Greetings and Salutations!
Gah… Allergies. I hate allergies… ZERO Idea as to what’s been in the air for the past 48 hours… some mold, weirdness… whatever. I know I was miserable with allergies for the past 48. So the question was: Meds and/or No Meds? I went with meds and missed yesterdays blogging by being out cold early in the evening.
Like a corpse pretty much.
Barely operational.
Thankfully Ye Olde People’s Tractor Factory has slowed down in production due to the bourgeois Holiday of Christmas that’s rapidly approaching. It means I’ve got a fair amount of fuck-off time.
Now, as to recent events.
Notice how the “Drone Wars” thing was first and foremost like on-stop 24-7 continually and on and on and on? And now?
A big fat nothing
Like it got mighty quiet out there really -sudden-like- didnit?
The only thing of ‘recent note’ was that it’s come out that everyone from the fucking janitors to the doormen that the still current Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den was in fact, fully non compos mentis.
I.E. utterly and irretrievably incapable of ‘running the Big Show’ as the (p)Resident. That the elevator didn’t go -anywehere- near the top floor, that he was more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, or whatever your choice of wording is.
EVERYONE knew it
And stayed quite about it.
Last time I looked I think that fits the terminology and definition of “treason”. In that “Treason” as defined by the Constitution of The United States is, under Article 3, Section 3 that treason is defined as
“Section 3 bars Congress from changing or modifying Federal law on treason by simple majority statute. This section also defines treason as “An overt act of in levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”. Accusations must be corroborated by at least two witnesses. Congress is a political body, and political disagreements routinely encountered should never be considered as treason. This allows for nonviolent resistance to the government because opposition is not a life or death proposition. However, Congress does provide for other lesser subversive crimes, such as conspiracy.”
Now, for the most part, and this’s where it gets -sticky- is that each individual state has it’s own laws regarding treason, and the treatment that thereof. The reason the Constitution is so vague, as to pretty much being defined as essentially
A) An overt act of in levying War against the United States
B) Adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
The reason for the vagueness is that one has to remember, Pre-Lincoln (cursed be his name >SPIT!<) the POWER resided in the States individually. The FedGov was supposed to the arbiter between the States. NOT the all-seeing-all-encompassing Leviathan that was borne from the War of Northern Oppression and Aggression.
In fact the District of Columbia doesn’t have any treason statutes on it’s books that I know of? Maybe someone better educated can chime in?
But to roll with my theory… Under Poopypants, to a certain degree, the whole ‘giving aid and comfort’ to our enemies? OMG that’s been a daily thing, between the illegal invasion, the dismantling of the borders and the bullshit in the Krain, never mind the whole “supporting Israel in crimes against Humanity”?
I mean there’s no way any of this is going anywhere of course.
I just wanted to point out MY POV.
There has to be however somewhere in that festering pile of soulless scumbaggery that they know that we know and are aware as to the criminality of the ENTIRITY of the Demon-Spawned DemoncRatic Party at this point… “The Party of Unlimited Power” would be a better name at this point…
No idea how it plays out…
If it’s business as usual, well,
It is what it is.
Fact of it is, there’s a LOT of RUMINT out there.
Too much.
The propaganda on the drone side, the just-now admitting what everyone already knew about the Joetato… it gets old so quickly. Even for a guy like me who did this professionally, and now more as a hobby, I find myself overwhelmed by the almost Schizophrenic Nature of all of this shit…
I mean the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing is pretty common in 80% of the bureaucratic world… however, this’s on a whole new level that I’ve never witnessed before. The Action/Reaction from the current (mal)Administration at best can be defined just as I said: Schizophrenic.
Like not only does on hand not know what the other is doing, the hands are actively impeding or fighting with each other. Never mind the feet and the rest of the metaphoric carcass… I mean the whole “Team A” versus “Team B” and no one seems to know what’s happening, hence my burnout factor.
All I want to do is work on weapons man…
In fact, Sapper who works at the Port of Tampa just gave me an interesting info nugget. Now when he spots something out of the ordinary, he lets me know, we watch ‘things’ and the usual is that it may have been a one off. Unless there’s any follow up ‘action’ to the one off, we dismiss it.
In this case now, it seems he’s on Day #2 of observing -something- going on. In this case, Day #1 was two Coastie Seahawk birds doing looooong and lazy sweeps at low level alllll around the bay itself. He thinks it was a grid pattern, but it’s hard to say. He did note it was a long time that they were doing this, and his guessing at the pattern was the back-and-forth and such… a lot of overlaps and just tracking like nonstop, but is a very identifiable way.
Day #2 (today) had a similar event. In this case, this time is was two Blackhawk UH-60s (not the SpecOps MH variant, he knows the difference) with an OH-58 Kiowa Scout bird flying the same exact pattern that the Coasties had flown the day before. Low, slow and lazy, but with a repeated search grid pattern.
Once is coincidence
Twice is a pattern
The Third Time? In this case expect Enemy Action.
