Good Morning!
Up early to see the overnight fallout from yesterday’s festivities. They came out and handed us the Patsy’s name: Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from western Pennsylvania, as the cuck who attempted to assassinate OrangeManBad.

Not going to link it, as the ‘story’ is going to be a 24-7 event for a while. I will smugly say that again the “Three Named Assassin” thing just happened to pop up.
Was he a ‘wind-up toy’?
Not enough intel so far.
To make that determination, we need to know more. Like his family life, job, what weapon he had… the usual stuff. Right now, just for the fact that they allowed this assclown to successfully get within the perimeter, armed never mind taking multiple shots, I’d have to say that as of now, there’s a pretty good chance that he was.
Then, as far as getting in close and taking not one but up to three shots, by my count that is… three good, measured, cadenced shots, (which serves to tell me this guy had training IMO) and then the fucking fusillade of counter-fire? Well h/t to WiscoDave for this one:
Not sure but it does make sense. If anyone has any pics of any outdoor rallies where they DID fly a flag like that, hit me up in the comments or email them to me at bce187th at protonmail.
Either way, the Secret Service kids are getting roasted across the board for this obvious failure. It’s so bad that if -I- were OrangeManBad?
I’d be hiring some heavy duty for-fuckin’ real Pipehitter Motherfuckers who shoot first and ask questions later.
Stack bodies
It’s the only way to be sure.
‘Cos the guys on that detail were retarded.
Moving on…
Lots of people out there, especially on the Left have been saying “Hurr Durrr! This was staged!” “Fake Attempt!” and the like. The fact that OrangeManBad stood up waving his fist and pumping it after the fact, to them, is proof this was faked.
Tell you what, if it was ‘faked’ then I feel bad for the guy who caught a round to the squash and was killed. In fact to tell you how fucking deranged these assholes are, a lot of them stated that they think that OrangeManBad is capable of allowing ‘collateral damage’ like that to get re-elected.
Sorry fuckwits… that’d be your side that allows that.
See, OrangeManBad’s reaction?
Like the Bad Guy in the movie “48 Hours” (cue up to 1:39)
I have a hunch that any and all doubts about what he’s going to have do to his enemies have been utterly eliminated… the level of Revenge that OrangeManBad is thinking about right now…
No fucking wonder the “Please don’t retaliate!” seems to be this A.M.’s mantra from the Left.
They’re quite rightfully scared, if not terrified.
Breaking Screenshot from Twitter:
Now it is feasible that he was using Iron sights.
I was tagging 300 meter man-sized silhouettes in Basic Rifle Marksmanship training back in Basic after 3 weeks of BRM, which is still the standard apparently:

My problem with that poast above?
Who the fuck took that picture of the shooter!?!
I mean someone on the ground saw him obviously.
Where the fuck was the Secret Service!?!
Probably getting hooked up with some more Columbian Prostitutes and Blow I gather…

Seriously though…
I’d have to say seeing that picture that the SS didn’t assign their best. Add on that during the scrum, the in-close female protective detail was less than stellar as well. One chick can’t even find her holster to holster her weapon. I train drawing my piece. You end up as fast holstering as unholstering, simply because for every draw you practice, you immediately follow it with a holstering. If your draw becomes good, you will be fast and smooth holstering as well. Ask James Wesley Hardin, the famous wild west gunfighter.
The fact that she is fucking around for where her holster is would indicate almost no time spent practicing her draw. It is unfucking real to me she is PSD for Trump, and she can’t find her holster, which means probably has spent close to zero time practicing getting her gun up and running in a hurry. There’s two types of gunfighters, the quick and the dead, and maaaan…
The only other thing I can think of is that whatever bullshit charges that they “convicted him” of juuuust went the fuck out the window. Leastways as far as doing any time that is.
Bad enough ‘they’ just allowed some asshat to try and kill him, to try and jail him? The lyrics from that song “Smuggler’s Blues” comes leaping to mind:
“Everything exploded, and the blood began to spill….”
IMO, I’d say that for every drop of the OrangeManBad’s blood that dripped down on stage, five of theirs need to pay a penalty a’la Vlad The Impaler.
Seems fair donnit?
So, that’s what I have for now
More Later
Big Country

TLA’s are not your friend.
The failures go way beyond mere incompetence. I thought he retained his personal security, maybe not.
