Well Shit Just Got Reely Reelz

Looks like Ole OrangeManBad has him a serious piece of good luck today when as you are all aware of –someone– started throwing rounds at him.


Now, he’s looking to the right (his right) and the rounds are coming from that direction. One of them gave him a nice glancing hit. Two inches more to his left, and he’d be “Bidenized”
Now, there’s a couple of things in the chaos of this
1) This is apparently a stiff on the top of a building across from the Rally: (Original Deleted By Twitter Apparently)

Then 2) We have what appears to be a stiff and/or a wounded joker being dragged out of the stands by the cops:


Now, I’m not sure who the shooter is or if there were multiple shooters?

The thing of it is, from what I heard?
Sounds like 3 paced shots. Mid caliber.
Then a flurry of shots. Probably someone cancelling the shooter’s ticket. It all depends on who is calling it. The Brits are saying that this guy was picked up:

Too tough to call

I do know one thing
A couple of days ago the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den called for them to put a ‘bullseye’ on OrangeManBad:

Not a good look Aye?
Now as we progress, seems the guy in the bleachers?
A civvie caught in the crossfire:

And now the local DA has stated the following:

My Goodness
You know this means we just got green lit.
That and

There’s no way in fuck that OrangeManBad can be stopped now. That’s like the opening shots of Civil War 2.0. The fucking tards probably are hoping that we’ll do something so we can get ground down by the DotMil

I mean lets face it…
This’s about as provocative as it can get.
I’m going to be curious to see exactly who the guy on the roof is/was and what he was shooting with. How far was the shot? How did the counter-sniper teams not spot him earlier? I mean the guy isn’t exactly wearing ‘blending camo’ or anything… That is if he’s the shooter.

I do feel bad for whomever the guy was who caught one in the squash. That purely sucks. Ashli Babbit’ed so to speak… killed by the Evil Leftist Machine.

Tell you what
IF they -did- catch 3 guys, be a damned shame if oh say their houses and all of their assets were to be burned to the ground wouldn’t it?

Now, per CNN:

“Several Hundred Yards”
Oooooh now I really want to know what he was using.

My guess is an AR w/a poorly sighted in scope.
And now the “Usual Suspects” namely the ones who’ve been calling for ALLLLL sorts of violence and shit for the past 7 years have this to say:

Sounds like some folks just realized that there’s a pretty good chance this could become a two way shooting gallery.

I hope it doesn’t

But seeing that those on the Left are functionally inoperative and have their collective thinking meat vapor-locked in the TDS ignorant position, I have a hunch a week from now it’ll all go back to ‘biddness as usual’

Have to see.
Me? I’m loading more mags.
I suggest you do the same
More Later

Big Country

35 thoughts on “Well Shit Just Got Reely Reelz”

  1. I SAW THE ASSASSIN CRAWLING ACROSS THE ROOF. We screamed for 3 minutes at police and Secret Service. They couldn’t see him, so they did nothing. [Yet within seconds of the assassin shooting Trump… they could ‘see him’ well enough to kill him?]

  2. This has just become a two way rifle range. Good job to those stupid ANTIFA fucks. Those idiots just signed their own death warrants.

  3. Ammo run has started. Good luck on price and availability. SGAmmo sold out as I was ordering.

    1. From Sam Gabbert of SGAmmo.com

      It is safe to say the next rush to buy ammo is here. As I have talked about in past emails, the lion’s share of the volume in the ammunition business is based on hoarding and panic buying, not consumption, and demand is such cases is a fear-driven. Yesterday, due to the tragic events, we saw order volume increase by about 2000%, 20 times recent normal from around 6pm CST to 11pm when I stopped monitoring the flow for the night. Order volume then sustain massive elevation through the night and into this morning.

  4. 10-22 ruger and wind drift saved his life. Range est. I have senn says 200< yards. 2 mph breeze gives several inches drift.

    1. I’ve seen reports that measurements on Google Earth depictions of the scene give the range from shooter’s position to DJT at the podium to be just over 150 yards, from the roof of a 1 story building that was ‘outside’ to security perimeter of the event (i.e. – the guy didn’t have to pass through any security).
      I don’t yet understand WHY there were no law enforcement folks on the roof of any or all buildings that could give line-of-sight to the podium area, out to at least 600 yards. Someone needs to press on that question – to see if it was a shortage of staffing, incompetence, or an inside-job.

      Haven’t yet heard any ‘official’ reports of the weapon nor the caliber used.

      The SS going from reporting that “they can’t see anybody” when told by witnesses that SAW the guy climb up onto the roof w/a rifle – to shooting the guy dead as a doornail within about 5 seconds after DJT was hit – is NOT a good look. I’d go so far as to say that it stretches their credibility.

      Reports are also coming in that DJT’s SS team has been asking for additional support/manpower for weeks – and DHS has been basically ignoring their requests. Sounds to me like it’s time to fire the SS head and call for Alejandro N. Mayorkas’s head on a platter. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

  5. Fox says “AR style” rifle found. All that means, even from Fox, is it probably wasn’t a Männlicher Carcano this time. Could be anything from an STG 44 repop to an AK or even a Mini 14. Shooter found dead on scene. So they didn’t make the same mistake as they did with LHO.