NOT fear mongering. Just being aware that IF tomorrow the same ‘stuff’ is going on? My rationale for this is he’s not the only one to have noticed something. My observations (which Sapper confirmed that he too had noticed this) is that we’ve seen in the past two-three days a LOT of F-18s doing overflights from McDill. Like normally we see/hear F18s once in a while.
NOT three days in a row, NOT flying low level and NOT armed like these are. There’s something on the wings that normally isn’t. WHAT exactly? No idea but my weird shit-o-meter pinged when I saw them yesterday while walking the doggos.
So they’re boosting the security of Tampa Bay.
Lots of territory
ONE of the RUMINT Intel-Bits I got was something devastating is supposed to happen. Granted we get the scaremongering on a 24-7-365 basis to the point we’re damned near inured to it.
However… my line of thought is to ask “WHY” are they boosting the security of McDill now? I’ve lived here since 2005, and during the twenty or so plus years of Da Glo-Bull War of Teh Stoopid did they ever start ramping up Bay patrols. In fact the last time in recent memory was the day before OrangeManBad flew in for some shindig at McDill itself… Then they were doing all the security hullabaloo. In fact cool note: I saw Air Force One fly like right overhead on approach that day at work when I was in the smoking area at the job as a Call Center guy… it was a damned cool sight I have to say…
My thinking is that while there are a LOT of ‘secondary bases’ that the DotMil/FedGov and all them jokers can run and hide at, the main base, on a peninsula IN Tampa Bay, which also just so happens to be the Command Centers for CENTCOM as well as SOCOM? If -I- were ‘on the run/looking for a secure area’ to keep things going post MAJOR disruptive event? McDill is a pretty good pick.
Of course all of that is negated on just who or what happens…
I’m just spitballin’ here.
What’s your thoughts?
Let me know in the comments
More Later
Big Country
To say the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing politically speaking is BS. Both sides know exactly what each other is doing and are frequently collaborating. Sometimes they disagree and opposed each other…but frequently they are on the same page seeking the same goal.
I dunno man… I’ve seen the same thing… this time, it seems… different??? Not sure but I know that there’s a full on war behind the scenes and a LOT of the careerist folks are getting while the getting is good…
It is different… that’s the whole point.
Signs of the times.
Trick is who’s pulling the strings, but in general I think it’s a combination of incompetence and malice.
Whatever’s going on with the UFOs, allll I know is it ain’t good, and our gubmin knows wayyy more than they’re telling us. These encounters have been going on for decades.
My main concern, and I may be wrong, is the Orange Alliance.
I mean Bezos, Zuckerbucks, Altman, Time magazine, etc promoting Trump?!?! They seem to really like him. It’s not just fear of the Orange…
Peter Thiel (gay, right wing tech titan) is responsible for the rise of JD Vance. Huge profits being made by them, and sky’s the limit on their AI.
Interesting details get ignored, such as King Obama didn’t allow nearly military assistance to Uke than the Orange did.
And Mr Al Queda from Turkey is now Mr Nice Guy?!?! Didn’t we fight this guy in Iraq? Didn’t Al Queda do sumthin in NYC? Whodathunkit???!
It’ll be interesting to see what happens with them…
Anyways, rant complete but does anybody have knowledge about the dude who took over Syria?
Anyone think Turkey’s gonna keep on conquering and expanding?
Agree. Both sides suck. They’re all in it together.
Not sure if they’re ready to burn it all down yet, but won’t be surprised. Have been working on my radio game, trying to get that improved while I can. Practicing for my General class ham test, too. If you never did it, and are interested, there are a ton of free resources online.
Haven’t wanted to put in the time it takes for ham, but just got my GMRS license and baofeng.
The repeaters will be the first to go though, I’d think…
With a week or so of practice testing the tech license is a piece of cake. Add another week/ten days and you could pass both tech and general in a single sitting. Neither one is particularly difficult…
“left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing” Aye!
“We have been briefing you that there are approximately 900 US troops in Syria.” “I learned today that in fact there are approximately 2,000 US troops in Syria.”
Case in point amiright?
“Willful Blindness” is another term that leaps to mind
I just figure they have multiple factions, they all have an end goal and they are ‘working together’… It’s just that some factions want to be the ones calling the shots in the end game.
BCE, if I didn’t know any better it sounds like those helos were using MAD gear and maybe sonobuoys looking for foreign subs sitting on the bottom of the bay ?
I know the Northern part of Tampa Bay is pretty shallow like 20 feet deep but I’m pretty sure the Southern part nearer the Gulf is deeper and might hide a sub ?
Hopefully they are just training but My “spidy sense” is going off thinking the assholes currently in charge may stage a false flag to try and stay in power and/or tie Trumps hands so he can’t make a deal with Putin and end the BS in the Kraine.
Poseidon. Either they think there’s one parked out there, or they’re fixing for a false flag.
Surf’s up!
Read something the other night which hypothesized factions..and that they are fighting each other. Odd inexplicable drones versus “we don’t know about no drones (insert graphic of Kirby sweating & twitching here). Other examples, perhaps gleaned from observations above and from other places, maybe would reinforce this. Sounds crazy, I read it and logged it as “hmmm” and then moved on. But no explanation seems to make sense, so why not? Happy Holidays, all and have a great 2025!
