, and after accidentally unplugging the machine while trying to wrangle it out from under the desk, getting the wrong dingus plugged into the wrong whole, then turning off the machine by hitting the power button by accident?
Needless to say I was not in the mood to try and crank out a bleggpoast last evening, to say the least… Not that anything has changed out there… I did see a new nickname for Cumswalla that tickled me a wee bit: Cackles McSidechick.
I also heard about the whole Twatterfest and the near-meltdown on the Left side of the fence over OrangeManBad and his propensity for ‘bad/mean words’ and whatnot and his ‘conversation’ with Elon. Good fucking Christ on a Anally-Placed Pogo-Stick… these are the people who’re supposed to be our ‘betters’? Much as in England?

The vast vocal majority of the people that’ve been speaking about wanting to extradite ‘Murican citizens for ‘badthink/meantweets’ on the intahrwehbz ALL look like motherfuckers who’ve never been punched in the fucking face before. Most of them being of the ‘Protected Political Bureaucratic-Oligarch’ Class.
Mind you, not that they haven’t experienced some form of ‘unpleasantness’ in their lives… Judging from this particular fembots phizz:

In this case, I’d say he spent a lot of times getting swirlies and being stuffed head first into a bin at school… (he’s Brit so hence that particular nomenclature for a trash can). If there was ever a fucking face that needed to be full on close fist punched while wearing brass knucks, it’s that one in particular.
That soy-infused face belongs to one Theo Bertram. This fuckwit went and had this to say:
Of course Musk’s meme is pure gold.
And that lil faggot is being positively raked over the coals in the comments. I just wish it was (and still -might be- IRL when all is said and done.
Jes’ Sayin’
However, all in all, despite some of the hand-wringing that’s going on out there over possible State Department backed extraditions and the like, I’d say it’s probably not going to happen. I mean they might be thinking about it, but in the end, unless they manage to ‘black-swan’ or false flag us into a blanket gun ban that’s successful, ain’t no way in fuck the local Po-Po are going to risk their asses getting plugged trying to detain and/or arrest someone at the behest of Jolly Olde Englande. As long as we stay armed? England can pound sand.
Mind you I won’t be transiting Jolly Olde for the duration as they probably can and will ‘detain’ you IF you happen to land on a Plane at Heathrow or Gatewick. Better to avoid the tossers altogether IMO.
And yeah yeah, since Cumswalla is being pushed on us like a dime bag of really good heroin, it looks like they’re trying to line her up for a ‘win’ for the values of the “Steal: Part 2”. They seem to be trying to get the NPCs ‘hooked’ and see what happens… The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been frontmaxxing as hard as they can with the ‘rehabilitation’ of the New Chosen One in order to give the perception that she’s ahead in the Polls and with the People. Makes it a wee bit easier to try and steal the (s)election again as we didn’t do shit the first time ’round. Hate to say it, but it’s pretty fucking obvious that she’s about as popular as a case of the clap.

Sounds about right…
For those who don’t ‘get it’ the ratings on Rotten Tomatos, in particular the critics scoring can be, shall we say? Tweeked via having certain well-known critics receiving some payola to give a higher rating that the movie deserves.
Case in point: Kathy Kennedy’s latest Star Wars Abortion:
“The Acolyte”
“Lesbian Space Witches Starring a Bunch of Wooden Planks”

I must admit the Audience score on the Acolyte has come up quite a bit as of late. After the first three? four? episodes it was hovering at like 7% rotten. Some of my favorite Movie Critics on Yewtoob like The Critical Drinker, Disparu and Az from HeelvsBabyface ALL have great takes on this phenomenon. Not sure who my favorite is, and I reeeeally hope that they don’t get hemmed up in England/Great Britain as Drinker is actually from Scotland but either way, they crack me the fuck up with their takes on Modern Movies and TV. Az is utterly hilarious when he gets on a rant, and they also do an occasional link-up with Gary from Nerdrotic All of them are really cool and I highly recommend all of their channels.
Then, on the Krainian Kursk Klownshow, we have news from the front from various sources with interviews from Krainian POWs that the Russians have caught, that the intent of this attack was specifically to hit the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

According to several Krainians, they were supposed to do a “pedal to the metal” old fashion Cavalry Charge. The furthest it made it (as of August 9th) to was outside of a village called Milyutino:

Now, looking at the Goolag Maps, you can see the location of the Kursk NPP:

