The Home Country Is In Flames! Éirinn Go Brách Bitches!

My ancestors would be oh so proud.
And man, TBH, my Irish Pedigree is sort of OMG famous. LOTS of rebels, lots of Irish ne’er-do-wells, scalawags and bandits. I’m the eldest first borne Grandson of an O’Leary (matrilineal side, MomUnit’s Da) who could trace his roots back alllllllllllll the way back to the Original Eight Major Irish Clans.

Like 540A.D. or somewhere around then…

I’m directly related to General Daniel Florence O’Leary. Not sure how many ‘Grands’ he is, but both FedBro and myself have that in our blood.

General O’Leary is really famous down the “South ‘Merican Way” as he was the Aide-de-Camp to “El Liberatore” Simon Bolivar, as well as his head of Logistics and Operations. Like NFS, back in the early 80’s my Grandpa, Daniel H. O’Leary got invited to Venezuela to participate in the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation… kind of had the whole fam like “WTF?” to find out our roots were like so prominent. Turns out Grandpa was like the Oldest Remaining (Last Man Standing) representative of that particular part of the O’Leary lineage.

Either way, he got a free trip and a place of Honor in the Parade with Grandma.

Kind of cool IMO.

I also have a lesser known Gran…. his ‘claim to fame’ in the Family Lore comes from getting killed randomly during a somewhat famous (or infamous) assassination in 1922. My Great-Great Grandpa, Timothy O’Leary and his family was located on a homestead located in County Cork happened to be in Béal na Bláth.

The Assassination In Question?

Michael Fucking Collins!!!

Seems that, according to Family Legend, the Anti-Treaty IRA showed up at the family cabin, and told them “…to keep yer fookin’ heads down!” and left it at that, and then rolled out for bastardy and eeeee-vil. Now back then? If the IRA showed up at your door? You “kept yer fookin’ head down” and went see no, speak no, and hear no.

Seems his (Tim’s) favorite place during his hard-earned retirement was to be drinking Irish Whiskey in the front window, overlooking the road. He was the retired postmaster from Cluain Siabhra Mór, a small(ish) place about 25 kilometers Northwest(ish) from the homestead that he retired to. Also according to the stories past down, Michael Collins’ convoy past by the house juuust close enough for Great-Great-Gran-Tim to see it. He was a great admirer Collins as it is told…

According to the histography, while he’s sitting there, he suddenly hears the gunfire break out. Not exactly sure if he knew what was going down, but his instincts go with what -I- would have done…

He grabbed his weapon to help out.

He was 83 years old.

Balls. Of. Fucking. Adamantium.
He, as stated in the beginning, didn’t make it.
Stories vary.
Not sure if he died of a gunshot wound to the head, or from being buttstroked. Either way, he’d already been hit with ‘walking pneumonia’ and was sick as it was. The head wound wasn’t a penetrating wound, and like I said, stories vary.

Irish AF amiright?

The documentation is there though. Death Certificate, Registry of Death/Burial, circumstances and whatnot. Shattered skull, etc…

Seems Great-Great-Grandad was a certified bad ass or maybe just certifiable?

Not sure.
Definitely runs in the blood Aye?

But, back to the ‘Meat and Taters’ of tonight:

Eire is on fire

How bad can it be?

They done fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up

File under ‘things two weeks ago that I would have said, with an absolute certainty being: “Things that will never happen for $1000, Alex”… I mean they’ve been fighting like rabid motherfuckers forever over this… and now?

A Common Enemy.
Or Enemies that is
The Globalist Retards, the Pro-Mass-Invasion/Replacement Immigration retards? Yeah, I’d say “All of the above.”

They know not who they decided to fuck with.

I mean the reaction has been absolutely predictable:

As well as completely and retardedly over-the-top:

Arrested for Facebook poasts?
“Meet Mr. Flammenwerfer you fucking slore.”

