Looks like the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den just finally cashed in his chips in the conference.
Between refering to “Vice President Trump” and saying he had to check “…with the Commander in Chief”… he also keeps pronouncing the Chinese leader’s name Xi as “She” instead of “Zhee”
Correct me if I’m wrong on that part.
If I’m right that’ll go over like a lead balloon w/Joe Chink
Well, it ain’t over… meaning the whole presser.
I’d say the Joetato is fully baked.
Which if you look at it, methinks that was the plan. I mean it’s pretty obvious at this point The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, the Drug Crazed Hooker Hunter the Whoremaster have been the primary motivator for the Joetato to stay in the Oval Orifice.
I mean right now, as of late, the Repugnicunts have finally found their spine, and even their stupid asses can smell the blood in the water so to speak.
Considering this is what?
The first full on presser in what? 2 years or longer?
A full on ‘live questions being asked on live TV’ presser?
Yeah, he was set up for failure IMO.
The Powers Behind The Throne need him gone so as to allow ‘Big Mike’ or -anyone- else to come in and take the reigns of power. I mean you know it’s going to go that way.
Same as it ever was.
Meaning the Intel Community is going to install whomever the hell they want. To which I say:

Otherwise, it’s just been busy busy around here. I’ve barely been able to follow the news and it’s been havoc w/the pupper. She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but she is running full time until she isn’t. She gets about an hour, hour an a half, some water, lots of chewing then SPLAT!
Out cold.
Climbs right into her kennel when she’s tired. She’s really good at letting me know what she wants and needs. Only issue so far is getting her to understand that -outside- she needs to focus on pooing and peeing.
Too many distractions out in the BIG WIDE WORLD as of now. So I’ve ‘fenced off’ a section of the living room and I have the training pads down. My intent is to make that space smaller and smaller until such time as she then ‘gets it’ for the outside… it’s worked witha lot of the other dogs I’ve trained.
Problem here is she’s a wee bit too lil and I haven’t gotten her timing down yet. Her bladder is just too random so far to get a ‘feel’ for when she needs to go. As she gets a bit older, it’ll get better.
The Sausage Princess and her are getting along like I said:

As well as the Gran

So far, so good.
Also cancelled like ALL the subscriptions on the ‘Zon.
Went in and checked as I saw some auto-withdrawals.
and a couple of others
It turned out to be a LOT of subscriptions that Gretchen and I had no idea that were in there to the tune of like $75 a month that I just ‘reclaimed’ so to speak. I highly recommend that everyone do the same, as the Disney one? It used to be a LOT less and was like almost $20 a month for something we never use.
Same went with the other stuff… Gretchen tried out the ‘free trial’ without cancelling it or forgetting to, and it ended up costing us without even realizing. Only thing we kept that I can see is the Netflix… and even then I took that down to the most ‘basic’ variant I could.
So I’d call that a win.
I got to go tuck in the Gran, so more later
Big Country

