Evening Everyone!
“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“I think so Brain, but what if the world doesn’t want to be dominated by a bunch of rodent-brained psychopaths?”
That about covers it for our current DotGov situation.
Rodent Brained Psychopaths is a pretty fucking accurate description of our current Leadershit as it currently stands right now. Seems that Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den is utterly committed to ‘staying the course’ and running for re(s)election.
Realistically, ALL of us know that in reality it’s his ‘closest advisors’ that are the ones behind it. The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only (remaining) Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster absolutely can NOT risk being ousted at this point.
Part of the rationale is that IF the Dementor-in-Chief stops running his campaign, it’s a very short step to having his ass “25th’d/86’d” out the door right there, right then. As in “being fired as the (P)resident”, leaving the functionally illiterate Kamelhoe in charge as the new prez.
In all reality, his ass should have been shitcanned after the investigation into his classified documents case. As I recall, the findings for the reasons why they did not go after him as they did with the Bulletproof Felon, was that the Hur Investigation felt that the Popeshitter was an “…elderly man with a poor memory” and that he’d be considered pathetic and this would cause a jury to be exceptionally sympathetic towards him.
Gee, what a relief Aye?
Too old/stupid/pathetic to be charged with violating Title 18 U.S.C. 1924, which makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area?
Wow… just…. wow.
Now if -I- did this ‘back in the day’ as a contractor?
They would have freeze-dried my ass, and buried me under the DotGov Federal Pokey as they saw fit. The Just-Us system at work again Aye?
To give you a peep-hole on Top Secret Documents/Info and how they normally handle shit like this, or at least should handle shit like this, a quick story that some of you might remember, but since as of late I have a PILE of new folks popping in here (BTW: Welcome! Welcome! Please don’t shit on the floor, and enjoy the ride!), I’ll do a short one about my time as a Document Courier, handling TS Docs and other ‘stuff’.
As the OG Kids here know, I did a lot of contracting back in the day in Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I also live in Tampa, which is home to McDill Air Force Base, which also is the Headquarters for CENTCOM (Central Command) as well as SOCOM (Special Operations Command). Because of this close proximity, and MY clearances that I held, I got asked if I was willing to do courier work when and if I was going home?
No prob Bob!
I’m heading that way anyway, right?
This was a ‘regular thing’ as there was a LOT of physical ‘stuff’ was being shipped back and forth between the CENTCOM/CJTF-7 Field Command at Victory/Baghdad, and CETCOM Central Command at McDill. Not just between there, but also folks who lived around Sodom on the Potomac, and other primary bases, provided they had the proper level(s) of clearance to perform the duty. My job was to just carry the bag(s) ‘over the pond’ and meet with a guy/gal who’d identify themselves with the proper credentials, (usually at Tampa International) and I’d transfer over all the shit, and go on my Merry Way.
This was mostly ‘stuff’ that they did not sent via the ‘net, as well as ‘other means’. Lets face it, good old ‘hand-passing-notes-by-hand’ or in this case, notes and ‘stuff’ being packed into a locked and secured Briefcase filled with Top Secret/SCI/RD/LD ‘stuff’ that they didn’t want to chance by sending even by ‘normally secure ways’ was a better bet of staying absolutely secure…
Hell… for all I know, Mr. General just wanted to send Mrs. General some dick-pics via a thumb drive… I didn’t know, nor care. The only perk to it was occasionally, I got ‘bumped’ to Bidness or First Class, as the Airlines usually were impressed with ‘courier credentials’… Hence why when they asked if I wanted ‘in’ on doing it, I jumped on the opportunity.
This went very well for a number of trips.
Until I got to in Atlanta in mid-2005.
The TL;DR is that I had a locked and secure briefcase packed with TS/SCI ‘stuff’ that I was carrying when I was passing through customs in Atlanta. I also was carrying my courier paperwork per regulations. This was FedGov/DotMil OFFICIAL courier paperwork, that essentially stated that ANY and ALL Law Enforcement personnel were to assist me in any way, shape or form if requested, to prevent any compromise of the Top Secret ‘stuff’ I was carrying, up to, and including lethal force. All sorts of signatures, stamps and whatnot… a very impressive looking packet that I unfortunately had to turn in when I stopped performing the duties alas…
So OF COURSE The fat, ugly and stupid Female TSA agent that -I- drew for my customs inspection was of the ‘ignorant nigger’ persuasion who just HAD to get stupid(er). She seemed to take it as a personal affront that “Whitey” was exempt from her petty TSA bullshit. I’d say this fucker had a sub-75 IQ IMO and was not put off by my trying like hell to explain why she was fucking up by the numbers… In fact the stupid fucktard was bound and determined to open the case, and rifle through it.