Sounding from the guy in question, he sounds older than myself. Fuckin punk-assed motherfucking no-load-can’t cunt pussy-assed weak-kneed Globalist Scum… especially that bitch… Any bets she ends up with two to the back of her head?

True story: One of my neighbors in Quincy Mass when I got out of the Army had been convicted in 1996 for running guns (or attempting to) to the IRA. Great guy. I lost track of him after I went to Iraq. He was conditionally living with his Mom and lil Sister (she’s a whole different story for another time…28 years old… 3kids and hawt but ultimately a tragedy). I met him from the Ex Wife who one day was struggling with the two kids and getting a carload of groceries into the house… Spawn #1 being 3 years old, and Spawn #2 being -barely- one, and X was having hell of a time as I was at work. This was a year pre-Iraq.

He saw her having a time, and ran up the street, despite having an ankle monitor LOL. When I got home, she told me about the ‘nice guy from up the street who helped her unload the car and the kids, and refused anything for it.’ So, me being me, I went and looked him up, and introduced myself, and asked if I could do something like buy a case of beer for him? His name was/is John. Red-Head Green Eyed lanky assed Mick who had a string of Irish Hotties coming around the ‘hood to the point the X was on my ass about hanging out at his weekend BBQs…

We got to talking, and actually got along despite a ten-year age gap (me being the ‘old man here’). When I asked him about the ‘range’ on his ankle monitor when he helped the then-spouse, he said that he was pretty sure that he was able to do it…coming to my house that is, as in Massachusetts, an ankle monitor for house arrest, depending on the crime, has a functional Go/No-Go ranges between 50 to 150 feet… His Mom’s house was three BIG houses down, so I knew he’d been pushing it.

When I asked him why he took the risk, he said he had to help out a fellow Mick, which he knew about as on St. Paddy’s Day, I used to fly the Flag of Eire on the front door. I did it mostly to piss off the other neighbors, who were Syrian. Loud, Irish and Proud baby!

So, for the four months that he was home on appeal, we hung out occasionally (actually a lot), I learned a quite a bit about gunrunning and the IRA. Fascinating doesn’t even begin to cover it. Unfortunately, after he lost the appeal he went back to FedPrison, and I sent him a few letters until I went to Iraq, after which sort of to my shame, I lost track of him. He wrote back as well, and when I could, I threw some $$$ to his canteen. John was a good kid who wanted to help out what he considered his ‘homeland.’

Which, at long last, brings me to my point:
ALLLLLLLL These retards, morons, idiots and sufferers of extreme brain damage (meaning the cops and politicos) There’s more than likely a metric fuckton of available weapons to be had in Ireland. John told me the amount of ‘stuff’ that was smuggled was by and far, no where near what the fucking fuzz found. Told me the entire countryside was positively riddled with caches and ammuntion. A HUGE amount also came from “Middle Eastern Sourcing” as he told me, to include heavy(er) weapons… RPGs, Mortars… as he said:

Just Because The Accords Were Signed Doesn’t Mean They Turned In ALL Their ‘Stuff’

Knowing that, and if ANYTHING, growing up “Irish”?

“Saving for a rainy day is the Irish Way

Granted, the ‘saving’ was so they could, at some point, start trying to kill each other again and settle the ‘question’ once and for all. That being said?

<Slow Golf Clap>
Congratulations Globalists.
You should get the Nobel Peace Prize

You finally ended the Irish Civil War and Reunited the Country!!!

Sorry that it means that IF (or more likely NOW with your idiotic responses) the Irish get pissed off enough, and decide to ‘break out the shovels, then the hardware’ and that they don’t stop ‘rolling hard’? It’s going to be a damned shame that your pet Gollums are going to be slaughtered in wholesale lots, and eventually those that remain are going to be driven into the sea(s) to be fish food… but hey! You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs?

