Well, let’s just start off with this here:
Now, for the non-twatter folks this’s the whole quote:
I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C. The guy who has nailed everything and given me inside scoops for months that have led to viral tweets, correct predictions and he has not been wrong yet. Not sure if I should post this, but:
Jill Biden is running the country right now.
Black Insurrectionist
Joe Biden is sleeping up to 16 hrs. per day.
The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned.
Obama is going to try and force Joe out.
Obama is meeting privately with power players to get them to withdraw funding. Hollywood will begin to turn on Biden via Obama is telling them.
Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win. Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.
A full-blown civil war in the DNC and an attempt to make sure Trump does not get elected at any cost is now happening. Many in D.C. are already saying that the Biden family has completely obliterated the constitution with how they are running the country.
Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.
The Hur tapes are completely different than the transcription. The desperation to keep them is because apparently Joe Biden had full blown Dementia during most of that interview and some are saying the transcripts are in fact, doctored. I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats. The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.
Anyway, last night press conference did nothing, there is a full court press to get rid of Joe Biden and it is intensifying, watch for leaks to the press about Joe Biden and things that are happening behind the scenes. If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions. Internal polling has been disastrous. Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames. Crazy times we live in.
Now granted, there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ flying around out there, but man… this kind of seems to be the playbook that’s happening right now.
Consider this:

Consider the sourcing of the current “Hollyweird” article written by George Clooney. You know… that midwit adult pretender (called an actor occasionally) who raised 28 million dollars for the Joetato’s re(s)election coffers what? Not even 6 weeks ago? He wrote an article that got front page billing in the New Yawk Slimes.
And as I put up above, who are the one running that particular Ministry of Propaganda and Lies?
The Fucked up Bureau of Retards.
Who was primarily politicized and corrupted by whom?
The Obamamessiah of course, and his Department of (in)Just-us Hatchetman Eric Holder.
So I’d call that a quick change-of-heart by Clooney.
My guess is they threatened to release the videos of him with an underage girl, or maybe even a boy ‘cos ole Joetato went under that bus mighty fast IMO.
Now for those not in the know, ODNI:

Now, theoretically ALL Intelligence Community ‘members’ so to speak are supposed to report to the ODNI. In reality?
No so much.
LOTS of moving parts.
Huge turf wars behind the scene(s).
Lots of potential jail time.
Hell… potential “Ha Ha. Please to stand against wall Comrade”
Last I knew, treason has a death penalty component to it.
And if this isn’t fucking treason then I don’t know what is.
Another thing I came across, which as long term readers know is that I have a firm belief in the Luciferian Rules that these fuckers play by. Specifically the one where they have to ‘forewarn us’ about their intentions, so when we fail to take protective and/or active defensive measures, by their rules their hands are clean so to speak. Predictive Programming is the term.
While she was surfing around TikTok, (the bane of my existence… I really hate that app) Gretchen is fully aware of my paranoia and suspicions ‘at large’ so to speak, and when she found this, she sent it to me:
September 23rd…
Now I -don’t- go in for the tail end part where he starts talking “Project Blue Beam” and whatever other weirdness he’s blathering about. I do however fully agree with the whole ‘predictive programming’ thing.
Lots of those movies are older.
Some might be tempted to say that they’re out of date, and yet, again I reference that card game that showed the Twin Towers as well as the Pentagon being blown up long before 9-11 actually happened:

Those came out in the 90’s
Then you have “The Lone Gunmen”, a spin-off from the X-Files that unfortunately crashed and burned. This might have been because of this maybe?
“But the pilot episode would end up being far too close to real events. In that episode, a terrorist hacker hijacks an airliner with plans to crash the plane into the World Trade Center.”
The X-Files’ Lone Gunmen Spin-Off Show May Have Predicted 9/11
Read More:
It aired six months and one day before the actual 9-11 Attack.
According to all involved, the show had already failed immediately after the pilot, and was cancelled. Of course those involved also say that “…this was all a strange and unfortunate coincidence.”
Suuuure it was.
I report, you decide.
I’ve already made my decision. Gonna be locked down tight that whole week. Tighter than a Gnat’s Ass if you will with me and mine. Better safe than sorry.
The other thing that’s bugging me is the whole way they keep talking about the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den.
Do they just want him to ‘stand down’ from re(s)election?
Do they want ‘all the marbles’ and get Gropey offstage completely with a ‘retirement’ or the 25th?
They’re really being overly obtuse in this. Not a lot of clarity. I know I know… it’s intentional but the Pantshitting Rutabaga is so blatantly mentally compromised it’s now obvious that The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched, Drug Crazed and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster are participating in some serious elder abuse.
Not that I care… I hope they hop him up on whatever Meth they’ve been feeding him so badly at his next presser and/or debate that some of those ‘fixed’ aneurysms he had back in 1988 blow clean the fuck out live on TV…
I mean he did get “demon eye” back on the Campaign trail in 2019:

…because that’s like, totally normal amiright?
The story (unscrubbed amazingly) is HERE
The funniest takeaway from that article is in the header:
“Biden, 76, has already been facing questions over his age and health amid a string of verbal gaffes.”
Oh reeeeeeeeeeeally!?!
As I like to do >points to my face, no expression on it<
“This’s my surprised face.”
No shit Shylock.
Tell us something we’re not aware of now. Here we are, almost 5 years later from that particular demonic shitshow, and we still have a bunch of fucking morons, half-wits, fuck-wits, lack-wits, and generationally stupid retards who plan on voting for this decrepit decaying doesn’t know he’s already dead ZOMBIE
OrangeManBad Derangement is real folks.
Hunker in… as said in Apocalypse Now, and I take it as Gospel Advice for the next few months:
“Big Duke Six, inbound in 30 seconds. Get your people back and
heads down. This is gonna be a big one.”

Make of it what you will…
More Later
Big Country

Hell, I’ve always called him “George C. Looney” anyhow, so it ain’t like I care what he says.
From the viewpoint of someone who remembers the day they murdered JFK. That was start of all this shit.
Strange Days, Indeed.
Or when Lincoln declared war on the Confederate Nation.
Hell, it started before the ink was dry on the last signature on the Constitution.
Sounds like a repeat of the days when Woodrow Wilson was recovering from a stroke, and Edith Wilson (also a social climber) ran the Offal Office.
September 23rd is my wife’s birthday, so any doom it may portend has already occurred.
Ha! Mine too!
Heh. ‘Demon eye’. I caught one of those on a Saturday night, my kid snagged me in the eye (I was changing his diaper, for crissakes!) and got that thing. 1 July 1997 was the next day. I was scheduled to do the reading of the Epistle at Mass that day. I can remember the date, because it was the handover of Hong Kong. Chris Patten, the last Governor of Hong Kong, was also the lector in his own church, reading the same text. Second Timothy:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
That there’s some irony for you. We know that the ‘crown of righteousness’ is made of thorns.
I didn’t usually read the stuff before Mass. I did live radio back in the day, and could read copy cold. I’m also an old school blues belter. I saw the text and knew that I didn’t need a mic. I knew that HK was sinking that day into the PeeAreSea (I did not know about Pattten). I took 2 steps back from the lectern and just opened up, no mic (because I can do that) and rattled the dust off the rafters.
After Mass Fr Mark asked why I had done such an…exuberant reading. I explained about HK, and I assumed that he was aware of it, being a Canadian and such, part of the old Dominion… He had no idea.
I am no longer on the rotation for Lector in that parish
Hmm. I keep waiting for the moment we see the finale of the movie, Dave, play out in real time… predictive programming indeed.
Sunday, Sept. 23
New York Giants at Cleveland Browns (1:00p FOX)
Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts (1:00p CBS)
Houston Texans at Minnesota Vikings (1:00p CBS)
Philadelphia Eagles at New Orleans Saints (1:00p FOX)
Los Angeles Chargers at Pittsburgh Steelers (1:00p CBS)
Denver Broncos at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00p FOX)
Green Bay Packers at Tennessee Titans (1:00p FOX)
Carolina Panthers at Las Vegas Raiders (4:05p CBS)
Miami Dolphins at Seattle Seahawks (4:05p CBS)
Detroit Lions at Arizona Cardinals (4:25p FOX)
Baltimore Ravens at Dallas Cowboys (4:25p FOX)
San Francisco 49ers at Los Angeles Rams (4:25p FOX)
Kansas City Chiefs at Atlanta Falcons (8:20p NBC)
I’m liking Dallas.
Don’t forget Hockey. I agree nfl is more likely a target with the fanfair and attention around it though
A secret police force is repugnant to Liberty.
Sometimes, these dates come and go with nothing happening – that we are aware of. Things go on behind the scenes we are never told about.
Either way, I’ll just keep on keepin’ on.
Jill can’t even run the ice cream machine what a dope.
Operation barbarossa, the 22nd and 23rd fall on the same day of the week this year. Fall offensive to get rid of putler?