39 minutes via Vehicle from Muliutino/Milyutino…
Depending on the language the spelling could be either…
According to most sources (as things are on-the-fly and fog of battle and all that) The Russians beat back and eliminated the Krainian Kolumns that were in Milyutino, and ran them back.
The most recent news is they started hitting other areas and spreading out more troops and digging in as also seen in the latest map:

They’ve been s-l-o-w-l-y been pushed back.
However I do wonder what’s going on with that attack that’s south and west of Guyevo (in the south at the bottom). I can’t really find anything yet but again, IMO and Experience, it’s a really bad idea to have your logistical support train stretched that far and that thin in hostile territory. ESPECIALLY while lacking any significant air cover.
This’s a “Hail Mary” attempt to cause some sort of uproar.
Likely Krainfeld, having failed to achieve his goal of snatching the Kursk NPP, then ordered (or Budenov, his eeee-vil retard henchman) a drone strike on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which caught a cooling tower on fire.

This of course was blamed on the Russians.
Which looking at it, the concept that the Russians did this is retarded, as the fucking Russians have and hold the fucking place to begin with. I mean really!?! THIS is the reason I hate the majority of Humanity… leastways the NPCs out there. Programmed Retards and Morons.
The Lot of Them.
If it was the Russians, WHY start by burning the Cooling Tower?
To what end?
According to that rat faced (((fucker))) Krainfeld The Koke Fiend, “Russian forces intentionally started the fire to blackmail Kyiv!!!”
Blackmail? How so!?! Are you joking? I mean FFS, IF they were doing something like that, the downwind issues would primarily effect Russia and NOT the Krain:

“Leave now, or we’ll irradiate our own territory!!!” said no Russian EVER.
Fucking Krainfeld needs to step away from the coke…
Like for real.
Now, OTOH, IF -I- were running that show and I wanted to make a statement/do terrorism? I’d just have the same exact ‘drill’ that was run at Chernobyl back in the day run on all six power reactors simultaneously. THAT would be a thing of damned near World Damaging Affect… SIX Chernobyls??? Talk about becoming a “Glowie”
I mean Chernobyl was only initially discovered when a guy in I think it was Norway? who worked at one of their (Norwegian that is) Nuke Plants who set off the Radiation Monitoring Stations while he was going INTO the plant as opposed to setting it off when he was screened at night while leaving…
That was a bad time.
And if you haven’t seen the HBO? series on The Big “C” and I think it was HBO, I highly recommend it. No shit I have a personal family connection. My “Uncle the Doctor”(M.D.) was/is one of the most respected and highest authority Neuro-Radiologists at the time, and he was invited by the Soviets to go over and assist, which he did.
Y’all got to remember, this was pre-Glastnost… the “Bad Old Days” when it was ‘Ivan Versus Uncle Sam’. That’s why the Russians/Soviets didn’t tell us about the meltdown until they couldn’t hide it any longer.
Simplicius thinks this’s part of a Grand(er) Scheme on Krainfeld’s part to broaden the war. In his own words:
“There was still some hesitation on my part on whether the Kursk madness was truly a sign of an AFU reaching its critical end point or not, though mostly I leaned on the affirmative. However, the latest desperate move seems to fully avow this interpretation of events. But, I believe there are a few multi-varied nuances to properly interpreting Zelensky’s threatening signal.
First: it can be said that this act of desperation was a strong signal to Zelensky’s own “partners” in the U.S. and the West. I predicted long ago—last year—that once things finally grind down to the gristle for Ukraine, Zelensky would have no choice but to begin threatening his partners through escalation to save his own hide. He would threaten not only pushing Russia’s red lines in unnerving ways which would pose the threat of nuclear annihilation to the U.S., but as a last ditch effort he would also float the threat of unveiling many secrets and ‘skeletons in the closet’ of his Western partners as blackmail.
But what’s happening now is in effect a double nuclear blackmail. Not only was Zelensky trying to reach the Kursk nuclear plant for this very purpose, but has now acted out his furious frustration at the ZNPP, as well. It’s difficult to know for certain, but captured AFU POWs have in fact now attested to the Kursk plant as being the objective, or Kurchatov, the town where the plant sits. This was supposed to have been reached in the first day or two, which now appears to have been a miserable failure being covered up by more antics.
But getting back to the second point. I believe the ZNPP strike was also a double threat toward Russia. ZNPP may be currently inactive, but Kursk is in operation, and Zelensky likely meant to send a symbolic message that the Kursk nuclear plant may be “next”. In essence, it is saying: “Be wary, the Kursk plant is in my sights. This is just the first demonstration of my seriousness.”
But why would Zelensky threaten his partners as well? The obvious answer is to shock them into providing more aid and committing totally to Ukraine’s victory. “Give us everything or we’ll take the entire world down with us in a ball of nuclear flame.” Funny how much similarity there is between Zelensky and Israel, what with their Samson Option and all”
Simplicius76 SITREP 8/11/24: Desperate for Escalation, Zelensky Bombs Zaporozhye Nuke Plant in Frustration August 12 2024
So the TL;DR is that Krainfeld was/is gambling that this’ll make EVERYONE in NATO throw in fully on the whole “Lets ALL (NATO) Go to War Against Russia” thing… As stated before, I got me a hunch that again he’s in the throes of a serious Cocaine Induced Delusion. No joke.
Also, not for nothing, but Ole Simplicius states what to that majority of readers here is the absolute obvious take at the very end:
“Funny how much similarity there is between Zelensky and Israel, what with their Samson Option and all”.
No kidding? REALLY?
I think and by reading the majority of his analysis(s) over time, for whatever reason, he’s been exceptionally careful when it comes to making observations pertaining to the JQ and Krainfeld’s obvious konnections to the (((tribe))).

