Morning Everyone!
Just my early morning contribution to fun in the sun, with guns:

Sounds about right donnit?
I’ll have more later today
Big Country
An Old Soldier's Rant. You don't like it? Go Away. Life is Too Short and Your Opinion Matters Not.
Morning Everyone!
Just my early morning contribution to fun in the sun, with guns:
Sounds about right donnit?
I’ll have more later today
Big Country
Comments are closed.
Turdeau’s government announced he is increasing his detail size because of the trump assassination.
So let me get this straight… The turd needs more protection because he’s scared of people like me after people like him tried to public assassinate someone like me…. Thats sounds like you fucked around are are afraid of finding out.
Huh. That narcissistic man-child just wants to LARP being in physical danger. The people who’d like to see Fidelito dead have too much respect for the law to take him out. And the people who want Trump dead are well served by Fidel’s bastard. Cutesocks McBlackface is by himself worth an entire Corps of imported nappyheaded diverse military-age-male rapists. He’s ass-fucking an entire nation of 39 million people, no lube and not even the courtesy of a reach-around, dontcha know.
Off topic but will bring smiles to preppers: US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge rules
So that confirms the hypocrisy of crushing the Whiskey Rebellion….after celebrating the Tea Rebellion.
Like I listen to fedfag shitards anyway…
So what changed? As far as I know (and I could be wrong, so feel free to educate me), it’s been legal to distill your own, up to (200 gallons?), for personal consumption, and not for resale.
If you wanted to distill more, or sell it, THAT’S when Teh Gooberment got involved, with licenses, and taxes, and health safety, ad nauseam.
Dunno about ‘spirits’. Dad and I used to keep a 5-gallon earthen’ crock brewing beer behind the wood burning kitchen stove. Seldom bottled it, just drank at room temp.
Abs0-mutha’ fuckin’-lutely!
Meme of the moment?
SD Plissken!
If the preezy of the steezy gave Harold the Brain and Maggie Magnum some credit at the mic Snake would have handed over the correct tape?
I’ve always wondered.
Unite with commie?
Eat shit commie, you wanted ultraviolence.
No room for commie in our land.
Not today commie, not ever.
(Theme from Patton Plays)