Hey gang. Been a looong couple of days. Information overload and bad info versus good info. It gets to the point smoke starts to pour from your cranium as it’s just too much to handle

Personally, I think its intentional
Willful Obscuration via Information Overload
Throw so much bullshit at us that our critical thinking skills short out, rendering us “Bidenized” a.k.a. brain dead. Dump so much truth, mixed with juuust enough bullshit that we shut down.
I mean Hell… when was the last mention of the Joetato’s blaringly obvious mental deficiencies? As far as I can tell, it was about 17:50 p.m. on July 13, 2024. That was about ten minutes before whoever it was started throwing ‘party favors’ at the Former President better known as OrangeManBad or, as I think I might start calling him, the ‘Bulletproof Felon’.
Teflon Don indeed
Much in that as I predicted, Leviathan knowing they now can’t risk further antagonizing the masses of people that like actually live in the Untied Staatz and you know, are kinda sorta pissed off with the near continual “Reeee’ing!!!” and shrieking and cancelling coming from the Left, cut the Bulletproof Felon free from the Classified Documents case.
The question is now is if that golem-looking rat-faced fucking Judge in NYFC has the stones to try to give the B.F. any jail time? I’d say probably 60-40 right now. Before this incident, I had my own personal odds being 80% that he’d get some jail time probably suspended and/or house arrest so as to cripple the campaign.
Well, like I said, 60% odds for some sort of actual punishment. My reasoning is because the judge is a member of the Tribe, and because of that infamous inability to self-reflect, as well as the inherent belief that the 6 Million is a permanent injunction against any criticism, I think he’s stupid enough to try and jail the Cheeto Jeebus.
Of course as the civil discourse seems to be getting worse, the odds of that particular judicial seat becoming available shortly after such a short-sighted and ignorant decision seems a likely possibility. No FedPost, just stating the facts. I mean after all, the Non-Left started pushing back and got angry as fuck after this fucking travesty. And much to the delight of the Non-Left, and the utter horror of the formerly ascendant Left, there seems to be a shift in the power dynamics.
As my meme from this A.M. stated:

All over the web, to include fucking Twitter of all places, shitheel Leftists are being called out on their collective bullying and bullshit. The Daily Mail today had at least 3-4 stories of people who talked shit about ‘bad aim’ and whatnot after the attempt, and found themselves fired from their jobs.
Of course the usual cries of “Not fair!” “We did nothing wrong!” “Muh First Amendment!” and the usual platitudes after the fact.
I got nothing for them
Not. One. Fucking. Thing.
Go live under a bridge. May your children end up in foster care, and you die of AIDs while impoverished and addicted to ALL the drugs forgotten, without honor, under the aforementioned bridge.
I got nothing for you.
Get Fucked.
Now, the rifle:
LOTS of folks, including a regular here The Fuckin’ A-Team, who’s a fellow Rakkasan, linked Hal Turner’s website. Not going to link it. Even -I- have standards. I mean I worked with and around and maybe for some shady agencies. I openly admit it. No idea if it’s why I get away with some of my more incendiary comments, but then again, I still get pitched to ‘come back tot he dark side’ occasionally. Turner on the other hand was and probably still -is- a FBI Informant who was responsible for having some militia guys jailed a ways back. That’s on the record.
He’s also to the faaaar Right of Alex Jones which is saying something. I used to listen to Jones when I was stationed at “The Hood” in Texas when we called him the Waco Wacko and variants of that. Especially when he kept going off on the New World Order tanks on base… the “hordes” of Russian Tanks and whatnot… all of which I saw and drove by on a daily basis as there was a HUUUGE collection of Gulf War One ‘trophies’ that’d been ‘corralled up’ as most of the Units didn’t properly demilitarize them.
In fact that’s a funny quick side story: After I got on “Perma-Broke Dick” status (i.e. being Med-Boarded/Retired) the CSM put me in charge of cleaning up our battalion’s Trophy Case. We had an original McClellan Saddle with full tack that needed work, a Shun Gunto WW2 NCO Katana, and a slew of light weapons from Iraq. Bunch of uniforms, and ‘other’ cool shit. The Ex Wife had been an Equestrian back in the day, and she actually helped me restore the tack… a good memory from better times as she really enjoyed doing that with me.
Now, one of the weapons was a PKM. I had to take it out from it’s display case, and I misjudged how it was sitting on the table I put it on. To my knowledge, the barrel was filled with -something- and it was inoperable.