Lots of people on the ground saw the shooter climbing up on the roof with a rifle and tried to get the Secret Service or cops to do something about it…not interested…Then the Police snipers guarding the event saw him, but were ordered not to fire, even as the shooter got ready to fire..Then after he fired 8-9 shots (not 3) one of them, Jonathan Willis, took the guy out..and was arrested for violating the order not to fire…He was subsequently fired from the force…All this is posted on Telegram..
This was a total setup, with SS and LEOs standing down to allow an assassination, then capping the shooter..Trump turned his head at just the right time, or he would have been killed…2 bystanders dead, from my info
DEI secret Service agents as good at getting people killed as DEI aircraft mechanics.
NRA high power rifle match’s. Start a 200 yards standing, to 600 yards, all iron sites.
Can see the rifle, but what caliber?
Seeing “Mossed” did it, false flag, wanted to scare trump., posts.
Email me dude. I have the shooters video that’s has been scrubbed off his social media.
My computer geek friend grabbed it in a nick of time and it is an MP$.
On a semi related note, have you heard about the 4 name shooter who attempted to shoot up a Yellowstone facility?
I suspect the Secret Service insists on no private security because it would interfere with their super professional skillz . By the end of the weekend things are going to be so muddled that it will be nigh impossible to untangle what really happened.
The 3 name shooter screams “CIA wind up toy”.
If Trump hadn’t turned his head, he’d be dead. There is NO WAY… NO WAY that the Secret Service would normally have a roof 150 yards from the podium that didn’t have cops on it.
As a retired Secret Service agent said about the JFK shooting, “when they go against standard Secret Service procedures, then you know something is seriously wrong”.
The only GOOD thing is I guarantee Trump will get some of his OWN security now and that man can hold a grudge and if hopefully elected, the DC swamp creatures who came after him should be VERY afraid.
Either way, a deep state three-letter-FedGov-agency that went off the rails long time back.
That’s bolt action. Not sure how many rounds he fired. Reports say anywhere from 3 to 8. I don’t believe he could get three rounds off in that amount of time from a BA rifle, plus supposedly he didn’t have a scope. If you’re gonna have a 12k rifle, certainly you’d put a semi decent scope on it.
It was the Counter Snipers that used the AXSR Rifle… Remington 700 action using .300 Win Mag, not the kid
Kid had a AR in M-4 configuration using Iron Sights, no brand as of yet but owned by the father.
Aiming center mass, assuming a military 300 yard zero, he would have been about 5.5″ high at 145. He may not even have been trying for a head shot.
what to make about this picture?
also, drumpf held his ear with his right hand but there’s NO blood afterwards as he makes the commie fist salute.
It’s a Grazing wound. It doesn’t make a nice, neat hole. From inspection, and will be in tonight’s post, is that it hit the veeeeery front of the ear just a wee bit, clipping the helical crus, then transversed the ear, hitting the Darwin’s tubercle (yeah the outer parts of the ear have names… who knew?) and then kept going. Not sure if THAT round was the one that cranialized the poor Firefighter or not but yeah, a grazing wound. VERY painful, and depending on his RH factor, it could bleed for a bit, but nothing outrageous.
So much Luck/Grace of God Involved
As far as the hand? Let me ask you… what’s the first thing you do when you get some “Yuck” on your hand? You wipe it off. Any bet it got wiped off? That and it wasn’t a lot of blood to begin with.
I Love ya Rakkbro (no homo), but telling you, Hal Turner IMO is a bit more of a wackjob that Alex Jones back when Alex was the local Head Waco-Wacko when I was stationed at the Hood.
i like to think outside the box. my bullshit radar is pegging maximum on this one. my personal feeling right now is it was a psyop aimed to rally the sheeple and deify St. Don as the “one” or it was intended to start CW2 with a certain JFK flair to it.
If Trump is allocated the “B” SS Team, because he is not yet the “official nominee” and will not get more protection till then, why did not the SS Team, State and local cops have “cheap” air assets like overhead drone surveillance? He would have been spotted immediately on that blank roof.
This also makes me ask what sort of jamming should be in place for a perp making an attempt at using a drone against Trump like was done in Venezuela in 2018 – does anyone learn anything from then till now (Ukraine drone use – Da!).
If you do not have enough people on an SS team, why no local and state cops on those roofs?
One further comment – listened to a news report with the head of a private security protection firm that has protected people such as Tim Scott, and he indicated that there have actually been 4 attempts (including this one) on Trump in these last 8 months, and the 3 were deliberately not being shared with the public for various reasons.
