You knew it was coming:
The quote I’m using is for referencing the unbelievable backlash happening out there against the Leftist Retards who’ve been suffering from a head full of their “Bad Programming” i.e. ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’.
As we’ve all seen, damned near within minutes of the Bulletproof Felon almost catching a round through his casaba, numerous members of the aforementioned afflicted got on various Social Media Websites and started their normal harangue and bloviating about how the Wind-Up-Toy (WUT for brevity from now on) failed his Basic Rifle Marksmanship attempt and got a bolo badge for his efforts.
That and a .300 Win Mag through his mouth, and out the back of his head…

As THEY have been crowing for the past couple of years or so, “Actions have consequences”. It was the catch-all phrase to delegitimize any question about the tactics they employed to utterly destroy good people whom they differed with based on political opinion.
Hell, I’ve had one person try to do that shit to me.
I was writing a good fictional murder mystery story at the time. My protagonist, via a third party so as to obscure the issue a bit, made sure that the antagonist of the story, that said-individual understood that they would be left alive, but crippled from the neck down for the rest of their miserable life. However, every. single. person. in their immediate as well as extended family would pre-decease them.
Needless to say, the antagonist demurred so much so that my protagonist was then free to continue his life unbothered, moisturized, happy, in his lane, focused and flourished long enough to solve the mystery (it was Col. Mustard, in the Kitchen, with the Lead Pipe) and get the girl.
I do love a happy ending.
The happy ending(s) here are as follows
FAFO #1:

This one was sum dood tracked down some broad from Facebook in his town who said some aforementioned vile shit, and the clip went viral.
FAFO #2:

A larger-ish one was Jack Black cancelling his tour. Granted it was almost over, but his Guitarist said some vile shit too, to the point that the Aussies are debating on deporting them (it happened in Oz while on tour) and doing a lifetime ban.
FAFO #3:

A middle school ‘guidance councilor’ resigned after her nasty shit surfaced. A quick aside… why are all school councilors mentally fucking ill? Asking for a fren…
How it started:

How it’s going:

How it ended:

Queue Sad Trombone:
And these are just what I found popping up on my feed!!!
I can not even imagine how it’s going ‘out there’ for the rest of the country. The Non=Left apparently has had enough and decided that this past Saturday was one step too far, one Bridge too far, ‘one toke over the line’ so to speak.
The knives are out
And the lamentations are glorious
Just wait until we really start harvesting heads.
I’m going long in pikes.
A good future investment
Got a hunch we’re going to need them sooner, rather than later.
The Societal Pendulum swings… continually. Sometime hard left, sometimes hard right. Invariably, the harder it gets pushed to one side, the more so it swings on it’s return to the other side.
And since for the past decade that pendulum has been pushed further and further left, it’s readily apparent that it reached it’s apex on Saturday.
What hilarious is the panic that’s setting in already.
‘Cos that fucking thing has just barely started to swing to the opposite direction, namely the right.
And it’s going to gain a fuckload more momentum before it slows down… if it ever does. Myself? I don’t see it coming back. Mainly because of the light switch/thermostat dynamic.
As oh so frequently talked about, the societal changes and pressures from the Progressives/Left side are usually gradual… much like a thermostat. “Lo-Med-High” settings that can be tweaked and adjusted as needed.

From what I can tell, the next plan was “Pedophilia is normal you Bigot! Give us your children!”
“Ha Ha, please to face wall Comrade.”
Because of shit just like the above graphic?
For the Right?
It tends to be a might more accelerationist.
Mainly because ‘normal regular people who just want to be left the fuck alone’ keep getting pushed.
And pushed
And pushed
And pushed
And pushed
Until “all of a sudden” people decided to start killing all of these blue haired, mentally ill, deranged fuckwits, retards, morons and assholes who just can’t leave us well the fuck enough alone.