When it hit the floor hard, and I picked it up, a cleaning rod fell out of the barrel! I looked closely, and sonofabitch! Someone, no idea who, had just lightly tack-welded the cleaning rod into the barrel at the flash hider so as to give the appearance of being filled with metal/liquid lead or something. I then tore it ALL the way down after this discovery and realized I had a fully operational PKM Machine Gun available to me!!!
I did the right thing.
I informed my Chain of Command, a Captain of the S-4 shop.
He also happened to be a buddy in that the Four Shop was really without rank when it was ‘just us’. He was also getting out of the Army in a few months after me. He said he’d handle it.
OK… I’m a Corporal
He’s a Captain
I know nuzzing!!!!
Mind you, this guy? MAD gun nut. We used to go shooting quite a bit. I left it at that, popped it back into the display case and that was it. I got out of the Army like 3 months later. My understanding was that Captain X got out like 2 months after me…
The cops (CID no less) showed up at my new home of record a few months after that. Seems the PKM, as well as the RPG-7 that were on display ‘grew legs’ and they wanted to know if I knew anything?
Told ’em that I didn’t know shit, and go the fuck away, and call my lawyer, as I wasn’t in their fucking Army anymore.
Godspeed Captain X, wherever you are, and God Help whomever decides your homestead is an “easy target”.
End of Digression #68t54298
Hal Turner as well as a lot of non-weapon owning/knowing morons have been jumping on the “The sniper had a $12,000.00 rifle!!! How could he afford that!?!”
Well, easy.
Uncle Sugar paid for it

Le Sigh…
The Counter-Snipers were using $12k rifles dummies.

The shooter?
Besides knowing it was an AR-based platform, the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been strangely silent regarding the shooters weapon. NORMALLY they wave that fucking thing around like a bloody damned shirt to ‘rile up’ the anti-gun retards.
This time?
Strange that.
Maybe they had to have the “Wind Up Toy” use a Palmetto State instead of the usual Daniel Defense like the last two mass shooters did. Must be them budget cuts we’ve been hearing about.
Then the wound:
Jeff Rense, an aggregator of ALL weird and wild news, bullshit or not, had some moron saying there was “No bullet hole!” on the Bulletproof Felon from being shot. Several other Twitter “Experts” have catagorically stated that this was faked/bullshit/kayfabe what the fuck ever. Some of them have been fired
<Sad Trombone Noises>
In reality?

I enlarged it, and put a green line as red would be as pronounced. That’s what -I- think is the trajectory of the bullet followed. If you look at the second that OrangeManBad took the hit, the angle of his head, slightly canted as he usually has it when he’s speaking, as well as the angle, the sumbitch is lucky as fuck in my professional opinion.
From inspection, per my earlier comments, is that it hit the veeeeery front of the ear just a wee bit, clipping the helical crus, then transversed the ear, hitting the Darwin’s tubercle (yeah the outer parts of the ear have names… who knew?) and then kept going.

Literally, that fucking stung.
Not going into it too much, some of you who’ve met me in meatspace know I got my own really nasty grazing scar on my gut. Times where you are thankful for a beer gut and hate the fact that modern body armor isn’t designed for long torso’ed Silverback Gorilla Built Bastards like me. A couple of inches deeper and I might have been disemboweled.
That’s neither here nor there.
Now Stress:
We had to send the Redheaded Nukular Power Station back a bit early. Love her to death but OMFG. We’re worn out. How the other Grans do it I have not a clue. MAD props to him AND his spouse. Personally I think it’s because my alter-ego probably has to either stay drunk, or he has a secret Meth addiction… I can’t decide which…
And BTW, that’s just a joke folks… he’s a regular reader here….
That and it drives Gretchen up the fucking wall that he (her Ex Hubz) and I get along so well. He’s not a bad guy. Personally I think the issue there with the two of them was marital stress because of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. DumbCunt’s fault.
She almost had me and Gretchen get divorced, so them being her parents? She fucks up everything that is good in the world willfully and intentionally, hence why BOTH Grans are NOT with her. Anyways… Pure Evil and we won’t talk more of such things. The great news is they’ve formally filed for adoption of the Redhead. Even better, the Babydaddy is now officially out of the picture.
These things are good.
The bad news?

She’s still watching you Wirecutter….