From the Gateway Pundit. The shooter appears to be featured in a 2o23 BlackRock ad (video). Joe Biden’s longtime advisor, Michael C. Donilon, is the brother of Tomas E. Donilon, the chairman of the BlackRock investment institute.
The line were being fed is that the shooter made a financial donation to the democrats but was registered as a republican. Error, does not compute?
It computes. PA has a closed primary. Democrats have been pushing for “crossover” voting for years, to have democrats register as republicans before the primary races to manipulate the vote towards the least electable or the RINO candidate. So the kid appears to be part of the op to vote for Oz and keep the hedge fund guy off the ballot so Senator Lurch would win. Assuming the kid even knew he voted and sent someone a check…
Even their wind up toys are TEMU knockoffs.
There is a game long played in Pa. If the town/county, you live in is heavily Dem/Rep that is the party you register in because, if you wish to have any complaints addressed by the local powers, the first thing they do is look at your party affiliation (ask me how I know). Party loyalty on paper counts . You can vote how you feel in the general elections and just sit out the closed primaries, or you can play the flip flop registration game to either vote for or against the incompetent of your choice to be in the General election.
This is also the case in Kentucky.
Yep, I did that years ago. Registered as a D for the primary. Forget who I voted for.
Craniofacial dystocia, fronto-nasal dysplasia, no nasal tip, huuuugely abnormally wide spaced eyes, cleft lip/palate, flattened philtrum, enormous prognathic jaw, wide low-set ears = syndrome.
Fetal alcohol, Habsburg, XXY klinefelter, who knows.
He was some weird ass pale troglodytic unemployed incel with a passion for video games. Father appears to be a mental health counsellor. Who knows what SSRIs he might’ve been on. All social media scrubbed by late last night.
I have seen 3 different faces attributed to the would be assassin. The first was a fat faced, bearded, brown haired man with tinted glasses viewed from the front. The second was a profile shot of the guy with the Habsburg overbite and flowing long blond wavy hair, who I also saw something saying this was actually a picture of some vlogger. And the third was a gaunt brown haired man with his hair slicked back , viewed from the front.
I think probably someone pulled the fat faced guy pic down because I only saw it once last night and then couldn’t find it again.
OK, no cleft lip, but the rest stands. Sorry, bad photos. I think his wiring was messed up. And he appeared to be a dietary aide at a nursing home.
His name and online posting was up immediately, almost too fast, just as they always have done with these shooters.
If that guy was shooting 5.56, it sure seemed quiet, more like a .22 LR. At that range it would have had a serious crack, Trump’s mic would have picked it up. Anyone that’s ever pulled targets knows they sound like a firecracker going thru the target at 200m
Way too many things wrong with this scenario.
I agree. I thought 22 as soon as I heard it. Now I haven’t been downrange during shooting for years, but I shoot 22 frequently and that was my take. A 22 is plenty accurate at 140 yards, but wind would definitely change its trajectory over that distance.
Most plausible suggestion that I have seen is that Trump was supposed to get whacked closely followed by Bidumb taking a “revenge” hit from an enraged MAGA supporter. Thus an excuse to call for removal of all semiautos from civilians because of the double tragedy involving evil black rifles. And second stringers are then set up at both conventions.
Crooks was a goofy looking fuck, something wrong with his wiring. I personally think that he didn’t compensate enough for wind.
Looks pretty obvious that the secret squirrels left a wide open avenue for the fuck and waited for him to get off his three aimed shots before reacting. Total set up. No raised barricades around the site? No cops sitting on top of that roof that provided an easy shot at the podium? Police ignoring witness’ that screamed they saw the fucker climbing up? Cameras pre set up to catch all the details of the shooting including the shooter and the S/S response team? A 20 year old incel with a $12,000 rifle?
God must have a hard on for the Trumpster because by rights he should be splattered all over the scene. The quick responses by the head pedos, err demos saying how glad they were that he was ok. Riiiigghhhttt.
Came here after seeing the same thing.
Excuses are being made that 1) local leo overwatch 2) no shots taken because….. They thought pos with irons was SS counter sniper and didn’t want off friend’.
Leftists are all talking a new word for them “Squib” as part of the “It’s a Trump fake for propaganda”.
I think it’s odd that the Sam Hyde “When we win….” Memes are scrubbed from FB and won’t post on X.