The tribal animosity between them (the Tribe) and well, everyone who isn’t them is well known.
This time, and after what with Nuland’s AND Blinken’s (both card carrying dual citizens BTW) bullshit political maneuverings that started this entire shitshow, this time (((they))) managed to get two Orthodox Christian Countries, who by rights should be “besties” so to speak, into slaughtering each other. All because of ‘reasons’ and sheeee-it that date back to shit that happened to them back in the day in both countries. Revenge I suppose, to them, is a dish best served cold. Fucking dumbasses.
My question still remains is what exactly happens WHEN, not IF, the Krainians realize they were utterly fucking duped and that they possibly directly and indirectly killed and wounded millions of their fellow ‘Brothers in Christ’? The reckoning on that is still out there… Going to be ugly either way.
So moving on from the (((noticing)))…
On the family front, school started Monday.
The Red Headed Nookular Power Reactor had her first day of first grade!!!! Old, old I’m sooooooo old! According to all reports she positively loves it. This was her right before she rolled out for Day One:

She’s getting tall(er)
AND Cuter (if such a thing is possible)
And nope, she hasn’t slowed down, not one bloody bit.
We also got a couple of pictures of her sister Adriana. She’s not quite in Kindergarten (next year I believe) but the BabyDaddy sent us some ‘school pics’ if you will:

Addy is growing like a weed as you can see.
What’s interesting is the two sisters barely look alike right? Addy definitely takes after BabyDaddy, as he’s got a LOT of Native American in him. I also think she’s going to be tall like Gretchen is, as the BD is a short lil dude. Not sure but looking at her lil feetzs, the knobby knees and the long neck? I think she’s going to be a seriously tall drink of water when she gets older.
Gretchen wants to go up there for her B-Day in October. She turns 5. We’ll have to see… it’s going to ALL depend on the finances, as that’ll cause quite a dent that I don’t have the skrim (as of now) to cover… I’ve been stashing a couple of bills here n’there… I’ll make it happen… We got an open invitation to come and get her when and if we get back up to Tennessee.
Either way, BOTH girls are thriving.
And TBTH, I’m seriously relieved that the BabyDaddy has stepped up so much and finally grew up enough to handle taking care of her. I just pray that it stays that way. If not?
Well, that’s what shovels are for.
So on That Note
More Later
Big Country