Mind you, and do keep it in mind
You’ll be next
This public service announcement isn’t a threat, but a reality.
“Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle K”

More Later
Big Country

47 thoughts on “The Home Country Is In Flames! Éirinn Go Brách Bitches!”

  1. Someone should remind them not to engage in street theater. And start working those accountability lists.

    1. I think its a -wee bit- beyond ‘street theater’… since I published, on Twitter, a bunch of Muj in Belfast put out a livestream “cry for help”…. seems there’s a Muj ‘Rapefugee’ Shelter under open assault by locals w/firebombs, and the coppers ran for their lives ahead of the crowd… be interesting to see if they follow through and what the krispy kritter body count is after IF word gets out

      1. ” be interesting to see if they follow through and what the krispy kritter body count is after IF word gets out”

        Well, one can only hope. One can also hope for dozens of Anders Breiviks to restart a Armalite and Ballot Box Campaign sans the Ballot Box.

  2. Fuckin’ A Irish, mom’s side. Ain’t nothing worse than a pissed off Irishman, except a pissed off Irish woman… I raise a shot of Good Irish Jameson or Macallans in your honor!

        1. Redbreast is the smoothest whisky I ever laid lips upon. Never even heard of Quiet Man (is that correct?) until now. I’ll need to look for it soon, just bought a bottle of Jameson 12 y.o.

    1. I don’t have any Irish in me that I know of, but the wife does, so as an excuse to drink, I’ll chug from a bottle of ice cold Bushmills with the two of you.

      1. A South Boston Irish friend of mine got a bottle of Bushmills thrown at him by the father of a girl he wanted to date, for “bringing that Damned Protestant swill” to his house.
        I keep a bottle of Jameson, with varying levels of whiskey in it. 🙂
        John in Indy

    2. Fuck Jamesons, that’s the bud light of Irish whiskey. To many to mention, but Redbreast 15 is one of my faves, Quite man and limivady coming in after, followed by Micheal Collins and Bushmills. Hell even Connor McGregors crap Irish whiskey is better than Jamesons.

      But I do agree with you on pissed off Irish woman, I am 4th generation Irish American, ex was 1st generation Irish American, damn that woman had a healthy punch. Her beauty was only exceeded by the stare she could give when pissed off, and I quickly learned to defend from the right cross that followed that look.

  3. The only Irish I have is Irish-Norman and my bogtrotter friends tell me that doesn’t count, so…

    And, yes, the Globo-homo bunch really fucked up on this one. First rule of Western European warfare is never ever force the brothers-killing-brothers to stop killing each other and start killing you. Scotland, Ireland, Wales, anywhere the ‘Celtic’ blood runs boldy (and that includes parts of France, just not the haut-toadies found in the big cities, I’m talking about the ones that actually kept fighting the krauts after haut-toads surrendered.)

    I would not be surprised if the now-one people Irish help ferry party toys to England to help the unwashed rabble stand up to the Labour Party.

    Done fucked up. Gee, who thought that 2024 was going to be this much fun?

  4. Pikey Mickey punch for global Soviet commies.
    I have the PM hat but working on the punch.
    Parents had Irish themed restaurant/pub in the 1980s, multiple cars, big house, good times.
    All interior decor brought from the Homeland with folk sayings above tables, still have varsity logo jacket, hand made wooden Leprechaun folk art with four leaf clover background, custom hacky sack with clovers.
    The food was killer, pub was separate with steps and old west style swinging doors away from restaurant section.
    Grandparents have Scottish heritage for patriarch, Sicilian for matriarch.
    Irish Democracy is the only good democracy.
    We can go back to hating each other later as there is no room for global Soviet commie and their plantation pets.
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  5. Mostly Czechoslovak as my screenname indicates. But moms, moms, mom was a McCarville….. Catholics, from County Antrim in the North.

    And all this news warms my blood.

    Erin Go Bragh, indeed.