And just like that the narrative shifted away from the retarded potato .
Me thinks something wicked this way comes.
You thinking Monday will start the “guns are bad”, “we need to band guns” rhetoric? Thinking the MAGA crowd will join.
The don’t have the “moral high ground” on this one (they never do) so I don’t think so.
Honestly this a golden opportunity for them to snuff out tater and blame on MAGA. Two birds with one stone. Bonus points if they do it with an AR. They are some unoriginal motherfuckers.
Ask the question: “Who benefits most?” In the case of JFK’s assassination, it was obviously LBJ. In the case of Trump’s assassination, it would be Biden. They can’t beat Trump, they couldn’t jail him, so they have to kill him before the election.
Pics of the shooter on the rooftop?
From reports just after the shooting, apparently there were rally goers outside the main crowd, outside the first perimeter, who SAW the shooter on the flat rooftop, and TRIED LIKE HELL FOR TWO-THREE MINUTES BEFORE SHOTS FIRED, TO TELL THE SS & PO-PO ABOUT THE SHOOTER.
Most plausible suggestion that I have seen is that Trump was supposed to get whacked closely followed by Bidumb taking a “revenge” hit from an enraged MAGA supporter. Thus an excuse to call for removal of all semiautos from civilians because of the double tragedy involving evil black rifles. And second stringers are then set up at both conventions.
Crooks was a goofy looking fuck, something wrong with his wiring. I personally think that he didn’t compensate enough for wind.
If he wasn’t some staged patsy ant the real shooter was somewhere further back with a silencer. Thus Maybe the 22 sound. But I like your scenario. Two problems removed complete with crocodile tears funerals.
…Thus an excuse to call for removal of all semiautos from civilians because of the double tragedy involving evil black rifle…
My beer and football neighbor, whose opinions on firearms I’d not previously assessed, just spouted the “no one not in law enforcement or the military should own an AR-15″ line.
Now I have to add him to the NPC list, if not the ‘people to avoid” list.
The distance I saw on one of the info blogs said 130 yards.
prone with irons should be an easy shot. maybe God’s finger moved his head just enough.
Very easy, at a head target .
To the side responsible:
You may be wondering what’s going on. You may have noticed a funny coppery taste in the back of your throat and tongue. This is sometimes a reported reaction.
Do you know what that taste is?
Get use to it.
And , as a reply to your most righteous post, Sedition,
To our side, the taste in your mouth, is blood. Enjoy it! There is more to come. Courtesy of the communists.
Tom762, famed anti-communist.
Yea, they may find out the hard way. When someone tastes their own blood, then glares at you and smiles, you know you done fucked up and shit’s about to get real.
Hey BC,
I had a different take on what I saw/heard. Two different videos both focused on the podium, one slightly left and the other slightly right.
The one on the left I heard 6-7 shots that sound like a .22lr, then a single shot from another rifle. I thought I heard 3 in cadence as you say, a pause, then 3-4 more rapidly from the same weapon. Then one shot at the end that sounded like it was a different rifle.
Same thing with the right side video but that one sounded much more like .223/5.56. You could also see in that video the counter sniper team in the background. The shooter on the left was already dialed in on the bad guy before the shooting started. What the fuck?
Thanks for your blog,
Excellent article showing closeup of dead gunman’s face. Looks like one to the dome took him out.
Fourth image on the page, showing an aerial view of the roof with a circle around roofboy. To the lower right of that is an enclosed walkway with a couple of trees in the alcove and what looks like a ladder. Egress point handy to the carpark for his exfil?
I am coming around to this for that 2 man counter sniper team on the roof behind Trump, based on the photos I have seen. They were screened from engaging the guy by a tree. We already know that it was not them that took out the shooter, it was a different team.
The question still remains as to how that guy was able to get up to that roof in the first place, and why there was no one posted there to secure that roof.
Who did the Neocons have staring by ready for a press conference to wail over Trump’s cold body and takes the reins as replacement nominee. You know they were waiting anxiously at the phone.
“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Epic fail.
Heads will roll. Add some more names to your list and wait….. so you can have a friendly political discussion with them.
lololol. who cares. this is all jerkin off at this point in the fusa. im not even mildly entertained. this country is done and cooked. i am bored to tears.
Never heard of James Wesley Hardin. I do know of a Texas gunfighter named John Wesley Hardin. Maybe he was your dude’s cousin, or something.