Another investment:
That many carcasses tend to get whiffy pretty quickly
Especially in Florida.
Seriously though… the ‘willful blindness’ coupled with ‘cognitive dissonance’ has these assholes that I poasted up above utterly confused as to how this could happen to THEM!!!
They genuinely don’t understand why “Big Daddy DotGov” isn’t coming to their rescue. Why these eee-vil Drumphenstein Monsters are allowed to do such horrible and mean things to them like this! “There ought to be a law!!!”
Suffer you fools, suffer.
Payback, as noted before is a stone cold, uncaring bitch.
OK… enough gloating.
Next on the list
Auntie Cheeto-of-The-Box-Wine A.K.A. Kimberly Cheatle, the for-now Director of the United States Secret Service. I say for now as the dumb bitch is going to be fired.
They hope a sacrificial lamb like her will be enough to get the baying hordes under control. The problem is she keeps doubling down on ‘teh stoopid’ and OMG… the statements she’s made? Especially the one about the slant of the roof?

That’ll show ’em!!!


I’m not sure if this’s part of their plan to kill her career. Considering how she’s utterly refusing to admit any wrongdoing (as one would normally expect from any DotGov entity) I’d say that either she’s a complete moron (more than likely) OR she’s doing as she’s told with the promise of a good pension/retirement and NBC guest hosting gig later.
Either way, the former head of Pepsico’s Anti-Theft Division of Snacks N’ Sodas sure looks like a winner to me.
Le Sigh
What was it I was blasting about the other day about the “Crisis of Competence” again? I’m not even going to go into my experience(s) this week with the fucking VA and the Post Orifice… maybe later… it involves missing Controlled Substances, possible theft and retardation, which appears to be the norm, rather than the eception these days when dealing with the oversized Welfare Program that’s called “FedGov Employment”.
So More Later
Big Country