Been reading about the Bolsheviks and their battles with the Freikorps in 1919 Germany, the saving grace for Germany was the sheer amount of combat vets in the Freikorps vs the (((Bolsheviks))) who were mainly civilian agitators. We’re seeing a lot of parallels here today with the slimy bastards doing all the stirring and those behind the badges, vs the common working man who stood up for his country.
The masses don’t want to wrap their head around the fact we’re still fighting the same (((people))) as my father and grandfather fought 90-120 yrs ago. The Bolsheviks are still at it, they knew it would take generations to infiltrate and destroy their white Christian enemy.
The Republican party is Zionist.
The Democrat party is Communist.
Guess who they both serve?
Literally the same plan as the Israelis. The Sampson option.
Daayum,, the last three lines… A lifetime of connecting dots, and didn’t snap to that? That will take a Minnit to fit into the rest of the Bullschitt..
I know,, sometimes I misspell Reality. Thanks
The Republican Party is Zionist. The Democrat Party is Communist. Guess who they both serve?
This^^^^^. Absolute truth. Vielen dank, mein freund! Bleib ubrig.
Glad yer back, thanks for the updates.
I almost feel bad for the normiecon civnat types who are meming hard about “they are just trying to divide us; don’t let them divide us”, all while avoiding anything that might define the “us” and “they” in terms that have been banned by their paymasters and kommissars of karen koldesac kommittees, as it must be hard to deep throat those blank-slate scrolls of Our Democracy while bloviating at the mexican checkout girl at the local safeway about how we all bleed red while she rolls her eyes and dreams of her future life as a tiktok Reconquista thot.
How the patriots of the kosher paddock manage to twist their brains around the JQ and WQ without gushing statins out of their ears is beyond me at this point.
The decades of cold war propaganda and Spielberg six million have them permanently encamped in the perpetual panopticon of self-regulation where the rest of the Nice Guys and Civnat Captains of Commerce talk of retirement portfolios and complain about the auntie smites ruining all the gains of ConInc between The Most Important Elections Ever.
Being that most are already in the rail cars means that their problems are already behind them but there remains to be a massive problem among Whites and particularly electric guitar and daughter-goes-to-Guatemala-for-mission christians that will be ours to deal with just when the need to be one people is greatest.
Which is either in the near future or already behind us.
Only time will reveal. But what is clear is that this standing army of ‘ordinary men’ clinging to the precious of their curated comforts and pleasant thoughts about their own version of utopia is a reality that will have to be confronted. Not all will become lampshades and soap for the official bathhouse of the great leap forward. Many are already on track to serve the Chekist List.
We’ve got our own reckoning brewing here and looking east its easy to see how the Motherland and her bastard spawn are now throat-slitting brothers after years upon years of not seeing the puppet strings. And they don’t even have Spielberg or the poem on the statue in the hudson. We, OTOH, are deep in the program.
Its really too bad. I like many of these guys personally but like my bugmen buddies from the before times in the blue hives printing fiat wealth on the backs of their dirt brothers, they are on the wrong side of the range.
And I’m done pretending there is some middle earth where there are no sides except for the one that always requires young White men to die.
I used to be a normie con. It was a giant black pill when I realized that just about everything I “knew” about history was a lie, and who was lying to myself and everyone else.
Maybe I’m wrong, however I don’t believe anyone comes out of the womb knowing what I (believe I know) now. So I try to be patient with them, though it is fucking frustrating almost all the time…
Ya got that right Berglander… I was a normiecon that tried to “open people’s eyes” and voat moar harderer to get the red side to win. The more aware I become, not just with the JQ, but all the lies I used to gobble up, the harder it gets not to blackpill. It’s so exhausting to encounter such morons on a daily basis. For whatever reason (and there are many as of late) it’s all I can do to not let that blackpill slide on past the lips and down the gullet… definitely feeling the verse “all men are liars” women too. Probably moreso…
Here’s to hoping for some fine opportunity to rage against the dying of the light and earn our trip to Valhalla.
Congratulations on the young ones doing well!
Besides crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of their women; that’s what’s good in life.
Good article, BCE. The one thing people in the West don’t get is that Putin is “slow rolling” advancing in the Kraine because he wants to limit casualties for both the Russian and Kraine side.
He was forced to attack Kraine, tried everything he could including a peace deal all set before it started that the US and Britain scuttled before he attacked. Russia could NOT tolerate the Kraine being a hostile NATO country right on his border like a knife to the core of Russia.