  6. It’s funny how close our paths were in crossing. I was in college and lobstering out of Hingham at that time, but bouncing in Boston as a 2nd job. I sold lobsters to Bad Abbot’s and the Fours in Quincy, which was close to my parents’ house, and we could drink there at 19-20 if we put money in the IRA ammo money hat or a half dozen chicken lobsters in the cooler. It was closer than Southie, where we could do the same at 3-4 bars.
    Hingham’s commercial marina didn’t have anyone who ferried guns in and out from the potato boats that picked up around Cash’s ledge or George’s Bank so I never had to be a part of that, thankfully, as that also meant disposing of bodies occasionally for the Winter Hill Gang, which I guess Whitey Bulger and the father of that NFL quarterback from TV used to do to add more scumbaggery to the mix.

    Anyhow, Quincy was a great spot to pick up Irish illegal aliens for plastering in town, or sternmen for lobsterboats. Different times.

  7. The Shankill Road and the Falls Road united against the common enemy. Did Hell Freeze Over and we never noticed.

    One thing you missed is that there was a counter demonstration in Belfast. Right across the street from the Republican tricolors and Loyalist Red Hand flags. United At Last. That much smaller demo was full of Palestinian flags. And Antifa flags. And a few Irish tricolors being waved by the local Sinn Fein / IRA contingent.

    Yes, that Sinn Fein. Yes, that IRA. The Provos.

    Sinn Fein / IRA are fully paid up members of the ultra-left ultra woke Open Borders insanity. Well they are hard left Marxists. Something that NORAID for some reason never mentioned when passing around the hat for the Armed Struggle.

    Those guys with the tricolor and the Four Provinces flag in among the Union Jacks and Ulster Will Fight flags are from working class neighborhoods in Dublin were the government are trying to dump hundreds of muslim and african illegal immigrants (in a derelict factory). The local Sinn Fein politicians told the locals to stop demonstrating. Because they are racists. This is (was) in a hard core Republican area. The Sinners had to make a hasty retreat when the locals turned on them. Dont fuck with Northsiders.

    Lots of weapons in Ireland. Few were decomissioned. Problem is they are in the hands of the IRA who as good ultra woke Marxists totally support the current new Plantation of huge waves of muslim / African illegal immigrant .

    The good news is the locals believe in direct action. Not just demos were the local Peelers have to run away. The local guards (police) are the laziest cunts you have ever seen. I’ve yet to see an inbred small town PD in the US that is as lazy, useless and corrupt as the Gardai.

    A whole bunch of “migrant” hotels / facilities have been burn down already. No Irish locals will work on creating the many new “migrant facilities/ camps”. The Irish government has to bring in foreign building contractors and even security. So sooner or later people will “start remembering’ where those AK’s and boxes of ammo were hidden away and the IRA will lose control and then the real fun starts. Again.

    So yeah, unlike in the UK this will end one way and one way only in Ireland. A few “wee messages”, a few petrol bombs through the windows at night, and a lot of recent arrivals will start thinking that maybe living on welfare in Ireland (which most illegals do) was not such a good idea and being back in Lagos, Tirana or Herat is starting to look a lot better.

    Best not to fuck around with people who have spent the last few hundreds years killing foreigners they dont like. Who dont fit in. The locals like the Eastern Europeans. Who fit in well. As do the Indians and Chinese. But the locals really dont like the muslims and the africans. Who dont even try to fit in. Just like in France and the UK.

    So sooner or later they will be told to fuck off back to where they came from. In no uncertain terms. Either with the ballot box or with the armalite.

    As for the UK, France, Germany etc. They are so fucked. If you think Baltimore or Chiraq is bad, you aint seen nothing.

    1. Oh great, so they’ll just get overrun by pajeets instead of blacks or Muslims. Sigh, when will White people learn, THEY ALL HAVE TO GO BACK.

  8. I lived in Tucson when my first child was born. Didn’t have much, so lived in an apartment complex in a 1 bedroom unit. My 3rd floor neighbor was an Irish fellow and we became good friends and hunting buddies – we both had a love of quail hunting, so during the season we’d head out together every chance we could.