James Wesley “Comma” Hardin 🙂
Headline at CFP: New Reporting — Local police officer climbed up to the roof and then retreated after Thomas Crooks pointed his rifle at the officer.
Assassin immediately began shooting at Trump after confrontation with local police.
We had the “Coward of Broward”, now we have the “Buffoon of Butler”.
Well in your pic, BC…that looks like an AR to me beside the body. Not seeing a sling either. The range I saw was estimated at 120 yards.
Guys I think this was all complete aviation grade incompetence. I have the horrifying suspicion that it is not only the SS… I’ll bet any of you a dollar to a donut that this idiocy is endemic to ALL the services. I’ll bet it prevails in the CIA, FBI, ATF, etc. what you saw, boys – was the operational state of readiness for the Globohomo military. When Sponge Brain Shatpants tells the 2A patriots they are no match for his military… take it with some very large grains of salt. They can’t handle a zit faced kid with an AR… can you imagine them facing off against Russians in the Kraine?
Bingo, Filthie!
And, of course, the fascists calling DT Hitler a million times over was bound to cause an assa^*ination attempt. Also, wouldn’t a wind up toy have a scope included?
Doesn’t all this sound a lot like the plot from (Stephen Hunter’s Point of Impact) Shooter, with Mark Wahlberg?
CFP Headlines: ‘This was 100% the responsibility of local police.’
Secret Service — ‘We were not in charge of securing properties surrounding the Trump rally.’
Assassin was spotted carrying rifle and acting suspiciously near magnetometers. He was not stopped by local police.
SS Rules of Engagement — Secret Service protocol in this situation is to wait until the President is fired upon to return fire.
To all of the skeptics in the audience, they have said it is a lone gunman. They are pushing the dead perp on the close roof. A lot of witness bystanders have pointed him out. There has even been audio forensics presented late last night from the microphone on the sound of the bullet and the delayed report. About 215 milliseconds. At the local temp and pressure and a speed of sound of 1150fps they are placing the dead perp at 130 yards and a bullet speed of 1100 fps. This is physics but slightly askew as there is another solution set to the time-distance relationship. A bullet traveling 3000 fps at 400 yds would have about the same solution. If you check the aerial pics a second building with a direct line of fire to the stage is about 400 yards away outside the cordoned off area.
I believe the first three shots came from this location as a centerfire round through a suppressor and the dead perp then opened fire quickly with a 22lr and drew the attention of the counter snipers.
To support the higher bullet velocity look at the exif data for the pic with the bullet contrail. The data says that the shutter speed is 1/8000 sec at f1.4. Using Dons head as a reference the contrail is over 1 foot long. This makes the bullet speed faster than 1100 fps. BTW I was a pro photographer in engineering school and would be surprised if the actual shutter speed was 1/8000 as that is the top speed of most pro digital cameras (R1’s and D5 or Z9’s). 1.4 is also max aperature. There are no margins at those setting in a dynamic environment. I’d believe f4 and 1/2000 sec for the settings just to make more usable captures. The ISO would then float to give a good exposure.
Additionally the caliber of dead perps weapon has not been revealed. If he was the lone shooter then the fireman who was killed by a 22lr at 130 yards from a head shot was one unlucky dude. It would be possible to get a reverse azimuth of the shooters location if the dead fireman and the podium had a straight line out to the front generated. Dollars to donuts it goes to the far building.
Also the initial three shot cadence. The shot space of the first versus the third is most likely the shooter being surprised that he missed on the first shot. Hurried up the second and spray and pray the third. He knew that he had to unass the location ASAP to get away. The patsy was probably told to shoot as soon as he heard the first shot. This would explain the rapid 4 follow ons through open sights. (note he may only have had 4 rounds in the gun) The last shot is the counter sniper taking the patsy out.
The occum razor questions are why was there no aerial oversight assets or anybody on the water tower? Who’s prints are on the access ladder? Were any of the other roofs swept for evidence? Who had actual onsite control of the security? Did they really find bombs in the car and house? Is that a plausible set up for follow on attacks?