I think the best line I’ve heard this morning was:
“fer chrissakes, if it were any concert on that stage, security would’ve have rousted the guy off the roof”
I’m sticking with rank DEI incompetence and spite. They’ve been overworking his detail and threatening to cut him off of SS protection (really, just let him source it and reimburse him at this point). Then this happens.
Well no shit.
They outsourced the roof to Barney Fife, who went up on the roof and did the curly shuffle right off it. The rest of the barneys were inside. Too hot up there.
I say it was a setup…the sniper who took him out said he was repeatedly ordered not to fire on the shooter, finally shot him anyway, and got shitcanned for it….PA Governor may have been behind it…
I’m glad you’re fine with doing the deep dive research, I’m quickly coming to the “hermit phase” of living in the hills of Tennessee, limiting outside BS. I’ll still visit you, Filthie, Bustednuckes, Nuckledraggin and a few others to stay informed. I don’t get nearly so riled up when filtering BS through trusted “interpreters”. I can’t avoid it all, but I can limit it.
Thank you you for your valued work. You’re a true legacy America (my highest complement).
Doing the same in the wilderness. We’re not alone.
RE: the school counselor that resigned.
No, I’m NOT happy.
I won’t be happy until you’re swinging by the neck by a short rope from a tall tree, your face turning as blue as your hair.
But your resignation is a start.
Make Helicopter Rides Great Again.
Fart loudly on the lamentations of their loved ones as they march the piked heads gauntlet.
No room for commie.
Didn’t Trump say that he would disband the USPS (CPUSA) and they were exempt from the COV-LARP clot shot like all gov maggots?
Hmm…so hmm.
I can’t help but remember all the agencies involved in the great Trump witch hunt over the last 8 years. No particular reason this brings them mind.
About “protected classes” having the tables turned on them reminded me of an event from 30 years ago.
I was in Atlanta in 1994 working in a call center (worst job I ever had even worse than working at a convenience store near a ghetto).
Well it was 75% young female and of the 25% males, 80% were gay so for us young straight unattached guys it was a happy time. There was one guy on my team who was a flamer and a proud member of Act Up.
HR told us that he was practically untouchable and if anyone said anything to him, we’d be fired.
Well this asshole got away with murder until one day he hit on another gay guy who was in a relationship, the Act Up guy wouldn’t accept NO, so the other gay guy went to HR.
I will never forget the totally SHOCKED look on the Act Up guy’s face as he was fired. He truly thought that he was bulletproof. Ditto these Far Lefties who are facing consequences for publicly saying they wish Trump was dead.
Queue “Surprised Pikachu Face”
I won’t be happy until thousands of media heads are severed and nailgunned to a wall. These rotten fux have stirred the pot with both hands and lied out of both sides of their poisonous mouths for decades and their reckoning is way past due. I want to see the entire parasite class annihilated from the top down.
It’s a start….
You need to go after the fund managers and large stock owners of those media companies. They’re the a-holes who dictate policy. Just a thought.
Quick lime? Hydrated is the best I can get these days. Compost cattle with silage and some wood chips.
We’ve watched Athens wipe out little nation of Melos islands and realize that they mean it when they say being neutral is worse than being an enemy…. until we all get together. Thucydides rings true even today.
One thing most regular readers don’t think about is how the money guys are interpreting the last few days. The DOW for the last few months has been doing a slow slide of a a .5 pt a day. Falling from the low 40,000’s to the low 38,000’s. This stopped and turned around after the debate and accelerated to move the DOW over $40,000 this week.
The Wall Street guys are expecting a Trump win as the Dems have no candidate who can beat him. The calculus is that they expect the Dems to corral Trump at the bureaucratic level again. They can survive 4 years of prosperity to reload the coffers. What they are looking at is the unsaid problem the Republicans also have. Who is the consensus choice after Trump? Does Trump groom his successor during the next 4 years? Will his ego allow it?
It’s same same for both parties. The crew that came into power in the 80’s and 90’s just won’t leave. There is no B team on either side. That is the big issue, no follow on leaders who reach out to the voters which will allow the first charismatic meglomaniac to pied piper the populace. (cue Weimar Germany 1929). To circle back the money guys would love this scenario. Only one person to control is easy to make them bend the knee.
The next 2 years are critical.
Standard Secret Service/FBI/ATF/Insert Fed Agency Here tactic is they are in control of the scene. Local and State LEO answer to them.
For snipers, there’s range cards and locations of all ground agents, including patrol patterns for floaters.
So. Well. Bullshit on the SS. The locals/staties couldn’t fire or act without fearing the wrath of the FedGov monster. Including facing some federal charges on denying the dead guy’s civil rights, potential forced takeover by the local/state law enforcement agency by some fed agency (Obama’s inJustice Department did this to several agencies.)
Noticed headline “U.S. Detected Potential Iranian Plot to Kill Trump Separate From Saturday’s Shooting”. Just IMO … they were planning to pin the kill on Iran.
learned long ago to pick up my pain meds at the VA. granted it is a 45 minute drive each way, but I get them on time. back when they came by UPS it was great. but the postal assholes ? not so much.
pick them up in person is always the best way. trying to track them thru the system is a bitch.