Jes’ Sayin’
Miss Daisy has trouble up in North Carolina. Seems after we ‘retreated’ back here from Tennessee, and got busy-busy here, she hurt her back and needed help. One of the neighbors offered to have her 20-something kid move in temporarily to help. This was back in March. I had a bad feeling but was told to stand down…
I need to stop doing that.
So this fucker moved in temporarily. He then brought his slore, and their bastard spawn as well as ALL their furniture, and are now squatting. They achieved ‘tenancy’ after 14 days (NC Law) and by my standards have been doing what’s been happening to the Joetato, namely elder abuse. She called us and let us know yesterday she wants them out, as she can’t normally say anything in her own fucking house. She had to sneak the call to us as they’re on vacation… They’ve been borrowing money from her as well, she (the slore) doesn’t work, he’s only doing part time work occasionally, there’s no lease, and they haven’t contributed a dime to Miss Daisy for expenses. The only thing they do is buy their own food on fucking EBT
Le Fucking Sigh
For fucks sakes. She’s 87+/-, and damned near ALL of her kin are dead. ALL of her sons as well as her husband (bad hearts, all of them) Her ONE remaining Granddaughter had no idea this was going on (she said) when we updated her. She (the Granddaughter) asked for our help… dammit.
Miss Daisy doesn’t want any fuss.
I told her point blank “Fuck That, We’re Coming”
Sound ‘Boots & Saddles’ boys!
First Cav/Rakkasans to the Rescue.
I called the cops, and they said she needs to call them to help but SHE needs to tell the cops this’s going on. However, she’s so afraid of them that she won’t, so since she literally has no one else, I have to “Cowboy Up” and head to North Carolina on Friday with a couple of things. One is a back-dated lease showing Gretchen and I, as legal tenants, as we are/were as we stayed with her for over 14 days during the shitshow Adriana Saga have the right to tell them to get fucked sideways. This’ll make it official.
Then I have a ten-day Notice to Quit/Evict on this bullshit to cover the eviction that I’ll give them. Since they haven’t paid any rent, and have no lease according to the cop I talked to on the fon today said all we need is Miss Daisy to say she no longer wants them on the property, and that should be it. Then I’ll do the protection order and whatever else it takes. Probably have to relocate there for a spell, as morons like that haven’t got the brain God gave a common retarded ground squirrel.
My understanding is HE’s a fucking pussy, and SHE’s a loudmouth cunt, but either way, I’ll have the Sherriff there and I’m going to ‘flex’ on them in full battle rattle, armed to the teeth as is my open carry right in the Glorious State of North Carolina.
As Forrest Gump would say, that’s all I got to say about that!
And as Josey Wales said, Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.
So anyone with any ideas on dealing with THAT pile of shit, let me know via DM at the proton account. It’s in Morganton NC so let me know or if you want to help with any ‘cleaning’ please let me know.
More Later
Big Country

I’m surprised there isn’t more damage to Darwin’s tubercle, due to the fact ears are not a straight line. I’m shocked it grazed the front and didn’t take a huge chunk out of the rear, since his ears stick out.
From what the Brit newsies say (they generally get the news here much more correct, like that BBC reporter who interviewed the bubba about the cops not listening to warnings about the shooter) the gun was his father’s, not the shooter’s.
Well, maybe. Will be interesting to find out if basement dweller boy was radicalized by the Fibbies.
As to the Ms. Daisy situation, that’s not right. Bastards. Please do good work. Maybe the cops will let you keep the skulls.
Both parent were certified therapists. Look closer to home.
There is a theory that I heard that there was two shooters, the stoopid kid who was told where to find a ladder and what building to low crawl on with a .22 his daddy bought and the REAL assassin who was farther back in a different building, [also conveniently unguarded] who was shooting a suppressed weapon. Stoopid kid, hereafter known as “sacrificial target” was told to start shooting as soon as he heard the other gun go off. Then if the real shooter had been just a little more on his game would follow the whole storyline of Trump first then Bidumb for the emotional reaction that was supposed to make regular folks support the outlawing of evil semi auto firearms.
Whether true or not, both Trump and all of us just missed chaos by two inches. Them pulling half of Trump’s regular protection detail to protect Jill Bidumb’s presser speaks volumes about why the B team S/S that was sent to cover Trump didn’t make sure that everything was squared away.
When are you intending on heading up North? And is there an email that I can contact you with?