The problem is the “little hat wearers” who are running the show on this in the West and Kraine want as many Orthodox white Christians dead as possible. This “attack” shows that. Like the Battle of the Bulge he stripped his best troops who were badly needed from the front and sent them on this fool’s errand. They advanced through a weakly held sector but now are being wiped out by the reinforcing Russian troops.
Meanwhile Zalinsky and his bitch wife are driving $300,000 cars and just bought a French villa.
I pray that Putin is sick of this BS and needs to end it NOW and launches a thrust out of Belarus south and cuts off the Polish border and then attacks Kiev and nets all the “little hats” running this shit show and lets the Krainians put them all against a wall.
I hate that these two sisters are growing up without each other.
I feel bad for them too but let us not forget the one who caused all of this and the one who is 99% responsible — BCE’s stepdaughter, the girls’ egg donor — Dumb Cunt who I hope is sitting in a jail cell right now.
Dumb Cunt has no idea how many lives she’s made miserable,
doesn’t care, and probably sees herself as the victim here.
How about The Gaggler?
1) Britan is no longer in the EU, so wtf are they thinking when they quote EU laws?
2) I wish the little Brit bitch would come over to ‘extradite’ me. Fuck You, you limey faggot. Go choke on a nigger dick.
3) I see you are still getting your intel from Putin. Or are you in his employ?
4) What makes you think the ruling jooz in mother russia are beyond criticism?
As to #3: No, I actually you know, do a thing called in depth research. I’ve been one of the first folks to call out the fuckups on BOTH sides and I sure as fuck am not employed by Putin (even though I could use the cash… anyone know how to get some of that sweet propaganda lucre?) I mean where are YOU getting your info? Me? I still have intel contacts. They ALL say how badly the Krain has been getting mauled for damned near the entirety of this war, with the exception right at the beginning when it was readily apparent that the Russians sorely underestimated the Krainians, to the point a hodge-podge of Cooks and Clerks drove off the Elite Russian Airborne Forces at the Airport. Luck also had a hand in it, as well as the absolute criminal corruption at higher command levels that almost cost them the entire fight at the beginning (bad food/tires/equipment etc)… but hey… fog of war and all that.
You OTOH: Where you getting your info? Do you have ANY outside of the ‘normal channels’ or are you just regurgitating the same old bullshit that the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda who insist that the Krain has only taken 60k in KIA since the start of this bullshit? If so, then show your work. My sourcing tells me the fucking cemetaries in the Krain can be seen from Orbit at this point, whereas Russia? Not so much. So unless you have an inside track to the High Command, sit down and shut it.
4) Uh… I’d say there are NO ‘ruling jooz’ in Russia which is in part of WHY they (the (((tribe))) have such a hard-on for destroying Russia. The Bolshevik Khazarian Mafia was driven out and suppressed back in the day, and they hold a grudge like no other. Same goes for the Krainians, in that the Krainians under normal circumstances are more anti-Semetic than the fucking KKK. Again, if YOU have anything better, show. your. work.
People still can’t figure out the reason Hitler and Putin are deemed evil is because they threw the small hats out for all the trouble they caused, and above all, CONTROLLED THE BANKING FRAUD. Hitler got out of the Versailles Treaty extortion by creating a new German monetary system based on labor output in the Reich (they had the strongest economy in the late 1930’s), Putin got rid of the Rothschilds and bingo, they’re both the devil.
The white US/European Christians won’t wake up to who’s killing them off, they truly believe the small hats are their family, so much for the decades of programming and brainwashing that can’t be erased. Selbst mord bei Jude (suicide by jew).
And as far as those small minded dickheads who can’t see past the old anti-Soviet propaganda, Russia is not the USSR, they are our brothers in this fight against Bolshevism. Hard for me to say, since the Soviets killed most of my family in WW2, but I realize Bolshevism is my enemy, not Russia.
The Myth of German Villainy, book free read, pdf;
Amen, my good friend.
I hope you’re right that Russia is no longer under their control. I sure hope you’re right.
Some info seems to indicate otherwise though. Ever hear of the ‘New Jerusalem Project?’ Guess where the New Jerusalem is going to be? Kiev.
Long time in the making and with big time players behind it. I can’t believe nobody has ever heard of it.
I’m sure nobody will take the time to look at this but here it is:
The masses have no idea who the Ashkenazi are, they’re clueless that most of Israel/US is made up of 80%+ Ashkenazis instead of the ancient tribal jews of the holy lands.
They are definitely up to something in the UKR, and more than likely it has something to do with their religious prophesies. There are scores of opinions on the internet today, which ones are correct is anyone’s guess.
But either way, it will involve millions of dead white folks, again.
Oh, that’s so precious.
1) You are employed by or a stooge of Da Jooz (which i don’t believe you would knowingly do); or,