The hostility was compounded by the fact that I had been given very specific and direct orders NOT to allow the bag to be X-rayed under any circumstances, nor, of course be opened or inspected by ANYONE outside of the designated list of recipients on the shipping/delivery paperwork. Shit, if I opened it, it was Leavenworth for me probably… Not sure but the ‘no X-ray’ might have been because there were Hard Drives in there?
Do. Not. Allow. The. Bag. To. Be. Compromised/X-Rayed.
Got it.
Don’t know, Don’t care.
What I do know is she raised such a fucking ruckus, and between her screaming and yelling, and my telling her to “…get fucked sideways you damned dirty ape!!! You are not and will not touch nor open this case!!!” things escalated very quickly.
Her supervisor, another Yard-Ape/Spear Chucker, Ignorant Porch-Monkey, Type One each also got in on the funsies of ‘screaming at the uncooperative Whytteguy’ and at this point, threatening to forcibly take the bag and have me arrested. To be honest, I stayed relatively cool… I did needle the fuck out of them asking for “…a literate person, someone who speaks English, ‘cos I don’t speak ‘jive’ nor Ebonics” as both of them were functionally illiterate to my ears, which made them even angrier. Like foaming-at-the-mouth raving. Cruel to a point, but fun.
Now mind you, when the contact was initiated, I handed her my courier paperwork. She barely looked at it, and from her bootlips moving while she tried to read it, I realized that she probably couldn’t read it…. not at the level of comprehension that -I- needed her to. She got frustrated, I could tell. Her ‘supervisor’ wasn’t any better.
As you get whenever you get a fucking nigger in any position of power, MY failure to ‘bow and scrape’ sent them into a near-rabid frenzy. Of course this immediately attracted the attention of the SWAT/Cop detail on site, who ran over when they (the TSA tards) tried to grab the bag, and I started resisting pretty fucking firmly.
Thankfully I managed to not get tasered/shot, and actually managed to get a word in edgewise with the LT who was the ranking cop. He was not a FedGov employee like the TSA (Thousands Standing Around as FedBro calls them) but I guess he was at ‘Facility Command Level’? Not sure how that rank structure works. Either way, everything stopped when the ‘combat loaded cops’ showed up…
Thankfully, the LT was a fellow Whytteboy, and once he read over my paperwork, heard and understood what was going on, he banished Shaniqua out of the general vicinity to try and de-escalate things. She was, even after the goon squad showed up, barely comprehensible and still raving, never mind under control. He then turned to Shytteshowvious, the supervisor, who seemed a bit more receptive to what happened next…
In short, The SWAT LT explained that IF he (the supervisor) as well as his subordinate, continued to be ‘stupid’ (this was the actual term used) and continued to try and confiscate open/mess with/fuck with my bag, bad things would happen. Lethal things. Namely that they -could be- shot out of hand, and there wasn’t a damned thing that he, nor she could say about it, as they had literally fucked up so badly. Lines had been crossed, Uncrossable Lines and that the LT would be making a report ‘up the chain’ and “why don’t you and her go get some coffee?”
I.E. Go the fuck away, your career dissipation light just started flashing “Red”…
I have a hunch this SWAT guy already had issues with these two morons. He seemed to actually relish the idea of killing them for interfering in this particular instance… Not that I blame them.
But yeah…
The Joetato did shit that would have gotten them TSA Retards shot IF they had persisted and if I had requested it. There most definitively exists two double standards out there.
I mean here’s a good one:

He allegedly made threats against the world-famous couple on social media and event organizers warned authorities.
Make a threat against some uber-famous flavor of the weak man-hating lesbian and her NFL ‘beard’, and get arrested like immediately?
Guess ALL them celebutards who threatened OrangeManBad weren’t credible? Un-fucking-real.
Madonna: “Let’s blow up the White House.” (said the dried up expired, useless slore)
Peter Fonda: “Lock up 10 year old Barron Trump in a cage with child molesters.” (that one in particular bothers me)
Johnny Depp: “We need another John Wilkes Booth.” (normally cool, but in this case, not so much… do better Johnny)
Tom Arnold: “I fantasize about standing over Don Jr.’s dead body.” (another Hollyweird has-been. He fucked Roseanne FFS)
Joe Biden: “We need to put a bullseye on him!!!” (…..)
Corey Booker: “I dream of punching Trump in the face.” (Nigger)
Maxine Waters: “…harass Trump staff and supporters in public and refuse to serve them.” (Another Nigger, except she looks like a fucking prune)
Double Standard Much?
Forget it Big Country, it’s Fucking Clownworld…

Which add to this mix, the latest from the “Whacko from Waco”, Alex Jones:
Be curious to see where this goes.
What utterly kills me is that none of these Boomer Motherfuckers in power are willing to relinquish that power!