We see this pattern play out time and again. Some story breaks, the media boosts it to top billing, and runs with it for some prolonged period of time to the near exclusion of all else. And then, irrespective of whether there was any real resolution to the story, it goes down the memory hole. Lather, rinse, repeat as a new distraction dujour is rolled out.
The drone thing had been pimped about as long as was practical, considering the lack of attention span in most of the public. I thought for a minute the latest school shooting would be the featured outrage for the next cycle of “put all your attention on this”, but it appears not to have the staying power to remain the new hotness. So, we await the next shiny object that will be the singular talking point on which to focus.
Instead of getting heart-racing panic-eyes dramatic about those aircraft and evil juice and treacherous globalists [significant overlap] are secretly manipulating everything but are simultaneously too incompetent to self-care, how about looking at it from their greedy short-sighted perspective:
* end-of-year make-work burn-off of surplus cash/fuel… plus
* end-of-year accumulation of flight-hours to maintain certs.
So next budget can be wastier!
keyword : unlimited budget, unlimited manpower, zero accountability
keyword : Diversity Inequity Equivalent hires ordered it because evil treacherous Whites and shxt.
Biden and Harris just canceled trips and returned to DC tonight. I wonder what’s important enough to wake those two up.
Pedo joe was supposed to come back thursday . Maybe kumhola canceled her vacation is there isn’t a bunker in califukya for her.
I can see the possibility of a false flag set up. Even though OMB was (((s)))elected, I think I mentioned in the past that the left seems to have rolled over and stayed mighty quiet since the election. Besides the few undermedicated cat ladies on social media melting down, I have heard nearly the armageddon-esque news reports that everyone is going to die because trumph is getting back in office. Then there’s the situation of the drones and all the attention being given to them (the attention being diverted to them). There’s the old saying that “nobody looks up”. Well they just got everybody to look up for a while. What was going on down on the ground or under water while the sky had everyone’s undivided attention? Could something (subs, sub drones, etc.) have slidden in while everyone was trying to catch a glimpse (or shoot down, as in Alabama) a UFO? Hysterical seeing that mayor telling people not to shoot at the drones… bwahhaahaaa.
And just a heads up on the “allergies” thing, I experienced something similar 2-3 months ago. I am not terribly prone to allergies, but if the pine pollen is heavy enough, I get a little stuffy and eyes itch. That’s usually in the springtime, though. We do have a fall pollen bloom of some kind from trees and some weeds, but usually they don’t affect me. This particular instance that occurred this fall was a bit odd all-around. There was the usual painting of the sky which happens with ferocious regularity in the state directly north of yours. Criss-cross patterns all over. In the day or two before the allergy flare up, there was an odd layer of what looked like pollen on my vehicle. Now, this would not be odd during the spring. What made this stand out besides it being fall was that rather than typical yellow pine pollen (which is the only thing I ever see covering vehicles) there was a brownish-gray colored dust covering my truck. It was almost greasy. The air smelled a bit metallic (for lack of a better description). Either way, I ended up with a couple days of serious congestion and itchy, watery eyes after the fact.
I still feel that something is brewing and they just allowed OMB to “win” to appease everyone for a little longer so they can put the rest of their plan into play without kicking off CW2…yet… I think it might be prudent to start investing in some bolas, small, weighted throwing nets, or net launchers. Any guidance on the viability of such options?
Keep yer powder dry
Dunno about bolas, etc. But this might be something to look forward to: Leonidas: The End of the Drone Warfare Revolution?
A lot of these drones are huge, like car sized.
They’re even out here (Puget Sound area).
EW seems like the tactic but so much of it is ill eagle.
Dunno if there maybe something that’s legal to own, but not use…
With how our “legal” system works, every day that goes by I am less concerned with that they say I can or can’t do.
Written text matterz.
Jay walking is bad.
RETRO thought. Back in the 70s one of the 3 letter TV stations aired a scary movie about some rogue scientists and friends developing a nuke and planting it in Charleston Harbor on a boat. Feds were hot on their trail. Finally found the boat and sent in a team to disarm it. Guess what? The device had a failsafe device and they tripped it and…………….big boom!
Who knows?
Yesterday, a friend sent me pics he took the night before of something that was zipping around our area in central New Mexico. Then it stopped and dropped what looked like a couple flares, then zipped away.
Weird stuff happening out there.
mcdill- they know there are over 1k highly trained alq guys here on a specific but as yet unknown mission. these are not the typical jihadi joes, but real operatives trained by us and by those trained by us. the videos are quite impressive..mcdill would be a highly symbolic target……so would the inauguration. …look west. p3 orion subhunters have been circling the epicenter of that 7.3 quake off kali. had been for days. there was a radiation spike down current of the quake the next day that quickly dissipated. no aftershocks. you be the judge.
Relax, help is on the way /s
Canadian military deployed “gender advisors” to Ukraine, Haiti
That’s so awesome!
I haven’t been able to sleep, but now that Haitians and Ukes are being taught how to get away with pedophilia I can rest!