Go back to the comments from two days ago for my analysis on the two shooters. The last paragraph are questions for the authorities. Here are some more: The size of the hole in teflon dons ear? .22 or .30? wind direction and speed at the moment? The fireman, were any fragments or whole bullet still in his head? If not was a search done? Also the hydraulic leak from the crane holding up the speaker. What was the size of that hole? Again what is the caliber of the dead perps weapon? Does it match the hole in Don’s ear? How did the head photo of dead perp make it to the media so quick? Origin source from exif data including GPS coordinates. How did the blood cake on the shooter face so fast but not in the back ground Where is the dead perps body now? Will Don go to his funeral? Almost no info on the parents other than they are shrinks.
Also the VP pick is most likely a Skull and Cross Bones Mofo. The Deep State got their pick.
Trump was for red flag laws. Don’t be so sure he won’t use being shot in the ear to come after the tools that were used. He is already picking a race mixing Judeo Christian with an AIPAC handler, who hated him and his supporters. Vance (not his original name) is going to stamp out white supremacy and put Israel first above America. He is already talking about bombing Iran. It’s like a season of Dallas with faggotry/evil every week. And the masses lap it up with a smile on their dumb faces and a fist in the air chanting “fight”, “vote”, “Israel is our ally”. Everyone else scrambles to make sense of it all and analyze all the details drawing them into the magic ritual.
The humiliation ritual continues. I need more popcorn.
Good thing you can work from home, and don’t have to go to an office. I’d say take your work gear with you to Granny’s, you may be there awhile dealing with the parasites. You can’t afford to miss out on any paychecks.
Does Miss Daisy live closer to the upland mountains, or the flatlands? May make a difference in the types of tools and number of people you’ll need to dig the holes to hide the bodies.
Hide? That’s what the feral hogs are for.
True dat, as known by anyone who’s grown up on a farm or anyone that’s read the instruction manual otherwise known as ‘Unintended Consequences’. While the hardback has been out of print for years, it’s available now in paperback, or .pdf form (if you know where to look…). 😉
Ohhh, yeah, I have the TPB soft cover copy. Fun read.
For those people whining about being fired after spouting stoopid shit…..well, you’re right, the 1A gives you the right to say it (Kongress shall make no law abridging…. ), but you still have to deal with The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences after spouting your stoopid shit.
Yes and most places are probably will to work (quit or fired, with/out notice or cause). Heh.
Lot of folks are taking care of squatters by moving in with them. Just load up the house with yourself, your family and your friends. When the squatters leave their bedroom, you just go lay down in their bed and don’t leave. If the squatters can live there, all of your friends and family can squat there also.
Needless to say but since no one has mentioned it – record (video and audio) everything.
Now, something else very important –
Considering that everyone all will be living under the same roof, please be aware the police may treat any calls to the residence under the rules relating to “Domestic Violence”.
There apparently are policies that these police have to follow in a DV call – someone (usually the guy) goes to jail and is charged with DV and the prosecutor has a “duty to prosecute”.
Thank you feminists and the ‘Violence Against Women Act’.
So there is a need to plan for an attorney and attorney and legal expenses (as well as cash bail money) and possibly another location to stay at if there are legal papers issued that say one can not go back to the residence without violating the judge’s order.
Be aware that the judge’s “keep away” order is a separate thing from the other charges that can result in you immediately put in jail if caught violating it.
Also there will be a possible danger of (at least temporarily if a no contact order is issued, permanently if convicted of DV) losing one’s “right” to possess a firearm.
So in other words more than just you have to be there in case things get violent and the cops get called. You will need one other person who you can depend on with you / nearby who can rush to your aid if necessary.
A guy named Flash Shelton in California did this – moving into the home with squatters. He had a signed lease (the first time it was his mother’s home) and then installed cameras in the house. So when cops showed up, he’s the legal tenant. It helped that he was not some little wimpy guy that couldn’t be intimidated.
Considering you may be at Miss Daisy’s for awhile, you may want to consider taking your work gear with you (as well as your full battle rattle). One of the bene’s of working from home, you can work wherever you arw, home or not. And you need all the paychecks you can get.
I just hope they don’t terrorize Miss Daisy once the coast is clear. Cameras are in order here, as well as motion sensor floodlights, restraining order, etc. A big, barky dog wouldn’t hurt, either. They can live for free in the county jail.
Miss Daisy may need to sell her house and move into a nursing home if her Granddaughter can’t live with her.
There is only so much you can do for for someone as they continue to get older and more feeble.
Hopefully someone (Granddaughter?) has designated power of attorney and related paperwork drawn up.