  6. I think Pelosi has mistaken “political violence” with her husband playing “hammer-time”.

  7. Yet again, another leftist assassin. Every presidential assassin? Leftist.

    Yet we, conservatives and ‘leave me alonists’ are going to be labeled as the problem.

    Good on Trump. He almost pulled a Teddy Roosevelt, but the Secret Service (rightly in my opinion) got him the fuck out of there. He did do the raised fist thingy on the way out.

    And, seriously, Secret Service? You should own the roofs for a 500 yard radius, minimum. Total failure of his protection detail.

    President Trump, time for you to hire your own security to mesh with the Secret Service guys. Or replace the SS.

    1. If he makes it to 1/20/25, perhaps the truth will see light of day. The head of detail and the head of agency should already have their letters of resignation filed. If any 3 letter agent/s are found dead of suicide/heart attack in the upcoming weeks, someone is tying up loose ends.

  8. Is is standard procedure to have some sorta’ LEO presence atop all buildings surrounding a high-profile individual being protected by Secret Service. FYI–there are multiple rings of protection around a president and ex-president. MULTPLE RING… drive this fucking fact into your skulls. Now someone screwed-the-pooch on this venue–big time. Big time assholes are going to get chewed out. Expect some congressional hearings on this at the least.

    Now also expect that a carefully crafted “legend” has been pre-positioned around this conveniently dead shooter. The mere fact that some fucker with a rifle could get even within 500 yards of an ex-president is inconceivable. This has the fingerprints of high-level logistical support by those spooky guys and gals in DC. Expect to now see this shooters manifesto, diatribes revealed in the ensuing days. No doubt he was a ‘lone gunman’ in the vein of Lee Harvey Oswald… wink, wink–nudge, nudge. An inch to the right and the round/s would have taken half of Trump’ s face off in a very public Kennedy style moment. It’s a shame that an innocent man in the bleachers behind Trump got hit and killed–also a woman was seriously injured and could be seen being carried off by police.

    Should the rounds have their mark. If Trump went down today–I would suspect that a ‘color revolution’ would unfold in DC this summer, that would make the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014 look like a Disney Electric Light Parade on a hot summer night. By Monday (and the middle of next week) the rage would be uncontrollable. That short story by Matt Bracken comes to mind as a likely outcome… “What I saw at the coup” which has a happy ending.

  9. All you fucking meat puppets ain’t got a clue. How about we wait for the facts to surface. Our Brothers and Sisters were just killed by the fucking Left

    The Secret Service absolutely bottled Trump up real quick, real professionally. Shit Hot work by Trumps peeps. The professionalism displayed by the Secret Service was amazing. Pro law enforcement or not, these professionals didn’t hesitate to put their lives in the way of a bullet meant for our next President.

    Anybody here believe God wasn’t with Trumps today!


    1. The close protection detail did a decent job, the anti sniper teams, notsomucho. Every rooftop within a minimum of 500 yards with a sight line to that stage should have had, at the very least, some sort of law enforcement officer either on top or preventing access to the roof. Whoever was in charge of deployment of spotters/local yokels failed horribly. Not least, a failure of imagination.

    2. That was one *close* call, alright… does bring to mind the phrase “devine intervention”….

    3. “How about we wait for the facts to surface. ”

      This is the most retarded thing I read all day. The facts are that someone just tried to kill Donald Trump. And additional fucking fact is that maybe someone allowed someone to try to kill Donald Trump. How many more facts do you need to know that someone just tried to kill Donald Trump? To me, the difference of these two facts is like getting shot point blank in the head with a .357 vs. a .50. This wasn’t mere incompetence. I’ve read the horror stories of the pain in the ass it is just driving around in a city in the blocks distance vicinity of a POTUS coming through.

      “The Secret Service absolutely bottled Trump up real quick”

      As said below, the close protection detail did its job. And thank God. That doesn’t mean some SS manager said, “Nah, we don’t no one on that roof.”

      And I am sick about all this fucking fear about fed posting. Really? Somebody in the machine just tried to help some emo fuckwit try to kill Donald Trump. Maybe if every fed posted a little bit, it would give those federal cocksucker something to do.

      And as said some donwstream, if you see any federal agents “suddenly dying” in the next 6 months, someone is trying to close up loose ends.

      Oh and about that close detail. I figure they did a merey satisfactory job. I’d give them a c- or a d+ .They cold have done better. Compare the Trump SS reaction time to the Reagan assassination attempt. Before Hinkley was finished shooting his revolver, the SS was already in action.

      1. By Fedposting, I just meant to be wise in the choice of words, not be silent. Hopefully you know what that means. Entrapment has become normalized.

  10. If you watch the video carefully it appears that Trump turns his head to his right just before he is hit. That might explain why the projectile cut his ear front-to-back rather then taking him in the side of his head.

  11. What I want to know is more about the female Secret Service agent who is shielding Trump’s heart with her head. Wifey material!

  12. Just read that some Grand Old Politburo Washington General will invite the SS leader to the big brothel in DC on July 22.
    Why fear some double digit IQ commie penis puffer useless idiots?
    The only way to end communism is to make good commies.
    Like the censored Scarface on teevee, this country is like a great big chicken just waiting to get plucked.
    The gilded butt plug Bathhouse Barry loves it by the peoples champagne fountain.
    Yes we can!

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