    He played his past pretty close to the vest, but little bits and pieces would slip out now and again after we’d had a lot of beer and whiskey. From what I could gather, he was in America to “cool off”. Seems there were quite a few Irish in Tucson who were “cooling off” as I found out when he took me to an Irish pub one St. Paddy’s Day. They had a big table in one corner and the Guinness was flowing and my money was no good. Got to hear lots of IRA songs sung by the guys, too.

    There were some mexicans in our apartment complex who could be annoying. Without going into details, they were scared of both of us.

    1. Quail is one of the funnest birds to hunt because you have to be quick on the shoot if you want to bag any…Damn good eating too…

  9. “as well as his head of Logistics and Operations.”
    So that’s where you get your Log from.

  10. The Rising of the Moon

    And come tell me Sean O’Farrell, tell me why you hurry so
    Hush a bhuachaill, hush and listen and his cheeks were all aglow
    I bear orders from the captain, get you ready quick and soon
    For the pikes must be together at the rising of the moon

    Last verus

    Death to every foe and traitor, whistle out the marching tune
    And hoorah me boys for freedom ’tis the rising of the moon
    ‘Tis the rising of the moon, ’tis the rising of the moon
    And hoorah me boys for freedom ’tis the rising of the moon

  11. It’s a pleasant surprise as I wasn’t expecting much out of England due to how often they did nothing after shit like the 1,400 Rotherham rapes. It is also nice seeing the Irish get mad again, and both serve as a clear contrast to the US. We should have people that mad but they cling to political solutions anyways when both sides of the uniparty hates them. In both isles, it is a grassroots effort with the politicians demonizing them, and the same would apply elsewhere if/when it happens, that the politicians will disavow and discard the people attempting to make a real change and sic the enforcers on them, that there isn’t a way to fix it with votes.

  12. Scotch-Irish here…British Col. Tarleton, featured in Mel Gibson’s The Patriot, said he would rather fight the merciless savages in America than the Scotch-Irish, who would travel a hundred miles through the wilderness just to get revenge…

    1. Same heritage. My family’s name was proscribed by King James for 100 yrs or so. You may have heard of them, or we’re cousins.

  13. After the 2020 selection I was Inundated with friends and family wanting to know my predictions on how and when the inevitable “civil war” would breakout.

    I reminded them “The Civil War” was not an actual civil war. It was a war for independence. The South had formed their own country and wanted to be left alone. They had no intention of fighting for control of the empire that the federal government had become. They recognized that it was hopefully corrupted and beyond salvaging.(Sound familiar?)

    No, my prediction to friends and family was this, it would resemble “The Troubles”. It would also take until after 2024. Bad behavior, law breaking, fraud etc never stops and only gains momentum until it is MADE to stop, overwhelmingly. Call it Newton’s law, the pendulum theory or whatever but the response will eventually be equal to and then greater than the “long train of abuses and usurpations”.

    I think it will start slowly and rapidly gain momentum. Coincidentally “The Untouchables” happened to be on “ Pluto” yesterday and I watched it for probably the first time in 20 years. I will let Sean Connery’s character (Irish in the movie) sum it up, “What are you prepared to do?!”.

  14. Irish on me ma’s side, Scots-Irish on me da’s… And with that, the official anthem of white boy summer is bloody English, “White Riot” by the Clash. No more brother wars indeed.

  15. Possibly Irish somewhere in my ancestry, haven’t looked hard enough to find it yet. Note; yet.
    But definitely Scots, of clan Duncan. And my blood is heating up.
    I wish the local Irish the best in their uprising to rid themselves of the parasites, both local and imported, that plague them and drain their life’s blood.
    And a plague on the parasites that demand to be fed off the work and efforts of their betters, the local working men and women.
    Doing my best to prep for the upcoming Election Day Troubles, guaranteed. No crystal ball needed for that prediction.
    I raise a glass of Jameson 12 year old Irish to a’y’all. Prost!

