Greetings and Salutations
Without going too deeply into it, things have gone a wee bit sideways in Ye Olde Life with Gran#2, namely Adriana.
I cannot go into whuts up wid whut right now.
Needless to say, Gretchen, Sapper and myself are going to be a wee bit on the busy side for the next couple. Days? Weeks? No fucking idea. As far as I know she’s OK. A MAJOR part of the issue that I can hint at is what I had expressed before during the various trials and tribulations in that giving a 2 year old to a 77 Year Old Lady was not a good idea.
She’s now 80 and in ill health.
Addy is now 5.
You do the fuckin’ Math as Elon would say…
Suffice to say WE haven’t done a thing.
We’re on ‘standby’
Watching the implosion if you will from a distance.
Which I knew was going to eventually happen.
So if I’m out-of-pocket and out of sorts, be aware I’ll update and entertain as I can. Feeling cute, might poast more later.
Right Now?
Why can’t ‘things’ be simple!?!
I just wanted to be left alone…
Guess we all know how that turns out…
And no, no fundraiser, outside of me selling outright some of the firepower that I recently restored. Inquiries at the DM email.
More Later
Big Country

Sorry brother, that sucks.
Take care of bidness. Your friends will understand . . . and those that don’t, well, they aren’t your friends so what do you care.
No prob, BCE, you just do what needs to be done! Hope all ends well. If you need any advice for dealing with oldster health complications, my family and I might be able to offer advice if you’d like: we’ve had to deal with parents, grandparents, and a (well, my) stepdad with MSA (multiple systems atrophy–think Parkenson’s x2) living at home for years before he/they died, plus stints in the hospital. I’ll shoot you an email with some of the crap we had to deal with and you can decide if any of it, and the solutions we had to string together, is comparable. If it ain’t similar or helpful, just ignore, but if it is feel free to write back.
We’ll still here when you get back
Take care of the family stuff first, BC. I’ve noted posting has been off at a number of places I frequent lately. Not sure what’s up, maybe doldrums or burnout, or who the hell knows what. My comment has been off a bit too, just not feeling it as much right now. Hope shit works out in your favor (whatever that happens to be at this point) re: the kiddo.
Dammit Bro! Ya can’t seem to catch a break, can ya? I’m not in a great position meself, but being only about ~45 miles away, if I can help by trading some $$ for a project, gimme a shout, please – I can probly make some room in the safe. I’d be much pleased to do so!
Really hate to hear about the BS with Adrianna, though. Seems like that youngun doesn’t catch many breaks either. Sucks all around!!
Take the time ya need – like 0007 said – we’ll be hereabouts. A couple werds here and there would help so’s we don’t worry ’bout yer ass so much, too. Life definitely ain’t fer the wuss’s, is it?
Family ALWAYS comes 1st – specially the younguns!
Y’all take care,
Mike in FLA (yer almost neighbor).
Sorry to hear that. Good luck.
You’ll be in my prayers more than usual.
We’re not going anywhere, Big’un…unless you need us to “…march to the sound of the guns…”. Like Delta, we’re ready when you are.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, big guy. I can drive to do a FTF transfer in FL, keep us posted on anything you plan to turn into cash.
Sigh. The poor kid. Do what you must Big. Family comes first.
What’s aggravating is that YOU knew, WE knew and the stupid judge should have known this would happen but he DGAF.
I surmise that Babby Daddy has custody and hopefully he’s doing OK but working and the old lady has been taking care of Gran #2.
Luckily at 5 she’s either in or soon will be in kindergarten soon so day care may only need an after school program.
I’ve said before that I went through years of custody fights over my kids with my Ex, so I’ve seen both my case and watching many other cases as I waited my turn in court.
My advice is be ready but don’t pull the trigger on legal action unless it’s a slam dunk or the parents are voluntarily giving you guys custody.
The damn family courts have this idea that kids MUST be with a parent and are very loathe to terminate parental rights except in the most dire circumstances. So, if you go to court to get custody and the parents don’t agree then lawyers will drain you and you’ll end up with visitation not custody.
I know you can’t go into details and I understand. I hope and pray that DC hasn’t boogied back to Tennessee and is causing trouble with this situation.
Just an FYI that you don’t have to say a word but if you have to travel to “take care of things”, let us know. You’re not asking for anything but some of us might be compelled to throw a few shekels your way to help out.
Good Luck !
Family First. The most important thing is that things are straight with the 2 girls. That judge should be hanged for all of the trouble he caused you & Gretchen-and many others I am sure. Don’t know what is going on with DB, but try to keep her away from the girls and Gretchen’s parents. No good surrounds DB. Blessings. We will be here.
And I thought I was having a bad day. After 8 days finally was having 2 kidney stones excavated from the body. Seems they went in and crushed all the little friends too, then found a ureteral polyp ad cut that out too. Pissing razor blades at the moment but I would not trades places for the world, famiglia is famiglia and attending to the notion can have a very heavy price. Take care of you and yours and please let your legions know the whys and where fors and how we can help.
SPQR and Semper Fi
I’ve heard tell it’s darkest before the dawn, hope that is so for your situation.
Passing this along for those needing a mental distraction:
Well,that tis a suck to say the least!
I am sure you will keep an eye/ear out to make sure the young one is safe and OK.
You suddenly need to run and need a few bucks for gas let us know.
Us former Boston boys gotta stick together(and not tell folks we lived in Boston!).
Thoughts and prayers, you do you, we’ll check in and be here when you return.
Please, there is no shame in asking for help, you have support.
Sorry to hear, good luck
“….a wee bit on the busy side…..
If ya need help digging any holes, just say the word.
Or keeping the swamp kritters at bay while yer diggin’.
A nod is as good as a wink.
Hope the situation works itself out without causing you and Gretchen more emotional or financial pain. You know we’re all here and got your back.
Big; keeping you and yours in prayer… and keep in mind that those who want to win will always be victorious over those who wish to be left alone. Godspeed, brother