Sigh. All of the sub rosa information coming out of Mordor-On-The-Potomac maybe true or it may be a rope-a-dope. We all know the bought-and-paid-for Mockingbird Media will not touch any of it. I apologize for my continuous repetition, but as long as the Sheeple, Normies, Cucks, Mall Zombies, Swifties and sports-addicted morons have their bread and circuses, nothing will change. It does not matter which American Crime Family occupies the Time Share at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Life is a vale of tears. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Kind of reminds me of qanon or whatever it was called. Turned out it was a CIA misinformation mole.
Yeah, all this “information ” “coming out”…..will be living my life, which includes stocking up on “precious metals “.
Not going to be overly concerned. I just think it’s all a “double back flip psych op”
BCE, 923 is an impotant number to me.
“Nine-Two-Three! On your Feet!!” My Boot camp Company…
9/23/01, my first child was born…
Break this down, 923, start of my military “career”. 9-23 my heritage is passed on to a new generation…
Symbolism at its best-worst? What Happens? You know us sailors are a superstitious lot. (Vikings too)
Why’d it have to be 923?
Project Blue Beam is real. DARPA and other black programs are so advanced that most folks can’t conceive of their, beyond quantum physics, inter dimensional, science/Majik. Don’t forget, Lucifer/Satan Inc. holds all the patents on magic/Majik in the Lower Relms, here.
As far as waking up, well propaganda is used 24/7 because it works. The Frankfurt School perfected propaganda, predictive programming, creating all pervasive illusion. Depending on DNA, luck, intelligence, learning, programming, whatever, MOST people don’t/won’t get IT. People that believe there is no woo woo factor in reality (they tend to be atheists), will severely limit their diagnostic capabilities. As Filthie would say “But wudda I know?” I know everything (((THEY))) tell us is lies, any truth that is used, is to reinforce the lies.
Have a great Saturday! Might have a recreational adult beverage.
Well there’s nothing really new or surprising about any of this, Tiny. I heard you and any number of guys on Blab saying as much 5 years ago.
And I think your instincts are good. Lock down during the elections, and make sure you are not just prepped… but in a full state of readiness. Locked doors, accessible guns, loaded mags. Hopefully a few of those spiteful mutants on the left get shot this time round. Hopefully a few of the corruptocrasy get their necks stretched too.
Burn this mofo down and let O’Brandon own that because he did build it.
Bathhouse Barry will have Leave the World Behind by any means necessary.
No vote on it in mah demockcracy.
Sad trombone.
Irish Democracy, surly belligerent rabble, or go quietly to soylent green camp.
Choose wisely.
These things happen when quisling traitors rule the ruins of a once great republic.
I keep coming back to the thought that they are really really stupid or they are doing this on purpose.
I’ve read for years about the power struggles with these groups. Started when tater got in office.
Me? I keep seeing these fools running around in circles like Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles hollering that they have to save their phonybalony jobs.
Slow to Anger, but when it comes time to step innit, make an example!
I pay attention to what people say that doesn’t make sense at the time more than what they do.
Excuse me if the timing is wrong but no one is pointing this out.
After trumps first impeachment (fat boy Vindman) which any veteran knows should have lead to courts martial. (To say he stepped out of his chain of command is an understatement). The congressional democrats held a “closed door” meeting on the 25th amendment. Nervous Nancy admitted it on national tv.
When asked if it was concerning Trump she said “ no but we are clarifying for a possible situation in the future”.
Right after James Clapper came out and endorsed Biden and rescued him from obscurity. Fixing the primary and then the general.
I meat James clyburn
I’m waking up on the other side of the world to news of an assassination attempt on Trump. Looks more and more Vox Day will be right in how long the USA has left.
And the patsy is dead. They didn’t make the same mistake as they did with LHO.
Trump assassination attempt. One witness even pointed out the shooter to police before a shot was fired. Crickets.
You mentioned the Last Centurion A few days ago. Ringo had a pandemic hit in 2019 and the US leaving folks behind as we retreated from the sandbox. We just Didn’t get global cooling.