The very fact that The Gin Hag Pelosi at 84 years of age is calling on The Joetato top step down because of age and infirmities associated with his age at 81 is just flat out fucking hilarious. It’s so obvious that none of them ‘get it’.
Killary Clinton, AKA “The Hillaroid” is fucking 76 years old currently. She’s richer than fucking Croesus FFS. She’s already had more influence, power and whatnot for the majority of her entire Adult Life. FAR more than any of us fucking ‘deplorables’ have ever come close to. The only thing/position she hasn’t had is the “Big Chair” and from all RUMINT (and it’s not just the “Whacko from Waco” now) is that the DNC is planning on jettisoning the Popeshitter at their convention, and installing the Hillaroid as the DemoncRat Nominee to run against OrangeManBad!!!
The. most. despised. DEMONcRAT to have EVER held ANY orifice. The most DIVISIVE, anti-male Cuntbag to manage to worm her way into all her position(s) of power the way she has. A true misandrist of the highest order. A ‘woman’ who’s every. single. achievement was made by ‘riding on the back’ of her “Hillbilly Mafia” connected philandering Husband.
Tell you what… ain’t no steal big enough to get that cunt into the Oval Orifice… just like the Joetato supposedly got 81 MILLION voats…
We can’t get 81 million people in this country to decide what color the sky is on a good day. And they, in MY colored opinion really fucked up when they said that he got MOAR voats than Bath-House Barry, ‘Big Mike’s wife’. When the Obamamessiah was running, the niggers, NORMALLY a HUGELY apathetic voating block for the most part, came out in droves to make sure the Half-Breed Kenyan got in, despite the fact that he’s also not even fully blaq.
He’s the “Reggie Bar” of politicos:

A classic candy bar put out back when Reggie Jackson was a big deal back in the day. It’s appropriate to say Obama was/is like a ‘Reggie Bar’
Black on the Outside (chocolate)
White on the Inside (marshmallow/caramel)
And Half Nuts (peanuts that is)
Make of that what you will.
The problem is that the Obamamessiah IS literally the CIA’s kid. This as well as figuratively. Born and raised by a CIA family, and groomed to ‘move up’ in the world, he’s always been destined for power, despite his obvious homosexual proclivities and penchant for buggery.
His maternal Grandmother worked in the International side of the Bank of Hawaii, eventually become the VP of the bank itself, which is rather telling. The Bank of Hawaii which was the “CIA’s Personal Piggy Bank” during the Vietnam War which handled all the laundering and money handling for them.
His Mother “Stanley” Ann Dunham, worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which was a well-known CIA front organization… she eventually went to Indonesia during a period of ‘unrest’ and married a guy who had been posited to be the new leader of Indonesia, IF things had ‘gone his way’. Instead Lolo Soetoro ended up NOT getting the “Big Seat” and she divorced him shortly thereafter.
Bathouse’s Dad was supposedly a Kenyan father, Barack Obama Senior. He met “Stanley” when he attended the University of Hawaii back in the early 60s.

Junior sure don’t take after the Old Man Aye?
His real father that we can guesstimate, was a known Communist Party USA propagandist named Frank Marshal Davis, who if you look at the pictures, let me tell you, the phyzz gives it away:

Apparently Mom was a major coalburner…
Either way, The Obamamessiah wanted to “Fundamentally Transform” the United States… to which I’d say he’s been pretty fucking successful, unfortunately. Of course he’s just another fucking puppet. A lazy one too from what we’ve all heard.
I’m not overly concerned.
IF they announce Killary the Hillaroid as the next candidate, I can say, with absolute certainty that we’ll probably NOT have an election.
There just ain’t no way a cheat THAT BIG could happen.
Between selecting between Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton is like asking if you want Gonorrhea, or Syphilis?
Either way, both are incredibly bad for you.
So your thoughts? I got to crash, it’s currently 0202… This’s waaay longer than I expected….
More Later
Big Country

Sam Kinison to Rodney Dangerfield in Back To School: “I like the way you think…”
I personally know some libs that will vote against Trump no matter who the dims run EXCEPT for the hilderbeast. They will hold their nose and vote against her because she is just that evil.
Sit Wait Act Tough (SWAT) was useful for once.
I might buy a lotto ticket. (s/)
Faction feud for the CPUSA (D) homegrown commies.
This is good.
They must all be penis puffing rump rangers going back to J. Edgar these alpha glow maggots.
A N’ with a badge is how Pappy described one with some authoritay.
A Big Mike/Cankles Pantsuit ticket for the LULZ!
Burn this MOFO down is never a bug.
The neocons want Hillary, per Martin Armstrong. Cankles got some heavy bags though. At this point it doesn’t matter. We are way past the salvage point in turning this country around. Pumping the brakes is about all we have left. Focus on what you have some control over like beans n bullets, preps. We all know what the monkey said when he got his tail cut off.