Sooner or later she’ll fall and be bed bound and need someone to bring her water and food and medications and wipe her bottom and change her depends 4 times a day.
You can plan for this ahead of time while she can still sign her own name or one can wait until it becomes a “have to do something right now” emergency.
The silence about the AR-15 is no surprise. The “bulletproof felon” was shot with an AR-15 and lived. So much for the meme that the poodle shooter is THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE military weapon ever.
Miss Daisy is well loved by the readership. Seems like you wouldn’t have any trouble putting together a squad-sized element to go visit her with you. Just sayin’ – BBQs are more fun with a group of friends.
Good for you going to help Miss Daisy. If I lived closer to North Carolina, I’d come and give you a head evicting those damn parasites. What kind of a scumbag moves in and takes advantage of an old lady ?
You said awhile back that DC was in some legal trouble, did that get resolved and hopefully she got a long vacation behind bars ?
No shit the bitch is still on the run. Got a ‘hot warrant’ out but she switches phones and doodz every couple of weeks. Doodz in that she shacks up with some fucking simp (Ugh, how ANYONE could want to fuck that pig is beyond me) and stays until she wears out her welcome. She usually only lasts about 5-6 weeks before being chased off.
Appreciate the offer too man. I’m doing an update tonight so stand by.
“What kind of a scumbag moves in and takes advantage of an old lady ?”
Drug addicts with an entitlement mentality. People who are con / scam artists and know that old folks are an easy target.
Surprisingly, such people don’t see it as wrong. They see it as something they are entitled to.
The old lady has more than they do, they have less, the old lady is going to die soon anyway and since no one else is caring for her enough to move her in with them anyway, they might as well take advantage and take everything for themselves.
The lesson here is to protect what is yours (or what belongs to the aging parent that will be going to you in the case of anything being left) least someone else comes in and takes it.
Applies to property taxes being paid up also, least the house / property goes up for auction for back taxes the next day as soon as the police inform the mayor and city tax assessor of the death.
That happens too.
Here’s another clue that the narrative is false…
SS Director Cheatle said about the building the shooter was on, “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.”
Sorry that’s bullshit. Just look at the roof where those counter snipers were positioned. Yeah, it’s sloped. What a liar she is.
Totally. 1/12 is “sloped”. EVERY roof is “sloped”, otherwise H2O does not run off.
I’d be ready for a road trip! Don’t mess w/ Miss Daisy (or any of our extended pack/ clan)
6’2″-280# , got out E-6, I have “The Voice” (ht: R. Lee Ermy and many years in theater/ choir and LOUD steam plants), and have “resting ,angry face” . Fun tools and “party favors” I can bring. Have Family in So. Carolina so would be an “excuse” to get away.
Send up the balloon and We’re rockin’.
I mean it.
Barbecues, are better with more “friends”. I can get close but would have to be vectored in.
.300 winning is way more than needed at 150 meters, over penetration and collateral damage are a problem. 6.5 prc with the no.2 man on a .308 should be more than plenty.
Not trying to change things, the SS shooter pictured with the big rifles a 338 Lapua mag, per the original article written about that agent his spotter who was carrying a 308 and walking down the side walk.
I’ll just say this, if I could only have one accurate long gun the 338 LM would be my first choice.
I own 243’s, 22-250s,308s,6.5 creedmore , all are custom builds all,,,,well most wear Krieger #9 bull barrels 24 or 26 Oal,,,,,,,and all wear Schmidt and Bender PMII scopes or Vortex Razors top of the line Vortex scopes.
I have a 408 Chy Tac on order from my custom shop who builds my rifles for me.
Yea I know, but I’m pretty proud of my sniper grade line up, the quality of every part , the quality,,,, the attention to detail in these builds,,,,,,the craftsmanship,,,,,, the two young men whom built these rifles are true craftsman they sourced every piece every part, each has its own specific can spin ones, not QD, my preference I believe the mate up is simply in my best interests.
Each hard case has its own specific kit incorporated within. From the exact tools, five five round mags, and five ten round mags, slings built by Rifles Only, custom made.
Each hard case has 50 hand rolled of the best of the best I loaded. And 50 factory rolled rounds, each has a range finder, a shoot computer both electric with extra battery’s and slide style in case the electronic shit no worky.
Each “can” is specific to that weapon in the hard case.