we make a day of it when we go there. do any shopping we need/want too and maybe get lunch.
running out of meds does really suck as you may know.
Literaly the issue. I ALWAYS get my Oxys at the window. Thev’ve dissapeared not once, but TWICE in the past…
THIS is why I’m willing to, on my own dime, take an hour and a half to pick up my meds every month rather than entrust it to the DotGov scum at the USPS.
There have been TWO OTHER TIMES that the meds have vanished leaving me with no recourse, the worst being when an empty obviously cut open med-bag showed up in the mailbox, filled with cardboard and no meds (oxy) after travelling halfway across the country. The other time I won’t even bother to tell you as my experience(s) show that it would have done me no good.
Now the meds this time AGAIN, DESPITE MY REQUEST were shipped out on July 12th via the utterly worthless, thieving, scumbag Post Orifice and NO that’s not a misspelling. I WAS supposed to get them today which SHOULD have happened as I ran out yesterday when I NORMALLY would have refilled.
So, on July 12th, the meds went from the VA facility to Ybor City, with a delivery date of today, at my home on July 15th by 9pm.
OK, cool, I can go a day…
However, as that ad-dude on TV sez:
“But wait! There’s MOAR!!!”
THEN -someone- redirected them to NEW JERSEY!!!
with a ‘theoretical delivery date’ now of Thursday July 17th.
Great Job…
Any wonder why it’s called a “Crisis of Competency”?
I mean My God…
And I’m not expecting them to show as it seems that’s where they disappeared the last time someone shipped them to me via the mail. When I reported that my meds were taken the last time, I got the “Hurr Durr…well they were delivered according to the Post Orifice” because yeah, the BAG and some filler showed up, and therefore, according to y’all, they were delivered. End of story…
Like I’m lying about this or something?
No recourse.
Then when I reported the issue to that crew of brain dead, microcephalic mental midgets at the USPS, THEY of course didn’t do shytte. THEN I was told to file a police report and yadda yadda… and the VA said I MIGHT get my script filled IF the investigation panned out etcetc. Of course by then it’d be time for a regular reupp, so maaaan….
Seeing there’s no recourse b/c it LITERALLY takes an act of CONGRESS to get any DotGov worker fired.
I’m now beyond furious.
And getting sick. Dope-Sick…
Withdrawals suck.
Plus hurting like a mother…
Fuck the VA but the USPS needs to be burned to the ground like the other 3 letter agencies…
Jes’ Sayin’
And no explanation why your request was countermanded? Why after you had been picking them up they were sent out? That sounds like a likely start point of an investigation, wonder how many other vets’ meds turn up missing that this unknown shitbird has a hand in?
It doesn’t help I know but my heart goes out to you BC, I’ve been through that and it fuckin sucks.
mine only got lost once. the good thing is the staff KNOW that I will pick them up at the “window”.
always make a point of it to them or like a joke like. like I said , UPS was great. the driver in mine area was a marine and he knew what it was and even swing back by the house if I wasn’t home the first time. but up here in the woods ? they mail them. and they get “lost”. happen only once and it took 3 days to get another refill. used up my stash I had built up and now down to maybe 2-3 pills left over per 28 days. they trying to push some patch thing, good for the week they say.
DON’T USE IT. nothing but problems for me anyway. wish you well/luck when dealing with the VA.
Big Country, funny you should mention “Act of Congress”. Have you contacted the congresscritter for your district of residence there in Gator Land. One thing that Feral Gov agencies and timeservers pure dee hate is congressional attention to their circular fornications. Sic your rep (or his/her staff more likely) on them and they might just do their jobs to avoid the heat.
Saw a X/Twitter post last night that went something like this:
“People are walking around wearing MAGA hats in San Francisco…something has changed, ”
Yup…my wife had a staredown today with some younger bitch at the gym who was disrespecting Trump…the younger bitch bugged out quite quickly.
Something has changed
The slant of the roof? The SLANT?
How dare you, Director Cheatle? This has nothing to do with Asians, nothing!
Enough with the anti-Sinotism! The Anti-Defamation Reague wirr be carring on you, Cheatre. And don’t you folget it!
Great. That’s all we need, another Joe Chink bent out at us /sarc
One word regarding these traitors. MORBARK.
Right Answer. Start with oblackass.
Chinese _ought_ to be at least a little grateful to us – we pulled the Japanese off their backs during WW2. Rape of Nanking didn’t stick in their memory I guess.
Oh no, it’s in their memory for sure. Chinese hold grudges almost as well as [redacted]. But another similarity is that the Chinese also consider all other groups inferior. (But at least the Chinese have the good grace to not drag “G-d” into it.) And the US is the major rival for economic dominance, so gratitude is highly limited. The Chinese are also still pissed over the Opium Wars and the Century of Humiliation. The Brits aren’t even worth being angry at any more, so we Americans have kind of inherited that animus. And I’m not sure anyone is taught about the massive role the Sassoons played in the Opium Wars. Please I beg of you all, do NOT look up who the Sassoons are. Just don’t do it. (Could lead to anti-Semitism.)
So far as Japanese atrocities go, Unit 731 might be even worse than Nanking. But we don’t learn about it here because (the real reason) it’s a “competing narrative”. Same reason we don’t learn about the Holodomor.