2) You have such a high opinion of your massive brain power that you really ought to be finding/posting names and addresses of the individuals that are killing my beloved USA instead of spouting J propaganda. So how about quit complaining about something half a continent away that 99% of us here will never lay eyes on (+ are our sworn enemies) and try to do something from keeping the leftists from destroying us. POST THOSE LEFTISTS’ ADDRESSES! (as if, ‘eh?)
Tell you what before I lower the PermaBan Hammer (only deployed 2x times here EVER)
1) Nope. Not employed by ‘da jooz’ which is an odd accusation in any way, shape or form towards me… a ‘shill’ or paid for shill is something I’ve never been. Last time you asked if it was Putin who employed me, now the Jews? Odd that as I said…
2) How am Complaining about what exactly? The poast was merely my observations vis-a-vis the Krain and it’s usual ‘stoopid’. My usual DotMil analysis. Tell you what I did notice? A complete lack of ANY engagement or YOU giving any reasonable intelligence… other than to attack again.
In fact reading between the lines, you have a glow about you, so I’d say you’re looking for something here you won’t get, namely a fedpoast.
In fact I’d hanker to say that since you’re on a Clouvider VPN out of Atlanta Georgia, w/ a false name/email, you’re probably/more than likely a member of the Israeli Rohim Rachok Retard Internet Troll Unit, especially since you FIRST accuse me of working for the Rus, then accuse me of working for the Hebes and that to me, is called baiting and projecting.
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv Shlomo?
Prove I’m wrong.
A failure to provide ANY serious answers to the first response I was so kind as tyo offer, you’re done. My house, my rules.
As I’ve said before, if YOU’RE sooooo awesome and smart, then why don’t you have your own blog? It’s easy. Go hit WordPress…
Oh yeah, you lack the intelligence and ability, never mind the work ethic.
I await your response (not)
“shows complete disregard for EU and its laws”
why… yes, yes it does. Thank you for noticing. 😀
it’s always been the jews since the beginning…
“Americanism is the Jewish Spirit Distilled”
well i’ll beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Please tell me that the older little girl isn’t being indoctrinated. Those shoes look suspiciously like LBGTEIEIO faggottery.
Nah. Believe me, OtherGranDad is a reader and a BIG supporter of #ourside.
It’s that how do you say no to a 6 year old like girl right?
Unicorns and Rainbows are just that at her age.
We are NOT going to ruin that side of the innocence until we absolutely have to.
Which also, unfortunately is sooner, rather than later.
Let her enjoy her innocence for now.
Ugly Reality will be bad enough later.
My wife cringes a bit when I say that if you examined every serious problem in the world and dig down far enough you will find a Jew at the bottom of it. Childhood indoctrination still has some hold on her regarding the “chosen people”.Comprising just 2.4% of the population in the US, a rational person has to wonder how it is they have their fingers in everything that affects all of us in some negative way. Its a tragedy that Christian brothers are killing each other in a manufactured war, and that so many here are being killed off with smuggled drugs and by dark-skinned illegals.
I was Stationed in Manheim when the whole Chernoby thing happened. “Don’t drink German milking don’t eat the beef.” That’s pretty much all Unk told us. If i remember right the cloud rolled NW into upper Germany and into Sweden and Norway. I thought that was kind of weird with the winds normally going W to E.
Should probably proof read what I’m typing before I hit post. What a dumbass
I was in Mainz during that time. We’d joke about walking guard duty in radioactive acid rain (remember the acid rain thing in the ’80’s?).
Yep. Had a buddy that made a song up about acid rain to the tune of Prince’s Purple Rain. It was pretty clever.
I was platoon NBC dude and took the geiger counter down to the motor pool to see if I could pick up any radiation. I could pick up the tritium in a compass with my machine, it was that sensitive. I never detected anything, but I did get yelled at by the battalion CSM. Went something like, “What are you doing over there, Specialist?” “Seeing if there’s any radiation from Chernobyl, Sgt. Major.” “Put that thing away before you freak people out and go get a damned haircut!” “Yes, Sgt. Major!”
And for those “Doubting Thomas’s” out there who still BELIEVE that “The Chosen People” are everyone’s best friend and ally, I suggest that people take time to read the interview that one, Harold Wallace Rosenthal gave back in 1976. Rosenthal was an aide to then NY Senator Jacob Javits.
It’s very interesting to note that mossad assassinated Rosenthal in Istanbul, Turkey a short time after that interview was published…looks like (((THEY))) couldn’t tolerate one of their own actually telling the goyim what was and still is really going on.
To lie to the goyim, that’s a virtue in their eyes, but to tell them the truth about (((the tribe)))…whoo boy…that’s unforgiveable!!
Rosenthal was only amplifying what Maurice Samuels spoke of in his book, “You Gentiles” (1924) and Theodore Kaufman spoke of in his book, “Germany Must Perish!” (1941).
Truly know one’s real enemy.
Northgunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!