Will just leave this here… it being the only place I’ve see ‘type of gun’ mentioned other than ‘Father bought gun used 6 months ago’ – without mentioning type gun. So, file this under ‘for what its worth’:
Wonder if the “kid” was radicalized by his family and sent on a suicide mission ala the “Hadjis…”
Yeah, and faster-than-biathlon bolt cycling, just like LHO made his M38 Carcano sing like Giuseppe never did. Look at the deceased pic of Roofie, entry wound left eyelid, back of head and neck absent. As are his glasses (prescription details?) and any headset/earbud or wax lieu thereof. What was his point blank zero of an iron sight 5.56 AR15 firing M193 for a cold 20″ suppressed barrel shot, iron sights, and wind drift 5mph 90° r2l, target 5yds low range 130yd size 4moa. Calculate hit pK with potential 30rds considering Popo Braveheart just descended from ladder to get a coke before unlimbering and coming back up, pending permission or initiative. Closest PSP SWAT long rifle obscured by tree (thank you recon!), next closest SS lr under hold order. Consider the scenario as a win if DT survives for now and evaluate the chatter. Dead DT is a bonus, shoefiller waiting offstage. Helots screwed either way.
I beg your pardon, I misunderstood you and thought you were saying the roofstiff had a $12k gat.
That’s the running narrative.
Roofstiff (I like that) had a AR of some ‘flavor’ (unknown at this time… be curious to see if it’s High Dollar or a Poors) while the Counter Kids were throwing down using Accuracy International Long Guns worth a quarter of my yearly salary.
More pieces of the puzzle:
‘Scvmlord made me do it’? Screen shots from the strange social media world of Thomas Matthew Crooks
Sure starting to smell– some of the headlines in non MSM press 7/15/24:
REPORT: Secret Service Resources Were Diverted to Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event in Pittsburgh and Away from Trump’s – Many Agents Assigned to Trump were Temporary Replacements
NEW: Secret Service Identified Rooftop Next to Trump Pennsylvania Event as Security Vulnerability Days Before Rally – But Still Didn’t Secure It
WHAT?! Trump Shooter Appears to Be Featured in 2023 BlackRock Ad (VIDEO)
Video Shows Would-Be Trump Assassin Bear Crawling on Roof as Bystanders Urge Police to Do Something
Local Police Officer Confronted Would-Be Trump Assassin on Roof But Then Retreated – Shooter Proceeded to Try to Kill Trump
How did the shooter know that that particular rooftop would be empty?
Kinda like to know the answer to that question…..
Can’t crack shooters phone? Should we all ”LOL” at that? Or maybe suggest they ask his ”employer” to please help.
The American Revolution was an act of political violence. To the liars and cowards that disavowal any form political violence, I respond with the following words from the Declaration of Independence: to wit:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
The aggregate of local, State, and especially the Federal government of the United States has become antagonistic and out right destructive to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. The purposed of government is to secure our rights, not destroy them. Clot shot mandates, try to open a business without government permission, try to by a car without a bunch of stupid crap, the ability to let your children play outside lest they be raped by and immigrant. The list of grievances is endless.
Therefore, I believe it is my right, neigh, my duty to revolt against any government, whether local, state, or federal agency or agent in order to attempt to secure the rights of life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This is my personal declaration of independence.
The ballot box is a peaceful substitution to the ammo box. By the grace of God Almighty and Trump turning his head at the last second, the enemies of the United States almost took away the ballot box.
I have read many of the responses by the left. Not only do they not show any remorse, they complain that the shooter missed. They want us dead. They fucking say that out loud now. They just want to outsources it to state actors because they are too cowardly to do it themselves. They will not stop if Trump is somehow sworn in on Januray, 2025. The government agents sworn to Satan will slow walk his policies and federal and state judges will issue stays to the lawfare that we know will come to impede Trumps policies. So as far as I am concerned, though everyone should vote, the ballot box is not longer the appropriate solution to securing our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Here we go for what it’s worth:
Saw an interview with one of the kids he went to HS with. Kid said he was a loner and got kicked off the school rifle team because he was such a bad shot and careless that teacher considered him a danger. We are supposed to buy that this kid, using iron sights got his first shot so close that it clipped Trump ear? I respectfully suggest there was a pro much further back. God was watching out for our President.
The Congressional investigation needs to lean the owners of the cell towers nearby, and find out who was there. ANY disposable phones should raise MAJOR red flags. Track them back to purchase place, and ID the owner, or concede that there was MORE than one shooter involved.
Get the fitness/training/shooting scores of ALL the agents present. If any are below average, that’s a ding on their record, at best. Should mean that the sub-par agents are removed from protective detail completely, and assigned to other Treasury duties – preferably FAR from Washington.
And, for God’s sake, fire that BIC – Bitch in Charge.