  16. Husband’s about 1/3 Irish (counties Clare and Galway). Happy to see the Irish standing together and fighting against replacement.

  17. I am not Irish. Half-Italian and the other half a Scots-Scandanavian mixture. That being said, I could not help but notice that the Irish Police as their counterparts in Old Blighty ARE NOT on the side of the patriots trying to take back their country. There is a real lesson here.
    First, police and soldiers sell their honor and integrity for a paycheck, just like here in Amerika.
    Second, they have no firearms because they let the Leviathan disarm them. And third, they are out in the street getting mugged and numbered by modern technology. Their plans need to change ASAP. And those of us over here need to draw many lessons from this. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

  18. Besides the immigration issue, the big issue is these muslim and african “immigrants” don’t integrate, live on welfare and commit crimes (sort of like a certain 13% minority group in our country).

    People have had enough of the politicians catering to them and police and prosecutors doing nothing.
    Right now the lid is banging on top of the boiling pot that is our country and it will be soon that similar things happen here. I forsee a return to vigilante justice soon as you will get NO justice from the police or courts.

    1. Muslims and Africans cannot integrate. They will never be Irish. They can be there for a thousand generations and will never be Irish.
      They ALL have to go back.

  19. Big Country,

    You and I are practically neighbors in County Cork. McGraw is my matrilineal lineage. They came to Illinois post-famine most likely and then a Riedy married Margareth McGraw and they welcomed my mother in 1929. Many, many McGraws near Chicago (Lemont, Joliet, Minooka). German and Dutch along with some Bohemian (never said Czech around my fiery great-grandmother Shimek) ended up in Wisconsin (Manitowoc for the Shimeks and Milwaukee for the Kortebeins).

    So the Irish, of whom I am proud to say I am one, are “fookin’ tired of being had by scum” and are going to light the island up until the last snake is gone (HT to St. Patrick).

    Erin go Bragh!

  20. The protests in the south are because they have flooded the place with migrants, flown them in by govt order. There are no rubber boats bringing people to this island. The Irish PM has been targetted, not just online threats either. Ireland had 3.5 percent of population immigration in a one year period. Housing availability is scandalously low and rents have gone sky high. Yet, they still bring “refugees” into the country. Must be some EU deal has been made like when Enda Kenny ( ex PM) sold the country out to the IMF and all the healthcare got privatised. Too many pressures upon the population have led to now. The trouble up north? Same “rioting” every summer except this year the bored teenagers are targetting the brown skinned people. The Sandy Row and Donegall Pass residents have had foreign migrants slowly start living in the area ( renting from private landlords) over a period of years. The area beside this is Botanic Avenue and what used to be a place of student rentals is now more like little somalia. The Islamic centre nearby will inevitably be attacked and burnt and the locals won’t stop until it is. We rely on foreign healthcare staff here and they are getting scared and will most likely leave. Not a good oputcome for anyone. These rioters are targetting the tail and not the head.

  21. One if the major problems with the history if the War Between the States / US Civil War is that the history is itself flawed in that there were actually THREE sides to that conflict, and only one needed a War.
    The Fed Gov then was 60%+ funded by tariffs and import duties paid by the South, which had an export economy. The Fed Gov could not survive without the South, or a massive increase in power. With the War, they got both, note though, that it took 15 years for the US economy to absorb the US paper money, (Greenbacks) which traded at a strong discount to gold.
    What is coming here is the similar use of the invading armies against citizens, with the police and tech piling on.
    There are good tactical lessons available in the history of the Troubles, but recognize that the later Provos were funded and directed by communists, against the interests of Britain, rather than for the interests of Ireland.
    *My opinion, based on the industrial infrastructure which was not attacked.*
    John in Indy

  22. “Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.”—ww3-playing-out.html

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