I’ll end with this. Since 1987 I was a purist bolt action only. About ten years ago I purchased 2 Wilson Combat Super Snipers, one in 308 and one is 6.5 C the 308 is a 20 in barrel and the 6.5C is 22 oal. Not my choice. And both have matching Schmidt and Nemder PMII scopes willing on 20moa rails. I don’t have cans on either of these AR 10 style extremely accurate rifles.
Friends both of these rifles are no shit 1/2 MOA,when I’m doing my part. I’m an old guy that actually means little to me, anything sub MOA is all I need. I have purchased for upgrade the gas switch so when I do purchase Cams I get re gas the rifles to perfection, noting worse the an over pressured semi auto, it sucks.
Biggy Thank you for letting me ramble, I dont say much but I seem to write what I’m not saying. You’ve given me that opportunity. Thank you Brother. You sir amuse me I find you to be refreshing, and boldly honest. God bless you.
No worries Dirk
My BFF/Pardna-in-Crime in High School was named Dirk… just seeing the name brings back good memories.
And BTW On a personal note: Fuck you man… ‘MAD Jelly’ as Gretchen would say of the collection of pinpoint shewtin’ tools! You suck dude 😉 LMFAO
Derp State can’t shoot straight as stale 1963 scripts don’t work with the bottom of the barrel DEI dregs?
Some Yearick cat with funky ears is the real capped rooftop shooter?
Trump going off script and teleprompter saved him?
Distractions from the lawfare cases falling apart for the CPUSA (D) and the Long March?
Everyone is laughing at alphabet soup comrades are going to have an extra most bestest investigation.
A steaming fourth world turd with a Gucci bag just as the Frankfurt School Long March promised.
‘Bulletproof Felon’
Ain’t bad at all, Bro! Meself, been calling him “Battleship Balls” after the fist pump. Actually, I like both.
Dam sure ain’t a fanboi, but y’all can betcher ass(s) that’s where my X is gonna be in Nov (if (((they))) don’t succeed and IF we actually have an election)! IMHO, it was indeed, Devine Intervention in action.
Best of luck with Miss Daisy!! Fuck those worthless squatting wastes of oxygen!!!!
Y’all take care & stat livin,
Mike in FLA. (yer almost neighbor)
Did ZOG reassert control by faking assassination attempt?–assassination-staged-by-trump.html
they. lie. every. time. they. open. their. mouths.
Not sure about North Carolina law , but 72 hours establishes residency in Louisiana law and would require an eviction through the local justice of the peace. Either way I’m glad you’re going to help her out. That’s a fucked up situation that happens all too frequently.
If you need any advice you know how to get in touch with me. I know a little about the subject.
Thanks Big, I just like quality, quality stuff period. My good friends are master instructors at Clint Smiths “ Thunder Ranch”. Clint and Heidi recently sold Thunder Ranch to a fella made his doe in Silicon Valley a techie, who loves high end training. TR is growing my good friend Jack Daniel’s now manager and lead master instructor.
I’m lucky to get in on the latest greatest new kit, latest techniques and some high end military shooters. Kinda like the edge, regarding what’s working , what’s not. What’s breaking and why.
I was at another Thunder Ranch Master Instructor’s house today, Eric Bishop went thru one of my M14”s, piece by piece was a rifle I picked upseverl years ago, I pulled it apart everything looked Mil and in decent shape. I’ve not even shot this particular M14, and wanted to make sure it’s squared away.
Eric is a wizard gunsmith, came by my Home out of the blue, he played some of my guitar collection, we talked about me attending a Thunder Ranch high power rifle course, I’ve never gone, rather spend the 1500.00 on ammo most men who shoot with ant logic are able to self correct shooting related issues. I’d rather spend the money on bullets and figure it out on my own.
So anyway I picked up the M14 which is tight as a tick, I’ve hand rolled some match grade Sierra match grade 168 and 175’s it’s fire season everything’s on fire right now, so it might be a month before I’m able ring this one out.
O yea, we talked about Eric building me a ART 21 system a modern day version, sporting Krieger bull barreled rifle with all the good shit glued on. I’m excited for this build!
Eric’s going to go thru a couple M-1 3006 for me, I think I may have bent an op rod shooting way to hot of ammo.a friend loaded it, told me he was off several grains on the load. Which is why I think I bent the OP Rod, pisses me off.
A-lessons been learned I quit shooting others hand loads. If I don’t know exactly who rolled it, and exactly what ingredients are incorporated, I simply won’t shoot it.
Thanks Big.