The other reason? Immunity from war crimes trials was granted to former Unit 731 personnel who chose to work with/share their expertise with the US. Sort of like Operation Paperclip, but with the special sauce of horrifying, in your face atrocities being committed by the perpetrators. And that’s why you hear nothing about Unit 731 here in Rules-Based-Order Land.
Another reason they went ‘radio silent’ on 731 was even waaaaaay back then the Japanese were lookin at genetically based bioweapons.
Same as the Sou’Fricans.
Considering how far we’ve come technically speaking, I’m sure there’s -something- wicked out there that can target just one race, hence quietude.
Good points, JJ and BCE. Lots of reasons we don’t learn about Unit 731. (But they sure learn about in East Asia, though probably not Japan. And more power to them. Even though my ancestors came from China, I’d rather have modern day japs ignorant of the sins of their forefathers rather than spiritually castrated like the Germans. But then again I’m not full of hatred, irrational paranoia, condescension, and cultural narcissism like some people whose identity is defined by their victimhood. But I digress.)
The suppression of the Holodomor thing is real though. Even Wikipedia (that font of unbiased truthiness) used to have a quote that explicitly said They wanted the Holodomor suppressed, not because a Kaganovich was a prime architect of the Great Starving, but because it was a “competing narrative”. The quote was from a book by two of the Usual Suspects. The quote was pulled from Wiki a couple of years ago (bad optics) but the revision tracker probably still has it.
I’m a knuckledragging MD and no PhD virologist or geneticist, but I’m certain it’s possible to target specific genetic markers for tailored infectious diseases . And thus races for most practical purposes. I wonder if there are methods for targeting mitochondrial DNA markers (which are passed along through the maternal line, just like, well, Something Else).
“I’m not full of hatred, irrational paranoia, condescension, and cultural narcissism like some people whose identity is defined by their victimhood.”
Gee Mike, (((whoever))) could you be talking about?
Inquiring minds and all that 😉
follow the money. somebody/bodies shorted trump stock, betting big it would crash on monday. they lost their ass/asses. find out who they are, there’s your perp.
“… Especially in Florida.”
In a word: Gators.
You appear to live too far away from sufficient numbers of gators.
While I know what a bitch it is to have to move on short notice (which I’m doing myself for what are essentially legal forum and venue seeking reasons), you’d probably do better for the wind-up to the wind-up toys and the inclement interregnum by moving closer to gators.
Not the fat ones near the crappy airboat places off I-75 on your way down from Boomertopia aka The Villages, you want your recycler gators to be hungry, angry, and ready for chow.
MORBARK makes too much noise, while gators are part of the ecosystem.
Be a silent owner in a gator farm.
The kind of silent owner who silently leaves gator chow in the middle of the night.
Fuck that Guy Ritchie movie with “little piggies” chewing through bone, gators are where it’s at.
And deep down, you know you want the love and admiration of gators, Florida’s answer to assholes and red tape since 1845. 🙂
Use the ‘gators for clean up. No requirement for quicklime.
IMO the whole thing stinks like shit.
i don’t believe anything these fucks say PERIOD.
i don’t beleive anything these fucks show me PERIOD.
it’s all kayfabe
Channel Don Vito: “Revenge is a dish best supped cold.” Stay frosty for now. Mr. Trump has not won. The way things are going, the Deep State and their useful idiots and meat puppets may pull a whopping big rabbit out of their hats (FF) and cancel the election. Since all politics is local, identify those in your A/O who are the main threats.
Here in Winterfell (North ID) the lefties are all quiet. Those who are their mouthpieces are: “deploring violence.” I am sure when they meet for their conversations over their soy lattes, they are ruminating over how this little fool could have missed. Let them. Sit at the next table and get them mugged and numbered. Look at see what they drive around, where they shop, and what they wear. Another dead giveaway is their LTE’s. These Marxists never know when to shut up. The ones here use the local rag, owned by one of their own, to vent. Plan accordingly. Stay vigilant. Stay silent. Remember your greatest threats are within five miles of where you live. Bleib ubrig.
Good to see the SS being ‘OSHA Compliant’ about working at height /s
This must be one of their training films:
FFS; Take the easy way out with the generic Liquid Drano. Dollar Tree et al. Stores in those nice plastic bottles.
Don’t be at loss for correct response when asked for opinion about ‘The Shooting’
“The Secret Service failed, but we don’t yet know whether they failed to protect Trump or failed to kill him.”
100 plus. Comment of the week.
Sum dood employed by Lackawanna County PA (Scranton)made some remark regarding the shooting. Not quite sure zactly what, but seems it didn’t get quite the reaction he expected. I think he got a leave of absence, but odds are he’s getting the boot.
Fellow firefighter… the other FF are righteously pissed… heard about him today. Looks like he’s done.
Let us build upon a foundation of solid rock.
1. “There are no coincidences in politics, if it happened it was planned.” FDR
2. COINKYDINK: noun; A manufactured event that was designed to appear as a coincidence.
3. “I have this weird thing I do called thinking . . . I don’t believe anything the government tells me, and very little from the news media.” George Carlin
The number of coincidences far exceeds any threshold for ‘beyond belief.’
Sure, I have no proof! But the point is to understand events and put them in a mental framework that allows you to understand events and predict the future. So here it is for the slower readers.
Get your SHIT together, time is short