Obama doesn’t know who his father was and his coal-burning White mother raised him on his own.
One doesn’t get any blacker than that.
i could be fuzzy on the details and the bone fides, but I remember something to the effect that Davis was a groomer, a pedo, and a porno. Davis took porn pics of Stanley Ann Dunham (O’Bozo’s mother) when she was a minor, before knocking her up.
According to the majority of sources out there (that haven’t been scrubbed/memory holed), he (Davis) was all three, plus a for-real DotGov identified/self-identified Communist (still verboten in the early 60s), and Barack #1 was chosen/paid off to be the ‘offishal Babydaddy’ as he was a ‘respectable Coon’ as opposed to Davis. Hence why Barak #1 got divorced oh-so-quickly from the Coalburner-Babymomma, and only ever met/saw the Obamamessiah ONCE at age 10? or 11? in his entire life.
i figured hillary was gearing up for another run when the atf killed that guy that ran the airport in little rock. he knew too much. i saw her on every lefty gab show for a week after. i’m not convinced the real players want hills. i’m thinking they’ll slip in hakeem jeffries. like obama, he’s first term, high yellow, nobody knows enough about him to have the dirt. just corrupted enough to be controllable. the new messiah.
So, Obama lite…
Pretty sure Obama has decided jou is no longer useful as a puppet. Also pretty sure he is not backing hillary; so DNC will come down to obama puppet vs hillary. Either way the amount of cheat will ve stupid obvious, only because they like rubbing our noses in it
Yes, the Obama forces are opposing the Killary forces, and seem to have the upper hand…
One minor correction..what Hur actually concluded was that Biden would be found “unfit to stand trial” by any judge, and as a trial lawyer, I totally agree…He would end up in a deluxe nursing home…
The Hildebeast is amazingly unpopular, even with Democrats, so I can’t see her getting the nomination…Last time, there was a post on FB saying that all women had to vote for her…and a couple of my female Democrat friends expressed disgust at the idea….
A minor editorial correction. “ignorant nigger” is redundant. As for the rest of it, this has been the most chaotic kerfuffle I have seen in politics after some four decades of being a diligent observer. It seems that perhaps there are too many balls in the air and some of them, or all of them, are about to come crashing down. Start the clock in your head, not to election day, but to the day after election day.
I did like the Reggie Bar back in the day. I saw him strike out several times when the Orioles were playing the Angels back in the Dark Ages before Camden Yards when the Os still went to World Series.
The official silence is deafening. No reporters asking questions. No press briefings.
No official updates.
No bipartisan officials demanding answers.
The shooting of Harambe, the gorilla, got longer coverage and more of an in-depth investigation.
DNA testing is great and all, but when you put a picture of Barry and Dad, Web Hubble and Daughter and Fidel and son – it’s pretty easy to go, yea, that’s the guy.
So slojo just dropped from the running. As predicted.
As SemperfFido said above, SloJo the Potato just dropped from the race. And is endorsing She who put “HO” in “White HOuse.” Yikes. Can’t make this up. The DNC is going to be a fine shitshow of ‘Everyone is Gaius Julius Ceasar, Everyone is Mark Anthony, Everyone has Knives Out.’
As to Top Secret stuff, my dad, USAF officer, when in flight training, had a co-officer get jammed up over TS material disposal. Co-of was ordered to supervise destruction of TS material, basically toss boxes and bags into the big burner. Guy slacked off, thought he did his job. Until one corner of one page, with just the document number on it, showed up stuck to a fence. That’s it. One corner with a number and that’s it. No other intel, nothing. Guy got drummed out and barely skated out of 10 years minimum in Leavenworth. Last time my dad heard from him the guy was working for his father-in-law. A cautionary tale my dad told us about once a year in order to get it into our thick heads that TS meant TS and if you’re assigned a job then do the damned job and finish said job.
Fucking with TS or higher material when you’re one of The Chosen Ones, on the other hand as you said, doesn’t matter. How many TS or higher leaks can be directly traced to members of Congress? Or even sitting presidents (like the time Bill Clinton said on national tv that we, the US, were listening in on Osama bin’s weekly chats with his family while supposedly hiding in holes. Without declassifying in writing what was at the time a big assed way-above TS level seecreet.
Commo NCO with TS/Crypto/etc clearance. Love to school butter bars why they could not have copies of anything even unclassified if the they had not been designated in writing as authorized couriers. Once had to explain, politely, to a major, that I would have to shoot him if he insisted on inspecting my area for “contraband. He did back down when one of my troops pointed a M16 in his general direction. One of my people had shot a 2nd lt. Only repercussion was a transfer out of theatre and a hand shake from the commander. Ah good times, goodtimes.