“that’ll go over like a lead balloon w/Joe Chink”
It IS more like “she” than “zhee”.
Beijing is also pronounced bay-jing and NOT bay-zhing. I have zero idea why you big noses [1] insist on putting in the ZH sound anyway. The Chinese are not fucking Frenchmen, after all. Besides, ocean assholes [2] generally can’t pronounce the tones (pitch matters in Chinese), so just about EVERY fucking word is mispronounced. If the Chinese actually got angry about how you barbarians pronounced stuff, they’d have launched all their nukes by now.
[1] “big nose” refers to whites. It has nothing to do with Jews. The Chinese don’t say “round-eye”. That’s a made up thing. They say big noses.
[2] yang gwai-ze is translated as “foreign devil”. That’s not what it means. Yang means ocean or sea literally, but in this context means foreigner (as in a person who came over the sea). Gwai is literally ghost or demon, but the meaning in this context is jerk or asshole or obnoxious piece of shit. We say “gwai ren” about someone we don’t like. It’s literally ghost person but no one’s calling that person a ghost. It means “that fucker”. I think the phrase was translated (by whites) as “devil” because the devil has a bit of glamor as in “that handsome devil” or “clever devil”. And Satan was the best character in Paradise Lost. But the Chinese just mean “those auslander assholes”. No glamor or respect intended.
This minute of cross-cultural understanding, peace, love, and Universal Chumhood brought to you by not enough sleep and too much Diet Coke.
Thank you for the language leason.
I may never use it, buuuuut……one never knows when I’ll need a handy insult or two.
All I read what “pingpongchingchongjapnipgook”
If you haven’t yet, get yourself a firestick, jailbreak it, and you can watch pretty much anything you want to. All you need is decent high speed Internet. It takes a bit of getting used to, as it’s different than just turning on the tv to the channel you want, but with the right apps loaded on it, you can find almost anything from the day they started commercial television. And any movie you want, also.
Where the bastards get you is SPORTS.
If you want to watch college football games and the NFL, you are gonna PAY.
When I “cord cut” and cut cable TV off, I was paying $240/month.
I immediately was paying 1/3rd of that.
A few years later and funny enough the big cable companies bought out the internet only providers and jacked the prices up.
Combine that with all of the streaming services and I’m up to $200/month again !
I can afford it but it ticks me off especially since I don’t watch that much but everyone else in my family including the in laws do and would scream if I cut those channels off.
One of these days I’m going to and when they scream i’ll tell them to start paying for those channels they like so much.
I don’t watch broadcast TV and definitely don’t watch cable TV. My brother does and he said get that dongle for Netflix and we will put you on our account for $9.95 a month for streaming TV. I do have internet and said no thanks. I have a TV and the only thing it is hooked up to is my DVD and my 400 count movie collection. Only thing I watch and when a good movie from the past is found I add to my collection. I have been over at his house and I have seen what is on Netflix and I wouldn’t watch any one of them.
You and I are brothers. I cut cable over twelve years ago, 86’d Netflix and only w a tch local weather in the mornings on broadcast TV. News comes from Alt. Sources and entertainment from my considerable DVD movie library. In fact my TV is large Flat CRT from 2001.
Got rid of cable 11 years ago, 1 TV in the house and it’s only hooked to the dvd. We have about as many movies but half are kids ones. None of the kids missed the TV when it went away. I don’t miss it either.
NFL? Gave that up years ago when they let the dog killer back in. Gave up college after Joepa turned out to be a pervert enabler. Pro sports is the circus part of bread and circuses. Don’t miss it. NFL is just a bunch of overpaid scumbags.
Hoist the black flag, matey. $15/mo Usenet account, $30/year for an nzb site, and an old PC with a big ass HD running sonarr; radarr, and Plex/jellyfin.
You neglected to mention that he stated, at the very beginning, that he had a list of reporters to call on and flubbed that 3/4 of the time.
This is with what, I am sure, are cherry-picked reporters and questions.
Daughter pays for Hulu and I pay for Amazon Prime. Those are the only streaming services we use.
Dropped Netflix and their pedo shit. Only thing wife is upset about losing is the new season of “Wednesday”.
I have the Roku app as well, and there are a ton of movies on it for free, but I always forget I have it. I just don’t watch much TV at all.
Have no fear, the GOP is already angling to screw up the “election” and even if Trump “wins” it won’t mean shit because he clearly didn’t learn anything from the last time he was in office. Nikki Haley bent the knee, Mike Pompeo is sniffing around, he might even pick Marco Rubio as a running mate.
I watched the dog and pony show, was bored!. Have to say it was a good comedy, I especially love it when the veg group starts yellingabout bullets killing kids. Gotta say after 27 years working the streets, never once saw a bullet kill anybody without a nut behind the gun. fucking joke all of Em.
The puppy!, my friend you’re doing it wrong. You have to model for the puppy how the “Art of the chunky’s conducted”
To be technically accurate your gonna have to forego the paper work, good god that’s just gonna confuse puppy. Don’t worry simply duck walk back into the house to the bathroom and finish the job.
Can’t tell you just how pleased i am to share with youall that the single most corrupt senator out of Oregon just presented a new “ anti insider trading bill! , goes like this, elected officials, their family can’t be in the markets when in office.
This Oregon sack a shit’s made his doe, grew a set of nards and by the way elections are upcoming! So he’s gonna do We The People a Solid!
Politics is a nasty nasty participation sport. Only one way to fix this, as ol Pete says, we are not going to vote our way out of this. Sadly I agree. Not saying don’t, just do so knowing it changes nothing. This corruptions beyond redemption.
I can’t help but think this entire political shit shows choreographed, each move left and right played out on a 3D chess board, just seems to predictable, to made for TV?
I am afraid you are correct. I am hoping he would pick someone like Dr. Ben Carson. Whatever happens (and I do not believe an election will even take place), the (((owners))) of this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking country will have their man in the American Crime Family Time Share at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.
Pro tip: The moment I do a “Free trial” also I immediately put a reminder in my phone calendar to cancel it before it dings the card
Trump needs to take a page out of Biden’s book and for his own life insurance, pick as VP someone that no one in the swamp, R or D wants to see step into his shoes should Trump gets JFK’d. Someone like JD Vance or even Ben Carson would give the deep state heebiejeebies. If he picks someone like Rubio or Scott or (god help him) DeSantis, assume he’s probably made a deal with the swamp to keep himself and his loved ones out of trouble in future. And who could blame him.